Green Charrette Pre-Qualified Facilitator Registry Consultant Consultant Zip Phone Area of F.Name L.Name Title Company Address City State Code Number Email Address Accreditation Experience Expertise NATIONAL Josh Arnold, JD, MBA, LEED® AP, has over Franklin 12 years of experience in sustainable Manager, Sustainable Energy/Focus on 211 S. Paterson LEED® Accredited development. He is trained as an advocate, Green Joshua Arnold Development Energy Street, Suite 200 Madison WI 53703 608-310-6910
[email protected] Professional counselor and analyst - all necessary Building LEED® AP 2.1, As a facilitator, Elaine has extensive 2004 experience working with project teams and LEED Commercial organizations to help them best identify Interiors Faculty, sustainable 2004 strategies that will deliver the greatest value. Certified Interior Elaine is a member of the USGBC Training Designer, Faculty and is a frequent speaker at national B.A., Interior green Design, California building conferences including the Green Building 133 SW 2nd State University, GreenBuild, NeoCon, IFMA World Workplace Green Elaine Aye Principal Services, Inc. Avenue, Suite 201 Portland OR 97204 503-467-4715
[email protected] Sacramento, 1981 and Greenprints conferences. In 2003 she Building Mr. Conine has an academic background in architecture, urban planning and earth sciences. He has spend more than two decades working with city, state and tribal planning agencies. Mr. Conine's community development experience in business and Rural public sector environments includes Community 1764 East Pioneer economic and demographic analysis, land Green 1 David Conine Rural Development Specialist Assistance Corp. Road Draper UT 84020 801-501-0465
[email protected] use and resource planning, drafting planning Building Master Planning; Site Selection & Analysis; Housing Design; Urban Designer, Intern 1913 Gabaldon Ct.