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Stuntwomen Don't LAET_ 03-02-2009_ E_ 1_ E1_ LA_ 1_CMYK TSet: 03-01-2009 14:59 CALENDAR E :: WSC / SBSE / SFVN / SGIE / OC MONDAY, MARCH 2, 2009 LATIMES.COM/CALENDAR HOLLYWOOD BRIEF Oscars are over — what a relief Consultants, publicists and filmmakers come down after a stressful campaign period. Rachel Abramowitz It was only after the cham- pagne had been drunk, the dia- monds returned and the statu- ettes flown home that the invi- tations went out. The event? The first Awards Consultants, Publicists & Stu- dio Execs Wrap-Up Party, a 200-person gala for the legion of BlackBerrying worker bees who’ve been toiling 24/7 for the last several months to make sure that Kate, Penélope and Joel Warren the “Slumdog Millionaire” SUSPENDING DISBELIEF: Zoe Bell, top, stars in “Ed Brubaker’s Angel of Death,” which will premiere today on Sony’s team went home with gold in their hands. It’s an opportunity for the “stars behind the stars to get together and chitchat,” said Hollywood Film Festival founder Carlos de Abreu, whose festival is sponsoring the upcoming fete. A drawing power Drinks (and lots of them) will probably be in order. It was a particularly stressful and in- tense awards season, given the Hollywood gets deeper into comic books and their writers’ screen-ready concepts. proliferation of the online press devoted to Oscar minutiae and GEOFF BOUCHER REPORTING FROM SAN FRANCISCO >>> These are strange, heady days for comic-book an increased focus on the back- stage campaign machinations creators who find themselves signing autographs in the same room as Hollywood celebrities — and sometimes in the consumer media. And the economy had its toll too, the movie stars are the ones asking for the signatures. ¶ “This is pretty awesome,” said Ed Brubaker, the because there was added pres- Seattle-based comic-book writer, as he wandered through a backstage room where the cast of the film “Watch- sure to make up in old-fash- ioned sweat equity — human men” was preparing for a promotional appearance at WonderCon, the huge Bay Area comic-book conven- toil — what the studios were re- luctant to spend on ads and tion. ¶ Dave Gibbons, the artist of the original “Watchmen” comics, was at a center table signing posters and media buys. enjoying the attention of cast members, among them Jackie Earle Haley, an Oscar-nominated actor who gave The week after the Oscars [See Brief, Page E4] the bespectacled British illustrator a reverent bow. “I am shocked again and again,” Gibbons said of the mad swirl. “I never expected this.” ¶ Brubaker has high hopes of joining Gibbons, Mike Mignola (“Hellboy”) and Frank Miller (“300” and “Sin City”) in the vanguard of printed-page auteurs who are all the rage in Hollywood. BOOK REVIEW Sam Raimi, best known as director of the massive “Spider-Man” franchise, and Tom Cruise are moving forward with a feature-film adaptation of the writer’s “Sleeper” series (it’s a dark [See ‘Angel,’ Page E8] The family as sparring partners Stuntwomen don’t cry Heller McAlpin The Believers (“Kill Bill: Vol. 1” and “Kill Bill: Vol. 2”) and Sharon A Novel Zoë Bell, death-defying stand-in for Stone (“Catwoman”), is the star of “Angel of Zoë Heller the stars, takes a scary leap into acting Death,” launching today on the Crackle video net- Harper: 338 pp., $25.99 for’s ‘Angel of Death.’ work, which is backed by Sony Pictures Entertain- ment. With “Angel of Death,” Bell joins a small club It’s not a laurel everyone of actresses who are credible in action roles. Greg Braxton strives for, but Zoë Heller has Though others like Thurman, Jennifer Garner, Mi- become a master of misanthro- chelle Yeoh and Milla Jovovich have all played ac- py. And on the stage of moral As a stuntwoman, Zoë Bell knows about being tion heroines, none of them performed all of her comedy, there are worse role photographed from awkward or distant angles that own stunts. But in “Angel of Death,” Bell does models than Molière’s 1666 obscure her face. But with the online everything herself. masterpiece, “Le Mis- series “Angel of Death,” she had to get used to her “It’s a little bit daunting,” she said, chomping anthrope.” Like her two previous nov- close-up. down on French fries at a Hollywood diner. “I’m not els, “Everything You Know” Playing Eve, the ruthless assassin at the center used to carrying all the weight. I was very comfort- (2000) and “What Was She of the series, required the New Zealand native to able being where I was in the industry. As far as act- Thinking? (Notes on a Scan- display both action and acting chops — and at ing, I really had no clue.” dal)” (2003), “The Believers” times, she found it easier to brawl than bawl. But thanks to Quentin Tarantino, she felt ready features an unpleasant, outra- “I had to get over that fear of showing emotion,” to take the plunge. The writer-director cast her in geous, sharply funny character who derides and deprecates ev- said Bell. “Doing the butt-kicking stuff was no prob- “Death Proof,” his half of “Grindhouse.” In the film, eryone she comes into contact lem. But crying? That’s scary!” Bell plays “Zoë Bell,” a fun-loving stuntwoman ter- Al Seib Los Angeles Times with. This snarling mis- ACTION HERO: Bell, who did stunts for The 30-year-old Bell, who has doubled for Lucy rorized by a psychotic stuntman (Kurt Russell). anthrope isn’t just difficult, she “Kill Bill” and “Xena,” acted in “Grindhouse.” Lawless (“Xena: Warrior Princess”), Uma Thurman In much of “Death [See Bell, Page E8] behaves monstrously. Yet Heller deftly turns her nasty, [See ‘Believers,’ Page E6] ‘Echelon’ echoes CHANNEL ISLAND a superior film It’s like Shia LaBeouf’s Call it Octo-Mom’s webchild entertaining “Eagle Eye” but with a tired SCOTT COLLINS RadarOnline. In fact, since the month in which she assailed “technology-is-the- news of her octuplets first her daughter’s child-bearing as enemy” plot line and Journalists broke in late January, the “unconscionable.” So you far less style. Other like to talk website has published 56 items might say that RadarOnline, than that.... PAGE 2 about “own- about her, an average rate of which is based in New York, is ing” a story. nearly two per day. Five stories bringing its own version of Buy into ‘Rent’; But the people landed on Friday alone, in- fiscal stimulus to a select group it still works at RadarOn cluding an exclusive video of California residents. have interview with Suleman, who Most Americans had likely Jonathan Larson’s rock practically revealed that she gained 130 never heard of RadarOnline musical is a flawed but stamped their pounds during her pregnancy: before now. But the site almost fab look back at a corporate logo “I’ve never in my life been so instantly made a name for moment in time: on the forehead of Nadya Sule- big and swollen,” she said. itself with the Octo-Mom story, pre-9/11 N.Y. PAGE 3 man, the “Octo-Mom” from Suleman’s mother, Angela, generating huge pickup on Whittier whose shockingly who appeared alongside her NBC’s “Today,” CNN and else- Ask Amy ........................ 5 prolific reproductive habits daughter in Friday’s video where (traditional print publi- Bridge .......................... 10 have made her a media sensa- scoop, was, according to a cations, including this news- The Guide ..................... 2 tion. family attorney, paid $40,000 to paper, have also delivered TV grid .......................... 8 They really, really love to appear in a much-discussed scoops that the TV networks MOM OF THE MOMENT: has done 56 talk about Octo-Mom over at RadarOnline video earlier this [See Channel, Page E7] stories on Nadya Suleman since her story broke in January..

—— Preview end. ——

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