Serbia-REDASP-10 Year Report.Pdf

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Serbia-REDASP-10 Year Report.Pdf » 1 /SADRŽAJ STRANA UVODNA REČ 3 O NAMA 6 REGIONALNE OSOBENOSTI 14 ANALIZA I PLANIRANJE 34 ZASTUPANJA INTERESA 52 VOLJE ZA PROMENAMA 64 OSNAŽIVANJE PARTNERSTAVA 74 JASNA VIZIJA 84 /CONTENTS PAGE INTRODUCTION 3 ABOUT US 6 REGIONAL AUTHENTIC 14 ANALYSIS AND PLANNING 34 REPRESENTING THE INTEREST 52 THE WILL TO CHANGE 64 STRENGTHENING THE PARTNERSHIP 74 A CLEAR VISION 84 SRB / ENG 2 » REGIONALNA AGENCIJA ZA RAZVOJ ŠUMADIJE I POMORAVLJA / REGIONAL ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AGENCY FOR SUMADIJA AND POMORAVLJE / UVODNA REČ / INTRODUCTION NAŠIH OUR PRVIH DESET TEN GODINA YEARS // Poštovane kolege, partneri i prijatelji, // Dear colleagues, partners and friends, Veoma sam ponosna što imam priliku da sa I am very proud to have the opportunity to share with Vama podelim utiske o proteklih deset godina rada you the impressions about the past ten years of work Regionalne agencije za ekonomski razvoj Šumadije i of the Regional Agency for the Economic Development Pomoravlja. Ovo nije samo jednostavno sećanje, ovo je of Šumadija and Pomoravlje. This is not just a simple prilika da shvatimo da uz volju, upornost, nesebičnu memory, this is a good opportunity to understand that posvećenost i spremnost na promene, sve jeste i sve with a strong will, perseverance, unselfish dedication biva MOGUĆE. and readiness to change everything is and becomes Obeležavanje jubileja posmatra se i kao POSSIBLE! jedinstvena prilika da se potvrdi opravdanost misije Marking this important anniversary can be seen as jedne organizacije, sagledaju rezultati postignutog, a unique opportunity to confirm the justifiability of the ali još više prilika za promišljanje budućeg delovanja, mission of one organization, to perceive the results of o šansama koje su pred nama i koje nude izazove the achieved, but more than all that, it is the opportunity dostojne naših ambicija. to think again about the future dealings, about the Dinamično vreme u kojem smo počeli sa radom, opportunities in front of us which offer challenges equal to postavilo je pred nas ne potrebu, već zahtev da se our ambitions. menjamo, prilagođavamo, učimo. The dynamic times in which we started working placed Početna misija naše organizacije, isključivo in front of us not the need but the demand to change, fokusirana na podršku malim i srednjim preduzećima, adjust, learn. brzo je na površinu izvukla potrebu da se sačini The initial mission of our organization which at the ozbiljna analiza svih činilaca koji obezbeđuju time focused solely on support to small and medium uspešnost naših klijenata. enterprises, soon brought to surface the need to make a » 3 / UVODNA REČ / INTRODUCTION To je od nas zahtevalo da što pre počnemo sa serious analysis of all the factors which make our clients radom na povezivanju tri sektora (javnog, privatnog i successful. civilnog), i da teritorijalno proširimo naše aktivnosti This fact induced us to start work on connecting - od Grada Kragujevca, do teritorije dva okruga - the three sectors as fast as possible (namely the public, Šumadijskog i Pomoravskog. private and civil sector), and to expand the area covered Šireci listu ključnih saradnika, jačali smo by our activities from city of Kragujevac to two counties- paratnerstva na svim nivoima, umrežavali se sa Šumadija i Pomoravlje. zainteresovanim stranama, širili, otvarali i sagledavali By expanding the key cooperators` list, we nove oblasti rada. strengthened the partnerships on all levels, we made Danas, naša agencija kao institucija regionalnog network with the interested parties; we expanded, opened značaja, u svom portfoliju rada, osim razvoja and reviewed new aspects of our work. preduzetništva, podržava i aktivnosti usmerene Today, our agency as an institution of the regional na razvoj infrastrukture, rurala, turizma, ljudskih scope which in its work portfolio supports not only the resursa. enterpreneurial development but also the activites for the Rezultati ostvareni tokom prethodnih deset godina, infrastructure, rural areas, tourism and human resources pokazali su našim partnerima, klijentima, pa i nama development. The results achieved over the period of ten samima, da smo dovoljno stabilna i jaka organizacija. years have shown our partners, clients and us personally Naime, ne samo da smo odoleli brojnim izazovima that we are a stable and strong organization. Namely, tranzicionog vremena, u kom su se veoma brzo we have not only survived numerous challenges brought dešavale promene i u našem okruženju, već smo se i about by the transitional times in which very quick sami menjali. changes took place around us, but we changed, too. Učili smo od naših partnera iz Evropske unije, We have learnt a lot from our EU partners, endorsed prihvatali njihove standarde u radu, trudeći se da their working standards, trying hard to point to such drugima u našem okruženju ukažemo na te iste standards to others in our surroundings and help them standarde, i pomognemo im da ih razumeju i prihvate. understand them and accept them. Tokom ovih deset godina, mi čvrsto držimo svoje During these ten years, we have firmly stuck to this visoke pozicije, kako prema partnerima iz EU, tako high position according to both the EU partners and the i prema nacionalnim ministarstvima, osnivačima national ministries, founders and clients. This statement is i klijentima. Ovu našu izjavu potkrepljuju dokazi - supported by proof such as numerous awards, recognitions brojne nagrade, priznanja o uspešno impelemntiranim of successfully implemented projects, the accepted quality projektima, uveden standard kvaliteta, članstvo u standards, the membership in the domestic and foreign domaćim i međunarodnim mrežama partnerskih networks of partner consortiums and institutions. konzorcijuma i institucija. We will not make compromises in the future either, Ni u budućnosti nećemo praviti kompromise when quality and standard of work is in question, the kada su u pitanju standard i kvalitet u radu, briga za care for the employees, building good relations with the zaposlene, građenje dobrih odnosa sa osnivačima, founders or the dedication to the territory development as i posvećenost razvoju teritorije kao krajnem cilju - the final goal- our and the goal of the whole society. našem i čitavog društva. The development based on clear planning, making Razvoj zasnovan na planiranju, građenju partnerships and building institutional capacities in all 4 » REGIONALNA AGENCIJA ZA RAZVOJ ŠUMADIJE I POMORAVLJA / REGIONAL ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AGENCY FOR SUMADIJA AND POMORAVLJE partnerstava i institucionalnih kapaciteta u sva tri three sectors will remain our priorities in the future, too. sektora, ostaće naši prioriteti i u budućnosti. You are invited to make such future together with Pozvani ste da takvu budućnost gradimo zajedno. us. The written first decade of successful work motivates Ispisana prva dekada uspešnog rada, dodatno nas us additionally to continue down the route we started. motiviše da nastavimo započetim putem. Snagu We gather our strength from the results achieved so far; crpimo iz dosadašnjih rezultata, inspiraciju nalazimo u we find inspiration in the vision of the development of viziji razvoja Šumadije i Pomoravlja, viziji koja je uvek Šumadija i Pomoravlje, the vision which is always before pred našim očima. our eyes. Direktorka Director Jasminka Lukovic Jagličić Jasminka Luković Jagličić » 5 / O NAMA / ABОUT US 1/ O nama ABОUT US Kada je otpočela sa radom, Regionalna agencija When it began its work, the Regional Agency for the za razvoj malih i srednjih preduzeća Šumadija Development of Small and Medium Enterprises Sumadija (SMERA), predstavljala je prvu instituciju na teritoriji (SMERA) was the first institution in the territory of regiona Šumadije i Pomoravlja, koja, za svoju misiju, Sumadija and Pomoravlje region that had, as its mission, ima razvoj MSP sektora kao jednog od preduslova the development of the SME sector as one of the ekonomskog razvoja čitave oblasti. Nastala je na preconditions for the economic development of the whole inicijativu lokalnih stakeholdera, Skupštine grada area. It was created based on the initiative of the local Kragujevca, nevladinih organizacija i privatnog stakeholders, the City of Kragujevac, non-governmental sektora, a u okviru projekta Nefinansijska podrška organizations and the private sector, and within the sektoru MSP u Srbiji, finansiranom od strane EU, project „Non-financial support to the SME sector in posredstvom Evropske agencije za rekonstrukciju. Serbia“, funded by the EU, through the European Agency Sama Agencija registrovana je 2001. godine, dok for Reconstruction. je, zvanično, svoj rad otpočela 5. maja 2002. godine. The Agency itself was registered in 2001, but it started Stoga se ovaj dan i pominje kao datum osnivanja working officially on 5th of May, 2002. Therefore, that is sadašnje institucije. why this day is referred to as the foundation day of the Tokom prve dve godine rada, Agencija je poslovanje current institution. usmerila na pružanje svojih usluga dvema osnovnim During the first two years of work, the Agency focused ciljnim grupama: malim i srednjim preduzećima i its business activities on providing its services to two potencijalnim preduzetnicima. major target groups: small and medium enterprises and Prema ciljevima trogodišnje strategije razvoja, potential entrepreneurs. izrađene dve godine nakon osnivanja, Regionalna According to objectives of a three-year development agencija za razvoj malih i srednjih preduzeća strategy, made two years after the establishment, the Šumadija, prerasla je u Regionalnu
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