ONE MONTH TO TEXAS The Rhodes Cook Letter January 2006 The Rhodes Cook Letter JANUARY 2006 / VOL. 7, NO. 1 (ISSN 1552-8189) Contents One Month to Texas . 3 Chart & Map: 2006 Primary Election Calendar by Month . 3 Chart & Maps: 2006 Primary Calendar: What’s Up When . 4 Chart: Some Primary Hot Spots in ‘06: An Early Look . 6 Chart: Breaking a Sweat: Congressional Incumbents Renominated with less than 60% of the ‘04 Primary vote . 7 Graph: Highest Incumbent Primary Election Losses Since World War II . 8 Chart: Year by Year: Incumbents Defeated in House, Senate Primaries & General Elections Since 1990 . 8 Chart: Senate, Gubernatorial Primary Losers Since 1990. 9 Chart & Map: The Geography of Primary Defeat: House Incumbents Beaten for Renomination Since 1990. 10 Chart & Graph: Decade by Decade: Defeated House Incumbents over the Last Half Century . 11 Chart & Graph: Remapping Texas: From Dem. to Rep. in Four Short Years 12 Chart: Current Republican House Strength in the Larger States . 13 Chart: 2006 Primary Calendar: Who Can Vote Where. 14 Two Years to Iowa . 16 Chart: Iowa, New Hampshire and the Fight to be First . 18 For the Record . 19 Chart: The Changing Composition of the 109th Congress. 19 Chart: Special House Elections in 2005-06. 19 The Rhodes Cook Letter is published by Rhodes Cook. Web: tion for six issues is $99. Make check payable to “The Rhodes E-mail:
[email protected]. Design by Cook Letter” and send it, along with your e-mail address, to Landslide Design, Rockville, MD. “The Rhodes Cook Letter” P.O.