Lake Simcoe Tributary Monitoring Data Report -- 1982 to 1992 Technical Report Imp. A.2



Prepared by Geoffrey Peat and Michael Waiters, Environmental Services Department, Lake Simcoe Region Conservation Authority


Lake Simcoe Environmental Management Strategy Technical Committee

May, 1994



This report is one of a series of technical reports prepared in the course of the Lake Simcoe Environmental Management Strategy (LSEMS) Implementation Program. This program is under the direction of the LSEMS Steering Committee, comprised of representatives of the following agencies:

• Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs; • Ministry of the Environment and Energy; • Ministry of Natural Resources; and • Lake Simcoe Region Conservation Authority.

The Lake Simcoe Environmental Management Strategy (LSEMS) studies were initiated in 1981 in response to concern over the loss of a coldwater fishery in Lake Simcoe. The studies concluded that increased urban growth and poor agricultural practices within the were filling the lake with excess nutrients. These nutrients promote increased weed growth in the lake with the end result being a decrease in the water's oxygen supply. The "Final Report and Recommendations of the Steering Committee" was released in 1985. The report recommended that a phosphorus control strategy be designed to reduce phosphorus inputs from rural and urban sources. In 1990 the Lake Simcoe Region Conservation Authority was named lead agency to coordinate the LSEMS Implementation Program, a five year plan to improve the water quality of Lake Simcoe. The Conservation Authority will have overall coordination responsibilities as outlined in the LSEMS Cabinet Submission and subsequent agreement (Recommendation E.1). At the completion of the five year plan (1994) a report will be submitted to the Cabinet. This report will outline the activities and progress of the LSEMS Implementation Program during its five years. After reviewing the progress of the program the Cabinet may continue the implementation program.

The goal of the LSEMS Implementation Program is to improve the water quality and natural coldwater fishery of Lake Simcoe by reducing the phosphorus loading to the lake. The LSEMS Implementation Program will initiate remedial measures and control options designed to reduce phosphorus inputs entering Lake Simcoe, monitor the effectiveness of these remedial measures and controls and evaluate the overall response of the lake to this program. Through cost sharing programs, environmental awareness of the public and further studies, the goal of restoring a naturally reproducing coldwater fishery in Lake Simcoe by improving water quality can be reached.

-i- Questions with respect to the contents of this report should be directed to:

Supervisor of Environmental Services Lake Simcoe Region Conservation Authority 120 Bayview Parkway P.O. Box 282 Newmarket, . L3Y 4X1


Chief Administrative Officer Lake Simcoe Region Conservation Authority 120 Bayview Parkway P.O. Box 282 Newmarket, Ontario. L3Y 4X1


The material presented in these reports is analytical support information and does not necessarily constitute policy or approved management priorities of the Province or the Conservation Authority and/or the evaluation of the data and findings, should not be based solely on this specific report. Instead they should be analyzed in light of other reports produced within the comprehensive framework of this environmental management strategy and the implementation of the recommendations.

Reference to equipment, brand names or suppliers in this publication is not to be interpreted as an endorsement of that product or supplier by the authors, the Ministries of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs, Environment and Energy or Natural Resources or the Lake Simcoe Region Conservation Authority.


The authors of this report wish to thank all the many people over the eleven years for collecting all these samples through sunshine and especially in the rain. Invaluable technical advice and input was given by Jim Eddie, Ken Nicholls, and Andrew Westwood. Ed Griffin, Tom Chang, and Steve Batten got the report started and provided a great deal of the initial data compilation. Special thanks to Joanna Parsons for her patient help in preparing the final draft.


This report provides an overview of all water quantity and quality information collected during 1982-1992 for the lake Simcoe Environmental Management Strategy (lSEMS) studies. The focus of the tributary monitoring program was to determine discharge and nutrient concentrations for the main tributaries flowing into lake Simcoe. Sampling frequency for the 13 main monitoring sites was semi-monthly with emphasis on event sampling. The concentration and discharge data was used to estimate nutrient loadings from the main tributaries. The results show phosphorus concentrations and loadings to be extremely variable both monthly and annually. The sub-basin was monitored more intensively because it is the largest tributary of lake Simcoe and contains the most intensive and diverse landuse. The phosphorus load from the Holland River was an average of 23 tonnes per year. The median phosphorus concentration for the Holland River was 0.128 mg/L based on 566 samples taken over 11 years. Phosphorus concentration trends, loadings, and exceedances of water quality objectives are presented for most of the monitoring sites.



Implementation Technical Report No. A.2

Table of Contents Foreword i Disclaimer ii Acknowledgements iv Abstract v Table of Contents vi List of Figures viii List of Tables ix List of Appendices ix

1.0 INTRODUCTION 1.1 Background 1 1.2 Report Objectives 2

2.0 DESCRIPTION OF LAKE SIMCOE DRAINAGE BASIN 2.1 Location 3 2.2 Physiography 3 2.3 Drainage 6 2.4 Drainage of the Holland River 8 2.5 Population 10 2.6 Land Uses 10 2.7 Climate 12

3.0 MONITORING NETWORK 3.1 Background 16 3.2 Water Quantity Network 18 3.3 Water Quality Stations 18 3.4 Sampling Methods and Parameters 22

-vi- 4.0 ANALYTICAL METHODS 4.1 Prorating Discharge 24 4.2 Beale Ratio Estimator 25 4.3 Statistics 26 4.4 1982 Loading Estimates 27 4.5 Backwater Impacts on Discharge Monitoring 28 4.6 Robust Time Series Analysis Program 28

5.0 RESULTS 5.1 Water Quantity 30 5.2 Water Quality 35 5.3 Phosphorus Trends 45 5.4 Percent Exceedance of the PWQO for Phosphorus 57 5.5 Annual Water Quality Loadings 61

-vii- LIST OF FIGURES Figure Title Page

2.1 Location of Lake Simcoe Drainage Basin 4 2.2 Physiography of the Lake Simcoe Watershed 5 2.3 Drainage Sub-basins of Lake Simcoe 7 2.4 The Holland River Drainage Basin 9 2.5 Annual Total Precipitation for Bradford 13 2.6 Seasonal Total Precipitation for Bradford 14 2.7 Seasonal Total Precipitation expressed as a percent deviation from LTA for Bradford weather station data 15 3.1 Water Quantity Gauging Stations 19 3.2 Water Quality Sampling Stations 20 5.1.1 Annual Total Discharge for Holland River at Holland Landing 31 5.1.2 Annual Total Discharge for West Holland River at Hwy #11 33 5.1.3 Annual Total Discharge for Holland River at Cook Bay 34 5.1.4 Annual Total Discharge for Black River at Baldwin 36 5.2.1 Total Phosphorus Concentrations for Upper Schomberg at 8th Conc. 38 5.2.2 Total Phosphorus Concentrations at Kettleby Creek at Hwy #9 38 5.2.3 Total Phosphorus Concentrations for North Schomberg at 5th Conc. 39 5.2.4 Total Phosphorus Concentrations for Bradford Pumphouse 39 5.2.5 Total Phosphorus Concentrations for W. Holland R. at Hwy # 11 42 5.2.6 Total Phosphorus Concentrations for W. Holland R. at Holland Landing 42 5.2.7 Total Phosphorus Concentrations for the Holland R. at Cook Bay 44 5.2.8 Total Phosphorus Concentrations at Black River at Sutton Dam 44 5.3.1 Trend Plot and Analysis for Upper Schomberg River Total Phosphorus Concentrations 46 5.3.2 Trend Plot and Analysis for West Pottageville 47 5.3.3 Trend Plot and Analysis for North Schomberg River 48 5.3.4 Trend Plot and Analysis for Kettleby Creek 49 5.3.5 Trend Plot and Analysis for North Drainage Canal at Hwy #9 50 5.3.6 Trend Plot and Analysis for Bradford Pumphouse 51 5.3.7 Trend Plot and Analysis for Springdale Pumphouse 52 5.3.8 Trend Plot and Analysis for West Holland River at Hwy #11 53 5.3.9 Trend Plot and Analysis for Holland River at Holland Landing 54 5.3.10 Trend Plot and Analysis for Holland River near Cook Bay 55 5.3.11 Trend Plot and Analysis for Black River at Sutton Dam 56 5.4.1 Phosphorus Exceedance in the Black River at Sutton Dam 58 5.4.2 Phosphorus Exceedance in the Holland River at Cook Bay 58 5.4.3 Phosphorus Exceedance in the Holland River at Holland Landing 60 5.4.4 Phosphorus Exceedance at Highway 11 near Bradford 61 5.5.1 Phosphorus and Sediment Loadings for Kettleby Creek 62

-viii- 5.5.2 Phosphorus and Sediment Loadings at West Pottageville Creek 62 5.5.3 Phosphorus and Sediment Loadings for Upper Schomberg River 63 5.5.4 Phosphorus and Sediment Loadings for North Schomberg River 63 5.5.5 Phosphorus and Sediment Loadings for Holland River at Hwy #9 65 5.5.6 Phosphorus and Sediment Loadings for Springdale Pumping Station 65 5.5.7 Phosphorus and Sediment Loadings for Holland at Bradford Pump 66 5.5.8 Phosphorus and Sediment Loadings for Holland River at Hwy #11 68 5.5.9 Phosphorus and Sediment Loadings for Holland River at Holland Landing 68 5.5.10 Phosphorus and Sediment Loadings for Holland River at Cook Bay 71 5.5.11 Phosphorus and Sediment Loadings for Black River at Sutton Dam 71


Table Title 2.1 Population Growth in the Lake Simcoe Watershed 11 3.1 Tributary Monitoring Station Descriptions 17 3.2 Sampling Frequency for Holland Sub-Basin Tributaries 21 3.3 Lake Simcoe Water Quality Monitoring Summary 22 4.1 Water Quality Stations and Years of Record 26 5.1.1 Discharge Summary Table for Holland River at Holland Landing 31 5.1.2 Discharge Summary Table for West Holland River at Hwy #11 33 5.1.3 Discharge Summary Table for Holland River at Cook Bay 34 5.1.4 Discharge Summary Table for Black River at Baldwin Dam 36

List of Appendices

Description of Water Quality Parameters

Appendix B * Water Quantity Data -Discharge Summaries Appendix C * Water Quality Data -Sample Concentrations Appendix D Water Quality Data Statistical Summary Tables Phosphorus Criteria Exceedance Tables Loading Summary Tables

* Not included with this report but available upon request.


1.1 Background

In the early 1970'5, the Ontario Ministry of the Environment (but now the Ontario Ministry of Environment and Energy (MOEE)) undertook a water quality evaluation of Lake Simcoe. The results of the 4-year study were documented in a 1975 report entitled "Lake Simcoe Basin -A Water Quality and Use Study". This report concluded that the general water quality of the lake was good, but that there was evidence of problems which could be related to human activities in the watershed. During this same period, the Ministry of Natural Resources established the fact that significant detrimental changes in the Lake Simcoe coldwater sport fishery were occurring.

In response to these results, as well as the concern expressed by local municipalities, residents and cottagers that the recreational use of the lake was in jeopardy, the Cabinet Committee for Resources Development initiated the lake Simcoe Environmental Management Strategy (lSEMS) studies. The lSEMS studies were a cooperative effort between the lake Simcoe Region Conservation Authority and the Ministries of Agriculture and Food, Environment and Natural Resources. The goal of the program is "to restore a natural, self sustaining coldwater fishery by improving water quality".

One of the most important components of the LSEMS studies was the Tributary Monitoring Program which began in 1982. Intensive water quality monitoring stations were located throughout the watershed on downstream reaches of major tributaries, including a number of locations on the Holland River. The program objective was to establish baseline physical and chemical water quality data to facilitate:

< future evaluation of Lake Simcoe water quality, < determination of long term tributary water quality trends, and < measurement of the effectiveness of adopted remedial measures.

In 1985 the LSEMS studies officially ended. However, the Tributary Monitoring component continued to operate recognizing that the programs objectives could not be achieved in a three year period. Delays in implementing the LSEMS recommendations led to a deterioration in the monitoring network with some of the major tributaries stations being discontinued. The rationale for dropping these stations was that initiation of remedial measures to reduce phosphorus was not immediately forthcoming and the fact that operating costs and resources needed to be minimized.

In July of 1991, the implementation phase of the LSEMS program was officially begun and as a result the old monitoring network was reestablished. The original objectives of the program have not changed; however, increased emphasis has been placed on the program, the results of which are to be used in tracking the implementation of remedial actions in order that agency programs and policies can be modified to respond to evolving problems.

1 1.2 Report Objective

This report is one of a series prepared during the course of the Lake Simcoe Environmental Management Strategy (LSEMS) Implementation Program. The main objective of this report is to provide a complete data set representing the tributary monitoring activities for a eleven year period from 1982 through 1992. Most of the data presented have been based on samples collected by Authority staff and analyzed by the Ontario Ministry of the Environment. Additional sources of data included: Water Survey of Canada (WSC) and Ministry of the Environment (MOEE). The data were gathered in accordance with leading research agency collection guidelines1,2,3 specifically, water level and streamflow. This data summary has been compiled for the benefit of scientists and water quality managers who need the information to make estimates of total phosphorus loading to the lake and to help plan further studies and monitoring activities in the lake Simcoe watershed. Highlights of this report will also be summarized in the final report on the first phase of the lSEMS Implementation Program.

______1 Ministry of the Environment. 1985. "A Guide to the Collection and Submission of Samples for Laboratory Analysis."

2 Environment Canada. 1983. "Sampling for Water quality."

3 Environment Canada. 1977. "Automated Hydrometric Computation Procedures."


2.1 Location

The Lake Simcoe watershed is located in Southern Ontario approximately 50 kilometres north of the City of (Figure 2.1) The watershed occupies a total land surface area of 2,840 square kilometres. The major rivers in the watershed flow in a northerly direction with their headwaters originating in the . Lake Simcoe has a surface area of 722 square kilometres (excluding islands) and has an average depth of 14.2 metres. The lake outlets to the north draining into Lake Couchiching at Atherley and eventually to Georgian Bay.

2.2 Physiography

The Lake Simcoe watershed contains four major physiographic units which can all be attributed to glacial action in the late Wisconsinan Ice Age. They include the Oak Ridges Moraine, Schomberg Clay Plains, Peterborough Drumlin Fields, and Simcoe Lowlands (Figure 2.2.). Physiographic unit boundaries have been observed to correspond closely to areas of differing soil textural classes found within the watershed.

Oak Ridqes Moraine

The Oak Ridges Moraine forms the southern boundary of the Lake Simcoe watershed with four of the five major river systems originating within this glacial feature. It has been estimated that the moraine occupies approximately 20% of the watershed and can be characterized as having coarse textured sandy loam soils with good drainage. Recently, the Oak Ridges moraine gain the status of having an "expression of provincial interest" with the publication of the Oak Ridges Moraine Implementation Guidelines2. The complex geology of the moraine was only one of the parameters identified to define the environmental significance of the area relative to groundwater recharge and discharge zones.

Schomberq Clay Plains

The Schomberg Clay Plains are located immediately northwest of the Oak Ridges Moraine between the Towns of Schomberg and Newmarket. The predominant soil type found within the plains is a clay loam with good drainage although some organic deposits do exist along major lands. The surface beneath the overlying soil is comprised of a drumlinized till plain, which in some areas lies exposed at the surface. The Schomberg Clay Plains form roughly 15% of the total watershed area.

______Section 2.1 is based largely on Frank, D., D. Henry, J. Antoszek, and F. Engler. 1985. "Lake Simcoe Tributary Water Quality and Quantity Data Report."

2 0ak Ridges Moraine Implementation Guidelines.

3 4 Figure 2.2. Physiography of the Lake Simcoe Watershed.

5 Peterborouqh Drumlin Field

Located to the north of the Oak Ridges Moraine and the Schomberg Clay Plains the Peterborough Drumlin Field is dominated by medium textured soils with some organic deposits in low lying areas between drumlins. The drumlin fields constitute roughly 30% of the total watershed area and are bordered to the north by the Simcoe Lowlands.

Simcoe Lowlands

The lake area is situated entirely within the eastern portion of the Simcoe Lowlands and characterized by loam soils with good drainage with the exception of the southern and eastern shores of the lake containing poorly drained sandy loam and organic deposits. The Simcoe Lowlands includes the Holland River Lowlands containing the which is one of the largest organic deposits in Ontario. The Simcoe Lowlands extend the remaining distance north, intersecting the Simcoe Uplands and accounts for the remaining 35% of the watershed area.

2.3 Drainage

The Lake Simcoe watershed is drained by 35 tributary rivers with five major tributaries accounting for approximately 60% of the watershed area (Figure 2.3). The five major tributaries include the Talbot, Beaver 3, Black, and Holland Rivers and the Pefferlaw Brook. All of the rivers originate from the Oak Ridges Moraine with the exception of the Talbot River which flows westward from Balsam Lake entering Lake Simcoe along the eastern shore. Annual mean discharges for these rivers range from 2 to 8 cubic metres per second (m3/s) with peak flows reaching a range of 20 to 120 (m3/s).

For the purpose of the LSEMS studies the watershed was sub-divided into eight distinct basins, including the five major river systems previously mentioned, the Maskinonge River near Keswick and two land areas with no major drainage pattern. These two areas were given the names Northeast and Northwest relative to the shoreline of Lake Simcoe (Figure 2.3). Due to the significance of the Holland River basin relative to its phosphorus loading contribution to the lake in comparison with other sub-basins in the watershed, intensive monitoring activities continued in the Holland River basin upon completion of the LSEMS studies. Therefore, a description of the Holland River drainage basin is provided.


3 Formerly the Beaverton River.

6 Figure 2.3 Drainage Sub-basins of Lake Simcoe.

7 2.4 Drainage of the Holland River 4

The Holland (Schomberg) River drainage basin is located in the southwestern corner of the Lake Simcoe watershed and occupies a land area of approximately 597 square kilometres or 21% of the total land area of the Lake Simcoe watershed. The river flows north from its headwaters originating in the Oak Ridges Moraine and outlets into the southern most tip of Cook Bay (Figure 2.4). The headwaters elevation is approximately 336 metres above sea level with a gradient drop of 117 metres over a distance of approximately 47 kilometres.

From the headwaters west of the community of Schomberg, the west branch of the Holland River is characterized by a fast flowing stream with good gradient. Downstream of the community of Schomberg the river gradient is significantly reduced to less than 10 centimetres per kilometre and subsequently the channel width increases dramatically due to backwater effects from Lake Simcoe.

From Highway 27 to Highway 9 the main branch of the Holland River flows into a natural complex south of the Holland Marsh vegetable polder. Upon crossing north of Highway 9 the river is diverted into two canals which delineate the northern and southern boundaries of the Holland Marsh polder before merging again at Highway 11 at Bradford.

The canals collect the flows from many streams draining adjacent upland areas (Kettleby and Pottageville Creeks, North Schomberg River). The remnant of the old river channel is still located within the interior of the Holland Marsh Polder and is connected to numerous drainage ditches which improve the drainage of the cultivated muck soils. Water levels within the polder are controlled by two pumping stations, the Springdale station which is located on the north canal near the inlet of the North Schomberg River, and the Bradford station located at the confluence of the two canals at Highway #11. A new modernized pumping station was built in 1993 to service the whole polder area. It is located on the south canal near the existing Bradford pumphouse and became operational in 1993.

From Highway 11, the west branch of the Holland River flows into Cook Bay. It is bordered by a wetland complex and a number of smaller vegetable polders which drain into it. The west branch is joined approximately halfway to Cook Bay by the east branch of the Holland River. The channel width has almost doubled since 1958 according to historical air photo interpretations. The river has been observed to have reverse flow through the marsh area due to wind effects and high lake levels.

______4 Section 2.4 is based largely on Frank, D., D. Henry, J. Antoszek, and F. Engler. Tributary1985. "Lake Simcoe Water Quality and Quantity Data Report."

5 LSEMS (Lake Simcoe Environmental Management Strategy). Sources, 1985. "Overview of Phosphorus Loads and Remedial Measures."

8 Figure 2.4 The Holland River Drainage Basin.

9 The east branch of the Holland River or headwaters drain from the Oak Ridges Moraine originating near the boundary of the Town of Whitchurch-Stouffville and the Township of Uxbridge. The headwaters are at an elevation of approximately 336 metres above sea level and the river flows some 47 kilometres before draining into the west branch. The East Holland River drains a largely urban watershed including the Towns of Aurora, Newmarket, and Holland Landing. The river has a good gradient until entering Newmarket whereupon it flattens and the channel width increases due to the locks. Downstream from Holland Landing the channel flattens even more to about 20 centimetres per kilometre and the river drains a continuation of natural wetland complexes and small polder vegetable growing operations. Three additional small tributaries drain to the East Holland River from the western drainage area upstream of the confluence with the west branch.

2.5 Population

The Lake Simcoe watershed has a population of approximately 271,4106 permanent residents with over 72% of them located in the major urban centres (Aurora, Barrie, Bradford, Newmarket, Orillia, and Uxbridge) comprising less than 2% of the watershed area. The average population growth within the watershed was 47% between 1981 and 1991, with the urban centres of Aurora reporting approximately 81% growth, Newmarket at 53% growth and Barrie at 63% growth for the same ten year period (Table 2.1). In addition to the permanent population within the watershed, a large seasonal population increase is observed during the summer months as roughly 50,000 cottagers visit an estimated 12,000 cottages bordering the lake. This brings the total population to about 321,410 full time and seasonal residents.

2.6 Land Uses

Census data (1991) indicate that approximately 61% or 1,740 square kilometres of the total watershed area of 2,840 km2 is farmland. Only 3% of the area or 65 square kilometres is urbanized. The remaining 37% is idle, or in natural state, or is used for transportation corridors and aggregate extraction.

Land within the watershed is primarily devoted to agriculture and supports a conventional farm economy with an estimated 2,157 farms involved in cash crop, livestock and mixed operations along with some specialty crops. The most common crops grown include: corn, soya beans, grains, and hay. The most prominent agricultural land use within the watershed is the market gardening activities along the Holland River system which occupies approximately 3,300 hectares.

______6 population estimates were obtained from Statistics Canada census Data. For municipalities which were not totally within the watershed population estimates were derived by multiplying the percentage of the municipality's area within the Lake Simcoe watershed times its total population.

10 Table 2.1. Population Growth in the Lake Simcoe Watershed: 1961-1991.

Municipality (Percentage of Population Within 1961 1971 1981 1991 Watershed Boundary) Brock Twp (95%) 2,857 3,310 8,796 10,504 Scugog Twp (11%) 47 75 1,482 1,959 Uxbridge Twp (81%) 2,332 3,133 9,078 11,415 Aurora (96%) 8,439 13,069 15,616 28,276 Newmarket (100%) 8,932 18,941 29,753 45,474 Richmond Hill (1%) 164 324 378 801 Whitchurch-Stouffville (57%) 4,213 6,419 7,727 10,463 (100%) 10,357 9,359 12,565 18,367 Georgina (100%) 2,415 14,959 20,111 29,746 King Twp (55%) 7,065 7,075 8,353 9,967 New Tecumseth (7%) 225 291 406 1,417 Barrie (77%) 16,300 21,311 29,586 48,301 (72%) 5,031 7,560 12,105 15,600 Bradford-West Gwillimbury (72%) 1,686 2,449 5,306 12,745 Woodville (100%) 399 473 566 680 Eldon (70%) 1,113 1,138 1,369 1,868 Mariposa (8%) 230 252 395 552 City of Orillia (58%) 8,900 13,943 14,159 15,037 Orillia Twp (8%) 804 403 552 651 Oro Twp (46%) 1,971 2,387 3,184 4,174 Mara Twp (53%) 1,322 1,628 2,010 2,559 Rama Twp (1%) 9111412 Bexley Twp (44%) 291 303 403 524 Carden Twp (46%) 151 169 262 265 Laxton, Digby, Langford Twps (6%) 36 37 44 52

Total 85,289 129,019 184,221 271,410

11 The largest polder is the Holland Marsh near Bradford: at 2,440 hectares, is the largest market gardening centre in Ontario.

2.7 Climate

The Lake Simcoe watershed has a temperate climate that is affected by local topography, but more so by the proximity to the Great Lakes. Data from the meteorological station at the Muck Research Station in the Holland Marsh near Bradford has been used to document overall changes in climate within the Lake Simcoe watershed. The station is operated by the Ontario Ministry of Agriculture and Food and the data is reviewed and distributed by Environment Canada, Atmospheric Environmental Services (AES).

The long term average (L TA) temperature recorded at Bradford is 6.9°C. The difference between the maximum and minimum temperature was measured to be 70°C with temperatures ranging from 35 to -35°C(1974 -1990).

The LTA precipitation recorded at the station was 822 millimetres (mm) per year and was calculated using the 19 years of data for the period from 1974 to 1992. Total precipitation estimates for the station near Bradford include precipitation which occurs as rainfall and the water equivalent from snowfall during winter months. Six of the eleven years exceeded the LTA with the highest annual total precipitation occurring in 1986 at 987mm (Figure 2.5). The lowest annual total precipitation occurred in 1991 amounting to 677mm.

In an effort to help explain the observed changes in total annual precipitation, the data were divided into four three month periods to depict the variation in precipitation relative to seasonal fluctuations as follows:

Timer Period Season

January to March Winter April to June Spring July to September Summer October to December Fall

Seasonal totals for the years 1982-1992 at the Bradford weather station indicate the time of the year that precipitation occurred (Figure 2.6) while the percent deviation from the LTA illustrates the overall picture of the seasonal variation in precipitation (Figure 2.7). The long term average (LTA) was calculated based on the 19 years of data (1974-1992) but represented to fit the seasons as defined above. The precipitation in the years 1986, 1987 and 1992, were characterized by above average spring, and inordinately high summer precipitation values with the highest amount of precipitation recorded during the summer of 1986. In 1985 above average winter and summer precipitation levels were recorded with 1990 experiencing higher spring precipitation.

12 Figure 2.5 Annual Total Precipitation for Bradford 1982 - 1992 (AES).

13 Figure 2.6. Seasonal Total Precipitation for Bradford 1982- 1992 (AES).

14 Figure 2.7. Seasonal Total Precipitation expressed as percent deviation from LTA for Bradford weather station data 1982 - 1992


3.1 Background

The Lake Simcoe tributary monitoring network became operational in March of 1982. The immediate concern was to collect baseline chemical and physical water quality and stream flow quantity data from the major tributaries draining into Lake Simcoe. The network was designed with the objective of identifying major phosphorus sources and determining their significance as well as establishing annual phosphorus loadings to the lake. The original network consisted of 13 water quality stations, 10 of which were discharge measurement stations located on downstream reaches of the Beaver and Black Rivers, Pefferlaw Brook, and at a number of locations along the Holland River.

In 1985 the LSEMS studies officially ended. However, the Tributary Monitoring component continued to operate recognizing the need for a continuous monitoring program but was scaled down. Delays in implementation led to a deterioration in the monitoring network with some of the major tributaries stations being discontinued. Water quality sampling at the Beaver River and Pefferlaw Brook stations was abandoned after April of 1985. In addition, a 40% to 60% reduction in the frequency of sampling at all other stations occurred in 1986.

The rationale for dropping the Pefferlaw Brook and Beaver River stations was that initiation of remedial measures to reduce phosphorus within these two sub-basins was not forthcoming and past annual phosphorus loads had shown little variation. In addition, results from the Black River sampling station could be used to prorate phosphorus loads for the other sub-basins if required. However, time trend and loading analysis were not conducted for these stations due to the incomplete nature of the data records and error inherent in prorating flows. The reduction in sampling frequency was not perceived to be a major problem since methods used to calculate phosphorus loadings for the stations had improved with new knowledge of the responsiveness of the sub-basins relative to changes in streamflow and phosphorus concentration.

In 1990, the implementation phase of the LSEMS program was initiated and with this phase the old monitoring network was reestablished. The original objectives of the program have not changed; however, further emphasis has been placed on the program, the results of which are to be used in tracking long-term changes in order that agency programs and policies can be modified to respond to changing needs. A brief description of the monitoring network and sampling regime for individual water quantity and quality stations is provided in Table 3.1.

16 Table 3.1. Tributary Monitoring Station Descriptions.

Sampling Drainage Station ID Test Parameters Flow Water Water Event Auto- Years Station Location Code Frequency Area No. RSP+TP+FRP+TKN Gauging Level Quality Sampling Sampler Sampled

Upper Schomberg River 43 03-0077-315-02 US NNOTFR bi-monthly & comp no yes/WSC yes yes yes 1982-1992 03-0077-314-02 West Pottageville Creek 27 PT NNOTFR monthly event flows yes yes yes - 1982-1992 (02EC118) 03-0077-307-02 weekly & N. Schomberg River 28 NS NNOTFR event flows yes yes yes yes 1982-1992 (02EC119) composite 03-0077-306-02 weekly & Kettleby Creek @ #9 30 KB NNOTFR event flows yes yes yes yes 1982-1992 (02EC117) composite N. Drainage Canal @ #9 68 03-0077-309-02 HM NNOTFR bi-monthly no - yes no - 1982-1992 03-0077-305-02 N. Canal © Simcoe Rd. SM - monthly datalogger yes yes yes - 1982-1989 (02EC121) S. Canal at Graham Sd. 02EC122 GS - monthly datalogger yes yes no - 1982-1985 Rd. NNOTFR, NNHTFR, Bradford Pump 24 03-0077-303-02 PP composite pump vol - yes no yes 1982-1992 PH NNOTFR, NNHTFR, Springdale Pump 4 03-0077-308-02 TG composite pump vol - yes no yes 1982-1992 PH 03-0077-002-02 W. Br Holland R. @#11 209 SH NNOTFR monthly & PWQN no Prorated yes no - 1982-1992 (02EC123) Holland R @ Holland 03-0077-310-02 weekly & 181 HL NNOTFR no yes/WSC yes yes yes 1982-1992 Landing (02EC009) composite Holland R. @ Cook Bay 597 03-0077-316-02 CB NNOTFR, CLIDUR bi-monthly spring only Prorated yes yes - 1982-1992 03-0077-313-02 Black R. @ Sutton 324 BL NNOTFR bi-monthly no Baldwin yes yes - 1982-1992 02EC008 Pefferlaw Brook @ 03-0077-027-02 1982-1985 332 PF NNOTFR bimonthly WSC yes/WSC yes yes - Udora (02EC018) +1990-1992 Beaverton R. N of 03-0077-011-02 1982-1985 282 BV NNOTFR bi-monthly WSC yes/WSC yes yes - Cannington (02EC011) +1990-1992 Lover's Creek @ Kemp. 03-0077-028-02 LV NNOTFR bi-monthly no - yes yes - 1990-1992 Bay

RSP = Residual Suspended Solids TP = Total Phosphorus FRP = Filtered Reactive Phosphorus TKN = Total Kjeldahl Nitrogen NNOTFR = Total Nitrates NNHTFR = Total Ammonium

17 3.2 Water Quantity Network

Prior to the LSEMS studies, water quantity monitoring within the watershed was carried out by Water Survey of Canada (WSC) and LSRCA for the Ministry of the Environment. At present the Authority operates six of the ten water quantity stations located throughout the watershed with the remaining four stations being serviced by WSC. Figure 3.1 illustrates the station locations within the watershed. It is significant to note that the bulk of water quantity monitoring stations, seven to be exact, are located in the Holland River sub-basin. These stations were the minimum required to estimate phosphorus loads from various sources within the sub-basin (i.e. Water Pollution Control Plants, urban and/or agricultural runoff) The remaining three water quantity monitoring stations are located on the Black River near Sutton, the Pefferlaw Brook near Udora, and the Beaver River north of Cannington.

Equipment for most of the monitoring stations consisted of a Stevens A-35 water level recorder enclosed in either a serviced stand-up doghouse or walk-in shelter over a stilling well. The exceptions are two stations located on the outer canals of the Holland Marsh where Montedoro-Whitney WDFM-8 Flowloggers are employed and the two pumphouses, one at Springdale and the other near Bradford. The data loggers were installed in 1987 and not only estimate flow, but can also determine flow direction which is extremely important in the canals as backwater effects from the lake can cause flows to reverse in the canals. Discharges from the pumphouses were calculated from data on pumping times and volumes.1

Rating curves which were determined during the initial LSEMS studies were checked and corroborated annually for various flow conditions. Discharge measurements are taken every year and plotted to ensure the curve is representative of all stage levels. Rating curves are available for all the major rivers draining to the canals and the monitoring stations along the Pefferlaw Brook and Beaver and Black Rivers.2

3.3. Water Quality Stations

Where possible, water quality stations were located at the same sites as water quantity monitoring stations thus eliminating the need to prorate. A total of thirteen stations are presently sampled by Authority staff (Figure 3.2). Changes to the water quality monitoring program were described above (see also Table 3.2 for the Holland River sub-basin and Table 3.3).

______1 Detailed pump flow calculations are found in section 4.2 of Frank, D., et al. 1985

2 Rating curves for the North Schomberg River and Kettleby and Pottageville Creeks are available at the Lake Simcoe Region Conservation Authority office upon request. Rating curves for the Pefferlaw Brook, Beaverton and Black Rivers can only be obtained from Water Survey of Canada.

18 Figure 3.1. Water Quantity Gauging Stations.

19 Figure 3.2. Water Quality Sampling Stations.

20 Table 3.2. Sampling Frequency for Holland Sub-Basin Tributaries.

Baseflow Mean Annual Flow High Flow Station Station (m3/s) (m3/s) (m3/s) Name Code 1 x per week 1 x per day 3 x per day Kettleby KB < 0.70 0.70 - 2.00 > 2.00 Pottageville PT < 0.20 0.20 - 0.40 > 0.40 Upper Schomberg US < 0.30 0.30 - 1.00 > 1.00 North Schomberg NS < 0.30 0.30 - 1.00 > 1.00 Holland E. Branch HL < 4.00 4.00 - 7.00 > 7.00

Sampling frequency was basically flow dependent with more samples collected during peak flow events due to the high variability in water quality concentrations during these events. Baseflow conditions generally exhibit much less variation and as such sampling frequency during baseflow has been reduced significantly. Samples were collected weekly, semi-monthly, or monthly, relative to the streamflow conditions and to satisfy statistical requirements of the Beale Ratio estimator program which calculates phosphorus loads. The method of sample collection was dependent on the equipment available at each site. Baseflow sampling is nothing more than a "grab" sample whereas auto-samplers, where available, were used to a large degree during rain events to ensure that a sufficient number of composite samples were collected.

21 Table 3.3. Lake Simcoe Water Quality Monitoring Summary.

Location Sampling Frequency Equipment Code W. Br. Holland R. at #11 monthly and events G North Drainage Canal at #9 monthly and events N Upper Schomberg R. monthly and events *A Holland R. at Cook Bay bi-monthly and events N Bradford Pumping station composite A Springdale Pump station composite A Kettleby Creek at #9 weekly and events S North Schomberg R. weekly and events S Holland R. at Holland Landing weekly and events *31 Black R. at Sutton bi-monthly and events *N West Pottageville Creek monthly and events G N. Canal at Simcoe Rd. not sampled SD S. Canal at Graham Sd. Rd. not sampled SD Beaver R. near Cannington bi-monthly and events *G Pefferlaw Br. near Udora bi-monthly and events *G

LEGEND: G: Stream gauging Doghouse with Stevens A-35 Recorder A: ISCO 2100 Autosampler S: Shelter with Stevens A-35 Recorder and ISCO 2100 SD: Shelter with Stevens A-35 recorder and WDFM-8 datalogger N: No Equipment *: Environment Canada Stream gauge Station

3.4 Sampling Methods and Parameters

All samples were collected in accordance with standardized methods, specifically, the MOEE water quality sampling and analysis guidelines3, 4. Analysis of water quality was conducted at the MOEE laboratory located at 125 Resources Rd., in Etobicoke. Sequential automated samples were collected using ISCO Model 2100 autosamplers through 1/4" ID suction line in 1 litre polypropylene bottles.

______3 Water Quality Section, Ontario Ministry of the Energy. 1985. "A Guide to the Collection and Submission of Samples for Laboratory Analysis."

4 Water Quality Branch, Inland Waters Directorate, Environment Canada. 1983. "Sampling for Water Quality."

22 The samplers were set up to retrieve a 125 ml volume of water every 60 minutes, filling three 1 litre bottles every 24 hours. Composite samples were collected using similar equipment with a 20 litre glass jar. The glass composite jar was initially washed using a 10% solution of hydrochloric acid to help prevent the possible build-up of a phosphorus residue on the container’s interior. Containers were then rinsed with distilled water before deployment at the sampling site. The samples were retrieved within 24 hours of the final sub-sampling

A list of all chemical and physical parameters that were analyzed for this study is included in Appendix A. Specific methods and descriptions of parameters are described in the MOEE manual "Outline of Analytical Methods. 5

______5 Ministry of Environment and Energy. 1981. "Outline of Analytical Methods." Laboratory Services.


4.1 Prorating Discharge

The method used to calculate phosphorus loadings entering Lake Simcoe requires a record of continuous discharge. The collection of this information has become routine for all the major watercourses with the exception of the Holland River. Monitoring of the Holland River has always presented somewhat of a problem relative to low flow or backwater conditions occurring within the canals and the river's lower reaches. The low flow and back-water conditions are believed to be caused by fluctuations in lake level and wind/wave affects which can halt or even reverse the river flow. In these instances corrections and prorating calculations are required to estimate discharge.

The method of prorating attempted to determine discharge at a given location by examining the combined flows of upstream gauged tributaries and the proportional contribution of the remaining drainage area. The following stations required flows to be estimated by prorating:

< the upper Holland (Schomberg) River at Tecumseth Road 24 (US)

< Holland River at Highway #9 (HM)

< Holland River at Highway #11 (SH)

< Holland River near Cook Bay (CB)

The prorated flows at these locations were developed in 1982. They were estimated using the following formula:

the Upper Holland (Schomberg) River at Tecumseth 24

= gauged flow for Schomberg River near Schomberg x 1.28

the Holland River at Highway #9

= gauged flow for West Pottageville Creek + the prorated flow for the Holland River at Tecumseth Road 24 x 1.15

the Holland River at Highway #11

= prorated flow for Holland River at Highway #9 x 1.69 + metered pump out water from Bradford and Springdale Pumphouses in Holland Marsh

24 + gauged flow for North Schomberg River x 1.76 + gauged flow for Kettleby Creek x 1.04

the Holland River at Cook Bay

= prorated flow for the Holland river at Highway #9 x 2.09 + metered pump out water from Bradford and Springdale Pumphouses in Holland Marsh + gauged flow for North Schomberg River x 1.76 + gauged flow for Kettleby Creek at Highway #9 x 1.04 + gauged flow for East Holland River x 1.35

Gauged and prorated streamflow data is listed in Appendix B.

4.2 Beale Ratio Estimator

A statistical package called the Beale Ratio Estimator has been used to calculate tributary loads entering Lake Simcoe. This estimator has been evaluated and used extensively by the International Joint Commission (IJC) during studies on the Great Lakes. The Beale Ratio Estimator was not used to calculate loading contributions from two pumping stations located in the Holland Marsh since phosphorus concentrations within the marsh are not flow dependent. Loadings from these stations are determined by simply multiplying the daily pump volumes times an average daily phosphorus concentration. The daily loadings are then totalled to provide an estimate of the annual pollutant load. Table 4.1 lists the stations and the years for which annual pollutant loads have been estimated.

25 Table 4.1. Water Quality Stations and Years of Record.

Station Station Sampling Location Years of Data Number Code 315 US Upper Schomberg River 1983 - 1992 314 PT West Pottageville Creek 1983 - 1992 307 NS N. Schomberg R. 1983 - 1992 306 KB Kettleby Cr. @ Hwy. #9 1983 - 1992 309 HM Holland R. @ Hwy. #9 1982 - 1992 303 PP Bradford Pumping Station 1982 - 1992 308 SP Springdale Pumping Station 1982 - 1992 002 SH W. Br. Holland R. @ Hwy. #11 1982 - 1992 310 HL Holland R. @ Holland Landing 1982 - 1992 316 CB Holland R. @ Cook Bay 1983 - 1992 313 BL Black R. @ Sutton 1982 - 1992 312 PF Pefferlaw Br. Near Udora 1982-85, 1991 & 1992 311 BV Beaver R. Near Beaverton 1982-85, 1991 & 1992

Pollutant loads have been calculated for the above tributary monitoring stations for the three main water quality parameters, namely, total and filtered reactive phosphorus and suspended solids (Results: Figures 5.5.1 to 5.5.11 and Appendix F).

4.3. Statistics

River water quality data have some inherent characteristics that make them more difficult to interpret. These characteristics are:

1) unevenly spaced samples 2) numerous extreme values i.e. outliers 3) strong flow dependence 4) non-normal distribution i.e. positively skewed 5) discontinuous records

For these reasons, the statistics used to describe these data needed to be robust to lessen the effects of these characteristics and provide the most reliable and accurate central tendency of a particular data set. The median (the middle value of a ranked set of data) is much more robust than the arithmetic mean because it is not affected by random extreme outliers obtained during peak flow event sampling and is therefore a better representation of the central tendency of a data set. For this reason the median is used more often than the arithmetic mean, when describing this water quality data.

26 The basic statistics found to be most useful for summarizing water quality data are

1) Sample size 2) Maximum and Minimum 3) Median 4) Geometric mean 5) Arithmetic mean 6) Upper and lower quartile 7) Standard deviation

A quartile is a ranked statistic with the upper and lower quartiles representing the values at the upper and lower bounds of the middle fifty percent of a ranked data set. This helps describe a data set by illustrating on a scale the location of the middle 50% of the data and is more robust than showing just the maximum and minimum.

Some of the graphs in this report are presented on a logarithmic scale. The reason for this is that most of the concentration data are easier to interpret visually when presented on a logarithmic scale. Presenting data on a logarithmic scale is recommended when the data range (maximum - minimum) is greater than one order of magnitude or when the ratio of the maximum to the minimum data point exceeds 20. 1

4.4. 1982 Loading Estimates

For the Holland River East Branch, a substantial difference in loads was noted for 1983 and 1984 compared to 1982. This difference may be the result of a number of factors such as:

(a) 1982 was a year of above average precipitation and discharge. (b) sewage was rerouted in July, 1984 from Newmarket and Aurora out of the Holland River watershed. (c) Fairy Lake (located in Newmarket) was drawn down and dredged during 1982 spring runoff. This left the lake's sediments exposed to severe erosion. In addition, Roger's Reservoir upstream of Holland Landing was also drawn down (to prevent backwater blockage at the Newmarket STP) permitting complete flow through the reservoir and scouring to occur. (d) For some stations 1982 was the initial year of monitoring so some data had to be extrapolated or estimated.

All the above factors may have contributed to the large variation among the three years of loading data.

______1 Section 4.3 is based on recommendations in Bodo, Byron A. 1988. "Basic Statistical Methods for Water Quality Data Analysis."

27 Backwater Impacts on Discharge Monitoring in the West Holland River

Low flow (<10 m3/s), back water conditions, and occasional reverse flows made direct flow measurement of the West Holland River very difficult using conventional methods. Below the Holland Marsh at Highway #11 the Holland River is very wide with a very flat stream gradient. Beyond the confluence of the two branches of the Holland River, the river has been widening yearly due to wave action eroding the cattail margin. The result of the above factors is a very inefficient channel flow in the lower Holland River. Flow of the West Holland River at Hwy #11 appears to be affected by water levels, wind and wave actions in Lake Simcoe. The numerous pumps around the marsh dykes which pump out of the polders in the spring and into the polders (for irrigation) during the crop growing season are also thought to affect the flow of the West branch of the Holland River. For the sake of consistency and comparison, the Holland River flows have been calculated for the years 1985-1992 using the same method that was develop during in the initial study years 1982-1984. During this time, gauged flows from upstream tributaries were used to prorate (i.e. estimate) the flow of various downstream stations on the Holland River. This prorating remains the best estimate of flow discharging from the West Holland River until an ultrasonic system is installed at Highway #11 in Bradford.

Robust Time Series Analysis Program

A statistical software program called TRENDS was used to help display the large amount of tributary monitoring water quality data collected between 1982 and 1992. TRENDS is a set of three PC computer programs named TRX, TR1 and TR2. They have been designed for performing graphical time series analysis of temporal trends in long term surface water quality data series. The TRENDS program for Robust Graphical Time Series Analysis of Long Term Water Quality Records was developed by Byron Bodo of the MOEE. The program was developed to handle the unique features of surface water quality sampling records, specifically irregularly spaced series of virtually instantaneous observations, that are not easily handled by conventional time series analysis methods. This program was used to plot water quality data for 1982 - 1992 and to present trends over time by producing a scatter plot that graphically illustrates all samples taken (up to 1000 samples) over the period of the study. As well, the strength of this program uses robust statistical analysis to plot a trend and a time-weighted mean trend line which is the best representation of the central tendency of a river water quality data set.2 The TRENDS program uses data filters (analysis processes) to take out the effects of unevenly spaced samples, seasonality, and extreme outliers in the data when plotting the trend lines. The TRENDS program is not always capable of handling intensively sampled (> 50 samples/month) data years such as 1982.

______2 Section 4.6 is based on Bodo, Byron A. of MOEE. 1991. “TRENDS: PC-Software, Users Guide and Documentation for Robust Graphical Time Series Analysis of Long Term Surface Water Quality Records."

28 In this report the TRENDS program was used mainly to display the data providing a snapshot of water sample phosphorus concentrations for 1982-1992.


Water Quantity

Water quantity results for stations monitored by the Authority were estimated by measuring water levels using Steven's Water Level Recorders and then later converting this information to flow or discharge data. This was accomplished by digitizing the continuous water level charts to obtain X-Y co-ordinates from the chart trace. The digital output was then run through Environment Canada's STREAM program which, when combined with an established rating curve, generated daily mean gauge heights and daily mean discharge for a given station. Flow gauging was conducted annually to ensure that the flow rating curves remained accurate. Discharge data for stations operated and maintained by Water Survey of Canada (WSC) were obtained from their records.

Stream discharge can be extremely variable from year to year and is dependant upon the contributing drainage area characteristics and climate. Rainfall and snowmelt events can augment stream flow through surface water runoff or increased groundwater discharge. The relative impact of any event is dependant upon it's duration, intensity, and overall frequency. Seasonal effects have also been established with the peak discharge traditionally occurring in spring as frozen ground generates runoff originating from snowmelt or rainfall events. Changes in land use or other characteristics within the drainage area also affect discharge. For example, an increase in urban area increases the percent imperviousness resulting in increased surface runoff and higher peak discharge.

The water quantity results for both Authority and WSC stations within the Lake Simcoe watershed are presented in Appendix B and include the daily discharge for each station for eleven years from 1982 through 1992. Tables 5.1.1 through 5.1.4 present water quantity results for four (as examples from the 4 monitoring station groups) selected stations in the Holland and Black River sub-basins and show the maximum, minimum, and mean daily, quarterly, and total discharge for the period from 1982 to 1992. The four stations examined include the Holland River at Holland Landing, the Holland River at Highway 11 near Bradford, the Holland River at Cook Bay, and the Black River at Baldwin.

For the years of 1982-1992, the highest total discharge measured at the Holland River at Holland Landing station occurred in 1982 with a measured volume of 6.15x107 cubic metres (Table 5.1.1). According to WSC historical streamflow data, 1982 also had the highest total annual discharge ever recorded in the station's 26 year period of record (1966-1992). The spring and fall discharge for 1982 were the highest recorded for the period of study.

30 TABLE 5.1.1. Discharge Summary Table for Holland River at Holland Landing : 1982-1992. Station HL - (03-0077-310-02)

Maximum Minimum Mean Total Winter Spring Summer Fall Year Daily Daily Daily Discharge Discharge Discharge Discharge Discharge (m3/s) (m3/s) (m3/s) (103 m3) (103 m3) (103 m3) (103 m3) (103 m3) 1982 34.600 0.238 1.950 61,500 15,158 18,050 7,950 20,350 1983 14.700 0.265 1.420 44,600 14,520 16,730 4,420 8,970 1984 42.300 0.208 1.400 44,400 22,300 12,860 3,781 5,500 1985 34.080 0.201 1.460 46,100 19,820 11,030 5,180 10,070 1986 19.000 0.223 1.510 47,700 14,470 8,700 13,820 10,750 1987 18.500 0.172 1.210 38,100 12,560 10,780 6,280 8,330 1988 12.000 0.116 0.889 28,100 10,360 8,209 3,608 5,930 1989 11.500 0.141 1.040 32,700 7,002 10,600 5,669 9,430 1990 53.400 0.173 1.700 53,400 22,230 12,240 5,080 13,880 1991 14.900 0.111 1.157 36,486 14,924 13,109 3,506 4,947 1992 25.400 0.118 1.530 48,378 9,216 10,968 12,032 16,163 Average 25.489 0.179 1.388 43,769 14,778 12,116 6,484 10,393

Long Term Average daily flow is 1.36 m3/s based on WSC records 1965 - 1992.

Figure 5.1.1. Annual total discharge for Holland River at Holland Landing: 1982-1990. Station HL - ( 03-0077-310-02)

31 Similarly, 1990 was also a wet year with the largest portion of annual discharge occurring in the fall and winter. The mild winter temperatures caused much of the precipitation to fall as rain which contributed to a total discharge approximately 22 percent higher than the long term average. The lowest total discharge for the Holland Landing station was measured in 1988 with the annual discharge reported at roughly 2.81x107 m3 or 36% below the long term average annual with all seasons showing well below the average. Similarly, the discharge for 1987, 1989 and 1991 were also well below the average by more than 15 percent. The remaining four year period from 1983 through 1986 were all slightly above the long term average (Table 5.1.1).

Because of the backwater conditions in the lower Holland River, the measurement of continuous flow for the Holland River station at Hwy 11 near Bradford were prorated using discharge data from the Holland River drainage canals and the two polder pumping stations. It is possible that the prorating calculations may be slightly overestimating the discharge since mean annual flow is higher than other sub-basins with a similar contributing drainage area. The total average annual discharge for the Holland River station located at Highway 11 near Bradford was estimated at approximately 6.931x107 m3 (Table 5.1.2). The highest discharge reported occurred in 1990 at 9.702x107 m 3, 40 percent above the average annual discharge. Four other years also exceeded the average including 1982, and the three years from 1985 through 1987 (Figure 5.1.2). The lowest annual discharge recorded was in 1989 in which only 4.356x107 m 3, 38 percent below the average, was measured. Annual discharge for 1983, 1984, 1991, and 1992 were observed to be just below the annual average.

Discharge data are not available for 1982 for the Holland River at Cook Bay station because the station was not operational until 1983. The discharge from the Holland River at Cook Bay was prorated based on the flow from the east and west branch of the Holland River. Since this station is prorated, fluctuations in discharge paralleled those observed at the station located at Highway 11 near Bradford. The main difference was in magnitude of discharge because CB station has a much larger drainage area. The highest discharge for the Holland River at Cook Bay occurred in 1990 at approximately 1.783x108 m3 which is roughly 35 percent above the average annual discharge for the study period 1983-1992 (Figure 5.1.3). 1989 had the lowest discharge of 9.20x107 m 3, approximately 30 percent below the average annual river discharge.

For the purpose of this report, discharge data for the Black River for 1982 and 1983 were not included in the overall analysis. In 1983 the gauging station was relocated from Sutton to the Baldwin Dam and, as a result, the total discharge has been reduced due to the subsequent decrease in contributing drainage area. Due to the discrepancy and to

32 TABLE 5.1.2. Discharge Summary Table for West Holland River at Hwy #11: 1982-1992. Station SH-(03-0077-002-02).

Maximum Minimum Mean Total Winter Spring Summer Fall Year Daily Daily Daily Discharge Discharge Discharge Discharge Discharge (m3/s) (m3/s) (m3/s) (103 m3) (103 m3) (103 m3) (103 m3) (103 m3) 1982 53.045 0.237 2.768 87,290 34,766 21,840 6,006 30,688 1983 27.295 0.488 2.012 63,460 24,628 19,925 5,220 13,687 1984 41.905 0.372 2.042 64,580 34,026 15,740 3,908 9,484 1985 48.427 0.317 2.507 79,060 37,106 19,391 6,152 16,415 1986 46.028 0.376 2.825 89,080 35,549 14,328 20,417 18,764 1987 38.832 0.312 2.543 80,200 35,112 17,906 13,576 13,604 1988 15.655 0.260 1.595 50,430 24,424 15,694 3,271 7,039 1989 22.788 0.211 1.381 43,560 17,210 14,317 4,733 7,299 1990 41.858 0.395 3.076 97,020 57,541 15,506 5,646 18,327 1991 25.000 0.264 2.026 64,060 25,456 28,877 3,557 6,170 1992 21.441 0.182 1.950 61,648 20,708 12,872 7,525 20,544

Average 34.752 0.310 2.248 70,944 31,502 17,854 7,274 14,729

Figure 5.1.2. Annual total discharge for West Holland River at Hwy #11: 1982-1990 Station SH - (03-0077-002-02)

33 TABLE 5.1.3 Discharge Summary Table for Holland River at Cook Bay : 1983-1992. Station CB - (03-0077-316-02)

Maximum Minimum Mean Total Winter Spring Summer Fall Year Daily Daily Daily Discharge Discharge Discharge Discharge Discharge (m3/s) (m3/s) (m3/s) (103 m3) (103 m3) (103 m3) (103 m3) (103 m3) 1982 ------1983 49.937 0.885 3.873 122,151 44,319 41,985 10,269 9,963 1984 104.770 0.670 4.120 130,351 67,455 34,498 10,525 17,874 1985 103.200 0.630 4.850 152,800 68,784 36,943 13,982 33,090 1986 79.154 0.783 5.191 163,704 59,242 27,608 41,420 35,434 1987 65.430 0.731 4.471 140,992 56,936 34,794 23,195 26,068 1988 27.594 0.474 2.958 93,532 40,273 29,165 8,450 15,644 1989 38.647 0.547 2.917 91,992 28,276 30,185 12,901 20,630 1990 99.000 0.722 5.655 178,338 93,708 33,429 46,184 38,446 1991 41.541 0.309 3.327 104,935 45,766 40,447 6,903 11,820 1992 43.787 0.439 4.201 132,842 34,959 28,981 24,374 44,528

Average 65.306 0.619 4.156 131,164 53,972 33,804 19,820 25,350

Figure 5.1.3. Annual total discharge for Holland River at Cook Bay: 1983-1992. Station CB - (03-0077-316-02)

34 eliminate inconsistency the data are displayed but not used in calculating averages. The average total annual discharge for the Black River at Baldwin was approximately 7.22x107 m3 for the years 1984-1992 (Table 5.1.4). The highest discharge was measured in 1990 at a volume of 9.03x107 m3 which exceeded the average by 19 percent. Once again the lowest discharge recorded occurred during 1988 at 4.83x107 m3 with total discharge in 1989 also reporting well below the annual average (Figure 5.1.4).

5.2 Water Quality

Water quality results have been presented in four main categories which are:

1) Summary statistics of water quality parameter concentrations 2) Water quality time trends: 1982-1992 3) Exceedances of water quality objectives 4) Annual loadings of total phosphorus and suspended solids

Water quality data were first summarized by presenting the basic statistics of the parameter concentrations. Due to the large amount of data, water quality results are discussed by groups which also makes similar geographic areas easier to compare. The rationale for grouping was based on stream order and geographic location.

The groupings are as follows:

Group no. Station code & nos.* Reason for grouping PT-(314), US-(315), Group 1 Upstream and upland tributaries. NS-(307), KB-(306) HM-(309), SP-(308), Group 2 Holland Marsh inlet and outlets. PP-(303) Group 3 SH-(002), HL-(310) Two main branches of the Holland River. Group 4 CB-(316), BL-(313) Main rivers flowing directly into to Lake Simcoe

* (See Figure 3.2 for locations)

As discussed earlier in section 4.3, most water quality parameters exhibit a high degree of variability which makes it difficult to monitor trends over space and time. However, using a basic set of summary statistics one can at least get a picture of the degree of variability and indications of possible trends of water quality variables over time.

35 TABLE 5.1.4. Discharge Summary Table for Black River at Baldwin Dam : 1982-1992. Station BL - (02EC008)

Maximum Minimum Mean Total Winter Spring Summer Fall Year Daily Daily Daily Discharge Discharge Discharge Discharge Discharge (m3/s) (m3/s) (m3/s) (103 m3) (103 m3) (103 m3) (103 m3) (103 m3) 1982* 43.300 0.484 1.950 113,000 15,158 18,050 7,950 20,350 1983 10.800 0.331 2.294 72,333 22,585 32,481 5,348 11,921 1984 25.200 0.272 2.100 66,500 32,358 21,241 3,695 9,164 1985 28.200 0.536 2.750 86,700 9,816 21,133 9,979 21,359 1986 21.400 0.316 3.050 96,300 29,971 22,366 22,446 21,900 1987 20.500 0.413 2.340 73,900 24,307 19,806 9,991 19,757 1988 13.300 0.254 1.530 48,300 15,060 17,402 4,752 10,773 1989 16.000 0.312 1.845 58,194 14,091 23,790 6,622 13,690 1990 77.500 0.158 2.862 90,259 40,425 23,628 5,898 20,307 1991 25.000 0.264 2.026 64,060 25,456 7,696 3,804 6,170 1992 14.800 0.396 2.069 65,591 14,429 8,509 11,317 22,179

Average 26.909 0.340 2.256 75,922 22,151 19,646 8,346 16,143

For Black River at Baldwin Dam (WSC Station no. 02EC008) The 15 year average total annual discharge (1965-1969 & 1983-1992) is 70400 dam3. The 15 year mean daily discharge (1965-1969 & 1983-1992) is 2.23m3/s

Figure 5.1.4 Annual total discharge for Black River at Baldwin: 1982-1992. Station BL - (02EC008)

36 The complete water quality sample concentration data set (1982-1992) for all monitored stations is included in Appendix C. Summary statistics for each station's data set for suspended solids, total phosphorus, filtered reactive phosphorus, and total Kjeldahl nitrogen is included in Appendix D.

Group One

Total Phosphorus

Group one includes the four upstream Holland River tributaries, namely Upper (US) and North (NS) Schomberg Rivers, West Pottageville Creek(PT), and Kettleby Creek (KB). Among these four tributaries for the period of 1982-1992, the median total phosphorus sample concentrations have averaged 0.047mg/L at Kettleby Creek and 0.135mg/L at the North Schomberg River (Appendix D1, D2, D3, D4). Annual median total phosphorus concentrations at Upper Schomberg have remained well above the PWQO for the years 1982-1992 (Figure 5.2.1). From this figure, one can see that the median total phosphorus levels have been increasing since 1982 but has dropped significantly in 1991 and 1992. Kettleby Creek originates in the Oak Ridges Moraine running through natural state areas and total phosphorus levels are low averaging around 0.047mg/L (Figure 5.2.2). Kettleby Creek samples have exhibited the greatest variability with an average range (maximum - minimum) of 2.949mg/L for the period of record. Samples from the North Schomberg River have also had a large annual variation in total phosphorus while the median has been relatively constant at about 0.09mg/L (Figure 5.2.3). The medians for 1982 and 1983 were significantly higher than all other years at the North Schomberg River.

Filtered Reactive Phosphorus

The percent dissolved (filtered reactive) phosphorus ranged between 15.1% at Kettleby Creek to 36.5% at Pottageville Creek with Upper Schomberg at 34.1%. The statistics at Pottageville are somewhat unreliable for the years 1986-1988 because there were less than 10 samples for the whole year (Appendix D1, D2, D3, D4). The average filtered reactive phosphorus sample concentrations for the upland tributaries ranged from 0.02mg/L at Kettleby Creek to a high of 0.057mg/L at the Upper Schomberg and 0.05mg/L at North Schomberg.

Suspended Solids

Both Kettleby Creek and North Schomberg samples showed high variability and levels of suspended solids with overall average sample concentrations of 103.1 mg/L and 140.2mg/L respectively for the period of 1982-1992. Upper Schomberg sample levels were much lower averaging 68.4mg/L. The greatest variability was at Kettleby Creek having an average

37 * The upper and lower quartile bounds the middle 50% of the data. PWQO-Prov. Water Quality Objective. Figure 5.2.1 Total phosphorus concentrations for Upper Schomberg at 8th Conc. (US): 1982-1992.

* The upper and lower quartile bounds the middle 50% of the data. PWQO=Prov. Water Quality Objective. Figure 5.2.2 Total phosphorus concentrations at Kettleby Creek at Hwy #9 (KB): 1982-1992.

38 * The upper and lower quartile bounds the middle 50% of the data. PWQO-Prov. Water Quality Objective. Figure 5.2.3 Total phosphorus concentrations for North Schomberg at 5th Conc. (NS): 1982-1992.

* The upper end lower quartile bounds the middle 50% of the data. PWQO=Prov. Water Quality Objective. Figure 5.2.4 Total phosphorus concentrations for Bradford Pumphouse (PP): 1982-1992.

39 annual range (minimum - maximum) of 1722mg/L suspended solid concentration (Appendix D1, D2, D3, D4).

Group 2

Total Phosphorus

Group 2 includes a station near the main inlet into the Holland Marsh located on the North Canal at Hwy. #9 (HM) and the two main pumping stations for the inner Holland Marsh; Bradford (PP) and Springdale (SP) pumphouses (see Figure 3.2 for locations). The sample concentrations of total phosphorus at the North Canal station at Hwy #9 have on average ranged from a minimum of 0.019 mg/L to a maximum of 0.963 mg/L with an overall average for 1982-1992 of 0.099 mg/L. Sampled output from the two pumphouses was considerably higher in phosphorus than all other sampling stations. The Bradford pumphouse is the main pump used to control water levels within the Holland Marsh and pumps water up from the east end of the old inner Schomberg (East Holland) River that runs through the middle of the diked Holland Marsh. Most of the fields within the Holland Marsh are intensively farmed and are tile drained with the outlets draining directly into the inner river and flow towards the Bradford pumphouse when the pumps are running. Taking the above facts into consideration, it becomes more understandable why average phosphorus concentrations in pumpoff water range from a minimum of 0.107 mg/L to a maximum of 2.378mg/L (Appendix D5, D6, D7). The overall 1982-1992 average total phosphorus sample concentration for pumpoff water from the Bradford pumphouse was 0.743 mg/L. The median total phosphorus sample concentrations for the Bradford pumphouse for the years 1982-1992 have remained very high (Figure 5.2.4). The Springdale pump is used much less frequently, only being run when the inner marsh water levels cannot be controlled fast enough using the Bradford pumps (50hp and 100hp). Total phosphorus levels in the samples taken from pumpoff water at the Springdale pump are slightly lower having an overall average of 0.705mg/L (Appendix D5, D6, D7) which may be due to the fact that the Springdale pumphouse is located closer towards the inlet of the Holland Marsh.

Filtered Reactive Phosphorus

Probably the most astounding statistics are the filtered reactive phosphorus concentrations found in pumpoff water from the two pumphouses. The percent dissolved (filtered reactive) averaged 80.4% of total phosphorus at the Bradford pumphouse and 68.6% at the Springdale pumphouse. The filtered reactive phosphorus sample concentrations ranged on average between 0.044mg/L and 2.438mg/L with an overall average of 0.610 mg/L at the Bradford pumphouse. The concentrations at Springdale pumphouse were lower, with an overall average of 0.519mg/L. The FRP sample concentration at the North Canal at Hwy #9 consistently averaged around 0.033mg/L with a narrow range (minimum - maximum) of 0.203mg/L (Appendix D5, D6, D7). At this station, the percent filtered reactive phosphorus averaged 33.5% of the total phosphorus.

40 Suspended Solids

Suspended solids were usually quite low at the North Canal station with a overall mean sample concentration of 22.4 mg/L. Suspended solids are continually re-suspended at the two pumphouses by the action of the pump impellers. The overall average suspended solids sample concentration was 24.3 mg/L at the Bradford pumphouse and 44.8mg/L at the Springdale pumphouse.

Group 3

Group 3 includes stations on the two main branches of Holland River; one station at Holland Landing lock (HL) on the east branch and a station at highway #11 in Bradford (SH) on the west branch of the Holland River (see Figure 3.2 for location map).

Total Phosphorus

Although total phosphorus levels are not as high as those found in the pumpoff water, sample concentrations from both branches of the Holland River are quite high, ranging on average from 0.030 mg/L to a high of 2.304mg/L at Holland Landing. The total phosphorus sample concentrations for the West Holland River at Hwy #11 fall largely between 0.1 and 0.2 mg/L (Figure 5.2.5). The East Holland River at Holland Landing station total phosphorus levels were often well above 0.25 mg/L (Figure 5.2.6). The overall average total phosphorus sample concentration at Holland Landing was 0.375 mg/L and 0.203 mg/L for the West Holland at Hwy #11 (Appendix D8 and D9).

Filtered Reactive Phosphorus

Filtered reactive phosphorus as a percentage of total phosphorus averaged 48.6% at the West Holland River, probably influenced significantly by the addition of the pumpoff water from the Bradford pumphouse. The mean percentage of total phosphorus was 37.3% for the Holland River at Holland Landing station. The overall filtered reactive phosphorus sample concentration was 0.099mg/L for the West Holland River and 0.138 mg/L at Holland Landing (Appendix D8, D9).

Suspended Solids

Suspended solids levels increased significantly at Holland Landing in the last four years of the study period, raising the 1982-1992 average sample concentration to 145 mg/L which is one of the highest levels for all sampling stations in our network. With a frequently low river velocity, the West Holland River samples have a correspondingly low suspended solids level with an 1982-1992 average concentration of 30 mg/L. Suspended solids levels were almost doubled in 1990 samples taken at both branches of the Holland river, likely due to the flood conditions that occurred in early spring causing a great deal of erosion throughout the watershed. Sediments eroded in the spring gradually get washed downstream with each

41 * The upper and lower quartile bounds the middle 50% of the data. PWQO=Prov. Water Quality Objective Figure 5.2.6 Total phosphorus concentrations for E. Holland R. at Holland Landing (HL):1982-1992.

* The upper and lower quartile bounds the middle 50% of the data. PWQO=Prov. Water Quality Objective Figure 5.2.8 Total phosphorus concentrations at Black River at Sutton Dam (BL): 1982-1992.

42 successive moderate to high flow event. This usually causes elevated suspended solids levels for the rest of the year.

Group 4

Group 4 monitoring stations include the Holland River near Cook Bay (CB) and the Black River at Sutton Dam (BL). These two stations represent discharge flowing directly into Lake Simcoe and therefore provide the best measure of what is actually discharging into the Lake (see Figure 3.2 for locations).

Total Phosphorus

Total phosphorus sample concentration boxplot for the Holland River near Cook Bay illustrate the relative consistency of phosphorus levels at this station for 1982-1992 (Figure 5.2.7). The highest annual mean was recorded in 1990 at 0.198mg/L and the lowest in 1989 at 0.117 mg/L. The 1982-1992 overall average total phosphorus concentration was 0.153mg/L compared to 0.056 mg/L for the Black River at Sutton Dam Station. This would indicate that total phosphorus concentrations in the Holland River are much higher than in the Black River even though both watersheds are the same size. The annual median total phosphorus sample concentrations for the Black River at Sutton Dam for the period of 1982-1992 have remained just above the PWQO (Figure 5.2.8).

Filtered Reactive Phosphorus

Filtered reactive phosphorus (FRP) sample concentrations are on average three times higher for the Holland River near Cook Bay (0.057mg/L) than at the Black River at Sutton Dam (Appendix D10, D11). FRP as a percentage of total phosphorus averaged 37.5% for the Holland River samples compared to 31.8% for the Black River with both stations showing the lowest fraction in 1988 which corresponds to the year of lowest discharge.

Suspended Solids

River velocities are very low at the sampling stations for both the Black and the Holland River which usually results in a reduction in suspended solids due to settling. This is correlated with the low 1982-1992 average annual suspended solids concentrations for Black River samples (14.4mg/L) and for the Holland River near Cook Bay samples (24.7mg/L) with all values less than 355mg/L.

43 * The upper and lower quartile bound the middle 50% of the data. PWQO-Prov. Water Quality Objective. Figure 5.2.7 Total phosphorus concentrations for the Holland River at Cook Bay (CB): 1983-1992.

* The upper and lower quartile bounds the middle 50% of the data. PWQO=Prov. Water Quality Objective. Figure 5.2.8 Total phosphorus concentrations at Black River at Sutton Dam (BL): 1982-1992

44 5.3 Water Quality Time Trends: 1982-1992

TRENDS statistical analysis program was used to graphically analyze and present water quality trends over time. The results are presented in figures 5.3.1 to 5.3.11 inclusive and provide an overall view of sampled total phosphorus concentrations for all stations. The TRENDS program analyzes the data set providing a complete scatter plot of all samples taken with a time weighted mean trend line and a trend line. The trend line is generated using a running median and a local regression which filters out the effects of data clusters and random extreme values. The Percent variation due to trend" is an estimate of the approximate contribution to variation due to an actual trend as opposed to random data "noise" 1. In later data analysis reports the TRENDS program will be used more extensively.

______1 Bodo, Byron A. with MOEE. 1991. "TRENDS: PC-Software, Users Guide and Documentation for Robust Graphical Time Series Analysis of Long Term Surface Water Quality Records."

45 TRENDS IN LOG10 RAW DATA SERIES Total Phosphorus — Unfiltered (mg/L) Upper Schomberg River at 20th Sideroad (US)

Run #1: Run date: July 15, 1994 pgm = TR1 _____ Trend — — Time—weighted mean trend = 0.099 Maximum trend = 0.149 @ JAN 5 1990 Minimum trend = 0.048 NOV 25 1992 Trend range= 0.101 Observations = 494 Series begins @ OCT 4 1982 Series ends @ NOV 25 1992 Filter = 4 Unit smoothing interval = 1yr Minimum smoothing on 49 observations

TREND TEST ON ANNUAL T—W MEANS: Spearman RHO = 0.082 p(RHO) = 0.811 dof = 9 % Variation due to trend = 12.5 Data file: USWQ8292.dat Parameter: PPUT Site: 03007731502

Figure 5.3.1. Trend plot and analysis for Upper Schomberg River (US) total phosphorus concentrations: 1982-1992.

46 TRENDS IN LOG10 RAW DATA SERIES Total Phosphorus — Unfiltered (mg/L) West Pottageville Creek at Lloydtown Road (PT)

Run #1: Run date: July 15, 1994 pgm = TR1 _____ Trend — — Time—weighted mean trend = 0.057 Maximum trend = 0.083 @ MAR 12 1985 Minimum trend = 0.030 @ DEC 17 1992 Trend range= 0.054 Observations = 435 Series begins @ JUN 29 1982 Series ends @ DEC 17 1992 Filter = 4 Unit smoothing interval = 1yr Minimum smoothing on 42 observations

TREND TEST ON ANNUAL T—W MEANS: Spearman RHO = -0.359 p(RHO) = 0.309 dof = 8 % Variation due to trend = 11.5 Data file: PTwq8292.dat Parameter: PPUT Site: 03007731402

Figure 5.3.2 Trend plot and analysis for West Pottageville Creek (PT) total phosphorus concentrations: 1982-1992.

47 TRENDS IN LOG10 RAW DATA SERIES Total Phosphorus — Unfiltered (mg/L) North Schomberg River at the 5th Line (NS) Run #1: Run date: July 15, 1994 pgm = TR1 _____ Trend — — Time—weighted mean trend = 0.100 Maximum trend = 0.354 @ MAY 3 1983 Minimum trend = 0.062 @ DEC 18 1990 Trend range = 0.292 Observations = 946 Series begins @ JUN 29 1982 Series ends © NOV 25 1992 Filter = 4 Unit smoothing interval = 1yr Minimum smoothing on 91 observations

TREND TEST ON ANNUAL T—W MEANS: Spearman RHO = —0.682 p(RHO) = 0.021 dof = 9 % Variation due to trend = 20.4 Data file: NSwq8292.dat Parameter: PPUT Site: 03007730702

Figure 5.3.3. Trend plot and analysis for North Schomberg River (NS) total phosphorus concentrations:1982-1992.

48 TRENDS IN LOG10 RAW DATA SERIES Total Phosphorus — Unfiltered (mg/L) Kettleby Creek at HWY # 9 (KB)

Run #1: Run date: July 15, 1994 pgm = TR1 _____ Trend — — Time—weighted mean trend = 0.045 Maximum trend = 0.106 @ FEB 21 1983 Minimum trend = 0.026 @ MAY 4 1987 Trend range= 0.080 Observations = 856 Series begins @ JUN 29 1982 Series ends @ DEC 18 1992 Filter = 4 Unit smoothing interval = 1yr Minimum smoothing on 82 observations

TREND TEST ON ANNUAL T—W MEANS: Spearman RHO = -0.436 p(RHO) = 0.180 dof = 9 % Variation due to trend = 13.8 Data file: KBwq8292.dat Parameter: PPUT Site: 03007730602

Figure 5.3.4 Trend plot and analysis far Kettleby Creek (KB) total phosphorus concentrations:1982-1992.

49 TRENDS IN LOG10 RAW DATA SERIES Total Phosphorus — Unfiltered (mg/L) North Drainage Canal at Hwy # 9 (HM) Run #1: Run date: July 15, 1994 pgm = TR1 _____ Trend — — Time—weighted mean trend = 0.055 Maximum trend = 0.140 @ MAR 11 1982 Minimum trend = 0.035 @ NOV 25 1992 Trend range= 0.105 Observations = 738 Series begins @ MAR 11 1982 Series ends @ NOV 25 1992 Filter = 4 Unit smoothing interval = 1yr Minimum smoothing on 69 observations

TREND TEST ON ANNUAL T—W MEANS: Spearman RHO = -0.927 p(RHO) = 0.000 dof = 9 % Variation due to trend = 23.2 Data file: HMwq8292.dat Parameter: PPUT Site: 03007730902

Figure 5.3.5 Trend plot and analysis for North Drainage Canal (HM) total phosphorus concentrations: 1982-1992.

50 TRENDS IN LOG10 RAW DATA SERIES Total Phosphorus — Unfiltered (mg/L) Bradford Pumphouse (PP) Run #1: Run date: July 15, 1994 pgm = TR1 _____ Trend — — Time—weighted mean trend = 0.592 Maximum trend = 0.770 @ OCT 28 1984 Minimum trend = 0.427 @ SEP 27 1986 Trend range= 0.342 Observations = 976 Series begins @ OCT 27 1982 Series ends @ DEC 14 1992 Filter = 4 Unit smoothing interval = 1yr Minimum smoothing on 97 observations

TREND TEST ON ANNUAL T—W MEANS: Spearman RHO = -0.018 p(RHO) = 0.958 dof = 9 % Variation due to trend = 10.5 Data file: PPwq8292.dat Parameter PPUT Site: 03007730302

Figure 5.3.6 Trend plot and analysis for Bradford Pumphouse (PP) total Phosphorus concentrations: 1982 - 1992.

51 TRENDS IN LOG10 RAW DATA SERIES Total Phosphorus — Unfiltered (mg/L) Springdale Pumphouse (SP) Run #1: Run date: July 15, 1994 pgm = TR1 _____ Trend — — Time—weighted mean trend = 0.518 Maximum trend = 1.661 @ MAR 15 1982 Minimum trend = 0.233 @ MAY 8 1983 Trend range= 1.428 Observations = 332 Series begins @ MAR 15 1982 Series ends @ NOV 25 1992 Filter = 4 Unit smoothing interval = 1yr Minimum smoothing on 31 observations

TREND TEST ON ANNUAL T—W MEANS: Spearman RHO = 0.350 p(RHO) = 0.356 dof = 7 % Variation due to trend = 52.0 Data file: SPwq8292.dat Parameter: PPUT Site: 03007730802

Figure 5.3.7 Trend plot and analysis for Springdale Pumphouse (SP) total phosphorus concentrations: 1982-1992.

52 TRENDS IN LOG10 RAW DATA SERIES Total Phosphorus — Unfiltered (mg/L) West Holland River at HWY # 11 (SH) Run #1: Run date: July 15, 1994 pgm = TR1 _____ Trend — — Time—weighted mean trend = 0.150 Maximum trend = 0.268 @ MAR 11 1982 Minimum trend = 0.123 @ MAY 19 1987 Trend range= 0.145 Observations = 737 Series begins @ MAR 11 1982 Series ends @ NOV 24 1992 Filter = 4 Unit smoothing interval = 1yr Minimum smoothing on 69 observations

TREND TEST ON ANNUAL T—W MEANS: Spearman RHO = -0.765 p(RHO) = 0.006 dof = 9 % Variation due to trend = 4.7 Data file: SHwq8292.dat Parameter: PPUT Site: 03007700202

Figure 5.3.8 Trend plot and analysis for West Holland River (SH) total phosphorus concentrations: 1982-1992.

53 TRENDS IN LOG10 RAW DATA SERIES Total Phosphorus — Unfiltered (mg/L) ROLAND RIVER AT HOLLAND LANDING LOCK (HL) Run #1: Run date: July 15, 1994 pgm = TR1 _____ Trend — — Time—weighted mean trend = 0.271 Maximum trend = 0.421 @ OCT 3 1983 Minimum trend = 0.199 @ OCT 20 1986 Trend range= 0.222 Observations = 987 Series begins @ MAR 16 1982 Series ends @ DEC 17 1992 Filter = 4 Unit smoothing interval = 1yr Minimum smoothing on 92 observations

TREND TEST ON ANNUAL T—W MEANS: Spearman RHO = -0.237 p(RHO) = 0.483 dof = 9 % Variation due to trend = 15.6 Data file: HLwq8292.dat Parameter: PPUT Site: 03007731002

Figure 5.3.9 Trend plot and analysis for Holland River at Holland Landing (HL) total phosphorus concentrations: 1982-1992.


Run #1: Run date: July 15,1994 pgm = TR1 _____ Trend — — Time—weighted mean trend = 0.126 Maximum trend = 0.159 @ OCT 7 1985 Minimum trend = 0.109 @ DEC 17 1992 Trend range= 0.050 Observations = 557 Series begins @ JAN 27 1983 Series ends @ DEC 17 1992 Filter = 4 Unit smoothing interval = 1yr Minimum smoothing on 57 observations

TREND TEST ON ANNUAL T—W MEANS: Spearman RHO = -0.903 p(RHO) = 0.000 dof = 8 % Variation due to trend = 7.1 Data file: CBwq8292.dat Parameter: PPUT Site: 03007731602

Figure 5.3.10 Trend plot and analysis for Holland River near Cook Bay (CB) total phosphorus concentrations: 1982-1992.

55 TRENDS IN LOG10 RAW DATA SERIES Total Phosphorus — Unfiltered (mg/L) Black River at Sutton Dam (BL)

Run #1: Run date: July 15, 1994 pgm = TR1 _____ Trend — — Time—weighted mean trend = 0.042 Maximum trend = 0.063 @ MAR 13 1982 Minimum trend = 0.031 @ DEC 9 1992 Trend range= 0.032 Observations = 895 Series begins @ MAR 13 1982 Series ends @ DEC 9 1992 Filter = 4 Unit smoothing interval = 1yr Minimum smoothing on 84 observations

TREND TEST ON ANNUAL T—W MEANS: Spearman RHO = 0.091 p(RHO) = 0.790 dof = 9 % Variation due to trend = 15.0 Data file: BLwq8292.dat Parameter: PPUT Site: 03007731302 Figure 5.3.11 Trend plot and analysis for Black River (BL) total phosphorus concentrations: 1982-1992.

56 5.4 Percent Exceedance of the PWQO for Phosphorus

One method used to evaluate water quality of over 10,000 samples that have been taken is to compare results to criteria developed by the MOEE known as the Provincial Water Quality Objectives (PWQO). The PWQO represents a desirable level of water quality and were designed to protect and preserve aquatic life and the recreational potential of surface waters within the province of Ontario. The PWQO for phosphorus in surface waters for rivers and streams is 0.03 mg/L 2. River systems with phosphorus concentrations exceeding this amount have a greater probability of experiencing accelerated algal growth which may lead to degraded aquatic life habitat and degraded recreation potential. In addition to the PWQO exceedance rate, the percent exceedance equivalent to ten times the PWQO (0.3 mg/L) was calculated to provide a better indication of problem magnitude. The complete results of this analysis for the period between 1982 to 1992 inclusive, are presented for all stations on the Holland and Black Rivers in Appendix E.

For the purpose of this report, results from only four key sampling stations were examined in detail. The stations reviewed include:

< the Black River at Sutton, < the Holland River at Cook Bay, < the east branch of the Holland River at Holland Landing, < the west branch of the Holland River at Highway 11 near Bradford.

Over 50% of the samples from the Black River at Sutton consistently exceeded the PWQO for eleven years of data (Figure 5.4.1). The highest rate of percent exceedance occurred in 1982 at 88% with the lowest values recorded in 1984 and 1985 at 48%. Only two years, 1988 and 1989, reported an exceedance of ten times the PWQO at 3% and 4% respectively. It is obvious from these results that land use activities within the Black River sub-basin are impacting upon water quality. However, upon comparing these results to those recorded in the Holland River (Figure 5.4.2), it is immediately apparent that the intensity or types of land use occurring within the Black River have much less of a water quality impact than those associated with the Holland River basin.

Water quality samples for the Holland River at Cook Bay were not collected until 1983. The water quality samples collected from Holland River at Cook Bay seldom met the PWQO for phosphorus with a 100 percent violation rate for four years of data and the remaining exceedance rate never dropping below 90 percent (Figure 5.4.2).

______2 MOEE. 1984. Water Management: Goals, Policies, Objectives and Implementation Procedures of the Ministry of the Environment.

57 Figure 5.4.1. Phosphorus Exceedance in the Black River at Sutton Dam (BL).

Figure 5.4.2. Phosphorus Exceedance in the Holland River at Cook Bay (CB).

58 In addition, nine out of the ten years of data contained sample concentrations which exceeded 0.3 mg/L or ten times the PWQO with results ranging between 4 to 16 percent exceedance.

Results are also presented for two upstream water quality stations along the Holland River from which surface waters eventually drain to the Cook Bay station. The two stations are located on separate branches of the Holland River, one on the east branch where it enters the community of Holland Landing and one on the main branch of the Holland River at Highway 11 near Bradford. The stations can also be differentiated based on the land use within their drainage areas. The Holland Landing station is characterized primarily as draining an urban area while the station near Bradford measures the impacts associated with more rural or agricultural land practices.

The east branch of the Holland River at Holland Landing recorded the worst water quality results of all of the stations presented. Phosphorus concentration in samples from this station consistently exceeding the PWQO 100 percent of the time except in 1991 and 1992 where only 2 percent of the samples were below the PWQO (Figure 5.4.3). This station also measured the highest percent exceedance for the ten times PWQO concentration with results ranging from 24 to 77 percent. Of specific interest is the change in the ten times PWQO results which occurred after 1984 where the frequency of exceedances displays a noticeable decline.

It is theorized that this decline reflects the diversion of sanitary waste from Newmarket and Aurora which eliminated the further discharging of effluent into the east branch of the Holland River. This diversion resulted in a net reduction in the point source phosphorus loading and was measured downstream at the Holland Landing monitoring station. This reduction is not discernable until grouped into the ten times PWQO exceedance data. Since using exceedances to evaluate water quality only provides a yardstick by which to compare results a more detailed investigation of phosphorus concentrations and loadings should be undertaken to substantiate the apparent differences pre and post 1984.

The samples taken from the west branch of the Holland River at Highway 11 near Bradford were rarely below the PWQO (Figure 5.4.4), though overall, results are better than observed at the Holland Landing station. The highest percent exceedance measured was 100 percent for the years 1985 and 1986. The lowest recorded exceedance was measured in 1989 at 89 percent which contrasts results for the group exceedances for ten times PWQO which clearly shows that 1989 had the highest rate of exceedance at 58 percent.

59 Figure 5.4.3. Phosphorus Exceedance in the Holland River at Holland Landing (HL).

Figure 5.4.4. Phosphorus Exceedance at Highway 11 near Bradford (SH).

60 5.5 Annual Water Quality Loadings

Annual loading estimates have been calculated for eleven water monitoring stations and eleven years of data from 1982 to 1992 for the Holland and Black River sub-basins. Pollutant loadings were determined for three out of seven water quality parameters measured including two chemical parameters, total phosphorus and filtered reactive phosphorus, and one physical test, suspended solids. (Appendix F). For the purpose of this report loading results for monitoring stations have been categorized into four groups based on physiography, and stream order described in this chapter.

Group One

Group one includes four monitoring stations located in the upland areas of the Holland River upstream of the Holland Marsh. Figures 5.5.1 through 5.5.4 display the pollutant loadings for the Kettleby Creek (KB), the West Pottageville Creek (PT), the Upper Schomberg River (US) and the North Schomberg River (NS). Loadings for each of the stations was extremely variable. No obvious trend between the stations was discernable.

Phosphorus and sediment loadings calculated for the monitoring station at Kettleby Creek (KB) located at Highway 9 show a great deal of variability from year to year (Figure 5.5.1). For example, the lowest phosphorus load measured was in 1987 at approximately 0.6 tonnes, while the highest load which was recorded in 1983 was 5.8 tonnes or almost ten times the lowest annual load. Annual precipitation data is listed below the graph and reported in millimetres (mm). Suspended solids or sediment loads also exhibited a wide range with results reported between 600 and 3300 tonnes per year. The average annual phosphorus load for (KB) was 2.78 tonnes per year. The filtered reactive phosphorus loads generally represented less than 15 percent of the annual total phosphorus loads. Most of the loading measured at this station is in the form of particulate phosphorus. As a result, a direct relationship exists between phosphorus and sediment loads whereby when sediment loads increase so do loads for total phosphorus. No relationship was observed between annual precipitation and phosphorus or sediment loading probably because annual precipitation is too crude a measurement and does not reflect seasonal variation or significant individual precipitation events.

Phosphorus and sediment loadings were observed to be extremely variable at West Pottageville Creek (PT) with phosphorus loads ranging between 0.2 and 1.0 tonne per year and sediment loads from 50 to 650 tonnes annually (Figure 5.5.2). The average annual total phosphorus load was estimated to be 0.58 tonnes. The relationship between total phosphorus and suspended solids is not as clear for this station since there is a greater proportion of filtered reactive phosphorus in the total phosphorus load. The average annual phosphorus load for the Upper Schomberg River (US) station was 1.64 tonnes with loading results ranging between 0.75 and 3.4 tonnes per year (Figure 5.5.3). The total phosphorus load for the North Schomberg station (NS) located near Highway 400 north of the Holland Marsh was 2.80 tonnes on average with loading results ranging from 0.54 tonnes of

61 Figure 5.5.1. Phosphorus and Sediment Loadings for Kettleby Creek 1982 - 1992.

Figure 5.5.2. Phosphorus and Sediment Loadings at West Pottageville Creek 1982 - 1992.

62 Figure 5.5.3. Phosphorus and Sediment Loadings for Upper Schomberg River 1982 - 1992.

Figure 5.5.4. Phosphorus and Sediment Loadings for North Schomberg River 1982 - 1992.

63 phosphorus in 1988 to 10.2 tonnes of phosphorus in 1982 (Figure 5.5.4).

Group Two

Group two includes three monitoring stations bordering the Holland Marsh Polder. Station HM is located on the Holland River where it inlets to the canal system at Highway 9. The remaining two monitoring sites are pumping stations which discharge polder drainage water into the canals. Springdale pumphouse (SP) is located on the north canal near the confluence with the North Schomberg River and the Bradford pumping station (PP) is in Bradford near Highway 11 (Figure 3.2).

The average annual phosphorus load calculated for the Schomberg River up to the Holland Marsh River at highway # 9 (HM) was 2.41 tonnes with annual data ranging between 0.86 tonnes in 1989 and 5.18 tonnes in 1982 (Figure 5.5.5). This station is located downstream from monitoring stations (US) and (PT) on the Schomberg and Pottageville Creeks and receives the combined drainage from both of these areas. The average annual suspended solid load for (HM) was 792 tonnes and appeared to vary similarly to total phosphorus loads.

Loading calculations for the two pumphouse stations were calculated directly from pumping volume data and water quality results as described in chapter four. Therefore, phosphorus and sediment loads were only produced during periods when the pumping stations were operating. The average annual phosphorus load for the pumping station at Springdale (SP) on the north canal was 1.7 tonnes and ranged between 2.5 tonnes produced in 1982 and 0.0 tonnes in 1988 (Figure 5.5.6). Sediment loads were smaller than most other stations ranging from 0 to 210 tonnes per year.

On average the filtered reactive phosphorus load at Springdale pumphouse represented 65 percent of the total phosphorus load. The high ratio of filtered reactive to total phosphorus may be related to the extensive use of chemical fertilizers on the well drained muck soils. It is logical to assume that phosphorus contained in the muck soils is leaching into field tiles where it is discharged into the inner canals and subsequently pumped out of the inner marsh river into the north canal.

The third and last monitoring site within the Holland Marsh Polder is the Bradford pumphouse (PP) near Highway 11. A similarly high ratio of filtered reactive phosphorus to total phosphorus was observed at this station, averaging 76 percent. The average annual phosphorus load produced at the pumphouse was 3.9 tonnes (Figure 5.5.7) which is much larger than at Springdale. The largest loading estimate (8.6 tonnes) was generated in 1982. Loads since 1982 have never exceeded 5.1 tonnes per year and have been observed as low as 1.4 tonnes in 1988.

64 Figure 5.5.5. Phosphorus and Sediment Loadings for Holland River at Hwy 9 1982 - 1992.

Figure 5.6.6. Phosphorus and Sediment Loadings for Springdale Pumping Station 1982 - 1992.

65 Figure 5.5.7. Phosphorus and Sediment Loadings for Holland Marsh at Bradford Pumphouse 1982 - 1992.

66 Group Three

The water monitoring stations grouped under this section include one station on each of the two main branches of the Holland River before they converge. The average annual phosphorus loading for the west branch of the Holland River at Highway 11 (SH) was 15.8 tonnes with the highest annual loading to date occurring in 1990 at 26.0 tonnes and the lowest load produced in 1988 at 9.8 tonnes (Figure 5.5.8). This wide range in annual phosphorus loadings further emphasizes the year-to-year variability. This station is located downstream from the Holland Marsh Polder and receives the combined surface water draining from the upland tributaries, pumphouses and canals. The ratio of filtered reactive phosphorus to total phosphorus for SH also varied from year to year but the filtered reactive phosphorus load seldom dropped below 50 percent of the total phosphorus load recorded with the exception of the results for 1983 and 1990. This continued high percentage of filtered reactive phosphorus may be a result of the influence of polder water which is discharged from the pump stations (SP) and (PP). In addition to an increase in total phosphorus, suspended solid load also exhibited the cumulative effect from the greater upstream drainage area. Sediment loads range from 1135 tonnes in 1988 to 6,300 tonnes measured in 1990 with an overall average annual suspended solids loading of 2,600 tonnes.

The station on the east branch of the Holland River in Holland Landing (HL) monitors surface waters draining from the Towns of Aurora, Newmarket and Holland Landing. The total average annual phosphorus loading measured at (HL) site was approximately 17.7 tonnes per year slightly greater than the loading measured at station (SH). Similarly the loadings at (HL) exhibited a large amount of variability ranging from 14.2 tonnes in 1989 to 39.0 tonnes in 1990 (Figure 5.5.9). A noticeable decline was observed in the total phosphorus loadings after 1984 which continued until 1990. It is believed that the decline in loading was due to the diversion of Aurora and Newmarket sewage to the Dufferin Sewage Treatment Plant. The significant increase in total phosphorus loadings which occurred in 1990 was also accompanied by a marked increase in sediment loading. Suspended solid loads exhibit the most variability observed for all of the data presented thus far ranging from 3,405 tonnes in 1988 to 17,000 tonnes measured in 1990 with an overall average annual suspended solids loading of 7,960 tonnes.

One theory to explain the increase in sediment loading in 1990 was the semi-permanent removal of stop logs at Rogers Reservoir to relieve pressure placed on the old lock system to prevent the structure from possible failure. The stop logs have been removed annually in the fall and re-installed in the spring after spring run-off. It appears from sediment data (Appendix D8, D9) at HL that the removal of the stop logs prevents sediment from Aurora and Newmarket's stormwater runoff from settling out before travelling further downstream to Holland Landing. Peak events generate very high sediment solids concentrations at Holland Landing which may be related to the flushing action of high flows through Rogers Reservoir which contains a great deal of accumulated sediment.

67 Figure 5.5.8. Phosphorus and Sediment Loadings for Holland River at Hwy #11 1982 - 1992.

Figure 5.5.9. Phosphorus and Sediment Loadings for Holland River at Holland Landing 1982 - 1992.

68 The ratios of filtered reactive phosphorus to total phosphorus for (HL) station also vary from year to year but are in contrast with the results observed at station (SH), as the soluble phosphorus load seldom rose above 40 percent of the total load recorded with the exception of the results for three years from 1986 to 1988.

Group Four

The monitoring stations which have been grouped into this last category are those which are located at the lowest reaches of the Holland and Black Rivers from which recorded pollutant loadings would flow into Lake Simcoe. The monitoring station located near Cook Bay (CB) close to the mouth of the Holland River measures the pollutant loading contributed from the entire Holland River sub-basin including the surface waters flowing through the monitoring stations located at SH and HL. The Black River station located in Sutton is just below the Sutton Dam 1.5 kilometres from Lake Simcoe.

The average annual total phosphorus load measured for the Holland River at (CB) was estimated to be 23.7 tonnes per year. The highest yearly loading was measured at 39.0 tonnes in 1990 and the lowest annual load at 14.2 tonnes in 1989 (Figure 5.5.10). The average annual load of 24 tonnes per year was much less than the combined loads from (SH) and (HL) which are approximately 34 tonnes per year. The loss of 10 tonne per year of phosphorus can in part be attributed to in-stream mechanisms like deposition and phosphorus uptake and cycling by aquatic vegetation.

To investigate this assumption, loading data for filtered reactive phosphorus and suspended solids for (CB) and the two downstream monitoring stations (HL) and (SH) has been examined. The average annual filtered reactive phosphorus loading for the Holland River station at Cook Bay has been estimated to be approximately 10.2 tonnes. By subtracting the loading results at (CB) from the combined results for stations (SH) and (HL) a total reduction in filtered reactive phosphorus loading of 4.95 tonnes was observed.

Similarly, the average annual suspended solids load at station (CB) has been estimated to be 4,638 tonnes. Subtracting the average annual loading results from (CB) from the combined results for stations (SH) and (HL) a total reduction in sediment loading of 5,453 tonnes is observed. These calculations do not account for the entire reduction in phosphorus loading, however, they do indicate that a significant portion of the total annual average loading. has been lost between stations (SH),( HL) and (CB).

Figure 5.5.11 illustrates the loading results for station (BL) located on the Black River in Sutton which measures the pollutant contribution for the entire sub-basin excluding the drainage area north of Sutton to the lake. The average annual phosphorus load was estimated to be 4.0 tonnes. The highest yearly loading was measured in 1982 at 6.4 tonnes per year with the lowest yearly loading reported during 1987 at 2.6 tonnes.

69 The ratio of particulate to soluble phosphorus for this station showed some variation from year to year with the particulate phosphorus comprising most of the total load with soluble phosphorus load seldom exceeding 40 percent of the total load recorded with the exception of the results for 1982 to 1986. Sediment loadings ranged between 425 and 2,150 tonnes per year with an average annual load of only 1,069 tonnes. Two years of data, 1988 and 1989, exhibited unusually high sediment loads which probably can be attributed to the removal and construction of a new dam in Sutton.

Upon comparing the results for the two monitoring stations CB and BL it is obvious that the water quality within the Holland River system is being more severely degraded than the Black River. The annual average phosphorus load at CB of 24.5 tonnes is more than five times that of BL at 4.3 tonnes. Sediment loads for the station at CB of 4,638 tonnes are more than four times the load measured at BL of 1,069 tonnes. The explanation for the marked dissimilarity can probably be attributed to differences in precipitation, and the types and intensity of land use activities within the two sub-basins.

70 Figure 5.5.10. Phosphorus and Sediment Loadings for Holland River at Cook Bay 1982 - 1992.

Figure 5.5.11. Phosphorus and Sediment Loadings for Black River at Sutton Dam 1982 - 1992.

71 Appendix A

Water Quality Parameters

Physical Tests

Suspended solids (RSP)

Chemical Tests

Total phosphorus (TP) Filtered reactive phosphorus (FRP) Total Kjeldahl nitrogen (TKN) Total Filtered Reactive nitrates (TFRN) Ammonia pH Chloride




B.1 Prorated Daily Flows at the Upper Schomberg River at 20th Sideroad B.2 Gauged Daily Flows at West Pottageville Creek at Lloydtown Road B.3 Gauged Daily Flows at North Schomberg River at 5th Concession B.4 Gauged Daily Flows at Kettleby Creek at Highway #9 B.5 Prorated Daily Flows at North Drainage Canal at Highway #9 B.6 Gauged Daily Flows at Bradford Pumphouse at East end of Holland Marsh B.7 Gauged Daily Flows at Springdale Pumphouse on the North Canal B.8 Prorated Daily Flows at West Holland River at Highway #11 near Bradford B.9 Gauged Daily Flows at East Holland River at Holland Landing Lock B.10 Prorated Daily Flows at Holland River near Cook Bay B.11 Gauged Daily Flows at Black River at the Baldwin Dam

Data collection by LSRCA Tributary Monitoring staff, Water Survey of Canada, and Ministry of the Environment.

73 APPENDIX TABLE B1.1 Upper Schomberg At 20th Sideroad - Station ID# 03-0077-315-03 (Us) Daily Discharge In Cubic Metres Per Second For 1982 DAY JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC DAY

1 0.201 0.103 0.110 5.590 0.183 0.175 0.119 0.039 0.040 0.117 0.218 0.543 1 2 0.198 0.100 0.112 2.570 0.171 0.189 0.145 0.033 0.040 0.099 0.673 0.418 2 3 0.211 0.101 0.114 4.040 0.150 0.131 0.059 0.046 0.037 0.094 0.801 0.399 3 4 0.397 0.106 0.116 1.750 0.152 0.098 0.034 0.108 0.039 0.071 0.896 0.541 4 5 0.795 0.106 0.114 1.030 0.170 0.143 0.033 0.086 0.036 0.056 0.915 0.776 5 6 0.433 0.115 0.111 0.733 0.156 0.510 0.029 0.063 0.034 0.056 0.507 2.820 6 7 0.320 0.109 0.101 0.607 0.144 0.385 0.039 0.047 0.033 0.102 0.376 0.870 7 8 0.270 0.108 0.100 0.451 0.275 0.261 0.041 0.044 0.027 0.102 0.319 0.528 8 9 0.220 0.112 0.106 0.469 0.297 0.181 0.039 0.044 0.025 0.080 0.252 0.373 9 10 0.165 0.111 0.118 0.534 0.216 0.135 0.033 0.039 0.025 0.098 0.208 0.295 10 11 0.120 0.109 0.140 0.592 0.172 0.099 0.031 0.036 0.023 0.076 0.207 0.273 11 12 0.100 0.105 0.270 0.571 0.162 0.068 0.028 0.035 0.026 0.064 0.266 0.276 12 13 0.083 0.114 1.200 0.712 0.174 0.085 0.027 0.034 0.025 0.074 0.285 0.178 13 14 0.085 0.109 1.980 0.661 0.149 0.078 0.029 0.032 0.042 0.091 0.246 0.169 14 15 0.087 0.112 4.610 0.587 0.108 0.103 0.029 0.028 0.110 0.088 0.210 0.218 15 16 0.090 0.133 3.260 0.628 0.063 0.266 0.028 0.027 0.081 0.152 0.188 1.100 16 17 0.095 0.121 2.130 1.690 0.067 0.212 0.051 0.026 0.069 0.181 0.173 0.616 17 18 0.100 0.117 2.810 1.060 0.086 0.147 0.089 0.025 0.157 0.156 0.162 0.423 18 19 0.105 0.118 2.300 0.654 0.091 0.360 0.116 0.026 0.118 0.129 0.157 0.329 19 20 0.093 0.120 3.690 1.040 0.110 0.436 0.064 0.028 0.085 0.111 0.162 0.316 20 21 0.089 0.127 2.950 0.956 0.102 0.629 0.043 0.027 0.065 0.093 0.298 0.310 21 22 0.089 0.122 3.070 0.591 0.138 0.734 0.034 0.033 0.073 0.096 0.358 0.290 22 23 0.098 0.119 4.830 0.483 0.177 1.090 0.030 0.036 0.148 0.101 0.335 0.317 23 24 0.098 0.120 5.020 0.427 0.142 0.443 0.028 0.031 0.134 0.087 0.779 1.790 24 25 0.094 0.125 3.850 0.348 0.150 0.304 0.026 0.189 0.119 0.076 0.529 5.330 25 26 0.084 0.121 1.620 0.287 0.122 0.528 0.024 0.126 0.137 0.070 0.351 3.160 26 27 0.079 0.117 1.340 0.309 0.103 0.360 0.033 0.075 0.205 0.072 0.289 1.080 27 28 0.079 0.114 1.290 0.265 0.182 0.252 0.103 0.049 0.233 0.073 0.268 1.170 28 29 0.083 2.230 0.233 0.198 0.232 0.071 0.041 0.162 0.087 0.690 0.938 29 30 0.086 4.020 0.201 0.178 0.180 0.071 0.040 0.134 0.078 0.832 0.421 30 31 0.096 11.200 0.162 0.078 0.043 0.079 0.361 31

TOTAL 5.143 3.194 64.912 30.069 4.750 8.814 1.604 1.536 2.482 2.909 11.950 26.628 TOTAL MEAN 0.166 0.114 2.094 1.002 0.153 0.294 0.052 0.050 0.083 0.094 0.398 0.859 MEAN MAX 0.795 0.133 11.200 5.590 0.297 1.090 0.145 0.189 0.233 0.181 0.915 5.330 MAX MIN 0.079 0.100 0.100 0.201 0.063 0.068 0.024 0.025 0.023 0.056 0.157 0.169 MIN

TOTAL JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC TOTAL DAM3 444 276 5,608 2,598 410 762 139 133 214 251 1032 2301 DAM3


(1 Cubic Dekametre = 1000 Cubic Metres) (DAM3 = Monthly Total Discharge in Cubic Dekametres)




C.1 Monitored Sample Concentrations for Upper Schomberg River at 8th Concession C.2 Monitored Sample Concentrations for West Pottageville Creek at Lloydtown Road C.3 Monitored Sample Concentrations for North Schomberg River at 5th Concession C.4 Monitored Sample Concentrations for Kettleby Creek at Highway #9 C.5 Monitored Sample Concentrations for North Drainage Canal at Highway #9 C.6 Monitored Sample Concentrations for Bradford Pumphouse at East end of Holland Marsh C.7 Monitored Sample Concentrations for Springdale Pumphouse on the North Canal C.8 Monitored Sample Concentrations for West Holland River at Highway #11 near Bradford C.9 Monitored Sample Concentrations for East Holland River at Holland Landing Lock C.10 Monitored Sample Concentrations for Holland River near Cook Bay C.11 Monitored Sample Concentrations for Black River at the Sutton Dam

Data collection by LSRCA Tributary Monitoring staff.

75 APPENDIX C TABLE 6 Page 1 Water Quality Summary for BRADFORD PUMPHOUSE (Station no. 03-0077-303-02) SUSPENDED TOTAL TOTAL TP FRP TKN DATE TIME SOLIDS AMMONIA NITRATES (mg/L) (mg/L) (mg/L) (mg/L) (mg/L) (mg/L) 150382 1200 99.4 1.480 1.180 4.400 0.740 1.350 150382 1505 67.9 1.520 1.280 4.600 0.820 1.400 160382 945 34.5 1.650 1.450 2.850 0.780 1.750 160382 1235 28.9 1.720 1.550 2.770 0.780 1.800 160382 1525 29.3 1.700 1.550 2.770 0.800 1.850 170382 925 16.6 1.710 1.700 2.500 0.810 2.100 170382 1220 12.9 1.720 1.650 2.420 0.820 2.100 170382 1545 18.0 1.700 1.600 2.620 0.810 2.150 180382 915 14.0 1.770 1.650 2.450 -1.111 2.260 180382 1300 10.4 1.780 1.600 2.450 -1.111 2.260 180382 1435 13.5 1.680 1.600 2.380 -1.111 2.260 180382 1545 17.2 1.700 1.650 2.750 -1.111 3.340 190382 925 10.9 1.650 1.600 2.430 -1.111 3.340 190382 1045 19.6 1.700 1.750 2.380 -1.111 3.340 190382 1345 23.5 1.750 1.650 2.550 -1.111 3.490 190382 1515 116.0 1.050 1.800 5.500 -1.111 3.790 200382 920 24.4 1.630 1.450 2.820 0.730 -1.111 200382 1050 27.9 1.630 1.500 2.980 0.770 -1.111 200382 1510 200.0 2.330 1.900 8.400 0.740 -1.111 210382 950 26.1 2.050 1.850 3.020 -1.111 3.900 210382 1245 27.7 2.100 1.800 3.050 -1.111 3.850 230382 815 32.3 2.300 1.950 2.930 0.242 -1.111 240382 820 16.4 1.830 1.650 3.000 -1.111 -1.111 260382 830 12.6 1.780 1.500 3.130 0.850 -1.111 280382 1150 4.3 1.490 1.500 3.000 1.080 -1.111 280382 1530 5.7 1.330 1.350 2.550 0.710 -1.111 290382 825 4.7 2.400 1.280 2.630 0.850 -1.111 290382 1140 7.2 2.520 1.320 2.630 0.750 -1.111 290382 1555 11.9 1.500 1.260 2.950 0.810 -1.111 300382 820 14.9 1.600 1.400 2.950 -1.111 -1.111 300382 1310 14.1 1.450 1.200 3.000 -1.111 -1.111 300382 1550 16.7 1.520 1.260 2.750 -1.111 -1.111 310382 825 329.0 2.900 -1.111 0.500 0.006 -1.111 310382 1205 247.0 2.500 -1.111 7.300 0.006 -1.111 310382 1520 231.0 2.750 -1.111 7.700 0.008 -1.111 10482 1055 77.3 2.620 -1.111 3.750 0.006 -1.111 10482 1535 73.4 2.800 -1.111 3.600 0.010 -1.111 20482 940 39.8 2.370 -1.111 2.850 0.008 -1.111 30482 930 94.3 2.370 1.920 3.800 0.006 -1.111 30482 1500 103.0 2.350 1.860 5.800 0.006 -1.111 30482 1830 92.5 2.320 -1.111 4.650 0.006 -1.111 50482 1330 23.9 1.550 -1.111 0.230 0.002 -1.111 70482 1145 14.6 2.300 -1.111 2.250 -1.111 -1.111 80482 1920 11.1 1.620 1.450 2.370 -1.111 -1.111 100482 950 14.4 1.650 -1.111 2.300 -1.111 -1.111 130482 1030 5.3 1.400 -1.111 1.950 -1.111 -1.111 140482 1150 5.6 1.220 1.150 1.750 -1.111 -1.111 160482 1220 29.4 0.167 0.105 0.680 0.010 -1.111 170482 1350 12.0 0.875 0.810 1.780 0.006 -1.111 180482 1315 3.1 0.850 0.750 1.820 0.006 -1.111 TP = Total Phosphorus FRP = Filtered Reactive Phosphorus TKN = Total Kjeldahl Nitrogen -1.111 or -9.999 = Not Analysed



D.1 Statistical Summary for Upper Schomberg River at 8th Concession D.2 Statistical Summary for West Pottageville Creek at Lloydtown Road D.3 Statistical Summary for North Schomberg River at 5th Concession D.4 Statistical Summary for Kettleby Creek at Highway #9 D.5 Statistical Summary for North Drainage Canal at Highway #9 D.6 Statistical Summary for Bradford Pumphouse at East end of Holland Marsh D.7 Statistical Summary for Springdale Pumphouse on the North Canal D.8 Statistical Summary for West Holland River at Highway #11 near Bradford D.9 Statistical Summary for East Holland River at Holland Landing Lock D.10 Statistical Summary for Holland River near Cook Bay D.11 Statistical Summary for Black River at the Sutton Dam


TABLE D1. Water quality summary statistics for UPPER SCHOMBERG RIVER AT 8th CONC. : 1982-1992. Station US - (03-0077-315-02)

SUSPENDED SOLIDS (mg/L) Total / YEAR Average Statistic 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 Sample Size 14 59 73 101 58 42 22 37 35 18 18 477 Maximum 57.40 254.00 150.0 1881.50 647.00 403.0 118.0 5022.0 376.00 167.00 71.20 831.55 Minimum 4.62 4.06 2.16 1.32 2.80 3.80 1.40 2.90 2.40 2.80 1.80 2.73 Median 16.80 12.80 22.60 31.53 29.99 35.50 14.80 28.50 26.80 10.70 5.30 21.39 Geometric Mean 16.33 14.82 20.90 30.73 32.01 32.71 12.92 42.48 29.63 15.76 7.61 23.26 Arithmetic Mean 20.88 24.80 31.90 8723 59.86 75.97 22.93 316.41 63.81 33.39 15.32 68.41 Upper Quartile 29.50 19.70 44.80 96.18 56.10 91.70 30.50 149.00 79.60 49.50 14.40 60.09 Lower Quartile 9.46 8.43 9.09 10.30 15.90 10.00 5.00 7.60 11.10 6.80 3.30 8.82 Std. Deviation 15.00 39.86 31.33 220.09 100.80 94.09 27.97 936.41 86.64 46.00 20.61 147.16

TOTAL PHOSPHORUS - UNFILTERED (mg/L) YEAR Total/ STATISTIC 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 Average Sample Size 14 61 74 101 58 42 22 38 35 18 18 481 Maximum 0.142 0.685 0.615 4.730 0.900 0.420 0.295 5.800 0.630 0.278 0.200 1.336 Minimum 0.033 0.020 0.034 0.020 0.023 0.012 0.032 0.036 0.018 0.026 0.027 0.026 Median 0.069 0.078 0.092 0.129 0.109 0.076 0.157 0.138 0.143 0.076 0.052 0.102 Geometric Mean 0.077 0.086 0.100 0.142 0.122 0.076 0.121 0.190 0.146 0.081 0.059 0.109 Arithmetic Mean 0.087 0.111 0.124 0.259 0.159 0.099 0.149 0.488 0.221 0.102 0.075 0.170 Upper Quartile 0.130 0.116 0.160 0.240 0.193 0.133 0.225 0.410 0.385 0.127 0.081 0.200 Lower Quartile 0.052 0.058 0.059 0.071 0.080 0.044 0.061 0.084 0.071 0.049 0.034 0.060 Std. Deviation 0.042 0.107 0.096 0.587 0.144 0.082 0.085 1.058 0.199 0.074 0.058 0.230

FILTERED REACTIVE PHOSPHORUS (mg/L) YEAR Total / STATISTIC 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 Average Sample Size 14 60 74 101 58 42 23 38 35 18 18 481 Maximum 0.089 0.162 0.187 0.479 0.140 0.117 0.173 1.480 0.185 0.090 0.060 0.287 Minimum 0.016 0.002 0.005 0.007 0.002 0.002 0.006 0.002 0.007 0.002 0.003 0.005 Median 0.034 0.026 0.035 0.040 0.044 0.027 0.048 0.051 0.038 0.032 0.014 0.035 Geometric Mean 0.037 0.031 0.034 0.039 0.038 0.026 0.045 0.059 0.038 0.022 0.015 0.035 Arithmetic Mean 0.042 0.042 0.044 0.051 0.051 0.036 0.068 0.122 0.059 0.034 0.022 0.052 Percent of Total P 47.7 37.7 35.5 19.7 32.2 36.4 45.7 25.0 26.7 32.8 30.1 33.6 Upper Quartile 0.057 0.053 0.055 0.066 0.077 0.055 0.117 0.122 0.075 0.053 0.036 0.069 Lower Quartile 0.024 0.020 0.021 0.024 0.024 0.014 0.021 0.036 0.017 0.010 0.006 0.020 Std. Deviation 0.021 0.033 0.034 0.052 0.034 0.028 0.054 0.242 0.055 0.026 0.019 0.054

TOTAL KJELDAHL NITROGEN (mg/L) YEAR Total / STATISTIC 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 Average Sample Size 14 61 74 101 58 42 22 38 35 18 18 481 Maximum 0.840 1.550 1.850 11.200 3.430 1.680 2.030 17.000 8.100 1.400 1.220 4.573 Minimum 0.430 0.270 0.400 0.290 0.460 0.410 0.410 0.630 0.360 0.490 0.250 0.400 Median 0.545 0.620 0.755 0.840 0.900 0.675 1.155 1.040 0.925 0.660 0.645 0.796 Geometric Mean 0.573 0.638 0.789 0.914 1.018 0.714 1.056 1.464 1.168 0.732 0.625 0.881 Arithmetic Mean 0.584 0.665 0.822 1.110 1.157 0.765 1.182 2.149 1.548 0.768 0.668 1.038 Upper Quartile 0.700 0.700 0.910 1.100 1.290 0.880 1.680 2.680 2.200 0.820 0.680 1.240 Lower Quartile 0.480 0.550 0.650 0.670 0.730 0.530 0.680 0.840 0.660 0.580 0.530 0.627 Std. Deviation 0.123 0.150 0.257 1.268 0.674 0.304 0.540 2.838 1.466 0.270 0.256 0.740


TABLE D2. Water quality summary statistics for WEST POTTAGEVILLE CREEK : 1982-1992.

Station PT - (03-0077-314-02)

SUSPENDED SOLIDS (mg/L) Total / YEAR Average: Statistic 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 Sample Size 34 106 85 111 5 2 3 30 26 13 15 430 Maximum 104.00 294.00 709.00 1384.00 141.00 66.10 10.40 1450.00 342.10 227.00 50.10 434.34 Minimum 3.26 0.04 0.62 0.08 4.67 3.10 1.40 3.00 2.30 1.20 1.80 1.95 Median 10.40 15.50 9.13 33.53 15.53 34.60 9.70 33.90 17.60 9.60 3.60 17.55 Geometric Mean 12.44 16.30 11.49 27.09 21.84 14.31 5.21 35.14 31.59 13.13 5.07 17.60 Arithmetic Mean 19.46 35.67 36.50 81.12 48.01 34.60 7.17 134.26 90.54 36.08 8.96 48.40 Upper Quartile 21.00 35.70 30.00 62.18 72.13 66.10 10.40 103.00 157.00 37.00 7.50 54.73 Lower Quartile 6.08 7.15 4.04 11.03 6.75 3.10 1.40 9.70 9.80 5.90 2.40 6.12 Std. Deviation 24.01 54.43 91.94 167.43 58.88 44.55 5.01 93.30 119.38 61.72 13.01 66.70

TOTAL PHOSPHORUS - UNFILTERED (mg/L) Total / YEAR Average STATISTIC 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 Sample Size 35 109 85 111 5 2 4 31 26 13 15 436 Maximum 0.385 1.270 0.770 4.150 0.288 0.147 0.047 2.080 0.620 0.150 0.146 0.914 Minimum 0.027 0.014 0.014 0.017 0.024 0.031 0.011 0.018 0.009 0.014 0.017 0.018 Median 0.073 0.058 0.046 0.088 0.072 0.089 0.032 0.095 0.069 0.050 0.037 0.064 Geometric Mean 0.075 0.067 0.055 0.093 0.074 0.068 0.026 0.099 0.097 0.046 0.036 0.067 Arithmetic Mean 0.096 0.111 0.092 0.182 0.116 0.089 0.031 0.230 0.181 0.062 0.044 0.112 Upper Quartile 0.100 0.086 0.081 0.140 0.167 0.147 0.044 0.213 0.285 0.087 0.040 0.126 Lower Quartile 0.048 0.040 0.030 0.044 0.027 0.031 0.017 0.038 0.042 0.021 0.025 0.033 Std. Deviation 0.084 0.176 0.131 0.425 0.112 0.082 0.017 0.403 0.198 0.046 0.034 0.155

FILTERED REACTIVE PHOSPHORUS (mg/L) Total / YEAR Average STATISTIC 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 Sample Size 34 107 84 111 5 2 4 31 26 13 15 432 Maximum 1.041 0.090 0.146 0.091 0.052 0.068 0.032 0.575 0.140 0.045 0.069 0.213 Minimum 0.012 0.001 0.001 0.002 0.014 0.022 0.013 0.001 0.006 0.003 0.003 0.007 Median 0.036 0.017 0.024 0.029 0.021 0.045 0.019 0.023 0.028 0.016 0.018 0.025 Geometric Mean 0.040 0.017 0.019 0.025 0.024 0.038 0.019 0.023 0.026 0.016 0.011 0.023 Arithmetic Mean 0.075 0.024 0.028 0.030 0.028 0.045 0.020 0.046 0.039 0.021 0.017 0.034 Percent of Total P 78.8 21.4 30.1 16.5 23.8 50.0 66.4 19.9 21.7 33.4 39.7 36.5 Upper Quartile 0.041 0.036 0.037 0.043 0.037 0.068 0.028 0.042 0.039 0.028 0.023 0.038 Lower Quartile 0.026 0.009 0.014 0.018 0.014 0.022 0.013 0.012 0.013 0.012 0.006 0.014 Std. Deviation 0.174 0.019 0.022 0.016 0.016 0.033 0.009 0.100 0.038 0.014 0.017 0.042

TOTAL KJELDAHL NITROGEN (mg/L) YEAR Total / STATISTIC 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 Average Sample Size 35 109 85 111 5 2 4 31 26 13 15 436 Maximum 1.350 3.450 3.200 6.100 1.500 0.770 0.380 4.950 3.800 0.960 0.940 2.491 Minimum 0.200 0.160 0.170 0.190 0.320 0.210 0.210 0.200 0.190 0.190 0.340 0.216 Median 0.400 0.470 0.440 0.600 0.670 0.490 0.285 0.770 0570 0.440 0.520 0.514 Geometric Mean 0.412 0.504 0.481 0.634 0.663 0.402 0.279 0.807 0.806 0.424 0.523 0.539 Arithmetic Mean 0.467 0.625 0.582 0.797 0.800 0.490 0.290 1.237 1.215 0.496 0.543 0.686 Upper Quartile 0.550 0.670 0.650 0.780 1.170 0.770 0.370 1.350 1.750 0.790 0.570 0.856 Lower Quartile 0.260 0.320 0.320 0.420 0.340 0.210 0.210 0.380 0.330 0.230 0.460 0.316 Std. Deviation 0.270 0.531 0.466 0.766 0.521 0.396 0.093 1.247 1.095 0.280 0.141 0.528


TABLE D3. Water quality summary statistics for NORTH SCHOMBERG RIVER AT 5th CONC.: 1982-1992.

Station NS - (03-0077-307-02)

SUSPENDED SOLIDS (mg/L) Total / YEAR Average Statistic 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 Sample Size 76 111 103 97 102 107 71 91 95 41 39 933 Maximum 992.00 3473.00 2060.00 1416.40 446.00 555.00 276.00 2787.00 1234.00 3380.00 535.00 1559.5 Minimum 1.80 2.01 3.53 0.51 2.60 2.00 1.10 2.10 2.30 2.50 2.60 2.1 Median 103.20 193.00 81.40 21.40 20.00 22.40 19.80 19.10 23.90 17.30 28.50 50.5 Geometric Mean 80.97 138.94 78.14 26.57 24.74 33.50 19.30 32.49 31.74 34.15 27.56 48.0 Arithmetic Mean 167.38 317.39 207.98 104.90 56.32 71.67 34.34 180.80 97.54 231.65 72.62 140.2 Upper Quartile 220.00 365.00 270.20 68.67 57.20 102.00 39.50 117.00 106.90 95.10 76.30 138.0 Lower Quartile 32.00 65.70 18.30 8.94 8.30 12.60 9.50 7.30 10.80 7.50 7.80 17.2 Std. Deviation 207.80 469.74 303.48 226.77 84.83 96.65 45.61 461.30 185.93 612.94 113.27 255.3

TOTAL PHOSPHORUS - UNFILTERED (mg/L) YEAR Total / STATISTIC 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 Average Sample Size 88 116 102 96 103 107 73 91 95 38 39 948 Maximum 1.880 7.600 2.450 3.900 0.645 0.762 0.485 4.300 1.810 4.600 0.750 2.653 Minimum 0.017 0.018 0.012 0.015 0.005 0.003 0.006 0.019 0.007 0.006 0.013 0.011 Median 0.231 0.375 0.191 0.089 0.078 0.078 0.090 0.111 0.095 0.067 0.077 0.135 Geometric Mean 0.222 0.328 0.169 0.101 0.085 0.072 0.084 0.119 0.104 0.079 0.098 0.133 Arithmetic Mean 0.346 0.676 0.293 0.210 0.146 0.117 0.124 0.363 0.216 0.290 0.166 0.268 Upper Quartile 0.383 0.755 0.415 0.193 0.237 0.141 0.190 0.305 0.265 0.203 0.260 0.304 Lower Quartile 0.134 0.119 0.077 0.050 0.038 0.033 0.038 0.035 0.039 0.027 0.038 0.057 Std. Deviation 0.375 1.026 0.335 0.456 0.142 0.138 0.105 0.735 0.287 0.787 0.174 0.414

FILTERED REACTIVE PHOSPHORUS (mg/L) YEAR Total/ STATISTIC 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 Average Sample Size 84 116 103 95 103 106 73 91 95 41 39 946 Maximum 0.223 1.750 0.212 0.231 0.242 0.528 0.219 1.430 0.323 0.302 0.218 0.516 Minimum 0.002 0.001 0.001 0.002 0.001 0.001 0.001 0.001 0.001 0.001 0.001 0.001 Median 0.031 0.022 0.031 0.026 0.023 0.020 0.017 0.017 0.028 0.017 0.028 0.024 Geometric Mean 0.030 0.023 0.023 0.022 0.020 0.021 0.021 0.022 0.019 0.018 0.016 0.021 Arithmetic Mean 0.042 0.055 0.043 0.039 0.045 0.046 0.046 0.090 0.050 0.037 0.036 0.048 % of Total P 12.1 8.1 14.6 18.4 30.8 39.4 37.4 24.7 23.0 12.9 21.9 22.1 Upper Quartile 0.057 0.044 0.054 0.056 0.071 0.047 0.064 0.086 0.068 0.055 0.049 0.059 Lower Quartile 0.020 0.014 0.008 0.011 0.007 0.011 0.009 0.005 0.007 0.010 0.005 0.009 Std. Deviation 0.037 0.168 0.044 0.041 0.050 0.077 0.058 0.186 0.061 0.055 0.045 0.075

TOTAL KJELDAHL NITROGEN (mg/L) YEAR Total / STATISTIC 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992: Average Sample Size 88 119 102 97 103 107 73 91 95 40 39 954 Maximum 4.550 11.100 5.450 8.200 2.700 3.300 4.100 11.000 6.400 11.000 2.800 6.418 Minimum 0.070 0.240 0.350 0.370 0.280 0.260 0.350 0.410 0.350 0.350 0.440 0.315 Median 1.125 1.520 1.000 0.740 0.810 0.680 0.900 1.280 1.080 0.953 1.100 1.017 Geometric Mean 1.142 1.378 1.009 0.843 0.868 0.741 0.960 1.378 1.142 0.981 1.122 1.051 Arithmetic Mean 1.328 1.863 1.188 1.043 0.993 0.835 1.123 1.885 1.456 1.456 1.262 1.312 Upper Quartile 1.575 2.300 1.600 1.080 1.280 0.900 1.450 1.800 1.950 1.515 1.710 1.560 Lower Quartile 0.890 0.760 0.670 0.560 0.590 0.580 0.630 0.830 0.620 0.495 0.790 0.674 Std. Deviation 0.732 1.648 0.744 1.011 0.554 0.501 0.688 1.936 1.129 1.967 0.640 1.050


TABLE D4. Water quality summary statistics for KETTLEBY CREEK AT HWY #9 : 1982-1992. Station KB - (03-0077-306-02)

SUSPENDED SOLIDS (mg/L) Total / YEAR Average Statistic 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 Sample Size 51 112 106 96 77 85 75 84 80 30 39 835 Maximum 683.00 3358.00 2541.00 774.40 971.00 827.00 882.00 5200.00 1910.00 892.00 911.00 1722.67 Minimum 1.42 0.94 0.02 0.07 1.20 0.80 0.80 0.40 1.00 0.80 1.00 0.77 Median 31.00 15.05 17.40 20.96 13.79 5.90 11.90 8.75 10.20 5.85 13.90 14.06 Geometric Mean 24.46 22.85 15.79 19.47 15.51 11.25 11.60 16.50 20.76 11.04 20.72 17.27 Arithmetic Mean 71.98 184.00 98.53 92.16 51.32 57.50 51.48 167.33 157.58 88.96 113.49 103.12 Upper Quartile 96.00 149.50 77.50 91.36 47.50 28.10 24.80 9145 133.00 57.40 153.00 86.33 Lower Quartile 6.18 3.85 2.76 4.92 4.50 3.70 3.00 3.15 4.35 3.30 3.50 3.93 Std. Deviation 116.28 447.52 270.28 155.88 127.24 145.87 146.47 606.63 351.95 215.56 198.01 252.88

TOTAL PHOSPHORUS - UNFILTERED (mg/L) YEAR Total / STATISTIC 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 Average Sample Size 52 121 106 96 78 87 76 84 80 30 39 849 Maximum 0.950 8.100 3.750 0.830 0.875 0.850 1.330 4.050 9.200 1.270 1.290 2.954 Minimum 0.005 0.004 0.004 0.008 0.005 0.003 0.004 0.005 0.008 0.004 0.002 0.005 Median 0.103 0.050 0.045 0.055 0.037 0.024 0.050 0.034 0.048 0.018 0.055 0.047 Geometric Mean 0.079 0.087 0.054 0.069 0.045 0.026 0.050 0.057 0.066 0.033 0.069 0.058 Arithmetic Mean 0.153 0.425 0.160 0.152 0.088 0.050 0.101 0.223 0.272 0.117 0.182 0.175 Upper Quartile 0.259 0.312 0.153 0.157 0.099 0.040 0.094 0.147 0.249 0.096 0.255 0.169 Lower Quartile 0.029 0.022 0.020 0.024 0.019 0.015 0.027 0.017 0.019 0.013 0.025 0.021 Std. Deviation 0.181 1.022 0.402 0.203 0.133 0.104 0.184 0.559 1.034 0.259 0.263 0.395

FILTERED REACTIVE PHOSPHORUS (mg/L) YEAR Total / STATISTIC 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 Average Sample Size 50 118 104 96 78 87 77 84 80 30 39 843 Maximum 0.330 0.420 0.100 0.081 0.160 0.065 0.081 0.098 0.108 0.125 0.099 0.151 Minimum 0.001 0.001 0.001 0.001 0.001 0.001 0.001 0.001 0.001 0.001 0.001 0.001 Median 0.015 0.010 0.011 0.013 0.019 0.009 0.011 0.007 0.009 0.006 0.010 0.011 Geometric Mean 0.018 0.009 0.009 0.012 0.013 0.007 0.010 0.006 0.007 0.006 6.456 0.596 Arithmetic Mean 0.038 0.017 0.017 0.018 0.024 0.014 0.018 0.016 0.015 0.013 0.014 0.018 % of Total P 24.8 3.9 10.4 12.1 27.8 26.9 17.4 7.2 5.7 11.1 7.4 14.1 Upper Quartile 0.042 0.019 0.022 0.027 0.038 0.019 0.030 0.024 0.019 0.015 0.019 0.025 Lower Quartile 0.011 0.003 0.004 0.007 0.008 0.003 0.006 0.002 0.002 0.003 0.002 0.004 Std. Deviation 0.060 0.040 0.018 0.017 0.025 0.014 0.017 0.022 0.019 0.023 0.017 0.025

TOTAL KJELDAHL NITROGEN (mg/L) YEAR Total / STATISTIC 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 Average Sample Size 52 122 106 96 78 87 76 84 80 30 39 850 Maximum 3.420 10.100 3.100 2.700 2.900 2.920 3.780 11.300 7.100 4.500 2.950 4.979 Minimum 0.230 0.150 0.180 0.180 0.150 0.130 0.190 0.220 0.150 0.200 0.160 0.176 Median 0.590 0.495 0.445 0.500 0.440 0.350 0.510 0.450 0.500 0.365 0.670 0.483 Geometric Mean 0.611 0.676 0.510 0.563 0.498 0.380 0.558 0.643 0.682 0.451 0.695 0.570 Arithmetic Mean 0.778 1.271 0.666 0.733 0.617 0.447 0.735 1.116 1.058 0.696 0.929 0.822 Upper Quartile 0.950 1.150 0.760 0.900 0.720 0.480 0.920 1.340 1.660 0.730 1.260 0.988 Lower Quartile 0.345 0.320 0.300 0.320 0.310 0.260 0.335 0.285 0.335 0.240 0.340 0.308 Std. Deviation 0.624 1.914 0.593 0.589 0.494 0.355 0.574 1.606 1.148 0.507 0.740 0.877


TABLE D5. Water quality summary statistics for NORTH DRAINAGE CANAL AT HWY #9 : 1982-1992.

Station HM - (03-0077-309-02)

SUSPENDED SOLIDS (mg/L) YEAR Total / Statistic 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992: Average Sample Size 175 231 76 77 40 20 10 17 28 17 20 711 Maximum 741.00 1620.00 287.00 216.70 344.20 311.00 39.00 24.20 182.30 69.20 40.40 352.27 Minimum 4.31 1.54 0.19 0.92 1.30 3.30 1.90 2.90 2.40 1.90 1.50 2.01 Median 26.50 7.54 9.27 11.04 17.56 10.45 5.25 8.50 9.65 7.00 4.50 10.66 Geometric Mean 29.45 9.32 9.65 12.56 14.90 13.99 7.11 7.95 11.25 8.59 5.04 11.80 Arithmetic Mean 49.14 33.21 17.44 22.32 25.63 33.01 11.87 9.88 21.86 13.86 7.75 22.36 Upper Quartile 49.50 13.30 18.40 20.90 23.23 35.05 12.50 13.70 22.30 16.90 7.65 21.22 Lower Quartile 14.40 5.42 5.75 6.97 8.50 5.55 3.10 4.50 4.95 4.20 2.65 6.00 Std. Deviation 79.18 164.46 34.53 33.95 52.84 67.52 13.26 6.63 36.26 16.78 9.92 46.85

TOTAL PHOSPHORUS - UNFILTERED (mg/L) Total / YEAR Average STATISTIC 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992: Sample Size 175 239 76 77 40 20 11 18 28 17 20 721 Maximum 1.340 4.500 0.495 1.020 0.535 0.190 0.116 0.152 0.550 0.195 1.500 0.963 Minimum 0.029 0.017 0.020 0.029 0.026 0.010 0.015 0.030 0.017 0.015 0.005 0.019 Median 0.105 0.056 0.061 0.064 0.064 0.051 0.043 0.048 0.053 0.045 0.043 0.058 Geometric Mean 0.110 0.064 0.065 0.076 0.079 0.048 0.043 0.055 0.062 0.049 0.059 0.065 Arithmetic Mean 0.152 0.138 0.082 0.107 0.101 0.058 0.050 0.062 0.097 0.064 0.180 0.099 Upper Quartile 1.340 0.074 0.087 0.093 0.121 0.059 0.063 0.075 0.079 0.091 0.101 0.198 Lower Quartile 0.063 0.044 0.044 0.047 0.050 0.034 0.028 0.039 0.033 0.031 0.023 0.040 Std. Deviation 0.180 0.460 0.076 0.144 0.050 0.039 0.030 0.033 0.119 0.049 0.355 0.139

FILTERED REACTIVE PHOSPHORUS (mg/L) YEAR Total/ STATISTIC 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 Average Sample Size 175 237 76 77 40 20 11 18 28 17 20 719 Maximum 0.250 0.156 0.310 0.308 0.155 0.067 0.030 0.066 0.148 0.062 0.720 0.206 Minimum 0.001 0.001 0.003 0.005 0.009 0.001 0.004 0.002 0.001 0.002 0.002 0.003 Median 0.025 0.016 0.021 0.021 0.024 0.016 0.015 0.014 0.009 0.008 0.006 0.016 Geometric Mean 0.026 0.015 0.021 0.025 0.030 0.017 0.013 0.014 0.012 0.010 0.016 0.018 Arithmetic Mean 0.039 0.020 0.032 0.036 0.043 0.027 0.015 0.019 0.028 0.017 0.089 0.033 % of Total P 25.6 14.8 38.9 33.8 42.7 46.1 29.9 31.1 28.7 28.8 49.7 33.5 Upper Quartile 0.049 0.022 0.035 0.038 0.062 0.048 0.018 0.022 0.024 0.016 0.048 0.034 Lower Quartile 0.017 0.011 0.013 0.015 0.015 0.010 0.008 0.009 0.006 0.005 0.004 0.010 Std. Deviation 0.038 0.021 0.041 0.042 0.039 0.023 0.008 0.017 0.041 0.021 0.181 0.043

TOTAL KJELDAHL NITROGEN (mg/L) Total/ YEAR Average STATISTIC 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 Sample Size 175 239 76 77 40 20 11 18 28 17 20 721 Maximum 7.100 20.000 1.650 3.600 2.000 0.930 1.080 1.450 2.800 1.360 4.250 4.202 Minimum 0.060 0.320 0.380 0.430 0.400 0.290 0.320 0.480 0.370 0.360 0.150 0.324 Median 0.780 0.610 0.650 0.670 0.730 0.590 0.620 0.680 0.695 0.570 0.795 0.672 Geometric Mean 0.841 0.688 0.675 0.728 0.833 0.573 0.617 0.764 0.819 0.673 0.793 0.727 Arithmetic Mean 0.964 0.914 0.704 0.793 0.891 0.592 0.648 0.811 0.938 0.736 0.983 0.816 Upper Quartile 1.120 0.750 0.800 0.830 1.060 0.635 0.640 1.070 1.250 0.880 1.035 0.915 Lower Quartile 0.600 0.530 0.545 0.570 0.645 0.515 0.500 0.560 0.580 0.470 0.565 0.553 Std. Deviation 0.675 1.736 0.223 0.452 0.358 0.152 0.219 0.301 0.565 0.325 0.847 0.532


TABLE D6. Water quality summary statistics for BRADFORD PUMPHOUSE : 1982-1992.

Station PP - (03-0077-303-02)

SUSPENDED SOLIDS (mg/L) YEAR Total / Statistic 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 Average Sample Size 113 105 96 116 125 94 74 68 107 78 98 1074 Maximum 329.00 189.00 166.00 188.40 173.40 61.30 102.00 150.00 127.90 116.00 97.00 154.55 Minimum 0.93 2.71 1.96 1.70 1.39 1.80 4.60 3.00 1.30 2.00 1.80 2.11 Median 14.40 15.80 12.14 12.62 13.60 9.85 14.80 25.10 19.20 12.90 28.90 16.30 Geometric Mean 18.11 17.29 13.80 11.90 12.74 12.11 16.03 20.35 17.74 12.80 20.49 15.76 Arithmetic Mean 37.36 25.75 21.98 18.64 18.04 17.18 20.16 29.60 26.91 21.62 30.07 24.30 Upper Quartile 28.90 30.60 27.25 20.16 22.70 26.60 25.20 38.10 35.60 22.50 45.70 29.39 Lower Quartile 9.62 8.60 6.48 6.12 8.30 6.50 9.50 8.35 9.70 5.40 9.20 7.98 Std. Deviation 58.37 28.92 25.86 26.18 19.57 15.42 16.39 26.98 25.19 25.87 22.29 26.46

TOTAL PHOSPHORUS - UNFILTERED (mg/L) Total/ YEAR Average STATISTIC 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 Sample Size 117 110 91 116 123 88 77 70 107 75 98 1072 Maximum 3.220 2.950 1.830 2.050 2.150 1.600 3.400 2.030 2.130 1.800 3.000 2.378 Minimum 0.167 0.046 0.340 0.193 0.144 0.042 0.022 0.138 0.030 0.029 0.027 0.107 Median 1.620 0.530 0.800 0.627 0.425 0.655 0.510 0.567 0.490 0.560 0.590 0.670 Geometric Mean 1.277 0.512 0.745 0.587 0.437 0.565 0.493 0.563 0.469 0.537 0.654 0.622 Arithmetic Mean 1.490 0.642 0.849 0.687 0.537 0.672 0.597 0.670 0.626 0.622 0.779 0.743 Upper Quartile 1.870 0.755 1.170 0.822 0.665 0.856 0.695 0.863 0.925 0.825 0.880 0.939 Lower Quartile 1.050 0.375 0.420 0.371 0.310 0.355 0.380 0.380 0.245 0.385 0.450 0.429 Std. Deviation 0.674 0.451 0.426 0.411 0.329 0.372 0.464 0.393 0.446 0.318 0.535 0.438

FILTERED REACTIVE PHOSPHORUS (mg/L) YEAR Total / STATISTIC 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 Average Sample Size 97 99 90 112 123 82 76 67 104 77 98 1025 Maximum 1.950 5.750 5.900 1.750 1.790 1.300 0.875 1.690 2.050 1.360 2.4 2.438 Minimum 0.105 0.013 0.011 0.109 0.030 0.018 0.012 0.011 0.001 0.178 0.001 0.044 Median 1.280 0.380 0.660 0.558 0.328 0.409 0.339 0.370 0.338 0.530 0.415 0.510 Geometric Mean 0.964 0.363 0.581 0.502 0.323 0.369 0.261 0.314 0.217 0.519 0.406 0.438 Arithmetic Mean 1.412 0.635 0.785 0.599 0.443 0.489 0.345 0.488 0.394 0.575 0.541 0.610 Percent of Total P 94.8 98.9 92.5 87.2 82.5 72.8 57.8 72.8 62.9 92.5 69.4 80.4 Upper Quartile 1.600 0.650 1.020 0.723 0.605 0.713 0.454 0.605 0.529 0.715 0.630 0.749 Lower Quartile 0.630 0.186 0.345 0.309 0.195 0.232 0.203 0.203 0.087 0.345 0.320 0.278 Std. Deviation 2.088 0.899 0.724 0.366 0.363 0.328 0.204 0.414 0.379 0.266 0.419 0.586

TOTAL KJELDAHL NITROGEN (mg/L) YEAR Total / STATISTIC 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 Average Sample Size 118 108 96 114 126 93 78 70 107 79 98 1087 Maximum 10.500 5.500 5.900 4.900 6.600 4.400 7.150 5.500 7.700 42.700 7.250 5.193 Minimum 0.230 0.120 0.330 0.900 0.790 1.000 0.020 1.560 0.600 0.020 0.580 5.193 Median 2.110 1.800 2.360 2.220 2.550 2.580 2.560 3.190 2.750 2.120 3.400 2.513 Geometric Mean 2.220 1.850 2.290 2.170 2.600 2.440 2.370 3.140 2.700 2.291 3.139 2.474 Arithmetic Mean 2.530 2.080 2.470 2.280 2.720 2.560 2.650 3.230 2.980 3.102 3.310 2.719 Upper Quartile 2.850 2.820 2.900 2.650 3.130 2.920 3.130 3.650 3.380 3.200 3.750 3.125 Lower Quartile 1.700 1.370 1.870 0.173 2.060 0.194 2.000 2.750 2.000 1.800 2.700 1.692 Std. Deviation 1.510 0.961 0.910 0.731 0.857 0.794 0.985 0.791 1.362 4.726 1.027 1.332


TABLE D7. Water quality summary statistics for SPRINGDALE PUMPHOUSE : 1982-1992.

Station SP - (03-0077-308-02)

SUSPENDED SOLIDS (mg/L) YEAR Total / Statistic 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 Average Sample Size974 31657417 16157326 Maximum 237.00 28.80 545.00 177.00 203.00 114.00 177.80 92.50 110.00 187.23 Minimum 4.70 10.10 3.38 1.80 5.76 5.90 11.00 9.30 12.80 7.19 Median 17.70 18.95 21.80 24.17 37.50 36.80 41.75 41.00 56.40 32.90 Geometric Mean 20.44 17.20 25.46 24.05 34.36 35.89 No data No data 46.16 36.72 46.41 26.06 Arithmetic Mean 32.20 19.20 57.27 37.60 48.47 45.08 60.04 43.41 59.70 44.77 Upper Quartile 26.40 27.70 33.20 41.56 66.00 62.20 93.10 51.90 96.50 55.40 Lower Quartile 11.20 10.70 14.40 13.14 17.20 26.60 27.40 26.40 15.30 18.04 Std. Deviation 44.72 9.87 109.16 40.77 41.27 28.92 46.83 23.53 37.06 42.46

TOTAL PHOSPHORUS - UNFILTERED (mg/L) YEAR Total / STATISTIC 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 Average Sample Size954 31657517 16147324 Maximum 3.800 0.470 2.430 1.920 1.800 1.130 1.930 1.650 1.150 1.809 Minimum 0.105 0.150 0.195 0.144 0.049 0.158 0.076 0.705 0.400 0.220 Median 1.120 0.382 0.580 0.430 0.340 0.415 0.874 0.913 0.560 0.624 Geometric Mean 0.869 0.318 0.660 0.425 0.316 0.412 No data No data 0.740 0.958 0.610 0.482 Arithmetic Mean 1.141 0.346 0.875 0.507 0.374 0.480 0.990 0.990 0.644 0.705 Upper Quartile 1.630 0.437 1.450 0.610 0.438 0.610 1.645 1.020 0.770 0.957 Lower Quartile 0.425 0.255 0.300 0.290 0.183 0.315 0.472 0.800 0.500 0.393 Std. Deviation 0.754 0.138 0.641 0.330 0.262 0.272 0.635 0.292 0.250 0.397

FILTERED REACTIVE PHOSPHORUS (mg//L) YEAR Total / STATISTIC 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 Average Sample Size862 31657315 16157310 Maximum 5.200 0.124 2.000 1.080 1.350 0.995 1.880 1.510 0.830 1.663 Minimum 0.073 0.115 0.130 0.087 0.009 0.034 0.036 0.620 0.095 0.133 Median 0.888 0.120 0.420 0.253 0.173 0.247 0.674 0.845 0.235 0.428 Geometric Mean 0.635 0.119 0.456 0.284 0.168 0.233 No data No data 0.462 0.908 0.283 0.322 Arithmetic Mean 0.960 0.120 0.660 0.356 0.235 0.327 0.725 0.942 0.349 0.519 % of Total P 84.1 34.6 75.4 70.2 62.6 68.1 73.2 95.1 54.2 68.6 Upper Quartile 1.400 0.124 1.100 0.530 0.242 0.484 1.125 0.955 0.460 0.713 Lower Quartile 0.290 0.115 0.185 0.171 0.113 0.112 0.214 0.755 0.182 0.237 Std. Deviation 0.775 0.006 0.533 0.245 0.228 0.267 0.582 0.285 0.248 0.352

TOTAL KJELDAHL NITROGEN (mg/L) YEAR Total / STATISTIC 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 Average Sample Size974 31657516 16157326 Maximum 8.450 2.380 17.400 5.750 6.400 3.080 6.900 6.250 4.400 6.779 Minimum 0.680 0.680 1.450 0.840 0.580 1.030 0.780 1.170 0.600 0.868 Median 2.220 1.495 2.530 1.860 2.330 2.185 4.100 2.880 3.100 2.522 Geometric Mean 2.190 1.374 2.799 1.997 2.354 2.112 No data No data 3.281 3.099 2.577 1.980 Arithmetic Mean 2.492 1.513 3.344 2.183 2.513 2.219 3.736 3.452 2.984 2.715 Upper Quartile 2.950 2.025 3.030 2.550 2.800 2.800 4.415 5.100 4.000 3.297 Lower Quartile 1.610 1.000 2.170 1.530 2.020 1.810 2.250 2.150 2.090 1.848 Std. Deviation 1.416 0.709 3.017 1.021 0.946 0.655 1.737 1.620 1.304 1.381


TABLE D8. Water quality summary statistics for W. HOLLAND RIVER AT HWY #11 : 1982-1992.

Station SH - (03-0077-002-02)

SUSPENDED SOLIDS (mg/L) YEAR Total / Statistic 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 Average Sample Size 161 276 75 77 39 20 23 18 23 15 15 742 Maximum 234.00 196.00 170.00 170.70 182.00 79.90 40.60 7530 678.40 3230 35.80 172.27 Minimum 1.92 0.89 2.32 1.77 2.40 6.10 3.40 1.80 3.80 4.10 4.70 3.02 Median 23.30 21.40 15.90 14.30 19.40 21.50 25.10 22.15 21.20 23.70 19.80 20.70 Geometric Mean 24.67 20.30 15.91 13.16 18.12 22.43 2234 21.19 29.70 15.42 15.73 19.91 Arithmetic Mean 31.99 26.23 25.54 20.75 29.27 29.29 25.50 28.86 78.03 19.86 18.74 30.37 Upper Quartile 35.10 31.35 24.00 21.87 29.60 40.15 34.40 36.20 74.30 31.30 27.50 35.07 Lower Quartile 15.60 14.45 9.79 6.79 10.90 12.80 16.60 13.40 16.60 5.60 9.60 12.01 Std. Deviation 30.49 21.75 31.35 26.69 35.39 23.00 10.76 21.48 147.38 11.53 9.98 33.62

TOTAL PHOSPHORUS - UNFILTERED (mg/L) YEAR Total / STATISTIC 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 Average Sample Size 164 270 75 77 40 20 24 19 23 15 15 742 Maximum 4.700 1.850 0.660 1.090 0.600 1.010 0.450 0.920 1.260 0.290 1.060 1.263 Minimum 0.015 0.026 0.027 0.039 0.031 0.011 0.029 0.026 0.021 0.037 0.068 0.030 Median 0.155 0.170 0.188 0.178 0.160 0.109 0.193 0.116 0.158 0.133 0.148 0.155 Geometric Mean 0.171 0.165 0.179 0.167 0.148 0.104 0.172 0.116 0.177 0.117 0.152 0.152 Arithmetic Mean 0.230 0.201 0.240 0.214 0.200 0.177 0.200 0.166 0.260 0.141 0.205 3.203 Upper Quartile 0.225 0.262 0.358 0.293 0.292 0.161 0.273 0.190 0.275 0.188 0.205 0.247 Lower Quartile 0.105 0.116 0.097 0.092 0.079 0.061 0.117 0.075 0.110 0.062 0.089 0.091 Std. Deviation 0.381 0.153 0.169 0.169 0.146 0.237 0.102 0.195 0.274 0.079 0.244 0.195

FILTERED REACTIVE PHOSPHORUS (mg/L) YEAR Total / STATISTIC 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 Average Sample Size 154 273 74 76 40 19 24 19 23 15 15 732 Maximum 1.540 0.980 0.495 0.825 0.484 1.100 0.240 0.735 0.270 0.250 0.775 0.699 Minimum 0.016 0.001 0.004 0.007 0.005 0.002 0.002 0.001 0.003 0.005 0.005 0.004 Median 0.074 0.065 0.105 0.108 0.075 0.039 0.025 0.023 0.048 0.027 0.061 0.059 Geometric Mean 0.085 0.059 0.089 0.085 0.066 0.041 0.024 0.023 0.042 0.033 0.055 0.055 Arithmetic Mean 0.126 0.090 0.152 0.138 0.122 0.105 0.048 0.075 0.070 0.053 0.107 0.099 Percent of Total P 54.9 44.5 63.5 64.8 61.0 59.5 24.2 45.1 26.9 37.4 52.2 48.6 Upper Quartile 0.135 0.128 0.215 0.192 0.169 0.088 0.067 0.058 0.080 0.056 0.097 0.117 Lower Quartile 0.050 0.035 0.041 0.043 0.024 0.023 0.007 0.009 0.031 0.018 0.030 0.028 Std. Deviation 0.160 0.090 0.132 0.133 0.129 0.243 0.059 0.167 0.070 0.063 0.189 0.130

TOTAL KJELDAHL NITROGEN (mg/L) YEAR Total / STATISTIC 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 Average Sample Size 164 277 75 77 40 20 24 19 23 15 15 749 Maximum 2.350 5.480 2.600 2.350 2.300 2.830 3.180 2.800 5.100 1.950 2.700 3.058 Minimum 0.070 0.370 0.390 0.430 0.430 0.310 0.540 0.450 0.400 0.510 0.800 0.427 Median 0.855 1.010 1.020 1.000 1.180 0.875 1.755 1.110 1.440 1.140 1.210 1.145 Geometric Mean 0.851 1.005 1.054 1.011 1.078 0.838 1.681 1.170 1.358 1.084 1.262 1.127 Arithmetic Mean 0.920 1.087 1.146 1.065 1.165 0.967 1.858 1.285 1.604 1.168 1.326 1.235 Upper Quartile 1.000 1.260 1.400 1.280 1.365 1.060 2.550 1.580 1.970 1.490 1.420 1.489 Lower Quartile 0.705 0.780 0.780 0.820 0.820 0.615 1.255 0.830 0.910 0.870 1.040 0.857 Std. Deviation 0.355 0.496 0.487 0.350 0.457 0.593 0.784 0.590 1.005 0.437 0.479 0.548


TABLE D9. Water quality summary statistics for E. HOLLAND RIVER AT HOLLAND LANDING: 1982-1992.

Station HL - (03-0077-310-02)

SUSPENDED SOLIDS (mg/L) YEAR Total / Statistic 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 Average Sample Size 116 121 98 142 88 81 62 92 84 45 54 983 Maximum 6137.0 656.0 913.0 726.3 767.6 572.0 1400.0 1310.0 1465.0 1210.0 2830.0 1635.17 Minimum 0.7 1.5 2.7 2.6 1.8 3.0 3.8 3.8 5.1 3.1 1.8 2.72 Median 72.4 59.9 43.6 57.8 54.0 58.2 48.5 76.5 109.5 63.9 111.5 68.69 Geometric Mean 76.6 57.2 36.8 54.1 46.6 50.2 47.6 91.7 98.7 69.0 101.5 66.36 Arithmetic Mean 163.3 82.7 64.7 97.5 82.4 99.6 89.4 219.8 225.6 188.2 289.9 145.73 Upper Quartile 98.1 91.0 59.1 104.9 83.2 105.0 76.7 276.0 331.5 323.0 311.0 169.05 Lower Quartile 54.6 34.6 21.8 30.7 28.6 26.2 34.6 44.3 34.6 16.2 39.4 33.24 Std. Deviation 588.1 91.1 110.0 127.8 110.9 119.8 187.4 296.9 275.1 247.7 503.6 241.67

TOTAL PHOSPHORUS - UNFILTERED (mg/L) YEAR Total / STATISTIC 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 Average Sample Size 116 118 98 142 90 81 64 92 84 45 54 984 Maximum 2.700 1.520 5.500 1.100 0.810 0.910 5.000 1.730 1.740 1.310 3.020 2.304 Minimum 0.180 0.097 0.093 0.050 0.069 0.024 0.057 0.062 0.057 0.026 0.015 0.066 Median 0.351 0.439 0.306 0.206 0.211 0.215 0.227 0.259 0.350 0.193 0.283 0.276 Geometric Mean 0.375 0.428 0.300 0.213 0.218 0.215 0.288 0.297 0.349 0.234 0.307 0.293 Arithmetic Mean 0.428 0.484 0.396 0.259 0.249 0.252 0.432 0.397 0.438 0.331 0.455 0.375 Upper Quartile 0.430 0.580 0.360 0.305 0.298 0.310 0.444 0.475 0.520 0.475 0.560 0.432 Lower Quartile 0.295 0.320 0.213 0.139 0.161 0.145 0.175 0.180 0.236 0.141 0.170 0.198 Std. Deviation 0.347 0.248 0.602 0.190 0.143 0.146 0.655 0.356 0.313 0.311 0.516 0.348

FILTERED REACTIVE PHOSPHORUS (mg/L) YEAR Total / STATISTIC 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 Average Sample Size 110 119 96 142 87 79 64 91 82 45 54 969 Maximum 1.550 2.450 0.640 0.479 0.704 0.465 0.738 0.420 0.475 0.225 0.313 0.769 Minimum 0.040 0.022 0.004 0.001 0.004 0.005 0.007 0.008 0.002 0.019 0.001 0.010 Median 0.148 0.182 0.135 0.048 0.096 0.117 0.075 0.075 0.144 0.073 0.068 0.105 Geometric Mean 0.143 0.185 0.106 0.049 0.088 0.095 0.085 0.068 0.125 0.068 0.062 0.098 Arithmetic Mean 0.168 0.250 0.163 0.086 0.122 0.134 0.170 0.100 0.162 0.080 0.081 0.138 Percent of Total P 39.1 51.6 41.2 33.1 49.2 53.1 39.4 25.1 37.0 24.3 17.7 37.3 Upper Quartile 0.185 0.291 0.212 0.089 0.160 0.193 0.216 0.145 0.205 0.089 0.096 0.171 Lower Quartile 0.110 0.118 0.078 0.030 0.053 0.058 0.036 0.036 0.077 0.050 0.046 0.063 Std. Deviation 0.161 0.299 0.133 0.097 0.107 0.098 0.196 0.085 0.104 0.047 0.057 0.126

TOTAL KJELDAHL NITROGEN (mg/L) YEAR Total / STATISTIC 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 Average Sample Size 116 122 98 142 90 82 64 92 84 45 54 989 Maximum 4.800 8.000 8200 6.000 4.600 4.850 4.550 5.880 4200 3.000 4.000 5.280 Minimum 0.090 0.130 0.220 0.520 0.410 0.160 0.450 0.430 0.230 0.200 0.190 0.275 Median 1.050 1.395 1.500 0.980 0.913 1.030 1.075 1.240 1.190 1.150 1.150 1.152 Geometric Mean 1.284 1.506 1.632 1.056 1.060 1.033 1.228 1.442 1.286 1.100 1.142 1.252 Arithmetic Mean 1.538 1.950 2.143 1.192 1.249 1.163 1.520 1.707 1.544 1.242 1.303 1.504 Upper Quartile 2.010 2.870 2.450 1.250 1.350 1.390 1.930 2.150 2.075 1.470 1.600 1.868 Lower Quartile 0.865 0.850 1.020 0.800 0.770 0.740 0.780 0.975 0.888 0.875 0.880 0.857 Std. Deviation 0.958 1462 1.839 0.766 0.878 0.644 1.072 1.151 0.950 0.510 0.723 1.005


TABLE D10. Water quality summary statistics for HOLLAND RIVER NEAR COOK BAY : 1983-1992.

Station CB - (03-0077-316-02)

SUSPENDED SOLIDS (mg/L) YEAR Total / Statistic 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 Average Sample Size NO DATA 222 76 59 34 32 33 25 19 21 22 543 Maximum 155.0 201.0 64.9 154.5 160.0 48.5 203.0 232.6 66.8 97.7 138.40 Minimum 3.2 0.7 1.8 2.3 2.0 6.2 1.6 5.6 1.2 0.5 2.51 Median 19.7 15.5 17.7 22.9 23.1 28.1 18.9 17.3 16.7 15.2 19.51 Geometric Mean 19.9 14.6 15.9 20.8 19.0 23.8 15.1 20.1 15.5 11.6 17.63 Arithmetic Mean 24.3 21.2 20.6 29.4 27.1 26.9 25.9 31.8 21.7 18.2 24.71 Upper Quartile 30.2 25.6 31.2 40.5 30.5 35.7 29.8 27.4 28.5 20.8 30.01 Lower Quartile 13.4 8.5 9.9 12.5 13.9 17.0 6.5 13.1 11.9 9.3 11.60 Std. Deviation 17.4 24.7 13.0 27.8 28.2 11.6 38.5 50.1 16.5 19.5 24.72

TOTAL PHOSPHORUS - UNFILTERED (mg/L) YEAR Total / STATISTIC 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 Average Sample Size NO DATA 242 76 59 34 32 35 26 19 21 22 566 Maximum 0.800 0.540 0.400 0.530 0.445 0.490 0.340 0.970 0.230 0.783 0.548 Minimum 0.038 0.023 0.045 0.057 0.015 0.018 0.022 0.041 0.018 0.016 0.029 Median 0.133 0.138 0.139 0.144 0.109 0.138 0.116 0.135 0.132 0.100 0.128 Geometric Mean 0.139 0.136 0.148 0.156 0.105 0.130 0.102 0.135 0.099 0.108 0.126 Arithmetic Mean 0.154 0.157 0.166 0.174 0.139 0.157 0.117 0.198 0.122 0.140 0.153 Upper Quartile 0.170 0.183 0.215 0.227 0.153 0.200 0.143 0.215 0.182 0.148 0.184 Lower Quartile 0.105 0.108 0.108 0.120 0.069 0.087 0.084 0.066 0.058 0.085 0.089 Std. Deviation 0.089 0.090 0.083 0.093 0.108 0.104 0.061 0.222 0.069 0.142 0.106

FILTERED REACTIVE PHOSPHORUS (mg/L) YEAR Total / STATISTIC 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 Average Sample Size NO DATA 239 76 59 34 32 35 32 19 21 22 569 Maximum 0.440 0.212 0.253 0.210 0.348 0.255 0.348 0.840 0.092 0.580 0.358 Minimum 0.001 0.004 0.007 0.004 0.001 0.002 0.001 0.001 0.002 0.001 0.002 Median 0.049 0.043 0.069 0.067 0.043 0.013 0.043 0.021 0.018 0.017 0.038 Geometric Mean 0.049 0.040 0.054 0.051 0.032 0.014 0.032 0.020 0.014 0.017 0.032 Arithmetic Mean 0.064 0.058 0.075 0.073 0.061 0.028 0.061 0.079 0.024 0.049 0.057 % of Total P 41.9 36.7 45.2 42.1 44.1 17.8 52.4 39.9 19.8 34.8 37.5 Upper Quartile 0.075 0.072 0.099 0.011 0.088 0.028 0.088 0.063 0.030 0.046 0.060 Lower Quartile 0.037 0.025 0.029 0.031 0.013 0.005 0.013 0.005 0.005 0.007 0.017 Std. Deviation 0.058 0.049 0.059 0.052 0.068 0.052 0.068 0.190 0.023 0.121 0.074

TOTAL KJELDAHL NITROGEN (mg/L) YEAR Total / STATISTIC 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 Average Sample Size NO DATA 242 76 59 34 32 35 26 19 21 22 566 Maximum 6.600 4.950 2.650 2.300 3.900 4.350 3.350 3.300 2.480 2.100 3.598 Minimum 0.100 0.600 0.650 0.740 0.430 0.460 0.640 0.490 0.350 0.420 0.488 Median 0.940 1.185 1.130 1.455 1.000 1.390 1.345 1.280 1.200 1.055 1.198 Geometric Mean 1.029 1.273 1.137 1.415 1.004 1.336 1.219 1.271 1.111 1.097 1.189 Arithmetic Mean 1.159 1.447 1.192 1.468 1.108 1.479 1.329 1.413 1.245 1.159 1.300 Upper Quartile 1.270 1.520 1.141 1.640 1.340 1.710 1.500 1.850 1.440 1.360 1.477 Lower Quartile 0.790 0.935 0.890 1.130 0.765 1.070 0.990 0.910 0.860 0.890 0.923 Std. Deviation 0.692 0.916 0.391 0.405 0.611 0.737 0.513 0.684 0.597 0.387 0.593


TABLE D11. Water quality summary statistics for BLACK RIVER AT SUTTON DAM : 1982-1992.

Station BL - (03-0077-313-02)

SUSPENDED SOLIDS (mg/L) YEAR Total / Statistic 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 Average Sample Size 106 147 165 120 99 64 38 47 50 21 24 881 Maximum 22.50 31.50 108.00 47.70 85.00 43.50 355.00 232.00 69.00 10.70 37.40 94.75 Minimum 1.10 0.24 0.02 0.70 1.40 1.50 1.20 0.40 1.00 0.80 1.50 0.90 Median 4.21 4.60 3.52 3.85 7.50 7.45 24.90 24.30 3.70 4.10 5.25 8.49 Geometric Mean 4.62 4.30 3.97 3.87 8.35 7.60 22.48 19.04 5.27 3.74 4.88 8.01 Arithmetic Mean 5.86 5.61 7.43 5.25 10.82 10.50 49.78 41.21 10.43 4.46 7.31 14.42 Upper Quartile 7.50 6.32 8.05 6.23 12.30 14.60 67.70 71.60 8.50 5.60 7.40 19.62 Lower Quartile 3.02 2.95 2.16 2.36 6.00 4.00 9.80 4.80 2.80 2.40 2.40 3.88 Std. Deviation 4.53 4.50 12.70 5.51 10.40 8.86 69.51 47.72 16.47 2.62 8.62 17.40

TOTAL PHOSPHORUS - UNFILTERED (mg/L) YEAR Total / STATISTIC 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 Average Sample Size 109 155 165 120 99 64 40 46 50 21 24 893 Maximum 0.115 0.185 0.420 0.163 0.183 0.122 0.465 0.450 0.253 0.099 0.185 0.240 Minimum 0.013 0.009 0.009 0.015 0.018 0.010 0.009 0.014 0.002 0.011 0.005 0.010 Median 0.053 0.035 0.030 0.030 0.056 0.032 0.080 0.064 0.053 0.034 0.036 0.046 Geometric Mean 0.052 0.035 0.034 0.033 0.050 0.033 0.068 0.066 0.050 0.031 0.034 0.044 Arithmetic Mean 0.057 0.041 0.044 0.036 0.057 0.040 0.099 0.094 0.066 0.037 0.044 0.056 Upper Quartile 0.075 0.049 0.046 0.041 0.070 0.056 0.135 0.094 0.081 0.053 0.051 0.068 Lower Quartile 0.040 0.023 0.022 0.025 0.031 0.020 0.046 0.039 0.032 0.021 0.021 0.029 Std. Deviation 0.023 0.029 0.046 0.020 0.029 0.026 0.087 0.092 0.054 0.023 0.038 0.042

FILTERED REACTIVE PHOSPHORUS (mg/L) YEAR Total / STATISTIC 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 Average Sample Size 109 148 165 120 99 64 40 46 50 21 24 886 Maximum 0.097 0.270 0.195 0.107 0.054 0.056 0.074 0.054 0.069 0.039 0.044 0.096 Minimum 0.001 0.002 0.002 0.003 0.004 0.001 0.001 0.001 0.003 0.001 0.002 0.002 Median 0.021 0.010 0.011 0.011 0.025 0.012 0.014 0.018 0.016 0.010 0.004 0.014 Geometric Mean 0.019 0.011 0.013 0.011 0.019 0.013 0.011 0.013 0.015 0.007 0.005 0.012 Arithmetic Mean 0.023 0.017 0.019 0.013 0.024 0.017 0.015 0.018 0.020 0.010 0.007 0.017 Percent of Total P 40.0 41.1 42.0 36.0 42.1 41.7 15.1 19.1 30.5 25.7 16.8 31.8 Upper Quartile 0.030 0.017 0.023 0.015 0.035 0.022 0.017 0.026 0.024 0.012 0.006 0.021 Lower Quartile 0.012 0.006 0.008 0.008 0.010 0.009 0.075 0.010 0.008 0.004 0.003 0.014 Std. Deviation 0.015 0.027 0.022 0.011 0.014 0.013 0.013 0.012 0.002 0.008 0.011 0.013

TOTAL KJELDAHL NITROGEN (mg/L) YEAR Total / STATISTIC 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 Average Sample Size 97 155 165 120 99 64 40 46 50 21 24 881 Maximum 1.200 6.750 1.210 1.000 1.310 1.040 2.000 2.950 1.800 0.870 1.500 1.966 Minimum 0.050 0.200 0.320 0.430 0.430 0.320 0.400 0.410 0.070 0.330 0.220 0.289 Median 0.650 0.550 0.570 0.610 0.770 0.560 0.860 0.900 0.735 0.610 0.755 0.688 Geometric Mean 0.603 0.558 0.571 0.602 0.752 0.587 0.809 0.961 0.726 0.593 0.726 0.681 Arithmetic Mean 0.664 0.602 0.583 0.609 0.773 0.611 0.869 1.081 0.787 0.612 0.765 0.723 Upper Quartile 0.800 0.640 0.640 0.660 0.870 0.695 1.025 1.120 0.890 0.710 0.850 0.809 Lower Quartile 0.540 0.460 0.500 0.540 0.610 0.490 0.620 0.720 0.590 0.575 0.640 0.571 Std. Deviation 0.216 0.512 0.128 0.095 0.183 0.180 0.340 0.607 0.299 0.149 0.240 0.268




E.1 Phosphorus Criteria Exceedances at the Upper Schomberg River at 8th Concession E.2 Phosphorus Criteria Exceedances at West Pottageville Creek at Lloydtown Road E.3 Phosphorus Criteria Exceedances at North Schomberg River at 5th Concession E.4 Phosphorus Criteria Exceedances at Kettleby Creek at Highway #9 E.5 Phosphorus Criteria Exceedances at North Drainage Canal at Highway #9 E.6 Phosphorus Criteria Exceedances at Bradford Pumphouse at East end of Holland Marsh E.7 Phosphorus Criteria Exceedances at Springdale Pumphouse on the North Canal E.8 Phosphorus Criteria Exceedances at West Holland River at Highway #11 near Bradford E.9 Phosphorus Criteria Exceedances at East Holland River at Holland Landing Lock E.10 Phosphorus Criteria Exceedances at Holland River near Cook Bay E.11 Phosphorus Criteria Exceedances at Black River at the Sutton Dam

89 APPENDIX E Phosphorus Criteria Violation Frequency APPENDIX E.1 Upper Schomberg River at 8th Conc.: 1982-1992 PERCENT VIOLATIONS MEDIAN YEAR SAMPLE SIZE PWQO 10 X (PWQO) (mg/L) 0.03 mg/L 0.3 mg/L 1982 14 0.069 100 0 1983 61 0.078 97 5 1984 74 0.092 100 5 1985 101 0.129 99 18 1986 58 0.109 98 10 1987 42 0.076 90 5 1988 22 0.157 100 0 1989 38 0.138 100 29 1990 35 0.148 3 26 1991 18 0.076 94 0 1992 18 0.052 83.3 0 APPENDIX E.2 West Pottageville Creek: 1982-1992 1982 35 0.073 94 6 1983 109 0.058 87 7 1984 85 0.046 73 6 1985 111 0.088 89 14 1986 5 0.720 60 0 1987 2 0.089 100 0 1988 4 0.032 50 0 1989 31 0.095 84 16 1990 26 0.060 88 19 1991 13 0.050 62 0 1992 15 0.037 53 0 APPENDIX E.3 North Schomberg River at 5th Concession: 1982-1992 1982 88 0.231 97 35 1983 116 0.375 97 59 1984 102 0.191 89 32 1985 96 0.089 87 14 1986 103 0.078 79 16 1987 107 0.078 79 8 1988 73 0.090 84 7 1989 91 0.111 78 26 1990 95 0.095 81 24 1991 38 0.067 63 18 1992 39 0.077 82 21

90 APPENDIX E Phosphorus Criteria Violation Frequency

APPENDIX E.4 Kettleby Creek at Hwy #9: 1982-1992 PERCENT VIOLATIONS MEDIAN YEAR SAMPLE SIZE PWQO 10 X (PWQO) (mg/L) 0.03 mg/L 0.3 mg/L 1982 52 0.103 71 17 1983 121 0.050 64 26 1984 106 0.045 66 15 1985 96 0.055 66 18 1986 78 0.037 56 6 1987 87 0.024 37 2 1988 76 0.050 69 7 1989 84 0.034 54 19 1990 80 0.048 57 23 1991 30 0.018 37 10 1992 39 0.055 67 23 APPENDIX E.5 Holland River at Hwy #9: 1982-1992 1982 175 0.105 98 7 1983 239 0.056 94 4 1984 76 0.061 93 4 1985 77 0.064 96 4 1986 40 0.064 97 3 1987 20 0.051 80 0 1988 11 0.043 73 0 1989 18 0.048 94 0 1990 28 0.053 79 7 1991 17 0.045 76 0 1992 20 0.043 65 20 APPENDIX E.6 Bradford Pump House: 1982-1992 1982 117 1.620 100 95 1983 110 0.530 100 82 1984 91 0.800 100 100 1985 116 0.628 100 86 1986 123 0.425 100 76 1987 88 0.655 100 86 1988 77 0.510 100 86 1989 70 0.568 100 84 1990 107 0.490 100 72 1991 75 0.560 99 91 1992 98 0.590 99 98

91 APPENDIX E Phosphorus Criteria Violation Frequency APPENDIX E.7 Springdale Pump House: 1982-1992 PERCENT VIOLATIONS MEDIAN YEAR SAMPLE SIZE PWQO 10 X (PWQO) (mg/L) 0.03 mg/L 0.3 mg/L 1982 95 1.120 100 84 1983 4 0.382 100 75 1984 31 0.580 100 74 1985 65 0.430 100 71 1986 75 0.340 100 64 1987 17 0.415 100 76 1988 0 1989 1 0.415 100 100 1990 16 0.874 100 88 1991 14 0.913 100 100 1992 7 0.560 100 100 APPENDIX E.8 Holland River at Highway #11 near Bradford 1982 164 0.155 99 16 1983 270 0.170 99 20 1984 75 0.188 97 32 1985 77 0.178 100 22 1986 40 0.160 100 23 1987 20 0.109 90 10 1988 24 0.193 96 13 1989 19 0.116 89 5 1990 23 0.153 96 22 1991 15 0.133 100 0 1992 15 0.148 100 7 APPENDIX E.9 Holland River at Holland Landing: 1982-1992 1982 116 0.351 100 71 1983 118 0.439 100 77 1984 98 0.307 100 51 1985 142 0.207 100 25 1986 90 0.212 100 24 1987 81 0.215 99 27 1988 64 0.228 100 39 1989 92 0.259 100 45 1990 84 0.350 100 64 1991 45 0.193 98 31 1992 54 0.283 98 43

92 APPENDIX E Phosphorus Criteria Violation Frequency

APPENDIX E.10 Holland River at Cook Bay: 1982-1992. PERCENT VIOLATIONS MEDIAN YEAR SAMPLE SIZE PWQO 10 X (PWQO) (mg/L) 0.03 mg/L 0.3 mg/L 1982 NA NA NA NA 1983 242 0.133 100 5 1984 76 0.138 97 8 1985 59 0.139 100 10 1986 34 0.144 100 9 1987 32 0.109 91 13 1988 35 0.138 97 9 1989 26 0.116 96 4 1990 19 0.135 100 16 1991 21 0.132 95 0 1992 22 0.100 95 5


APPENDIX E.11 Black River at Sutton Dam: 1982-1992. PERCENT VIOLATIONS MEDIAN YEAR SAMPLE SIZE PWQO 10 X (PWQO) (mg/L) 0.03 mg/L 0.3 mg/L 1982 109 0.053 88 0 1983 155 0.035 60 0 1984 165 0.030 48 0 1985 120 0.030 48 0 1986 99 0.056 77 0 1987 64 0.032 52 0 1988 40 0.080 82 3 1989 46 0.064 80 4 1990 50 0.053 76 0 1991 21 0.034 52.4 0 1992 24 0.036 58 0




F.1 Suspended Solids Loadings with per unit area loadings for all stations. F.2 Total Phosphorus Loadings with per unit area loadings for all stations. F.3 Filtered Reactive Phosphorus Loadings with per unit area loadings for all stations.

94 APPENDIX F, TABLE 1. Tributary loading estimates for Suspended Solids (tonnes) including loads per unit area (Km2) : 1982 -1992. Average error for loading estimates as calculated by Beale Ratio Estimator was ±15%.

Drainage YEAR Average Tributary Station Area 1982-1992 (km2) 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 Upper Schomberg River * US 43 103.5 1372 167.1 414.8 350.6 244.4 41.4 641.1 461.3 366.3 155.2 280.259 Load per unit area (t/km2) 2.41 3.19 3.89 9.65 8.15 5.68 0.96 14.91 10.73 8.52 3.61 6.52

W. Pottageville Creek PT 27 417.1 402.8 403.6 907.9 1004.2 886.7 122.4 699.4 951.0 169.2 41.6 545.984 Load per unit area 15.45 14.92 14.95 33.63 37.19 32.84 4.53 25.90 35.22 6.27 1.54 20.22

North Schomberg River NS 28 5058.6 1492.0 1280.0 510.3 812.0 1158.8 170.2 1082.6 895.8 2186.3 526.5 1379.375 Load per unit area 180.66 53.29 45.71 18.22 29.00 41.39 6.08 38.67 31.99 78.08 18.80 49.26

Kettleby Creek KB 30 1409.0 3246.7 2782.0 1327.0 1058.2 654.0 1150.3 1351.8 3258.0 1197.2 1435.5 1715.423 Load per unit area 46.97 108.22 92.73 44.23 35.27 21.80 38.34 45.06 108.60 39.91 47.85 57.18

Holland River at Hwy 9 * HM 68 1935.0 1214.3 384.4 903.8 1219.6 1478.5 305.7 144.7 714.4 312.6 103.1 792.368 Load per unit area 28.46 17.86 5.65 13.29 17.94 21.74 4.49 2.13 10.31 4.60 1.52 11.65

Bradford Pump Station PP 24 269.0 105.0 118.0 107.0 127.0 86.0 52.0 107.7 210.9 97.61 200.496 134.608 Load per unit area 11.21 4.38 4.92 4.46 5.29 3.58 2.17 4.49 8:79 4.07 8.35 5.61

Springdale Pump Station SP 4 89.7 7.7 91.0 119.0 212.0 53.6 Nil 67.0 96.3 52.1 45.45 75.808 Load per unit area 0.29 0.03 0.30 0.39 0.69 0.17 0.00 0.22 0.31 0.17 0.15 0.25

Holland R. at Hwy 11 * SH 209 5643.0 2001.0 2053.0 1860.0 2545.0 2807.2 1135.2 1667.4 6300.0 1162.3 1407.8 2598.358 Load per unit area 27.00 9.57 9.82 8.90 12.18 13.43 5.43 7.98 30.14 5.56 6.74 12.43

Holland R at Holland Ld HL 181 14910.0 4449.0 4114.0 6240.0 3467.1 4122.2 3405.0 7100.9 17002.0 8333.4 14371.2 7955.898 Load per unit area 82.38 24.58 22.73 34.48 19.16 22.77 18:81 39.23 93.93 46.04 79.40 43.96

Holland R at Cook Bay * CB 597 10257.0 3230.0 2874.0 3116.0 5511.0 3646.6 2284.4 5153.9 5677.0 2668.1 2731.9 4286.357 Load per unit area 17.18 5.41 4.81 5.22 9.23 6.11 3.83 8.63 9.51 4.47 4.58 7.18

Black River at Sutton BL 324 805.8 425.6 596.1 571.4 1252.5 633.3 2151.3 2154.4 1033.7 382.8 493.9 954.609 Load per unit area 2.49 1.31 1.84 1.76 3.87 1.95 6.64 6.65 3.19 1.18 1.52 2.95

* Denotes loadings calculated using prorated flow data.

95 APPENDIX F, TABLE 2. Tributary loading estimates for Total Phosphorus (tonnes) including loads per unit area (Km2): 1982 -1992.

Average error for loading estimates as calculated by Beale Ratio Estimator was ±15%.

Drainage YEAR Tributary Station Area 1982-1992 2 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 (Km ) Average Upper Schomberg River * US 43 1.670 1.190 1.510 3.080 2.310 1.137 0.755 1.529 3.360 0.844 0.658 1.640 Load per unit area (t/km2) 0.04 0.03 0.04 0.07 0.05 0.03 0.02 0.04 0.08 0.02 0.02 0.04

W. Pottageville Creek PT 27 0.532 0.451 0.452 0.969 0.851 0.640 0.212 1.025 0.910 0.212 0.152 0.582 Load per unit area 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.04 0.03 0.02 0.01 0.04 0.03 0.01 0.01 0.02

North Schomberg River NS 28 10.197 3.395 1.820 1.141 2.100 2.331 0.544 2.198 1.985 3.745 1.391 2.804 Load per unit area 0.36 0.12 0.07 0.04 0.08 0.08 0.02 0.08 0.07 0.13 0.05 0.10

Kettleby Creek KB 30 2.875 5.840 4.140 2.241 1.710 0.591 2.249 2.279 4.724 1.523 2.372 2.777 Load per unit area 0.10 0.19 0.14 0.07 0.06 0.02 0.07 0.08 0.16 0.05 0.08 0.09

Holland River at Hwy 9 * HM 68 5.177 3.282 1.487 4.820 3.417 1.577 0.920 0.864 2.450 1.245 1.228 2.406 Load per unit area 0.08 0.08 0.02 0.07 0.05 0.02 0.01 0.01 0.04 0.02 0.02 0.04

Bradford Pump Station PP 24 8.631 2.981 4.090 3.592 3.232 2.797 1.391 2.576 4.960 3.537 5.088 3.898 Load per unit area 0.36 0.12 0.17 0.15 0.13 0.12 0.06 0.11 0.21 0.15 0.21 0.16

Springdale Pump Station SP 4 2.450 0.090 1.830 1.830 1.510 0.656 Nil 0.334 1.940 1.297 0.976 1.174 Load per unit area 0.61 0.02 0.46 0.46 0.38 0.16 0.00 0.08 0.49 0.32 0.24 0.29

Holland R. at Hwy 11 * SH 209 25.670 10.660 16.490 18.310 17.700 16.200 9.807 10.490 26.080 11.266 11.184 15.805 Load per unit area 0.12 0.05 0.08 0.09 0.08 0.08 0.05 0.05 0.12 0.05 0.05 0.08

Holland R. at Holland Ld HL 181 29.200 20.940 17.310 14.200 12.100 10.680 12.447 13.095 28.700 13.687 21.852 17.656 Load per unit area 0.16 0.12 0.10 0.08 0.07 0.06 0.07 0.07 0.16 0.08 0.12 0.10

Holland R at Cook Bay * CB 597 36.830 18.820 17.270 25.190 29.490 21.835 17.978 14.216 39.000 13.677 26.614 23.720 Load per unit area 0.06 0.03 0.03 0.04 0.05 0.04 0.03 0.02 0.07 0.02 0.04 0.04

Black River at Sutton BL 324 6.389 2.736 3.310 3.590 5.220 2.562 4.447 4.604 5.980 2.376 2.652 3.988 Load per unit area 0.02 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.02 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.02 0.01 0.01 * Denotes loadings calculated using prorated flow data.

96 APPENDIX F, TABLE 3. Tributary loading estimates for Filtered Reactive Phosphorus (tonnes) including loads per unit area (Km2) : 1982 -1992. Average error for loading estimates as calculated by Beale Ratio Estimator was ±15%.

Drainage YEAR Tributary Station Area ' Average 2 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 (km ) 1992 1982 - 1992 Upper Schomberg River * US 43 0.817 0.366 0.501 2.508 2.508 0.400 0.341 0.406 0.943 0.223 0.229 0.840 Load per unit area (t/km2) 0.019 0.009 0.012 0.058 0.058 0.009 0.008 0.009 0.022 0.005 0.005 0.020

W. Pottageville Creek PT 27 0.255 0.116 0.103 0.406 0.406 0.323 0.141 0.193 0.181 0.043 0.062 0.203 Load per unit area 0.009 0.004 0.004 0.015 0.015 0.015 0.005 0.007 0.007 0.002 0.002 0.008

North Schomberg River NS 28 0.848 0.263 0.331 0.660 0.660 1.109 0.196 0.564 0.483 0.272 0.384 0.525 Load per unit area 0.030 0.009 0.012 0.024 0.024 0.040 0.007 0.020 0.017 0.010 0.014 0.019

Kettleby Creek KB 30 0.674 0.235 0.319 0.290 0.290 0.178 0.331 0.222 0.319 0.161 0.186 0.291 Load per unit area 0.022 0.008 0.011 0.010 0.010 0.006 0.011 0.007 0.011 0.005 0.006 0.010

Holland River at Hwy 9 * HM 68 1.042 0.336 0.596 1.670 1.670 0.833 0.194 0.274 0.787 0.452 0.584 0.767 Load per unit area 0.015 0.005 0.009 0.025 0.025 0.012 0.003 0.004 0.012 0.007 0.009 0.011

Bradford Pump Station PP 24 6.427 1.900 3.489 3.204 3.204 1.600 0.873 1.887 3.290 3.196 3.623 2.972 Load per unit area 0.268 0.079 0.145 0.134 0.134 0.067 0.036 0.079 0.137 0.133 0.151 0.124

Springdale Pump Station SP 4 1.810 0.036 1.360 1.420 1.420 0.366 Nil 0.129 1.520 1.175 0.905 0.922 Load per unit area 0.006 0.000 0.004 0.005 0.005 0.001 0.000 0.000 0.005 0.004 0.003 0.003

Holland R. at Hwy 11 * SH 209 13.080 4.389 11.040 11.750 11.750 13.239 4.990 6.118 9.500 8.535 7.084 9.225 Load per unit area 0.063 0.021 0.053 0.056 0.056 0.063 0.024 0.029 0.045 0.041 0.034 0.044

Holland R at Holland Ld HL 181 8.969 8.734 7.009 4.140 4.140 5.900 6.051 3.445 9.400 2.994 3.927 5.883 Load per unit area 0.050 0.048 0.039 0.023 0.023 0.033 0.033 0.019 0.052 0.117 0.022 0.033

Holland R at Cook Bay * CB 597 19.360 7.324 5.929 12.345 12.345 13.126 3.602 1.782 18.000 4.354 13.599 10.161 Load per unit area 0.032 0.012 0.010 0.021 0.021 0.022 0.006 0.003 0.030 0.007 0.023 0.017

Black River at Sutton BL 324 2.558 0.827 1.349 1.285 1.285 1.082 0.665 1.001 1.806 0.836 0.41 1.191 Load per unit area 0.008 0.003 0.004 0.004 0.004 0.003 0.002 0.003 0.006 0.003 0.001 0.004

* Denotes loadings calculated using prorated flow data.



D. Marquis, Lake Simcoe Region Conservation Authority (Chairman)

J. Barker, District -Maple, Ministry of Natural Resources

E. Cavanagh, York Region, Ministry of Agriculture, Food & Rural Affairs

R. DesJardine, Southern Region, Ministry of Natural Resources (past member)

P. Dillon, Dorset Research Centre, Ministry of Environment and Energy

J. Kinkead, Watershed Management Branch, Ministry of the Environment and Energy (past member)

J. Merritt, Director -Central Region, Ministry of the Environment and Energy (past member)

P. Miller, Watershed Management Branch, Ministry of the Environment and Energy (past member)

A. Morton, Lake Simcoe Region Conservation Authority (past member)

B. Noels, Lake Simcoe Region Conservation Authority (Secretary)

G. Rees, Watershed Management Branch, Ministry of Environment and Energy (past member)

J. Richardson, Central Region, Ministry of Environment and Energy



B. Noels, Lake Simcoe Region Conservation Authority (Chainl1an) J. Beaver, Central Region, Ministry of the Environment and Energy (past member) I. Buchanan, Greater Toronto Area District -Maple, Ministry of Natural Resources R. DesJardine, Southern Region, Ministry of Natural Resources (past member) J. Dobell, Midhurst District, Ministry of Natural Resources (past member) D. Evans, Greater Toronto Area District -Maple, Ministry of Natural Resources H. Farghaly, Central Region, Ministry of the Environment and Energy G. Findlay, Midhurst District, Ministry of Natural Resources D. Green, Resources Management Branch, Ministry of Agriculture, Food & Rural Affairs (past member) B. Kemp, Lake Simcoe Region Conservation J. Kinkead, Watershed Management Section, Ministry of the Environment and Energy (past member) R. MacGregor, Southern Region, Ministry of Natural Resources (past member) M. McMurtry, Lake Simcoe Fisheries Assessment Unit, Ministry of Natural Resources N. Moore, Victoria-Haliburton County, Ministry of Agriculture, Food & Rural Affairs K. Nicholls, Water Resources Branch, Ministry of the Environment and Energy B. Peterkin, Southern Region, Ministry of Natural Resources (past member) T. Rance, Greater Toronto Area District -Maple, Ministry of Natural Resources (past member) J. Smitka, Southern Region, Ministry of Natural Resources B. Stone, Northumberland County, Ministry of Agriculture, Food & Rural Affairs (past member) M. Toombs, York Region, Ministry of Agriculture, Food & Rural Affairs M. Walters, Lake Simcoe Region Conservation Authority C. Willox, Southern Region, Ministry of Natural Resources K. Willson, Watershed Management Section, Ministry of the Environment and Energy (past member)


A. Land Sub-Group. 1985. Overview of Phosphorus Sources, Loads and Remedial Measures Studies.

A.1 Frank, D., D. Henry, J. Antoszek and F. Engler.1985. " Lake Simcoe Tributary Water Quantity and Quality Data Report."

A.2 Frank, D., D. Henry, T. Chang and B. Yip. 1985. "Newmarket Urban Test Catchment Data Report."

A.3 Antoszek, J., T. Stam and D. Pritchard.1985. "Streambank Erosion Inventory. Volume I."

A.3 Antoszek, J., S. Meek, K. Butler and O. Kashef. 1985. "Streambank Erosion Inventory. Volume II."

A.4 Rupke and Associates. 1985. "Calibration Summary of Holland Marsh Polder Drainage Pumps."

A.5 Limnos Limited. 1985. "Phosphorus Control by Duckweed Harvest -Holland Marsh Polder Drainage System."

A.6 Land Sub-Group. 1985. "Phosphorus and Modelling Control Options."

B. Lake Sub-Group. 1985. "Overview of Lake Simcoe Water Quality and Fisheries Studies."

B.1 Humber, J.E. 1985. "Water Quality Characteristics of Lake Simcoe - 1980-1984."

B.2 Neil, J.H. and G.W. Robinson.1985. "Dichotomosiphon tuberosus, a benthic algal species widespread in Lake Simcoe."

B.3 Angelow, R. and G. Robinson. 1985. "Summer Nutrient Conditions in the Lower Holland River prior to Diversion of Municipal Inputs."

B.4 Neil, J.H., G.A. Kormaitas and G.W. Robinson.1985. " Assessment in Cook Bay, Lake Simcoe."

Gault, H.D. 1985. "Community Relations Report."


Imp. A.1 Lower Holland River Erosion Control Study. 1992. Harrington & Hoyle Ltd. Imp. A.2 Lake Simcoe Tributary Monitoring Data Report, 1982 to 1992. May, 1994. G. Peat & M. Waiters. Imp. A.3 Imp. A.4 Annual Water Balances And Phosphorus Loading for Lake Simcoe (1990 - 1998). circa 1998. L.D. Scott et al. Imp. A.5 Phosphorus Loading To Lake Simcoe, 1990 - 1998: Highlights and Preliminary Interpretation in Historical and Ecosystem Contexts. May, 2001. K.H. Nicholls. Imp. A.6 Development and Implementation of a Phosphorus Loading Watershed Management Model for Lake Simcoe. Sept., 1994. Beak Consultants Ltd. Imp. B.1 The Benthic Alga "Dichotomosiphon tuberosus in Lake Simcoe, 1986, 1987. Limnos Ltd. Imp. B.2 The Predictability of Hypolimnetic Dissolved Oxygen Depletion in Lake Simcoe, Part 1. 1987. Beak Consultants Ltd. Imp. B.3 Estimated Outflow from Lake Simcoe at Atherly, 1982-1986. 1987. Cumming-Cockburn and Associates Ltd. 1987. Imp. B.4 Aquatic Plants of Cook Bay, Lake Simcoe, 1987. 1988. Limnos Ltd. Imp. B.5 Duckweed Harvest from Holland River. 1988. Limnos Ltd. Imp. B.6 Assessment and Control of Duckweed in the Maskinonge River, Keswick, Ontario. 1988. Limnos Ltd. Imp. B.7 The History of Phosphorus, Sediment and Metal Loadings to Lake Simcoe from Lake Sediment Records. Dec. 1989. Johnson and Nicholls. Imp. B.8 Hypolimnetic Oxygen Dynamics in Lake Simcoe, Part 2: Evaluation Using Time Trend and Model Simulation Techniques. April, 1990. Beak Consultants Ltd. Imp. B.9 Lake Simcoe Hypolimnion Aeration: An Assessment of the Potential for Direct Treatment. Aug. 1990. Limnos Ltd. Imp. B.10 Lake Simcoe Nearshore Water Quality Monitoring at Water Supply Intakes, 1982-1989: Data Report. Oct. 1990. Hopkins, G.J. and L Webb. Imp. B.11 Status in 1990 of the Dominant Benthic Alga, Dichotomosiphon tuberosus, in Lake Simcoe. Jan. 1991. Limnos Ltd. Imp. B.12 Estimated Monthly Flows and Exports of Total Nitrogen and Phosphorus from Lake Simcoe at Atherly. April, 1992. Cumming-Cockburn and Associates Limited. Imp. B.13 Water Quality Trends in Lake Simcoe 1972-1990 and the Implications for Basin Planning and Limnological Research Needs. Oct. 1991. Nicholls, K.H. Imp. B.14 Hydrodynamic Computer Model of Major Water Movement Patterns in Lake Simcoe. June 1992. "Hydroflux Engineering. Imp. B.15 Estimation of Phosphorus Loadings and Evaluation of Empirical Oxygen Models for Lake Simcoe for 1970 - 1990. Dec., 1992. Beak Consultants Ltd.

101 Imp. B.16 Hypolimnetic Oxygen Dynamics in Lake Simcoe, Part 3: Model Confirmation and Prediction of the Effects of Management. Dec., 1992. Beak Consultants Ltd. Imp. B.17 A Limnological Basis for a Lake Simcoe Phosphorus Loading Objective. July, 1995. K.H. Nicholls. Imp. B.18 Lake Simcoe Water Quality Update, with Emphasis on Phosphorus Trends. Nov., 1998. K.H. Nicholls. Imp. B.19 Lake Simcoe Water Quality Update: LSEMS Phase II Progress Report, 1995-1999. May, 2001. K.H. Nicholls. Imp. B.20 Lake Simcoe Water Quality Update 2000 - 2003. Implementation Program 2005. Jan., 2005. M.C. Eimers & J.G. Winter.


Related Reports by the Lake Simcoe Fisheries Assessment Unit, Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources

1985-1 Wilson, N and J. Bums. 1985. "A Study of the Summer Diet of Yellow Perch and Smallmouth Bass in Lake Simcoe -1982."

1985-2 MacMillan, A. 1985. "A Study of the Late Summer Limnetic Zooplankton Community of Lake Simcoe -1983."

1985-3 Bumst A.J. 1985. "The Late Summer Feeding Habits of Six Fish Species Found in the Central Basin of Lake Simcoe -1983".

1985-4 Willox, C.C. 1985. "An Assessment of the Lake Simcoe Winter Sport Fishery -1981 to 1983."

1985-5 Allen, R.J. 1985. "Analysis of Scale Age and Growth for Lake Whitefish from Lake Simcoe."

1986-1 Stanford, M., and K. Foster. 1986."Lake Simcoe Littoral Zone Study -1985."

1986-2 Waring, P. 1986. "Dissolved Oxygen and Temperature Profiles at Two Lake Simcoe Limnological Stations -1981 to 1983."

1986-3 Willox, C.C. 1986. "A Summary of Fall Netting on Lake Trout and Lake Whitefish Spawning Shoals in Lake Simcoe -1980 to 1984." 1986-4 Foster, K. and C. MacDonald.1986. "Lake Simcoe Littoral Zone Study 1986."

1987-1 Willox, C.C.1987. “ A Summary of the 1986 Lake Simcoe Winter Creel Survey.”

1987-2 Willox, C.C. 1987. Survey "Data Summary of the 1987 Lake Simcoe Winter Creek Survey.”

1987-3 Foster, K. D. Crowd and C. MacDonald. Study - 1987. "Lake Simcoe Littoral Zone 1987."

1987-4 Butterwick, D. 1987. "Dissolved Oxygen and Temperature Regimes for Lake Simcoe - 1984 to 1986."

1989-1 Amdt, S.K. 1989. "An Assessment of Yellow Perch Angling in Atherley Narrows, Lake Simcoe, in the Spring of 1983."

1989-2 Amdt, S.K. 1989."Creel Survey of the Lake Simcoe Summer Fishery -1988."

103 1989-3 McMurtry, M.j. 1989. "Fall Trapnetting on the Spawning Grounds of Lake Trout and Lake Whitefish in Lake Simcoe -1985 to 1988."

1989-4 Ross, D.J. and S.J. Dean. 1989."Lake Simcoe Littoral Zone Study -1989."

1989-5 Allen, R.J. 1989. " An Assessment of Yellow Perch Angling in Atherley Narrows, Lake Simcoe, in the Spring of 1989."

1989-6 Willox, C.C. 1989."Creel Surveys of the Lake Simcoe Summer Fishery -1981 to 1983."

1989-7 McIntyret D.B. 1989. "Creel Survey of the Lake Simcoe Winter Fishery - 1989."

1989-8 Fulford, P.J. 1989."Summer Index Trapnetting Program on Lake Simcoe 1980 and 1981."

1989-9 Allen, R.J. 1989."The Lake Simcoe Angler Diary Program."

1991-1 McMurtry, M.J. 1991 . " Lake Simcoe Summer Index Netting Program 1982."

1992-1 Dean, S.K. and D.J. Ross. 1992.L""Lake Simcoe Littoral Zone Study -1991."

1992-2 Fulford, P.J. and M.j. McMurtry. 1992. "Monitoring the Nearshore Fish Community of Lake Simcoe -1965 to 1981: A Case Study."