A Review of Prospective Memory in Individuals with Acquired Brain Injury [Pre-Print]
Trinity College Trinity College Digital Repository Faculty Scholarship 4-2-2018 A review of prospective memory in individuals with acquired brain injury [pre-print] Sarah Raskin Trinity College, sarah.raskin@trincoll.edu Jasmin Williams Trinity College, Hartford Connecticut, jasmin.williams@trincoll.edu Emily M. Aiken Trinity College, Hartford Connecticut, emily.aiken.2015@gmail.com Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalrepository.trincoll.edu/facpub A Review of Prospective Memory in Individuals with Acquired Brain Injury Sarah A. Raskin1,2, Jasmin Williams1, and Emily M. Aiken1 1Neuroscience Program, Trinity College, Hartford Connecticut 2Department of Psychology, Trinity College, Hartford Connecticut address for correspondence: Sarah Raskin Department of Psychology and Neuroscience Program 300 Summit Street Hartford CT, USA Sarah.raskin@trincoll.edu Prospective Memory and Brain injury 2 Abstract Objective: Prospective memory (PM) deficits have emerged as an important predictor of difficulty in daily life for individuals with acquired brain injury (BI). This review examines the variables that have been found to influence PM performance in this population. In addition, current methods of assessment are reviewed with a focus on clinical measures. Finally, cognitive rehabilitation therapies (CRT) are reviewed, including compensatory, restorative and metacognitive approaches. Method: Preferred reporting items for systematic reviews and meta-analyses (PRISMA) guidelines (Liberati, 2009) were used to identify studies. Studies were added that were identified from the reference lists of these. Results: Research has begun to elucidate the contributing variables to PM deficits after BI, such as attention, executive function and retrospective memory components. Imaging studies have identified prefrontal deficits, especially in the region of BA10 as contributing to these deficits.
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