Boxgrove Parish Council Imogen Whitaker - Clerk & RFO to the Council 2 McAdam Close, Hambrook, PO18 8FG T: 01243 575094/E: [email protected]/ ______Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting Monday 4th June 2018 at 7.00pm at Village Hall and Community Centre

Present: Cllr H Potter Chairman Cllr Tynan Cllr Reed Cllr Addison Vice Chairman Cllr Bish Cllr Moyler Cllr Lloyd Tooze

In attendance: The Clerk CDC – Cllr Henry Potter Police Crime Commissioner Katy Bourne Inspector West Police WSCC: Cllr Jeremy Hunt 19 members of the Public

1. Apologies Cllr Jill Raikes 2. Declarations of interest None 3. Katy Bourne Police and Crime Commissioner for – to answer questions concerning traffic calming in Boxgrove and surrounding areas The Chairman introduced Ms Bourne to the meeting as having been invited to answer questions about traffic calming. Inspector Danny West was also present from Chichester Police. Ms Bourne started by saying that after several years, Sussex police were at a real point of change. With the significant rise in the local precept to £1 per month per band D household this will be a gamechanger for Sussex. Previously funds were having to be taken out of the budget to get by which was having a negative impact. The Police model had to change. 476 posts were going to be lost. Now those posts will remain and more will be created. The additional money will go into specific areas: • Local policing – more officers particularly more officers policing roads – main and rural – a transformation strategy • Contact with the police – clearly 101 is not as efficient as it should be. (101 is not just about calls from the public – it is a control and command centre – much bigger than the public perceive) • Feeling safe out and about at night and in the day but more specifically feeling safe in your own home Ms Bourne's job is to make that happen but for once she said that she came bearing better news. The increase in precept will remain for two years and then go back down again. She reminded the meeting that the Police precept for Sussex was the 5th lowest in the country. It has been very difficult in the recent past. There will be an increase of 200 officers over the next four years. By this time next year there should be a tangible difference. Having spoken to police forces, the Community Speed Watch (CSW) operate on line and they are tightening up procedures. They have one officer who works with CSW volunteers (Steve O'Connell) but there are currently 189 registered groups. Question 1: Mr Mack Westbourne Parish Council. Westbourne Parish Council has been waiting 3 months to have the ready and waiting group trained. Ms Bourne said that it would improve but not overnight. She will action this training for Westbourne.

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Action Katy Bourne

Jim McDonald (Boxgrove) said that up until now all that training has been done by PCSO Jason Lemm. Ms Bourne said that he would be training up another PCSO to work with him.

Question 2: David Blyth What has happened to "community feeling" and mutual respect these days? If a young person is caught he is protected by the system – name and shame would work better. Ms Bourne said that she wouldn't agree entirely with that sentiment and name and shame could have the opposite and detrimental effect. She had recently had to deal with a child of 10 who had been expelled from school and whose own mother couldn't control him. Getting under the skin of these children is difficult. Just putting them in court or a cell overnight is not the answer. It is far better to work with lots of different agencies. We are a more aggressive society and there is a high expectation of having everything now. The violence that the police meet on a daily basis is quite profound compared to 20 years ago. All officers now have body-cams which record and offer protection.

Inspector West reminded the meeting that although there is a small collection of children who are hard-core the vast majority are working hard and are law-abiding individuals who are achieving well. We must keep this in perspective.

Cllr Hunt talked about the Integrated Prevention and Earliest Help service (IPEH) being run by WSCC which works with families. Sometimes they are working with families who have been unemployed for 3 or 4 generations. Insp West said that Jim Bartlett former Chief Inspector was doing just that too.

Question 3: Cllr Lloyd Tooze Boxgrove PC Cllr Tooze asked if there were statistics showing follow-up rates to reported crime. Things that affect the community. There is a general belief that if you report it, it won't be dealt with. Insp West said that if a crime was reported it would be acted upon. Each morning they run through the reported incidents. However, the police can no longer do "reassurance" visits which is how the public interprets follow up. He said that in the Boxgrove area there had been a reduction in all reported crime except house burglary. (Part of this rise in house burglary could be accounted for by the changed reporting schemes). He said that in terms of crimes of alcohol, domestic abuse, drugs for example they would check for a "series" of crime and it would be followed up. Ms Bourne said that fraud against the elderly was on the increase and criminals are deliberately targeting older people. Operation Signature is however using a face-to-face response to these crimes as it is more easily understood by the elderly, and they recognise it as an opener to the next steps. Other violent crime without injury on the rise is online abuse.

Question 4: Geoffrey Keech Parish Council Funtington has the second largest concentration of traveller sites in Sussex. The former PCSO whose special remit was travellers was the only person who could get on to these sites (ie would be tolerated by the travellers). Now he has gone what are we supposed to do? Ms Bourne said call the police, but Mr Keech noted that the police do not get access to the sites.

Question 5 Kate Beach Parish Council Ms Beach had called the contact centre (101) and waited 50 minutes before being able to report a break in. She said that would obviously be reducing the crime figures because people would just give up and ring off. Ms Beach had asked the operator, (when she was finally connected) how many people were on duty but the contact at the centre had been reluctant to reply. Ms Bourne said that the staff member genuinely wouldn't have known as the control and command centre deals with 999 and 101. If there is an influx of emergency calls then more lines will be switched to 999 and there will be fewer taking 101 calls. Clearly the system wasn't working and what was needed was more staff – it was the only way forward. Currently the Sussex police are running trials on digital reporting over 12 months in Sussex and Surrey which is proving much quicker. The average response time for 101 is 10 minutes.

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Mr Tim Russell 's experience (North ) had been 40 minutes with messages asking you to email or go on line or call back later.

Question 6 – Jim McDonald Boxgrove Traffic Calming Group Mr McDonald said that Boxgrove has been doing the CSW since last October and on average 4000 vehicles a day pass through Boxgrove. He said that initially the group had to go into Chichester to "borrow" the approved speed gun from the police, come all the way back use it and then return it to Chichester. To avoid this waste of time the group self-funded a £500 speed gun. Other groups will be facing this same cost.

Secondly the group bought some posters to put up which had a very positive effect on speed reduction, but they were removed. This issue needs to be resolved - the posters had an impact.

Thirdly, the PCSO Jason Lemm only found one location in the village that fitted the over-strict criteria established by the police. The group felt that other locations were suitable. These checks need to be actioned quicker and the rules and regulations relaxed to allow people to start.

Ms Bourne said that she would like to see some of the Sussex Safer Roads Partnership funds (gained through Speed Awareness courses) used for funding speed guns in villages. Action Katy Bourne

As for the posters, they were not compliant, and Health and Safety precludes certain locations however stupid it seems to the TCG. Mr McDonald asked if the rules could be relaxed, or at least reviewed and the posters too. Action Katy Bourne Ms Bourne said that she would ask the SSRP.

Question 7 Singleton PC Why can't average speed cameras be used? The costs could be shared between villages. Ms Bourne said that trials were also being run on these cameras in Brighton. The representative said that they had already been extensively trialled in Poole, why couldn’t the police share resources and use their data? It was ridiculous to try and stand out on the busy main road when technology could do the data logging.

Question 8 Boxgrove Traffic Calming Group Mr McDonald said that three villages in the room owned a device with a data logger, but it required two people to be next to it, with sandbags on the device. If Jason Lemm saw it alone but chained up he would remove it. How can that be changed? Ms Bourne said that if it were an operational issue she couldn't do anything herself but that she would find out who to contact. Action Katy Bourne

Mr McDonald said that if a village had a formed Traffic Calming group they could buy a speed gun online, totally approved and certified for £390. (Bushnell). An unmanned SID on a tripod chained to a post might be approved by WSCC but to alter the SID's data capabilities would cost £1000 and each bracket to attach to the post costs £50. Clearly much cheaper to buy the speed gun! Mr McDonald said that the Boxgrove Traffic calming group had paid for this equipment. Ms Bourne said to drop a note into her office and she would ask the SSRP for some money. Action Boxgrove TCG

Mr McDonald also asked for the notices back. He asked if the notices could be mounted on a post within private property? They were an important speed reducing tool.

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Cllr Hunt said that the signs were removed because they were on WSCC posts. However, WSCC are looking into it to see if they can be approved. He thought that they could be on private property but not for longer than three months at a time. / He also said that obviously more guns were needed – couldn't Chichester Police acquire another gun for loaning out? Insp West said he would look into it. Action Inspector West

Cllr Hunt asked about the original master plan for PCSOs which talked about putting them into teams and therefore able to cover a wider area. Since that time two years ago he has seen just one PCSO who promised to send contact details (whilst at a PC meeting) but didn't follow up. Insp West confirmed that the teams are not geographical and there is an email or telephone number which will be responded to. ([email protected]). Cllr Hunt asked if there were any way Parish Councils could have a visit from a PCSO once in a while? Insp West confirmed that he had just received instruction from Chief Inspector Kris Ottery to do just that. Parish Councils will be contacted in advance to let them know when a PCSO will be available to come to a Parish Council meeting. He said that each time a request has been made to date to have a PCSO at a meeting they have responded positively.

This was confirmed by Ms Beach who said that after a spate of house burglaries in Tangmere they had requested extra police presence which they had got rapidly.

Question 9 Jim McDonald Boxgrove Traffic Calming Mr McDonald asked if there were a special strategy for dealing with motorcycles. They are noisy and difficult to catch with the speed. The team didn't see too many of the traffic police on patrol presumably because they are over-stretched. Ms Bourne said that it was an intelligence-led programme and if there were reports of a particular issue it would be targeted. However those types of incidents should be reported on operation crackdown.

Question 10 Cllr Tooze Boxgrove PC At a recent outdoor event at Goodwood young teenagers (with their mothers) had seen men handing out drugs and putting them in people's drinks. Although there were sniffer dogs and a police presence how could you prevent that. Insp West said that they should have found the police or security guard and reported it. They are ingenious with the ways they manage to bypass security (although the Goodwood circuit is not a secured perimeter).

Ms Bourne closed by saying that the police were doing a fantastic job and that what the public saw was only the tip of the iceberg, and she thanked the police and thanked the meeting for inviting her.

Chairman Henry Potter thanked her and Insp West for coming.

4. Minutes – to agree and sign the minutes of May 14th 2018 Annual Meeting/Electors' meeting The Minutes were unanimously agreed to be a true and accurate record and were signed by the Chairman

5. Actions from the previous meeting Minute Action/Councillor Further action 7 vii Clerk – confirm BPC trustee on Board of Confirmed - NFAR trustees of BVH 8i Clerk - Fixing mechanisms for bins and prices Completed for bins 8i Crowd funding training clerk attended – NFAR anyone requiring information email clerk 8i Clerk - Silent soldier placement Awaiting response

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8i Clerk - Facilities audit Was confirmed at meeting 8i A27 signage meeting TBC 9i Clerk - Annual governance statement NFAR submitted with rider for clause 5 10 Clerk – planning comments submitted NFAR 15 Cricket Club teas and BVH Clerk awaiting response

Concerning BVH Cllr Tooze mentioned that the Parish Council could appoint a trustee but that they didn't have to be a councillor. The Clerk agreed as that was not actually specified in the clause. However, at the time of writing the constitution of the CIO the intention had been that it should be a councillor. Cllr Tooze said that he had been the representing trustee for over two years and that during that time the Manager had said that there was a conflict of interest and that it was against Charity Commission rules. He had been unable to vote and had been excluded from information. The clerk said that there was no conflict of interest, it was written in the constitution, and that any trustee appointed by the Council was a Trustee – that means that they could vote and attend all meetings and be privy to all information. The fact that Cllr Tooze had not been accorded this was against Charity Commission rules. The clerk to write to BVH. Action Clerk With regards to the Cricket Club teas Cllr Tooze had asked that the hall help out and wrote to the trustees asking them to consider it. He received no response but saw in an email that it had been vetoed. The clerk had not received any response from the manager. Cllr Reed said that the hall had offered the space but at £11 an hour. For a 6-hour match this was completely unviable. The council agreed that this was disappointing and not at all in the community spirit. Under the circumstances the hall should be free to the cricket club. Clerk to write to trustees. Action Clerk

6. County Councillor, District Councillor and Chairman’s report Cllr Jeremy Hunt WSCC i. Cllr Hunt had written yet again to Mr Larner who had responded that he would contact Cllr Hunt after his wife's treatment. When asked if he could not delegate the decision he was adamant that no one else could make the decision of donating such sums to charity. ii. There are now 17 pothole teams working and with the better weather progress has improved. The government has awarded a further £1.6 million to help and Cllr Hunt has allocated a further £500K for proper repair. iii. A27 the Select committee met today. WSCC is run by Cabinet member decision. The select committee was to have put forward both routes and HE has committed to working up both routes. However, WSCC has agreed to only propose a northern route.

Cllr Addison said that Systra's remit was engineering based with high level strategy and a lot of devil in the detail but that they hadn't considered the environmental impact. He said you only have to look at Winchester and Twyford Down to see the devastation that these routes cause. Cllr Tooze asked if any consideration had been given to the fact that the current A27 will not be upgraded in any way and southerners will still not be able to access the A27?

Cllr Henry Potter CDC i. "You may recall that I reported on a briefing which I attended last month, of a review of the CDC Local Plan. This has been extended now for Parish Councillors to attend tomorrow afternoon and learn of projected housing development plans for a further 5 years, 2020-25 and Boxgrove is not exempt! These projected sites will, of course, be subject to consultation with the Communities before they can be adopted in the Plan Review.

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ii. The future of the A27 was debated by WSCC this afternoon (4th) and I’m sure Cllr. Jeremy Hunt will have a report on this, but, I’m amazed that Louise Goldsmith is to recommend to her Council that a Northern Route be preferred. iii. Similarly, the District Council will meet this coming Friday immediately after a Cabinet Meeting (9.30) when the Cabinet will recommend to the Council Members that they “support Approach A in the Systra Report”. Which is to promote both a mitigated Northern Route and a Full Southern route. Bit like sitting on a fence really. There is still no consensus between the Northerners and the Southerners, so it will ultimately rest with Highways to make the final decision. However, I still firmly believe the SDNPA will have a great influence as they did two years ago. The National Park Policies remain unchanged. Where there is an alternative available The National Park will never support the building of new roads within nor adjacent to the Park Boundaries. Thanks for listening Henry Potter DC Member, Boxgrove Ward. Soon to be Goodwood Ward."

Cllr Henry Potter – Chairman i. "Following on from questions last-month, one was regarding Velosouth 2018. The organisers are addressing the next meeting of the South Chichester County Local Committee a week tomorrow 12th June. If anybody wishes to know more you are free to attend, it is in County Hall. ii. I note that the potholes in the Crouch Cross area have received a white ‘halo’ around them. This means that they’ve been assessed and will be treated in the near future. The broken edges and potholes in Redvins Road have been similarly treated, so let’s watch this space. iii. The High footpath to has received a cut back of the nettles and cow parsley, but I’m sure it will need further attention before the end of the growing season. iv. I attended a preliminary inspection of the Sports Pavilion along with Cllrs. Tooze and Bish and Read and it was agreed that it wasn’t as bad as imagined. However, it was decided to engage a professional to carry out a survey of the building which has been done and I expect Michael to report further on this under Agenda Item 8. v. The kissing gate crossing into Tinwood Lane has been rectified by the PROW team. The gate has been retained, one single large root was cut out and some simple steps installed providing a much safer passage down into the Lane for walkers. It was even completed on the day as scheduled. vi. Finally, I’m still angered by the decision of WSCC Highways, “after much deliberation”, not to permit the siting of the “Lone Soldier Coming Home” silhouette at the Halnaker crossroads. I haven’t given up on this, I propose to raise this issue at the South Committee Meeting next week. Henry Potter, Chairman"

7. Fire and Rescue services When asked Cllr Hunt said he had no specific recommendation on this issue. The consultation is now closed, and as he said before Gavina Watts would be happy to come and answer the council's concerns at a meeting. Cllr Potter asked if the Chief County Fire Officer were happy – Cllr Hunt said that he was. Cllr Addison said that the Fire Union was not. Cllr Tooze said that with no serviceable vehicles there would be no fires service. The challenge is the 3 in number or 4 retained firemen per crew. Cllr Addison said that now the problem was the huge increase in housing and numbers of people using the roads so there will be a greater number of Road Traffic Accidents (RTA). On top of that with climate change inducing flooding, high winds, possible terror attacks, incidents across counties – it was about resilience. Cllr Addison felt that Boxgrove Parish Council should express its concerns. This was unanimously agreed and a letter will be sent to Chief Fire Officer Gavin Watts.

Action Cllr Addison/Clerk (Cllr Hunt left the meeting at 9.10pm)

8. Pavilion – to include report on repair work inside the pavilion and works to begin extension

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Cllr Bish had asked a surveyor to come and do a full assessment of the damage. He and Cllrs Reed, Potter and Tooze had met at the pavilion. The surveyor was not overly concerned with the mould as it has been quite recent, and the water leaked was clean. However, the issue is that the water is being sucked up the architraves and skirting boards and cannot evaporate as the wood is painted. He advised that all the wood should be removed. He also advised that half of the ceiling be removed, although Cllr Bish thought it more sensible to remove the entire ceiling to be sure. The timber in the roof is good, but the plaster board should be removed. The electrics will need to be checked by a certified electrician and the plumbing will need addressing obviously.

Cllr Bish had met with Cllr Reed and some of the CC members and had thought through some good ideas. It was generally thought that the planning permission should be implemented and part of the extension to the ground floor slab with a couple of building control inspections and that would be a cheap way to safeguard works for the future.

Three quotes would need to be obtained. The immediate costs are to renovate/create disabled toilet and the referee's room, using some of the money.

Action Cllr Bish/Clerk The pipework in the roof had been lagged so it is not known why or where the pipes burst – but clearly in the cold spell the temperature was too low even for lagged pipes. The Cricket Club will return the £5000 to the Parish Council so that work can be paid for and the VAT reclaimed.

Action Cllr Reed

9. Emergency Plan Cllr Addison had a copy of the East Dean plan which would be good to adapt for the village (bar the flooding issues). The vulnerable people in Boxgrove are known to the council but must actively give their consent to be included on the vulnerable people register. Cllr Addison will prepare something for the next meeting.

Action Cllr Addison

10. Report on Planning applications 18/BX/01211/DOM – Crockfords, Halnaker. Small orangery and reactivation of former planning permission. No comment 11. Clerk’s report i. Correspondence received From Concerning Action

Clerk Cricket club teas – no response Write

Navy Fly the flag on Red Ensign Day 3rd September Cllr Potter Fly the flag on St Richard's Day 16th September Cllr Tooze

Clerk Possibility of rates reduction for pavilion from CDC Clerk

Dementia Alert Asking the families of vulnerable people to create a Forms form identifying favourite places, former homes, a photograph and identifying features in the case of a dementia sufferer going missing. Fast track for police Boot Camp A group has asked to be able to use the green for Boot Clerk Camp for women. It was agreed to ask for a donation to the upkeep of the green of £15 per session.

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Clerk Councillor meetings: Booked 6th June CDC 2 – 4pm Cllrs Potter/Tooze 6th June SDNP 6.30 – 9pm Cllrs Potter/Tooze/Bish Clerk Training for councillors. Clerk to inform of content and Cllrs Addison/Potter/Tooze to check date of 10th July 6 book – 9pm

ii. Appointment of internal auditor. The council unanimously AGREED the appointment of RS Hall and Associates. iii. Payments for consideration. The council unanimously RESOLVED the payments for consideration with the addition of £150 to Pat Stanley for hedgerow trimming iv. Bank reconciliation and Expenditure to date

12. Councillors' reports and Parish Matters i. Cllr Rew Reed tendered his resignation with immediate effect. The Chairman thanked Cllr Reed for all his hard work in the past. ii. Cllr Addison asked that everyone complete the Neighbourhood Draft Plan consultation papers – the closing date is on Friday 8th June and is IMPORTANT!. iii. Cllr Tooze had attended the Goodwood Motor Circuit Committee on 24th May 2018 . His report was as follows:

"Note to Councillors. Normally I would only make a report if the meeting had pertinent information or issues affecting Boxgrove Parish and the community. Ongoing internal matters such as noise management, safety, traffic management and matters directly relating to GMC but not affecting Boxgrove Parish would be for information only. This meeting, however, was wide-ranging, so I will concentrate on the important issues.

The Chair was taken by Richard Ploughman, usually Vice Chair, as the Chair Roy Anscombe had suffered a recent stroke and was therefore absent. (He is making slow recovery). The noise report from Tim Horne CDC Environmental Health was discussed and it was agreed had been very well managed by the stewards and officials at the circuit during public and private events over this period. The Madgwick Park development was discussed with most of those present questioning what the effects of the increased house building will be, considering the apparent lack of new infrastructure. There were concerns about the proposed separate issue of a new pumping station opposite the Grade 2 listed cottage in Madgwick Lane. The whole project is likely to take 2 to 3 years. The big issue was the BABA27 and options for RIS2. The matter of the effect on the National Park by a Northern route was explored and if the National Park would co-operate in the boundary issues; plus, the enormous effect on Goodwood if such a choice were made. The committee agreed when I suggested that we should put aside personal preferences on this hugely important matter. The committee voted to send their support to WSCC for options in this order: 1. Southern Route 2. The Internet based approach 3.Equal 50/50 for Southern and Northern Route 4. Northern Route if all others are fully explored and found unworkable.

Under late items I asked the members and GMC representatives to consider the effect that VELO South would have on the immediate area around Goodwood during this event and Cllr Jon Ward, Singleton PC informed the meeting that he had been in contact with the organisers and was not at all happy with the response. Cllrs Ward and Harding had been in discussion about what could be done to highlight the possible shortcomings of this event.

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After the meeting closed I discussed it with Cllrs Ward and Harding and it was agreed that the PC Clerks could make contact and see if a venue could be arranged at a suitable location for a public meeting where any concerns and questions could be put together and sent to the organisers for their response." 13. Agenda Items for the next meeting Emergency Plan 14. Date of next meeting Monday July 2nd 2018

There being no further business to discuss the meeting was declared closed at 9.45 pm.

Signed:______Dated:______Cllr Henry Potter – Chairman

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Boxgrove Parish Council Financial Statement Meeting 4th June 2018

Balances on accounts Current account £ 32,859.12 uncleared cheques Total £ 32,859.12

Received since last meeting vat £ 1,112.99

Paid since last meeting

percy woodcock £ 100.00 clerk's salary £ 540.69 bvh room hire april £ 31.00 bvh room hire may £ 31.00 np printing £ 41.60 np consultancy £ 300.00 data protection training £ 200.00 churchyard grant £ 875.00 CAB donation £ 100.00 expenses tidy up day £ 15.15 expenses tidy up day £ 17.10 rj dixon £ 175.00

total £ 2,426.54

Payments for consideration

NEST (april payment) £ 26.31 NEST (may payment) £ 33.37 percy woodcock £ 100.00 imogen whitaker £ 540.09 hmrc £ 167.40 cranes surveyors £ 720.00

total £ 1,587.17

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Bank reconciliation 4th June 2018

B ank accounts as of 4th June 2018

current account £ 32,859.12 unpaid total £ 32,859.12

opening balance 1st April 2018 £ 23,724.42 add receipts in the year £ 18,336.81 less payments in the year £ 9,202.11 Balance £ 32,859.12

less reserve @ 50% of annual precept of £32990 £ 6,495.00

Total £ 16,364.12

ring -fenced funds

neighbourhood plan £ 2,978.60 CIL £ 1,505.52 capital replacement fund £ 2,000.00 Total £ 6,484.12

total available funds (less ring fenced and reserve) Total £ 9,880.00

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