Mayobridge Parish Newsletter

Sunday 8th November 2020 Thirty-Second Sunday in Ordinary Time

‘Stay awake because you do not know either the day or the hour’ Matthew 25: 1-13

Prayer for the deceased, raised in the trust that they dwell with God, extends its benefits to us too: it educates us in a true vision of life; it opens us up to true freedom, disposing us to the continuous search for eternal goods Pope Francis tweet

Sunday 8th November 2020 Thirty-second Sunday in Ordinary Time (50-2020) (Sunday Readings Cycle A – Weekday Cycle 2)

PARISH OFFICE - Open Monday to Thursday 10.00am to 2.00pm For Anniversaries, Marriages or Baptisms phone 028 3085 0270 WEBSITE ADDRESS Bulletin News to Daniel Morgan 07929568392 or email [email protected] by Wednesday evening Email Information for parish website to [email protected] Parish website and webcam now functioning for the sick and housebound and for those who live far from home AL-NON FAMILY GROUP 028 9068 2368 THE PARISH PASTORAL COUNCIL email address is: [email protected] should a parishioner or visitor to the Parish wish to contact them SAFEGUARDING CHILDREN and ADULTS who require protection - Designated person for Dromore Diocese – Mrs Patricia Carville 0778991 7741 Parish Safeguarding Representative – Mrs Cathy Hillen 02830850270 Action on Elder Abuse Freephone helpline 08 08 088141 Parish Hall - to book contact Thomas Gallagher 07831 272638

RECENTLY BAPTISED – We welcome into our faith community Oliver Patrick Burns son of Patrick and Sonya.

RECENTLY DECEASED – We pray for the happy repose of the soul of Sr Malachy O’Farrell, St Clare’s Convent, and also Mary Torley, Newry, mother of Gerard, who were interred recently. May they rest in peace

DAY/DATE TIME ANNIVERSARIES All Masses streamed live from Church Webcam Sat 7th Nov 6.00pm Public Mass Parish: Michael Goss, Aughnagun; Paddy & Margaret Rooney, Arthur Rooney, Daniel & Pat Rooney, James & Annie Gribben & Deceased Family, Edentrumley Sun 8th Nov 11.00am Public Mass Mayobridge Parish: Mary McGlade, Cullion Road; Hugh John O’Hare, Edentrumley Wed 11th Nov 10.00am Kathleen Russell, Sat 14th Nov 6.00pm Public Mass Mayobridge Parish: Patsy Gallagher, St Anne’s Park; Nicole Fegan, Crossan Road; Charlotte Morgan, Tamnaharry Hill Sun 15th Nov 11.00am Public Mass in Mayobridge Parish: MM Pat Butterfield, The Village Pearse Butterfield, Old Road; Hugh Grant (sen) St Anne’s Terrace; Peter & Eileen Magee, Edentrumley Road; John Keenan & Bridget Mastin, Edentrumley Road; Peter & Rose Anne Farrelly, Shrewsbury

SAINT ANNE’S OIL AND CORD can be obtained from Mrs Lily Gribben, Tel – 028 3085 1424

MAYOBRIDGE PARISH Envelopes may be returned to the Letter Box at the main Front Door of the Convent

BAPTISMS IN MAYOBRIDGE - Baptisms will resume in Mayobridge as normal. Each day we have three Baptisms with ten family members including baby. Mayobridge Parish First Sunday of the month at 12.30pm

 NOVEMBER DEAD LISTS  November the month of the Holy Souls, we make a special effort to remember the Faithful Departed in our prayers and Masses, especially our own beloved family and friends. Dead Lists are placed on the Altar and are remembered in all Masses. Lists are available for each household in the Church porches and St Anne’s Shrine from today. They should be completed and returned as soon as possible to the Offertory Basket at any weekend Mass or placed in the Letter Box at the main Front Door of the Convent. It is customary to make an offering with each list

STEWARDS ROTA Saturday 14th November Sunday 15th November Outdoor Stewards Helena Johnston Ann Fitzpatrick Collection Desi Kennedy Colm Gribben Track & Trace Siobhan Murphy Gillian Fitzpatrick Ushers Thomas O’Hare & Terry Grant 4 JPII Volunteers Side Door Helena Johnston Louise Kane

COVID 19 TEAM WEEK 1 Start Monday 9th November Cleaning Rota Monday Gillian Fitzpatrick Michelle Gordon Tuesday Louise Kane Another Wednesday Bridget & Laura Grant Roisin Dwyer Thursday Carmel Bradley Deirdre Gorman Friday Veronica Ward Daniel Morgan Saturday Helena Johnston Another Sunday Another Another

More volunteers required If you are unable to clean the Chapel on your agreed evening, it is very important that you please contact someone to swop or advise that you can’t attend so another volunteer can step in. This is to ensure the opening of the Chapel next day for private prayer. Thank you

SPIRITUAL COMMUNION PRAYER - My Jesus, I believe that You are present in the Blessed Sacrament. I love You above all things, and I long for You in my soul. Since I cannot receive You sacramentally, come at least spiritually into my heart. As though You have already come, I embrace You and unite myself entirely to You; never permit me to be separated from You. Amen

Remember a loved one with an Engraved Leaf on the Southern Area Hospice Memory Tree The Memory Tree is located in the Southern Area Hospice Memory Garden and provides a beautiful and meaningful way to remember a loved one whilst also helping the Hospice to continue delivering specialist palliative care to patients and support to their families. Call 028 3026 7711 for details or



NEWRY DOMINICAN Saint Martin Novena Tuesday 3rd – Wednesday 11th November St Martin Novena this year will only be online. Unfortunately, the Church will not be open to the public during the Novena. Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday 11.00am & 7.30pm. Saturday 11.00am & Sunday at 7.30pm (Online only)

(Usual Saturday Vigil & Sunday Morning Masses on 7th/8th open to the public.)

We regret this year because of the Covid 19 pandemic that we are unable to facilitate people in the Church for the St Martin Novena.


MAYOBRIDGE GAC ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING – will be held on Tuesday 8th December 2020 at 7.30pm. Nomination forms will be found on the club website. The meeting will most likely be virtually due to restrictions.

BEST WISHES to Corey Quinn, Shane Annett, Mickey Walsh and all the Team in their USFC match v Fermanagh Sunday 1.30pm BBC2

Spiritual Communion

What is Spiritual Communion? - Spiritual Communion is a way to be united with Christ when we are not able to physically receive the Eucharist. St Thomas Aquinas described it as “an ardent desire to receive Jesus in the Holy Sacrament, and a loving embrace as though we had received Him.” This was a practice very dear to the heart of St Alphonsus Liguori, founder of the Redemptorist Order. In this time of uncertainty, when we are encouraged to practice “Social Distancing,” let’s use St Alphonsus’ practice to be united in Spirit and in Prayer with one another and with Christ.

How to make a Spiritual Communion:

• Start with the Sign of the Cross.

• Read and reflect on the readings of the day (you can go to , Mass Leaflets in Church porches at weekends or follow us livestreamed

SATURDAYS AT 6PM AND ON SUNDAYS AT 10AM And Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Fridays at 10am at

• or


• Have a real desire to be united with Christ.

• Acknowledge your sins and ask for forgiveness.

• Pray an Act of Spiritual Communion, such as this one inspired by St Alphonsus Liguori

My Jesus, I believe that You are present in the Blessed Sacrament. I love You above all things, and I long for You in my soul. Since I cannot receive You sacramentally, come at least spiritually into my heart. As though You have already come, I embrace You and unite myself entirely to You; never permit me to be separated from You. Amen

• Offer a Prayer of Thanksgiving.

ACCORD Caring for Marriage building Relationships COVID-19 Couples & Relationships Support Line IF YOU NEED TO SPEAK TO AN EXPERIENCED COUPLES & RELATIONSHIPS COUNSELLOR DURING THIS TIME OF UNPRECEDENTED STRESS AND PRESSURE ON FAMILY LIFE...Contact: 028 9568 0151 003531 531 3331 9.00 am - 8.00 pm, Monday to Friday All calls charged at local rate

Road improvement scheme for Newry Road, Mayobridge - The improvement work will extend approximately 1.2 kilometres from its junction with the Ryan Road to the introduction of the 30mph signs at the Newry side of Mayobridge. The scheme includes resurfacing and upgrading of road drainage. To facilitate the works, it will be necessary to operate a daily weekday road closure (Monday – Friday) between the hours of 9.30am and 4.30pm from Monday 28 September until Friday 13 November 2020. During these times a diversion will be in place with traffic being diverted via Newry Road, Bavan Road, Drumlough Road, Iveagh Bungalows, Road, Newry Road and vice versa. The road will be open to traffic in the evenings during the week and all day Saturday and Sunday. Local access for residents and emergency services will be maintained at all times.

Covid-19 In light of the current concern in the Parish and surrounding area, we advise any parishioner who has Covid-19 symptoms to seek a test, remain in isolation and not to attend Church. Anyone in contact or living with a person suspected to have the virus or Covid-19 symptoms should also not attend Church. The Parish is monitoring developments and may be guided and directed to suspend public services at short notice, however, in the event of this happening Mass will continue to be offered privately for booked Anniversaries and can be viewed via the Parish Webcam. Please consult this media site for up-to-date information.


Face Coverings in Churches Guidance from Archbishop Martin (Apostolic Administrator)

At this time, both in Northern Ireland and in the Republic of Ireland, the governments have not formally made mandatory the wearing of face coverings at services of worship. This is, in part, due to the fact that as churches we are committed to maintaining 2 metre physical distancing between household groups and strict adherence to all government guidance on hand hygiene, cleaning, ventilation, etc.

However, following further recent consultations with public health authorities, I, along with other Christian church leaders all over this island, am formally recommending and encouraging the use of face coverings at all Masses and other liturgical celebrations, along with the ongoing maintenance of 2 metre physical distancing, with immediate effect or as soon as practicable.

I understand that some people are exempted from the wearing of face coverings, as outlined in the two jurisdictions: and I also recognise that whilst it may not be appropriate for the celebrant and some others (for example Ministers of the Word) to wear face coverings, they should at all times continue to maintain at least 2 metre distancing from one another, and 4 metres distancing from the front row of the Congregation.


Reopening of St Patrick’s Church, Mayobridge for the public celebration of Mass and Sacraments

Mass will resume on Saturdays at 6:00pm. Other public Masses in the parish will resume on a gradual basis. The church will open at 5:45pm. A ‘first come, first in’ system will be in operation. If you find you are arriving at the same time as others, please form an orderly queue whilst observing social distancing. We would ask for your patience and understanding if it transpires that maximum capacity has been reached prior to your arrival at the church. A booking system may be introduced at a later stage if numbers consistently exceed the capacity available. The Sunday obligation to attend Mass continues to be suspended. Please be mindful of the risk to yourself and others when deciding whether or not to attend in person. Mass will, as always, continue to be streamed via webcam. Please enter the Church by the front door where you will be greeted by a steward who will take your name and contact number (one name and contact number per family is sufficient). This is necessary to comply with the government’s ‘Track & Trace’ programme. It would be helpful if you could write your name and contact number on a small piece of paper beforehand as this could then be easily dropped into the steward’s envelope. At the end of the Mass, the envelope containing the contact details of all present at the liturgy will be sealed and locked in a secure place. After a month, when it is clear that no ‘Track & Trace’ has been necessary, the envelope will be destroyed. Please avail of the hand sanitisers on entering and exiting. The dispensers are foot-pedal-operated and are located at each of the church doors. On entering the church there will be a basket for depositing any offertory promise envelopes. Once inside the church, you will be allocated a seat. Please note this seat may not be in the area of the church where you would normally sit, but your cooperation with the stewards is very much appreciated. To avoid the danger of cross contamination, please do not move from your allocated seat. This is very important and necessary to ensure everyone’s safety. To comply with social distancing rules, a one-way system will be in place. Holy Communion will be distributed at the end of Mass. Stewards will guide you row by row to the altar. Those sitting on the two Main aisles will be first to receive Holy Communion at the altar step. Please approach the altar in single file while maintaining 2 metre social distancing. The priest will then move to the back of the Church for the distribution of Holy Communion to the ‘Burren side aisle’. Once again, all are asked to follow the directions of the stewards and the floor signs which will show you where to stand. The Eucharistic Minister will move to the ‘village side door’ where he/she will distribute Holy Communion to those guided to the door by the stewards. After receiving Holy Communion, please exit the Church and do not return to your seat. Please ensure that you have all your belongings with you (including your parish bulletin and missalette) before you leave your seat. Holy Communion can only be received in the hand. Please do not request to receive it on the tongue. Once all have exited from the Church, it will be cleaned.

Please do not come to church if you have: ➢ Been identified as a person at high risk (clinically extremely vulnerable) ➢ Had confirmed or suspected Covid-19 with symptoms within the last 20 days ➢ Been in contact with someone with confirmed or suspected Covid-19 during the last 20 days ➢ A high temperature A new, continuous cough Loss / change to your sense of smell or taste

Your full compliance with the procedures outlined here is kindly asked for as each of the measures listed has been put in place for your safety and the safety of other people. The opening of the Church could not happen without the commitment of the volunteers who have agreed to fulfil various roles such as stewarding and cleaning for the foreseeable future. This supportive help is invaluable and is very much appreciated.

Chairperson Covid 19 Support Team Helena Johnston

If you, or your organisation are able to help with stewarding or cleaning please contact: MAYOBRIDGE PARISH: Danny Morgan (07929 568392) [email protected] The Parish Covid-19 Support Teams will communicate further information over the coming weeks