Newry, Mourne and Down Housing Investment Plan Annual Update 2020 Housing Investment Plan Annual Update 2020 1 Contents 2 FOREWORD 54 APPENDIX 1 Community Plan themes and outcomes 3 INTRODUCTION 55 APPENDIX 2 4 OUR VISION Social Housing Need by settlement 2019-2024 5 STRATEGIC CONTEXT 57 APPENDIX 3 14 LOCAL CONTEXT Social Housing Development Programme 36 OUTCOME 1 60 APPENDIX 4 Helping people find housing support and Maintenance Programme, Grants and solutions Adaptations information 40 OUTCOME 2 63 APPENDIX 5 Delivering better homes Supporting People Information and Homelessness 44 OUTCOME 3 Fostering vibrant sustainable communities 64 APPENDIX 6 NIHE Stock at March 2020 50 OUTCOME 4 Delivering quality public services 68 APPENDIX 7 Applicants and Allocations at March 2020 70 APPENDIX 8 Management Team contact details 72 APPENDIX 9 Glossary This document is available in alternative formats. Contact: Land and Regeneration (Housing Analytics), The Housing Centre, 2 Adelaide Street, Belfast BT2 8PB Tel: 03448 920 900 Next Generation Text (NGT) 18001 03448 920 900 Email:
[email protected] Website: All mapping material within the document is Crown copyright and is reproduced with permission of Land and Property Services under delegated authority from the Controller of Her Majesty’s Stationery Office, ©Crown copyright and Database rights NIMA ES&LA209.3. 2 Housing Investment Plan Annual Update 2020 Foreword elcome to our Housing Investment Plan, which sets out our local plans for the next year. Following Wfeedback from our customers, we trust this report is reader friendly and that information is easy to find. We continue to meet our statutory duties and to provide our housing services across Northern Ireland.