Pi epared pursuant to Section 4(1) of The Census Act (Northern Ireland) 1969






Prepared pursuant to Section 4(1) of The Census Act (Northern Ireland) 1969

BELFAST: HMSO © Crown copyright 1991 First published 1991 CONTENTS Page

Map of Local Governmeni Districts v

Foreword by the Registrar General for Northern Ireland vii

1991 Census Preliminary Results ix

Coverage ix

Natural Increase and Intercensal Movement ix

Sexes xi

1991 Census Preliminary Results compared with Estimates xii

Towns xii

Private Households xii

Tables 1-3 xiii

1. Population 1821-1991 - Northern Ireland 1

2. Private Households 1981 and 1991 - Local Government Districts 1

3. Private Households and Population Enumerated 1991 - Local Government Districts and Wards 2 IV Northern Ireland


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I District Council Areas ^..^ ^^XAK r r\^^v_.^ y f * ^ ? mUm j VI REGISTRAR GENERAL^S FOREWORD


This is the preliminary report on the Census of Population which was held in Northern Ireland on 21 April 1991. Censuses were also taken on the same date in other parts of the and the Republic of Ireland. The preliminary count represents the population recorded as present in Northern Ireland on Census night in private house­ holds, communal establishments, ships and other places. The count also shows the number of private households for each local government district. The figures in the report are provisional and have been obtained from the records prepared by the field staff and from the completed census forms and are subject to revision when the returns are ex­ amined further for the later and more detailed census reports.

ORGANISATION The 1991 Census was organised on broadly similar lines to the 1981 Census. The country was again divided into small areas (enumeration districts), in each of which an enumerator was responsible for enumerating all persons present or resident within the district on census night. This involved the delivery and collection of forms in these districts. There were around 3,700 districts compared with 3,000 in 1981 and each contained on average 155 households.

The enumeration districts were grouped into census districts, each containing on average 24 enumeration districts. A census officer was appointed to each census district to assist in the recruitment and training of enumerators and to oversee their work. In all 158 census officers were appointed.

Census Area Managers formed the top tier of the field organisation. Each was responsible for recruiting, training and overseeing the work of the census officers.

In total therefore, up to 4,000 field staff were recruited by Census Office through the Training and Employment Agency of the Department of Economic Development, advertising in the local press and by the display of posters in public places.


The success of a population census depends greatly on the attitude of the public and their co-operation in completing census returns. I wish to thank householders and all others responsible for the completion of forms for their willingness and understanding. Thanks are also due to the BBC, ITV, local radio stations and the Press for their invaluable assistance in publicising and generating interest in the Census and to Post Offices, local authorities, public services and others who helped in various ways to get the Census message across. The part played by staff in the field and at headquarters was of course vital and I am grateful for their dedication and enthusiasm.

Overall, I am pleased to record a very good response to the Census. The total population enumerated as present in Northern Ireland on Census night was 1,569,971. The number of households enumerated was 524,638 which repre­ sents 98.2% of the estimated total number of households.

A number of households could not be contacted during the Census. These households were subsequently contacted by a letter requesting them to complete and return a Census form and explaining why it was in their interest to do so. Returns from this follow-up exercise will be reflected in the later and more detailed topic reports.

THE FUTURE PROGRAMME As indicated, the figures in this report are provisional and are based on the population present on Census night. The main Census Reports will be based on a computer analysis of the data obtained from Census forms and will reflect the population resident in each district council area. The task of processing the results is under way and it is planned to publish the Summary Report, which is the first of the detailed reports, in the Autumn of 1992. It will contain figures on area, population, age, marital status, religion, economic activity and housing for each Northern Ireland local government district. This will be followed by a Belfast Urban Area Report towards the end of 1992. The remaining detailed Reports on the particular topics of economic activity, workplace, housing, migration, education, religion and Irish language will be published as soon as possible thereafter.

R McMURRAY Registrar General

July 1991


The figures, which are provisional, are based on the actual population present and enumerated in Northern Ireland on Census night including civilians and Service personnel. There were minor changes regarding the enumeration of ship­ ping since the 1981 Census. The enumeration of naval ships was handled by the Ministry of Defence; and British registered commercial vessels were enumerated at larger ports by customs officers and at smaller ports and marinas by enunierators. Enumerators were responsible for enumerating small boats and houseboats on inland waterways and in port areas. Foreign registered vessels in ports, excluded in 1981, were included in 1991.

The figures show that the population of Northern Ireland as enumerated at midnight on 21 April 1991 totalled 1,569,971 comprising 764,818 males and 805,153 females. As indicated under the COVERAGE heading below, the figures represent 98.2% of the estimated total number of households. In the 1981 Census the total enumerated population was 1,490,228. However, the 1981 Census suffered the effect of non-response in some areas, and the overall population, including non-enumerated, was subsequently estimated at 1,532,196.


Results from any population census will inevitably contain some inaccuracies arising from: a. Failure to identify all the living accommodation in an enumeration district. b. Incorrect classification of accommodation as vacant or occupants absent. c. Failure to identify all the households in a building. d. Failure to make contact with some households. e. Misunderstanding of the form by the form-filler.

A Census validation survey will attempt to quantify these inaccuracies. This is a voluntary survey covering a sample of 2,000 addresses and will provide useful information on both the quality and coverage of the Census.

The number of households enumerated was 524,638 which represents 98.2% of the estimated total number of house­ holds. Around 10,000 households, following several calls by enumerators, could not be contacted. Letters have been sent to these explaining the importance of making a census return, and stressing that it is in their interest to do so.


The figures for natural increase, ie excess of births over deaths, are obtained from the annual statistics of births and deaths published in the Registrar General's Annual Reports. The natural increase of the population for each intercensal period since birth and death registration commenced in 1864 is shown in Table 'A' together with the actual variations in population for each period and the net loss by migration for 1871-1991.

There have been no significant changes in the population in the intercensal period between 1981 and 1991. The number of births registered (274,834) during the period shows an increase of 48 compared with the number of births registered in the 10 year intercensal period between 1971 and 1981 while the number of deaths registered (159,025) in the same comparative periods shows a decrease of 8,207. The excess of births over deaths (115,809) in the intercensal period 1981 to 1991 when placed against the total estimated population for 1981 suggests a net outward migration of around 78,000 or an average of 7,800 persons per year over the period. These figures are subject to downward adjustment as forms currently outstanding are received. They compare with about 150,000 or 15,000 persons per year between 1971 and 1981 and about 60,000 or 6,000 persons per year between 1961 and 1971.

However, within the total population figures there is considerable variation at District Council level between the enumerated population and the 1990 mid-year estimates. These variations reflect the great difficulty, common to other countries, of obtaining reliable information about migration. They also reflect the difficulty in attributing the effects of non-enumeration at the 1981 Census accurately to individual District Councils. It is therefore inevitable that in estimat­ ing population, differences of the above nature occur.

ix TABLE A — Intercensal Variations in Population

Intercensal changes

Yea) of Population Estimated Enumeration Births Deaths Natural Population net outward Registered Registered Increase Variation Migration

1871 1,359,190 1881 1,304,816 355,301 250,951 104,350 - 54,374 158.724 1891 1,236,056 312,249 240,339 71,910 - 68,760 140,670 1901 1,236,952 314,795 246,161 68,634 + 896 67,738 1911 1,250,531 309,502 230,506 78,996 + 13,579 65,417 1926 1,256,561 431,148 317,545 113,603 + 6,030 107,573* 1937 1,279,745 280,641 199,806 80,835 + 23,184 57,651 1951 1,370,921 402,187 243,744 158,443 + 91,176 67,267* 1961 1,425,042 298,808 152,459 146,349 + 54,121 92,228 1966 1,484,775 182,489 85,055 97,434 + 59,733 37,701 1971 1,536,065 148,706 72,578 76,128 + 51,290 24,838 1981 1,490,228 (E) 274,786 167,232 107,554 - 45,837 153,391 1,532,196 (TE) - 3,869 (111,423) 1991 1.569,971 274,834 159,025 115,809 + 79,743 (E) 36,066 (E) + 37,775 (TE) 78,034 (TE) * Including deaths ip HM Forces and Mercantile Marine which occurred outside Northern Ireland. (E) Enumerated population. (TE) Total estimated population, as revised in 1986. Table 'B' below shows the natural increase, ie excess of births over deaths for each local government district in Northern Ireland between 1981 and 1991, as well as Xht total population at the end of the period. It reveaJs that the population of the Belfast local government district declined from 314,270 to 280,972 (10.6% decrease). None of the other 3 districts showing a decline - Antrim (1.7%), Castlereagh (0.1 %) and (1.6%) - approached this level of decrease. The other districts increased in population, with the largest growth in Lisbum from 84,007 to 98,826 (17.6%), reflecting the development of Poleglass as well as other movement into the area. Ards, , Carrickfergus and Magherafeh all showed growth in excess of 10%. TABLE B — Intercensal Period 1981-1991

Population at beginning Natural Position at end of period Increase of period -.. Local Go\'ernment District Enumerated 1 Estimated Births Deaths Enumerated Population Population Registered Registered Increase Population , * 0 0

Northern Ireland 1,490,228 1,532,196 274,834 159,025 115,809 1,569,971 Antrim | 45,303 45,016 8,236 3,506 4,730 44,264 Ards 57,598 57,792 9,574 6,240 3,334 64,006 Armagh 48,169 49,223 8,350 4,838 3,512 51,287 Ballymena 54,696 54,814 9,312 5,650 3,662 55,916 Ballymoney 22,932 22,946 4,079 2,210 1,869 24,080 Banbridge 29,831 30,110 4,681 3,197 1,484 33,144 Belfast 297,862 314,270 50,954 38,058 12,896 280,972 Carrickfergus 28,388 28,625 4,723 2,788 1,935 32,299 Casilereagh 61,107 60,785 7,195 6,641 554 60,720 Coleraine 47,524 46,739 7,485 5,038 2,447 51,060 26,323 28,257 5,231 2,595 2,636 30,883 Craigavon 71,049 73,260 14,504 6,923 7,581 74,350 Derry 82,862 89,101 21,642 7,966 • 13,676 94,721 52,984 53,193 10,400 5,871 4,529 57,503 41,087 43,883 9,283 4,714 4,569 45,408 Fermanagh 51,973 51,594 9,704 5,967 3,737 54,290 Larne 29,475 29,076 4,121 3,103 1,018 29,280 Limavady 26,451 26,964 5,498 2,237 3,261 29,144 83,188 84,007 15,552 7,601 7,951 98,826 Magherafelt 30,781 32,494 6,649 2,960 3,689 35,884 Moyle 14,372 14,396 2,360 1,617 743 14,635 & 72,615 76,574 17,849 7,521 10,328 82,237 Newtownabbey 71,917 72,246 11,922 6,551 5,371 73,718 North Down 65,692 66,264 9,712 7,319 2,393 70,065 41,137 44,288 9,236 4,671 4,565 45.568 Sirabane 34,912 36,279 6,582 3,243 3,339 35,711

1981 Enumerated population suffQVGd the effect of non-response. Total estimated 1981 population, as revised in 1986. Figures provided by the Northern Ireland General Register Office. SEXES

At the 1991 Census there were 764,818 males and 805,153 females enumerated. This represents a female/male ratio of 1,053 females per 1,000 males in the enumerated population for Northern Ireland as a whole compared with the ratio of 1,041 at the 1981 Census and 1,035 at the 1971 Census.

TABLE C — Intercensal Period 1981-1991 — Population by Sex

Males Females Persons

Enumerated population 1981 .. 730,174 760,054 1,490.228 Estimated population 1981 (TE) 749,412 782,784 1,532,196 Births Registered 141,300 133.534 274,834 Deaths Registered 80,342 78,683 159,025 Natural increase 60,958 54,851 115,809 Population 1991 as enumerated 764,818 805,153 1,569,971

(TE) Total estimated population, as revised in 1986.

The sex distribution differs widely in different areas and Table 'D' following indicates the variations for each Local Government District.

TABLE D — Males/Females Ratios by Local Government Districts

199 J Enumerated Population Area Males Females Females per 1,000 Males

Northern Ireland ., 764,8 J 8 805,153 ],053

Antrim 22,,04 4 22,220 1,008 Ards 31 ,081 32,925 1,059 Armagh 25,,52 2 25,765 1,009 Bailymena 27,,37 8 28,538 1,042 Ballymoney 11,91 5 12,165 1,021 Banbridge 16,36 8 16,776 1,025 Belfast 131 ,401 149,571 1,138 Carrickfergus 15,65 4 16,645 1,063 Castlereagh 28.,86 1 3U859 1,104 Coleraine 24 ,485 26,575 1,085 Cookstown 15,42 4 15,459 1,002 Craigavon 36,,11 2 38,238 1,059 Derry 46,,30 3 48,418 1,046 Down 28,,51 9 28,984 1,016 Dungannon 22,,60 0 22,808 1,009 Fermanagh 27,,45 6 26,834 977 Lame 14,23 1 15,049 1,057 Limavady 14,,82 4 14,320 966 Lisburn 48 ,811 50,015 1,025 Magherafeit 17,97 4 17,910 996 Moyle 1.,24 9 7,386 1,019 Newry and Mourne 40,,92 2 41,315 1,010 Newtownabbey ..... 35,,54 3 38,175 1,074 North Down 33,,36 1 36,704 1,100 Qmagh 22,.90 2 22,666 990 Strabane 17,,87 8 17,833 997

XI 1991 CENSUS PRELIMINARY RESULTS COMPARED WITH ESTIMATES Table 'E' shows a comparison between the 1991 preliminary results and the latest available estimates as produced by the Northern Ireland General Register Office. These estimates include the effects of a revised estimate made in 1986 by the Department of Finance and Personnel of the element of non-response to the 1981 Census.

Taking into account the households which have not as yet returned Census forms and allowing for population change in the period July 1990-April 1991, the agreement between the Northern Ireland 1990 mid-year estimate and the Census enumeration is good. At district council level there is some deviation, reflecting the difficulty in attributing non-enumeration at the 1981 Census and migration in the period 1981-91 correctly to district councils within Northern Ireland. The estimate was substantially higher than the Census enumeration in Antrim (7.5%) and Newry and Moume (9.1 %), whereas it was substantially lower in Armagh (-4.3%), Carrickfergus (-4.0%), Castlereagh (-4.3%), Coleraine (-4.8%), Cookstown (-10.3%), Fermanagh (-6.8%) and Magherafelt (-7.5%).

TABLE E — 1991 Census Preliminary Results compared with Estimates — Local Government Districts

Population 1991 Census Preliminary Area Esnmate Results at 30 June 1990 Enumerated Population

Northern Ireland ...... 1,589,400 1,569,971

Antrim 47,600 44,264 Ards .!. 65,400 64,006 Armagh 49,100 51,287 Ballymena .,. 57.300 55,916 Ballymoney 24,100 24,080 Banbridge 32,100 33,144 Belfast 295,100 280,972 Carrickfergus 31,000 32,299 Castlereagh 58,100 1 60,720 Coleraine 48,600 51,060 Cookstown 27,700 30,883 Craigavon 78,200 74,350 Derry 100,500 94,721 Down 57,700 57,503 Dungannon 43,800 45,408 Fermanagh , 50,600 54,290 Larne 29,000 29,280 Limavady 29,900 29,144 Lisburn ., 98,700 98,826 MagherafeJt 33aoo 35,884 Moyle 15,000 14,635 Newry and Mournp ...... 89,700 82,237 Newiownabbey 72,900 73,718 NorthDown \ 72,600 70,065 Omagh 1...... 45,800 45,568 Strabane 35,700 . 35,711

TOWNS In 1971 towns with legally defined boundaries could be identified as such because of their relationship to local government administrative areas. With the introduction of the existing local government districts on 1 October 1973 under the Local Government Act (Northern Ireland) 1972^ towns with legally defined boundaries disappeared. However, it is proposed that information for towns will be available in the published Summary Report. This will be achieved by the combination of grid squares covering the built-up area of each town as derived from Ordnance Survey Maps.


The 1991 figure for enumerated households is 524,638. Table 2 shows the overall Northern Ireland position by each local government district for both the enumerated and estimated total number of households in 1981 and for enumer­ ated households in 1991. Measured against the 1981 estimated figure the number of households in 1991 reflects an increase of 63,388 over the period. Table 3 gives information on enumerated households and population in 1991, to ward level. The main changes occur in Ards, Derry, Lisbum, Newry and Moume and North Down which show increases of 3,928,5,370,7,307,3,615 and 3,754 respectively. All other districts also show an increase in the number of households enumerated, with the exception of Belfast which shows a decrease of 495. These figures are subject to upward revision as late returns are received.

Xll TABLES 1-3 These Tables provide details of the Northern Ireland population from 1821 to 1991 (Table 1). They also provide details of private households for 1981 and 1991 by local government districts (Table 2).

A review of local government boundaries in 1984 resulted in a substantial revision of ward boundaries. Therefore, for the purposes of Table 3 (population and private households by wards) comparison with 1981 has been omitted.


TABLE 1—Population 1821-1991 Northern Ireland

NOTE -The figures for 1821 and 1831 exclude members of HM Forces

Population Jntercensal variation Year of Enumeration Per cent Persons Males Females Persons Males Females (Persons)

1821 1.380,451 665,212 715.239 — — — _ 1831 1.574,004 762.396 811,608 + 193,553 + 97,184 + 96,369 + 14.0 1841 1.648,945 799,711 849,234 + 74,941 + 37,315 + 37,626 + 4.8 1851 1,442,517 697,887 744,630 -206,428 -101,824 -104,604 -12.5 1861 1.396,453 667,935 728,518 - 46,064 - 29,952 - 16,112 - 3.2 1871 1,359,190 647,285 711,905 - 37,263 - 20,650 - 16,613 - 2.7 1881 1.304,816 620,839 683,977 - 54,374 - 26,446 - 27,928 - 4.0 1891 1,236,056 590,352 645,704 - 68,760 - 30,487 - 38,273 - 5.3 1901 1,236,952 589,955 646,997 + 896 397 + 1,293 + O.I 1911 1,250,531 602,539 647,992 + 13,579 + 12,584 + 995 + IJ 1926 1,256,561 608,088 648,473 + 6,030 + 5,549 + 481 + 0.5 1937 1,279,745 623.154 656,591 + 23,184 + 15,066 + 8,118 + 1.8 1951 1,370,921 667,819 703,102 + 91,176 + 44,665 + 46,511 + 7J 1961 1,425,042 694,224 730,818 + 54,121 + 26,405 + 27,716 + 3.9 1966 1,484,775 723,884 760,891 + 59,733 + 29,660 + 30,073 + 4.2 1971 1,536,065 754,676 781,389 + 51,290 + 30,792 + 20,498 + 3.5 1981 1,490,228 (E) 730,174 760,054 - 45,837 - 24,502 - 21,335 - 3.0 1,532,196 (TE) 749,412 782,784 - 3,867 - 5,191 + 1,324 - 0.3 1991 1,569,971 764,818 805,153 + 79,743 (E) + 34,644 (E) + 45,099 (E) + 5.4 (E) + 37,775 (TE) + 15,406 {TE) + 22,369 {TE) + 2.5 (TE)

(E) Enumerated population. (TE) Total estinnated population, as revised in 1986.

TABLE 2 — Private Households 1981 & 1991 Local Government Districts

J 98 J I99J Area Enumerated Total Estimated Enumerated Households Households * Households

Northern Ireland .. 455,279 461,250 524,638

Antrim 12,628 12,704 14,028 Ards ,....,.... 18,806 18,813 22,741 Armagh 13,602 13,753 15,654 Ballymena , 16,760 16,787 18,975 Ballymoney 6,610 6,625 7,715 Banbridge 9,085 9,105 10,931 Belfast 102,807 105,541 105,046 Carrickfergus 9,183 9,190 11,757 Castlereagh 19,901 19,927 22,668 Coleraine ., 14,379 14,429 17,739 Cookstown 7,297 7,441 9,188 Craigavon 21,421 21,606 24,619 Derry 21,517 22,258 27,628 Down 15,002 15,033 17,914 Dungannon 11,619 11,912 13,598 Fermanagh 14,656 14,699 16,814 Lame 9,292 9,294 10,417 Limavady 6,858 6,934 8,426 Lisburn 25,366 25,641 32,948 Magherafelt 8,345 8,501 10,312 Moyle 4,139 4,149 4,719 Newry and Moume 20,044 20,600 24,215 Newtownabbey ... 23,078 23,134 26,282 North Down 22,477 22,505 26,259 Omagh ...... 10,973 11,160 13,342 Strabane 9,434 9,509 10,703

* As revised in 1986. TABLE 3 — Private Households and Population Enumerated 1991 Local Government Districts and Wards

Population Area Households Persons Males Females

NORTHERN IRELAND ...... 524,638 1,569,971 764,818 805,153

Antrim 14,028 44,264 22,044 22,220 Wards AJdergrove 972 4,359 2,546 1,813 Balloo - 679 1,652 796 856 BallycraJgy , 650 1,645 793 852 Clady 696 2,221 1,122 1,099 Cranfield ...., 730 2,430 1,227 1,203 Crumlin ,,.'. 908 2,837 1,404 1,433 Drumanaway 687 2,021 997 1,024 Fountain H\\\ 712 2,042 9J3 J,129 Greystone .....,, ., 706 2,278 1,155 1,123 Massereene ^ 798 2,337 1,135 1,202 Newpark .1 680 2,052 994 1,058 Randalstown ^ 672 2,024 958 1,066 Rathenraw \ ..., 482 1,410 678 732 Springfarm ....|.... 986 3,326 1,584 1,742 Steeple 662 1,865 912 953 Stiles:.... ^ 727 2,248 1,110 1,138 Tardree ...... !,... 714 2,342 1,161 1,181 Templepatrick 976 2,861 1,410 1,451 Toome •, 591 2,314 1,149 1,165

Ards 22,741 64,006 31,081 32,925 Wards , 1,287 3S17 1,987 1,990 1,101 3,019 1,484 1,535 Bradshaw's Brae 1,001 3,085 1,438 1,647 Central 1,025 2,299 1,079 U220 North 894 2,601 1,271 1,330 Comber South 1J15 3,095 1,540 1,555 Comber West , 1,195 3,398 1,659 1,739 DonaghadfeeNorth 942 2,388 1,133 1,255 South .,. 1,348 3,274 1,521 1,753 Glen 1,076 2,967 1,424 1,543 1,112 3,138 1,543 1,595 Kircubbin 1,055 3,071 1,513 1,558 Loughries 1,576 4,644 2,246 2,398 Millisie ...... ;. K055 3,054 1,481 1,573 Movilla. ...., 1,577 4,762 2,324 2,438 1 1,046 3,475 1,753 1,722 Portavo;gie 1,219 3,427 1,683 1,744 Scrabo 974 2,332 1,115 1,217 West Winds 937 2,567 1,200 1,367 Whitespots 1,206 3A33 1,687 1,746

Armagh 15,654 51,287 25,522 25,765 . Wards Abbey Park ., 554 2,399 1,169 1,230 Ballymartrim 540 2,008 1,020 988 Callan Bridge 705 2,356 1,162 1,194 Carrigatuke 596 2,140 1,101 1,039 Charlemont 609 2,154 1,080 1,074 Demesne 922 2,666 1,257 1,409 Derrynoose 546 2,000 1,022 978 Downs \ J 747 2,234 1,042 1,192 HamiJlonsbawn ,...,. I 733 2,519 1,331 1,188 Hockley \ 703 2,328 1,143 1,185 Keady ...... J 700 2,432 1,201 1,231 Killeen ; 705 2,514 1,311 1,203 Kiilyiea .....'.., 606 2,316 1,204 1,112 . Laurelvale 792 2,504 1,213 1,291 Loughgail 700 2,238 1,140 1,098 Markethiil 756 2,227 1,074 1,153 Milford 645 2,293 1,205 1,088 Observatory 876 2,529 1,207 1,322 Poyntz Pass 657 2,016 994 1,022 RichHiil 985 2,978 1,491 1,487 TABLE 3 — Private Households and Population Enumerated 1991 - confd Local Government Districts and Wards

Population Area Households Persons Males Females

Armagh (cont'd) Wards Tandragee 833 2,437 1,170 1,267 The Mail 744 1,999 985 1,014

Ballymena 18,975 55,916 27,378 28,538 Wards Ahoghil! U012 2,977 1,461 1,516 Ardeevin 838 2,436 1,205 1,231 Bailee ,.... 911 2,424 1,115 1,309 Ballykeel 796 2,357 1,139 1,218 Ballyloughan 918 2,690 1,327 1,363 Broughshane 930 2,540 1,256 1,284 Castle Demesne 755 1,941 970 971 Craigy warren 688 2,063 1,017 1,046 Cullybackey ., 862 2,427 1,161 1,266 Dunclug , 926 2,948 1,429 1,519 Dunminning 692 2,180 1,120 1,060 Fair Green 768 2,028 951 1,077 Galgorm ...., 1,051 3,018 1,486 1,532 Glenravel 707 2,510 1,267 1,243 Glenwhirry 752 2,379 1,238 1,141 Grange 687 2,338 1,176 1,162 Harryville 929 2,326 1,108 1,218 Kells 862 2,490 1,194 1,296 Moat 770 1,956 944 1,012 Park 894 2,458 1,167 1,291 Portglenone 717 2,239 1,138 1,101 Slemish 616 1,883 944 939 Summerfield 894 3308 1,565 1,743

Ballymoney 7,715 24,080 11,915 12,165 Wards Ballyhoe and Corkey 427 1,633 844 789 Benvardin 430 1,278 631 647 Carnany 723 2,024 970 1,054 CloghMills 459 1,515 733 782 Dervock 427 1,251 643 608 Dunloy 443 1,631 826 805 Fairhill 556 1,608 788 820 Glebe 552 1,552 713 839 Killoquin Lower 433 1,433 724 709 Killoquin Upper 421 1,488 751 737 Knockaholet 423 1,382 707 675 Newhill 533 1,499 715 784 Route 520 . 1,440 660 780 Seacon 459 1,455 743 "712 Stranocum 477 1,458 728 730 The Vow 432 1,433 739 694

Banbridge 10,931 33,144 16,368 16,776 Wards Ballydown 1,032 2,939 1,450 1,489 Banbridge West ., 976 2,923 1,437 1,486 Bannside 613 2,118 1,045 1,073 Croob 656 2,046 1,035 1,011 Dromore North 830 2,236 1,070 1,166 Dromore South 770 2,235 1,058 1,177 Edenderry 801 2,313 1,097 1,216 Fort 729 2,061 990 1,071 Garran 578 2,081 1,044 1,037 Gilford 723 2,127 1,071 1,056 535 1,735 895 840 Lawrencetown 615 1,960 993 967 653 2,085 1,049 1,036 Quilly 623 1,969 985 984 Seapatrick 797 2,316 1,149 1,167 TABLE 3 — Private Households and Population Enumerated 1991 - cont'd Local Government Districts and Wards

Population Area Households Persons Males Females

Belfast 105,046 280,972 131,401 149,571 Wards Andersonstown 1,677 5,376 2,533 2.843 Ardoyne 2,130 6,276 2,952 3,324 Ballyhackamore 2,347 5,715 2,667 3.048 Bailymacarrett 1,952 4,812 2,214 2,598 Ballynafeigh 2,142 4,843 2,179 2,664 Baliysiiian 1,919 4,810 2,266 2,544 Beechmount 1,803 5,042 2,325 2,717 BeiJevue ' 1,797 4,980 2,386 2,594 Belmont - 2,440 6,358 2,961 3,397 BJaclcsraff 2 J 49 4,896 2,332 2,564 Bloomfield 1,874 4,411 2,108 2,303 Botanic ; 2,700 7,673 3,521 4,152 Castleview ; 2,056 5,289 2,477 2,812 Cavehill 2,055 5,861 2,831 3,030 Cherry valley : 2,181 5,608 2,485 3,123 Chichester Park .....:.. 2,012 5,708 2,658 3,050 Cliftonviile , 2,104 5,759 2,732 3,027 Clonard : 1,927 5,383 2,547 2,836 Crumlin i 1,743 3,777 1,792 1,985 Duncairn ....,.'. 1,885 4,122 1,913 2,209 Falls ],78J 6,038 2,738 3,300 Falls Park 2,093 6,443 3,039 3,404 Finaghy 2,206 6,93J 3,166 3,765 Fortwilliam 1,935 5,028 2,322 2.706 Glen Road L804 5,612 2,648 2.964 Glencairn 1,772 4,558 2,143 2,415 Glencolin 1,902 6,569 3,173 3,396 Highfield 1,930 5,328 2,573 2,755 Island 2,017 4,426 2,022 2,404 Knock ,,....., 1,987 5,067 2,434 . 2.633 Lady brook 1,969 7,074 3,515 3,55^ 2,098 2,518 2,975 ^ Legoniel 5,493 2,739 7,360 3,306 4,054 Malone 2,104 6,530 3,231 3,299 New Lodge 2,214 5,244 2,415 2,829 Orangefield 2.042 5,166 2,428 2,738 Ravenhili 2,014 5,144 2,237 2,907 Rosetta 2,380 5,317 2,483 2,834 Shaftesbury 1,879 4,229 1,951 2,278 Shankill ...... ;.... 1,611 3,845 1,786 2,059 St. Anne's...... ^... 2,230 5,948 2,824 3,124 Stormpnt 2,752 8,006 3,707 4,299 Stranmillis 2,254 5,875 2,951 2,924 Sydenham .; 2,348 5,240 2,448 2,792 TheMount 2,311 6,276 2,925 3,351 Upper Malone ...... ' 1,633 6,021 2,906 3,115 Upper Springfield 1,866 5,565 2,602 2,963 Water Works 1,504 5,235 2,497 2,738 Whiterock.... 2,755 5,966 2,558 3,408 Windsor 2,524 5,321 2,423 2,898 Woodstock — 1,499 3,418 1,553 L865 Woodvale

Carrickfergus 1L757 32,299 15.654 16.645 Wards Blackhead .,.., 846 2,069 1,018 1,051 Boneybefore ; 883 2,639 1,299 1.340 Clipperstown , 656 1,881 902 979 Eden .'. 987 2,799 1,392 1,407 Gortalee 600 1,483 693 790 Greenisland 574 1,583 720 863 Killycrot 631 1,480 659 821 Knockagh ,. 698 1,905 957 948 Love Lane .; , 779 L9S7 974 1.013 Milebush 672 2,182 1,065 1,117 Northlands 603 1,732 847 885 Sunnylands 698 1,686 , 806 880 Victoria 866 2,338 1,111 1.227 TABLE 3 — Private Households and Population Enumerated 1991 - cont'd Local Government Districts and Wards

Population Area Households Persons Males Females

Carrickfergus (cont'd) Wards Whitehead 645 1,790 867 923 Woodburn 1,619 4,745 2,344 2,401

Castlereagh 22,668 60,720 28,861 31,859 Wards Ballyhanwood 1,260 3,391 1,641 1,750 BeechiJ] 1,135 3,466 1,672 1,794 Carrowreagh 830 2,323 1,097 1,226 1,642 4,640 2,238 2,402 968 2,123 957 1,166 Downshire 1,073 2,503 1,153 1,350 Dundonald 1J34 3,498 U581 ],917 Enter 1,092 2J68 1,319 1,449 Four Winds 1,139 3,193 1,548 1,645 Gilnahirk 1,096 2,881 1,394 1,487 Grahafns Bridge 814 1,816 855 961 Hillfoot.. 991 2,818 1,346 1,472 Kjiockbracken 1,488 4,246 2,100 2,146 Lisnasharragh 852 2,365 1,577 1,208 Lower 1,022 2,320 1,082 1,238 Minnowburn 1,038 2,606 1,149 1,457 1,019 3,019 1,518 1,501 1,159 3,103 1,421 1,682 Tullycarnet 975 2,509 1,215 1,294 Upper Braniel 1,069 2,876 1,379 1,497 Wynchurch 872 2,256 1,039 1,217

Coleraine 17,739 51,060 24,485 26,575 Wards Agivey 607 1,855 916 939 Atlantic 1,004 2,530 1,181 1,349 Ballysally 950 2,687 1,291 1,396 Castlerock 833 2,334 1,128 1,206 CentraJ 819 1,949 883 867 Churchland 636 1,612 745 1,066 Cross Glebe , 867 2,511 1,177 1,334 Dunluce 786 2,203 1,082 1,121 Garvagh 770 2,395 1,180 1,215 Hopefield 976 2,612 1,224 1,388 Kilrea 693 2,181 1,087 1,094 Knockantern 612 1,879 949 930 Macosquin 687 2,178 1,112 1,066 Mountsandel 1,357 4,130 1,961 2,169 Portstewart 949 2,539 1,097 1,442 Ringsend 584 2,063 1,052 1,01 i Royal Portrush 858 2,408 1,079 1,329 Strand ,. 1,176 3,105 1,458 1,647 TheCuts 946 2,728 1,297 1,431 University 654 2,096 1,009 1,087 Waterside 975 3,065 1,577 1,488

Cookstown 9,188 30,883 15,424 15,459 Wards ,. 553 2,204 1,137 1,067 547 1,810 877 933 Dunnamore 506 1,938 963 975 Gortalowry , 734 2,425 1,211 1,214 Killycolpy 565 2,183 1,116 1,067 Killymoon 630 2,083 1,019 1,064 485 1,711 871 840 Moneymore 571 1,852 885 967 Newbuildings 623 1,601 768 833 Oaklands 528 1,716 904 812 Oldtown 615 1,681 806 875 Pomeroy 486 1,705 870 835 600 1,892 960 932 TABLE 3 — Private Households and Population Enumerated 1991 - cont'd Local Government Districts and Wards

Population Area Households Persons Males Females

Cookstown (cont'd) Wards Stewartstown 507 1,659 805 854 The Loop 563 2,080 1,047 1,033 Tullagh 675 2,343 1,185 1.158

Craigavon 24,619 74,350 36,112 38,238 Wards Aghagallon 795 2,885 1,433 1,452 Annagh 943 2,339 1,120 1,219 Ballybay 933 2,402 1,158 1,244 Ballyoran 783 2,739 K351 1,388 1,237 3,860 1,884 1,976 Brownstown 1,082 3,072 1,492 1,580 Church 748 1,791 828 963 Corcrain ,.. 1.001 2,943 1,433 1,510 Court 1,054 2,875 1,319 1,556 Drurogask 696 2,269 1,082 1,187 Drumgor ...^ — 1,004 3,269 1,551 1,718 Drumnamoe ^ 800 3,062 1,536 1,526 Bdsnderry 1,123 2,937 1,361 1,576 Kernan 1,078 3,575 1,716 1,859 Killycomain 898 2,405 1,162 1,243 Kinnegoe 1,042 3,647 1,868 1,779 Knocknashane 991 2,787 1,360 1,427 1,099 3,235 1,616 1,619 Mourneview 766 2,193 1,088 1,105 Parklake , 934 2,175 999 1,176 Taghnevan 825 2,781 1,392 1,389 Tavanagh 948 2,474 1,183 1,291 The Birches 862 3,053 1,523 U531 TuUygally 663 2,392 1,190 1,202 1,252 3,692 1,781 1,911 Woodville. 1,062 3,498 1,687 1,811

Derry 27,628 94,721 46,303 48,418 Wards Altnagelvin ..., 1,542 5,203 2,489 2,714 Ballynashallog i lj\] 4,099 2,020 2,079 Banagher 651 2,391 1,203 1,188 Beechwood 623 2,262 1,054 1,208 Brandy well 748 2,252 1,100 1,152 CarnHill 851 3,460 1,673 1,787 Caw .,,.... 1,449 4,101 1,942 2,159 Claudy 703 2,492 1,261 1,231 Clondermot ,. 943 2,686 K254 1,432 Corrody 919 3,081 1,514 1,567 Creggan Centra! 722 2,520 1,204 1,316 Creggan South 646 2,323 1,118 1,205 Crevagh and Springtown 2,463 9,611 4,776 4,835 Cuimore 1,055 3,904 1,969 1,935 Ebrington 745 2,303 1,252 1,051 Eglinion K080 3,628 J,831 1,797 Enagh 866 3,351 1,674 1,677 Faughan 823 2,844 1,451 1,393 Glen 917 2,921 1,449 1,472 Lisnagelvin :,...... 784 2,013 939 1,074 Newbu/lding.s 950 3,216 1,562 1,654 Penriyburn 910 3,369 1,635 1,734 Rosemount :..... 774 2,646 1,303 1,343 St. Peter's 567 2,139 1,039 1,100 Shantallow East ...... 605 2,427 1,210 1,217 Shantaiiow West 1,028 4,073 1,982 2,091 Strand 836 2,344 1,115 1,229 The Diamond 942 2,734 1,242 1 1,492 Victoria 681 2,062 982 1,080 We.stland 694 2,266 1.060 1,206 TABLE 3 — Private Households and Population Enumerated 1991 - confd Local Government Districts and Wards

Population Area Households Persons Males Females

Down 17,914 57,503 28,519 28,984 Wards 765 2,698 1,365 1,333 Audleys Acre 770 2,638 1,274 1,364 Ballymaglave 904 2,673 1,288 1,385 Ballynahinch East 821 2,521 1,218 1,303 ...... 695 2,468 1,220 1,248 Cathedral 906 3,043 1,490 1,553 828 2,564 1,280 1,284 Derryboy 713 2,033 1,057 976 Donard 818 2,432 1,166 1,266 783 2,700 1,359 1,341 Dundrum 648 2,087 1,043 1,044 Dunmore 711 2,384 1,201 1,183 Flying Horse ...... 633 2,411 1,128 1,283 946 3,494 1,904 1,590 ...... 842 2,355 1,175 1,180 Kilmore 748 2,382 1,177 1,205 Murlough 795 2,557 1,226 1,331 Quoile 786 2,443 1,200 1,243 968 2,711 1,330 1,381 666 2,131 1,091 1,040 Shimna 861 2,397 1,100 1,297 660 2,200 1,101 1,099 Tollymore 647 2,181 1,126 1,055

Dungannon 13,598 45,408 22,600 22,808 Wards 560 2,079 1,068 1,011 592 2,031 1,028 1,003 Aughnacloy 579 1,921 1,045 876 Ballygawley 635 2,134 1,119 1,015 Ballysaggart 638 2,041 1,004 1,037 647 2,211 1,123 1,088 Caledon 577 1,857 928 929 728 2,401 1,207 1,194 ...... 520 1,748 869 879 North 600 2,211 1,108 1,103 Coalisland South ...... 554 2,017 954 1,063 Coalisland West and 664 2,328 1,146 1,182 Coolhill 723 2,175 1,045 1,130 Donaghmore...... 610 2,077 1,006 1,071 Drumglass 474 1,466 723 743 647 1,932 968 964 694 2,264 1,114 1,150 Killymeal 705 2,288 1,113 1,175 Moy ...... 632 1,994 995 999 688 1,966 962 1,004 Mullaghmore ...... 511 1,744 802 942 620 2,523 1,273 1,250

Fermanagh ...... 16,814 54,290 27,456 26,834 Wards Ballinamallard 788 2,964 1,793 1,171 Belcooand Garrison 722 2,342 1,216 1.126 Belleek and Boa ...... 649 2,097 1,056 1,041 Boho Cleenish and Letterbreen 690 2,359 1,204 1,155 Brookeborough 665 2,200 1,123 1,077 Castlecoole ...... 989 3,093 1,499 1,594 Derrygonnelly 707 2,293 1,143 1,150 Derrylin 671 2,243 1,183 1,060 Devenish 664 1,907 957 950 Donagh 547 1,988 1,056 932 Ederny and Lack 601 1,906 979 927 Erne 648 2,288 1,046 1,242 Florencecourt and Kinawley .... 647 2,136 1,139 997 Irvinestown 759 2,246 1,095 1,151 Island 774 1,975 907 1,068 Keshand Lisnarrick 745 2,359 1,186 1,173 TABLE 3 — Private Households and Population Enumerated 1991 - cont'd Local Government Districts and Wards

Papula tio}} Area Households Persons Males Females

Fermanagh icom'd) Wards Lisbellaw , 804 2.582 1,299 1,283 Lisnaskea 849 2.678 1,270 1,408 Maguires Bridge 715 2,292 1,171 1,121 Newtownbutler 672 2,276 1,120 1,156 Rosslea 620 2,187 1,165 1,022 Rossorry 1,174 3,624 i,713 1,911 Tempo 714 2,255 1,136 1.119

Larne 10,417 29,280 14.231 15,049 Wards Antiville 723 1,923 947 976 Ballycarry 662 1,958 975 983 Ballyloran - 770 2,181 1,054 1,127 Blackcave 711 2,199 1,025 1,174 Camcastle 706 1,937 925 1,012 Carnlough 587 1,995 1,008 987 Central 701 1,533 707 826 CraigyHill ..;... 651 1,661 801 860 Gardenmore '. 737 2,050 965 1,085 Glenarm 536 1,637 817 820 Glynn 878 2,380 1,174 1,206 Harbour 696 1,869 865 1,004 Islandmagee 661 1,820 929 891 KJlwaughter 696 2,115 1,100 1,015 Town Parks 702 2,022 939 1,083

Limavady 8,426 29,144 14,824 14,320 Wards Aghanloo 511 1,669 849 820 Ballykelly 618 2,542 1,453 1,089 Binevenagh 493 1,465 718 747 Cooiessan 5J4 1,709 828 881 Dungiven 565 2,022 1,018 1,004 Enagh 887 2,924 1,417 1,507 Feeny 452 1,784 909 875 Forest 551 1,872 936 936 Glack 457 1,654 845 809 Gresteel 792 2,784 1,406 1,378 Magiliigan 500 1,886 U054 832 Rathbrady 690 2,110 1,016 1,094 Roeside 527 1,368 659 709 The Highlands 399 1,460 748 712 Upper Glenshane 470 1,895 968 927

Lisburn ...... 32,948 98,826 48,811 50,015 Wards Ballyriiacash 1,168 3,569 1,734 1,835 Ballymacbrennan 888 2,669 1,360 1,309 Bailymacoss 1,855 5,336 2,501 2,835 Blaris .- 1,063 2,770 1,331 1,439 CollinGlen 2,449 9,412 4,394 5,018 Derry aghy 3,039 2,65] 1,260 1,391 1,263 3,709 1,831 1,878 970 2,713 1,339 1,374 Dunniurry 1,277 3,533 1,659 1,874 Glenavy : 1,186 3,851 1,935 1,916 Harmony Hill 1,346 3,670 1,789 1,881 Hilden 904 2,189 1,059 1,130 J,137 3,034 1,441 1,593 . Hillsborough 1,188 3,370 1,671 1,699 Kilwee 1,275 4,724 2,288 2,436 Knockmore 898 2,332 1,145 1,187 Lagan Valley 1,079 2,934 1,308 1,626 Lambeg 811 2,066 1,015 1,051 Lisnagarvey 1,344 3,919 1,890 2,029 Magheragall 1,320 4,179 2,171 2,008 TABLE 3 — Private Households and Population Enumerated 1991 - confd Local Government Districts and Wards

Population Area Households Persons Males Females

Lisburn (cont'd) Wards Magheralave 1,255 3,687 1,800 1,887 Maze 1,165 3,962 2,345 1,617 Moira 1,376 4,191 2,096 2,095 OldWarren 847 2,123 980 1,143 Seymour Hill 1,087 2,385 1,071 1,314 Tonagh 967 2,551 1,189 1,362 Twinbrook 766 2,363 1,100 1,263 Wallace Park U025 4,934 3,109 1,825

Magherafelt , 10,312 35,884 17,974 17,910 Wards Ballymaguigan 614 2,261 1,166 1,095 Bellaghy 676 2,582 1,295 1,287 Castledawson 724 2,243 1,103 1,140 Draperstown .,.., 748 2,684 1,346 1,338 Guliaduff 700 2,496 1,276 1,220 Knockcloghrim 653 2,312 1,144 1,168 Lecumpher 689 2,420 1,233 1,187 Lower Glenshane 644 2,600 1,305 1,295 Maghera 714 2,343 1,156 1,187 Swatragh 557 2,235 1,160 1,075 Tobermore 547 1,809 942 867 Townparks East 929 2,977 1,439 1,538 TownparksWest 888 2,765 1,315 1,450 Upperlands 582 1,830 920 910 Valley 647 2,327 1,174 1,153

Moyle 4,719 14,635 7,249 7,386 Wards Armey 284 1,006 506 500 325 921 463 458 Bonamargy and Rathlin 295 934 442 492 Bushmills 329 851 416 435 Carnmoon 282 836 431 405 Dalriada 458 1,444 683 762 Dunseverick 275 797 411 386 Glenaan 381 1,311 648 663 Glenariff 338 1,152 576 576 Glendun 327 1,113 561 552 Glenshesk ...... 256 827 418 409 Glentaisie 306 791 371 420 Kinbane 268 809 399 410 Knocklayd 326 1,035 506 529 Mosside and Moyarget 269 808 419 389

Newry and Mourne 24,215 82,237 40,922 41,315 Wards 869 2,659 1,294 1,365 Ballyboi 704 1,972 966 1,006 Ballycrossan 860 3,223 1,635 1,588 Bessbrook 794 2,951 1,743 1,208 Binnian 903 3,145 1,551 1,594 Camlough 666 2,492 1,225 1,267 Clonallan ,.,... 935 2,951 1,453 1,498 Creggan 648 2,440 1,241 1,199 Crossmaglen.... 695 2,401 1,181 1,220 Daisy Hill 843 3,026 1,458 1,568 Derrymore 746 2,636 1,310 1,326 Donaghmore...... 876 2,986 1,510 1,476 Drumalane K043 3,394 1,592 1,802 Drumgullion ,.,. 902 3,026 1,483 1,543 Fathom 774 2,837 1,440 1,397 Forkhill...... 722 2,541 1,264 1,277 K iJkeeJ Central 87i 2,635 1,264 ^37; KilkeelSouth ...... 837 2,773 1,335 1,438 Lisnacree 790 2,977 1,536 1,441 TABLE 3 — Private Households and Population Enumerated 1991 - confd Local Government Districts and Wards

Popidauon Area Households Persons Males Females

Newry and Mourne (cont'd) Wards 688 2,548 1,289 1,259 Newtownhamilton ..' 752 2,567 1,279 1,288 780 2,242 1,086 1,156 935 3,102 1,539 1,563 St. Mary's 796 2,754 1,310 1,444 St. Patrick's 838 2,494 1,203 1,291 Seaview 954 2,980 1,425 1,555 Silverbridge 746 2,578 1,309 1,269 Spelga 689 2,494 1,253 1,241 Tullyhappy 602 2,122 1,125 997 WindsorHilJ 957 3,291 1,623 1,668

Newtownabbey 26,282 73,718 35,543 38,175 Wards Abbey ., 1,005 2,703 1,284 1,419 Ballyclare North 1,117 2,975 1,448 1,527 BaUyclare South 1,094 2,844 1,351 1,493 Ballyduff ,.... 1,011 3,222 1,588 1,634 Ballyhenry \ 1,068 3,067 1,475 1,592 Bailynure 1,141 3,338 1,619 1,719 Bradan ; 981 2,304 1,075 1,229 Burnthill 919 '2,798 1,381 1,417 Carnmoney 1,151 3,328 1,582 1,746 Cloughfern 1,077 3,163 1,563 1,600 CoIIinbridge 1,085 3,458 1,727 1,731 Coole 974 2,453 1,122 1,331 Doagh 1,343 3,871 1,921 1,950 Dunanney 881 2,131 1,014 1,117 Glebe 1,021 3,357 1,666 1,691 Glengormley 908 2,566 1,250 1,316 Hawthorne 1,054 3,077 1,433 1,644- Hightown 964 2,566 1,243 1,323 Jordanstown 1,034 2,935 1,409 1,526 Mallusk 1,365 4,056 2,052 2,004 Monkstown 1,006 2,678 1,312 1,366 Mossley 1,236 3,494 1,660 1,834 Rostulla 1,021 3,144 1,487 1,657 Valley : 847 2,250 1,008 1,242 Whitehouse ., 979 1,940 873 1,067

North Down 26,259 70,065 33,361 36.704 Wards Ballyholme 809 2,261 1,010 1,251 Ballymaconnell 1,072 3,195 1,522 1,673 Ballymagee 2,359 7,292 3,652 3,640 Bangor Castle 1,111 2,637 1,200 1,437 Bloqmfieid 1,167 3,021 1,425 1,596 Broadway 1,140 3,003 1,411 1,592 Bryansbum 1,082 2,778 1,252 1,526 Churchill 1,044 2,649 1,204 1,445 1,121 3,233 1,596 1,637 1,027 2,685 1,274 1,411 Craigavad 916 2,685 1,345 1,340 Crawfordsbum 952 2,445 1,178 1,267 : 883 2,548 1,257 1,291 : 1,010 2,528 1,156 1,372 ...... : 1,038 2,758 1,368 1.190 Harbour 1,103 2,336 1,138 1,198 Demesne. 1,121 2,937 1,376 1,561 Hoiywood Priory 971 2,599 1,240 1,359 Loughview 1,134 2,828 1,349 1,479 Princetown 890 2,477 1,151 1,326 Rathgael ....; 1,020 2,846 1,377 1,469 Siiverstream 1,130 2,705 1,270 1.435 Springhill 1,248 3,410 1,569 1,841 Whitehill 911 2,209 1,041 1,168

10 TABLE 3 — Private Households and Population Enumerated 1991 - confd Local Government Districts and Wards

Population Area Households Persons Males Females

Omagh 13,342 45,568 22,902 22,666 Wards 621 2,114 1,089 1,025 Camowen 559 1,657 784 873 604 2,228 1,141 1,087 Coolnagard 802 2,785 1,325 1,460 Dergmoney 753 2,060 1,009 1,051 Dromore 625 2,221 1,141 1,080 592 2,245 1,159 1,086 537 1,824 929 895 Drumragh 403 1,579 778 m\ Fairy Water , 523 1,851 967 884 689 2,094 1,048 1,046 598 1,998 968 1,030 Gortrush 668 2,124 1,014 1,110 1,108 3,641 1,725 1,916 Lisanelly 781 2,765 1,532 1,233 Newtownsaville 583 2,091 1,079 1,012 Owenkillew 524 2,029 1,063 966 536 1,886 995 891 Slrule 675 2,073 990 1,083 Termon 564 2,204 1,091 1,113 597 2,099 1,075 1,024 Strabane 10,703 35,711 17,878 17,833 Wards 718 2,343 1,168 1,175 Casllederg ...... 887 2,642 1,252 1,390 Clare...... 596 2,061 1,049 1,012 Dunnamanagh 615 2,039 1,048 991 East 738 2,415 1,199 1,216 Finn 465 1,657 827 830 Glenderg 653 2,211 1,169 1,042 ...... 734 2,223 1,111 1,112 North 659 2,051 968 1,083 540 1,794 984 810 844 2,735 1,376 1,359 Slievekirk 614 2,024 1,076 848 South 935 3,502 1,674 1,828 Victoria Bridge 584 2,069 1,097 972 West 1,121 3,945 1,880 2,065

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On page 8 the figures relating to Lisburn District Council should all move one column to the right, and read thus:

Population Area Households Persons Males Females

32,948 98,826 48.811 50,015