Quiet Rumours: an Anarcha-Feminist Reader Ebook, Epub
QUIET RUMOURS: AN ANARCHA-FEMINIST READER PDF, EPUB, EBOOK Emma Goldman,Voltairine De Cleyre,Roxanne Dunbar-Ortiz,Jo Freeman | 136 pages | 11 Dec 2012 | AK Press | 9781849351034 | English | Edinburgh, United Kingdom Quiet Rumours: An Anarcha-Feminist Reader PDF Book Refresh and try again. Emma Goldman's "A Woman Without a Country," though a great text, mentioned nothing of feminism, let alone anarchist feminism. View all 9 comments. Quiet Rumors provides anarcha-feminists and other readers with a solid archive of political inquiry stretching across two centuries and engaging the debates, disappointments, and dreams expressed within critical moments in multiple liberation movements. Nor is a fringe mention of intersectionality enough to make our feminism intersectional. Why were they picked for this anthology? Most these essays didn't have any context introducing them: what year were they written? Aug 04, Ariel rated it really liked it Recommended to Ariel by: Lambert. Known as a rebel, a labor agitator, an ardent proponent of birth control and free speech, a feminist, a lecturer and a writer, Goldman is the author of countless essays, as well as several collections of writings published posthumously, and her 2-volume autobiography, Living My Life. Some of the classical stuff was kinda boring. The articles from the s, which ought to be the most interesting since they are from new left feminists dis This is mainly of historical interest, and in the meantime probably all of the documents collected here are freely available online. Technopranks: Carving out a message in electronic space. A: Its policy, it aims, its principles.
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