
Goodbye Christopher Robin: A. A. Milne and the Making of Winnie-the-Pooh (Paperback) # Kindle » W2PR5FO2WE

Goodbye Ch ristoph er Robin: A . A . Milne and th e Making of W innie-th e-Pooh (Paperback)

By Ann Thwaite

Pan MacMillan, United Kingdom, 2017. Paperback. Condition: New. Language: English . Brand New Book. Goodbye Christopher Robin: A.A. Milne and the Making of Winnie-the-Pooh is drawn from Ann Thwaite s acclaimed biography of A. A. Milne, one of the most successful English writers ever, and the creator of Winnie-the-Pooh, and of Piglet, Tigger, Eeyore and Christopher Robin.But the fictional Christopher Robin was based on Milne s own son. This heart-warming and touching book recounts the true story that inspired the film Goodbye Christopher Robin, directed by Simon Curtis and starring Domhnall Gleeson, and Kelly Macdonald, and offers the reader a glimpse into the relationship between Milne and the real-life Christopher Robin, whose toys inspired the magical world of the Hundred Acre Wood. Along with his mother Daphne and his nanny Olive, Christopher Robin and his family were swept up in the international success of the books; the enchanting tales brought hope and comfort to an England ravaged by the First World War. But with the eyes of the world on Christopher Robin, what will the cost be to the family?With a preface by Frank Cottrell-Boyce, co-writer of the screenplay.



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