Holomorphic Factorization for a Quantum Tetrahedron
Holomorphic Factorization for a Quantum Tetrahedron Laurent Freidel,1 Kirill Krasnov,2 and Etera R. Livine3 1Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics, Waterloo N2L 2Y5, Ontario, Canada. 2 School of Mathematical Sciences, University of Nottingham, Nottingham NG7 2RD, UK. 3Laboratoire de Physique, ENS Lyon, CNRS-UMR 5672, 46 All´ee d’Italie, Lyon 69007, France. (Dated: v2: December 2009) We provide a holomorphic description of the Hilbert space j1,...,jn of SU(2)-invariant ten- sors (intertwiners) and establish a holomorphically factorizedH formula for the decomposition of identity in j1,...,jn . Interestingly, the integration kernel that appears in the decomposi- tion formula turnsH out to be the n-point function of bulk/boundary dualities of string theory. Our results provide a new interpretation for this quantity as being, in the limit of large con- formal dimensions, the exponential of the K¨ahler potential of the symplectic manifold whose quantization gives j1,...,jn . For the case n=4, the symplectic manifold in question has the interpretation of theH space of “shapes” of a geometric tetrahedron with fixed face areas, and our results provide a description for the quantum tetrahedron in terms of holomorphic coher- ent states. We describe how the holomorphic intertwiners are related to the usual real ones by computing their overlap. The semi-classical analysis of these overlap coefficients in the case of large spins allows us to obtain an explicit relation between the real and holomorphic description of the space of shapes of the tetrahedron. Our results are of direct relevance for the subjects of loop quantum gravity and spin foams, but also add an interesting new twist to the story of the bulk/boundary correspondence.
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