Portuguese Members of the European Parliament (1986-2009)

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Portuguese Members of the European Parliament (1986-2009) 1/7 October 2003) Teresa Almeida Garrett Carlos Coelho Vasco Graça Moura Sérgio Marques José Pacheco Pereira Regina Bastos (from October 2000) Joaquim Piscarreta (from April 2001) João Gouveia (from October 2003) Raquel Cardoso (from October 2003) António José Seguro (until PS Group of the Party of July 2001) European Socialists António Campos (PES) Carlos Candal Maria Carrilho Paulo Casaca Elisa Damião Carlos Lage Luis Marinho Mário Soares Sérgio Sousa Pinto Helena Torres Marques Joaquim Vairinhos Manuel dos Santos (from July 2001) Ilda Figueiredo PCP Confederal Group of the Joaquim Miranda da Silva European United Left- Nordic (until February 2004) Green Left Sérgio Ribeiro (from February (EUL - NGL) 2004) European elections of June 2004 Carlos Coelho PSD / CDS - PP Group of the European Maria da Assunção Esteves People's Party (Christian Duarte Freitas Democrats) and European Vasco Graça Moura Democrats Sérgio Marques (EPP - ED) João de Deus Pinheiro Luís Queiró José Ribeiro e Castro José Albino Silva Peneda Francisco Assis PS Group of the Party of Luís Manuel Capoulas Santos European Socialists 6/7 .
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