Fostering the Dialogue Between Citizens, Civil Society Organisations, National and European Institutions
European Commission DG – Communication Europe for Citizens Programme Fostering the Dialogue between Citizens, Civil Society Organisations, National and European Institutions. An Introduction to the European Year of Voluntary Activities promoting Active Citizenship European Year of Volunteering Rome: Quintilia Edizioni, 2011 ISBN: 88-900304-2-9 © ECP – Europe for Citizens Point Italy, 2011 Reproduction is authorized provided the source is acknowledged. This publication is co-financed by the European Commission. Printed in Italy European Year of Volunteering Fostering the Dialogue between Citizens, Civil Society Organisations, National and European Institutions. An Introduction to the European Year of Voluntary Activities promoting Active Citizenship. Edited by: Leila Nista - Rita Sassu Prefaces by: Patrizio Fondi Diplomatic Adviser, Ministry for Cultural Heritage and Activities Italy Gianni Bonazzi General Director, Service I, General Secretariat, Ministry for Cultural Heritage and Activities Italy Authors: Gianni Alemanno, Mayor of Rome Sophie Beernaerts, European Commission Gabriella Civico, European Year of Volunteering Alliance Silvia Costa, European Parliament Anna Cozzoli, European Commission, EACEA Emilio Dalmonte, European Commission Representation in Italy Paolo Di Caro, National Youth Agency Italy John Macdonald, European Commission Ramon Magi, Eurodesk Italy Leila Nista, Ministry for Cultural Heritage and Activities Italy Sabina Polidori, Ministry of Labour and Social Policies Italy Rita Sassu, ECP – Europe for Citizens Point
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