List of participants – Sub regional seminar «Practical Implementation of the UNECE Convention on Environmental Impact Assessment in a Transboundary Context in Kyrgyzstan and Kazakhstan» 26-27 January 2006 Bishkek Conference-hall, Hotel «Ak-keme” № Name, Surname Organization, position Address, telephone, fax, e-mail UNECE 2 Mr. Wiek Schrage Secretary to the EIA Convention Palais des Nations 8-14 Avenue de la Paix 1211 Geneve 10, Switzerland Phone : +41.22.917.24.48 Fax : +41.22.917.06.13
[email protected] 3 Mr. Bo Libert Regional Adviser on Environment Palais des Nations Environment and Human 8-14 Avenue de la Paix Settlements Division 1211 Geneve 10, Switzerland Tel: 0041-22-917 23 96 Fax: 0041-22-917 06 21
[email protected] OSCE in Bishkek 4 Mr. Markus Muller Head of OSCE Centre in Bishkek 139, Toktogul str, Bishkek tel.: 665015
[email protected] 5 Mr. Kuban Senior Project Assistant, 139, Toktogul str, Bishkek Ashyrkulov Economic Environmental tel.: 665015 Dimension UNDP 6 Mr. Jaras Takenov Manager of Ecological Programs 160, Chui Av.,Bishkek tel: 611213, fax: 611217 The Regional Environmental Centre for Central Asia 7 Mr. Ismail Dairov Manager on Ecological Politics 40.Orbita-1, Almaty tel./fax:+7(3272) 851102 8 Mr. Azamat Director of Kyrgyz Branch of REC 2\1,Toktonalieva str., Bishkek Hudaibergenov CA tel.:611355
[email protected] The Republic of Kazakhstan Ministry of Environmental Protection 10 Mrs. Evgenia Head of Department of Ecological 473000, Astana, Monogarova Expertise and Regulation of 31, Pobeda av., Environment user fax:/tel. (3172) 591932 E-mail:
[email protected] 11 Mrs.