Daily Iowan (Iowa City, Iowa), 1974-12-18
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x-c ki report 38- 9292 ivouac X-C Servic el Council okays Old Cap housing proposal respectively. wouJd Muse 98 ooe-bedroom apartments be required to pay no more than 2S per proposal beeause Ills the oaIy ODe of three with tbe project requiftmeJd Ibl all wUu ByTlUSERGENT All COIlJlCU mtmbm teemed te qree and two two-bedroom units. A cent of their income for rent. HUn will wlUcll goes beyOlld the 1% -.Its reqalred have air coaditJoaiDCIUld there ..a also Staff Writer Ib! tile one-bedroom unit for single or handicap pick up the rest. for Ille project. prodadD, Ia dfed some qllellioD of ownenblp. ..lib eunecki's lllatemeat ped occupancy would renl for $%66 per "miled boaIJar" ralber tbu a project The project initiaUy was to be owned by "KaalsoD COlts Ire u.believably The Old Capitol Associates'proposal for Councilwoman Carol deProsse, who DO qDelliol wIUcb could be IdeDtlfIecI IS nbaWlled the First Christian Church and managed I." ... (altboughl there's a $2.8 million housing project for the month, a one·bedroom double occupancy said she would prefer defering a decision for $296 and a two-bedroom apartment for housing for lhe elclerly. as a non-profit organization. However, everybody's Impressed ..ith the deslp." elderly was endorsed by the Iowa City uni! more information could be gathered. Jack Bowersox. the archil«t working Council Tuesday night. $388. Other factors White cited as affecting subsequent to submitting the proposal, cast the only dissenting vote, saying, "I ollllership rights were transferred to the lIith the Knutson ConstructIon Co .. said The council supported the proposal for a Three offers. including Old Capitol's, would vote against anyone tonight-none his decision include the locations of the Knutson was interested in getting into other two sites. Knutson'$ within Chaun· Knutson company lIith the church main 10D-unit, seven·story building on the cor· were made on the housing project. The of the three (proposals' fits the ideal. taining an option to buy and manage the housing for th elderly projects. and were ner of Dubuque and Court streets by a others were submitted by Mid·States There is no question in my mind that the cey Swan Plaza, and Mid·Stales' on West willing to take a loss on this one, which Development, Inc .. of Sioux City, and Benton Street. outside of the preferred property. four·to-one vote. This vote was in keeping one which best meets the needs of the II auld be i Is first, if accepted. downtown area. In addition. all members of the council with Monday recommendations by the Firsl Christian Church of Iowa City in elderly is the Knutson proposal. There is a voiced concern O\'1!r whether the Knutson City Atty. John Hayek said Old Capitol Iowa City Housing Commission. the urban connection with Knutson Construction question as to whether they could finan We've got Mayor Edgar Czarnecki said he also Company subilled a proposal that was project's principal failure is that it's con· renewal Design Review Committee. and Co .. of Minneapolis. Minn. cially commit themselves to this and favored Old Capitol's proposal because of tingent upon the urban renewal contract carry it out." flnanclally sound. a 101 glow in' the city staff. Under the project. which will operate its location. He referred to two deficien· The cost per square fOOl of the project being set back ix months for delivery of Slxly·two of tbe proposed units would be with the assistance of the federal Depart· Councilman Pal White, wbo will be cies in the Knutson plan which affected whose plan initlally was submitted bv land subsequent to construction. Old for ya rent suhsidlzed, with the otbers to be reno ment of Housing and Urban Development resigning from tbe council effective Ju. his decision . Knutson was '15.21 while those of Old Capitol Is the city's urban renewal ted at large. The proposed structure <HUD" elderly persons who qualiry will I, 1975, said he supported Old Caltol's The KDutsoa JIf'OPO$II faUed to comply Capitol and Mid·States were $28 and $22, developer. Wedne day, December 18, 1974 Vol. 107, No. 118 Iowa City, Iowa 52242 10' Ford seeks reasons for steel hike; Simon sees worsening recession the way to Christ· WASH[NGTON (AP) - President the justification is wanted im fiscal discipline is the only course of - Secretary of Agriculture Earl Butz elegance with Ford turned his anti-inflation spotlight mediately. aelion. said that by ralsing only corn and rk decorative on the United States Steel Co. Tuesday, The council has no authority to order - Roy Ash resigned as director of the soybeans some farmers are earning 12 les and candle· demanding the firm justify price in· a delay or rollback of price increases Office of Management and Budget. months of income in six month . As a that make the creases that it has announced_ and can merely focus public attention There was no immediate indication of result, he said many are able to enjoy gift or decoration Aspokesman for U.S. Steel contended on pricing situations it looks into. who would replace him . longer vacations and some have the holidays. that the price hikes were necessary Ford 's action recalled pressure - The Federal Energy Ad· dropped out of the livestock business_ because price controls had held profits exerted by President John F. Kennedy ministration reported that it has ob In reaction to the U.S. Steel price CARDS down in recent years. But he said that upon the steel industry in 1962 after ta ined price rollbacks totaling $TI boost, Press Secretary Ron Nessen the executives of the nation's largest eight companies announced price in· million to correct alleged overcharging said : sleel producer had not yet responded creases. All eight rescinded the in· by t5 oil companies. directly to Ford's demand. creases within four days . - M. S. Mitchell, president of "The President is concerned and Besides the President's action on Safeway Stores, Inc., the nation's very disappointed by the price in· U.S. Steel has reported profits of creases by United Slates Sleel. As a 5463.4 million in the first nine months of steel pricing, there were these largest food chain, denied that chain matter of fact, he is disappointed at any 1974. more than in any 12-month period economic developments : profits are a significant factor in high - The Commerce Department grocery prices. He said net profits of price increase under present economic in the company's history. The com circumstances ... pany's profits have climbed steadily reported that the number of new the major chains this year are expected since 1970, when it reported profits of housing units started in November to average nine·tenths of a cent for Nessen said he did not know whether $147 million. dropped to the lowest level in eight every dollar's worth of food sold. there were any plans to contact other U.S. Steel announced Monday that it years . During the month, the depart· - President Arnold Miller of the steel makers in an effort to head ofl is raising prices an average of 8 per ment said, new units were started at an United Mine Workers said the new similar price hikes. cent over two-thirds of its products. annual rate of 990,000, the same as the miners' contract should not result in However , he added that L. William Anolher company, CF&I Steel Corp., number of starts in December 1966. It any increase in coal prices. "There will Seidman, Ford's economic policy said Tuesday it was raising prices up to was the tenth time since World War II be a price increase, but this agreement coordinator, has indicated "the book is 8 per cent. CF&I, based in Pueblo, tha t starts dropped below the one· does not require one," Miller said. not closed on this ." , "p Wirephoto Colo .. is the natioh's 13th largest steel million level. - President Ford and Secretary of Nt.! ' 'en said the Council on Wage and maker- - Treasury Secretary William E. State Henry A. Kissinger briefed Price Stability could hold public We're ju t pals Ford responded by ordering the Simon said that while the recession will congressional leaders on the Franco· hearings on the U.S. Steel action. He Council on Wage and Price Stability to get worse, the effort to reverse it cannol American agreement on arrangements said it had made earlier inquiries into a Young Martin Van Lampman Jr. doesn't care chen, tb famJly's ltJIrtequln Grellt DllJle. Six· seek justification [rom the company be separated from the government's for a meeting of oil producing and price boost by Ford Motor Co . and if his sister started school tbls year leaving him leen-montb'old Marly I tbe 501'1 of Mr. and Mra, and in a telegram the council said that battle against inflation. Simon said that consuming nations. increases in the cost of sugar and beef. behind. He ha a best friend at bome In Gret· Martin Van LampmaJI of Auburn, Ala. 'Which is in our best interest?' Faculty Council probes collective bargaining Issues• By VALERIE SULLIVAN feeling is that there would be enormous Sutton, who declined to name the in Even more speculative are its im· geographic location, recommendations of wage and working condition , IncludJng Staff Writer strength in the last." stitutions involved. believes collective plications. But. statewide. collective parties involved, principles of efficient hours, vactlon and sick leave. and tran· First of a three·part series In fact.