metal gear solid hd collection ps3 free download Solid HD Collection (Fix 3.55) PS3 ESPAÑOL Descargar Juego. NOTA IMPORTANTE: Para descargar desde el servidor Zippyshare (mejor que mediafire) recomiendo utilizar el gestor Mipony lo pueden descargar desde este enlace , ya que el jdownloader no tiene aun soporte para ese servidor, para agregar los enlaces a Mipony pueden agregarlos a un bloc de notas y desde allí volverlos a seleccionar y luego control+C y esta vez mipony les detectará y solo queda dar la orden para que se empiecen a descargar. Metal Gear Solid HD Collection (Incluye Fix 3.55) ESPAÑOL Descargar PS3: Metal Gear Solid Entire Story Explained. The story of Metal Gear, in its entirety, begins with . The Boss is a woman who, in her mid-20s, assembled a cooperative special forces unit of american and soviet operatives in WWII that played a significant role in the allied victory (the "Cobra Unit".) Upon the start of the cold war, the Cobras were disbanded as her loyalties remained with the United States. The Boss trained Naked Snake ("John," "Jack," "".) for at least a decade after WWII they were partners, and he was her last and perhaps greatest apprentice. They were closer than allies, than friends or family. In the late fifties they parted ways, Snake no longer her fledgling but fully capable as an independent operative. in 1964, in the height of the cold war, The Boss defected to the soviet union, rejoining the Cobras under the ambitions of Colonel Volgin's radicalist unit. There she gave her new hosts a pair of american-made nuclear shells, along with the return of their asylum-seeking weapons development scientist Dr Sokolov (the obligatory scientist-in-distress of MGS3.) Unexpectedly, Volgin used one of these shells to eradicate a soviet development site, removing evidence of his insurrections against the soviet government and Premier Khruschev. Naked Snake, her last disciple, was enlisted to find her and eliminate her along with the growing soviet threat she has enabled. She never expresses to him any purposes behind her defection, only that she is 'loyal to the end.' Only in the end do we understand her purpose. only once snake's mission is complete does he understand. The Boss's defection was, at first, an order. She was to defect to the soviet union, specifically to Volgin's command, as a ruse by the US government. - Your guide to Game, TV and Movie Releases. They better not screw up the movie! This story is a mess. I love the first game and story but everything else has been down hill from that. yes now i can understand the story when i play MGS4 thank you!! it's going to be hard to put the MGS saga to fit a 2 hour movie. there's just too much back story to not make it a trilogy. And they say story telling and games dont work! Please, the god known as has been weaving the most intricate and amazing stories in video games for a decade now. God I love metal gear. I love the backstory of this series. Metal Gear Solid 4 cannot come out soon enough! however it get bit complicated once you get to the last part (Sons of liberty) if you read it again,then you'll have better understanding. MGS2 was all Genes Vs. MEME aspect and MEME prevailing on the end at least for what Solidus/ believed in. till i looked it up and found. Kuwabara: A chant said to protect yourself from being struck by lightning. *in a rainstorm* "Kuwabara, Kuwabara. " now it makes sense after seeing what volgin usually does. Heh, I remember doing the same thing when MGS3 was released. I found it wierd tho that Volgin said it as he could pretty damn near manipulate the stuff. and he somehow dies of that fear, since the rainstorm did actually turned on him. I thought Volgin died by several hundred (maybe exagerated) Live shell cases straped to his chest exploding? . I need to play 3 again before 4 lands. Volgin died at the end because he mocked the rain: "Who's afraid of a little thunder". Because of mocking it, and not saying "Kuwabara Kuwabara", it turned against him killing him with a bolt of lightning. (And if that wasn't enough, the ammunition wrapped around his body would've done a nice overkill just to make sure of his death). Tip: Press R1 (even if the R1 button doesn't show up on the top of the screen)while shows up and Snake look at each other and you'll see The Sorrow near them both while Volgin fries to death. hmmm The Sorrow didn't seem to be a bad guy after all eh? =P. This actually fills in some gaps and sets the chronological order of the games for me perfectly. I think due to the fact that they jumped around in the timeliness with the games it confuses everyone a bit. This definitely puts everything in it's correct order and really brings the story together. A must read for all Metal Gear Fans. Now I just need to get my hands on the first Metal Gear game. and what a sweet, engaging story it was. *hugs MGS3 manual* Thanks God, I was searching for this on the net. Good to see the whole story explained:P. How ironic. Just two days ago I was looking for a full explanation of the WHOLE STORY for Metal Gear Solid. I tip my hat off to you sir. I appreciate this explanation. *thumbs up* well he has the ending of the twin snakes story all wrong. He probably played the wrong, bad ending. the real ending was snake leaving with Meryl, not . Otacon stayed behind. I never got that ending, ive only ever seen meryl die, which will be odd for MGS4 to say the least. Damn whoever wrote that has far too much time on their hands. played them all, never understood the storey, but enjoyed the games imensly. pre-ordering MGS4 will get you the DVD explaining the whole story. It's got in-game footage from MGS all the way through MGS Portable Ops. Hell of a story. Is it just for me or does it cut out mid sentance? He references 'The patriots' section but never gets around to it. DAMNIT I WANNA KNOW ABOUT THE PATRIOTS. The Patriots are still pretty much a mystery, MGS4 is going to have to clear that up for you. No no, i mean he references there being a section on the patriots, but it never comes, instead it gets cut off halfway. Near the end he says: "S3, the ' Simulation,' (or 'Selection for Societal Sanity,' see 'THE PATRIOTS' section)" But he never makes a section called that. Am i missing something, because he does end on a semi-colon i wonder if its only half the explination. I was waiting to hear his explanation too, but, I already know about them, so il try and fill you in :) The Patriots are in control of America behind the curtain out of sight from the public, they choose who the Presidents are, and make it seem as if the President is in control of the country and make it seem as though there is a Democracy to keep the public happy. Members of The Patriots may have included, Major Zero, Ocelot and Big Boss. As told at the end of Portable OPS. Although it is said there are 12 members and they've been dead for 100 years, they still remain a mystery (MGS4 shall reveal all!) S3 (Solid Snake Simulation) as you read about was set up by the Patriots and Monitored closely by Ocelot, but the real meaning behind S3 (unknown to Ocelot(the Patriots may have back stabbed him)) means 'Selection For Societal Sanity', This you learn at the end of MGS2. You are told that this is an exercise in which you can turn a Raiden into a Solid Snake, but thats not as deep as it goes, the reason for doing so (Raiden to Snake) is to see whether human beings can be manipulated, more so it was to see if humans could be manipulated by AI, bare in mind Raiden was talking to a fake Colonel Campbell and a fake Rose(it was Arsenal Gears AI,thats why when Emma Emmerich uploaded the virus into Arsenal Gear the Colonel and Rose started being weird) the reason for this test of manipulation was to see if human beings are more capable of making decisions than AI. You may recall from MGS2 the AI of Campbell and Rose going on about 'They're not trying to control content, but to create context' (the first part of that 'not controlling content' is a straight up lie from the Patriots,(the Patriots want to sypher the internet deleting any trace of themselves) What they mean by 'create context' is basically to decide what information is significant enough to pass on in human history whilst deleting whatever information is not (especially info on themselves, you must understand that the last thing The Patriots want is for the public to know of their existence and realize that they are all just slaves living under The Patriots rule) and to test whether or not a human has the ability to make choices for themselves in order to decide what information is important enough to pass on. Raiden failed this test when he killed Solidus, Raiden was informed of who Solidus was and what he was doing, Solidus infact was the good guy, the guy that was trying to save the country, and had actually raised Raiden as a child. but even with this knowledge Raiden was unable to make his own choice and was manipulated into killing Solidus by nothing more than AI. The test was not intented for Raiden or Solid or Solidus for anyone else, the test was a Beta test for the AI itself to see if it could actually pull off everything i've listed above (to see if it worked lol) and it did, (although we don't know if the virus Emma uploaded done much more damage) The Patriots were to use this AI (this Arsenal Gear) to control the flow of digital information around the world, deleting or altering anything that might compromise themselves in order to shape the thoughts and feelings, the education and even culture of America, possibly even the World, so that they could be in total CONTROL! The moto of The Patriots would be 'He who controls the present controls the past, he who controls the past controls the Future' Basically, delete bad history, you'll have an easier time being in control of the future. And Snakes (Kojimas) moto is 'Building the future and keeping the past alive are one in the same thing' Basically, don't cover things up, remember them and learn from them, freedom of speech/freedom of choice, its all a part of human history even the bad things. To conclude, All the Patriots want is to take over the country and the world, and everything listed above is means in which they try to achieve their domination! I hope that explained it? I kinda went on alot longer than id thought it'd be lol Peace! Free Ps vita Games | Download Ps vita Games | Full ISO. Download Metal Gear Solid HD Collection Ps vita Accept the mission and play three great chapters in the Metal Gear franchise with the Metal Gear Solid HD Collection. Included are in this PlayStation Vita package are Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty and Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater. As a bonus, the original MSX games Metal Gear and Metal Gear 2: Solid Snake are included, showcasing Snake’s very first missions! MGS 2: Players take the role of a one-man army determined to stop a deadly high-tech weapon from falling into the hands of a highly elite resistance group known as Dead Cell. Players must utilize their skills in stealth, weaponry, and counter-terrorism to fight off the competing powers. Progress through a twisting storyline and eventually face the gigantic war machine, Metal Gear Ray. Download Metal Gear Solid HD Collection Ps vita. MGS 3: In the struggle to achieve world peace and world dominance in the Cold War period, rivaling governments are secretly developing weapons technology that could threaten the future existence of life. Destined to be the first, a race ensues to become the ultimate nation. A special elite tactical soldier is summoned to penetrate deep in the heart of enemy territory and obtain Intel about “Metal Gear Solid HD Collection“, a prototype weapon with nuclear capabilities. This is your mission and you must infiltrate alone. As “Naked Snake, ” you must outsmart enemies with camouflage, close-quarters combat, stalking, interrogating, climbing, hunting and treating injuries in this critical chapter of the Metal Gear saga. Metal Gear Solid HD Collection goes downloadable in August. Way back when the Metal Gear Solid HD Collection was first announced, downloadable versions of the games in the collection were also revealed. The uncharacteristically box-free versions of 's famous infiltration games will be released on PSN (for Vita and PS3) and XBLA starting August 21 in North America. On that day, you'll be able to get Metal Gear Solid 2 and 3 individually on either PS3 or Vita, or the Metal Gear Solid HD Collection (containing both MGS2 and MGS3 ) as a Games on Demand release for Xbox 360. The next week, on August 28, Peace Walker will be available on PS3 and Xbox 360. You'll also be able to get a bundle of all three games on PS3. No prices have been named for these digital releases. KONAMI CONFIRMS DIGITAL-DOWNLOAD DATES FOR METAL GEAR SOLID® - HD EDITIONS. August 7, 2012 – Konami Digital Entertainment, Inc. has announced the digital-download availability dates for the HD editions of METAL GEAR SOLID® 2: SONS OF LIBERTY, METAL GEAR SOLID®3: SNAKE EATER and METAL GEAR SOLID®: PEACE WALKER for the Xbox 360® video game and entertainment system from Microsoft, PlayStation®3 computer entertainment system and PlayStation®Vita system. August 21st: · METAL GEAR SOLID 2: SONS OF LIBERTY - HD Edition (PS Vita) · METAL GEAR SOLID 3: SNAKE EATER - HD Edition (PS Vita) · METAL GEAR SOLID 2: SONS OF LIBERTY - HD Edition (PS3) · METAL GEAR SOLID 3: SNAKE EATER - HD Edition (PS3) · METAL GEAR SOLID - HD Collection – MGS2 + MGS3 (X360) – Games On Demand release. August 28th: · METAL GEAR SOLID: PEACE WALKER (PS3) · METAL GEAR SOLID: PEACE WALKER (X360) – Games on Demand Release. · METAL GEAR SOLID - HD Collection Bundle – MGS2+3+PW (PS3) METAL GEAR SOLID 2: SONS OF LIBERTY Technological data on the nuclear-armed walking tank, Metal Gear, leaks onto the black market. The legendary hero, Solid Snake, sets out in pursuit of a tanker carrying a new Metal Gear prototype. But Snake falls into a trap and is believed lost along with the tanker at the bottom of the Hudson River. Two years later, terrorists led by a man claiming to be Solid Snake seize control of the Big Shell, an oil spill cleanup facility. Responding to the crisis, the government sends Raiden, a new recruit within the special ops unit FOXHOUND, to infiltrate the Big Shell and rescue the US President as world peace hangs in the balance. METAL GEAR SOLID 3: SNAKE EATER Set during the Cold War of the 60s, METAL GEAR SOLID 3: SNAKE EATER sees series hero Snake infiltrating the Soviet jungle to bring back a scientist being held against his will. Starting on the outskirts of a military base, the player must use Snake's stealth skills along with the foliage and shade that the jungle offers as cover to infiltrate unseen. As the game progresses, old faces make unwelcome appearances and a series of terrifying boss characters must be defeated before leading up to a dramatic twist that brings Snake face to face with a key figure from his past. METAL GEAR SOLID: PEACE WALKER A blend of action RPG and RTS elements, METAL GEAR SOLID: PEACE WALKER features a gripping story that unfolds through the artwork of Yoji Shinkawa and acclaimed comic book artist, . The game introduces new AI Weapons – giant unmanned behemoths that Snake must overcome to complete his mission - including airborne, tank, and mobile-fortress-style enemies that can each talk and sing during battle using VOCALOID technology. Additionally, METAL GEAR SOLID: PEACE WALKER boasts extensive multi-player elements including four-player CO-OPS (COoperative-OPerationS), and a stunning three-against-three battle, wherein six players can form teams and engage in thrilling linked battles via the Sony handheld's Ad Hoc capabilities that extend the gameplay experience allowing players to administer medical help to colleagues, share munitions, and provide defence for each other using the Snake formation to cover blind spots. Metal gear solid hd collection ps3 free download. 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