TALLINN DEVELOPMENT PLAN 2014–2020 Tallinn Development Plan 2014–2020 Contents

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TALLINN DEVELOPMENT PLAN 2014–2020 Tallinn Development Plan 2014–2020 Contents TALLINN DEVELOPMENT PLAN 2014–2020 Tallinn Development Plan 2014–2020 Contents Adopted by Tallinn City Council regulation no. 29 1. Introduction ............................................................................................................................................................................ 4 from June 13 2013. 2. Central strategic development trends, related tasks and solutions ......................................................................... 7 2.1 Population development .......................................................................................................................................... 8 Needs and their fulfilment options .................................................................................................................................. 9 2.2 Economic development ............................................................................................................................................ 10 Needs and possibilities for their fulfilment .................................................................................................................... 15 Investment projects planned with external funding ................................................................................................... 18 2.3 Socio-cultural development ................................................................................................................................... 19 Needs and their fulfilment option .................................................................................................................................... 20 Investment projects planned with external funding ................................................................................................... 23 3. Development vision for Tallinn .......................................................................................................................................... 24 4. Development principles of Tallinn .................................................................................................................................... 26 5. Development model for Tallinn ......................................................................................................................................... 28 Action plan of the development plan ............................................................................................................................... 35 6. Main risks associated with the implementation of the main objectives of the development plan and the options for their mitigation ................................................................................................................................. 74 7. Updating the development plan ....................................................................................................................................... 78 8. Financial obligations exceeding the duration of the development plan ................................................................ 80 References................................................................................................................................................................................ 82 Annex 1. The most important projects of 2013 by fields ............................................................................................ 84 Figure 1. Development model for Tallinn ................................................................................................................................... 5 Figure 2. Central strategic development trends and solutions ............................................................................................ 8 Figure 3. Natural growth of the population of Tallinn, 2008-2011 ..................................................................................... 9 Figure 4. The age and sex distribution of the population of Tallinn in 2013 .................................................................... 9 Figure 5. The number of economically active enterprises in Tallinn, 2008–2012............................................................ 11 Figure 6. The employment status dynamics among 15–74-year-olds in Tallinn ............................................................. 11 Figure 7. Employed persons by industry, 2008–2012 ............................................................................................................. 12 Figure 8. The average monthly gross wages in 2008–2011 .................................................................................................. 12 Figure 9. The number of authorised dwellings, 2008–2012 ................................................................................................. 13 Figure 10. The number of authorised dwellings in Tallinn, 2008–2012 ............................................................................. 13 Figure 11. Real estate prices and gross wages in euros in Tallinn, 2008–2011 ................................................................ 14 Figure 12. The main way of going to work ................................................................................................................................. 14 Figure 13. Number or trips with the public transportation of Tallinn, 2008–2011 ........................................................ 15 Figure 14. Light traffic routes in Tallinn ...................................................................................................................................... 16 Figure 15. The proportion of people associated with Tallinn ................................................................................................ 19 Figure 16. Social benefits dependent and independent of family income (millions of euros), 2005–2012 ............. 20 Figure 17. Tallinners' self-assessment of their health status, 2008–2012 ........................................................................ 20 Figure 18. Tallinners' aspects of life and corresponding areas of development............................................................... 29 Figure 19. Development targets ................................................................................................................................................... 30 Figure 20. Prospective railway corridors ..................................................................................................................................... 32 Figure 21. Prospective main streets ............................................................................................................................................. 33 Figure 22. Bicycle lanes in Tallinn ................................................................................................................................................. 34 3 ment principles for Tallinn, and the action plan. The Figure 1. Development moDel For tallinn action plan contains six main objectives, sub- 1. Introduction objectives, measures for achieving them, perfor- mance indicators, and a list of activities for 2014- Central developments Development vision 2017. A separate part of the development plan shall and challenges for Tallinn present risks related to the achievement of the • population development objectives and the options for their mitigation. The • economic development work ends with a list of sources used for the prepa- • socio-cultural development The Local Government Organisation Act is the legal basis The central objective of the updated development plan shall ration of this development plan. Development strategy for the preparation of the Development Plan for Tallinn, be a Tallinn that is socially safe and has a clean living environ- The relationships between the Tallinn Develop- Conclusions of the developments pursuant to subsection 37 (1) of which every local govern- ment. Among other things, it shall provide for measures to ment Plan for 2014-2020 and other central devel- in the context of the ment shall have a development plan. boost employment in the short term, in the phase of managing opment documents, and the legal binding between development strategy the consequences of the financial crisis, and in the long term. The Tallinn Development Plan has been prepared for the the parts of the development plan, have been period of 2014−2020. The action plan of the development In addition to focusing on the capital, the revision of the summarised in Figure 1. Development plan Budget strategy for Tallinn Main objectives plan has been prepared until 2017. The development plan is action plan of Tallinn has also taken into account other The development plan lists the following urban Secondary objectives based on the objectives of the Tallinn Development Plan for trends in the urban region because several solutions for the development priorities by main objectives: 2009-2027 (Regulation No. 129). The main objectives of the future of Tallinn can only thrive thanks to the cooperation Measure development plan shall be based on and specify the objec- with neighbouring municipalities and joint investments in 1) The main priority of the business, tourism and Actions tives stated in the development strategy of Tallinn titled the social and technical infrastructure. The harmonious employment fields is the creation of a favourable “Tallinn 2030”. Furthermore, the Tallinn sectoral and city politics of Tallinn and the municipalities of the capital city growth environment for start-ups and creative opment program for municipal preschool
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