Better understanding needed for tank-explosion hazards

David G. Trumbore published has emphasized that the toring program in which we have Owens-Corning Fiberglas Corp. of the material stored is the developed simple methods of evaluat- Summit, III. most important factor in determining ing asphalt tank vapor-space composi- if enough fuel is present in the vapor tions. Charles R. Wilkinson space for combustion.¹ ³ The methods are currently being 4 ¯ Owens-Corning Fiberglas Corp. Dimpfl concluded that factors un- used in our manufacturing facilities to Granville, Ohio related to simple evaporation of as- define specific tank hazards, thus pro- phalt are common causes of the build- viding us with an ever-expanding data Basic differences in the generation of up of combustibles in asphalt tanks. base to aid in predicting and control- combustible gas vapors in tanks stor- He cited smoldering coke deposits on ling high-risk situations. This in-plant ing four classes of asphalt materials the inner roof and shell of the tank, testing is being complemented by lab have been identified by laboratory, incidental thermal cracking, light hy- evaluations of materials, development pilot-scale, and plant-scale measure- drocarbons from solvent deasphalting of new testing methods, and more- ments. (SDA) processes, contamination from sophisticated characterization of actu- It has been clearly shown that clas- crude feed/vacuum residuum heat ex- al vapor spaces. sical methods of thinking about and changer leaks, and unstripped light A verification of the accuracy of the troubleshooting these hazards only generated during air simpler tank-monitoring methods has work for flux and paving (and blowing as being potential sources of been completed, and that work is can break down even for these materi- vapor space fuel not detected by flash being prepared for publication. als), and are not applicable to solvent point tests. Vapor-space compositions. To deasphalted residuum and air-blown He emphasized smoldering coke’s date, our measurements of nearly asphalts. role in depleting oxygen and elevating 2,000 individual vapor spaces in over The latter have been shown, for the carbon monoxide and carbon dioxide 200 tanks has led to the view of first time, to pose a special problem in the tank vapor space, and pointed asphalt tank vapor-space composi- due to their continued reactivity after out its potential as an ignition source, tions summarized in Figs. 1, 2, and 3. undergoing the air-blowing process. with or without the catalyzing effect of All three figures present data on Time and temperature are critical iron sulfide. However, based on his four classes of hot asphalt tanks- parameters in determining and con- sampling of nine tank vapor spaces, those storing roofer’s flux (vacuum trolling the degree of this problem. Dimpfl was not able to predict what tower bottoms generally of low vis- Simple measurement techniques material and storage conditions tend- cosity and high flash point that can be were developed to monitor all these ed to give explosive vapor spaces. His processed into high softening point hazards, and these techniques are final conclusion was that the storage grades of roofing asphalt by air blow- considered to be necessary to more of asphalt is an unpredictable art. ing), paving asphalt, SDA, and air- accurately determine the vapor space The work described in this article blown asphalts. Included are exam- hazard in all asphalt tanks. was undertaken to build an under- ples of vapor-space compositions. Background. In spite of the exten- standing of the factors affecting the In the case of the flux and paving sive use of hot asphalt for over a accumulation of combustible vapors asphalt tanks, the values presented century, little has been published on in tanks storing various types of as- represent overwhelmingly typical val- the nature of explosion hazards in its phalt. The key to this effort has been ues. The SDA and air-blown asphalt storage tanks. Most of what has been an extensive tank vapor space-moni- tank values reflected hazardous ex-

Fig.1 Fig. 2 Asphalt tank vapor Combustibles in asphalt tanks 9 8

C + 2 HC

Flux Paving SDA Air blown II Flux Paving SDA Air blown

Reprinted from the September 18, 1989 edition of & Gas Journal Copyright 1989 by PennWell Publishing Company Fig. 3 Fig. 4 Hydrocarbons in tank vapor space Air-blown asphalt* L 4

*Causes more combustibles evolution l

380 400 420 440 460 480 C1 C3 C5 C7 C9 C11 Cl3 C15 B SDA x Air blown o Flux C Paving Storage temperature, °F. OGJ I OGJ . tremes that, while far from typical, was the only tank example to have a create a tank vapor space problem were encountered often enough to be significant amount of hydrogen sulfide because of solvent contamination of general concern. in the vapor space. from the deasphalting process if the At the other extreme, the vapor Finally, Fig. 3 breaks the “other steam stripping of the material is not spaces in tanks storing these two ma- ” fraction of Fig. 2 into a adequate. This problem appears to be terials look very much like the vapor profile of carbon number molecules. a strong function of the supplier’s spaces in the flux and paving tanks. These data indicate that the flux, pav- process, the solvent used, and the The vapor space of an SDA tank was ing, and air-blown asphalt tanks had a amount of ventilation in the tank generally at one of these two ex- broad spectrum of hydrocarbons pre- where the material is stored. tremes, while in air blown asphalt sent in their vapor spaces, whereas Because of the high volatility of the tanks both extremes and all points in the SDA tank had a single spike at the solvents in question (propane through between are common. carbon number that in every case of pentane), these hazards are not de- Fig. 1 divides the example tank high combustible gas readings in our tected by flash-point tests. vapor space compositions into four experience corresponded to the sol- Finally, from the data in Figs. 1 and components: combustibles, carbon vent used in producing this material. 2, it is obvious that air-blown asphalt dioxide, water vapor, and oxygen, The data summarized in the above is an entirely different material from a and presents them in a stacked bar examples give a view of hot asphalt tank-hazard standpoint, and it de- chart. The difference between the to- tanks as follows. serves some more extensive discus- tal bar height and 100% is nitrogen Combustible gas buildup in flux sion. The basic uniqueness of this from air. Note that none of the tanks and paving tanks can typically be material from a loss-prevention stand- discussed in this study were inerted. characterized by their flash points. point has not, to our knowledge, been From the data, it is clear that typical Since these materials are generally recognized before. flux and paving tanks have little more stored at temperatures substantially Again, the high levels of volatile than nitrogen, oxygen, a little water below their COC flash point, the va- combustibles, like methane and car- vapor,and a very small amount of por spaces are typically low in com- bon monoxide, make flash-point test- combustibles in their vapor spaces, bustible gas levels. ing inadequate. the SDA residuum tanks had, in the Flux and paving tanks thus tend to Air-blown asphalts. An experiment extreme case, a large combustible gas follow the traditional view of asphalt done in Trumbull’s pilot plant conver- fraction, and again in the extreme tank safety as being well-defined by tor illustrates the basic difference in case, the air-blown asphalt tanks had flash point measurements. Contami- the air-blown asphalt hazard. Roofer’s a large combustible gas fraction as nation problems with these materials flux was loaded into the converter well as large water vapor and carbon are not unknown but not commonly (1,000-gal capacity) and stored at a dioxide levels. encountered. specified temperature overnight. Fig. 2 divides the important com- When contamination does occur, The heating medium in all these bustible gas fraction into four addi- the control of hazards by flash point tests was hot oil circulating through a tional levels: methane, other hydro- can break down, depending on the heat exchanger countercurrent to the carbons, carbon monoxide, and hy- contaminant and the flash point meth- asphalt flow. The system was such drogen sulfide. The data on our exam- od generally used. We have moni- that the hot oil was never more than ples, once again, indicate nothing tored over 100 tanks storing these 25° F. hotter than the target asphalt hazardous in the typical flux and pav- materials and have only seen elevated storage temperature. ing tanks and only the “other hydro- combustible gas levels with flux The vapor space in the convertor carbon” fraction in the SDA tank. stored at high temperatures where the was sampled in the morning for very The extreme air-blown asphalt flux was inadvertently aerated, and light combustibles. This sampling, tanks, on the other hand, had large with paving that was made from which will be discussed later, used an methane and carbon monoxide com- blending solvent contaminated SDA activated charcoal tube to adsorb hy- bustible fractions in addition to a large material. drocarbons of carbon number three “other hydrocarbon” fraction, and Solvent deasphalted residuum can and higher so that only very light-end combustibles were measured. and shell of the tank. This phenome- The flux was then air blown to one The authors... non could lead to some of the obser- of a variety of endpoints ranging from vations discussed in this article, but 160°F. to 230° F. ring and ball soften- has been ruled out as a frequent ing point (the softening point of the mechanism because of the relatively original flux was about 90°F.), and high oxygen content in most vapor was again stored overnight at a certain spaces, and our knowledge concern- temperature. The same measurement ing the cleanliness of some of the of light combustibles was performed problem tanks. on the tank vapors the next morning. It is obviously not a factor in the Fig. 4 presents results from many of data of Fig. 4 because the smoldering these experiments. The data show a Trumbore Wilkinson coke deposits would also have influ- dramatic difference in behavior be- enced the flux data, and because the tween air-blown asphalt and the flux David C. Trumbore is the asphalt pilot pilot converter was known to be de- from which it was blown. plant manager for the Trumbull Division of posit free. It is, however, still impor- As expected, the flux does not Owens-Corning Fiberglas. In that role he tant to recognize this risk. has the primary responsibility for the techni- evolve significant light-end combusti- cal aspects of asphalt tank loss preven- It is also important to realize that bles even at temperatures approach- tion. not only will newly blown asphalt ing 500° F., hence the measured val- Trumbore received a BS degree in thermally crack more readily, but it ues are low and the slope of the chemical engineering from Lehigh Universi- will also react with oxygen more ty and a PhD degree in chemical engi- combustible gas composition vs. stor- neering from the University of Washington. readily. This can occur in thin films on age temperature is small. With the air He is a member of AIChE. clean walls or over existing coke de- blown material, the light combustible posits. This can lead to buildup of a gas values are orders of magnitude Charles R. Wilkinson is a chemical potentially dangerous coke problem. engineer working in research and develop- higher, and the dependence on tem- ment at the Owens-Corning Fiberglas It can also occur if the asphalt is perature is dramatic. technical center. He received a BS degree pumped into the vapor space of a tank Two possibilities exist to explain in chemical engineering from Clarkson instead of being added below the this difference. First, as suggested by University and an MS degree in chemical level. In extreme cases, the engineering from Purdue University. He is Dimpfl, light combustibles formed a member of AIChE. latter situation can create vapor com- during air blowing may be entrained positions which are similar to those in the asphalt, and may evolve after expected with smoldering coke de- the blowing is over. with time. For example, in cases posits. This explanation was discounted where the material is pumped from Tank-monitoring methods. To do because the high combustible gas val- the converter to one storage tank then the routine vapor-space monitoring ues occurred even when the material transferred to a second tank, the first mentioned, we use the following was extensively steam stripped during tank invariably has higher combusti- equipment: and after air blowing, and light com- ble gas levels than the second, even if 1. A combination combustible gas bustible gas evolution was highly de- both are held at equal temperatures. and oxygen meter that reads out in pendent on temperature, even with It is also apparent that, as shown in percent LEL from 0 to 100 and percent the same material stored for succes- Fig. 4, the level of thermal cracking oxygen from 21 down to 0. To accu- sive nights at different temperatures- leading to high combustible gas levels rately measure the combustibility of a simple evolution of entrained gases is strongly affected by material tem- the many and varied chemical species would not have exhibited this tenden- perature. For example, tanks storing present in an asphalt tank, the meter cy. blown asphalt to be poured into car- should operate by catalytically burn- The second explanation, which we tons are nearly always very low in ing the vapors and sensing the change accept, is that the reactions occurring combustible gas readings because the in resistance of the heated wire as a in the air-blowing process result in a asphalt has been cooled to below result of this combustion. newly blown material which is far 400°F. In our studies, we used Mine Safety more reactive and more susceptible to Finally, the presence of very hot Appliance Models 261 and 360 ex- thermal cracking. This reaction mech- surfaces in contact with the asphalt, plosion meters. Other manufacturers anism explains the high temperature e.g., a hot firetube heating unit oper- offer instruments using a similar mea- dependence of the combustible gas ating in an unagitated tank or with a surement technique. buildup, the ineffectiveness of steam heavy coke buildup, has been ob- These meters are designed to be stripping, and the nature of the gases served to be a contributor to high portable, and are made primarily for in the vapor space as illustrated by the combustible gas levels because of an testing empty tanks to assure safe con- high concentrations of light combusti- increase in thermal cracking. Obvi- ditions prior to tank entry. They are bles in Fig. 4 and the high levels of ously, knowledge of these factors can therefore, often already available in methane, carbon monoxide, hydro- be used to control the hazard in air- an asphalt facility. gen sulfide, and carbon dioxide blown asphalt tanks. 2. A small activated carbon tube of shown to be present in Figs. 1 and 2. The first step toward this control is the sort commonly used to take hydro- Others have shown that these the monitoring mentioned throughout carbon samples. To get the first break- four compounds are the gaseous prod- this article which identifies the tanks down of combustibles into their com- ucts most readily formed by thermal that need a process change to reduce ponent parts, we placed these tubes cracking at lower temperatures in as- combusitble gas levels. in-line between the tank and the com- phaltene-pyrolysis studies. The poten- A condition mentioned prominently bustion meter. tial for thermal cracking of newly air- in Dimpfl’s paper, but not considered With the meter thus configured, the blown asphalt has also been observed in the preceding discussion, is the hydrocarbons above a carbon number in our routine monitoring of the as- buildup of light-hydrocarbon combus- of two are adsorbed on the activated phalt tank-vapor spaces. tible gases, carbon monoxide, and carbon, and only the very light com- From these data, it is apparent that carbon dioxide as a result of smolder- bustibles are passed through and mea- the reactivity of the material dissipates ing coke deposits on the inner roof sured by the combustion meter. As a practical matter, this reading is an 180, August 1981. indication of the amount of methane 2. Hughes, J.R., and Swindells, N.S., Storage and Handling of , pp. 218-222, and carbon monoxide being generat- John Wiley & Sons, New York, 1987 ed and can be used to determine if a 3. “Guide for Safe Storage and Handling of Heated Petroleum-Derived Asphalt Products and high combustible gas reading is due to Crude-Oil Residua,” API Publication 2023, sec- solvent contamination or the reactions ond edition, July 1988. 4. Dimpfl, L.H., “Study gives insight into asphalt of thermal cracking or oxidation. tank explosions,” OGJ, pp. 176-185, Dec. 29, For example, in the case of a very 1980. high combustible gas reading in a tank 5. Savage, P.E., and Klein, M.T., “Asphaltene Re- action Pathways, 1. Thermolysis,” IEC Proc Des storing solvent-deasphalted residuum, Dev, 24(4), pp. 1169-1174, 1985. if that reading were reduced to near 6. Moschopedis, S.E.,Parkash, S., and Speight, J.G., “Thermal Decomposition of Asphal- zero by inserting the carbon tube prior tenes,” Fuel, 57, pp. 431-434, 1978. to the meter, then solvent contamina- 7. Walker, R., Steele, A.D., and Morgan, T.D.B., “The Formation of Pyrophoric Iron Sulphide tion would be the strongly suspected from Rust,” Surface and Coatings Technology, cause of the combustible gas in the 31, pp. 183-197, 1987. vapor space. 8. “Investigations of Pyrophoric Iron Sulfide in In- erted Tanks,” report of joint study by: Exxon However, a high reading with the Research & Engineering, Shell Research Ltd., carbon tube in place would indicate And the British Petroleum Co. Ltd., August thermal cracking as the cause of the 1981. high combustibles. 3. Gas indicator tubes. The tubes are the size of small pencils, and are used with a simple hand pump pulling approximately 100 ml through the tube in a single stroke. Vapor concentration is indicated by the change in color of the media in the tube. These tubes are used to measure carbon monoxide and car- bon dioxide as a followup to deter- mine if a smoldering-coke problem exists. A low oxygen reading is the first indicator of this problem. Gas-indicator tubes can also be used to measure hydrogen sulfide, a potential ignition hazard because of its tendency to react with iron oxide to form iron sulfide which will catalyze the auto-oxidation of coke and is, itself, a potential pyrophor.7 8 In asphalt tanks, hydrogen sulfide in the vapor space is also evidence of thermal cracking. With these simple and easily applied measurements, an asphalt tank vapor space can be ana- lyzed to an extent sufficient to approx- imate the stacked bar charts illustrated by Figs. 1 and 2. The hydrocarbon profile in Fig. 3 was prepared by depositing vapor samples on charcoal tubes and by taking gas-bomb samples. Both sam- ples are analyzed with a gas chro- matograph with an infrared detector. The data given in this article should not be construed as recommending changes in practices that have been successful in avoiding asphalt-tank ex- plosions. All manufacturing opera- tions are different, and the safety pro- cedures that work in one are not necessarily directly transferable to an- other. It is hoped, however, that the clear- er view of asphalt tank safety present- ed in this article will lead to better engineering practice with asphalt tanks and fewer explosions in asphalt plants.

References 1. The Asphalt Institute, Information Series No.