XAUDE DELAVAL COBHAM.] C6B (t I9ir>.) 4" - Η


Previously printed 1886 [152 titles]; 1889 [309]Ο; 1894 [497]; 1900 [728]; and 1908 [860 titles]Ι. Λ A NEW EDITIONΙ Β HRANGED ALPHABETICALLY WITΒH ADDITIONS. Η

EDITED BY G. JEFFERYΚ , O.B.E.. F.S.A. ΙΑ PRICΡE 2s. 4kp. (2s. 6d.) Π

Υ : Printed at the Government Printing Office, Nioosia. Κ 1 9 2 i). 'o be purchased at the Government Printing Office, Nicosia, Cyprus, from the Grown Agents for the Colonies, 4 Millbanh London, :^.W.l. Η Κ Η Θ ΙΟ Λ ΙΒ Β Η Κ ΙΑ Ρ Π Υ Κ t^S^s COLAUDE DELAY AL COBHAM.] (t 1915,) Η

AN ATTEMPT AT A Κ Η BIBLIOGRAPHY OF CYPRUΘS Ο Previously printed 1886 [152 titles]; 1889 Ι[309]; 1894 [497]; 1900 [728]; and 1908 [860 titles]. Λ A NEW EDITIOΙNΒ Β ARRANGED ALPHABETICALL Y WITH ADDITIONS, Η Κ Α EDITED BY ΙG. JEFFERY, O.B.E., P.S.A. Ρ Π Υ CYPRUS : Printed at the Government Printing Office, Nicos r** i£P%fe\ Κ 7fi ' JON AlAtlA »JiAiOeHC.H i47t2 r

In a new edition of my friend Mr. Cobham's work the idea has been to render it more convenient for reference and to bring the list as much up to date as possible. This Η new edition will include only such matter of a periodical kind as is usually bound up and preserved in the form of books, i.e. periodicals of a scientific description; proceedΚ­ ings of learned societies, belles-lettres, etc. The completeness of a bibliography must depend on circumstances. A catalogue which goes back to theΗ in­ vention of printing in the XVth century aud embraces all the known literary languages of the world, must present difficulties in attainment even to the most sanguinΘ e of compilers ; hence the late Mr. C. D. Cobham wisely entitled his work an attempt. Works of a merely ephemeral or newspaper kind may have crept into the bibliography of Mr. CobhamΟ, but the list should be confined as much as possible toΙ the more per­ manent literature which has developed in tho form of hooks. Amongst those who have assisted in Λcompiling this new edition of " Cobham's BibUography " must be mentioned His Excellency Sir Eonald Storrs, Mr. Luca Z. Pierides, Dr. A. H. Unwin, and the numerous authoritieΒ s of European libraries to whom the first proof sheetΙ s were submitted for criticism and additions. A certain difficulty arises in bringing so many contri­ butions in different languages Βto a general standard of expression. Some of them wer e sent me not only abbre­ viated to an extreme, but also mere names without any particulars at all. Consultation of ancient authorities is difficult in a place likeΗ Cyprus—it has therefore been thought best to treat the Bibliography as a catalogue without a very precise or detailed character so that the different titles may appeaΚ r with as much uniformity as circumstances permit. These considerations apply more especially to the extracts from periodical literature, the too voluminous descriptionΑ s of certain items have been to some extent curtaileΙ d in order to harmonise with the rest. Here it must be noted that " Folklore " is in a parti­ cular way excluded from this Bibliography. The very interesting collectioΡ n of poems by the village rhapsodists so characteristic of the Eomaic Levant ever since the use of printing, demand special study and a particular biblio­ graphy whicΠh will doubtless be given to them in course of time. Books for elementary education and matters connecteΥd with private commercial affairs, club rules, etc., are also, as a general rule, excluded. ΚMay, 1928. G. JEFFERY, Η Κ Η Θ ΙΟ Λ ΙΒ Β Η Κ ΙΑ Ρ Π Υ Κ Η Κ Η Θ PEINCIPAL ABBEEVIATIONS. ΙΟ J. = Joumal. J.H S. =Journal of Hellenic SocietyΛ. S.B.A. =Society of Biblical ArchaeologyΒ . S.P.C.K.=Society for PromotinΙg Christian Knowledge. E.I.B.A.=Eoyal Institute oΒf British Architects. S.A.L. = Society of Antiquaries , London. O.L. = Orient Latin. Z. =Zeitung or ΗZeitschrift. Κ ΙΑ Ρ Π Υ Κ Η Κ Η Θ ΙΟ Λ ΙΒ Β Η Κ ΙΑ Ρ Π Υ Κ BIBLIOGRAPHY:

Abd el Eahman. Mamluken gegen Cypern . . . in Η der Jahren, 1423-44. Arabisch und Deutsch, von A. Wahrmund, 8", Vienna, 1884. Abudacmus, Jos. Historia Jacohitarum in Cypri, 4**Κ, Oxford, 1675, and 8°, Leiden, 1740. Abulfeda, Ismail Ibn'Ali. Annales Muslemici (ed. Eeiske) Lipsiae, 1754. Η Abul Pharag. Chronieon Syriacum, (ed Brums & Kirsch) Leipzig, 1788. Hist. Compendius & DynastiaruMf (edΘ Pocock) Oxon. 1653. AlEagart G. Relation de Terre 8ainte (Ed. I. Chavanon) 8% Paris, 1902. Ο Agamemnone, G. Tremblement de terreΙ dans Vile de Chypre^ 29, Juin, 1896, (Beitrage zur Geophysik. VI.) Leipzig, 1904, (Boll, SismologicΛ o Ital. VIII.) Modena, 1903. Agostino, Pra. La perdita di e la gloriosa morte di Bragadino. 8", VeneziaΒ , 1891. Ahrens. Kyprische Inschriften (Phil.Ι , XXXV.), 8°, Got- tingen, 1876. Ainslie, Eobert. Views in the OttomanΒ Empire . . . and Cyprus, 4**, Lond., 1803 Aitone, Principe Armeno. Historia delle parti di Levante, o del Pa^saggio per Terra Santa, Venetia, 1562 (by a monk in BellΗa Paise Abbey where he wrote the book in 1305. It seems to have been trans­ lated and published by E. Pynson, c. 1520). Aleardi, G. Aleardo. ΚArnalda (Latin poem), 12°, Milan, 1844. (per nozze.) Alexander IV., P.Α M. Bulla ad Episcopos Grcecos, Patrol. Grceca ΙEd. Migne, 8°, Paris, 1865. Ali Bey, El Abbassi. Voyages en Afrique, etc., 3 vols., 8", Paris, 1814. TravelsΡ in Morocco, Cyprus, etc., 2 vols., 4", Lond., 1816. Viajes per Africa, etc., durante los anos 1803-07, Π8°, Barcelona, 1889. Allatius, L. De ecclesice occid. et orient, consensu. Colon! ae, Υ 1648. Amadi, F. Chronique (1190-1438), Ed. Mas Latrie, 4°, Paris, 1891. AndreadouΚ ^ M, *Ex wv Aa

iatrides, K. S. SUVOTCTIX-J) l^Topta 'ATaXe(a<;, 'Ev 'AToXeiot, 1911. lerides, N. 'laTopta T^? KiiTrpou, 8°, Nicosia, 1893, 1908, 1911, Athens, 1903. Η leronymides, E. K. Pancypriot and Universal Horizons, 8°, Nicosia, 1919. Κ Impos, K. C. Conquest of Cyprus by the Turks in 1570, Limassol, 1925. loannides, G. C. 'Ey^^cipiStov SixY)y6pou, 16°, Nicosia, Η1917. Ipselantes, A. K. Ta [itxy. ~}]y "AXWCTIV, Cons'le, 1870. 'ExxXTjcjia xal TcoXiTsia, Cons'le, 1870. Ivans, Fr. Infante Don Pedro, Conde de ΘRibagorza (Archi\io Ibero-Amer. Franciscano, Visionaries Catalanes), Madrid, 1924-25. Ο Ives, E. Journey from Persia to England, Ι4°, Lond., 1773. •Jacoboni, A. Mareantonio Bragadino, Dramma storica, Macerata, 1878. Jacobus de Verona. Peregrinati nis (EevΛ. de I'O. L. II.), 1895. Jakovos of S. Neophytos. 'AxoXouOtΒa NsocpuTou Toi3 'Ey- xXsicTTou, Larnaca, 1912. Ι I'anson, E. and Vacher, S. MeMceval and other buildings in Cyprus (Journ. E.I.B.A.), 4°, Lond., 1883. Jauna, Dom. Histoire GeneraleΒ de Chypre, etc., 2 vols., Leiden, 1747 and 1785 . Jeffery, G. Survival of Gothic Architecture in Cyprus. (Arch, Eev. VIIL), Lohd., 1899. Venetian RemainsΗ in Cyprus ("Builder," LXXIX.), Lond., 1900. Notes on CyprusΚ (J.E.I.B.A.) Lond., 1906. The Cyprus Museum of Prehistoric and ancient pottery ("BuilderΑ " XCL), Lond., 1906. Church Ιof S. George the Latin (" Builder " XCI.), Lond., 1900. • S. Catherine Nicosia (" Builder ") Lond., 1906. A ByzantineΡ Monastery in Cyprus (" Builder," XCII.), Lond., 1907. < The fortress of Nicosia (" Builder," XCII.), Lond., Π1907. Byzantine Timber Building in Cyprus (J.E.I.B.A., Υ XIV.), 4°, Lond., 1907. Κ Notes on Famagusta (J.E.I.B.A.), Lond. 1908. 29 Jeffery, G. Summary of the Architectural Monuments of C, Part VI., Nicosia, 8°, 1907. [Superseded by the Historic Monts., 1918.] Present condition of Architectural Monts. of Cyprus Η (Archoeol.), 4°, Oxford, 1910. Franciscan Church, Famagusta {PT. S.A.L.,XXIV.)Κ, 8°, Lond., 1912. Latin Bishop's tomb, F'gusta (Pr. S.A.L. XXIV.), 8°, Lond., 1912. Η The Cloister of Bella Paise (J.E.I.B.A., XXL), Lond., 1914. —The Refectory of Bella Paise (J.E.LB.A.,Θ XXII.), Lond,, 1915. The Levant Company in Cyprus (Notes & Queries 273 and 274), Lond., 1915. Ο The Roman Colonnade at Salamis (ArchΙ . Eeview), 4°, Lond., 1915. Rock cutting and Tomb Architecture in Cyprus (Archoeol.), 4°, Oxford, 1915. Λ — " Prison of St. Catherine,'' Salamis, (Archaeol., LXVL), Oxford, 1915. Byzantine church plans (Pr. ΒS.A.L., XXVIII.), 8°, Lond., 1916. Ι Carmelite Church, F'gusta (Pr. S.A.L., XXVIII.), Lond., 1916. Β TheHistoric Monuments of Cyprus, 8°,Govt. Printing Press, Nicosia, 1918. An Armorial of Cyprus (Pr. S.A.L., XXXII.), Lond., 1920. Η _ 11 Cyprus under an English King in the Xllth century," 8°, Govt. Print. Press, Nicosia, 1926. An attempt atΚ a Bibliography of Cyprus. (A repu­ blication of Mr. C. D. Cobham's collection pre­ viously printed 1886-1889-1894-1900-1908), 8°, Govt. PrintΑ. Press, Nicosia, 1928. Jemal, H. HygienicΙ Instruction, 8°, Nicosia, 1907. Jemica . . . Turin Phylloxera Council, (Eeport trans, into ΡEnglish and Greek by E. H. Thomas.), Govt. Printing Press, Nicosia, 1889. Jeronymou, C. Cultivator of the Olive Tree, 8°, Nicosia, Π1907. Joachim, Pat. of Cons'le. 'EuiaToXal uepl TOU 'ExxXvjCTiaaTi- Υxou ev KuTTpw, 8°, Nicosia, 1907. Johnstone, H. M. Birth of Cyprus (Cyp. Guide and Direc­ Κ tory), 12°, Limassol, 1885. 30 Johnston, C. Marburg Collection of Cyprus Antiquities (J. American Or. Soc, XXII.), 8% 1901. Jorga N. Colonic Genoisc de Famagusta (Eev. de I'O.L p. 99), 8°, Paris, 1896. Η Notes et extraits sur V histoire des Croisades au XV* Siecle (Eev. de I'O.L.IV. 1896, V. 1897, VI. 1898, VII. 1899, VIIL 1900), 8°, Paris, 1899-1916. Κ Philippe de Mezieres, et la Croisade au XIVe. siecle, 8°, Paris, 1898. Η Une lettre de faire part du roi Janus de Chypre, (Eev. Historique) Bucarefit, 1926. Geschichte des Osmanischer Reiches, 8°, Gotha, 1908. Θ Histoire des Croisades et de leurs fondations en Terre Sainte, 8°, Paris, 1924. Ο Kammerer, A. Chypre, le pays d'Aphrodite,Ι 8°, Paris, 1925. Kansler, E. H. Les Assises de Jerusalem, 4°, Stuttgart, 1839. Karageorgiades, J. G. Cyprus fever, 8°Λ, Limassol, 1899. Clinical studies on some diseases observed in Cyprus, 8°, Limassol, 1899 and 1900Β. KuTcpo? AOUXY), noi7](jLa, AeuxtooiΙ a KtiTtpou, 1895. KijTcpo*; AOISXY), Apajxa, 'A09)vat, 1898. Karasevdas, P. 'H KuTipof; xal ol HaveXXyivioi ay

Lampros, S. B. Hepl KtSTrpou ('EffTta 'Ap. A.), 48°, Athens,. 1878. KuTTpiaxa xal &)vXa Iyypa9a ex . . . TOU BaTixavou (Neocr. *EXX7)vo[xvif)[i.cov, XIV). Η Lang, E. H. Medical Superstition in Cyprus (Folk Lore, XL, p. 120), 8°, Lond., 1900. Excavation at Dali^ Lond., 1871. Κ Discovery of Cypriot Tn>icriptions (Trs., S.B.A. 1.), 8% Lond., 1872. Η Cypriis (Macmillan XXXVIII.), 1878. Cyprus, is it worth keeping f (Ibid, XL.) 1879. Cyprus, after twelve years of British Θrule (ibid, LXllI.), 1890. Excavations at Dali (Tr. Soc. Literature), 8°, Lond., 1878. Ο Cyprus : its history, etc., 8°, Lond.Ι , 1878, [and trad. Paris, 1879.] Handbook to Cyprus and Cat., Colon. Exhib., 12°, Lond., 1886. Λ Report on Cyprus at Colon. Exhibition, 1886, 12°, Lond., 1886. Art in Cyprus, "Blackwood,Β" 1902. Archeological Researches Ιin Cyprus (Blackwood CLXXVII.) Lond., 1905. In the days of my youth,Β Lond., 1909. Reminiscences (Blackwoo d CLXXVII.), Lond., 1905. Lamartinere, . Grand Dictionaire geographique et critique, Eotterdam, 1726Η. Langlois, Victor. Histoire des Lusignans de la petite Ar^ menie, 8°, ParisΚ , 1859. Lanitis, N. C. Antiquities in Cyprus, 8°, Limassol, 1899. Cyprus and England (restoration to Greece) New World, Nov.)Α , 1920. The CyprusΙ question, 8°, Limassol, 1902. Call from Cyprus (Balkan Eev. I.), 1919. CyprusΡ for the Greeks (New Europe), 1919. Larroumet, A. Voyage en Grece . . Chypre, 8°, , 1898. LascellesΠ, A. G. Legislation in Brit. Colonies, Cyprus (J. Soc Comp. Legis., I., p. 86), 8°, Lond., 1900. LaurentΥ, H. Leprojet de Jules III. (" Jerusalem," No. 126), Paris, 1925. LauriaΚ , G. A.. Studi sulVIsola di Cipro, 8°, Napoli, 1879. 33 Lauriotes, K. HaTpiapxixov Xpovtxov, Athens, 1877. Lawrence, A. W. Primitive sculptures of Cyprus (J H S , XLVI., p. 2), 1926. Lawrence, G. C. An island with a future (Windsor Mae, Η p. 271), 8°, Lond., 1921. , " Leake, W. Martin. Journal of a tour in Asia Minor fCvn , 118-22), 8°, Lond., 1824. Κ^ Le Bas, P. and Waddington, W. Voyage Archaeol. en Grice et A.M., 3 vols., 4°, Paris, 1847-88.Η Leboeuf, Abbe, Philippe de Maizieres (Mem. Acad. Insc, XVIL), 4°, Paris, 1751. Lederer, J. Lepidoptera (Verband Z. Ver., V.)Θ, Wien. 1855 ' Legrand, E. Poesies Erotiques en dial. Chyp. (Bib. Greci Vulgaire, II.), 8°, Paris 1881. Ο Leibnitz, G. G. Codex jur, gent, diplom, Ι(p. I. 198, Car- lotta regina Carolo duci Sabandioe donat regnum Cypri.) foi Hannover, 1693. Λ Lemmens, L. Documenti (Cong, de Prop. Fide), I. and II., Firenze, 1922 (Cipro Franciscano). Lenormant. F. Statues d'Athienou Β(Gaz. Arch.), 4°, Paris, 1878. Ι Lenz, C. G. Die Goiter von Paphos, Gotha, 1808. [Ed. H. Gelger Freiburg, Β1893.] Leontios (of Limassol.) Vita S. Joan. Eleemon, Pat. Graec, Migne, XCIIL, 8°, Paris, 1865 ed. H. Gelzer Freiburg, 1893. Le Quien, Michael. OriensΗ Christianus, 3 vols., foi. Paris, 1740. Le Strange, H. Hamon Lestrange marries Isabeau Queen of Cyprus, 1272Κ , Lond., 1916. Leval, A., Voyages en Orient, Bibliographic, Budapest, 1857. Lewis, E. A., MrsΑ. A Lady's Impressions of Cyprus, 8*, Lond., Ι1894. Lewy, H. Kyprisches (Indogerman. Forschungen), 1892. Libertis, D. ΡTJ^iuTrpiwTixa TpaoiiSxia, 8°, Nicosia, 1923. Lichtenberg, E. von. Die Insel Cypern und die Englische ΠHerreschaft, 8°, Leipzig, 1904 and Leipzig, 1915. Beitrage . , , von Kypros, 8°, Berlin, 1906. ΥBeitrage zur dltesten geschichte (Mittelungen der Vorderasiatischen Gesselschaft, II.), 1902. Κ 34 Lichtenstein, H. L. von. Orosse Reisen . . . nach Italien, Rhodus, Cypern, (1585) (ed. Hermann Frhrn. von Eotenhan) Miinchen, 1902. Lietres, J. G. KuTcpiaxa, (HavSwpa XVI.), Athens, 1865. Η Light, H., E. A. Travels in Egypt . . . and Cyprus, 1814, 4°, Lond., 1818. Lilford, Lord. History of the Birds of Cyprus (" Ibis,Κ" July, 1889), 8°, Lond., 1889. Lithgow, W. Perigrinations, etc., 4°, London, 1632. ΗMany earlier and later editions. Lloyd, E. B. Cyprus (Outlook LVIII.), Lond., 1926. Locke, J. Voyage (in Hakluyt's " Navigations, Θetc."), foi. London, 1599. Loher, F. von. Ausgrabungen auf Cypern (111. Deutsche Monal.), 8°, Berlin. Ο Kaiser Friedrich II. (Abhandl. KΙ. Bayer. Acad.), 4°, Munich, 1878. Cypern in der Geschichte, Vortrage XIII. 8°, Berlin 1878. Λ —Cypern, Reise, 8°, Stuttgart, 1878. (Eng. trans. by Mrs. A. Joyner, Lond., 1878.) Aus grabungen auf CypernΒ (Deutsh. Monatsch., III.), 8°, Berlin, 1881. Ι Loisias, P. naTpiSoypa9ia KtiTcpou, 8°, Limassol, 1890. *H TuxY) TV]? KiSrtpou, LimassolΒ , 1908. KuTcpuxx-J) Ku^iXri, Limassol , 1912-20. — KuTtpiaxov Aeux

Menardos, S. 'E7rtypa9al Popicov (ifji9op£cov, e6pe0lv TCOV ev na9cp, (IlavaOYjvata), 1907. Where did Aphrodite find the body of Adonis (J.H.S., XXVIIL p. 133), 1908. Η FoXyol xal 'E^patoi ('A0Y]va TOIX. KB' CT. 417-425), 1910. *H 'Ayta 'EXevY] zlc, TY]V Kijupov (Aaoyoamia zoa. ΚB' CT. 266-298), 1910. KuTTptaxY) rpa[X(ji,aTiXY) CT. 133, OouvTcova Mopco^a, XoXXa, ('ETOTYJPU naveuiCTT/juiou), 1912-1914Η. 'H ev KuTrpcp 'lepa MOVY) TTIQ Havayia? TOU Ma/atpa ('ETCSTYJPI? HapvaCTOu TOfx. I' CT. 117-168), 1914. 'iCTTOpta TCOV XeEecov TpaycpSco xal TpaycpSiΘa ('A9iepca- [Kx. el? r. XaTj;Y]SaxY3v (ev 'AO-^jvai?), CT.' 15, 1921. ^T6 TpayouStv TYJ? Zcaypa9ou<; (Aaoypa9ta TOfx. IF CT. 180, 1921. 'iCTTopixal TtapoifxtaΟt TCOV Kuupicov (idem, TOJX. H'), 1922. Ι Hepl SiaOeCTeco? TCOV KuTcptaxcov PY)[jt.aTcov KuTcpiaxY) FpajjitxaTtXY) ('AOr^va), 1925. Mercati, G. La fin di Atanasio CalimeraΛ (Byzantion, 639), 8°, Paris, 1925. Mss.6rrec* donati da Carlotta di Lusignan ad Innocenzo VIII. (MiscellaneΒa di storia eccles, IV., Eoma, 1906. Ι Macaire Calorites, un des treize moines Orthodoxes mis a mort par les LatinesΒ a Chypre en 1321 (Eev. de I'Orient Chretien , XXIL), 8°, Paris, 1920. Mercado, P. Nova Encyclop. missionis apostol. in Reg. Cypri, 4°, Eoma, 1732. Merriam, A. C. CypriotΗ heads in Met. Museum,. IS. York (Am. Journ. Arch.), 8°, Princeton, 1894. • Geryon in Cyprus (in hon. H. Drisler), 8°, N. York, 1894. Κ Metaxakis, M. Bishop of Kitium. 'ExxXYjoiaCTTixo? KY]PU^, 8°, LarnacaΑ , 1912-18. Metelli, V. G. II Marte : (figurative description of the war in Cyprus)Ι , 4°, Venice, 1582. Meursius, J. Majestas Veneta . . . contra anonymum, 12°Ρ, Leyden, 1640. • Creta, Cyprus, Rhodus, 4°, Amstelodami, 1675. Opera, foi. Florence, 1744. Meyer, ΠG. II dialetto delle cronache di L. Machera e G. Bustron, Turin, 1875. Kyprischen Inschriften (N. Jahrb. f. Philol., CXI., Υ 755), 8°, Leipzig, 1875. Roman. Worten im Kyp. mittel-griechisch (Jahrb. Κ f. rom-engl. Spr. N. F., IIL), 8°, Berlin, 1876, 4d Michael, son of Abp. of Cyprus. Life of S. Therapontos, 8°, Venice, 1801. Michaelides, P. Political geography of Cyprus, 12®, Tulcha, 1887. Η Michaelides, B. Poemata, Limassol, 1911. Michell, E. L. N. Muslim-Christian sect in Cyprus (XIX. Century), 1901. Κ Cyprus to-day (J.E. Col. Inst.), 1915. Cyprus (Cent. Asian. Soc Journ.), Loud., Η1920. Mchon, E. Rebords de bassins Chretiens (Cyp., p. 56), Paris, 1916. Middleton, J. H. Ptolemaic Pottery from CyprusΘ (Cam. Ant. Soc. VII.) Middleton J. P. Sketch of Land Code for Cyprus (J. Soc. Comp. Legis., I., p. 141), 8°, Lond.Ο, 1900. Cyprus under British rule (Quart.Ι Eev. 1917. Midgley, E. History of the War of Cyprus, 8°, Lond., 1687, Migne, L'Abbe. Patrologia Grceca, Eusebius, Hist., XIX.- XXIV.; Vita Sancti Epiphanii,Λ XLI.; Socrates, Sozamen, LXVII.; Theodoretus, LXXX.; Theo­ doros Lector, LXXXVI.; Alex. Monachi. Laudatio, LXXXVII.; Vita JoannisΒ Elcemonynarii, XGIII.; Theophanes,CVIII.; Const.Ι Porphyrogenitus, CXII.; Cedrenus, CXXI.; Anna Comnena, CXXXI.; Cinnamus, CXXXIII.; Zonaras, CXXXIV.; Balsamou, CXXXVII.Β ; Joel, CXXXIX.; Cho- niates, CXXXIX.; Acropolita, CXL.; Niceph. Callistus, CXLV.; Glycas, CLVIII. Paris, 1865. —Patrologia Latina, Rufinus, XXI.; Jerome {S. Hilarion), XXIII.;Η Guilelmus Tyrensis, CCII., idem.* Miklovich, F. et MullerΚ, J. Acta et diplomata, 8°, Vindo- bonoe, 1865. Acta et Diplomata monasteriorum et ecclesiarum Orientis,Α 8°, Vindobonoe, 1888. Milani, L. A. Ι Antichita delV isola di Cipro (E. Mus. Archeo) Firenze, 1912. Miller, W. Kingdom of Cyprus (Latin Orient, XXXVII.) Lond.Ρ, 1920. Millingen. J. E. Van. Cyprus, present and future (Cont. ΠEev. 1915. Silkworm production, 8°, Nicosia, 1895. Miller, E. Inscription metrique de Chypre (Eev. ArchcB.), Υ Paris, 1866. Κ • The above list is from Hackett's " Church of Cyprus.'' 4S Mitrovicii, B. Cipro nella storia medicevale del commercio, 8°, Triest, 1894. Modius, Pr. Pandectoe Triumphal, Venezia, 1586. (Caterina Cornaro). Η Moghabghab, T. A Tragedy in sione (Near East, Oct., 1923). Foi. Lond., 1923. Molmenti, P. Ritratto della regina Caterina Cornaro (EmpoΚ­ rium, XXII.) 8°, Bergamo, 1905. Monmouth, Hen, Earl of. Translation of Paruta's Hist,Η of Venice, foi. Lond., 1658 and 1846. Monodo, P. Trattato del titolo regio dovuto alia Casa di Savoia . . . di V. Amadeo . . Θ. Re di Cipro, foi. Torino, 1633. Monreal, G. de. Vide Raynaud. Monstrelet, E. de. Chronique (Soc. de I'HistΟ. de France, vol. IV., Chypre), 8°, Paris 1857. Moryson, F. Itinerary (1596), foi. London,Ι 1617. Mosseri, V. Etudes Economique sur le Commerce de Chypre, Le Caire, 1906. Λ Montasio, E. Caterina Cornaro et suoi amori, (Vaglio), 8°, Yen., 1846. Morphakes, N. Tobacco or Nicotine,Β Nicosia, 1918. Edible Olives, Nicosia, 1918Ι . Movers. Die Phonizier, 4° vols., 8°, Bonn and Berlin, 1841-56. Β Mouillefert, P. Report on the vinyards of Cyprus, 8°, Nicosia, 1893. Muller, H. Ber Langobardenkrieg auf Cypern (1229-33), 8°, Halle, 1890Η. Muller, A. Ornithology der Insel Cypern (Journ. F.O.), 8°, Leipzig, 1879. Munro J. A. E. anΚd Tubbs, H. A. Excav. in Cyprus^ ' 1889 and 1890, (J.H.S., XI. and XII.), 8°, Lond., 1890, 1891. Munter F. Der TempelΑ zu Paphos, 4°, Copenhagen, 1824. Murray, A. S. ΙExcav. in Cyprus, 1896 (Journ. E.I.B.A.), 4°, Lond., 1899. CyprusΡ and Mycence (XIX. Cent V.). 1879. Smith, A. H. and Walters. H. B. Excav. in Cyprus, foi. Lond., 1900. Myller ΠP. A. Peregrinus in Jerusalem, 4°, Vienna and Nuremberg, 1735. Myriantheus, H. Hepl TCOV ap^aicov KuTcptcov, 8°, Athens, Υ 1868 and 1869. Κ —Ac^ei(; KuTrpiaxal {'A^voLl, 1862), ex OiXt^cop. 4i Myres, J. L. Excavations in Cyprus, 1894 (J.H.S., XVIL), 8°, Lond., 1897. and Eichter. Catalogue of Cyprus Museum, 8°, Oxford, 1899. Η Met. Mus. N. York, Handbook of the Cesnola Collection from Cyprus, New York, 8°, 1914. " Prison of S. Catherine," Salamis (Arch., LXVL)Κ , 4°, Lond., 1915. Copper and bronze in Cyprus, 8°, Lond., Η1897. 2^otes on Cyprus Pottery (Class. Eev. XII.) 1898. Tomb of early Iron age from Kition (Liverpool Ann. of Archaiol. III.) 1910. Θ Fibula of early Iron age in Ashmolean Museum (ibid, v.), 1912. How to observe in Archeology (BritΟ. Mus.). 1920. Copper-Bronze from Cyprus & ΙS. E. Europe (E. Anthrop. Inst. I.), 1897. Navarre (or No vara) Phil, de LesΛ Gestes des Chiprois (Xlllth cent.), 4°, Soc. de I'O. L., Geneva, 1887. Nau, F. La legende des SS. Heraclide, Mnason, Rhodon (Eev. Orien. Chret. XIL)Β, 1907. Naue, J. Die prdhist. Schwerten,Ι 8°, Miinchen, 1885. Bronzezeit in Cypern (BI. f. Anthrop.), 4°, Braunschweig, 1888Β. Une plaque en Or. . . . d Chypre {Hev. Arch.), 8°, Paris, 1897. Neale, F. A. Eight years in Syria (Cyp., II., 282), 2 vols., 12°, Loud., 1881Η. Neophytus Ehodinus. Cyprus, 12°, Eoma, 1659. 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Β Tratttato del titolo regio Ιdovuto alia serenissima casa di Savoia insieme con uu ristretto della rivolu­ zioni del reame di Cipro,Β Torino, 1633. Warhafftigen Bericht wie es allenthalben mit der Stadt Famagusta erganger, s.l. & a. Syndromus rerum Turcico, Francofort, 1627. .—Gregorii Cyprii ΗVita, 4°, Venezia, 1753. Investitura del Regno di Cipro . . . alia Regina Caterina Cornaro (Arch. Sts. It.), 8°, Firenze; 1845Κ. —Cartulaire de Veglise de Nicosia (Bib. Nat. I. 10189, 48Α4 pag.) Paris, 1851. 1 doglioniΙ a Cipro, frammento di storia patria, 8°, Belluno, 1854. The siege of Famagusta, or the Soldier Martyrs, 12°Ρ, Lond., 1858. Cyprus and Paphos (Pandora), 4°, Athens, 1864. ΠCyprus basreliefs (Nea Pandora), 4°, Athens, 1867. 'Saints of Amathus (Pandora), 4°, Athens, 1865. Υ Mareantonio Bragadino e Vassedio di Famagusta Κ 24°, Bologna, 1876. 67 Anonymous. Cyprus its value to England, 8°, Lond., 1878. —Cyprus Exploration Fund, Eeport of the Commit­ tee, Lond., 1891, et seq. Anekdota Kypriaka Engrapha, Famagusta, 8°, Η 1904. On the north coast of Cyprus, (Builder LXXXVIII.Κ) Lond., 1905. Lefkosia the Capital of Cyprus, 4°, Lond., 1887. ^'AxoXouOta STtupiSovo? 'ETTICTXCTCOU, Venice, 1880Η. Goin to Cyprus, by Ab. o'the yate, 8°, Manchester, 1878-9. Cyprus, the future emporium of British Θtrade in Asia by a Consul-General, 8°, Lond., 1878. The occupation of Cyprus, its immediate and probable effects, by an Ex-Consul-GeneralΟ , 16°, Loud., 1878. Ι Memorial of the Greek population of C. to the S. of S., Nicosia, 1903. Λ Political crisis in Cyprus, 8°, Nicosia, 1912. Indebtedness in Cyprus, NicosiaΒ , 1918. *Y7r6{xvY)[xa TCOV BouXeuT&iv (Archiepiskopal question, 8°, Larnaca, 1902. Ι Memorial by Members of Leg. Council on Arch­ bishops questions, 16°,Β Nicosia, 1902. T7t6[xvY){jia 'lepcic, SuvoSou , Nicosia, 1907. The Archbishopic of Cyprus (Church Quarterly Eeview, Oct. 1908) 8°, pp. 121-133. 01 KiiTcpioi Ttpbc, ΗTohq ev AiytiTTTco 6(ioyevet? (Archbp. question) Alexandria, 1909. 'E7ceTY)pl(; TOU ΚSuXXoyou Ilayxuirpiou FufxvaCTtou, Nico­ sia, 1917-1920. Neo-*EXXY)vixYΑ) OtXoXoyta, 8°, Athens, 1868 & 1870, (containΙs Biographies of Cypriot writers). Journal kept on a journey from Bassora . . , to Cyprus, Rhodes etc., 1779, 8°, Horsham, 1784. CollectionΡ of Voyages, Lib. of Earl of Oxford (Cyp., p. 484), 2 vols., 8°, Lond., 17f5. -NotesΠ d'un Voyage dans le Levant, 1816-17 (Cyp., 315), 8°, Paris, s.a. Papers on various towns of Cyprus in HavScopa, Υ4°, Athens, Uckcfoc; (XV. 148) KUTT. avdtyXu9ov (VIII. Κ 458), 'A(xa0ov)VTO<; (XV. 40), 1865-1867. 68 Anonymous. Cyprus Guide and Directory, 12°, Limassol, 1885. Geography of Cyprus, 16°, Leicester, 1879. (M. J.) Cyprus and Asiatic Turkey. A handy general description, 8°, Lond., 1878. Η MS. Corp. Christi Coll., Cam. of 1344-45, (Bio- Bibliog. della T. Santa Francescana, trans. ΚH. Luke, 1924 in Chronica Cypria). Qibris Tarikhi (Levkosha, 1312), 16°, Nieosia, 1895. Η Visola di Cipro e il Museo Nat. di N. York (Enporium VIII.) Eoma, 1898. Guide to Greece . . . and Cyprus, ΘMacmillan & Co. London, 1908. Baumwollekultur auf Cypern " PalestinaΟ " Berlin, II. 1903. Ι Prosperity of Cyprus " Near East " Lond., 1918. Ang. Egyptian Land Alott. Co. und die Wieder- gcburt Cyperns. " Altneuland," ΛBerlin, III. 1906. Appel du Penple de Chypre au monde civilise, 8°, Nicosia, 1912. Β Memorial of Greek MembersΙ of Legislative Council, 8°, Nicosia, 1911. Cyprus trusts in BritishΒ Justice, 8°, Lond., 1919. Memorandum on the island of Cyprus, 8°, Lond., 1919. The Restoration of Cyprus, 8°, Lond., 1920. The Cyprus CauseΗ : to the Labour Government, 8°, Limassol, 1924. The Cyprus ΚCause : official correspondence, 8°, Limassol, 1923. Vile de Chypre a la Xlle Exposition de Bordeaux, 1882. Α Report Ιon Cyprus wines at the Colonial Exhib., Cyprus, Land of Desire (supp. Near East and India), Lond., 1927. The Ρpolitical Crisis in Cyprus, Official papers, Nicosia, 1912. ΠMemorial by Greek inhabitants for union of Cyprus with Greece, Nicosia, 1918. Del successo di Famagusta (nozze), 8°, Venezia, Υ1879. Κ 69 Anonymous. Vente a VHotel Druot, Poteries, etc., de Chypre, 8°, Paris, 1887. Secret of Cyp. and our Eastern Protectorate, by Theta, 8°, Haverfordwest, 1879. Η Ordre de Melusine. Statuts, 8°, Paris, 1885. Album Missionis. T.S., Pars IL, 4°, Milano, 1893Κ. British Museum, Dpt. Greek and Eoman Anti­ quities, Excavations in Cyprus, Lond., 1900. Inscrip. Groecce ad res Romanus pertinentes, Ηt. III., 8°, Paris, 1904. ^'AxoXouOta XaptTovo? xal Au^evTtou, NicosiaΘ, 1914. ^"AxoXouOta TOU 'Aylou ©spaTcovToc; 12°, Athens, 1904. Dictionaire de Theol. Catholique, II., pp. 2424- 2472, Paris, 1905. Ο ^'AxoXouOia TOU 'Ayiou STcuptScovo?,Ι Venezia, 1674 ; 1717 ; 1755 ; 1779 ; 1883 ; 1895. Idem, ©iSpCTou, 'ETTICTXCTTOU Kap7raCTia<;, Nicosia, 1920. ^Idem, Eu^t9tou, Nicosia, 1914Λ. 'lepa MovY) XpuCTopoyiaTiCTCTY)?, Nicosia, 1914. ^"AxoXouOta 'AvaCTTaCTiou ToiΒ3 0au(xaTOUpyou, Nicosia, 1915. Ι KaTaCTTaTixov Tf\c, 'ExxXYjCTiat; T% KtSTTpou, Aeuxcoaia, 1914, Aapvaxi, 1923. Β EtSixo? KavovtCTfxo? TCO V 'Evcopiaxcov Aiaxeipiffecov (Aeu- xcoCTta, 1917). ^Atxovofxta TCOV ev Kiircpcp 'EXXXYJCT. AixaCTTYjptcov (Aeu- -xooCTta, 1917). Η ^ElSixo? KavoviCTfxo? TCOV Opovixwv 'EmTpoTtetcov (Aeu- xcoCTia, 1917)Κ. SuvoSixal SiaTa^ei? vrepl Xcop.e7riCTx67ccov (AeuxcoCTia, 1917). KavovtCTfJioΑ? IlayxuTrptou 'lepoSiSacrxaXetou (AeuxcoCTta, 1917). Ι ^EtSixo? KavoviCTfxcx; Tcepi e9Y)(jiepicov, XOITCCOV uTiYjpeTcov TOUΡ Naou (AeuxcoCTta, 1918). ElSixoc; KavoviCT{jic<; TYJ? ev Aapvaxi *Iepa<; MOVY)? 'Aytou Fecopylou TOU KOVTOU (Aapvaxt, 1923). ΠEdinburg Eeview. No. 354, Cyprus. No. 374, Mediceval Cyprus, 8°, Lend., 1891-95. Υ OoivixixYJ? 'E7rtypa9Y)(; ev KtiTcpcp, Pandora, 4°, Athens, Κ 1863. 70 Anonymous. 'E7riypa9al avexSoToi Kdrcpox), Nea-Paniora, 4°, Athens, 1866. Inscriptions Chypriotes (Melanges d'Arch. Orien.), Paris, 1868. KuTcptaxa Xpovtxa (Chronicoe Cyprioe), 4°, Larnaca, Η 1923. et seq. Annual Report of Curator of Ancient Monuments, Gov. P.O., 1913-1927. Κ Annual Report of Curator of Antiquities, Nicosia, Govt. Printing Press, 1914-15-16. Η Official Correspondence respecting the drought in Cyprus, 1903. Cd. 1434. Locust Campaign, 1884 (C. 4189), 1886Θ (C 4620), 1887 (C 4960), 1888 (C 5250), (C. 5565), 1890 (C. 6020), 1890 (C 6486), 1893 (C 6903), (C 7149) 1895 (C 7630), 1896 (C 7945), Ο1896 (C 8289), 1897 (C 8633). Ι Reports on Agriculture, 1899 (C 9289), 1904 (Cd. 1786), 1906 (Cd. 2717). Surveys, 1910 (Cd. 4964, 18, Λ1911 Cd. 5467-21. Leprosy, 1890 (C 5980). Health, 1879 (H. of C- 151,152,169). Β Anchorages, 1879 (C 2244)Ι , Famagusta Harbour, 1880 (C 2544). The Cyprus Gazette, pub. by Authority, 1878 and up to date. Β Cyprus Court at Col. and Ind. Exhibition (Eeport), Lond., 1886. The Cyprus Bluebook, pub. by Authority, 1878 and up to date. Η Cyprus Government Standing Orders. First issue, 1914, 8°, Nicosia, (compiled by D. Jardine). Cyprus CivilΚ List, Jan., 1924 and up to date. -Cyprus Journal. Quarterly Eeview of Agric. Dept., 8°, Nicosia, 1904 and up to date. The MukhtarsΑ Handbook, 8°, Nicosia, 1911. (Pari. ΙPapers Anglo Turkish Convention, 1878, (C 2057, 2090, 2138). CorrespondenceΡ (Col. Off., No. 6), foi. Lond., 1882. ^^n- Affairs, 1879 (C 2229, 2324, 2326, 2351, 2355, 2398, 2425), 1880 (C 2542, 2628, 2699), 1881 Π(C 2930, 3091), 1882 (H. of C 17, C 3211, 3384), 1883 (C 3791), 1884 (C 4264). 1888 (C 5523), 1889 (C 5812), 1890 (C 6003), 1891 (C 6210, Υ H. of C 277, C 6489), 1908 (Cd. 3996), Κ 71 Official Correspondence respecting the drought in Cyprus, 1903. Cd. 1434. Finance, 1879 (C C 2394, 2396), 1880 (C 2628, Η 2629), 1881 (C 2991 3005), 1882, (C 3383), 1883 (C 3661, 3662), 1884 (C 4120), 1885 (C 4435, 4438, 4471, 4585), 1886 (C 4831), 1895 (H. of L. 65, HΚ. of C 242), 1899 (H. of C 42 1902. H. of C 4) 1903 (H of C 352 and 360), 1904 (C H of C 360), 1906 (H. of C 282), 1909 (H. of C 240), 1912Η (H. of C 318). Education, 1905 (Cd. 2377). Census of 1881, Report, 1884 (C 4164). Θ H. M. Stationery Office, Lond. Texts of Convention between Gt. Britain and Turkey (4.6.1878, anΟd 3.2.1879). The Statute Laws of Cyprus, 1878-1923Ι , 4°, Lond., 1923, also editions of 1905 and 1913. Index to Statute Laws of Cyprus since the EngUsh Occupation, 8°, Lond., 1903. Λ -Laws relating to immovable property made Vagf, 8°, Nicosia, 1904. Β Military Report concerning Ιthe Island (War Offiice) 1907. Cyprus, F.O. Handbook,Β No. 65, 1920. CONSULAR EEPORTS. Page. 1856. Consul Campbell .. 396. 1859-60. C. Campbell.. Η .. 352. 1862. V. C. White.. .. 459. 1863. .. 436. 1864. C Colnaghi .Κ. .. 932. 1865. V- C Sandwith .. 82. 1866. Α .. 260. 1868. Ι .. 424. 1869. M. Ceccaldi .. .. 312, pt. II. V. C Sandwith .. 325. 1870. E. HΡ. Lang .. .. 766 and 107. 1871. .. 808. 1872. .. 389. CΠ Eiddell .. 1,095. 1873. .. 1,561, pt. IV. 1874. .. 1,769. 1875. Υ .. 1,032. 1876. C Pierides .. 1,016, pt. II. 1877Κ. C. Watkins .. 1,364, pt. IV. 72 VII. CAETOGEAPHY OF CYPEUS. Anonymous. Miinster, 1555. Bertelli Ferandus. Eoma, 1562. Η Anonymous. Antwerp, 1566 (Silvester van Paris T). Expensis J. F. Camotii. Venice, 1566 and 1570. Κ Johannes a Deuticum. Holland, 1570. Bonifacius Sebenicensis. Venice 1570. Η Ad signum Pyramidis. Venice, 1570 (1566?). Matthew Ziinteir. Niiremberg, 1570. Θ Paolo Forlani. Venice, 1570. N. Nelli. Venice, 1570. Anon. Eoma, 1570. Ο Claudio Ducheti. . . . 1570. Ι Belleforest. . . . 1570. Balthazur Jenichen. Niiremberg, c 1580Λ. Ortelius, Abraham. Antwerp, 1573 and 1584. (Johannes k Deuticum). Β Eaigniauld. Paris, 1590. Ι Mercator, Gerard. Duisburg foi. 1595 and Amsterdam, 1607. Β Bussemacher, J. Cologne, 1615 . Anon. . . . 1620. Amsterdam (?),Η 1620, on vellum. Kiepert, H. New original Map of Cyprus, .1-400.000, Ber­ lin, D. Eeiner, 1878. Blaeuw. AmsterdamΚ, 1635 and 1640. Mariette, P. ParisΑ, 1651. Janssonii, J. AmsterdamΙ , 1654. Coronelli. Venice, 1696 (Isolario). Tasi, Carlo. In a fresco at the Vatican by the Papal geo­ grapherΡ , c 1700. Sketch pub. in Cyp. Herald. May 31, 1882. ' Sanson, ΠMoulart. Paris, 1720. Delisle, G. Paris, 1726. BelUnΥ. Paris, 1764. Stanford's Map of Cyprus, Lond., 1878. Κ 73 Cyprus insula Florentioe, 1741. Mas Latrie, L. de. Southampton, 1878. Notice sur la construction d'une carte de l'ile de Chypre, Bib. Ec. de Chartes, E. IV. Paris, 1863. Η Muller, C Paris, 1855 (Geograph. Gr. minores). Oberhummer, E. Map of Cyprus, 1-500,000, MunichΚ, 1903. Admiralty Charts. No. 2074 and 2179 corrected to Jan., 1926. From soundings by Capt. Graves, ΗH.M.S. Voiage. 1879. No. 1004, corrected to Jan., 1905, Famagusta- Salamis. Θ No. 846, corrected to Nov., 1909 and 1926 1-26,960, Limassol, -No. 847, corrected to Nov., 190Ο9 and 1911 1-22,039, Famagusta. Ι -No. 848, corrected to Nov. 1892, 1-29,470, Larnaca. Λ -No. 2,074, corrected to Nov. 1913. Coast Line of Cyprus. -No. 2,606, corrected to Oct.Β, 1913. Eastern Me­ diterranean. Ι D^p6t de la Marine. Isle de Chypre, Paris, 187 . No. 3,243, LimassolΒ. No. 3,242, Famagusta . No. 3,244, Larnaca. Mediterranean Pilot. Third edition. Vol. V., VIL, 8°, London, 1895. Η^ Kitchener, H. H. Trigonometrical Survey of Cyprus 1-63,360, Lond.Κ , 1885. —Eeduction of above, 5| miles to 1 inch, Lond., 1886. L.E.b. The CadastralΑ Survey of Cyprus under Law XII. of 1907Ι , is still in progress. Nicosia, Plans. 1-100,000, Lond., 1913, corrected to Ρ1918. Bellamy, C V. Geological Map of Cyprus, (1-348,480), Lond., 1905. Wild, JΠ. Pictorial Map of Cyprus 8°, Lond., 1878. Υ Κ 74 IV. NUMISMATICS. Atkins, J. Coins and Tokens of the British Empire, Lond., 1889. Babelon, E. Timairos, roi de Paphos (Eev. Et. Grecq., V., Η p. 53), 8°, Paris 1892. Catal. Monnaies Grecques, Bib. Nat. (p. 83), 8°Κ, Paris, 1893. Chronologic des rois de Citium (Melanges numisma- tiques, II.) Paris, 1893. Η —Demonicus roi de Citium (Bull. Soc. Nat. des Antiquaires) 1891. Barth^lemy, A. Monnaies de moyen age (Luigi Θdi Savoie re di Cipro) Eev. Numis. frangaise, Paris, 1862. Blau, O. Kyprischen Miinzkunde (Num. ZeitschriftΟ , V., p. 1), Wien, 1875. Ι Borrel H. P. Medailles Grecques des Rois de Chypre, 4°, Paris, 1836. Cavedoni, C Monete attribuite ai Re Λdi Cipro (Bull. Ist. Archoeol.), 8°, Eoma, 1844. Chamberlayn, T. "ie Tresor du ΒMorf," part I., Lond., 1906. (Only portion published.Ι ) De Simoni, C Observations sur les monnaies . . Actes du notaire GSnois Lamberto di Sambuceto (Eev. de I'O.L. III.) 1895. Β Fitzgerald, . Coin of Guy de Lusignan, Num. Chron. 1846. Ferrer, L. Caterina Cornaro,Η Regina di Cipro e le sue mo­ nete, 8°, Orbatello, 1906. Hill, G. F. Catal. Greek coins of Cyprus in Brit. Mus., 8°, Lond., 1904Κ . Imhoof-Blumer, F. Nachmdge zu Sallet (Zeitsch. Num., p. 344), Α8°, Berlin, 1876. Kohne, B. MunzenΙ von Cypern aus dem mittelalten, (Mem. Soc. Archoeol.) Petersburg, 1851. Lambros, PΡ. Monnaies de Chypre et de Salona (Eev. Num., XI., p. 125), 8°, Paris, 1865. Monn. inedites de Chypre au moyen age (Fr. and ΠGr.), 4°, Athens, 1876. Lang, E. H. Coins from the excavations in Cyprus (Num. Υ Chron., XL), Lond., 1871. Lazari, V. Le monete Veneziani di oltremare (Cvn. 1231 Κ 8°, Venice, 1851. '' 75 Luynes, H. Due de, Numismatique et Inscriptions Cy­ priotes, 4°, Paris, 1852. Mas Latrie, L. Comte de. Monnaies et sceaux des Rois de Chypre (Bib. de I'ecole de Chartes, serie I., V.), Η 8°, Paris, 1843. Munter, F. Frankernes Mynter i Orienten, 4°, Copenhagen, 1806. Κ Newell, E. T. Coinages of Demetrius Poliorcetes, 4°, Oxford, 1927. Η Nikokles, King of Paphos. (Num. Chron. I.)? 1919. Cypriot " Alexanders," ibid. IL, 1915, Θ Pecz, C Cyprischen Miinzkunde (Num. Zeitsch. XVL, p. 301), 8°, Vienna, 1884. Perdrizet, P. Statere chypriote d Epipolos Ο(Eev. numi. II.) 1898. Ι Pierides, D. Ined. Copper Coin of Evagoras, 8°, (flysheet), Lond., 1864. Λ Coins oi Nicocreon, King of Cyprus, 8°, Lond.» 1869. Eossi, U. Monete dei principi crociatiΒ in Oriente, Gaz. Num. II. Coms. 1882. Ι Eozier, de. Numismatique des rois latins de Chypre, foi. Paris, 1847. Β Sallet, A. von. Munzen der griech, Konige von Salamis in Cypern (Zeitsch, fiir Numism., IL, p. 130), 8°, Berlin, 1875. Saulcy, F. de. NumismatiqueΗ des Croisades (Chypre, p. 73,) 4°, Paris, 1847. Sboronos, J. N. Ta NofAoOen^fxaTa TOU KpaTOui; TCOV OToXe- (xalcov, fol. 4 Κvol. Athens, 1904-1908. Schhlumberger, G. Numismatique de VOrient Latin, 4°, Paris, 187Α8 and 1882. -SigillographieΙ Byzantine des Dues et Catapans de Chypre (Archives de I'Orient Latin, IL, p. 436), 8°, Paris, 1884. MelangesΡ de nunusmatique; (Eev. Num.) 1905. Schweitzer, F. Breve Cenni storici di una medaglia di ΠUgone III. re di Cipro, Trieste, 1846. Six, I. P. Monnaies grecques inedites et incertaines (Num Chron., VIIL), 8°, Lond., 1888. Υ-Classement des series Cypriotes (Eev. Num. 3me Κ S.L), 8°, Paris, 1883. 76 Sorlin Doriany, A. Monnaie incdite dc Ba), 8°, Paris, 1884. Vogiie, M. Comte de. Monnaies des rois Phoenicicns dc Citium (Eev. Num., XIL), 8°, Paris, 1867. Η Monnaies inedites des Croisades (Jerusalem et Chypre, Rev. Num., IX., p. 275, X., p. 204)Κ, 8°, Paris, 1864. Waddington, W. H. Medailles de Marium, Chypre, 8°, Paris, 1860. Η Ward. 1. Greek coins and their parent cities, 4°, Lond., 1902. Θ VV.uren, F. Notes on coins found in Cyprus (Num. Cliron. XL, p. 140), 8°, Lond., 1891. Anon. B. M. Catalogues of Phcenician Ιcoins,Ο 1910. Λ ΙΒ Β Η Κ ΙΑ Ρ Π Υ Κ