A Unique Volcanic Field in Tharsis, Mars: Monogenetic Cinder Cones and Lava Flows As Evidence for Hawaiian Eruptions
42nd Lunar and Planetary Science Conference (2011) 1379.pdf A UNIQUE VOLCANIC FIELD IN THARSIS, MARS: MONOGENETIC CINDER CONES AND LAVA FLOWS AS EVIDENCE FOR HAWAIIAN ERUPTIONS. P. Brož1 and E. Hauber2, 1Institute of Geophysics ASCR, v.v.i., Prague, Czech Republic, Petr.broz@ig.cas.cz, 2Institut für Planetenforschung, DLR, Berlin, Germany, Ernst.Hauber@dlr.de. Introduction: Most volcanoes on Mars that have Data: We use images from several cameras, i.e. been studied so far seem to be basaltic shield volca- Context Camera (CTX), High Resolution Stereo Cam- noes, which can be very large with diameters of hun- era (HRSC), and High Resolution Imaging Science dreds of kilometers [e.g., 1] or much smaller with di- Experiment (HiRISE) for morphological analyses. ameters of several kilometers only [2]. Few Viking Topographic information (e.g., heights and slope an- Orbiter-based studies reported the possible existence gles) were determined from single shots of the Mars of cinder cones [3,4] or stratovolcanoes [5-7], and only Orbiter Laser Altimeter (MOLA) in a GIS environ- the advent of higher-resolution data led to the tentative ment, and from stereo images (HRSC, CTX) and de- interpretation of previously unknown edifices as cinder rived gridded digital elevation models (DEM). cones [8] or rootless cones [9]. The identification of Morphometry: For comparison between the cinder cones can constrain the nature of eruption proc- cones and terrestrial morphological analogues (i.e. esses and, indirectly, our understanding of the nature cinder cones [10]) we determined some basic mor- of parent magmas (e.g., volatile content). Here we re- phometric properties and their ratios (e.g., crater di- port on our observation of a unique cluster of possible ameter [WCR] vs.
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