'~ ~ !!. "~ e:~. 15, No. t Xl~2~O


~IvEN August 8th is the day appointed by I i the Oak Bluff ,.~gre~,&mn"~ o.o : for a grand i Axe druggist died suddenly Saturday pou 4 A J LT all-day" bee for the pu--pose of clean- OUR TATE t noon of heart disease. Mr. Lane was ing" away the drift wood and other .... conversing- with two customers in his accumulations d~st up during the past ~ ..... store a~CI seemed in his usual health, I~HREAT TO SEND SOME OF years by the waves along the beach :CON. CRAMTON SPOKE DURING SUMMARY OF NEW• LAW, WHICH as they left him he atten-tpted to get THEM TO JAIL IF THEY which fronts alor, g the shore before CONSIDERATION OF NATION- BECOMES OPERATIVE AUG. up from his chair and fell forward, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Auslander of DON'T OBEY ORDERS. the cottaffes. This is the one thing AL PROHIBITION. 14, 1919. striking his head on the show case and Shabbona experienced an unusuat that is now needed to make Oak Bluff falling to the floor, where he died al- commingling of joy and sorrow Satur- a fine resort. ~ most instantly. day when they welcomed home from Physical Connections Required be- The arrangements for the day in- Bolshevism Does Not Make Same Application Must Be Approved He was 65 years of age and had a foreign shore but one of the two elude a great picnic dinner te be pro- been in the drug" business here for 20 sons whom they offered to their coun- by Sheriff, His Deputy, or tween Valley Home and Michi- reded by the ladies as well as a muM- Headway Where Liquor IS years, coming to Bad Axe from Har- try on the 26th of May, 1918, the boys tan State at Vassar. cal and literary progr~n:. AbMished. Chief of Police, bor Beach. Besides his wife, he leaves being, called to Camp Custer on that one son, Dr. W. D. Lane, of Port. Aus- date, transferred to Camp Mills, New tin. York, July 12, sent on to England, 1. On and after August 14, 1919, "It is about time that the people' LOCAL WHEAT PRgES C0ngressm~n Cramton made a con- and somewhere between the 1st and wh~ are paying for telephone service vincing answer in Congress the other every person operating a motor ve- 15th of August leaving for Russia as had their inning and un:ess the orders day to the charge of Samuel Gompers hicle upon the pubhc highways of this members of the 339th Infantry. The oft he commission are observed it will BASED ON SEA.BOARD that Michigan is turning to Bolshe- state is required to secure from the "BUi}DY" BUBT CBEATES brothers were separated durng the be necessary to send some one to vism on account of prohibition. He Secretary of State an Operator's li- many skirmishes and battles in which jail." presented statistics showing that only cense. SENSATIONAT OAK BLUFF they participated through all the This remark, dropped by Commis- Government Quotation at Terminal two out of 25 Michigan cities of over 2. Fee is fifty cents which must ac- gloomy days in which they and others company application~ postage stamps of America's noblest sons fought in sioner William W. Potted.r, of the pub- Buying Point Determines Figure 10,000 population Voted "wet" on the Resorters Are Now Asking Young lic utilities commission at a hearing wine and beer amendment. He showed will not be accepted. benighted Russia. On April 2 Floyd h~Id relative to physical connections in Michigan. that the laboring people of the state 3. Application must be subscribed Man to Go to Bed When He Auslander met his fate on a Russian between the Valley Home Telephone approved of prohibition after seeing' and sworn to before an officer autho- Slumbers. battlefield. After the sad news of his company, the Michigzm State Told- it in force for a full year, and sug- rized to administer oaths. death reached his parents, they were phone company and the Moore Told- In response to a great deal of in- gested that the investigator from 4. Application must be presented then Called upon to endure a period of phone company fell like a bomb quEry from farmers and grain dealers whom Mr. Gompers got his informs- for approval, if the applicantbe a res- "Buddy" Burt innocently created a extreme suspense as no message among the representatives of the told- regarding technical points of hand- tion was an amateur. ident of a city, to the chief of police decided sensation at .Oak Bluff the reached them concerning Newton, the phone companies and the commission ling this season's grain crop, the "The liquor dealers of Toledo tried of such city, or if a resident of a vil- other day when he indulged in a swim other son, nor did any information re= was assured that actim: would be ta- Farm Crops Department of the Mich- to repeal the Michigan constitution," lage or townohip to the sheriff or or rather a nap on the water. Buddy lieve their anxious hearts from the igan Agricultural College requesked he told the house, "and at times they deputy sheriff of the county- in which ken at once. came running down the Bluff dad in 10th of January until the following Nearly a year ago the old railroad F. B. Drees, Secretary of the Michi- made some dents in it. But enforce' such village or township is Ibcated. his bathing" suit, jumped into a boat May, his letters never having reached commission issued an orher requir- gan State Millers' Association, to ment in Michigan is in the hands of 5. It is the duty of the chief of po- and pulled out quite a distance. their destination. Newton !eft Rus- ing physical connectiors on long dis- state those points which in his esti- one of the ablest, most sincere and lice, sheriff or deputy sheriff, as the After some time the people gath- Ma the latter part of June landing in tance calls between the Moore Told- mation are most important from the courageousi officials anywhere, Fred case may be, to personally examine ered on the beach noticed the boat Boston, Massachusetts, July 12, and standpoint of both grower and dealer L. Woolworth, state dairy and food such applicant to ascertain such per- bobbing about • upon the waves but no proceeding from there the following phone company and the V0.11ey Home in the marketing of this season's commissioner. The vote on the wine son's ability to properly a mo- at Vassar, but it appe:,.rs no attention sign of its occupant~ The longer they Saturday to Cass City and thence to crop. Mr. Drees is one of the leading and beer amendment was taken when tor vehicle. watched the greater the excitement, the dear home folks and friends in h,-~ been paid to the commission's or- authorities of the state on grain hand-- the soldiers were absent from the der and connections ha ve~ not been 6. According to a written opinion of 'especially •as no amount of calling or Shabbona. the Attorney General, no officer other nmde. ling questions, being the man select- state, but it was done so because the hallooing brought any response. Fi- Earl Fulcher has just arrived in than those officers ~pecifically named ed by the Michigan State Food Ad- wets 'of Michigan elected to take it nally boats began putting' out to de- Cass City with kis discharge from U. As a result of the hearing held be- ministration to handle grain market- then." in the statute, viz: chief of po- fore the public utilities commission termine the trouble. S. service having remained ~dth the an order has been issued requiring ing and milling questions during ~he Congressman Cramton's comments lled'sheriff or deputy sheriff, is autho- Great was the relief of the anxious army since May 26, 1918. He was sent war. Detailed! info.rn4~tion on. the on the vote in some of the Michigan rized to approve an applicaton. people now huddled in frightened 'across in July and dispatched imme- physical eonneetio;~s between the Val- federal grain grades and }heir applE. 7. Examining officer, are to disre- ley Home and the r~'iicklg',n State cation must be secured through the cities were illuminating and brought groups along the shore when in re- diately to Russia together with other companies at Vassar, and under the frequent applause. Here are some of gard the line "Limited to operation sDons.e to a shout from the first man young ~nen from his home community terms of the order this service must U. S. Grain Corporation. the high lights of his speech. of ...... " except in cases who pulIed alongside the drifting near Wickware and Shabbona among" be started within 20 days. Mr. Drees says, "The Wheat Guar- Detroit--This city is the only real where applicants have physical de- boat, Buddy's sleepy head popped in Ithem being' the two sons of Frank Although the suprexne court did not anted Law, for the carrying out of hm0e of the wets in the state. It has fects as would limit them to the op- sight. He said he was snoozing" and Auslander. March 19 Mr. Fulcher decide the appeal taken from Judge which the President appointed Mr. a lai°ge foreign population, a large eration of a particular ear or cars drifting and thoroughly enjoying" him-'was taken prisoner, with two com, Barnes as Wheat Director, was fun- number of those men who have not only to be designated on said line. self while !ying in the bottom of the irades, by the Bolshevists, not being Wiest's decision Thursday, it is con-tdamental!y to g'uarantee the price to yet learned that when they come to sidered likely th:~.t t;:e utilities com- 8. No license will be granted by the boat, blissfully unaware of the terror 'released for six weeks. Upon his re- mission will take up the ~enerai teie-}the producer. In the carrying out of America they must bow to American Secretary of State until it is approved he was causing', i turn to his company he found his phone situation some time soon. The this guarantee, it was evidently ideals and live in the American ways by the proper officer. 'friend, Floyd Aus!ander, had met his 9. Persons registered as chaffeurs attorney general wants the so-called necessary to make use of the facilE- of decency. Detroit voted 87,800 for death. He reports the condition of do not require an Operator's license. Keiser award set aMde and all the ties already existing, namely the mil-ibeer and Wine and 53,205 against. It TWO FIRE ALARMS !the camps and the treatment accord- • 10. An Operator's License does not pending eases dismissed so that the mrs and aeamrs WhOSe regmar Iune-ihas about a millio~ population now ed them by their captors as above teen was the handling" of the wheat land had only 465,7~6 in ~[910 permit a person to drive a motor ve- commission may be free to start a crop." I Grand Rapkts. the second city in hicle for hire or as the employee of TURNEBJN ONE NIGHT only view of France new investigation. was a four day sto.p at Brest on the l~embers of the commission appear Mr. Drees quotes from the hullo- the state, a great industrial city, in ~he o~ner thereof. Such person must tiA ...... ,return trip. His brother, Ed. Fut- reg'istel: as a chauffeur and pay the e anxious to get into the telephone situ- tins he has received from the Gov-t the manufacture of furniture and oth= Block Threatened, but Prompt !cher, in service about the same registration fee of $2.00. 1 ation and gather as much information ernment Wheat Director in order to l er articles of leo~-itimate commerce Action Prevented Big Con- length of time was sidetracked tea as possible so as to be ready to prop- elear up certain points about which voted 11,260 for beer and wine. and 11. Every question appearing on I the application must be answered, as~ fiagration. :camp at Rockford, Ill., where he re- erly adjust rates and schedules when tthere has been some question. The 24,706 against. mained a year and a half, never hay- no license will be issued unless full in- the government returns the lines to following quotation is taken from a Flint, which but a few years ago, !lug been sent overseas and was re- the private ownership.--Bay City letter from Mr. H. D Irwin, 2nd Vice- in the census of 1910, had a population formation is at hand. Fire was discovered in the cornlce turned to his home here in the early Tribune. President of the U. S. Grain Corpora- of only 38,000, and now has nearly 12. License will not be issued unless Ion the east side of the Ale Block oe- spring'. ,~ lion, to Mr. Drees, and clears up corn- 100,000. That new industrial city that applicant is over fourteen years of i t eupied by the Pastime theater, Ruhl's Mrs: Neff McLarty was the hostess linen causes of minunderstanding on had been dry for several years by age. ice cream parlors and Joe Cosearelli, at another surprise party this week • ~ " ~, 13• Application blanks will be found MRS, MANY H, CHAMBERS ,he part of the farmer, the miller, a~d county option, voted 4,6~0 for beer fruit merei~mnt, at 11:30 o'clock Fri- when a large nmnber of the members at the offices of county clerks, chiefs the dealer in regard to the way in and 8,914 against. day night. The fire was blazing and attendants of the Presbyterian of police, sheriffs and deputy sheriffs, DiED UNEXPECTEDLY prices are fix °'.~=, at local p~oi~..fs Jackson, another automobile center, brightly when the fire department dr- church of which Mrs. MeLarty is a jin Michigan: i6,918 for been and wine, 12,755 and at most garages. rived, but it was soon under control. highly esteemed and active member, against 14. In case of the loss or destruc- I "It should be clearly undersst'ood I J " - Hose were stretched up the stairway almost took her breath away by sud- untr oiu~s base theK Saginaw--and I may say that there tion of a license, a duplicate may be Second Break in Family of Thirteen; fthat the co y p .... • • ~ fin the brick block on the east side of ,derily appearing" Tuesday evening ~--;~ ¢,,~'wheat on sea board which- was a time when we thought Saginaw obtained by filing in ~he office of the lthei theater and passed through a wm-• Funeral Held Tuesday .... u ..... ~-~-!was the wettest pmce on earth--6,- Secretary of State an affidavit setting" about their premises and residence ever marKe~ t~ev r~;ac._ ~o bne .e.~u, l dow in the second story, o-lying fire- south of town, accompanying them- Morning. I advantage. Deducc~ ' from ~ea~ boarc,t 1302.... for beer and wine and 8,049 forth such fact upon the payment of i men easy access to the flames. a fee of 25 cents, t selves with a bountiful supply of ice prices the freight, and reasonable against. Four hours later, at 3:30 Saturday cream and delicious cakes which nandnng.... marg'ln ""~(1 ~c ludin~ ~. the" G~n- -a_ . t Bay City--For~ beer and ~ine, 4,000", - 15. Applications will now be accept- imorning' a second alarm was turned Mrs. Mary H. Chambers died .unex- ~ ...... ~i~n eharo'e of two ~-~," c~n~J tagainst, ~,000, and Bay City was for- ed by the Secretary of State• Howev-!. were generously served among those pectedly at her home on Seeger St. ~2~,~.~ ~ ...... ~o~ ~.-i::";r;c:-to imerly considered .one of the wet pta-. or, no licenses will be issued until i}n' fire having" been discovered again present. The culmination of the pleasant evening" was the Presenta- south on Saturday, July 19. She had tthe' ;armors. Points li'~e Det/~dt and cos m Mmh~gan. August 14th, the date of the tatdngi m the stone place. It is thought that effect of the act. By accepting applE- lthe fire was not entirely extinguished tion to Mrs. McLarty by the society been ill only a few days, but her aft- Indianapolis stand just the same as l Muskegon, 2,407 for beer and wine, cations at this time the Department earlier in the n~t. The origin of the of a dozen solid silve~- spoons as a to- ment was not considered serious by some interior place such as Lansing 4,772 against. first fire is not known. The east half ken of their re~ard. either herself or her daughters. Acute will be able to complete many regis- indigestion is .o-Even "~s the cause of Iand Kalamazoo. County shippers Lansing, the capital city and a trations and thereby avoid delay in of the block is the property of Dr. A. On June 26, Miss M,xv h:[cWebb, A. " Ineed not base their price on Detroit lgreat automobile center, 5,031 for N. Treadgold of Highland Park. TheN. C., was transferred from the base death. unless Detroit offers a better market ibeer and wine; 10,615 2gainst. . the issuance of licenses after August I~Iary H. Garbutt wa~ born April 5 .... w] eze" . Pontiac 2 006 .or b er and ~me 14th when the act providlng• for this building was not greatly damaged, hospKal at Camp Taylor, I~o~isvilte, Kentucky, to Base Hospital No. 36 in 1834, in Toronto township, Ont. On ~nanBulletin rose No~ " ~. U S Grain Coroora iI and 4,113' against;' * Kalamazoo,~ 4,076"' license goes into effect. ! • Dec. 9, 1862, she was united in mar- . .... "%'-" " ~- -Ifor, 8 341 against; Battle Creek, 3,- Dated June 25, 1919, Lansing'. Mich. ~PARISVILLE FARMER IS Detroit. Since that hospital is being raige with Stephen Chambers at Ox- ~ion, s~ates as ~onows: t a . ' closed in August, nurses are now be- COLEMAN C. VAUGHAN, BADLY CUT BY MOWER ing" sent to other posts. Miss MeWebB ford Center, Ont., and they ,vent. to gl,ii~.~y,12,_ Secretary of State. Plattsvilte, Ont., to make their home. iili jlii left Wednesday for Fort Benjamin They moved to North Branch, Mich., William Spitza, living one and one- Harrison, Indianapolis, Indiana, a two in 1867 and in 1890 moved to their IGNORE CALLS FOR half miles south of Parisville, stepped hours ride from her first location. farm in Evergreen township. In April, HELP; YOUTH DROWNS in front of his mower to adjust it. Mrs. Peter Burg carries several '1906, Mr. and ~[rs. Chan:bers gave up Just then his horses became fright- bruises as the result of a fall head-. their farm work and moved to Cass Newport News $2.38 "N. On No. 2 Bolshevism in Michigan because of Thinking he was merely joking, the ened by some bumble bees from a first down the cellar steps at her City. Mr. Chambers passed away in wheat the price at each point is three its unusual prosperity," said Cramton, companions of George Hunter, 16 near-by nest and started to run. Wm. home on Houghton St/east. Fortu- June, 1913. cents per bushel less than No. 1, and "but there were no bombings, no an- years old, ignored his Calls for help was badly cut on both legs, the right nately no bones were broken.. Mrs. Chambers was a member of on No. 3 seven cents less than No. 12' archist plots and no strikes due to while he was bathing with a party of one being gashed to the bone. He is'. Three new Chevrolet cars passed the M. E. Church and her pastor, Roy. Bulletin 2, U. S. Grain Corporation, Bolshevism. And this was partly due friends at a stone quarry near Ar- confined to his bed but expects to be into the hands of purchasers this J. D. Young, conducted the funeral regarding selling privileges reads as to the absence of saloons as gathering gyle. He went down and did not ! around again in a few weeks. week. Steven Moore, Robt. McConkey service at the residence Tuesday follows: centers, with the inflammatory influ- come to the surface. The body was{ and ~Fred Ball each have invested "While every dealer will base his once of liquor. The verdict of these morning. She was the mother of recovered after a search of two hours.' Advertise it in the Chronicle. ' with the lacal dealer. eleven children, and though over 85 minimum buying price on his most great labor cities was given because years of age, never had the grief .of advantageously reached Terminal it was found that industry thrived., burying a child. "The children are Wm. where the Grain Corporation main- crime decreased, poverty was lessened, E. Chambers of Racine, Wis., Mrs. rains a buying" agency, it does not for disease was checked, and prosperity, Robt. Craig of Evergreen, Mrs. A. W. low that he must ship to that Termin- happiness and contentment were the Myers of Flint, Mi~s Rosella Chain- al. In other words, he may ship where gainers." bers of Cass City, Mrs. Chas. Cook of he pleases and sell to whom he plea- Lenox, Frank Chambers of Saginaw, sos." Mrs. L. Hoffarth of Decker, Oscar Bulletin No. 2, U. S. Grain Corpor- MINISTERS ARE PICTURED Chambers of Shabbona, Otis Chain- ation, sets forth the country buying ERECTING AUDITORIUM bers of Flint, Mrs. Anna McFarlane ibasis as follows: ...... of Eston, Sask., and Miss Orpha "All wheat buyers under contract L.I. Wood secured a novel picture Chambers of Detroit. She is also sur- with the Grain ~Col-poration must fol- recently, the films of which have just rived by 28 grandchildren and five low federal grades as closely as pos-been developed and print.~ made show- ~-reat g'randchitdren, sible. They must establish No. 1 ing it to be excellent. [t was takeu All the children were present at the wheat as their buying basis; then de- during the arranging of the 0u~-of- funeral service except Mrs. McFar- duct 3c for No. 2 and 7c from the No. door auditorium on me lawn adjoin- lane. Other relatives and friends from 1 for No. 3. Grades below No. 3 must ing Pleasant Home Hospital a few a distance who came to attend the fu2 be bought on their merits at prices:weeks ago and shows fhe ministers of neral were Mr. and Mrs. Walter Sit- that will reflect their commercial our town in a new role. lers and Mr. and Mrs. Dan err, all of value a~ compared with No. 12' l Each one is busy wit;- hammer, , z~ h North Branch, Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Mr. Irwin further states: ]naris or saw for ~ ey pe=Jc~med (with ,.•.4 "Millers and shippers shoUld:bear a littte assistance) the work neee;sa- Putman of Care and Mrs. Coltson of in mind that on shipments to the ry for the ...... h~.~ g of this ple'asant Kingston. Grain Coproration the war tax is one- meeting place. The best of it is the hatf of one per cent. The Grain Cor- reverend gentIemen utterly ob- MARRIAGE LICENSES. poradon4- commission is one per cent, Iivious of all ~:'oD, a~* u \V2~S tx~anspiring. PLEASANT HOME HOSPITAL TO RE-OPEN ON AUGUST 11. .... amount approximately to three and Mr. Wood expects to have this put in William Warner, 73, Vassar; Ame- one-half cents per bushel. Also that post card form. Roy. A. H. Butzbach Workmen are busily employed in redecorating the interior of Pleasant Home Hospital at Cass City so that lid Brown, 69, Vassar. the Grain Corporation will not make was out of t~wnatthe time .~hich is it may :b~ :re,opened for the:convenience of the public by Monday, Aug. 11. Only when this institution was closed Tony Caesar, 28, Ak~'dn; Blanche advances, either through payment of the only::disa~p~i~f,6".ent( i:n contem- the pas~ ye~rd~v~ :..the :citizens of this community realized its true worth and it is most welcome news to hear Rosecranz, 27, Akron. :d~aft or otherwise, pin.ring picture, tI~e : that it is being" pret)/red to resume activities. • , ,~

1 • • CABS CITY CHRONICLE, CASS CITY, MICHIGAN, JULY 25, 1919: PAGE TWO. ,- i i ii ii,i 11,ii i i,~ii ff~.

CASS CITY CHRONICLE. this week and most of our people SHABBONA. think his among the short names, ' Published WeeklY. "Bony." But let us give it to you cor- Crops are doing well. , The Tri-~ounty Chronicle and Cass rectly---Joseph Napoleon Bormpar~e Fine rain Monday evening. City Enterprise consolidated Apr. 20, Daugherty. He's a feathery sight to Haying nearly done, and 10ts of it. 1906. use up 31 letters to give his name in Mrs. Sam'l Hamilton is in very poor full, but that is what they piled onto health at present. 8ubscription Price Payable in Advance him at the christening. If any read.- One year ...... $L50 er of Chronicle ea~.~ m~sh more oi: Eight months ...... 1.00 the Fiynn arrived home ~rom Kussia Sat- the alphabet, let us hear from them. Six months ...... 75 urday -night. Four months ...... 50 Arthur Meredith and family ~knd Canadian subscriptions, $2.00 per yr. Despite its scope Swift & NOVESTA. Arlene Meredith spent Sunday at You Get as Harbor Beach. Company is a business of in- Advertising rates made known on Norman Gillies visited friends in Miss Pauline Kluge of Detroit is finite details, requiring infinite application. Detroit over the week-end. visiting at the homes of her uncles, much Light Entered as second class matter Apr. Henry Hulbert is spending a few Frank, Paul and William Austander. attention. 27, 1906, at the post office at Cass City, Michigan, under the Act of Congress days at the C. Hulbert home. Fred Beadle and Mr. and Mrs. from a Candle March 3, 1879. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Flynn visited Chas. Dewey of Melvin and Mr. and Experienced men must know H. F. LENZNER, Publisher. friends near Oxford On Sunday. .~rs. Frank McGregory of Yale visit- livestock buying with a knowl- Mrs. Howard Coulter and Kather- ed with Mr. and Mrs. George Smith as you do music from the ine Coulter are on the sick list. and other relatives here Sunday. edge of weight, price, the amount H. J. Stone and family visited Mr. and Mrs. J. Agar of Caro, Mr. old-fashioned needle talk- and quality of meat the live friends in North Branch last week. and Mrs. I. Agar and family of Cass ing machines. City, Mr. and Mrs. Thos. ColwelI and animals will yield. Miss Lucile Fields is visiting son, Roy, and Mr. and Mrs. M. D: friends in Bad Axe for a few weeks. Bechtel of Cass City were Sunday It's like turning on a musi- Each manufacturing operation must Hilton Warner is spending a few visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. cal searchlight when you be done with expert skill and scientific days with Raymond McCullough of Frank Auslander. precision. A highly perishable product Grant. Pauline Marguerite Pike, infant hear a jeweled James Reid of Millinton visited at daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Rhan Pike, must be handled with speed and care the home of Mrs. Chester Hulbert on was born May 27, 1919, and died July to avoid loss. Sunday. 20, being less than two months old Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Chapman spent The funeral was held at the home of Chemists, engineers, accountants, Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Potter Monday afternoon, July and other specialists ~e required to E. Knoblet. 11, Rev. Krouck of the Hay Creek take care of our intricate problems. Mrs. James Tracy is visiting friends Free Methodist church officiating. in the northern part of the state for Burial was made at the Shabbona Alert wisdom and judgment must DEFORD. a few weeks. cemetery. Win. Pierce of Pontiac is visiting be used in getting st~ks of goods into Fred Valentine has gone back to at the home of Stanley Warner and Mrs. M. V. Loucks is very poorly at Phonograph the open channels of demand through Flint to labor. other friends here. this writing. our four hundred branch houses. Pauline Engle o:~ Detroit is visiting" 01d lady Lewis visits her kindred Mrs. Albert Pierce and grand- Branch house orgamzations must near Kingston. this week at the Auslander homes. played With tl~lefamous daughter, Leota May, of Caro are vis- show activity and energy to sell at the Geo. Roberts took off a moulding iting at the home of Stanley Warner. Mr. Andrews and family of Cass SappMre Ball. head last week. Miss Gladys Detong, who has been City passed through town Sunday. market in the face of acute competi- Geo. Livingston of Detroit was a Jas. MeMahon and family of Ar- visiting friends in this veinity, re- The round poIishedjewel gllde~ tion from other large packers, and caller the past week. turned to her home in Caro last Sat- g-yle visited relatives in town Sunday. hundreds of small ones. Remember a killing frost last of urday. Born July 15, 1919, a daughter, Ma- ~moothly around the records, August and forware the late beans Mr. and Mrs. Ray Boughton, who ble, to Mr. and Mrs. Paul Auslander. does not cut or wear them out, All these requirements ofinteUigence, ~aow. were visiting at the home of John John Henry of Minden City visited The music flows off, isn't loyalty, devotion to the task, are met R. D. Lewis is tame. A heavy !oad Coulter, returned to their home in friends and relatives in town Sunday. scratched off. No needles to and trip over a rock caused all. Still Detroit last Monday. in the personnel of Swift & Company. Mrs. Henry MeLaren, jr., and B. F. change; records guaranteed to he's around and laboring. The whistle of the threshing ma- Phetteplace were Cass City callers Yet the profit is only a fraction of a cent Mr. and 1VIrs. R. E. Johnson autoed chine is again heard in this vicinity as Monday. play 1000 times. per pound with costs at minimum. to Fostoria on Sunday to visit father the Deer Lick threshing company Mrs. John D. Jones and Mrs. An- and mother Johnson. started their machine at Ora Delong's drew Lorentzen are both numbered Yet the Pathe costs no more . How can the workings of this deli- Will and Daniel Ashly were called Monday. with the sick. than ordinary phonographs. cate human mechanism be improved to Highland, Oakland Co., on the 19th Henry Bryand, who With his wife Jack Lowe spent Thursday evening upon ? to attend an older sisteCs funeral. and daughter have been visiting at the in town. Mr. Lowe ha~ just recently If you already have a talking William Patch, jr., of Detroit re- home of M. H. Quick, returned to returned from Russia. machine, you can easiIy equip Do you believe that Government mained at home two weeks. Helped Cleveland, Ohio, last week. Mrs. Bry- Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Auslander and it with the famous Sapphire out in haying while the family was and Winnifred remained for a few Mrs. Adolf Auslander spent Sunday direction would add to our efficiency sick. weeks longer. at the home of Frank Auslander. Ball. Come in; let us show or improve the service rendered the South Novesta Farmers' club met Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Atkins of you how. producer and consumer ? at J.D. Funk's on the 18th. The CEDAR RUN. Decker visited at the •home of the lat- crowd was many as could be expected ter's aunt, Mrs. J. A. McDonald, Sun- Pathe records have the latest at this season. Mrs. O. A. Hendrick is very iil. hits~ first and best ~ usuaiiy day. I Some times there is noise around Mr. and Mrs. James Belknap mo- Newton Auslander and Floyd 4 to 6 weeks ahead; the Let us send you a Swift, Dollar . the huckleberry grounds, but not the tored to Mayville and Columbiaville Zapfe, who have spent several months It will interest you. that Broadway is proper kind. The should be; "A Sunday. in Russia, arrived home early Sunday Address Swift & Company, gentle hand still leads me on." Miss Aileen Moore of Detroit is morning. whistling and the [ Buy your [ UnionStock Yards, , 1II. A shortage will be felt in some spending a few,weeks with her cou- Mr. and Mrs. Win. Cargill and new dances that ! ~Pathe no~, sugar beet fields this fall because of | |onEasy sin, Miss Edith Burse. daughter, Jannetta, and Mr. and ,M~rs, are all the craze, lff'erms;~Hay| late blocking and thinning. All beets Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Streeter mo- Walter Cargill 'of Burnside spent S:~1i2 should be cared for when an inch high. New records are ~~|~hiley°u | tored to Prescott Saturday of last day at the home of Mrs. J~ A. Me: .. [ pay. I If an auto "capswivles" and nobody week to see ~Mr. Streeter's brother, Donald. now on sate. Swift & Company, U. S. A. killed 'tis best to "plad silence" for who has been seriously injured in a James Cameron returned home g the driver always feels bad enough fall from a bicycle. from overseas last Tuesday evening. about it and would rather taclde oth- Mrs. Ray Willson was brouht to the On Wednesday evening about 135 of er subjects. home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. his friends gave him a grand recep= Mrs. (Dr.) Merriman mourns the lEd. Burse, Saturday where she is tion at the home of his parents, Mr. A, H, Hig:Eins 8ECOMLS,o~o~ death of her pet dog--that was valu- and Mrs. R. Cameron. ERAGE DOLLAR %,~\ - convalescing from an operation for RECEIVED BY z\ able to Mrs. M. in her handicap of appendicitis at Hubbard Memorial Jeweler and deafness. If it went by the poison ~WIFT & CON,PANY *~ Hospital at Bad Axe two weeks ago. Optometrist FROM THE SALE OF MEAT route, somebody is a criminal. GREENLEAF. AND BY PRODUCTS1] 1 Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Turner, Clare 85 CENTS IS PAID FOR ~THE !I Did you ever see a gold 25-cent Turner and Wm. Rondo spent Friday LIVE ANIMAL piece? Well, it doesn't state its and Saturday hucklebelTying north of b~ice showers lately. value for it was coined 1850 and is Bay City. Mrs. Turned visited an Haying is progressing rapidly. equal in weight to, ~/~ of a gold dollar. In" & COMPANY/ aunt there, Mrs. Clare Turner, and Stanley Jackson is very ill at this AS PROFIT . Miss Lillian Martin on Town Line has Mrs. Wm. Rondo visited relatives at writing. the coin. If not a new thing to you, Caro. Several are recovering from severe don't grin and flatter yourself. Mrs. Nydia Stone Ostrander passed attacks of jaundice. Our town has passed through a se- away after years of illness at Detroit A little son brightens the home of rious week. It has been on the moun- July 12. The body, accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Spencer: tain of expectation and in the valley her son, Audley, was brought to the It is reported that Mrs. C~ McRae of disappointment. A modern "Luci- home of P. W. Stone from where it is recovering nicely from her opera- fer" was to come and light the city was buried in Ellington cemetery. that we might gather stray pins at Mrs. Ostrander leaves to mourn her tion. midnight, but he came not. Still hope loss, two sons, Audtey of Detroit, Geo. Bennett, Andrew Patrick, jr., sings in our hearts. Wilford of Alberta; two brothers, A. Archie Gillies and A. ?dcEacherr, were Roy Colwell and Oscar Valentine F. and P. W. Stone of this place; and Minden callers las~ week. Next Time--Bug came by auto from Lapeer Saturday one sis~ter, Mrs. Win. Wright of Elm- Mrs. Arehie Gillies had the misfor- night. Oscar stopped here while Roy wood, besides a host of other rela- tune to scald one of her hands ,tuite went to his parental home west of tives. She lived in Cass City for badly while attending to her house- Cass City. The boys are helping make years. Mrs. Ostrander is Well known hold duties. good roads for the Lapeerites. At to the older people. For the past Mr. and Mrs. F. Rolston and •fami- present a piece is being built two east twenty-three years she has lived in ly and Mr. and Mrs. Duncan Rolston and ten miles north of Lapeer City. Detroit. She was a patient and cheer- and family attended the funeral of A new citizen will settle in town ful sufferer and was loved by those Mrs. F. Rolston's father, Henry Nills, who knew her. of Palms, Sunday.

NOVEsTA CORNERS. WICKWAI~E. • ~ ~l Harvest is nearly completed, ex- Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Emeigh and son i Safety cepting" oats.• of Port Huron are visiting relatives RED TOP TIRES Mrs. Wm. Sangster is in very poor here. ~,~e~'~os~F ~ ~" i health at this writing. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Nicol and Mr. " Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Fox are enter- and Mrs. Leland Nieol spent Sunday ~ taining-the former's mother. at Bay Port. Big mileage Faoric Tires ~d'~t~r~[ I Mrs. Floyd Carpenter of Pontiac is Fred Emeigh had the misfortune ~J~J~O , ! visiting her parents, M~. and Mrs. to break his arm one day last week built with an extra ply .~ Erwin Sadler. cranking a Ford ear. q .~ t i Mr and Mrs. A. E. Bartlett spent• Mr. and Mrs. Wm. "Burr and Mr. and and a heavy tread--Big " ¢ We have just rec"elved ~ ISunda Y with" their" daughter," Mrs • Wm " Mrs. Homer Johnson spent Sunday tires with mileage como another case of Safety De- ~ Darling', near Decker. with Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Loney. • ,-- ~l Wm. Patch, jr., returned Monday to Pvt. Earl Fuleher returned from parable to that of Cords. i posit Boxes. |[Detroit after spending the past two Russia and arrived at his home last ...... ~ Iweeks at his parental home here. Saturday night. Mr. Fu!eher was T~ne to Red~ ¢ t~ersons nawng pare Ior ~Buy F~ . . i'g Eugene, Jr., .7 little son of Mrs. wounded while in the service at Arch- I boxes In advance will please i IEu~ene~ Darrigan, ~s" rock" ,at the home angel. We are glad to see him home again. I . ~ Iwin Sadler. His mother is ill in a Pon- James Nicol was quite seriou,s!:y THE HANDsOMEST TIR!E MADE t A few boxes left from |[tiac hospital. hurt last Thursday when his team ran away while mowing hay. He is White slde-wall--Red Tread the new case at ~t Mrs Loren Weeks, who has been i ~[spending k few days with friends still confined to his bed. No bones were broket~ but it is feared he has i _ ..... ~lhere, returned last week to her home t t flR~ D0[[a~ A Y~a[ ~ [lin Mt. Forest. Miss Addle Bunker ac- internal injuries. 1 v i/companied her home" , j. A. COLE Snake Story, A species of viper (Viper macropa) I C.A.(~ ~ C.|T~/" t/ -~ Added lyfforrnation. from Bosnia, about 18 inches in length, CASS CITY ¢e i v.-- ittIe Vi,.ian seems to feed exclusively on brasshop- • "~ A ~T |7 '}I Lord s prayer after her mother one rers. An interesting point about this DNINI~ i[ evening, and when she reached that little snake is that, although poison- . 71 part which relates to our daily bread ou~, it may be handted with impunity. ~:,:1 she paused and said: "Mamma, 'ou If teased, it may hiss and snap, but ~ rnieht menti(m to Dod zat I like butter never bites u n!ess serio~s|y h~rt.


~e{laire-LWhen Wilfred Delosh waa KINGSTON-NOVESTA l Mo., is visiting his brother, Clyde, for %~d%====%%%%%%%%P=%%==P~%===~=%%=i i Mr. and Mrs. J. Rartley, Mrs. Chas- :Hartley and Chas. Rondo motored to struck by lightning, both arms were [a few days. TOWN LINE. Rondo and sons, Lloyd and Floyd, Prescott Wednesday to pick huckle- burned to the elbows. Mrs. Sherman Evans, who has been spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Jno. berries. They expected to return home Michigan News very sick with pneunmnia, is much Rondo of Saginaw. Detroit~Thrown from a window Lester Day is drilling" a well for the following day. when 2 street cars collided, Sylvester better at this writing. Perry Livingston, who has been af- :o John Moshier. Tersely Told ~age was instantly killed. Mrs. John Noble of Detroit and flicted with rheumatism the past Mr. and Mrs. Morley Pahnate'er of Daily Thought. Cheboygan--County Agent McMur- Miss l~lorence Smith of Bay City are l year, left Saturday for Mr. Clemens Lapeer spent Sunday with friends A soul without reflection, like a pil~ Lry is organizing a cow testing asso- visiting their mother, Mrs. Thomas t to take treatment. ber~ without inhabitant. :to r~Hn r~mu~ e~ati,.m in Cheboygan County J. ~ar~iey, ,John iiar~iey-, t~taiam ~ou~g. h&ve cRect~ ~ permanent organiz~- i t~o~ here with James E. Duffy as pres. gaylord The Turtle Lake Club will Jesse Cooper of Casz City was here ~'enL go into the fur business, specializing last week assisting his sons in hay- in the raising of foxes and muskrats. ing. )~ancelona~Reginald Page, 13 year~ Mrs. Andrew Osburne entertained oi~l~ was instantly killed when a re. Portland Dr. George Allen killed her brother from Highland Park last ve~ved with which he and an older two-foot rattlesnake in a toad of Sunday. brother were playing was discharged. hay which had been hauled into his Miss Gatha Myers of Deford spent H~IlsdaIe Fire which ran in sLand- barn. t Sunday with the Misses Ruth and ~ng wheat on the farm of P. J. Mason Port Huron---A profit-sharing plan ee arrllrl and • N0rma Retherford. d theW g Buy• near Montgomery destroyed a larg',~ for employes has been inaugurated by i H ~r~: of it. The fire was atopped by the Federal & Commercial Savings Miss Norma Retherford left Tues- Bank here. day for Caro where she will be em- ployed in the office of the Kinde meat Corunna--Shiawassee farmers re- ~olland N. Jacobs, a Crisp farmer, market. ~as fatally injured while stacking hay. port inability to get harvest hands A yatley broke from the roof of the they need, though offering $5 a day Mr. and Mrs. Peter Thomas and lit- tle son, who have been living 'on the barn and struck him on the head. His • nd board. Thomas farm since early spring, have ~kult was crushed. Marion--Marion will celebrate Aug. returned to Lansing. ~:arshatl--Two months after his 7 with what will be known as "Mari- The Kingston Farmers' club will Excellent Furnace Fuel. Low in Ash. Low in Sulphur. No Oinkers i 4ea~, D. W. Knickerbocker, member on's Big Day." This replaces the an- meet at the home of Mr. and Mrs. ~o~? the Calhoun County Draft Board, nual July 4th celebration. Geo. Martin Friday, August 1. An in- l~s been discharged from the board by Kalamozoo--While stacking hay vitation is extended to all. the Government. during a wind storm, Willis Meredith Mr. and Mrs. Arthur "Van Btaricom PECIAL PRICE OFF THE CAR Holly--Mrs. Harry Jacobs, Chicago, was blown from the top of the stack and daughters made an auto trip to ~nd suffered a brokea thigh. wI~fle bathing at Green Lake near here Rose City Friday to visit a few days wen~ beyond her depth and sank. Her Cadillac Cadillac gray elm samples with Mrs. Van Bla.ricom~ brother, hu~I~nd who went to her rescue was ~re being sent to Europe to stimulate David McCracken, and family. alse pulled down. Both drowned. the export trade of the Northern Hard. Miss Martha Coleman and friend, wood Association of America. Port Huron--Contracts for ap- Ben Bouman, Mr. and Mrs. John Phoenix Nut= Unequalled for Range Dr¢,~a~ely 1~ miles of new roads in Kalkaskak Howard Belcher tried to Donaghy and daughter, all of Ponti- ~, Clair Co~tnt,y are to be awarded do an act of kindness by cranking a ac, spent last Sunday at the home of ~, acoording to a.n anuouncement woman's automobile and suffered & Mr. and Mrs. W. O. Coleman. No Soot. Free Burning. Carefully prepared. Place your orders early. ~ mad:~ by members of the commislson. compound fracturo of the arm. ~n Arbor--To furnish the city with Owosso--Field men for the Owosso ~r~ homes, a eo~tstructio~ company Sugar Co. say tiny flies are doing ELMWOODo has been organized to be incorporated damage to the beet crop, constituting ~t $100,000. It is estimated the city a greater menace than black root. Mr. and Mrs. James Grice of Caro CASS CITY LUMBER & COAL CO. i visited Mr. and Mrs. George Youmans ~ee4~ 400 houses. Grand Rapids Falling into a vat of Sunday. .l~Onroe-~St~te troopers in charge of boiling water in which hogs were be- l~ie~tenant Wakeman stationed at ing scalded, Leone Weaver, 3, daugh- Laverne Chaffee of Kansas City,

Duadee for several months have been ter of Edward Weaver, Byron Center, ...... removed elsewhere. Scarcity of state was fatally burned. 'dry law violators is assigned as the Detroit~Detroit Board of Commerce will sound opinion among industrial Holland--John Arendsman, 50, was men of the city with regard to the es- k~ed while tunneling a sewer pipe tablishment of a dirigible manufactur- ~rough a sand hilt . The banks eav- ing company here. e~ in and he was buried under two Battle Creek-A-A farm for incm:rigi- Titan ~eet of sand. When pulled out life was ble children is planned by the city Camouflage in Tl is Price e~t. commission. An 18-room house to be 10o20 Kaiamazoo Fire set by berry pick- used as a municipal hospital has been ors destroyed thousands o~ dollars' purchased by the city commission for ~/~h of huckleberries on a tract of $12,500. ]~d ~known as the government marsh, Hillsdale W. H. Frankhauser was 1,1,000 so'~th of this city, a~d on private the first to thresh wheat and rye in %% have redaced the Titan t0o20 price $225. You can ChF.0.B.F d0 ~es adjoining. this section. He reports wheat 28 An Sable After squabbling for bushels to the acre and rye 27. He now get the world's standard 3-plow tractor for $1,000o ,,0s0 on Time weeks over engaging teachers, the sold, direct from the machine, at $2.10 k___ ~en who composed the Au Sable city and $1,aao "baard of education all resigned. A Bay City Local firemen are to be ~v~cial etecLion resulted in election of given service stripes, a red cord on a board composed entirely of women. the sleeve for one year's service and When you buy a TITAN the ~L Ciair---Some wag changed the a white cord after five years. A gold g/~e~d limit sign here from 15 miles an medal will be worn by veterans of 25 $~o~r to 75 miles an hour and sev- years service. original price includes"@ ~,] auto drivers have taken the sign Battle Creek~Private William IP. ~eriously. Accidents have been nar- Gardner, H. Company, 339th Infantry, rowiy averted on the south road into died on board the President Grant on ~;o Clair. his way home from Northern Russia. Petoskey- iHoward Peasely, 55 years Gardner's body was shipped to BaLtle A large, wide f~iction clutch pulley, made in five ~~ ~~-~ ,a~, was instantly killed and his broth- Creek, his home town, for burial. sizes, equipped with safety shield, is mounted ~'~... directly on the crank-shaft of the low-speed, steady er, William. badly injured when an Grand Rapids Grand Rapids has Titan engine and delivers the full power to the ~tomobile in which they were going lost its fight for a 5-cent street car driven machine. The Titan 10-20 can be quickly i~ search of huckleberries, overturned fare. On the advice of engineers the backed into the belt because of the locat~pn of ~ a sharp curve near Oden, pinning city commission has informally agreed the pulley and the belt clears the front wheels Uae,m beneath it. and other parts of the tractor by a generous ~.~~ to allow the Street Railway Co. to margin. It is not necessary to dig holes for the ]~etroit~Michigan's wheat crop is charge 6 cents, and sell 19 tickets for front wheels to get belt clearance. The Titan ...... 2arger this year than it has been for $1.00. pulley was not put on as an afterthought. The designers did not overlook it in I@ years, and mills of the state will be Albion~Rev. Percy Deacon, rector the first place. Some tractor builders committed this very serious error, due to lack of farm knowledge and experience. To remedy this error, they designed a kept running to capacity to take care of the Albion Episcopal church, made of it, according to F. B. Dresse, of small make-shift pulley~ in one mize only, attached it in an awkward place, and good his offer to help the farmers with charge you $35 t'o $40 for it, The Titan 10-20 fddion clutch pulle~ is furnished L,anaing, secretary of the Michigan the harvest. He put in a week's labor HERE is no "joker" in this price. We are wif~ouf extra charge. M~lers" association. on the farm of Emil Ott, near this ~tst Lansing--Labor spent by the city, where he received $4 per day, not telling you one story in this advertise- ~mer is sharpening his tools and plus board and room. T ment and then leaving it for our dealers implements earns 1,000 per cent in- Detroit~In reports filed with Ed- Thr.ottle Governor terest, Prof. H. H. Mussolman, of the to break the sad news that the advertised Some tractors are sold without governors because, ward HeckeI, commissioner of parks ~. A. C., said in urging that special perhaps, the designers did not know that one was and boulevards, it was discovered price won't buy a tractor unless you pay extra •a~entlon be given scythes, corn knives needed. Which is the best economy~to pay an that more than 90 persons have thus operator a salary just to sit on the tractor and ad- a~d mowing machine blades. for a lot of necessary features. The Titan far been saved from drowning at Belle just the fuel to the load variations when engaged Albion~When the accelerator ou Isle this season, by the three° city dealer won't charge you extra for "starting and in belt work or let a throttle governor do it with° Dro L M. Henderson's ca} stuck as he life guards stationed there. out extra cost?~do it automatically, perfectly. eroesed the Michigan Central tracks, service" before he can deliver the tractor. He The Titan throttle governor saves fuel, prevents Grand Rapids Harold Grant enlist- t.he machine smashed into a telephone grain losses by delivering uniform power to your ed in three branches of the Govern- won't show you a machine stripped of many thresher and lengthens the life of both tractor laoIe and broke it off Mrs. Hender- ment fighting services this month and and driven machines, You get this governor son was bruised and her head was cut. essential parts belt pulley, fenders, platform, got away with it. He signed with without extra charge. I~r:. Henderson also was cut about the the Army, then the Marine Corps, and governor, drawbar, tools--and then tell you :~ead. finally the Navy. The Navy sent hhn that you can have these things by paying extra Lansing The big impetus in busi- to Detroit ahead of the others. Drawbar Some tractor buildersput a ~e~s conditions in Michigan is shown for them. The Titan at this advertised price hooh and eye affair on the '~ Calumet--zThe Calumet and Hecla by records of the corlmr~tions dlvi- tail end of their tractors--and call it a drawbar! and Wolverine Mohawk mining com- is a complete 3-plow kerosene tractor. s~on of the state department for the They seem to have overlooked the fact that a panies, employing 12,500 men, an- farm tractor not only pulls plows but also first six months of 1919, about 50 per nounced that wages would be restored mowers, hay loaders, grain binders, harvester- ~e~t more new companies being in- to the war time level. This means Then there is another thing. We are not experiment- threshers, etc., each requiring different hitch ad- ~arporated than for the corresponding justment. Perhaps they didn't know about these in general a 15 per cent increase for ing at your expense when we sell you a Titan 10-20. period of 1918. other machines. Look at the Titan drawbar. the Upper Peninsula mine workers. There is real farm machine and tractor manufacturing K_~Ik_aska~I-Ia~old Butler, 17, and Note the provisions for a wide range of adjust- (~rand'Rapids Petitions, with 2,000 ment both up and down and sidewise. The Titan drawbar 6is every need and L~-~oyd Arney, 15 years old, ware drown- ing experience back of it. We have been in the farm signatures, for the submission to the it is furnished without extra cost. ~. in Gull I~ke. Butler was ~elzad machine business for 88 years and have been supplying wi~h cramps while hanging to thg electors of the aetion of the legisla- tractors for 14 years. Not another company in the ~o~ Arney was rowing. Although ture ratifying the national prohibition ameud~rnent, have been filed with the world knows the farmer's power and machine require- A.~ey could not swim, he plunged in- l enders The designers of some tractors ta t~e water. Both went down in sight county clerk here by the MiChigan ments as the Harvester organization does. evidently did not know that the drive wheels throw dirt, dust or mud over ,at hundreds of picniers, including Association Opposed to National Pro- htbitlon ~ the operator and machine unless fenders prevent "~,~sey's parents. Would you entrust your bank account to a man who it. The Titan 10-20 has such fenders. They are ~t. Pleasant~Frank Roberts, 36 Hollan~l~The common council of also a "safety first" feature. The state of Michigan years old, charged with t~e murder Holland on recommendation of Mayor had never had any experience in handling money? has passed a law proh~iting the sale of fenderless of his ~dfe, Katle Robert~, bY placing Bosch, appropriated $100 to start ana. Will you risk your farm profits in a tractor built by tractors. Titan fenders are furnished without the ~aris green at her bedside with the tional fund for the erection of a me- designers whose knowledge of farming is limited to $40 to $50 extra charge made by the low.price {( mortal in France to the American sol- e~pectation that she would drink the books and a drawing board? It will pay you to think manufacturers. " ~e~tion, ca:~ing her death, pleaded dier dead. The fund will be sent to g~]ty before Judge Ray Hart and re- President Wilson with a request that about these things when you buy your tractor. ceived a senten¢~ of life imprison- it be used as a nucleus for a national :~bscrlptiou by the Ameriean poople. p!atf~y~ ~ Some tractor designers apparently never sat in a tractor seat ~acn~ at Ma:~uet~ at har~ labor. ten hours a day or more, jolting over rough iields, so they Lansing~Hundreds of tons of T. N. Dotroit~Americanized Chinese real- can't appreciate what a relief it is for the tractor operator to rest himself now T~. originally Intended for use in dents of Detroit and of virtually all Starting and Instruction Service and then by standing up, without loss of time. You will appreciate the Titan 10o20 Another "joker" of some tractor concerns is to charge you a large "starting ~]~ells, will be employed for the more Michigan cities have organized the platform that enables you to do this. It is a comfort feature furnished regularly Chinese Welfare Society to align them. and service" toe--extra. This is another way of getting a low price for adver- with every Titan 10-20 tractor--no extra cost. ~iflc purpose of building Michigan tising purposes. But you can't get the tractor without paying this charge. =~ads. More than 50,009 pounds will selves with opponents of the Shan. They make it compulsory. The International dealer gives you this service tung settlement as part of the Pe~tce '~e required m flutten out the grades without askingyou to pay extra for it when you bug a Titan 10-20. Free tractor Treaty and to aid the Senate Commit- Tools A complete set of sixteen tools is furnished with every Titan 10-20. ~'. the highways that run through schools inaugurated by us, also bene~t Titan purchasers in all parts of the count. This handy tool-kit is provide d in spite of the fact that Titan 10-20 Y~axaga county. "The Government has tee on Foreign Relations in obtaining tractors get out of order less frequently than any other tractors ih the world. $)~000,000 pounds of T. N. T. available a close-up view of the situation from Some tractor concerns whose tractors really need frequent adjustment and repairs, far distribution," L. W. CarT. first a Chinese angle. H.B. Young is furnish nothing but two or three wrenches. • They tell you that their product is" ~_eputy highway commissioner, said. temporury chairman of the orga~iz~ so good, that it doesn't need adjustment. Do you believe this? As a matter of tion, which has received pledges oi INTERNATIONAL HARvEsTER COM PANY fact, they omit fiecessary tools for the same reason they omit the essential features "We have just received a telegram described above---to make a low "camouflage price"! The Titan 10-20 corn- a~king how much we can use. ~ad support from organizations repre~eal~ OF AMERICA "tN¢. CHICAGO U S A #~ete fool/dr is ~rnished without extra charge. ]aave informed the War Department trig virtually every Chinese r~ t~at we Will take el! they give us." in the couatry. .... - CASS CITY CHRONICLE, CASS CITY, MICHIGAN, JULY 25, 1919. PAGE ~FOUP~ , ~lqP¢! q l IP III '! _. I!....

Sheriff Wm; Morris was a caller in ~ i Strayed to my farmSunday, a 2-yr. Want something real good? John- Good residence On Houghton St. for Cass City Tuesday. gAIRY MEN fold roan steer. Owner please prove son's Chocolates at Ruhls'. 7-11-2 sate. Enquire at Chronicle Office. 7- MICHIGAN property and pay for notice. Steven 11-4p Creighton Cathcart is spending a! ! Moore, 5~A miles west of ~ss City. Try~our Wilson dish--a new crea- few days this week at the Bluff: 1 ~ • PLANSPEGTIOH T IP Phone 159--2r. : 7-25-2p tion of three kinds of cream, at Ruhl's P-i-e, Pie--R-Ù-c-k-s, Rocks spells • 7-11-2 Pyrox. Get that?~Then get that for Mrs. Duncan Battle is entertaining ! Spray the cattle With Kreso Dip No. Potato Bugs and other crop thieves. her sister from Detroit this week. i Will Tour Southern Counties in In- 1. Wood's Drug Store. Village Tax Notice. I Bigelow. Rev. and Mrs. Douglass and daugh- [ terests of Better, Dairy- i ~om.÷ ...... U ¢~,~1~ e~.p ~ I will be at my business place ev- ery day except Saturday to receive The new baby will be praud of the ter. £~orothy, vf BJo~,n CiLS~ a~e c1:,c inf. {~ : ...... ; ...... { i aut o ~G{a,i(~¢-,~...... : IIC&I' ~..~,,***,,TeV,=~.... ~ cemetery. ~he yi!iage tax; on Saturday~ t.axe,~ Mr. and Mrs. W. B, Monroe and i guests of Roy. A. Jones this week. " " ~Enquire at Chronicle. 7-25- may be.paid at my residence. Collec- with Da-Cote Motor Car Enamel. Ask .... tionfees increase after Aug. 9. Les- Bigelow. \ family spent Sunday at "~ enonah{ Mrs. Samuel Vyse of Wyandotte is Dairymen of the state will make a i " Beach. J spending a few weeks at the home of five day tour of the southern counties { For sale or will give half share for ter Bailey, Village Treasurer. ~ , ; ...... : ~her ,,arents Mr and Mrs Isaac Hall. during the first week in August, hold- making the standing hay on 60 acres Three tons of hay for sale• En-" James uamp~eu o~ i-~. ~uro~ was i~ ~ ' .... • ~" " " o- ~ of the Thos. Coots farm 2 ~iles south Ice cream sodas, all the good fla- quire of J. H. Goodall. Phone ,108 A. .. the guest of his uncle, Angus MeGill- left last week for Pigeon mg meetings and rnaKm~ sehedmed and 2% miles west of Gagetown. Dr. vors, at RuM's. 7-11-2 vray, Tuesday. lwhere he is acting as relief agent for inspections, in BranÙh, St. Joseph, Alex Campbell, Elkton. Telephone 33. ! sure--Bigetow sells Arsenate of the P. M. and G. T. railroads for a Berrien, Van Buren and Barry eoun- 7-18-2 Sweet Clover seed for sale. Farm Dr. Ostrander, wife and father of time. Lead, and Paris Green and then ~ties. Produce Co there's Pyrox. Freeland visited Sunday with Mr. and Arthur Wood and family, Edgar! During" the tour the farmers of the For Sale. ~frs. Chas. Ewing. Wood, Geo. Hendershot and Miss Maud sections visited will study the advan- Alamo 5 h. p. gasoline engine, near- Miss Maria Stoner of Flint is Hendershot, all of GagÙtown, visited tages of cow testing associations, ly new. Price $200.00 if taken at spending the week-end at the home Sunday at the A. T. Craft home. i There are now 13 co-operative testing once. Enquire at Chronicle. 7-25-2 of Mrs. John Hotcomb. Mrs. O. K• Janes and daughter, associations in Michigan with a total Two show cases and two counters Norman Kitchen of Pontiac Was,,Doro,thY, of Detroit, who have been membership of 349, dairymen, owning._ ~.or...... sam ~ 1, I1DDals ~-ZO-Z the guest of friends in town from guests at the home of J. D. Brooker more than 4,000 cows. The number of i " " __" _" • gY heir [r i|8 Ye Sh il Saturday until Monday afternoon, for some time, returned to their home assomatlons• • has me," " eased nearly 50 t Music r011 witn music lost between Mr. and Mrs. Thos. R. Navin and Thursday morning, per cent dmmg: the ' last year, and. the'WmI . C r andelI farm and Cass Clt~." v the Misses Nina and Gertrude Me- Little Elizabeth Frutchey, daugh-,interest has been so great that the I Finder please call Win. Crandell, i We have not selected this bit of Scripture as a text for Webb motored to Bay Port Saturday. ter of Mr. and Mrs. Herb Fvutchey of Dairy Department at the Agricultural ~hone 101 K. 7-25- Mrs. Sarah Dolling returned recent- Swartz Creek, who has been visiting' College has planned the coming tour a sermon but rather to drive home the fact that even in Iy from Ann Arbor where she is era:! adth relatives here, returned to her as a means of meeting the demand Prices Canning Powder, Parafine ployed .in one of the hospitals there as :home last week. !for information, and Saccharine at Cass City Drug Co. modern days, literally speaking, the kind and quality of • ~ "We plan to get the people togeth- Gold lace bag" containing lady's nurse. I . Capt. I. D. McCoy received his dis- i I YOUR CANNED AND PRESERVED FRUIT determines to Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Nash and two iebarge at Camp Custer Thursday and er for a g'eneral good time at the pla- gold watch lost in or near Cass City children, Jean and Richard, of St. Ireturned immediately to Cass City 'to ees where the various meeting's are on Tuesday, July 22. Return to Chron- a great extent the kind of housekeeper you may be. Charles visited relatives in town over take up again his practice as physi- scheduled," says J. A. Waldron, dairy icle and receive reward. 7-25-2p . • •., specialist at M. A. C., who is plan- Sunday. ~cmn and surgeon in this community, ning the tour ~in co-operation with the Cass City Drug Co. for films and With all kinds of canned goods "out of sight" in price, Rev. J. D. Young and family, Ed- Robt. Mark, having spent the win- win and Francis Fritz and Grant Pin- ter in Michigan, returned to his home county agents. "We will study the film packs. you should take advantage of any chance to can and pre- ney Spent Wednesday and Thursday in the Northwest to attend to the har- dairy business at first hand, learning at Bay Port. vesting" of crops. Mr. and Mrs. Mark from various farms and farmers new Saws gummed and filed and truck serve any fruit available. You need have no fear of the Dr. and Mrs. W. D. Lane visited aL expect to spend next winter in Call- demonstrateand improved something methods, of andthe valuewill Wagonbodies builtShop. to Acetyleneorder at weldingFerguson's in connection. 2-7- outcome if you but use our the Robt. Cleland home Wednesday if0 rnia" of the community co-operator. while enroute from Saginaw to their A.T. Craft has remodelled his resi- Judging demonstrations and con- Girls Wanted. home in Pt. Austin. ~denee on Third St. preparatory to re- tests, inspection of dairy herds, and PRICE'S CANNING POWDER Alex Cleland returned Tuesday neering ig with brick. The brick has Visits ~o' c'o-~>dratix}> ,m;arket~ng departments.Inour yarn,steadyknittingemploTn:en{;and finishingand evening from a visit with his sister, !been secured but Mr. Craft is delayed plants are ineluded in the programs, good wages. Tnas~ between 18 g.nd 45 PARAFINE Na's. (Dr.) Lane at Pt. Austin and ~in his plans by the scarcity of masons The tour in each county will be corn- ~referred. Experience not necessary. friends in St. Clair and Detroit. tat this time. plete in itself. Beginners start at $1.75 per day. SACCHARINE Mr. and Mrs. P. S. MeGregory and, Mrs. Jerusha Bardwc!l accompanied Board and room furnished at $3.00 per Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Cleland atte~ded Iby her brother, Mr. Botsford, who has week at company's boarding house. Alt modern conveniences. Apply at the funeral of R. D. Lane, pioneer been visitir.~ her for a few weeks, left GAGETOWN. SPICES AND PRESERVATIVES ;for Flint last week whore she contem- Western Knitting Mills, Rochester, druggist of Bad A~e, who passed plates remaining most of the summer l Mr• and Mrs. J. L. Purdy are at Rose Michigan. 6-6-8 Plenty of corks on hand for all size bottles and jugs. away very s~ddenly. :with her daught;er who resides there. IsIand this week picking up a few Serve direetty from the dish in Mrs. Emma Gamble, daughter, Miss i The W. C. T. U. will meet today :treasures from their cottage before which you bake Pyrex, transparent ! Laverne, and granddaughter, Miss i(Friday) at the home of Mrs. Cleland. leaving. Mr. Purdy sold his cottage ware at Cootes Hardware, The Store Ors Muellerweiss, of Sebewaing are of Quality. the guests of the C. O. and H. F. Lenz- Mrs. GoÙ. Martin, the county presi- ,to parties from India. t Cass City Drug Go. i(tent, will be present and give a report" I Dr. Sugnet, wife and family aecom- nor families this week. Get Jonteet toilet preparations at Mr. and ~rs. C. W. Hel!er, Mr. and I°f the state convention. All members ~panied by Mrs. J. Sugnet and daugh- Wood's Drug Store. l~[rs. W. A. Walker and Miss Merle try and be present to hear ~his good ~etr, Ruth, drove to Midland Sunday. report. ' i The doctor and family returned Tues- Tl~e Favorite Pipeless Furnace will Gale took a delightful trip Sunday I-Ioward Lauderbach and ~ G. Ben-day, leavin~ Mrs. Sugnet and Ruth to be needed next February, if not now. to Harbor Beach and Point aux ..... Barques. Mr. Hel!er says anyone who kelman have already put in six weeks visit in Midland, their former home, Get in line for winter while the sun admires fine scenery and enjoys auto- ~at Caseville, working all that time in before returning to their home in But- shines. Bigelow. mobiling could find no more charming ~the erection of cottages, etc., and ex- falo. BIGGEST pail assortment in town 120 Acres $5,000 spot for this diversion than upon the peer to be there two weeks move at Mrs. Andrew Armstrong" of St. at Big'elow's. shore drive extending from Harbor least before they eomptete the tasks Charles is visiting" with her mother, 2% miles from Cass City. lO-room brick hot, sÙ worth Beach to Poin~ aux Barques. assigned them. Mrs. Proudfoot, also Mrs. Armstrong" Wood sells Arsenate of Lead and $3,000.00. Main part 22x42" wing !6x24; cellar 12x20- Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Hyde, B'tr. and l Master John Brackenbury, son of at the F. D. Hemerick home. Paris Green. large veranda; bath and toilet; lavatory; 65 bbl. cistern. Mrs. Andrew Muntz, Mr. and 5{rs. Jas. Brackenbury, sr., is suffering- se- Chas. Seekings and family and Mrs. Barn 22x32 with 8-foot concrete stable underneath, with John Lorentzen and Mr. and Mrs. re,ely this week with a bad ease of Sophia Seekings took a pleasure trip Pearl wire cloth is making a bigger cement floor; 60-ton silo; granary in barn; hay barn 18x40, Wm. Spurgeon formed a jolly comps- blood poisoning in one of his feet oc- to Saginaw Sunday. hit than ever--at Bigelow's. machinery shed 24x36; corn crib; poultry house 12x16; ny going in quest of huekleberries to !easioned by the flesh of the foot corn- Mrs. Jno. Noble and children of De- Gladwin county, seven miles north- ing in contact with some sharp rusty troit are spending two weeks at her Wanted at Heller's potatoes and elegant drilled rock well, 68 ft. deep; 30 ft. windmill; fences west of Bentley. They started late parts of a bicycle. The lad is confined parental home, Mrs. Thos. Smith,~ ~berries. ! fair; 80 acres under plow, 40 acres pasture, 6 acres green timber; phone, school -~ mi., 2-acre orchard; owner wilt Sunday, camping in the woods until tO his bed. south of town. ' Corks for all size bottles and jugs early Monday when they_assaulted the l Mr. and Mrs. Win. Lamb and sons, leave all straw; transfer insurance; pay 1919 taxes. Term, berry patch. They foun,~ a wilderness i Anthony Mosaek of Detroit is spend- at Cass City Drug Co. Elden and Randall, arc enjoying an ing his vacation visiting "his grand- $2,000 down, balance easy. of berries securing fitÙtether about auto trip this week to Saginaw and parents and friends in town. See Heller's before you sell your This farm is well-watered by Cass river--absolutely eight bush.els and reached home early Owosso and other points. They will John Case of Detroit is visiting his ~otatoes and berries. one of the finest stock farms in the vicinity of Cass City. A Wednesday mor~ning" after having" return late in the week going then to genuine snap at the price. driven all night. Port Huron and possibly to Canada. ! )arents, Mr. and Mrs. R. Case. Wanted~Atl kinds of fruit at Hel- For full details write FRANK R. REED, Eastern Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Striffier and Eldon arrived in town Saturday night. Alvin Freeman, son of Mr. and Mrs. let's. Michigan Leading Farm Man, Carsonville, Mich. son, Irvine, Miss Alto MeArthur, ]having returned from overseas the Thos. Freeman, has returned from Miss Maria Stoner of ~Vlint, Mr. and 'week before, receiving his discharge t Russia. He is very glad to be back Faney Velvet Brand Briek 'Ice 200 FARMS WANTED AT ONCE! Mrs. Wm. Paul and Mr. and Mrs. At-'.from Camp Merritt, New Jersey. !and relates many things of interest, Cream at RuM's. 7-11-2 l also carries a medal for bravery. thur Flynn-. and son, Paul, spent Sun-1 Mrs. J. D. Brooker entertained her Mrs. M. Donahue is spending a few Vacation necessities for every need day With Mrs. Jessie Dickson and brother, A C Bade,, :~f Cincinnati a Wm. Haynes at Oakwood, the whole t few days the• • past week. Mr. Bader days with her sister, Mrs. Smalley, at at Wood's Drug Store. party eating dinner at Orion and Ideals extensively in real estate in his C~eville. Order a brick of Velvet Brand Ice supper at Oakwood. All report a good '.home city. He !ef~ Wednesday morn- Cream at Ruhl's for your Sunday din- PAgTIIVIE THEATER time. Mrs. Dickson is spending the iin~, in company with his nephew, Jas. Country Wants Bigness. ner. We deliver. 7-11-2 summer with her father, Mr. Haynes, i Brooker, jr., who accompanied him as The bigger the man ~he more room at Oakwood. ,far as Detroit, Mr. Bader going" on there is for him out in the country. NoticeT to All Auto Drivers. Friday (Today) and Saturday The tombstone unearthed last from that point for a trip through the Not much room there for the small Please keep your red lights burning week while excavating for the base- western states before returning home. souls. after dark and your head-tights Wallace Reid in "The Firefly of France" ment of the Ricker & Krahling b!ock i Mr. and Mrs. Hardy Patterson of dimmed in village so as to avoid acci- was probably intended for a grave on Port Wayne, Indiana, are the g'uests dents; also keep within speed limits. This is another picture worth seeing. the farm purchased in the seventies by of Mr. Patterson's brother, Chas. Pat- CASS CITY MARKETS. Henry Herr, Village Marshal. Marvin ?~Ioore in Grant twp. This is the Opinion of Wm. Moore, a son of terson, and other relatives in and Preserve next winter's eggs now. Tuesday, July 29 Marvin Moore, who told the Chronicle around Cass City for a time. Mr. Pat- Cuss City Mich., July 24, 1919. Liquid Glass will do it. Get it at Cass re,son is in the employ of the Nor- Buying Price~ City Drug Co. VIRGINIA PEARSON in "THE QUEEN OF HEARTS'" Friday that when his father secured! the ~arm from a Mr. Pearson, thern Indiana Traetion company of Wheat ...... 2.05 Miss Pearson is seen at her best in "The Queen of Hearts". there was a grave on the place and Fort Wayne, occupying• a very impÙr- Oats ...... 76 The evenly browned crusty loaf is baked in Pyrex transparent oven- WED. & THURS., JULY 30-31 "A SHEPHERD OF THE HILLS" care was always taken by the elder rant position as overseer of the main Rye, bu ...... 1.38 ware. Ahvays clean and sanitary; NoÙre to keep it intact and protected. {lines for that corporation and having" Barley, ewg ...... 2.25 demonstration at Coctes Hardware. "Apparently the stone was ordered for' served in that capacity for several Buckwheat,Peas'b~ ...... ewt ...... 2.252.50 FRIDAY and SATURDAY, AUG. 1 and 2 years...... 7.00 the ~rave and the proper inseription! Mrs. C. W. Heller, in glancing over Beans ..... : ...... Eastman Kodaks and supplies. Wood's Drug Store. Doug Fairbanks in "A Modern Musketeer" ehiseled on its face," ~-;aid Mr. Moore, ;the Detroit News Wednesday eve- Eggs, per uozen ...... 42 Keep this date in mind as it is one of Fairbank's best. " but when the a~ent.~ ~eached" " Cuss !ning. was overjoyed to find among "Butter, per lb ...... 50 City, for some reason, he lost interest, ...... in t!£e matter and made no further ~-i the list. of those landing in New Yc~k Cattle 5 10 Twenty acresLand ofFor good Sale. land, section ~.!~F~:~..1!~r!i~i~.i~.~.~i~!`~.!ii!!i!ii~;iiiiii!iii{iiii~ii~!i~!ii!ii~i~!i~iii~!{~i!iiii~i~{i~ii{ii{~!i~i~ii~i!i!ii~iii{i~i!iii!ii!iii~i!~i~ iCitv of the 21st comp,.ny of the 5th Lambs,Fat sheep, live live wt, wt,per perlb ...... Ib ...... 125 146 31, Brookfield township, 1 mile east :.r.:.•:.-•i..:rU.•::::::::.:..:::.•::h.:•:..::.::::::.•:::.•:::::.::h::h::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::•::•:•::::::•:•:::"::::•:::::::::::::::::: fort to place the stone." It will proba-iDi~;ision on the U. S. Transport, the Hogs, live wt, per lb 17 19 and 1 mile south of Bach, Mich.; will] bIy be erected on the grave even if 46 !Rotterdam, the name of her younger Calves, live x~ ...... 11 16 accept Liberty Bonds as part pay. C. years have elapsed since the death of !sen, Vern, whom she has not seen Geese ...... 15 H. Geyer, No. 2167 S. Michigan, Mrs. Pea/'son whose name appears on Sagi~mw, Mich. 7-18-2p the stone, ifor years. Mrs. Heller's happiness Turkeys ...... 22 25 It% More Than a P ° pe Tess Mr. and Mrs. Spencer Roe of Flush-iknex~; no bounds. The name of Eugene ,Hens ...... 20 25 i Schwaderer was also a familiar name Broilers ...... 25 30 Safety razor blades sharpened, 3c i Ducks ...... 25 and 4c per blade. Wood's Drug store. remainingingarrivedatin thet°WnhomeM°ndaY'ofMrs.MrS'A.R°eD. l t° Cass City folks which appeared in i Hides ...... 18 The Round Oak Pipe- Gillies Wednesday evening, Mr. t the same column and the sight of Old Iron Wanted. Roe going on Tuesday to attend tof which has brought joy to the home i ...... Parties having old iron to sell will less Furnace is decidedly business affairs in SanHac county. N:r. I °f Mr. and Mrs.~Christian Schwader-i 4*..... "~ ¢* i receive $6.00 per ton delivered to the ] CHRONICLE LINERS i Cass City Lumber yards. W. L. Ward. superior- impwved. Roe represents the Lansing Ifidustrial for" 17-18-3p "School and is called to different points The residence recently purchased ¢. all over the stere loo;:mg after the in- i by Anthony Doerr from Mrs. Mary Rates~Liner ads 5 cents per _~... Paris Green and Arsenate Lead at •terests of that institution. The school i Land is being reconstructed b}/ the line, each insertion. No ad ac- Cass City Drug Co. Guaranteed pure. More Service and em-olis at present about 800 boys and Inew owner" and among the improve- cepted for less than 20c for first has in the neighborhood of 200 scat- ments planned was the furnishing of insertion; if less than four lines, Card of Thanks. Economy i gored in homes throughout the state, new quarters for a swarm of bees subsequent insertions, without I wish to thank my friends and Mrs. Roe was a resident of Cuss City which had lived for a number of years change, may be made at the rate neighbors for the flowers and post have been built into it. between 35 and 40 years ago, coming in the south outside wall of the house, of 5 cents a line. cards which were received while in here as the daughter of the Presbyte- It was thought that the little grand- Bad Axe hospital; also the Shabbona The reasons why are i rian minister, Roy. Kelland. The old daughter of Mr. Doerr would be safer Steer Strayed. Social club for the flowers. Mrs. Philip Sharrard. 7-18-2p fully/l|ustrated and ex- j by their removal. About a year ago Roan steer, dark about neck and de- • I ,. ¢. .jT.: Presbyteria~ church, a slight sv~ges- ~ion of which still remains in the the siding- was taken off and 75 horned, coming two years old. Final- ptamec~ to your sansrac- ~.~ • Card of Thanks. Gothic construction of the roof, was pounds of choice honey was taken er .please phone J. H. Striffier. 7-25-1p from the neatly arranged and novel I desire to thank my friends for the tion in the Round Oak '.; • erected under the supervision of hex.- hive. A small opening was left by Good Farm For Sale. kind messages received in the post Pipeless Book, mailed father who later became editor of the 110 acres, 30 miles out of Detroit; card shower tendered me while a pa- local paper. He also printed the invi- accident when the siding was replaced tient at Bad Axe hospital. Mrs. Bruce free on request. ta.tions for the wedding" of Miss Anna and it was found this year that the aregood looking buildings, for somethinggood roads. good Ifat youthe Brown. ~; 7-" bee family had again moved in and right price let us hear from you. Oth- Walmsley and A. D. Gillies. He .built beggn preparations for another crop er farms for sale. Fritz& .Waidley. Card of Thanks. the Mary Ann Murphy residence on of Saccharine sweetness. A Smaller 7-18-2 We wish through the Chronicle to West St. from which this daughter, amount of honey was taken owing to l extend our heartfelt thanks to the Invest ate our free engineering service Miss Lota Kelland, became Mrs. Spen- its early removal. Hess Instant Louse powder and E1 friends and neighbors who so kindly cer Roe." The two ladies have not met Vampiro kill flies and lice. Get it at gave assistance and sympathy during before since those eventful years so Cass City Drug Co. our recent bereavement in the death J. B. COOTES long ago. Mrs. Roe spent Wednesday The Ortginai Stub Penn. of our mother, Mrs. M. H. Chambers, From a magazine article: 4~ Wlllla~ evening with Mrs. J. D. BrookÙr, leav- Brood sow for sale, due soon. V.J. and to Rev. Young, the singers and ing Thursday to meet her husband at Penn was a short, stubby man."-, Carpenter, 4 mi

LOCAL ITEMS...... ! ~:~were [Helen, Miss Lillian Jondro and: neDh-I"--" here: ~att "ending to the pu~"rchasin~ .... a n"d...... ~,q*Og,;~4~.,~ ' ...... "~ ...... ~ ~ . " , *~I~...... Casevflle vlmtors Sunday. ew, Robert Jondro, all o~ Detroit, mo-[remodelhng of the Gfllms property ~ " ' ~' 5ames Brooker, jr., left town Tues- ~vr~ ~1~0 (!.,,,,1..... ~...... a • ..... tored up to Cass ~ C i:~y: sunday and which is now inher possession, left; ~ day for Detroit. were guests of Mr. and Mrs: J. B. Monday :morning for her home Her ~ Caseville Wednesday. Cootes. ' i sister, Mrs. Wiltsie, of Chicago, will ~: "Not a Kick in a Million Feet." Jacob, Wise visited at the home of R. S. Proctor went to Flint Satur- Mrs. Caroline Halle of New York [remain here and occupy the house '~ ~. Bradshaw Friday. ~day to remain for sometime. City, who has spent several weeks with her young son, Cornelius. ~. e, Dr. B. C. Thomas and family of De- Mr. and Mrs. Louis Wheeler visit- ¢, troit were in town Wednesday on busi- ¢ ed n t'ow day.~ !a~t week with ¢rlo, d~ + +in Capac. de g ~rhe family of Samuel Striflter with Little Miss Annabeile Tibbals is ¢ I~iss Gladys Jackson as guest moeored spending the week with relatives in IS THE ROOFING OF te Casevitle Sunday. 'Brown City. Do You Use ( aso ine? * !? • :/~r. and Mrs. Kenna of Marlette vis- A. A. Hitchcock came to town ited Monday and Tuesday with Mrs. i Tuesday, returning to his home in QUALITY, IS DURABLE, HAS STRENGTH AND ~.:enna's brother, J. N. Dorman. Detroit Thursday. I. GAS-AID SA\/ Y ES GASOLINE. **~ GIVES SERVICE Miss Laura Maier and brothers, Miss Edna Lowe visited at her pa- ,~ It prevents carbon, because there is no chance for car- * i :~'szed and Ed. Maier, and Frank Y, mng rental home in Argyle Thursday and bon to form, because all the inert portions of the low ~rav- mot,ored to Point aux Barques Sun- Friday of last week. day° ~ ity fuel are ALL consumed, leaving no carbon or burnt oil ** James Proctor of Flint called upon Paul Haig and the" families of An- choke the motor. * /'lule Hide Shingles, his sister, Mrs. C. R. Townsend, to lheny :and Herman Doerr and Geo. ¢, Wednesday on his way to Sandusky. •~ tI. GAS-AID PUTS LIFE INTO A LOW GRADE GASO- Fiakle spent a pleasant day at Bay ¢, There is a difference in Asphalt Shingles, just as there Pe~ Sunday. Thomas Murphy and family and a difference in any manufactured artib!e. ~rs. J. B. Cootes and little Mar- Mrs. Younglove and son were in 1II. GAS-AID WILL NOT DETERIORATE .~aret Jondro returned Saturday from Kingston Tuesday on a berrying ex- or spoil and the tablet dissolves quickly, leaving no ¢. pedition. ¢* Mule Hide Asphalt Shingles give satisfaction. They De~oiL • Mr. Cootes is remaining" for ~ediment to stop up carburetors and cause trouble. a~ indefinRe period. Miss Fern Cooley left Wednesday ,:. make a roof of beauty, and are fire-resisting. GAS-AID IS POSITIVELY GUARANTEED Mr. and Mrs. Thomas R. Navin and to accept a few weeks em~1oyment ~: "Quality Users are Mule Hide Choosers" and you will ,~ in her chosen line of mil!inery at :~ t() give satisfaction and if used according to directions ~ort, Thomas R., jr., of Birmingham .v agree with us after using same as Mule Hide Products have , G~ent ~the week-end at the home of Shepherd. will increase mileage and cut fuel bills. The family of T. L. Tibbals went ..~ a reputation attained by service and satisfaction to users. Mrs. Sarah MeWebb. On sale at ~* Mr. ,and Mrs. John Eno and Mrs. to Rose • Island Sunday visiting Gal. Eno left Monday for Caseville friends from Brown City, who are where they will be the guests of Mrs. camping there. i Cass City Lumber and Coal Co. i No K. Wickware for a time. Miss Lena Gallagher arrived Sat- i Wood's Drug Store Mr. and Mrs. Thomas 1}~urphy and urday night after having spent a short time with her sister, Mrs. Percy sen, Harold, and Mrs. Murphy's niece, / N:rs. Y0unglove, of Detroit spent Sun- Knight of Sterling. day with friends in Kingston. Mr. and Mrs. I. B. Auten and ~iss Helen McAipine of Bad Axe, daughter, Mrs. C. W. McKenzie, and who has been the guest of Mrs. Har- children returned Wednesday from a old B~nkehnan the past week, re- week's stay at Oak Bluff. ~r~ed! to her home Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Otis Chambers of ~yron Murray of DetroR, resident Flint returned to their home Wednes- N ~te engineer, spent Sunday with his day having been called here by the N ~usins, the Misses Marie m,.~d Isabel death of Mr. Chamber's mother, Mrs. N McInt~e and Mrs. E. R. Hunter. Mary Chambers. ® t Mrs. Jas. Quinn and Mrs. Edw. ZEkIItE "BIKOS 'The iMisses Marie and Isabel Mae- N ?[n~yre and Mrs. E. R. Hunter spent IKni~'ht and two little sons, Robert , • o~ N Sunday with their parents, Mr. and and David, returned Tuesday evemn~, N :~r~:. Geo. McIntyre, at Greenleaf. after spending- a few clays in Detroit, N IYpsilanti and Windsor. Mr. and Mrs. Grover Ross and chil- N Mrs. C. O. Lenzner and her guests dren Of Royal Oak, who have been N Mrs. Emma Gamble, Miss Laverne ~N visiting relatives here for two or three N weeks, returned to their home Friday. Gamble and Miss Ora Muellerweiss of Sebewaing spent Monday and N Mrs. O. K. Janes and daughter, Tuesday at the Striffler home in Ar- IN N J~rothy, .of Detroit spent a day or gyle. N two the first of the week at the J. D. N .Brooker home after a few days' visit Nell McIsaac of Milwaukee and N at. Caseville. Mrs. Edward Hawley u~ DetroR, both N cousins of Mrs. Angus McGiltvra.7, N ${r. and Mrs. Albert Russell and and Peter McIsaac, her nephew, of children, Clara and George, of Gage- Bad Axe were guests at the McGiil- N Due to the busy season for the farmers, we are going .tow~ visited Sunday at the home of vray home Saturday. Mr. Russell's sister, Mrs. Joseph Deerr. ,. Norman Morrison and daughter, Beulah, went to Grand Rapids Mon- N B. J. Dai!ey, Win. Ohls and L. E. day morning, Mr. Morrison returning to extend our July Clearance Sale, on summer goods only, Dickinson left this week on their fish- Tuesday but leaving Miss Beulah, who N ir4~; e~pedition. They will remain a N will remain for several weeks at the N week at Townline Lake, Fairview, home of her uncle, John Morrison. another week. N -near Grand Rapids. Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Eichenbach N N Miss ~_dah Merritt, trimm'er the ...... 1" "e~h n-' . ~ -~ .. " .~ ~ ~; ~'.,, ~ana ~wo oaugn~ers, ~ mad ~ a We still have a large assortment of yard Roods, capes, suits and dol- N p~s~ season Ior ±virs. ~w. ,J. ~vxcumvray, I N ]eft Tuesday for Jackson going from l~--~--~-= ...... N • ~here to Homer and Albion before at-1 N rnans to select from: We consider this a splendid opportunity to buy this N tending the millinery openings, l IN N The Misses Mildred Fritz, Be!Do N Tibbals, Lottie West, Lois Benkel- class of merchandise at such greatly reduced prices. If you have not as .man, Nina Johnson end Dorothy N Jones motored to Colon Fergason's in yet visited this sale, you will want to do so. The bargains for this week N Novesta Wednesday a'te~oon 1:9 vis- N Z it his daughter, Miss Velma. N ~'~[r. and Mrs. E. A. Geitgey re- are just as good and just as inviting as last. H t~rned Monday evening from a few IN Z days' visit at the homes of their four N H daughters in Detroit, Mrs. Fred Reid, N ¢, ¢. Mrs. L. C. May, Mrs. Chas. Phelps Z N *Z*":* NOTICE. .I, and Mrs.. Maud Matthews. H *:* Here is a feature upon which we **~ Aprons Dolmans Geo. E. Crawford of Bay City visit- o:. cannot urge you too strongly and ,~ Z at H. P. Deming's Saturday. The N g~ ¢* that is to buy your cottons, percales, at Capes Nentlemen were schoolmates and had N *:. ginghams, etc., within the next ten a~ enjoyable time talking" over child- *:* days or two weeks, as we are corn- ~b~ood days. Mr. Crawford represents N **** pelled to raise prices as cotton goods $1,29 and a woolen firm in the above city. ¢, This startling test is a positive fact ,~, have advanced so greatly that we are ! .Z l~rs. C. P. Miller and daughter, and you can readily prove ig yourself ¢* unable to buy this merchandise at the Suits H Irene, of Detroit, 'who have been right in your own home. **,. price we are selling it at now. N and Z spending some time at the Bluff with Valspar ~s tim remarkable hot N Mrs. C: D. Striffier, returned to Cass waterproof varnish~ghe varnish that Price City Sunday and will remain here for reqmres no oils or oolishes to keep it N $1.59 an extended visit with relatives. clean. Z N H Floyd Reid and family Visited Sun- Valspar is the washable, .sanitary, N BUNGAL( Every garment day at the home of Chas. Gilbert in easy-to-keep dean finish for alI wood- Wash Goods Offering Z work, indoors and out. Satisfaction N APRONS we have goes at Greenleaf. Mr. Reid has just finished We still have a large assortment of N moving his household goods into his guaranteed or no pay. N in three dig wash goods at the phenominal prices price during• Z lately acquired property on Woodland N styles, one bl ave., purchased of ]~ugene Hower. N. BIGELOW & SONS N $1.29, $1.75, $1.95 and $2.45. our July sale. Re- H Miss Lillian Jondro, sister of Mrs. down the t Jo B. 'Cootes and Wm. Jondro, and N one style ope member these are N ' HI g II [ - - Mr. Jondro's little son, Robt. Jondro, N the back, and all. this spring's N of Detroit are visiting here this week. N another t garments. Young R~)bert will be remembered as N N the remarkable, little lad receiving" opens only N first prize at the baby show at .the N way being N State Fair last year. N pecially desi N Mrs. C. Edgerton has been enter- N for hot wen N] taining her sister, Mrs. Armitage, of N Owendale, who has recently returned sizes from 36 . .... Z from a few weeks in Onaway. The la, N House @ dies visited Sunday at Oak Bluff hav- N ing made the trip from Cass CiW with Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Bixby, who N Muslin Underwear at Dresses N N also spent the day there. N Dr. Donald Mor~son of the Presby- N 25 per cent Off. at %erian Church left Tuesday to enjoy IN his vacation with a sister in , N Ladies' and children's muslin un- N Ont., and a brother and sister in To- derwear at ~ off regular prices during $1.59 N ronto, Ont., stopping en route a day N or two in Detroit. Dr. Morrison ex- N the July sale. A quantity of pects to occupy his pulpit here Aug. Ellington Pianos, 24 and says he may perhaps return in N house dresses N Several pieces of 36 inch Percale season to hold regular services on the Edison Muslin and Voile N 17th. N at 21c, in light colors only. go at $1.59 dur- Z Mr. and Mrs. John Holcomb and @ Dresses ~/4 Off. ing our daughter, Dorothy, attended the Phil- Phonographs N N lips family reunion held Wednesday Our entire stock 0f cotton wash JULY N at the home of Mr. Holcomb;s par- N Hats and Records, dresses consisting of voiles and lawns CLEARANCE N ents, Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Holcomb of N Our entire stock of children's hats ~g Shabbona. Seventy-fi~ve or eighty reduced 25 per cent during the July N during the sale at 25 per cent off SALE persons, all relatives, sat down to a Columbia .... Clearance Sale. N dinner which for variety and elegance regular price. Z beggars description. A fine entertain- ii i ii i i i i ...... i i i ii i . ' i IIHII IP i i r ii i n i .11 ment was provided ~during the after- Grafonolas N noon. Those present from other lo- N N calities were Chas. Phillips of Minne- N sota and Prof. and Mrs. Roy Phillips and Records. N ZEMKE BROTHEl(S, Gass City N] of Marlette. Prof. Phillips was for- N merly a Cass City boy and is now superintendent of schools in his home town. :T. L. TIBBALS CASN CITY CHRONICLE, CASS CITY MICHIGAN, JULY 25, 1919. J II '11 Ill rllrffm PAGE SlX. Born to Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Garbutt Lawrence Keegan' drives an~ Over-! Mr. and Mrs. Guy Watson are stop- July 15, a baby girl. Iand Car; l ping wfth friends in West Branch for George West and family motored to A. A. Jones spe~t Sunday at his/a few days. some here. I George Cridland and family visited Ice Cream lOe Bay Port Sunday, spending the day. Sunday fn Brown City at the home of Mr. arid Mrs. Edward Pinney and David Murphy is .the owner of a Lloyd Moyer. The kind we serve is the kind ~ou like, rich with cream family were visitors in Bay City Sun- sew MitcheI1 car. Walter Cooper of Detroi~ visited and the flavor ~ust right, served to you with the finest of day. Miss Irene Bardwell went ~o De.. last week with his parents, tV~r. and flavors and by courteous help who appreciate your trout Saturday to a-emafn a few days. Mrs. Harry Coo~er. patronage. I Frank Champion was in Deu:oit i a week a~ d~e gtteSt O~ 5Its. Catherine Norman Kitchen oi Detroit visited Mrs. Win. "~I...... U ~iI,~XU' ..... V (~ and S (]][i, De~,- ~" Tuesday. MeCue. relatives here from Saturday until bert, of Detroit are visiting at the Brick Ice Cream at All Times home of Thomas Murphy this week. Harold Lee of Owendate was in Mrs. B. E. Smith, who has been vis- Monday. The Cass City bunch, who have been 50c per quart Pints, 25c " town Sunday. iting friends here, left last week for Mr. and Mrs. L. HI Wood left her home in Detroit. Wednesday to spend the week-end camping at Bay Port, returned Sat- Our Sundaes and Sodas are 10c Mr. and Mrs. Byron Perry and Fir. with their son, Dr. M. L. Wood, of De- urday reporting the time of their Conant visited in Marlette Sunday.: Jas. Maharg, seven miles north, is lives. The law requires each indMdual to pay his own tax installing a pipeless furnace in his troit. Miss Lura DeWitt is assisting this Pleasant farm home. on individual d~shes served, but no tax is required on pints week in the office of the Ford garage. and quarts. Miss Harriett Trollope of Brox~ua Call us up about your cream order. We deliver, Clifton Champion, Audley' Kinnaird iCity was a guest at the George Crid- , and Robt. Agar were in Detroit Sun- land home last week. day. The families of C. R. Townsend and Heller's BaRery Mrs. Geo. C. Hooper left for Van- R. S. Proctor went to Caseville Mon- derbilt Saturday for a visit of a week day to remain for a time. ~. or two. Attention Farmers! q, Elmer Burean of Detroit visited ov- Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Atwell re- i er Sunday at the home of Mrs. Jesse turned Monday evening from a week's Fertilizer at Wholesale Prices for Fall Delivery. Withey. visit with Detroit relatives. H. T. Crandell and Andrew Champi- It Chas. Wilsey and family and M. B. en attended the ball game in Detroit tAuten spent Sunday at the I. B. Coal Coal Saturday. I Auten cottage at Caseville. Coal Lewis Smith from Detroit visited t Mrs. Win. Schmidt of Royal Oak These Fertilizers are the Old Reliable at the home of Alex Henry from Fri- /visited her son, Andrew Schmidt, and Buy now ! Should be the thing to do for every one fay until Sunday. ~family a day or two this week. i Mr. and Mrs. H.E. Webster and Homestead Brand using coal. There is a shortage now of fifty million tons. Master Ralph Perry of Novesta iS !amily of Elkton spent Sunday at the spending this week at the home of We cannot say too much to urge you to buy now. tome of Chas. Rogers. his grandparents, Geo. F. Darling. manufactured by the American Agricultural Chemical Miss Hazel Gable of Lennox came Thomas Auten and family and Miss ~unday and is visiting at the home of Adah Merritt motored to Sebewaing Co. of Detroit. Equal to the best and superior to some. mr father, Nicholas Gable. Sunday spending the day with rela- Phone me for prices before ordering elsewhere. I E. W. Jones and family left Sun- tives. lay for a visit with relatives in Glad- Mrs. David Houghton has greatly Flour ,in. They will return Friday. improved the appearance of' her resi- Earl Heller and F. A. Bliss launched dence on Houghton St., by a coat of Phone 108--3S 2L Robert Warner Buster Brown - Bim,ond.' - :heir new yacht this week, making a paint. ;rip from Casevilte to Bay Port. Mr. and Mrs. B. L. Middleton and All Kansas hard wheat flour, every sack guaranteed. The families of J. C. Corkins and daughter, Frances, and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hall accompanied by Miss Ha- Harold Benkelman visited Sunday in zel Mead spent Sunday at Caseville. Forester. $1.75 for :~/~ barrel Miss Adah Caldwell returned this Mrs. Wm. Ruhl accompanied her week from a two weeks' visit with mother, who has been her guest, for ;~ $3.5~ for ¼ barrel friends in Flint, Ann Arbor and Bay some time, to her home in Saginaw $7.0~ for ~ barrel City. last week. BUY THE BEST i Mrs. B. L. Middleton and daughter, The B. J. Dailey store has a fine Prances, are staying through the new electric fan just installed to aid week with Mrs. Lester Bailey at Oak in keeping customers in good spirits Bluff. these hot days. The E. W. Ross Silo Filler • ' 4~ ! "TheFarm Produce Co. Miss Alice Wagner left Friday for Fred BardwelI, having sold his a visit of a week or two with her sis- house and lot in town, expects to erect . Runs longest and wears best, sold by ! ters, the Misses Laura and Esther a bungalow on his farm west and Wagner, who are empIoyed in Detroit. south of town. Chas. Ewing, in company with Jo- Alfred C. Farrell left Saturday ~or Bad Axe W.N. Eaton ',, seph Morris of Ubly, is in Howell this ,St. Johns where he has accepted an week purchasing a car load of dairy office position with Sprague & Ward, cattle for distribution among conden- millers and grain merchants. g, sary patrons. 1 Master John Morris, young son of ~ The Right BanR Romain Gere of Clio arrived Tues- t Dr. F. L. Morris, returned last week day to visit for a few days his son from Owendale where he has been vis= -'~ One of the most important factors in your business and daughter, who are spending the iting at the home of John Rieker: success is having the right kind of Bank to deal with. summer with Mr. Gere's niece, Mrs. The Misses Laura and Esther Wag- Too much care cannot be exercised in selection. Lewis Maharg. ner, daughters of john Wagner, re- Roy Houghton and famiIy of De- turned to Detroit last week after a The all important consideration with this Bank is troit came Saturday to spend a few short visit here with their parents. first to safeguard the money of its depositors and to ~e days of vacation time v¢ith Mr. Thomas Leach of Elmwood has been Houghton's parents, Mr. and Mrs. a guest for a few days of his daugh- render them such business service as to increase their Abram Houghton. ter, Mrs. Fred Smith. Mr. Leach has prosperity and thus increase the value ol the account. q~ Mrs. Frank Diltman and mother, recently returned from a visit in Mrs. Grace Allen, left for Oxford last Saginaw. We extend every courtesy to borrowers consistent -~*eek where they attended the Alien Mfrs. wm. Drew of Detroit, sister with safety and will be glad to give you conscientious reunion which is an annual event in of Mrs. Richard Clark, and her little q~ the Allen family. granddaughter, Virginia, came Thurs- advice on any business problem. Mrs. Ogden AtweI1, who has been day to spend a few days with Mrs. g, visiting re°latives in St. Clair for some Clark. time, returned Thursday of last week, Dr. P. A. Schenck and family, Mrs. , bringing her little granddaughter, Do- Dora N. Fritz, Miss Catherine Fritz The E×change Bank lris Ayers~ with her. and Miss Etta Schenck were the The Best Machinery Investment of E. H. Pinney & Son g Thomas Leach of Etmwood and I g'uests of Mrs. Julia Anderson Sun- daughter, Mrs. Fred Smith, and fami- day at Oak Bluff. You Can Make Capital Surplus $50,000.00 Cass City, Mich. ly visited Sunday at the home of Er- Mr. and Mrs. Howard Lauderbach nest Van Conant at Decker. Mr. Van entertained Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Conant is a cousin of Mrs. Smith. Campbell and daughter, Grace, of Ca- Ask any user of the John under-fertilized or over-fer- Miss Ethel Carson of Flint mu'ived ro, Frank Case and Mrs. Margaret Deere Spreader, and he wilt tilized spots. Saturday to enjoy a day or two with MeEchrone of Coiling. tell you it is the best ma- Miss Myrtle Orr, who has been the Come in and see this ~ ~ U ~ ~ I old acquaintances here. She left Tuesday for a further visit in Ponti- past two weeks with relatives in To- chinery investment he ever spreader. We wm~t to ac and Detroit before returnifig to her ledo, having spent some time previ- made--not only because it show you why it will do home. ously at the summer normal school at saves hard work and valu- better work, why it will Iast Mrs. Horsey Young, who has been Ypsilanti, returned Monday. able time, but because it visiting relatives in Cass City and Ex-County Clerk and Mrs. Robert longer than others, why it make~ every forkful of other places in Michigan with her tBrown of Caro announce Lhe enga~'e- will cost less for repairs, ~little sons, Paul and Harold, left ment of their daughter, Mildred Lou- manure count for a bigger and why it is easier to load Monday for her home in Weldon, isa Brown, to Dr. Pearl E. Fleming crop yield, and operate. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL Colorado. t of Cass City. The marriage will take Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Wilsey, daugh- l place in the earIy autumn. Manure goes farther and Mounting the beater on ter, Miss Virginia, and Meredith Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Knapp and son, does more good when you the axle of the John Deere Auten motored to Detroit Wednesday t Clark, returned Monday evening from Oranges, Bananas, Lemons, Straw- to meet Miss Wilsey's ~friend, Miss their motor trip to Traverse City. use a John Deere Spreader. gives yo~ a combination of Mabelle Bricker, who will visit here They were accompanied by Mr. and You can spread manure advantages you can't get for a short time. berries, Cantdepes, Watermelons, I Mrs. Clark of Caro. Naaman Kam" of evenly, heavy or Iight~no in any other spreader, Mr. and Mrs. Pike of Fairgrove mo- I Kingston attended to Mr. Knapp's tored to town Sunday visiting at the business during his absence. Pineapples, etc. Tindale home. Mrs. R. Clark, moth- Rev. A. B. Leonard, D. D., Dist. Come in and ]~now the reasons why tt~ere are so er of Mrs. Tindale came with them Supt. Saginaw District of the M. E. many satisfied =sets o~ John Deere S~reader~. Cream, eggs, butter and produce i having spent the past three weeks at ehureh, is suffering a period of ill Caro and Fairgrove. health probably due to over work and is a patient at the Battle Creek We Have a Machine Set Up for Your Inspection bought every day in the week The young" folks of the neighbor- _ ------~ ~ _ .__ hood were entertained one day last Sanitarium, a fact greatly regretted at highest market prices i, week at the home of Miss Jennie by his °many friends in the Methodist Crawford, the occasion being her l church in Cass City. birthday. Fine refreshments were Mr. and Mrs. Alex A. Ewing have served and a jolly time reported. i moved here from Ubly and have pur- Striffler & Patterson HELLER'S Earl :Buchanan, former Cass City l chased Mrs. C. E. McCue's residence resident, arrived in town Monday and ]property on Seeger St. South. They will visit at the homes of A. J. Knapp /expect to occupy the residence August and other fr.iends for the week. Mr. 11. Mr. and Mrs. Ewing, before mov- Buchanan is connected with an insur- ~ing to Ubly, conducted a farm near ance and real estate firm in Battle Cumber where they are well and fa- ;~ Creek. vorably known. Mrs. Smyth of Ridlebank, Ont., ar- Mrs. Harry Hill was made happy by rived Saturday evening surprising a visit from her husband who has her relatives, Mrs. Hugh McBurney been stationed at Camp Whitley, i Bread[ Bread! and Mrs. Harry Cooper, and other England, and who landed in Halifax relatives who were not expecting her. about two weeks ago, making" Cuss SAFE, GENTLE REMEDY Mrs. Smyth will spend some time City Monday of last week. He Ieft here. Monday, the 21st, for Pontiac where BRINGS SURE RELIEF i Good bread is ouraim, i Mrs. Dunean Johnson of Ubly and he expects to secure employment af- For 200 y~rs GOL~ M~DAL Haarlem sules are the need. Take ter which his wife and little daughter Oil has enabled sulYering humanlty to three or four every d~. The healing We use nothing but salt, sugar Miss Jean Johnson of Detroit were withstRnd attacks of kidney, liver, oil ~oaks into the cells ~tnd lining of guests Monday at the home of A. D. will join him there. bladder and stomach troubles and all the kidneys and drives out the polio,.. ~. and lard in the making of our Mead. They were accompanied from Mrs. G. L. Moore and son, Garri- dlseas~ connected wlth the urinary New life and health wM Surely follow. organs and t~ build up and restore to When your n~al vigor has been re- | product. As the great bread Ubty by John MeEaehern, just re- son, R. D. Keating and Miss Caroline health organs weakened by disease. store~ continue treatment for a while turned from France, who called on Keating motored to Detroit Saturday, These most important organs must be to keep yourself ~n condition and pro- expert Paul Richards says, it is not the looks but the watched, because they filter ~nd purify vent a return of the disease. friends here. Mrs. 1V[oore to meet her brother, John the blood; unless theg do their work Don't wait until you are Pncap'abte of quality that people eat. Ask your dealer for The Misses Hester Oatheart and MePhail, recently arrived from France you are doomed. flgl~ting. S~art taking GOL~ MEDAL and her husband, and Mr. and Miss Weariness, sleepl~.~ee~, nervousn~s, BCaariem Oil Oal~ule~ today. Your dr~g- SUN BONNET BREAD. Florence and Eleanor Bigelow accom- d~pondemebr, backache, stomach trou- gist will eheerfull~r refund your monet panied by Mrs. S. F, Bigeiow as chap- Keating surprising their sister, Mrs. ble, l~ains in the ~oinm ~d lower a~ if you are not salisfled with r~u!t~ Geo. Bond, and brother, H. F. Keat- doa~le~, gr~vel, d~fflculty when nrlnat7 But be ~ure to get the original Imp~- i All baked goods fresh every day. erone are spending a week at Oak Imp, rheumati~n, ~atle~ ~nd lum~go ed (~rOLD ~MIDD~AL and accept no s~- Bluff. Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Catheart ing, at their homes in the city by a ~1 w~rn you of trouble with your kid- stitut~ In ~ltree s~. Scaled pack- HELLER' BAKERY and Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Bigelow visit- short stay with each. The party re- ~ I]OIAD MEDAL ~arlem Oil Ca~- ages. At &11 druf stores. turned home Sunday evening. "°~.`~`~`~"~"~°~'.~.~.~.~:~"~"~È"'*~`'~`'*~`~.`'È'-'*`~È~y~ i'rM~**.~'~" ''''*'~'~'*''*" ed them Sunflay. CASS CITY CHRONICLE, CASS CITY, MICHIGAN, JULY 25, 1919. PAGE SEVEN~

CENTRAI GREENLEAF. large islands in it and some of only [and left to do a little school work be- l LErI~ERS FROM PEOPLE 1 ~N acre. They are covered with spruce,/ore his appointment in the U. S. A. I YOU KNOW. i birch and pine to the vtater and some IShipping Corporation, Super Cargo Haying is almost over. [are 4 to 500 ft. high, and rocky,all of land we just received .a letter stating CASS CITY Sidney Davis is still quite ill. t them. passed 98 in his exam and is going From Jacob C. Anthes. , l'he I. WAIDLEY, MICH. [ I am staying with the Hudson Bay on an ocean liner for Montreal and Nat Skinner is employed at Norman House Post No. 1, Lake Nepiton, McLeod's. July 1--July 8 l man here. He has an Indian wife and then to Liverpool as'inspector at $2,- Thee MeCaslin i.~ il! nt-. t:ho home of Dear Friends: [eight kids. They have some big times ll00 and all expenses. An interesting Exclusive. Dealer Jn Vegtro|a to ~e~~, wh~c~ wi!~ ~t o~ my i~ee. I i coincidence happened when he went AndrEw Sector, at. e T far in the woods that I have not seen have taken some fine pictures which I to the boat. The captain's name is August 7 the Baptist Ladies' Aid will bring home. This is a great fish Duncanson and without a doubt a cou- ** Phonographs and Chevrolet meets with Mrs. Jesse Souden. a white woman in five days, and there are none less than 40 miles. I am at country. I eat them every meal and sin from Canada. Chas. MeCaslin and Albert Seeger Congratulations to those high school the oldest Hudson. Bay Post in the they are fine White fish and lake and NaxwelJ Automobiles. made a trip to Caseville Sunday. whole district here. This Post was put trout from three to ten pounds. We teams in all their great work. It James Voight visited his sister, here in 16'73 and has done business ev- give the dogs all they can eat and pleases no one more than the Duncan- . I Nits. Barney DolvAck, in Elrnwood er since. It is in the northwest part of have some over every day. Some of son boys. At the same time, why Sunday. Lake Nepiton and is 65 miles from the people never saw a horse here-- didn't they u~e a little judg'ment at Ca- Mrs. Richard Hartwick visited her the railroad station. Lake Nepiton is all dog teams and boa;s. I have ridden ro when the poor county seaters had sister, Mrs. G. Hartwick, at Cass City one of the prettiest lakes in the world. a birch bark canoe and they say I did their mouths all puckered up for the Saturday. It has 12,000 islands in it. When you fine. It belongs to Walnut, a full- base ball cup? Come ~o think about a,'e in the middle of it you can see bIooded Indian, who works here some it, that is the way Cass Ci@'s judg- Mr. and Mrs. George Seeger and ~ ...... ,-: .... ~'ut no main land it times On the 30th of June there ment ahvays ran. .children, Donald and Rhea, spent ~a~u ever~ w,,e~, , • • ' " Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Luther Sou- Its 6'0x80 miles in size, and has s omel were three squaws and five kids earae All the other Duncansons are well 1 tin three birch canoes trade. and send their best to inquiring den. to They ..... stayed all night, going' back next day. friends. They will remain in Ann t Noxious Weeds Notice. I left Port MeI)armid Saturday and Arbor at 511 Cheerer Court where This Generatiom's Duty. To owners, possessors or occupiers hod• droner" on Bear e r Island . It" ~s" Cass City friends are welcome. The The breath is the life, and we cannot of lands or any person or persons, 'where the Indians used to dry and best to your family. know too much about breathing. If the firm or corporation having charge of tan beaver skins. Then we came to Yours sincerely, ~ple of this generation will learn how any lands in the township of Elkland: Grand Island and stayed all night as SANDY DUNCANSON. ¢O ~upply their lungs with pure oxygen Notice is hereby given that all nox- it was rough at ~ea, and we were ious weeds 'growing on any land in trailing a canoe behind our motor and leave their bodies free from com- the township of Elkland, county of ELKLAND-ELMWOOD pression over the solar plexus life in boat. The next morning we came to Tuscola, within the limits of any TOWN LINE. the next generation will be prolonged highway passing by or through such camp where I have been since. I will ~ny years and disease will be lessen- lands, must be cut down and de- stay for a week. ed to a great degree. stroyed on or before the 5th day of When I left Cass City, we went to J. F. Evans and Henry Anker each July, 1919, and so often thereafter as itarbor Beach--no boat 'till Tuesday, lost a horse last week. Hot Weather will prevent same from going to seed. so we drove to Bay City. I stayed all P. Livingston went Saturday to Mr. Failure to comply with this notice night, left Bay City 1:00 o'clock on Clemens for treatments. Rosily Hit. on or before the date mentioned or Michigan Central for Mackinaw City, Mr. and Mrs. Gee. Purdy visited at "Why do people say, 'As dead as a within ten days thereafter shall make got there at 6:00 o'clock; had supper d~or nail?'" asked the boob. "Why the parties so failing liable for the the home of Roy Lafave Sunday. Helps and stayed all night. In the morning is a door nail any deader than a cost of cutting down same and an ad- Mr. and Mrs. E. S. Simmons of ditional levy of ten per centum of we took the freighter, St. Agnes. On ~oor? .... Because it has been hit on the boat I met the Livingston girl Gagetown visited at E. A. Living-ston ~he head, I suppose," replied ~he such cost, to be levied and collected home Sunday. against the property in the same man- who was married on Monday. They cheerf,ul idler---Cincinnati Enquirer. ner as other taxes are levied and col- were going to Duluth, then to the Mr. and Mrs. W. Watters of tmlay lected. coast. I went to the See and stayed City spent Saturday and Sunday at Advertise it in the Chronicle. Dated, June 23, 1919. ~A day, then on the' Manitoba to Port the T. Lounsbury home. A. E. BOULTON, Arthur, stayed there all night, wene Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Hutchinson and Com'r of Highways, Elkland Twp., County of Tuscola. to Fort William to see the town and Mrs. K. Meddeaugh of" Care visited at 7-11-3 watch the girls play ball. Port Ar- Win. Simmons' Sunday. Direc 0rT. thur won the game. It rained and fin- Wilfred Burse has gone west to ished the game. Then I took the train Notice of Hearing Claims Before work through harvest He was in J. T. REDWINE, ~I. D. to Port MeDarmid, stayed Friday and Omaha, Nebraka, when last heard Ceurt.--State of Michigan, The Pro- left Saturday for here. You better Physician and Surgeon bate Court for the County of Tuscola. from. In the matter of the estate of answer this at once as no telling when Mr. and Mrs. C. Bingham and fam- Phone 78. Edwin Erie, Deceased. I will move again. I do not know ily and Mr. and Mrs. B. Moon spent when I will post this. It will be four Notice is hereby given that four the latter part of the week in Lake F. L. MORRIS, M. D. months from the 20th day of June A. or five days before I get a chance to Orion and Oxford. D. 1919, have been allowed for credi- send it out to town. Phone 62. I have a motor canoe here and can Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Livingston at- tors to present their claims against tended the Lewiston reunion at Rose said deceased to said court for ex- go fishing" every day. I sure get all SHELDON B. YOUNG, M. D. amination and adjustment, and that the fish I care for. They got 20 tons Island Wednesday. Twenty-five were Cass City, 35ich. aIl creditors of said deceased are re- of fish at Port MeDarmid one day. t present, all old residents of Lewiston. required to present their claims to Mr. and Mrs. D. Auten and family, Telephone--No. 80. started to write on July 1, now it. is said court, at the probate offic'e, in July 8 and I am still in the woods and Mr. and Mrs. ]~ed Seeley and family the VilIage of Care in said county, on will go out tomorrow if it clears up, and Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Auten of Cass I. D. McCOY, M. D. lore, before the 20th day of October A. as the weather is bad now and I do City spent Sunday in Sebewaing and I D. 1919, and that said claims will be l~ose Island. Office in Pleasant Kome Hospital. heard by said court on Monday the not know if I can get away or not. I New Perfection oil steve $5.25 up Phone, O~ee 96--2R; Residence 96--3R I20th day of October A. D. 1919, at have been out foi: a few hikes and I ten o'clock in the forenoon. saw two moose and have caught some -- ~ Dated June 20, A. D. 1919. fish. I had my picture taken holding SUNSHINE. C. G. WOODHULL, 3I. D., O. D. HILL, my first 25-1b. trout on the 6th. He Qucki Meal Oil Steve...... i $21,00 up Decker, Mich. (Copy). 7-11-3 Judge of Probate. Cordelia Cross is still very sick. was a dandy. Mrs. Helen Morse is helping to care Recently returned. Chief of Sur- t have been to see the chief of the for her. Ovens $4,50 up gery. 15 months U. S. A. Base Hosp., tribe here and to see their camp. They Foreclosure Sale. and Mrs. H. Pardo spent Morrison, Va. have left their old camp on Jackfish Mr. T. Default had:lag been made in the two days near Bently, Bay county, Island and gone to the Sandy river to Nectric Irons $6.50 payment of money due on and se- picking huckleberries. PEARL E. FLEMING cured by a certain mortgage, dated live. They have better fishing and Veterinary Surge6n the26th day of June, A. D. 1912, made farming there. They are not much to Mr. and Mrs. Austin Hobert and and executed by Charles Jaus, a sin- work and ~he women do all the hard daughter of Detroit spent the week- Electric Fans $25°00 up Office at the John Holcomb resi- gle man, to Solomon Striffier, and re- end visi.ting relatives here. dence, one block south of Chronicle work. It is raining hard now and corded in the Register of Deed's of- about 50 tern., so it is cold enough. If Mrs. Ray Willson is home from Bad Bldg., Cass City. Phone 128---2R. fire for Tuscola County, Michigan, on you go in the woods the flies and oth- Axe hospital where she went for an Wicks for Perfection, Quick Meal, the 30th day of July, A. D. 1912, in operation. She is getting along nice- P. A. Schenck, D. D. S., Liber 132 of mortgages, on page 188, er things eat you up, unless you put Revenoc Oil Stoves. some dope on your face. I fixed up a ly. DentiSt. upon which mortgage there is claimed to be due at the date of this notice the dandy spring, ice cold. It came out at I Graduateof the University of Michi. sum of seventy-nine dollars and fifty the lake bank under jutt of rock and Venetian Gondola~. llgan. Office in Sheridan Nldgo, Caa~ cents. Now therefore notice is hereby I fixed it so it runs between two reeks It was not until the end af llte sew City, Mich. given that said mortgage will be fore- and drops two feet so you can put a enteenth cm~tm'y ~h:~t the Venetian closed by a sale of the mortgaged pail under it and get it full. Every No Bige ow & Sons DENTISTRY. premises at Public vendue, to the gondola assumed its present simplic- one here drinks out of the take, and it I. A. Fritz, Resident Dentiat. highest bidder, at the front door of ity and somberness of color. A vain is gbod water at that. I have been in attempt has broil made to introduce Office over Cass City Drug company. the Court House, in the vilta~e of Ca- re, Tuscola County, Michigan, at one swimming twice. It is pretty cold, it in other eoun!ries, but it has ap- We solicit your patronage when i~ o'clock in the afternoon on the 25th but got to do it. You know there is a parently resisted all efforts at ac- meed of dental work. day of August, A. D. 1919. The said rock here that runs straight up from climatization. mortgaged premises are described in the water and it is 250 ~reet to the top A. J. Knapp, Funeral Director said mortgage substantially as foI- and the water is over 200 feec deep Advertise it in the Chronicle. Read the Store News the Chronicle gmt Licensed Embalmer. Mrs. KnapIa, lows, to-wit: Lot three of block two six feet away from it. I anchored my Lady Assistant with License. Night. of Ale's Addition to the Village of ~md day calls receive prompt atten. Cass City, Tuscola County, Michigan, canoe in the middle of it and climbed ~5on. City Phone. and said mortgage premmes will be up almost all the way but could not o .... 0 sold as aforesaid to satisfy the make the last 50 ft., a~ ii was straight amount due on said mortgage at the up and no hand holds. I will get the sale and the costs of foreclosure. pmture of it yet. Dated May 29th A. D. 1919. For Tractor L r eat on DELCO-LIGHT I am going to Orient Bay the 9th ~e complete Electric Light ~ad Solomon Striffier, and come back with a load of Hudson Power Plant Mortgagee. Bay stuff, then go again as soon as I J. D. Brooker, Built, in a big, modern factory, can. I think I will work here for the Attorney for Mortgagee. nonth of Juty, as I do not have to for long, dependable, effieien~ Business Address, Cass City, Mich. service. 5-30-13 do much and my wrist is weak. I HeavV Pafae$ e Oil can't handle fish boxes yet. I don't get much but it is all clear gain, as i O00"d --~.00000000000000000000 spend nothing. No place to spend it, only at the store and I get what they NtanaSind Traetoe Oil have free. He gave me a nice pair _ __ __ ~ -- _ ,, . __ 320 Acre Farm of moccasins, Indian made, and I sure will bring them home. A. MUEELERWEISS, Sebewaing, .Mich. As ever, _ .- ~ ~-- - ~ . ~_.. For Sale JACOB C. ANTHES, ffxtra Heayv Palatine Oil Port McDarmid, Orient Bay, Located 1 mile east, 2 miles north and clo A. McEwen, Ont., Canada. ~/~ mile east of C~ss City. 240 acres Extra Heav-y Polarine Oil or Heavy From Alex J. Duncans~n. Stano!ind Tractor Oil has in sec. 14, Elkland, is in high state of Polafine Oil is recommended. MODELS OF PERFECTIGR. The Chronicle is in receipt of the been found, through severe cultivation, no rocks, no swamp holes, ',following letter from A. J. Duncan- and thorough tests, to be the Any Standard Oil representative ~i PERFECTLYgood drainage, well fenced, 2 good 'son, principal of the Alpena high wilt be glad to show you the chart SIMPLE wells, windmill, good apple orchard t school: best lubricant for more than You will find enclosed $1.00 from of Tractor lubrication, prepared and small fruit, 150 acres seeded to my mother for the Chronicle as An- one-half of the tractors made. by our Engineering Staff. It in- PERFECT. clover and timothy, 3 dwe!lin%s, none gus wants every copy saved until he dicates specifically "which of these 1 gets up. You may not have heard that This oil is one of great durability. Ivory good; new 150-t3n silo; barn 56x three oils the Standard Oil En- Needles, Oil, Belts and all -kinds of Sewing Angus had the typhoid and very near It stands the high temperature Machine supplies, I{epairing a specialty, a. 180, full basement with water inside "went west" as the British Tommy gineers have found will give the says. He got it at the River Rouge developed in a tractor engine with- C. D. STRIFFLER, CANS CITY f or stock; corn crib; hen house. 80 best results in your particular ship yard througl~ bad water. My ad- out change in body. tractor. iacresi in sec. 11, Elkland, is pasture vice is for the country boy to cemain in the clean small town or on the farm iwi~t~ flowi~g" ~pri,z~ ~evor f~i!b)g~ a.nd It has the correct body to thorough- We have just punished a 100-page 1 where friends are willing and true l has timber for fuel for a number af and the air fresh, and the water pure. ly lubricate the remotest frictional book "Tractors and Tractor Lubri- years. I will sell t ,.is good 320 acres Angus is sitting up today at the St. surfaces, eliminating scored cylin- cation," prepared by our engineer- Joseph Sanatarium and will be at the low price of $14,700 if taken by ders and undue wear. ing staff, which you will find a around soon. valuable reference book, and we Sept. 1. This price includes $250 I am on my way to Columbia Uni- versify and would like to have my Where mechanical conditions or believe it will save you many days worth of material on ground for a Chronicle sent to General Delivery, design make it desirable to use a of tractor idleness wi'th the result- new house. Witl take good 40-acre or Columbia University, . slightly heavier, or slighfly lighter, I heard Leslie Koepfgen was going. I ant money loss. It's free to you 60-acre farm near town in exchange hope I see him there. I also thought oil than Stanolind Tractor Oil, for the asking. Address deal. For further partieut-rs see t would see Dan and we might hold a reunion, as I have not seen either in Wm. H. Lapeer over three years. Dan was here in • Stand d Oil Company, 910 .Michigan Ave.,Cbicago, llL Ann Arbor weeks ago, but left two 1751 (I.~l~,,~)..... e~ the premises. before I came. Of course, you likely L. I. WOOD & CO. oooooocooooooooooooooooooo know he is CaPtain in the Infantry, 2


• .


::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::.Ii 55 pairs La&es' Oxfords and Pumps OFF SAI : i!! iil Nen~s Harvester I i{ Sizes 2 to 4~ {i On all Hen s and Young Men's Sum- i{i {~!{~ m July Bargains at $1 rts " !{i { $1 00 A PAIR iil mer Suits including the newest!ll ..:,..:,.`.,',::.``: :::::`:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::.:`: ::`: :::::.:::::::::: ::.:::.::.: ::.: : : :,.::```````````````:. " ili waist seam models for young men or plain comer-{i{ i!!"" The remainder'...... of our "''"""""""':':'ii!~

~~:;:.:;.%.v...... ;...; ...... • .... v.v...... • ,;%.;%,...'. v,%.~..':::.':*.:~ v...%-.v.','."• v...v.%'. • • ", %**v...v.v •,...... :: :$: ..`...... ~.:~.~.....`....~.%:.`...... `...... `....~.~.~:.:.:``....``...... `..`....`...... ~.~.`.~.:.:+:.:.:+:.:.:~+:.:.:~:~:*:~:~:, :::: i{~vativesf°rthe older. : ;i!i iill Men's Oxfords go at ~/3 OFF ili i!l All La&es' Oxfords Reduced iii ..`.:...::.:::.`..,:..:..`.::::.```:...`.:::..::.``::::::::.:::.:::::.::::::::::::::::::::.:::::::`::::::::::::::::.::::::::::::::::::::::.:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::`::.:::

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{{ Pumps in july Bargains . { ~'-~e~%%v~%%%~.%v~.%~.%%%v.v~ve~..~e~:.%v.~v~%%T; .. "~ " i}i Khaki Handkerchiefs, ~g=,~- ~ac, 8c iiii {{i 2096 OFF }i i{:':: B;ys' ~i~'"G'"O'' ~i" 2"0"g "O~':::i !ii whiletheylast , iil :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ~{{ DufingJulyBargaias , {{{{ ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: iii:: ~ :F :° ' " ' 1 C ~i! ======ii:::: Men s Seamless Work Socks ii{i il La&es Hosier ~ iiii 25c g~ade ii!i 35c values . • - . . J iii ~:~:~-::::::La&es . , White. Mushn, . Cam~-. ACt ::.-::~ ~ii::~:~: a: PAIR~,~ ~ OR $1.00 ~ `...... `...... %....`v`.....`.`...... `.`v..`:...:~:.:::.~%..`..:.:.~.:.~.~.:.:.:~:~:.:~:~:.:.:.:.:.~.:.:.~.~.:.~.~.~.~.~.:.~.~.:.:.~.~.~.~.:.~.~.:.:.~.~.:::::ilg soles, 75c values go at . . . . ~VC i!ii!i ~:::::~,e. ~ "~" ,?*%',":.::~;*::~a:,O:;:.:.:-:..%v.%°... ,-%'-*-%-%'-.*-"%%~.~°?.'*?--%%-%%'* •.%%...;.;.;, °.%~, .%%%',*.%%?o'-*%*~o%%':*%'°%%:%%n%%"%"%%;"""""%"%%" .*...n..%'.-;*;'~%%'.%'.':.%'.%'.'.%'.'.'.'. '.%'.*.'.'.v...:%....%..%v, "" ' ~:: .:.:.:+:.:.:..,:.n%-.-.-,-.,.n:..*.*.*.-. v.,.- e:.v~.Y...... %...... :.%....%.,,.%...... , ......

i!Ladies' Fitted Vests 49c ..., ::: : :::, ...... Neo,s ...... ".re,, ..... Sizes 42 to 50, 75c values i! La&es Hushn Combma- $1 48 ~ :::::::::: ~ii ...... `..:....~...... ``.`%....``~...... `.`%`....`...... `..%...... ``...`...°.:.`...... i~!tion Suits in July Bargains .... , i~ii

• "...... ;::::-'::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: !i{! ~ , -. i:i:

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D • ~ . • • [~!: 1{i 75cand90cvalues .... U~J'%., iili !i{ Ladies' Wh}te Mercerized Under-ii{ ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: $:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::~::.:.~.:.:.:.:.:`:+:.>:.:.:.:`~.~.:.:`~.:.:.:.~.:.~.:.:+:.:.:.~`:.:.:`~+:.>:.:.:.:`:.:.:.:.:.:.:.: ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::{i skirts at $1.89 iii il Infants' Hard S oieaghoes$:lpairi~{ if! La&es $2 Silk Hose $1 ~ ~ !i!! .=~m=:::::::==::::.=.=::::::.=:==.`,===:..==,=~=::`=:=::==:'=`====:.==:::=.`:.=:=`==:==:===.=:::==:::=:::==:==,=====`=::::::=.====::::::::::::==:::::::::::::::::::::::.=:.=::::::m===iii We ~e,t~y ~ec~rea~o~ ~m~k~b~ b~,'~i,~ i!ii :i:i . , • :i:~ !i!i in Hard Soled Shoes. These go in our July Bargains iili :::::::::::::::::::::.:...... :i~ in July:.::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::....:.:.`.,....:.,...... :`'....:.'.::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: Bargain~ . . . . .1_,.~o======...-.:,,..~i lil i::ii , Children s Hats, your chome, 50c i{ii ii!i at $1 a pair. Sizes, 1 to 5. ::ii; :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: i~!~ . ~ ".'`%*.``...*.`%`.%%%%..%%%%%%..%%%`.%`.%...%..~`'*'-``~'.`:°```.`.:°....%%.°%%%%%%~.~%`~....~..~g.*:.....%~..~%`.~..e°..%..*~`..%.`..%'.~..:....`%``%.~ i~ii La d''~es Breakfast Gowns $1 GQ iiil:":: lii YEN ~5; STUAWS Off iil iill fill I! T r immed in Dainty Pink and Blue " .IL ® ~_.YL.~ ti! .:.:~!. SEE iiii iili MEN'S WORK SHOES

;,%":::.>.'.:`.:`'.:,'.:'.:`.:::.:::'.:.:::::::::.:::::::::::::.::~:::::~::::~::~::::::::::`.:~:~:`.:.:~:::~:::::.:`.:.:`::~:::`.:`.:::::.:.::::~ .:.::i:::: $2,89 $3.29 $3.60 $4.00 ..~ ' i!!i :::: ii!! {{ Ladies' Aprons ~8C ii:!:::: !! $5.00 $6.00 ii::i::~ ::~i While they last ...... i::ii :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: $ R ~ ...... "...... ~ ~ Nen's Summer 2-pc Underwear .:.!i iii All Middies Reduced i~.}i ~ ::iii ~:~:~ All House Dresses Reduced iiii.... ¢~y ~ OFF iiiii~! ~"-:.:%%:%-.:+:.:.:.:%%:%*.:,:.:.:+:.:%%:+:+:.:.:.:+:+-,:+:,:.: ...... ;~.:.:.:%%:%%.%:%~%%:.:o:.:.:.e.:.:.:.:.:..%:.:.:,:%..: ...... :+:+:.:+:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:+:.:.:..-+:+:.:,.,.y.:::: " ~~-~ ~:..:.'...:.:::.....::::::::::::::::::::::::::.....:.`.:::::::::::::::::::::.:.::..:.::...::::..::.;....::.::.::..:.`:'....i:':.:.....::.:...;:..:...~.:.'`.:::::::::::::::::::::::~

His Occupation. Important (.>.,.~eetiom I COME ON, SIGN UP t *~" : " O ingenious Excuse. A lithe boy of five was traveling Reversing the ComplimenL YE GRADS OF C. C. H. S. t [ CHURCH NOTES. ] My father saw little Ruth through Returning from school one day, Earl announced that his teacher was going south with hi~ fmvent,-; ~o visit nn A cashier of somewhat portly buiit1 the window. She was eating a green to leave and that the class wouhi not aunt whOBl he hp,(] n(w(?Y ,~.eell. t-~ie was frowning over s st'~tement'of ac-- apple. He called her into the house{ "We've had several responses from[ Christian Science~services are held came have a new teacher. His motl~er In- was very el~riou,~ ;~bout {hi~ relative counts just placed before bhn by h~ graduates of the Cass Ctty h~gh ~er . , , [e" y Sunday morning at 11:00. The andshylyShe,intoknowingthe room,htsFatherPUrp°Se'questioned Ii quired what had happene.d to his teach- and asked hig fl~ther qn¢~ mother end- pretty typist; "As a young lady," he schoo! who are interes~ea in .an ammni .subject for Sunday July 27, "Truth." er. and he replied : "Why, she is go- less questions concerning: her. As said, "I a~mire your type, but I can'~ her about eating the green apple for i ~.... assoclatmn and banquet," said a mere- l Churek of Christ Harr G Kel • ~ ' ~ing to get marl' e:l.. :His mother the journey (trew to its el,me the lit- honestly say I admire your typing2" her of the Class of 1914 to the Chrc.n- • -- • Y " " _ ]logs of Card will preach m the Church she had often been forbidden to eat l asked who she was going lo marry. tle fellow was amaze,! to see many "How funny!" she replied smartly, • " " I - lcle recently, but we want to hear ,at Ch,-i.~t in ~avo~t~ f.nxvn.~hlr, R~r~ them. Looking up with a smile sh~ "I don't know." he replied, "but he negroes at every station. Suddenly "We are so different, for, though yo~t from many more of them. Kindly run a7~,,~'::,~,:-,,~'_~':;'=[~-^,:1"~,1: .... ~]~7:.'~ said: "Why, I only ate the r~pe half," keeps a toothache ofii(:e down the a look of consternatian dawned on his are of course splendid ,~t figures, ae that coupon in the paper again" and. tell [ co~.~i~'".a y mvl~ea."'s .?-y,s ...... ~Chieago American. street." face and ~urning to his moll~er he cried one could say y~n h~ve a splendt@ those eligible to membership ~n the[ in a voice of slTarm: "Mamma, man'> figure." alumni association to sign up and for- l Greenleaf ' Presbyterian- ~ Paul J • Allured, Minister. Service o's Sunday, "A Little Learning." Antique Furniture. ms, what color is Aunt ffenT'~St~ ward the coupon to N. J. MeGillvray, Louis Globe-Democrat. Cass City." July 27, at 3:00 p. m. Subject, "Ev- The following are some of the an- Those who possess pieces of an. Uncove~.d Fine Sapphires. So here is the coupon. Come across, ery Man a Steward Appointed by swers recently given in a school exam- tique furniture should devote personal Deep Oivin~. In 1882 thez?e occurred in 'me Sinda Mr. Graduate, and state your senti- God." This is the first of a series of ination on "general knowledge :" attention to them, and especially to The greatest depth ever reached b~ pass of ~he Himalayas a great land- ments. three sermons on stewardship. "Gravitation is when an apple falls on any of old oak. which should be kept a diver is said to be 204 feet. The sIide, which nncovered a wonderf~ Evangelical--Sunday school at ten the floor." "Benjamin Franklin in- in condition hy periodical rnbbing~ greatest depth at which n sefut work sapphire b,artng dcposiL From tho Which banquet date do you pre- o'clock; morning service at 11:00 a. vented lightning." "The place where with flannel dipped in a mixture o1 has been do~ae is 182 feet. Sponge and latter have s~n(.'e been obtained many m. The Rev. C. A. Sanders of Owen- they keep vll kinds of wild animals is beeswax, oil and spirits of turpentine, pearl divers, working without armor, of the finest existing sapphires. Asido fer ? ...... dale will occupy the pulpit. The called a theological garden." "One White painted French furniture is frequently descend to depths of about from this deposit the most importan~ Young People's Alliance meets at of the most important inventions of t~ra~f ~.laon~d wi•fh n~:,,v~f[in. 150 feet. source of fine gem stones of the kin4 Are you in favor of a permanent 6:30. The topic is, "How Do Men Con- modern times is the NOrth ~ole." is~a district in Ceylon. organization ? ...... fess Christ, and How Deny Him?". Overworked Word. The leader is Miss Mac Benkelman. Daily Thought, Odd Foods. It has been estimated by a reliable Music and Appetite. iUnion smwice in the evening at 7:30. Tomorrow is a satire on today, and Remarks ...... Lizards and alligators are the latest statistician timt if the printed letters Many great musical composers had ~ Prayer meeting on Thursday evening ~&ows its weakness. Young. propositions in the way of food part- forming the word "co-operation" were exceptionally large appetites. W~a at 7:30. ety. They do not seem very alluring] clipped from the magazines, all the Handel dined alone at a restauran~ Name ...... to the United States appetites, yet Iiz- [ times that they occur timrein d,~ring And Make }t Personal. I he ordered a meal for three. Hayd~o i DaBy Thought. ards have been extremely popular in [ any six months of the year, and placed If a ricI~ man tells you that th~lYet more voracious, delighted, in d~a~ Address ...... greatest happiness is found in povert5 ] ing alone, and was known to consuma, I Dreaming of a tomorrow, which t~ the Bahama islands, and Fi0rida sill- I end to end, they would reach three a meal tha~ would have satr.fied five Class ,. • morrow wiI1 be as distant tl~en h~ t~- gators have a reputation of being quite i times the distance from the earth to remind him of what David said in hi; I " ..... ~ ba~e. . ! er(linsry s~et~e,~. fla~.v.~Tome B~rm~llio~, delicious, i the moon. '~
