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CA S S C X y' CHRONICL, E '~ ~ !!. "~ e:~. 15, No. t Xl~2~O j BAD AXE DRUGGIST ~IvEN August 8th is the day appointed by I i the Oak Bluff ,.~gre~,&mn"~ o.o : for a grand i Axe druggist died suddenly Saturday pou 4 A J LT all-day" bee for the pu--pose of clean- OUR TATE t noon of heart disease. Mr. Lane was ing" away the drift wood and other .... conversing- with two customers in his accumulations d~st up during the past ~ ..... store a~CI seemed in his usual health, I~HREAT TO SEND SOME OF years by the waves along the beach :CON. CRAMTON SPOKE DURING SUMMARY OF NEW• LAW, WHICH as they left him he atten-tpted to get THEM TO JAIL IF THEY which fronts alor, g the shore before CONSIDERATION OF NATION- BECOMES OPERATIVE AUG. up from his chair and fell forward, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Auslander of DON'T OBEY ORDERS. the cottaffes. This is the one thing AL PROHIBITION. 14, 1919. striking his head on the show case and Shabbona experienced an unusuat that is now needed to make Oak Bluff falling to the floor, where he died al- commingling of joy and sorrow Satur- a fine resort. ~ most instantly. day when they welcomed home from Physical Connections Required be- The arrangements for the day in- Bolshevism Does Not Make Same Application Must Be Approved He was 65 years of age and had a foreign shore but one of the two elude a great picnic dinner te be pro- been in the drug" business here for 20 sons whom they offered to their coun- by Sheriff, His Deputy, or tween Valley Home and Michi- reded by the ladies as well as a muM- Headway Where Liquor IS years, coming to Bad Axe from Har- try on the 26th of May, 1918, the boys tan State at Vassar. cal and literary progr~n:. AbMished. Chief of Police, bor Beach. Besides his wife, he leaves being, called to Camp Custer on that one son, Dr. W. D. Lane, of Port. Aus- date, transferred to Camp Mills, New tin. York, July 12, sent on to England, 1. On and after August 14, 1919, "It is about time that the people' LOCAL WHEAT PRgES C0ngressm~n Cramton made a con- and somewhere between the 1st and wh~ are paying for telephone service vincing answer in Congress the other every person operating a motor ve- 15th of August leaving for Russia as had their inning and un:ess the orders day to the charge of Samuel Gompers hicle upon the pubhc highways of this members of the 339th Infantry. The oft he commission are observed it will BASED ON SEA.BOARD that Michigan is turning to Bolshe- state is required to secure from the "BUi}DY" BUBT CBEATES brothers were separated durng the be necessary to send some one to vism on account of prohibition. He Secretary of State an Operator's li- many skirmishes and battles in which jail." presented statistics showing that only cense. SENSATIONAT OAK BLUFF they participated through all the This remark, dropped by Commis- Government Quotation at Terminal two out of 25 Michigan cities of over 2. Fee is fifty cents which must ac- gloomy days in which they and others company application~ postage stamps of America's noblest sons fought in sioner William W. Potted.r, of the pub- Buying Point Determines Figure 10,000 population Voted "wet" on the Resorters Are Now Asking Young lic utilities commission at a hearing wine and beer amendment. He showed will not be accepted. benighted Russia. On April 2 Floyd h~Id relative to physical connections in Michigan. that the laboring people of the state 3. Application must be subscribed Man to Go to Bed When He Auslander met his fate on a Russian between the Valley Home Telephone approved of prohibition after seeing' and sworn to before an officer autho- Slumbers. battlefield. After the sad news of his company, the Michigzm State Told- it in force for a full year, and sug- rized to administer oaths. death reached his parents, they were phone company and the Moore Told- In response to a great deal of in- gested that the investigator from 4. Application must be presented then Called upon to endure a period of phone company fell like a bomb quEry from farmers and grain dealers whom Mr. Gompers got his informs- for approval, if the applicantbe a res- "Buddy" Burt innocently created a extreme suspense as no message among the representatives of the told- regarding technical points of hand- tion was an amateur. ident of a city, to the chief of police decided sensation at .Oak Bluff the reached them concerning Newton, the phone companies and the commission ling this season's grain crop, the "The liquor dealers of Toledo tried of such city, or if a resident of a vil- other day when he indulged in a swim other son, nor did any information re= was assured that actim: would be ta- Farm Crops Department of the Mich- to repeal the Michigan constitution," lage or townohip to the sheriff or or rather a nap on the water. Buddy lieve their anxious hearts from the igan Agricultural College requesked he told the house, "and at times they deputy sheriff of the county- in which ken at once. came running down the Bluff dad in 10th of January until the following Nearly a year ago the old railroad F. B. Drees, Secretary of the Michi- made some dents in it. But enforce' such village or township is Ibcated. his bathing" suit, jumped into a boat May, his letters never having reached commission issued an orher requir- gan State Millers' Association, to ment in Michigan is in the hands of 5. It is the duty of the chief of po- and pulled out quite a distance. their destination. Newton !eft Rus- ing physical connectiors on long dis- state those points which in his esti- one of the ablest, most sincere and lice, sheriff or deputy sheriff, as the After some time the people gath- Ma the latter part of June landing in tance calls between the Moore Told- mation are most important from the courageousi officials anywhere, Fred case may be, to personally examine ered on the beach noticed the boat Boston, Massachusetts, July 12, and standpoint of both grower and dealer L. Woolworth, state dairy and food such applicant to ascertain such per- bobbing about • upon the waves but no proceeding from there the following phone company and the V0.11ey Home in the marketing of this season's commissioner. The vote on the wine son's ability to properly a mo- at Vassar, but it appe:,.rs no attention sign of its occupant~ The longer they Saturday to Cass City and thence to crop. Mr. Drees is one of the leading and beer amendment was taken when tor vehicle. watched the greater the excitement, the dear home folks and friends in h,-~ been paid to the commission's or- authorities of the state on grain hand-- the soldiers were absent from the der and connections ha ve~ not been 6. According to a written opinion of 'especially •as no amount of calling or Shabbona. the Attorney General, no officer other nmde. ling questions, being the man select- state, but it was done so because the hallooing brought any response. Fi- Earl Fulcher has just arrived in than those officers ~pecifically named ed by the Michigan State Food Ad- wets 'of Michigan elected to take it nally boats began putting' out to de- Cass City with kis discharge from U. As a result of the hearing held be- ministration to handle grain market- then." in the statute, viz: chief of po- fore the public utilities commission termine the trouble. S. service having remained ~dth the an order has been issued requiring ing and milling questions during ~he Congressman Cramton's comments lled'sheriff or deputy sheriff, is autho- Great was the relief of the anxious army since May 26, 1918. He was sent war. Detailed! info.rn4~tion on. the on the vote in some of the Michigan rized to approve an applicaton. people now huddled in frightened 'across in July and dispatched imme- physical eonneetio;~s between the Val- federal grain grades and }heir applE. 7. Examining officer, are to disre- ley Home and the r~'iicklg',n State cation must be secured through the cities were illuminating and brought groups along the shore when in re- diately to Russia together with other companies at Vassar, and under the frequent applause. Here are some of gard the line "Limited to operation sDons.e to a shout from the first man young ~nen from his home community terms of the order this service must U. S. Grain Corporation. the high lights of his speech. of ................ " except in cases who pulIed alongside the drifting near Wickware and Shabbona among" be started within 20 days. Mr. Drees says, "The Wheat Guar- Detroit--This city is the only real where applicants have physical de- boat, Buddy's sleepy head popped in Ithem being' the two sons of Frank Although the suprexne court did not anted Law, for the carrying out of hm0e of the wets in the state. It has fects as would limit them to the op- sight. He said he was snoozing" and Auslander. March 19 Mr. Fulcher decide the appeal taken from Judge which the President appointed Mr. a lai°ge foreign population, a large eration of a particular ear or cars drifting and thoroughly enjoying" him-'was taken prisoner, with two com, Barnes as Wheat Director, was fun- number of those men who have not only to be designated on said line.