Solihull, Warks

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Solihull, Warks 656I uai JaqtunN Arjs OLD SILHILLIANS' ASSOCIATION FOUNDED 1921 COMMITTE E , 1959 The Silhillian President: H. A. STEELE, 13, Marsh Lane, Solihull, Warks. SOL. 0815 THE MAGAZINE Past President: L. G. HIGHWAY, 113, Dovehouse Lane, Solihull, Warks. Aco. 3963. CEN. OF THE President Elect: C. W. D. COOPER, 8, Herbert Rd., Solihull, Warks. SoL. 2462 OLD SILHILLIANS' ASSOCIATION Hon. Secretary D H. BILLING, 21, Yew Tree Lane, Solihull, Warks. SOL. 4460. MID. 2931. Hon. Editor ARTHUR E. UPTON Asst. Hon. Secretary: P. J. HILL, 103, Buryfield Rd., Solihull, Warks. SOL. 4064 1312, Warwick Road, Copt Heath Hon. Treasurer : H. C. LISSIMAN, Mill Lane, Bentley Heath, Knowle, Warks. Asst. Hon. Treasurer: J. B. CURRALL, " Wayside," Kineton Green Road, Olton, Warks. Aco. 1647 MAY, 1959 No. 10 Finance Secretary: P. J. HILL, 103, Buryfreld Rci,, Solihull, Warks. SoL. 4064 Hon. Subs. Secretary: P. B. L. INSTONE, Langstone Works, Lode Lane, Solihull, Warks. Guild Secretary: R. M. JAMES, 923, Warwick Rd., Solihull, Warks. CEN. 6oio CONTENTS Entertainments Secretary : P. J. HANKS, 2, Cambridge Avenue, Solihull, Warks. SOL. 2470 Accounts and Balance Sheets 27-31 Cricket Secretary: W. M. HOBDAY, 50, Stanton Rd., Shirley, Warks. Sm. 5001 Advertisements 20-92 Golf Secretary : J. B. M. URRY, i, Thornby Ave., Solihull, Warks. SoL. 0102 Births 21 Hockey Secretary: N. I. CUTLER, "Ashtree Cottage", Wadleys Road, Solihull, Clubhouse Extension Warks. SOL. 3480 33-35 Rifle Secretary: J. P. WALLIS, 67, Broad Oaks Rd., Solihull, Warks. SOL. 3725 Commemoration 1958 7-8 Rugby Secretary: J. M. RAE, 112, Widney Lane, Solihull, Warks. SOL. 2313 Cricket Club Report 9-10 Squash Secretary: R. C. PERIAM, 50, Broad Oaks Road, Solihull, Warks. Editorial 2 Sol_ 0286 Engagements 21 Swimming Secretary : A. J. WATERS, "Mirfield_House", Mirfield Road, Olton. SOL. 1710 Entertainment Committee Report 25 Tennis Secretary : W. J. DAWKINS; ii47,---Warwick-Road, Solihull, Warks. The Fete 1959 2 SOL. 2975 Finance Sub-Committee Report 25 Editor "Silhillian" : A. E. UPTON, 1312, Warwick Road, Copt, Heath, From the President Elect 23-25 Knowle, Warks. KNOWLE 2216. BRO. 1355 House Committee Secretary : M. D. CHAMBERS, 9, Witley Avenue, Solihull, Ground Committee Report 37 Warks. SoL. 3483 The Headmaster's Letter 4-7 Bar Secretary: E. I. BRIDGER, 4, Yew Tree Lane, Solihull, Warks. Sox- 0950 Hockey Club Report .12-13 Ground Committee Secretary : B. J. F. SWIFT, 1325, Stratford Road, Hall Green. House Committee Report Birmingham. Vic. 0446 20 List of Members .... Headmaster : H. B. HITCHENS, Esq., 0.B.E., T.D., M.A., Headmaster's House, 49-9 1 Solihull School, Solihull, Warks SOL. 0958 Marriages 21 Clerk and Bursar to the School: E. HAVINDEN, The Bursary, Solihull School, Meet the Back-room Boys 16-17 Warks. SoL. 0883 News of Old Boys 37-45 Masters' Common Room Representative: K. A. BERRIDGE, Solihull School, Obituary Solihull, Warks. SOL. 0883. KNO. 2792 .... 21, 23 , 47 Ordinary Members Old Boys' Day 1958 8-9 D. L. WIGGLESWORTH Solihull School, Solihull, Warks. SOL. 0883 Parents' Association Letter 23 R. G. H. AINSWORTH. 147, Buryfield Road, Solihull, Warks. Plates 5-6 and 87-88 C. T. COTON, 33/35, Drury Lane, Solihull, Warks. SOL. 4512 R. C. JONES, 591, Warwick Road, Solihull, Warks. The President's Letter 3 J. E. G. PRITCHARD, 48, Ascot Rd., Moseley, Birmingham. SOU. 3015 The Quatercententary Appeal 7 SOL. 0554 A. B. SMITH, 75, Hampton Lane, Solihull, Warks. Rifle Club Report 15-16 S. E. FOSTER, 16, Woodchester Road, Dorridge, Warks. KNO. 2256 F. A. R. MOON, 87, Lode Lang, Solihull, Warks. SOL. 3196 Rugby Club Report 11-12 SOL. 2931 C. N. WHITE. 214, Widney Manor Road, Solihull, Warks. Squash Club Report •... 14-15 London Section Secretary : University Letters (Oxford, Cambridge, Nottingham) 17-19 A. LEIGHTON, The Dial Cottage, Heswick Road, Great Bookham, Surrey. THE PRESIDENT'S LETTER EDITORIAL 13, Marsh Lane, Solihull. Most members with whom it has been discussed agree that one of the Dear Old Silhillian, most interesting features of " The Silhillian " is the " News of Old Boys." Since the last issue of the Magazine there have been many Social These items give a great deal of pleasure, often astonishment, to contem- Functions and much hard work by all Committees and Sub-Committees. poraries one has not seen for several years, and sometimes result in old Among the Social Events, we have had the Summer Commemoration (in friendships being renewed or new ones gained. News of achievements 133r 1958), the Annual Dinner in December and the Annual Ball in March, the Old Silhillians also gives a sense of pride, and a strengthening of the bond last named now being held at the George Hotel, in Solihull. All three of which binds us together. It encourages further effort and a high standard these events were very well attended, but the weather washed out the Cricket of conduct. This year little such news has been forthcoming. which is a matches in the Summer. great disappointment, and we wonder what causes this reticence. Many say For some time past we have all looked forward to the time when a com- ' Oh, nothing worth while has happened to me." Let us at once dispel the fortable lounge would be added to our Clubhouse at Dingle Lane. I am idea that news in this magazine is suitable only if it is sensational or super- pleased to say that revised plans are well under way, as will be seen by the lative. It is the everyday news that we seek and ask for more than the preliminary drawings which appear elsewhere in this publication. With any unusual. No doubt you often think "I wonder what became of old So-and- luck, by the time you read this letter. tenders should have been received so " ? You then read in " The Silhillian " that old So-and-so is. now and the new lounge, kitchen and bar almost in the course of construction. Assistant Manager at a Cotton Mill in Nelson, was married five years ago, Your committtee is hopeful that all should be ready for occupation in the served four years in the Air Force. and specialises in stamp collecting as a early autumn of this year. hobby. He also owns a seaside bungalow at Lyme Regis which is vacant The question of money, I am afraid, comes into the reckoning once during September. Nothing unusual, but how welcome such humdrum more and your committee have thought fit to proceed with the above project news is about one's former friends. Again, how little is known about those although we are very considerably short of the capital required. We all who see each other frequently, their jobs, interests, and family affairs. hope, however, that the improvements will attract more members with their It is therefore specially requested that members will write to the Editor wives and friends to the new lounge, as a most enjoyable and regular habit. telling him these things. for the next edition. If you have some special Members are always likely to meet other people they know or have known achievement to report, don't overlook " The Silhillian " when sending to and I am sure more social connections could be built up in this way. In other newspapers. You frequenters of Dingle Lane are included in this addition, of course, a far greater income would be received from the Bar— appeal, even if you write only to say what your job is. a very necessary state of affairs. With a wide expanse of fields Dingle Lane can be a very pleasant place indeed in the Summer months and with THE QUATERCENTENARY. a new lounge in prospect a comfortable and warm welcome can be given As I96o approaches so should our efforts increase and extend in our in the Winter. endeavours to raise the amount required for the new chapel. We should The accounts of the Association to the 30th September, .1958, are shown all participate in this Great Thanksgiving, not only for what the School later in this magazine and, as.will be seen, fresh sources of income are very gave us but also because there is no cause greater than the furtherance of badly needed in addition to our large capital commitments. The general Christianity. lt embraces all our needs, fulfils all our wishes. To be a subscriptions have been raised during the year, but we cannot expect or Christian is surely the greatest possible achievement. Let us play our part hope that these will cover all our expenses. The costs of running a Club- willingly in establishing its principle more firmly and for ever in the heart house and Sports Ground seem to get greater every year and 1 am sure more support for the Clubhouse and all other Social activities can and will be of our great School. This should be our proudest contribution to the School forthcoming. and those who are following us, let it also be our biggest. In additiOn to our own financial troubles we must not overlook our pledged support for the building of the new School Chapel due to be com- THE FETE. pleted in 1960. The amount needed to cover the cost of the building has The Parents' Association are holding a Fete at the School on July 25th still not been reached, so I hope that if you have not yet contributed you next, in aid of the Quatercentenary Thanksgiving Fund, and all of us have will do so now and enable the Chapel to be opened free from debt. an opportunity of helping to make it a success. Tell everyone to attend, As you will read elsewhere the Parents' Association are running a Fête sell programmes, put up a poster, help in the preparations, serve on the at the end of July in the School Grounds, the proceeds of which will go to stalls.
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