124 No. 40793 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 21 APRIL 2017 Environmental Affairs, Department of/ Omgewingsake, Departement van DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL AFFAIRS NOTICE 305 OF 2017 305 Magistrate’s Courts Act (32/1944): Intention to create Magisterial Districts and establish District Courts in the Free State Province as part of the Rationalisation of Magisterial Districts 40793 I, Bono Edith Edna Mo!ewe, Minister of EnvironmentalAffairs, hereby publish the Biodiversity Management Plan for 11 critically endangered and four endangeredEnc epïlalarúxsCycad species, in ternis of section 43(1)(b)(1) read with 43(3) of the National EnvironmentalManagement: Biodiversity Act, 2004 (Act No. 10 of 2004), set out in the Schedule hereto. ROMO EDI MO 'A MINISTER OF ENVIRONMENTAL AFFAIRS STAATSKOERANT, 21 APRIL 2017 No. 40793 125 BIODIVERSITY MANAGEMENT PLAN–SPECIES FOR 11 CRITICALLY ENDANGERED AND 4 ENDANGERED ENCEPHALARTOS SPECIES Prepared for: The South African National Biodiversity Institute (SANBI) Private Bag X101 Silverton 0184 Tel: (012) 843 5025 SANBI Eicciversiry for Life Compiled by: P O Box 74785 Tel: +27 12 349 1307 Lynnwood Ridge Fax: +27 12 349 1229 www.sefsa.co.za 0040 Email:
[email protected] Date: April 2016 SEF Project Code: 505747 SEF Contact Person: Byron Grant “Leading Sustainability through Innovation” This document has been printed on 50% recycled paper. 126 No. 40793 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 21 APRIL 2017 BMP-S: CR & EN Encephalartos species 505747 SCHEDULE BIODIVERSITY MANAGEMENT PLAN FOR 11 CRITICALLY ENDANGERED AND 4 ENDANGERED ENCEPHALARTOS SPECIES 14; AN* environmental affairs Department: Environmental Affairs REPUBLIC OF SOUTH AFRICA Strategic Environmental Focus (Pty) Ltd ii STAATSKOERANT, 21 APRIL 2017 No.