Proposed Wastewater Scheme - Option CI Recommended by Sewerage Liaison Subcommittee -1990 (After Public Consultation] Adopted by Tauranga District Council -1991 Consented -1993 Chapel Street Wastewater Treatment Plant Treatment Plant APPENDIX 4 VALUATIONS Valpart Holdings Limited M ddleton Level 2, Westpac Building, 2 Devonport Road, PO Box 455, Tauranga, 3140 Va uation T: (07) 578 4675 | F: (07) 577 9606 M E: i/
[email protected] I 81 Jellicoe Slreet, 14 March 2011 PO Box 397, TePuke, 3153 T: (07) 573 8220 | F: (07) 573 5617 The Utilities Planner Tauranga City Council Private Bag 12022 TAURANGA Attention: Lee Jordan Dear Lee SmartGrowth Long Term Settlement Plan Further to your letter of instruction of 4* February 2011. You have requested a comparison of net incomes per hectare for: Kiwifruit orchards Drystock land Dairy land And also the land use possibilities of the "gully" land lying between Oropi Road and Ohauiti Road in the event that the easier contoured land is used for residential development. We have inspected the land, although access to the whole of the gully areas required access through private land which we did not obtain. Aerial photography has therefore assisted in determining land cover and contour. Our report is as follows: Net Incomes 1. Kiwifruit As you will be aware, there are two main kiwifruit varieties, these being the Hayward (green) variety and the Hort 16A (gold) variety. In November 2010, a disease known as Pseudomonas syringae actinidiae (or commonly known by the acronym Psa), was discovered In an orchard in Te Puke. It is a virulent disease know as Psa-V (which is a virulent strain) and Psa-LV which is a less virulent strain.