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April 2014 The Official Newspaper of the Libertarian Party Volume 44, Issue 2 In This Issue: John Buckley bids to succeed Rockefeller in WV Chair’s Corner ...... 2 Former Republican state legislator to offer Libertarian choice in Mountain State est Libertarians have nominated a a much smaller government than we have today, we Office Fund Donors ...... 3 LPformer Republican News state legislator, John S. keep our money in our own pockets in the first place: Florida Campaign ...... 5 WBuckley, for U.S. Senate. to pay bills, take care of our families, invest in small “Big government leads to an unhealthy concen- business, save for our future, and help our neighbors LNC Meeting ...... 5 tration of power, because big government is waste- in need.” ful, destructive, bureaucratic, and terribly intrusive,” Buckley says both the Democrats and the Re- LP Booth at ISFLC 2014 ...... 6 Buckley said. “Worse, it corrodes our heritage of per- publicans are expanding government at a furious John Buckley sonal responsibility and self-reliance. With liberty and continued on page 5... , RIP ...... 6 LP National Convention ...... 7 2014 Annual Report ...... 8–9 LP Candidates Say: Affiliate News ...... 10–12 End the War on Drugs Military Spending ...... 13 By Carla Howell Spreading ...... 14 While Libertarian n the Libertarian Party tradition of candidates offer voters AZ Repeals Ballot Restriction ..14 speaking truth to power, 27 candi- New LP radio show features dates running so far for federal of- a choice to dramatically I reduce crime, their Libertarian Party candidates LP Provides Real Choice ...... 15 fice in 2014 have pledged that, if elected, they will sponsor legislation to end the Democratic and new weekly radio show, “Lib- Upcoming State Conventions ..16 War on Drugs, release all victimless drug Republican opponents ertarians Working for You,” “criminals” from prison, abolish the fed- hosted by LP Political Director Media Buzz ...... 16 cling to and defend the A eral Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA), Carla Howell, features candidates running and cut taxes accordingly. failed drug prohibition. for office in 2014 who show how their Ending the War on Drugs is the sin- Libertarian solutions will make life better gle most effective way in which lawmak- Repeal of drug prohibition will for everyday voters. ers can reduce crime in America. replace government control, which trig- The show began on Feb. 12, and Ending prohibition will dry up the gers harmful drug use and addiction, airs every Wednesday from 2:00 to 3:00 market for violent street gangs and turf with personal responsibility, which mod- p.m. Eastern Time. The 13-week series wars, dramatically reducing crime, espe- erates drug use. on VoiceAmerica.com Variety Channel cially in inner cities. It will end no-knock While Libertarian candidates offer was made possible by LP member Chris raids that have killed scores of innocent voters a choice to dramatically reduce Conlan. people and injured many more. It will crime, their Democratic and Republican Each of the first six shows focused dramatically reduce break-ins and rob- opponents cling to and defend the failed on particular topics: ending state income beries, many of which are committed by drug prohibition. taxes, ending the War on Drugs, restor- addicts who want money to buy drugs at Following are a few of the candi- ing gun freedom, getting federal and state prohibition-induced high prices. It will re- dates who have pledged to end the War governments out of schooling, taking care move the pretext for militarization of law on Drugs. of the poor by cutting government, and enforcement within the United States. continued on page 3... continued on page 14... Page 2 The Libertarian Party — www.LP.org April 2014

The following individuals hair s orner C ’ C became Lifetime Members of the Libertarian Party between Jan. 25, 2014, National Convention: Proposed bylaws changes and March 19, 2014: By Geoffrey J. Neale, Chair Theresa Abercrombie n Feb. 28, the By- My first thought on this is that it will be met is really owned completely by each LNC. Chang- Pete Cooper laws Committee with significant opposition, because many will ing to four-year terms would improve this. O(of which I am a argue that it’s a “power grab.” This reason alone This second reason is the biggest reason Fred Dan Fernandes member) met in Washing- is why I was somewhat reticent to cast a vote in why I support this change. This two-year cycle Hoyt Huggins ton, D.C., and considered favor of this proposal, because of this perception, inevitably leads to short-term thinking and plan- a large number of chang- but the benefits that such a change would provide ning. I have already seen the “lame duck” atti- Kip Raymond Karl es to our bylaws. The convinced me that the delegates need to consider tudes of several current LNC members. State- Geoffrey J. Neale proposals came both from this change. ments have been made like “why should we be Norman T. Olsen members of the Bylaws There are some negatives to this proposal, setting goals that the next LNC will not be bound Committee and from our Geoffrey J. Neale foremost being that with four-year terms for the to?” or “it’s too late to start something new, or Frederick G. Sands membership. Few pro- LNC, I think it may be harder to get quality can- make a change” or “the next LNC will have to Robert C. Sarvis posals passed the committee unaltered, and some didates, because of the length of the commitment. deal with that.” did not survive at all. Also, the likelihood of resignations and replace- As an example, this LNC has failed to Dr. Robyn Sterner Now we will be faced with deciding which ments will increase, but I cannot remember a establish a coherent strategy during this term. Raymond E. Strunk proposals to place before the delegates in June at term of the LNC without a resignation, so I think I think this short-term thinking is a big reason Dean L. Tucker our national convention. In doing this, the fac- that is a minor consideration. why. Another big reason is that we do not have tors involved are more than just what we want The benefits, however, are significant. enough strategically minded people on the LNC, to change, but also what we feel the membership First, we currently change our entire board but no bylaw change can fix that. “Short term” will be willing to support. That means that we within six months of the presidential elections. thinking and planning can be addressed. We The Libertarian have to make a case for each and every one of the We always have some members who return, but must develop longer-term strategies and goals, Party grants Lifetime final proposals. usually have a large group of newcomers. Even and facilitate effective methods to implement Membership to One of the most interesting proposals is the best prepared of the new people need time to them. I think this bylaw change would be help- individuals who to split our convention business into alternating get up to speed. Regardless of who is new, and ful toward that end. four-year cycles. This change would make the who is not, there is always a “reset” when we “Don’t change horses in the middle of a contribute at least presidential nominating conventions restricted need continuity the most. For a political party, stream” is an oft-used phrase that is so old that no $1,000 during any to the nomination of our presidential candidate this change during our highest-profile cyclical one knows its origin. Perhaps it is used so often 12-month period. and platform changes, leaving the “off cycle” activity has no upside. because it is so often true. Call 202-333- conventions restricted to bylaws changes and the Second, and far less obvious, is the nature 0008 to find out election of the LNC and Judicial Committee. of the involvement of the LNC members. The Effectively, the terms of the regional repre- first half-year is getting up to speed, and carry- how much more sentatives to the LNC would remain as they are ing on with the goals, budget, and projects of you would need to today: they serve at the pleasure of their regions the prior LNC. The last half-year is setting the donate to become and can be replaced at any time, for any reason. goals and budget, and executing the projects that a Lifetime Member However, regions would remain static during will be passed on to another LNC in six months. those four years. There is only one year of each two-year term that today.

Send News, Articles, Libertarian Party News LP News Essays or (ISSN 8755-139X) is the official Photographs: newspaper of the Libertarian Party Libertarian Party® of the United The Purposes of the Libertarian Party: 2600 Virginia Avenue NW, Suite 200 The party is organized to implement and give voice to the principles embodied in the State- States. Opinions and articles Washington, DC 20037 ment of Principles by: functioning as a libertarian political entity separate and distinct from published in this newspaper do not Phone: (202) 333-0008 all other political parties or movements; moving public policy in a libertarian direction by necessarily represent official party E-mail: [email protected] positions unless so indicated. building a political party that elects Libertarians to public office; chartering affiliate parties throughout the United States and promoting their growth and activities; nominating candi- Send Address Changes To: dates for president and vice president of the United States, and supporting party and affili- NATIONAL CHAIR: Libertarian Party ate party candidates for political office; and, entering into public information activities. Geoffrey J. Neale 2600 Virginia Avenue NW, Suite 200 2600 Virginia Avenue NW, Suite 200 Washington, DC 20037 Washington, DC 20037 LP NEWS EDITOR: Phone: (202) 333-0008 E-mail: [email protected] Eric D. Dixon Email: [email protected]

CONTRIBUTORS: Carla Howell, , Nancy Neale, Rich Tomasso, , Rodger Paxton, Dimitri Vassilaros Vol. 44, Issue 2 The Libertarian Party — www.LP.org Page 3 David F. Nolan Memorial Office Fund donors, Jan. 25–March 19

Benefactor of Liberty Great news! The Libertarian National Committee Thomas F. Hastings is ready to buy an office space for the party’s new Dr. Robyn Sterner national headquarters in the Washington, D.C., area, Edward B. Wright which will substantially reduce the party’s annual Friend of Liberty operating costs. This office will be named the David F. Heinemann Family Trust Richard W. Loomis Nolan Memorial Office, in honor of our party’s founder. Don’t miss this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to Advocate of Liberty have your name appear inside this historic office, right Gary N. Anderson Robert Falk Harris Putnam alongside David Nolan’s. Michael Mark Brady Timothy Friden Dr. Eric Martin Ridgway, Gregory R. Brodnick Matthew E. Greco M.D. Albert Brown Douglas Cecil Hancock Judith Roberts Edward H. Bruske III Leonard J. Karpinski Mac I. Sawyer, J.D. Arno C. Buhrer William R. Lang David L. Travis Contribute today: Michael Carr David L. Maris Alfred Underwood Mary L. Derwinski Carrington Montague Albert Way Cyril B.H. Fentiman Ronald Prentice Gerard R. Williams LP.org/office-fund

Pledge to end drug prohibition “By passing laws ...continued from page 1 Federal candidates who [against drug use], have signed the pledge to David Patterson, Kentucky, U.S. House our elected officials David Patterson works for the city of Harrodsburg as are telling us that we end the War on Drugs a peace officer, which is the language used in Kentucky law aren’t responsible 1. Joe Baratelli, U.S. Senate, New Jersey to describe what is commonly referred to as a police officer. 2. Danny Bedwell, U.S. House, 1st District, “I see my job as keeping the peace, not policing enough to make Mississippi peaceful citizens,” he said. 3. Jeff Blunt, U.S. House, 20th District, Texas decisions over our Ray Netherwood Patterson is a member of Law Enforcement Against own lives. These are 4. John Buckley, U.S. Senate, West Virginia Prohibition (LEAP) and strongly opposes the War on Drugs, 5. James Carr, U.S. House, 7th District, Virginia which he says is “costly, both in dollars and in liberty.” the same ‘Do as I say, not as I do’ politicians who cannot even pass a 6. Jeff Carson, U.S. House, 8th District, Virginia “When I first became a peace officer in 1996, I thought 7. Chris Clemmons, U.S. House, 2nd District, I would rid the world of drugs,” he said. “But I now see that budget.” Kansas drug use will never go away — whether it’s legal or not.” — Ray Netherwood, LP Florida candidate 8. Xavian Draper, U.S. House, 1st District, He finds the prohibition on marijuana particularly Virginia for U.S. House absurd. 9. Eric Eberly, U.S. House, 5th District, Ohio “Cannabis is a lot less dangerous than either tobacco 10. Sharon Hansen, U.S. Senate, Illinois or alcohol. I have never had to fight or even argue with He notes the hypocrisy of politicians passing laws 11. Marc Harrold, U.S. House, 11th District, someone under the influence of marijuana.” to try to force “good behavior.” Virginia • Website: david4senate.com “By passing laws that force us to tailor our peaceful 12. , U.S. Senate, North Carolina lives to the will of some bureaucrat thousands of miles 13. Andrew Horning, U.S. House, 8th District, Ray Netherwood, Florida, U.S. House away, our elected officials are telling us that we aren’t re- Indiana Retired Air Force officer Ray Netherwood says, sponsible enough to make decisions over our own lives,” 14. Joshua James, U.S. Senate, Tennessee “People should be free to make their own choice and to he said. “These are the same ‘Do as I say, not as I do’ 15. Davy Jones, U.S. House, 2nd District, West live their lives as they see fit without causing harm to an- politicians who cannot even pass a budget.” Virginia other. If you don’t want to use marijuana — don’t. Legal- Netherwood aims to cut more than $40 billion per 16. Lenny Ladner, U.S. House, 7th District, Tennessee ization doesn’t mean that someone’s going to hold you year now wasted on the failed drug war and return that down and make you smoke or eat a brownie.” money to the taxpayers who earned it in the productive 17. Rob Lapham, U.S. House, 22nd District, Texas private sector. 18. David Macko, U.S. House, 14th district, Ohio “I see my job as keeping the • Website: ray2014.com 19. Jim McDermott, U.S. House, Alaska 20. Ray Netherwood, U.S. House, 19th District, peace, not policing peaceful Marc Harrold, Virginia, U.S. House Florida citizens. When I first became As an attorney, former prosecutor, and 21. David Patterson, U.S. Senate, Kentucky a peace officer in 1996, I former member of a tactical narcotics task 22. , U.S. House, 10th District, Virginia thought I would rid the world force (the “Red Dog” unit) for the city of At- 23. Michael Salyer, U.S. House, 1st District, lanta Police Department, Marc Harrold has Tennessee of drugs. But I now see that seen the effects of the Drug War up close 24. Matthew Schnackenberg, U.S. House, 11th District, Florida drug use will never go away — and personal. 25. Jack Seaman, U.S. House, North Dakota David Patterson whether it’s legal or not.” “The benefits of ending the drug war are 26. Bill Slantz, U.S. House, 2nd District, Missouri — David Patterson, LP Kentucky candidate for U.S. House numerous,” he said. “Penal resources could, continued on page 4... 27. , U.S. House, 4th District, Maryland Page 4 The Libertarian Party — www.LP.org April 2014

“The War on Drugs has been a failed, elimination of federal drug laws. “Individuals can and should be held wasteful venture that we have already “America’s murder rate rose nearly criminally liable for actions that victimize spent $1 trillion and thousands of lives 70 percent during alcohol prohibition, but others. But no law should criminalize an on with no slowdown in drug user rates to returned to its previous levels after pro- adult’s mere possession or use of any show for it,” he said. “Legal or not, people hibition ended,” he said. “Since the War who wish to use drugs will find a way to on Drugs began, America’s murder rates drug. Addiction is a health care issue, not use them.” have doubled. The cause-effect relation- a crime.” Seaman wants to send nonviolent ship is clear. Prohibition is putting in- — Marc Harrold, LP Virginia candidate for U.S. House drug “offenders” home to their families. nocent lives at risk. The fact is that most Marc Harrold “Ending the incarceration of non- drug users are non-violent and to throw violent drug offenders would relieve our them into prison only makes them more Pledge to end Drug War should similarly be free to do so,” he said. bloated prison system and greatly reduce violent. Someone who has been incar- ...continued from page 3 • Website: BillSlantz.com associated expenses,” he said. cerated will struggle to obtain a job, and • Website: jackfornd.com ultimately be forced into ‘real’ criminal for example, focus on violent criminals who Jack Seaman, North Dakota, U.S. Senate activity. We are just creating criminals victimize children; border violence would Jack Seaman, a precious metals Davy Jones, West Virginia, U.S. House out of people whose lifestyle choices we decrease exponentially; and nonviolent of- dealer, describes the Drug War as both fu- Davy Jones, a network engineer who may not like.” fenders would avoid being saddled for life tile and destructive. served in the National Guard, supports the continued on page 13... with a criminal record for merely possessing or using drugs in their youth.” He says that the War on Drugs is a “The War on Drugs has been a failed, war on America’s own citizenry, and a co- wasteful venture that we have already lossal failure. spent $1 trillion and thousands of lives on “The collateral damage includes a massive increase in harsh sentences for with no slowdown in drug user rates to nonviolent offenders, disparate sentenc- show for it. Legal or not, people who wish ing along racial lines, and an eviscerated to use drugs will find a way to use them.” Fourth Amendment,” he said. “Individu- — Jack Seaman, LP North Dakota candidate als can and should be held criminally li- Jack Seaman able for actions that victimize others. But for U.S. Senate no law should criminalize an adult’s mere possession or use of any drug. Addiction is The Case for Ending the Failed War on Drugs a health care issue, not a crime.” The War on Drugs has proven far while crime rages and millions suffer. • Website: marcharrold4congress.com more deadly and destructive than drugs • Be hypocrites, drinking alcohol while Davy Jones and family themselves. banning milder substances. Bill Slantz, Missouri, U.S. House Just as alcohol prohibition prompted Kids can see through this irresponsible “Since the War on Drugs organized crime, consumption of stronger message. It encourages them to discredit The War on Drugs is one of many ar- alcoholic drinks, and an epidemic of alcohol and disregard good advice. eas where businessman and music indus- began, America's murder overdose deaths, drug prohibition has We must immediately end the failed try consultant Bill Slantz says the govern- prompted the formation of deadly street War on Drugs, dismantle and abolish the rates have doubled. The gangs, use of stronger drugs, and an in- federal Drug Enforcement Agency, release ment does not belong. He aims to end drug cause-effect relationship crease in drug overdose deaths. every nonviolent drug offender from prison, prohibition and apply the cost savings to Because of the Drug War, the United and cut taxes accordingly. tax cuts in order to “return $2,000 to each is clear. Prohibition is States incarcerates more people than Crime will go down dramatically, mak- any country on earth. More than 500,000 ing our streets and homes safer. American family, build real personal re- putting innocent lives at Americans are now serving time in jail or People now in prison who never sponsibility, and dramatically reduce vio- risk. I want our families to prison for drug “offenses.” They are peaceful harmed another human being will be free to lent, prohibition-related crime, including citizens, separated from their children and go home to their families. Their children will be safe. That’s why I will families, who could be living productive grow up with their mom or dad at home. much of our border war.” lives. Instead, their incarceration has cost Law enforcement will focus more on He says that the choice to use drugs sponsor legislation to End taxpayers more than $1 trillion since 1971. finding and prosecuting murderers, rapists, — or not — must lie with the individual. the War on Drugs.” More than 658,000 people are ar- and thieves. rested every year for mere possession of Each taxpayer will get back hundreds “Those who wish, wisely or foolishly, — Davy Jones, LP West Virginia marijuana, diverting attention from where it of dollars — every year — that they now to use drugs should be free to do so. Those candidate for U.S. House should be: on violent criminals. spend on today's failed prohibition. Money who wish to keep drug use off their property Marijuana prohibition denies those they can save, spend, or give away to oth- suffering from cancer, AIDS, migraines, ers in need. glaucoma, and other serious diseases their People suffering from cancer, AIDS, “Those who wish, wisely or foolishly, to right to an effective treatment that both and other serious diseases will have digni- reduces suffering and saves lives. fied and safe access to medical marijuana, use drugs should be free to do so. Those Democrats and Republicans enacted giving them their best chance for a long and the failed War on Drugs, escalated it, and healthy life. who wish to keep drug use off their continue to defend it. It is indefensible. Ending the War on Drugs sends the property should similarly be free to do Continuing the failed and immoral War right message to kids: on Drugs sends the wrong message to kids: • Be personally responsible. so.” • Incarcerate people who have harmed no • Be just, be reasonable, and honor indi- one else. vidual rights. — Bill Slantz, LP Missouri candidate • Deprive people with serious illnesses of • Admit mistakes and get rid of bad laws for U.S. House the medicine they need. that don't work. Bill Slantz • Stubbornly continue failed policies — • End unnecessary human suffering. Vol. 44, Issue 2 The Libertarian Party — www.LP.org Page 5 Libertarian Party–issued news release: Florida campaign shows continued growth of Libertarian votes ibertarian Lucas Overby • Andrew Horning for U.S. Senate in Indiana won 5.8 However, polling of past Libertarian campaigns won 4.8 percent of the vote percent. coupled with the fact that Overby ran his campaign on a Lin a very tight three-way • Rex Bell for U.S. House in Indiana won 5.8 percent. mix of issues that are often associated with both the “left” race for Florida’s 13th congressio- • Kevin Craig for U.S. House in Missouri won 5.2 and the “right” renders any conclusion about his impact nal district held on March 11, dem- percent. uncertain. His campaign promises included tax cuts, onstrating continued strong and ris- • James Stanczak for U.S. House in Texas won 5.2 spending cuts, a non-interventionist foreign policy, drug ing vote totals for Libertarians. percent. legalization, and marriage equality. This is an especially high • Chris Kella for U.S. House in Ohio won 5.2 percent. Sink, Jolly, and their supporters spent more than $12 vote total for a Libertarian in a spe- Lucas Overby • David Kaiser for U.S. House in Montana won 5.2 million during the campaign, one of the most expensive rac- cial election, where voter turnout is percent. es for House ever. They saturated the airwaves with attack lower. The boost is attributable in part to an outstanding Gov. Gary Johnson broke the million-vote barrier ads on each other and barraged voters with direct mail and get-out-the-vote effort on the part of Florida Libertarians. for a Libertarian for president in 2012, winning a record phone calls, which may have boosted the Libertarian vote. Libertarians in federal races have typically garnered 1,275,951 votes. William McConnell, a lifelong Republican, told the votes in the low single digits in three-way races against State Libertarian races also fared well in 2012, in- Miami Herald that he voted for Overby in response to tele- both a Democrat and Republican. Since 2012, however, a cluding the following: vision ad blitzes that were “packed with lies on both sides.” number of Libertarian candidates have scored far better, • Jeremy Walters for state House in South Carolina won An independent voter, Frank Akers, told the Tampa including the following: 47 percent. Tribune that the onslaught of mail and phone calls — • Dan Cox for U.S. Senate in Montana won 6.6 percent. • Tim Menger for state House in Colorado won 41 percent. sometimes six or seven in one night — drove him to vote • Robert Sarvis for Governor in Virginia won 6.5 percent. • Mike Fellows for clerk of the Supreme Court won 43 for Overby. • Powell Gammill for U.S. House in Arizona won 6.4 percent. Whether or not Overby’s campaign determined the percent. Republican David Jolly edged out Democrat Alex winner, it is likely that he pulled substantial votes from • Ron Williams for U.S. House in Mississippi won 6.4 Sink for the congressional open seat in Florida, winning people who don’t normally vote. percent. by under 2 percent and raising speculation as to whether “The Overby campaign is another sign that non-vot- • Thomas Jefferson for U.S. House in Kansas won 6.2 Overby’s presence in the race determined the winner. ers, who lean more Libertarian than the general voting pop- percent. Republicans had assumed that the Libertarian ulation, are giving up their resignation and re-engaging in • Jonathan Dine for U.S. Senate in Missouri won 6.1 percent. would take more votes from their candidate, prompting a politics,” said Carla Howell, political director for the Liber- • Thomas Jefferson for U.S. House in Kansas won 5.9 Karl Rove PAC to fund robocalls to 20,000 voters urging tarian National Committee. “This bodes well for 2014 Lib- percent. a vote for Jolly. ertarian candidates and the future of the Libertarian Party.”

John Buckley in WV derstand it, or aren’t principled enough to act on it. And they can’t seem to ...continued from page 4 Libertarian National Committee meets extend the principles of freedom and pace and taking away our individual small government to privacy and other By Gary Johnson The chair, Geoffrey Neale, brief- liberties. civil liberties.” Libertarian National ly described the Libertarian Angels He explained, “I spent decades in “I think the citizens of West Vir- Committee fundraising campaign and plans for a the GOP, from precinct captain to can- ginia, especially the younger voters, are “You Might Be a Libertarian” advertising didate. But in the early ’90s, I realized eager for an alternative to the dreary, he Libertarian National Committee campaign. it was an ineffectual vehicle for less special-interest politics of the Democrats met Saturday and Sunday, March 1 The executive director, Wes Bene- government. I proudly accepted that and Republicans,” he said. Tand 2, in Alexandria, Va. dict, said recent sales of T-shirts exceeded my political home is in the Libertarian Buckley pledges, “If elected, I Committee members inspected the expectations and he planned to offer more Party. Many Republican officeholders will work tirelessly to enact: 1) across- office space for the new headquarters in premiums such as new brochures, bumper talk the fiscal talk, but either don’t un- the-board tax cuts (more money in Alexandria, Va. stickers, and yard signs to raise revenue. our own pockets); 2) The LNC approved a $12,500 LNC members met Saturday night drastically reduced gov- contract to gather signatures for ballot with Libertarian activists from Northern Next LNC Meeting: ernment spending; 3) access in Alabama, and the Executive Virginia. an end to special favors Committee of the LNC voted to spend The next meeting will be held on to corporate insiders; $65,000 for a petition drive in Illinois. Thursday, June 26, at 3 p.m. in Columbus, June 26, 2014 and, 4) a cease-fire in The National Committee voted to pay Ohio, at the site of the national convention. the ruinously expensive, the last $5,000 in expenses to attorney ———————————————— LP National Convention counter-productive, and Paul Rossi for his defense against the Gary Johnson, no relation to Gov. Gary crime-enhancing ‘War on 2012 attempt by Republicans to take Johnson, is a member of the Libertarian Columbus, Ohio Drugs.’” the Libertarian Party off the ballot in National Committee and the secretary of • Website: johnbuckley.org Pennsylvania. the Libertarian Party of Texas. Page 6 The Libertarian Party — www.LP.org April 2014 Libertarian Party booth attracts student interest at ISFLC 2014

Left: LP editor Eric D. Dixon, LNC representative Arvin Vohra, and LP Political Director Carla Howell share information about the Libertarian Party with the many students in attendance at the 2014 International Students for Liberty Conference held Feb. 14–16 at the Grand Hyatt Hotel in Washington, D.C. (Photo by Lincoln Photography) Above: Vohra and a conference attendee at the LP booth. Tonie Nathan, first woman in U.S. history to receive an electoral vote, dies at 91 By Carla Howell “It is with sadness we learn the heodora “Tonie” Nathan, the 1972 Libertarian news of the passing of our friend Party candidate for vice president, passed away Tonie Nathan, a great and history- Ton the morning of March 20, 2014, at the age of 91. making Libertarian. We celebrate Nathan was a charter member of the national her life and her accomplishments.” Libertarian Party, which was founded in 1971, in- spired largely by the philosophical vision of Ayn — Geoffrey J. Neale, Chair, Rand. At the first Libertarian Party presidential nomi- Libertarian National Committee nating convention in 1972, she was selected to run for vice president with Libertarian presidential candidate surance agency, a music publishing firm, and a decorating . service in the Los Angeles area of California before mov- Republican Virginia elector Roger L. MacBride, ing to Eugene, Ore. who later switched his affiliation to the Libertarian Par- Nathan married Charles “Chuck” Nathan, an ty and became the party’s 1976 Libertarian presidential Tonie Nathan ASCAP composer who wrote top-10 hit songs in the nominee, chose to vote for Hospers and Nathan rather 1950s. The couple had three sons, Paul, Larry, and Greg than Nixon and Agnew, making Nathan the first woman the 1990s for federal and state offices. In the 1980 U.S. Nathan. in U.S. history to receive an electoral vote in the Elec- Senate election in , Nathan participated in three Nathan is a former vice chair of the Libertarian toral College — ahead of in 1984. She statewide television debates with then–Sen. Bob Pack- Party, as well as a founding member and former presi- was also the first Jewish person in America to receive wood and then–state Sen. . She received dent of the Association of Libertarian Feminists. She was an electoral vote and to gain a nomination to run as vice 43,686 votes. a speaker at the 2012 Libertarian National Convention, president. In 1990, Nathan ran as a Libertarian candidate for where she announced Gary Johnson as the 2012 Libertar- Nathan was a TV and radio broadcast journalist. the U.S. House of Representatives for Oregon’s 4th con- ian Party presidential nominee. Starting in 1971, she produced and occasionally hosted a gressional district. She was the lone challenger to incum- “It is with sadness we learn the news of the passing daily talk show for KVAL-TV (CBS affiliate) in Eugene, bent congressman Peter DeFazio, and received 26,432 of our friend Tonie Nathan, a great and history-making Ore. votes for 14 percent of the vote. Libertarian,” said Geoffrey J. Neale, chair of the Libertar- Following her vice-presidential run, she ran for of- Nathan earned a bachelor’s degree in journalism ian National Committee. “We celebrate her life and her fice as a Libertarian candidate during the 1970s through from the . She operated her own in- accomplishments.” Vol. 44, Issue 2 The Libertarian Party — www.LP.org Page 7 Libertarian Party 2014 National Convention Don’t miss the National Convention in Columbus, OH — June 26–29, 2014 By Nancy Neale Call for Volunteers Chair, Convention We need people to help on-site, to Management Committee perform a variety of tasks, such as helping with registration or being s I’ve written before, you don’t a door monitor/ticket taker. You want to miss the LP National Con- vention in June! We have more could offset some or all of the cost A of your registration by volunteer- confirmed guest speakers to announce at this time — and more will be on the con- Mark Skousen Harold Ambler Elizabeth Gentner Marc Harrold ing your services. Visit the Volun- vention site by the time you read this. (I based but accessible manner, poking holes and businesses around the country with his teer page of the convention site: am working on a few big names, but they in many of the global warming alarmists’ expertise on immigration law, detention, lpcon2014.org/volunteer take a bit longer to work out the details. claims — including those made by Al Gore. and deportation issues. He is also an ex- Stay tuned, as they say.) Ambler provides great ammunition for any pert on First and Fourth Amendment law. are not delegates! It’s the perfect oppor- The founder and producer of of us trying to debunk the claim that “all the And he is the Libertarian candidate for tunity for political and non-political liber- FreedomFest is economist Mark Skousen. science is in” on climate change. Congress in Virginia’s 11th district. tarians, and those just interested in finding He is well known as the author of many And, for your entertainment, we are The convention site is up and run- out about our ideas to gather and attend a books on economics and finance, and also pleased to have fellow libertarian “The ning: lpcon2014.org conference built around the business por- publishes an online investment newsletter. Red Diva” herself, Elizabeth Gentner. You can also easily follow the link tion of the convention. But did you know that he is a descendant Her past performances include many as from LP.org. There, you can read about I am open to suggestions, and I am of none other than Ben Franklin? His book the soprano soloist in well-known choral new speakers as they are confirmed, visit particularly interested in finding talented The Completed Autobiography of Benjamin masterpieces, as well as major roles in the hotel page to make your room reserva- musicians and other performers among Franklin was published in 2006. As Frank- operas, such as La Traviata, Carmen, and tion by June 5 in order to get our special our ranks to entertain at various times lin was known as a man of great charac- Madame Butterfly. She will open the busi- convention rate, visit the linked “Expe- throughout the weekend. This convention ter, it seemed fitting to shine a light on this ness session with a patriotic song or two, rience Columbus” site to find out all the promises to be educational and informa- great man in our nation’s history. Skousen and will be a part of the program during other things you can include in your trip, tive, but also inspiring and entertaining. has graciously agreed to give a talk about the gala banquet on Saturday night. and purchase your registration to attend all It will be one of the best LP conventions his famous ancestor. (And Ben may make a Marc Harrold is a former police of- the meals and speaker events. The cutoff ever, and we want you there to be a part of personal appearance as well.) ficer (including a role as a police academy for “Early Bird” pricing is May 1 — and, it. I look forward to seeing you there! You Don’t Sell Your Coat: Surprising instructor) and a former U.S. Immigration for what you get, the prices are lower than may contact me at: [email protected] Truths About Climate Change is a won- prosecutor, having served as an assistant for the past few conventions! ———————————————— derful book that sets the record straight chief counsel with U.S. Immigration and Always keep in mind that conven- Nancy Neale helped organize the 2012 Las on many myths about the subject. Though Customs Enforcement (ICE), a compo- tion registration is a separate process from Vegas LP convention, and was the primary not a scientist, the author, Harold Ambler nent of the U.S. Department of Homeland becoming a credentialed (voting) dele- organizer of the highly-touted 2004 At- (a journalist by profession), has done ex- Security (DHS). He’s left the dark side, gate. And you don’t have to be a delegate lanta convention. She has also organized tensive research and does an excellent job and is now an immigration attorney in the to register for all the great events. In fact, several state LP conventions, in Texas and presenting the subject matter in a very fact- D.C. metro area, representing immigrants we hope to have many people attend who her native California. How to participate effectively at the LP National Convention By Rich Tomasso formation will be provided ahead of time. Make sure it 4. Familiarize yourself with the basics of Rob- Libertarian National Committee can reach you. ert’s Rules of Order, especially if your state does not 2. Answer the bylaws and platform surveys. use Robert’s or similar procedures for running meet- our first national convention can be overwhelm- Changes to our bylaws and platform will be the first ings. You do not have to read the giant book (you defi- ing. Your state convention may have 20–40 business of the convention. Each committee sends a nitely have better ways to spend your time). There are Ypeople, a one-page agenda, and simple rules for survey before the convention to get feedback from the many excellent two-page summaries of Robert’s. There debate and voting. At a national convention, there’ll be members. Taking the survey will help you to become will be a cheat sheet in the binder listing the motions you 10–30 times as many delegates, an inch-thick binder of familiar with the proposals, and also let you point out can make and the vote thresholds required. Also read the material, special rules of debate and voting, three days of problems or ask questions directly to the committees so LP convention rules, as we do use some special rules for business, speakers, workshops, and more. Even if you’ve they can be addressed before the final recommendations debates and voting. been to a few of them, it’s still a lot to take in. to the convention. Discuss the proposals with your local 5. Get to the convention as early as you can man- Here’s some general advice that will help prepare group. age. The earlier you arrive, the more time you will have you and help keep business on the convention floor mov- 3. Talk with your state chair or delegation chair to get familiar with the layout, double-check the schedule ing smoothly. about your affiliate’s goals. Talk with others who have to plan your weekend, read materials, talk with officers 1. Make sure the national office has your current been to prior conventions. Get recommendations on and candidates, attend pre-convention events, visit the contact info, especially your email address. A lot of in- workshops and panels. continued on page 15... Page 8 The Libertarian Party — www.LP.org April 2014 The 2013 Libertarian Party Annual Report A Message from 2009 - 2013 LNC Balance Sheet Summary 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 * Total Assets 235,481 421,811 454,149 290,870 445,746 the Chair and Total Liabilities 38,496 79,087 42,998 37,515 48,988 Executive Director Total Net Assets 196,985 342,724 411,151 253,355 396,758 Dear fellow Libertarian, 2009 - 2013 Revenue & Expense Summary While Republican and Democratic politicians con- tinued their attacks on liberty in 2013, the Libertarian Support and Revenue 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 * Party responded by exposing them, pushing back against Membership Dues 480,132 532,494 482,622 458,288 456,082 them, and blazing new paths towards liberty. Donations 307,564 240,508 288,594 281,015 189,628 Polls show public approval of Libertarians rising, Recurring Gifts 268,089 351,243 393,021 331,288 344,601 Board Solicitation Major Gifts 19,763 94,388 25,027 1,000 125 while fewer and fewer people identify as Democrats or Convention Revenue 0 170,112 0 185,226 0 Republicans. Project Program Revenue 0 5,000 130,035 -6,321 235,869 Polls also show that Americans are more distrustful Brand & Promo Materials Rev 0 28,994 0 690 2,450 of government than ever (as well they should be). From Ballot Access Donations 0 32,052 30,188 231,877 61,395 Obamacare to NSA domestic spying, people are being Publications Materials Other 500 24,427 7,900 1,645 1,000 Other Revenue & Offsets 3,652 2,871 1,523 142 23 offered many reasons to support libertarianism. Accord- Total Support and Revenue 1,079,701 1,482,088 1,358,911 1,484,850 1,291,173 ing to a December 2013 Gallup poll, a record-high 72 percent of all Americans believe that Big Government is Cost of Support and Revenue a bigger threat to the United States than Big Business (21 Fundraising Costs 145,588 126,335 147,122 165,265 116,486 Membership Fundraising Costs 73,486 121,165 155,965 76,355 101,057 percent) or Big Labor (5 percent). Direct Costs 0 0 0 0 0 Public opinion continues to move in our direction Convention 0 102,896 0 161,912 0 regarding the War on Drugs. The Libertarian Party has Ballot Access Other Project Fundraising 0 4,283 2,937 16,825 56,116 fought for decades to end drug prohibition, and we saw Total Cost of Support and Revenue 219,074 354,678 306,024 420,357 273,659 more success on that front in 2013, as medical marijuana Net Support Available for Programs 860,627 1,127,410 1,052,887 1,064,493 1,017,514 prohibition was ended in Illinois and New Hampshire, and marijuana possession was decriminalized in Ver- Program Expense mont. AdministrativeAdminstrative CostsCosts 379,255 356,133 365,257 362,256 342,204 President George W. Bush doubled the national Compensation 342,028 375,988 412,239 399,518 461,390 Affiliate Support 300 0 3,867 4,816 5,404 debt, mostly with the support of a Republican Con- Brand & Promo Materials Exp 35 51,879 5,191 2,748 2,408 gress. Since 2009, President Obama and the Demo- Campus Outreach 0 60 0 0 1,000 crats (and Republicans) have nearly doubled it again. Candidate, Campaign & Initatives 0 25,048 50,000 4,464 0 The Republicans and Democrats have made it abun- Ballot Access Petitioning Related Exp 5,500 128,904 72,452 382,461 16,262 dantly clear that they will not respect our civil liberties, Litigation 5,367 0 12,882 23,259 6,979 Media 5,745 1,250 0 0 30 and they will continue to grow the size and scope of gov- Member Communication and Materials 33,092 34,016 36,992 38,452 24,670 ernment. Outreach 3,016 8,392 21,285 4,315 6,979 Here are some examples of Libertarian candidates Project Program Other 0 0 4,294 0 6,785 and officeholders fighting back: Total Program Expense 774,338 981,671 984,459 1,222,289 874,111 • In 2008, the Republican Senate Majority Leader, Net Operating Surplus (or Deficit) 86,289 145,739 68,427 -157,796 143,403 Mitch McConnell, voted for the Wall Street bailouts. continued on page 9... * Unaudited for 2013


Vol. 44, Issue 2 The Libertarian Party — www.LP.org age Membership Report P 9

AsAs the the chart chart below below shows, shows, Libertarian Libertarian Party membership Party membership has been stable has since been 2007. LP Facebook Fans Thestable chart sinceshows “Active2007. TheDonors chart,” which shows includes “Active some Donors,” non-member which donors includes. some non-member donors. 2012: 254,255 Membership (Active Donors 1994-2013) 2013: 438,005 35,000 30,000 Net 25,000 Gain: 183,750 20,000 15,000 % Gain: 72.3% 10,000 5,000 Libertarian Party Facebook presence grew substantially in 2013. -

...continued from page 8

In 2013, Kentucky Libertarian David Patterson launched his campaign against McConnell and vowed to fight against all bailouts. Dues-paying membership peaked at about 33,000 in the year 2000. Dues-paying During that membership time, the peaked Libertarian at about 33,000 Party in conducted the year 2000. a Duringhuge that time, • While the vast majority of Republican and Democratic Congressmen therecruitment Libertarian Party drive. conducted That membership a huge recruitment drive, drive. called That Projectmembership Archimedes, drive, called continued to support the Patriot Act and NSA spying, former Libertarian Projecttemporarily Archimedes, grew temporarily membership, grew memb althoughership, althoughthe project the project was verywas very expensive. expensive. Presidential nominee Gary Johnson commented at a rally in Washington, MoreMore recently, recently, on aon much a much smaller smaller scale than scale Project than Archimedes, Project the Archimedes, LP has sent D.C., “There are members of Congress who wrote the PATRIOT Act and membership “prospecting letters” to lists of donors to libertarian-oriented organizations like the LP has sent membership “prospecting letters” to lists of donors to are vowing to fix it. Well, there’s only one way to fix the PATRIOT Act Reason Magazine and the . These mailings typically cost more money than they libertarian-oriented organizations like magazine and the Cato and that’s to repeal the PATRIOT Act.” bring in. The party raised several thousand dollars for a prospecting letter in late 2013, but thatInstitute. was only Theseenough mailingsto bring in abouttypically 140 newcost members. more money than they bring in. • Libertarian Brett Bittner serves on the Marietta, Georgia School Board. The party raised several thousand dollars for a prospecting letter in late Bittner bravely cast the only vote against a local sales tax extension in 2013, If fundraisingbut that was goes onlywell in enough 2014, there to bringare plans in toabout do more 140 member new members. prospecting. It is 2012. He was re-elected in 2013. Bittner also serves as executive director valuable to identify new dues-paying members, because they don’t just help fund the party’s activitiesIf— fundraisingthey are also the goes people well most in 2014,likely to there volunteer are or plans run for to office. do more of the Libertarian Party of Georgia. member prospecting. It is valuable to identify new dues-paying • Thanks to the efforts of the Libertarian Party of Kansas, gun owners who National dues-paying membership is only one way to measure the size of the Libertarianmembers, Party. because Some state they and don’t county just Libertarian help fund Party the affiliates party’s have activities—they their own separate were prohibited by their local governments from openly carrying firearms membershipare also theprograms. people most likely to volunteer or run for office. are now free to open-carry in their cities. Republicans Additionally,National and Democrats dues-paying 31 states has allow been membership voters declining. to designate Exact is only numbersa party one affiliation are way not to available, when measure they because register the , Because we’re a political party, we can do something no other organiza- andsomesize 26 states ofreport the only the Libertarian release number their of registerednumbersParty. Some inLibertarians even-numbered state. andThere years.county were However,over Libertarian 300,000 most registered if Partynot all of tion can do: when we have ballot access, we can put candidates directly on Libertarianstheaffiliates states that in reporthave2013, edtheirand numbers that own number inseparate 2013, continues reported membership to growthgrow, while in theprograms. the number registration of registered of the ballot. Libertarians. Win or lose, our candidates spread our important message about the Additionally, 31 states allow voters7 to designate a party affiliation benefits of free markets, civil liberties, and peace. when they register, and 26 report the number of registered Libertarians. FinancialThere were Reports over 300,000 registered Libertarians in 2013, and that The Libertarian Party’s time is now, and we need your support today! number continues to grow, while the registration of Republicans and Almost all of our revenue comes from individual donors like you. Your Unaudited financial statements follow. Typically, in years following presidential Democrats has been declining. Exact numbers are not available, support allows us to staff our headquarters, maintain our website, petition for elections, revenue drops significantly. The LP’s revenue drop between 2012 and 2013 was onlybecause 13%. That some is significantly states only smaller release than the their 2004 numbers-2005 drop in (36%), even-numbered or the 2008-2009 ballot access, reach out to the press and the public, and keep you informed dropyears. (34%). However, most if not all of the states that reported numbers in about what Libertarians are getting done throughout the United States. 2013, reported growth in the number of registered Libertarians. Thanks for your support in 2013. We hope you’ll continue supporting the Libertarian Party in 2014 by signing up for a new monthly pledge, in- LP Revenue 1994-2013 creasing your monthly pledge, or making a contribution today. 4,000,000 3,500,000 Geoffrey J. Neale, Chair 3,000,000 2,500,000 Wes Benedict, Executive Director 2,000,000 1,500,000 1,000,000 500,000 P.S. — Donate online at LP.org, call 800-Elect-Us, - or enclose a check made out to “Libertarian Party” in the enclosed envelope.

Financial reports have limitations when it comes to showing how funds are actually spent. The category “Affiliate Support,” for example, represents funding for Libertarian state affiliates. If the LP gives cash to an affiliate, that shows up on the “Affiliate Support” line. However, if the LP hires staff to help the affiliates, their salary falls under “Compensation” even if they spend all of their time supporting affiliates.

At each national convention, the LP reports financials prepared by our auditors, in a somewhat different format. In that format, items like staff salaries and other overhead are allocated to various categories. The audited financials for 2013 will not be released until the audit is complete, which probably will be close to the June 2014 national convention.

The LNC recently adopted a budget of $1,404,800 for 2014.


Page 10 The Libertarian Party — www.LP.org April 2014

at various times in the month of March, in- compete against Palazzo in the Republi- stead of their (first) regular business meet- can primary on June 3. Affiliate News And Events ing for the month. For more information, Robinson is as local as it gets. He look below or visit the LPKY event page was born and raised in Gulfport, Miss., to find out when your party is holding their and is a product of the Gulfport School Affiliate news and events are Award. March meeting: lpky.org/events System, graduating from Gulfport High provided to LP News by • Debbie Standiford received the Volun- We’re currently working on raising School in 2001. After graduating high Libertarian Party state affiliates. teer of the Year Award. money for a new server. The server has school, he attended the University of • Frank Gilbert received the Officeholder been purchased by State Chair Ken Moell- South Alabama in neighboring Mobile, of the Year Award. man, for only $270! But it needs addi- Ala., where he graduated with a major Arkansas We had great training by Brett Po- tional disk drives, which will in total cost in psychology and a minor in political LPAR convention a tremendous success junis, our LNC Representative, and Evan another $270. We’ve had one donation science. After college, Robinson moved McMahon, executive director for the already. We need to raise another $170 to back to the Mississippi Gulf Coast to start ith more than 100 people in LNCC. Geoff Neale, the chairman of the cover the cost of these drives. his family. He married his long-time girl- attendance and 28 candidates LNC, served as debate moderator, speaker, This new server is critical to en- friend, Jamie Carlow of Biloxi, and to- nominated, “Big Liberty, Little and birthday boy. Judge , the LP abling the growth of the party. The proj- gether they have two rambunctious boys, W ects planned for this new server are: local- Joseph and Jakob. They currently live Rock” proved to be the biggest and most vice presidential candidate for 2012, was successful event in LPAR history. the keynote speaker and sang a wonderful ized newsletters, keeping in contact with in Ocean Springs, Miss., where Jamie Heading the state Libertarian ticket birthday song to Neale. The LPAR will be known Libertarians, and finding new Lib- is a nurse practitioner for Singing River is Frank Gilbert, running for governor of posting videos of all of this training and ertarians. Health and Joey is a sales consultant in Arkansas. Gilbert currently serves as con- the speeches very soon! If you can help, please donate today. the medical field. stable of Dekalb Township in Grant Coun- Some of our other many successes If you have any questions about the server, “I am of the firm belief, that if the ty, attending to the rural areas of northwest were: just direct them to State Chair Ken Moell- people of this great state take a moment to Grant County. Gilbert also served as may- • Formation of three new county groups: man: lpky.org/contact look at the values and beliefs of the Liber- or of Tull, Ark., for eight years and coro- Benton County, Washington County, This is the official “last call” for Lib- tarian party, what they will find is a party ner of Grant County for two years, and is a and a Southeast Arkansas group that ertarians to declare their candidacy. The that they can truly identify with,” Robin- former president of the Bauxite Education consists of Drew and Lincoln counties. initial paperwork must be filed by April 1 son said. Association. • Nominated a full delegation for the Na- for all partisan non-federal offices, and You can find more information about “I am excited by the opportunity, as tional LP Convention on June 26–29. candidates must be elected in our primary, Joey by visiting: the Libertarian Party’s nominee for gov- • Increased our monthly recurring dona- held at your local convention. • JoeyRobinsonforCongress.com ernor, to carry the message that free men tions by more than $400 a month. In many counties, no one has filed • fb.com/JoeyRobinsonforMSCongress and women have an absolute right to con- • Filled three vacancies on the LPAR Ex- to run for various offices, and the dead- • twitter.com/LibertarianJoey duct their lives in any way they choose, ecutive Committee. The new ExCom line for Democrats and Republicans has “I really feel that we could not be so long as they don’t infringe on the equal members include Grant Brand, Third passed! That means you’re likely to just in a better position for this race,” Rob- rights of others,” Gilbert said, “as well as District Rep; Ken Hamilton, Fourth walk into an office. You can look at who inson said. “The people of Mississippi our absolute responsibility to bear the re- District Rep; and Tyler Harrison, At- is registered as a candidate in your county are caught between our current con- sult of our actions. The Libertarian Party Large Rep. here: tinyurl.com/q9jf3rp gressman, who has not done a good job is the only political entity that has that • Increased LPAR membership by sev- To get started, visit our new Cam- of representing the district, and another message for the voters of Arkansas. I be- eral new members (full numbers still paign Introduction Webpage: share.lpky. former congressman who has switched lieve it will be a refreshing change from not known as of this writing). org/bin/view/CandidateIntro/WebHome parties in a desperate attempt to get re- the politics-as-usual of the old parties. I After reading it, if you have any fur- elected.” intend to campaign vigorously through- ther questions you can contact state Chair Robinson continued, “I believe that out the state.” Kentucky Ken Moellman and he’ll direct you to the Mississippians and Americans alike are If the Libertarian Party candidate for Attend district and county conventions right person. tired of career politicians in our nation’s governor receives at least 3 percent of the Libertarianism is on the rise. Will capital. This country does not need the vote, the party will be automatically certi- avid Patterson was selected by you stand with it? same old guard, but new people with new fied to run candidates in the next election registered Libertarians who chose ideas, people who aren’t bound to any cor- cycle, without having to petition for a spot to participate in the Libertarian porate donors, who aren’t tied to the cur- D rent political parties that got us into this on the ballot. Party’s partisan primary. All those regis- Mississippi For a full list of nominated candi- tered to vote as a Libertarian, who chose to Joey Robinson campaigns for U.S. House mess. The people are ready for a change, dates, or to find your Arkansas Libertarian participate, were able to vote. David faced and they are not going to get it while vot- candidates, please go to the LPAR candi- only NOTA (None Of The Above) and eep in the south, Libertarian can- ing Democrat or Republican.” dates page on our website: lpar.org was selected by the voters. We’re excited didate Joey Robinson has joined “This is a unique situation,” ex- The Libertarian Party of Arkansas to have a pro-liberty candidate in the 2014 Dthe race for Mississippi’s 4th con- plained Mario Barnes, the 4th district rep- Executive Committee also gave out sev- U.S. Senate race. Now, we ask: Won’t you gressional district. The seat, currently held resentative for the Mississippi LP. “The eral awards at this convention: step up and be a pro-liberty candidate in by Republican Steven Palazzo, is sure to Republican in office now was voted in • Michael Pakko received the Chair- your county this year? To find out how, draw some big attention over the next cou- because people were tired of their Demo- man’s Award for Extraordinary Service look below. ple of months with the addition of former cratic Representative. And, after four • Rodger Paxton received the Standard Don’t forget about your district and Democratic congressman Gene Taylor years of the Republican, people are ready Bearer of Liberty county party conventions. All affiliated also joining the race. This time, however, for another change. Apparently, the previ- • Tyler Harrison received the Outreach parties will be holding their conventions Taylor has crossed party lines and will continued on page 11... Vol. 44, Issue 2 The Libertarian Party — www.LP.org Page 11

seats, control of the Montana legislature, this election year promises to be interest- Nebraska 6 candidates for state and federal offices Affiliate News And Events ing. We have seven candidates for the leg- islature, one candidate for Granite County ur filing deadline was March 3. Commission, and both a U.S. House and a We have six candidates for state U.S. Senate candidate. ...continued from page 10 and federal offices. We are confi- pears libertarianism is taking a real foot- Those who filed as a Libertarian for O dent that with our field of candidates, we ous Democratic congressman could smell hold in the state. the legislature are: will maintain ballot access for another blood in the water and is out for revenge. Robinson could use all the help he • Senate District 33 Joan Stanley four years. We have a competitive race He still feels it would be difficult to win can get. We would love to see a Libertar- • House District 3 Cris Colvin in one of federal house races, which is a as a Democrat even with the amount of ian in a runoff for a U.S. Representative • HD 54 Jeffery Hill first. We are approaching 5,000 registered negativity surrounding the incumbent. So seat! • HD 56 Joshua Austill Libertarians, which would be the most we here we are, waiting for the primary to • HD 80 Ron Vandevender have ever had. find out who the lesser of those two evils • HD 84 Nicholas Taffs are. The Democrats aren’t running any Missouri • HD 97 Charles Satchfield big names, so we see this as an opportu- Convention: ‘A Better Deal for Missouri’ Elena Gagliano filed as a Granite nity to scoop up unsatisfied voters from County commissioner, and will face off New York State convention to be held on April 26 the loser of the primary while continuing he Missouri LP held its state con- against a Republican because no Demo- to reach out to both the Democratic and vention on March 8 at the historic crat filed. Roger Roots is the nominee he LPNY convention will be held Republican base voter. We are excited to Soulard Preservation Hall in the for the U.S. Senate seat that was vacated have Joey representing us in this race. We T on April 26. We will select four downtown St. Louis area. The annual by retiring Sen. Max Baucus. The U.S. statewide candidates (Gov., Lt. feel it is a real possibility to make it to State Committee business meeting was House candidate is Mike Fellows. These T Gov., Comptroller, Attorney General) and a runoff with the winner of the Republi- held, wherein the executive committee candidates can use your support and new state committee officers. Geoff Neale can primary. If this happens, these people for 2014/2015 was selected, as well as time. is the keynote speaker. won’t be afraid to vote for us. Their mo- delegates for the national convention. In Thanks to Jeffery Hill for his meet- tivation for voting party lines is gone. If addition, two sessions were coordinated ings of the Yellowstone County Libertar- you vote for us and we lose, your guy still by Executive Director Greg Tlapek. The ian Party. Yellowstone County is the larg- wins. It will be interesting to watch this first featured several party members giv- est county in Montana. The Yellowstone North Carolina NC Libertarians get U.S. Senate primary race play out.” ing informative presentations on the Facebook page can be found here: fb.com/ Robinson appears to have a solid various segments of the Missouri state pages/Yellowstone-County-Libertarian- or the second time in history, the support base. The Libertarian Party of government and budget. The second ses- Party/705374756174659 Libertarian Party of North Carolina Mississippi’s social media fan base is sion, building upon the first, involved the The Missoula County Libertarian will have a primary. Two people greater than the Democrats’ and second to participants creating a “Better Deal for Party had an entry in the March 15 Mis- F filed for the U.S. Senate nomination, Tim the Republicans’. Missouri,” which would serve as talking soula St. Patrick’s Day parade. It was a D’Annunzio of Raeford and Sean Haugh Mississippi also has a hot race for points for candidates running for state of- good day, and there was a large crowd of Durham. Senate. State Sen. Chris McDaniel, touted fice. The afternoon session was promoted present along the route. The MCLP is D’Annunzio was the Republican for his Libertarian leanings, is looking to as being of particular interest to members speaking out against a special safety dis- nominee for U.S Congress in District 4 oust U.S. Sen. Thad Cochran. Cochran of the general public. Participants heard trict that will tax property owners within in 2012, losing to incumbent Democrat has been in office since the ’70s. Politics talks from John Chasnoff of Drone Free the district. These safety issues should David Price. Haugh was the Libertarian in Mississippi is starting to heat up. It ap- St. Louis; John Payne and Sgt. Gary Wieg- be included in the Missoula city budget. nominee for U.S. Senate in 2002, and is a ert of Show-Me Cannabis; Lloyd Sloan, Cites in Montana are limited in the mills former party executive director. former radio host and Tea Party/ they can assess property owners, so these Want even The first Libertarian primary was activist; and a brief overview of libertari- special districts are used as an outside rev- in 2000 in the governor’s race. Barbara more frequent anism by state chair Cisse Spragins. Sev- enue source for a number of things like Howe won the nomination with 923 votes eral new members joined, and new per- roads and parks. over Johnathan Littlejohn, 231 votes. updates from sonalized color plastic membership cards The Libertarian Party of Ravalli Other Libertarian candidates in 2014 that were printed on the spot were a hit. County has seven members of their cen- are: J. Wesley Casteen, U.S. House 7; P.H. LP Headquarters? Filing for the August primary is open tral committee. Five members are required Dawkins, state Senate 25; Paul Mein- through March 25. The party expects to for a central committee. The deadline for hart, state House 59; Eric Cable, state have candidates for the eight congressio- those positions was also March 10. Become a monthly pledger House 104; Shelby Mood, state House nal districts, the sole statewide race, and No word yet on the L.R. 127, the 117; Windy McKinney, Haywood County and receive Liberty Pledge. state auditor, as well as several state repre- top-two primary lawsuit presented to Commissioner; Jeremy Hussey, Randolph sentative candidates. the Montana Supreme Court earlier this County Commissioner District 4; and Gin- Your monthly contributions year. Republicans decided to put this is- ny Godfrey and Richard Evey, both run- sue on the ballot, since a governor’s veto will be used to grow the LP ning for Burke County Commissioner. was looming on S.B. 408, the top-two Montana There will also be a Democratic and make it stronger. Election year promises to be interesting primary, in the 2013 Montana legislative and a Republican primary for U.S. Sen- session. ate on May 6. Incumbent Democratic ontana’s filing deadline ended If folks have any questions or would Visit lp.org/contribute to Sen. Kay Hagan has two challengers: March 10 for major parties in like to volunteer to help, contact State Will Stewart, a small business owner; make your pledge today! Montana. With open federal Chair Mike Fellows. M continued on page 12... Page 12 The Libertarian Party — www.LP.org April 2014

TBA. On Saturday, we will have a morn- additional individuals to run for office in ing business session for party business 2014. Under WV State Code, the LPWV Affiliate News And Events and endorsing candidates. The luncheon may appoint candidates to fill any position (for a fee) will have highlighted speak- not nominated at the state convention. If ers, and there will be an afternoon ses- you are interested in running for office in ...continued from page 11 support, more funding, more votes. It has sion of speakers. The evening banquet WV, please email us at [email protected]. will have keynote speakers. Sunday, June Based upon conversations with other and Ernest Reeves. truly been a team effort. 1, will feature a brunch with Gov. Gary third parties in WV, it appears that up to There are nine candidates in the Re- We did not accomplish record re- Johnson (for a fee and no-host), loca- five candidates will be competing for the publican primary. Thom Tillis, speaker sults through selling out our principles. tion TBA. Some of the speakers we will coveted major-party/ballot-access status. of the state House, is the favorite. Other Many of us have endured scorn, ridicule, have include Gov. Gary Johnson, Judge Traditionally, third parties have been able candidates are: Ted Alexander, former and hardship. We did not seek an easy Jim Gray, (’84 LP presi- to collectively gain approximately 4 per- Mayor of Shelby; Alex Lee Bradshaw; endeavor. It might be tempting to yield dential candidate), LNC Chairman Geoff cent in the gubernatorial race. Should the Greg Brannon, physician and Tea Party in order to get easy money or easy votes. Neale, and many others. five proposed third parties enter into the activist; Heather Grant, nurse practitio- We have made ourselves more persuasive Various counties are having meet- 2016 gubernatorial race, the potential for ner; Mark Harris, pastor of First Baptist and appealing while delivering a message ings and mixers, including Whatcom, any third party to obtain the requisite 1 Church of Charlotte and president of the that can be difficult to get noticed and hard Clark, King, Thurston, Pierce, and Spo- percent to achieve or sustain major-party Baptist State Convention of North Caro- for some people to receive. In spite of this kane counties. Check the meetup.com status will be highly diminished. lina; Edward Kryn, retired physician; and challenge, we have succeeded in growing groups or the LPWA.org website. Therefore, in an unorthodox move in James Snyder, Jr., former state representa- the Libertarian Party and the principled The Liberty Lion medal has been politics, the LPWV convention attendees tive, candidate for U.S. Senate in 2002 and message of liberty is being heard. released by Northwest Territorial Mint, unanimously endorsed a candidate for the nominee for lieutenant governor in 2004. It has been my honor to serve you for and part of the sales price goes to the 2016 election cycle. Dr. David Moran, the If no one gets 40 percent of the vote, this past decade and I greatly appreciate LPWA. LPWV candidate responsible for gaining there will be a runoff between the top two all of the support you have given me and We had a successful day at the major-party status for the LP in 2012, will on June 24. the Libertarian Party of Texas. My best wishes for you as we have launched the Capitol in Olympia on Feb. 27. We held be the 2016 LPWV gubernatorial can- march toward November. a morning session at the Red Lion Hotel, didate. David will be kicking off his full Oregon — Texas LP Chair Patrick Dixon then went to the Hill in the afternoon to campaign immediately in order to enhance Raising funds to mail LP primary ballots attend hearings and speak with our legisla- name recognition, fund raising and sup- tors or their assistants. This event is grow- port throughout all 55 counties in WV. he LPO is raising funds to mail Vermont ing, and next year should be much larger. In addition to the nomination of 2014 LPO primary ballots to LP Vermont 2014 convention on April 26 Many events are planned for this candidates, the LPWV also elected their T16,000 Oregon Libertarians, an in- summer, including Hempfest in both Se- 2014–2016 Executive Committee: Mi- crease of 3,000 members since 2012. After ome celebrate with like-minded attle and Olympia. chael S. Wilson, state chair; David Mo- nominating dozens of candidates in 2012, Vermonters on April 26 at Zach- ran, vice-chair; Karl Swisher, treasurer; the goal for this year is to get LPO nomi- ary’s Pizza in South Burlington at John Buckley, secretary; and Davy nees on the ballot for every partisan race C Jones, Ed Olesh, and Brent West, at- the Vermont Libertarian Party state con- West Virginia in the state. vention. Biggest slate of candidates in LPWV history large representatives. For the first time, the 2014 primary When: April 26, 2014. Starts at To conclude nomination news, the ballot will also ask Libertarian voters 11:30 a.m. (sign in starts at 11 a.m.). Ends he Libertarian Party of West Vir- LPWV will also be fielding all six of their whether they endorse statewide initiative by 4:30 p.m. at the latest. ginia’s 2014 Nominating Conven- allocated delegates to the national conven- measures likely to appear on the general Where: Zachary’s Pizza, located at tion has concluded, and the LPWV tion: Michael Wilson, David Moran, John election ballot. Those measures include T 250 Williston Rd, South Burlington. Tel: will be hosting its largest slate of candi- Buckley, Davy Jones, Ed Olesh, and Josh marijuana legalization and marriage (802) 864-9817. Visit vtlp.org for addi- dates in the state affiliate’s history. Campbell. We are still taking applications equality. tional information and a map. John Buckley, formerly of the LPVA, for alternates; so, if you are interested, Visit lporegon.org for current candi- Cost: $10.00 per person, paid in ad- has moved to the Mountain State and was please email [email protected]. date lists and other LPO news. vance of the convention to the VTLP (in- successful in securing the nomination for cludes food, drink, and tip). the U.S. Senate seat currently held by Jay For more info contact: Jeremy Ryan, Rockefeller. Thinking of running Texas [email protected], (802) 735-2149. Additionally, Davy Jones won the for office? Just want ‘Launch 2014’ marches to November Register at: vtlp.org nomination for U.S. Representative, 2nd District; Patrick Smith won the nomina- to learn more? ellow Texas Libertarians, tion for WV Senate, 12th District; Ed Go to LP.org/run-for-office By the time you receive this, Olesh won the nomination for WV House, Washington and send us your inquiry. You’ll we will have concluded our state 51st District; and Michael Ray won the F State convention from May 30 to June 1 receive information from your convention. At the time of this writing I do nomination for WV House, 50th District. state LP affiliate or from the not know the outcome of the convention, he state convention will be held You can learn more about our candi- national LP headquarters that but as the “Launch 2014” campaign march- May 30–June 1, and starts with dates by visiting our website at lpwv.org you need to get started, file your es toward the November elections, I want the “Robert Dome” (who includ- and selecting the options in the Campaign to express my appreciation to all of you. T 2014 menu. campaign, comply with your ed the LPWA in his estate) reception on For the past 10 years, we have set the evening of May 30, with Gov. Gary Since the conclusion of the conven- state’s election laws, and get on all-time records: more candidates, more Johnson and Judge Jim Gray, location tion, we have had interest expressed by the ballot. Vol. 44, Issue 2 The Libertarian Party — www.LP.org Page 13 Obama’s military spending cuts equal military spending increases stantially downsize the U.S. military. Libertarians are lining up to run for federal office in LP-issued Libertarian Party 2014 on a platform to cut military spending immediately by at least 60 percent, close a substantial number of over- candidates say: seas military bases, and bring troops home. news release: Specific Libertarian proposals to downsize the U.S. By Carla Howell • Cut military spending military include: • Immediately withdraw all troops from Iraq and Af- hile the Libertarian Party strongly agrees with immediately by at least 60%. ghanistan and bring them home to their families. the need to downsize the U.S. military, the • Stay out of Syria, Ukraine, and every other foreign WObama plan recently announced by Defense • Stay out of Syria and Ukraine. conflict. Secretary Chuck Hagel expands the military. • Close unneeded U.S. military bases and outposts in Both Democratic and Republican politicians rou- Army, National Guard, Reserves, and Marine Corps by more than 130 countries around the world, and bring tinely deceive taxpayers by portraying slight reductions a mere 3.9 percent — while touting it as “shrinking the our troops home. First on the list are the massive de- in the growth of government as “cuts.” Army to its smallest size in 74 years.” This tiny reduction ployments in Germany, Italy, South Korea, and Japan When military spending cuts are involved, Republi- in personnel — if it ever happens — is not backed by cuts — countries that can fund their own military defense. cans protest loudly, giving credence to the claim that the in spending. No cost savings. No real reduction. • Close at least half of the nation’s 4,402 domestic De- cuts are real. Both Democrats and Republicans use these They call for slowing down the growth in pay raises partment of Defense sites. theatrics to disguise reckless government overspending and the growth of tax-free housing allowances for mili- • Use 100 percent of operating cost savings to reduce the — just as they did with the government “shutdown.” tary personnel. The only slight reduction they offer is an federal income tax, balance the federal budget, or both. “Elementary school arithmetic instructs us that if increase in contributions they pay for insurance deduct- • Sell off all foreign and domestic real estate holdings you grow spending at a slower rate — it still gets higher. ibles and co-pays. Overall, they propose higher govern- of closed military bases and DoD sites while requiring It’s not a reduction; it’s an increase,” said Geoffrey J. ment spending for military personnel. that all proceeds be used to pay down existing govern- Neale, chair of the Libertarian National Committee. They propose a series of domestic base closures ment debt. None of it should pay for more government President Obama and Secretary Hagel propose cre- which, again, are not backed by spending cuts. Any sav- spending. ation of a new $26 billion “Opportunity, Growth, and ings will not go to taxpayers but to spending in other areas “Reducing and eliminating military bases in foreign Security Initiative” (read: slush fund) while keeping the of the military. countries will remove a major source of hostility towards 2015 Pentagon budget at the same level as 2014. That’s In all likelihood, there will be little to no savings at the United States, reduce the threat of a terrorist attack, an increase of $26 billion. all from base closures as proposed by President Obama. and reduce federal government debt by $300 billion,” They also propose wiping out what’s left of the so- Few, if any, bases will actually close, because congress- Neale said. called “sequester,” thereby sheltering the military from men and senators will lobby intensely to keep them open “Cutting military spending by $600 billion every automatic spending cuts. in their home states. No base closure initiatives in the last year will go a long way toward balancing the federal Democrats and Republicans already gutted a good 25 years have resulted in savings greater than $1–3 billion budget and ending the federal income tax,” he said. “This portion of the sequester in the December round of budget per year, and some resulted in no closings at all. will give back $5,000 every year to each taxpaying family negotiations. Given that the U.S. government spends more than in the United States; stimulate investment in small busi- Now they want to both increase military spending and $1 trillion for military purposes every year, such savings nesses; and create millions of sustainable, private-sector take away the minimal spending controls that are still in ef- are trivial and will be used as an argument not to close jobs. Plenty of jobs for veterans and millions of others fect while pretending they want to cut military spending. any bases, as they were during the last round of attempted now out of work.” The sequester cuts were agreed to in exchange for military base closings in 2005. The LP platform’s section on national defense reads: higher spending and higher government debt passed un- It appears the administration is more interested in “We support the maintenance of a sufficient mili- der the deceptively-named Budget Control Act of 2011. provoking lawmakers to ensure bases stay open than in tary to defend the United States against aggression. The One more illustration that politicians’ promises for spend- closing them and cutting costs — while pretending to United States should both avoid entangling alliances and ing cuts equal spending increases. downsize the U.S. military. abandon its attempts to act as policeman for the world. They propose reducing the total employment of the The Libertarian Party and its candidates aim to sub- We oppose any form of compulsory national service.”

Pledge to end Drug War “You are a consenting adult and you have the right to do with your body as you see “Every day, I work to impart to my ...continued from page 4 fit,” he said. “The government has no right to students the need to be personally “I want our families to be safe,” he said. lay claim to your consciousness.” responsible. Repealing the Drug “That’s why I will sponsor legislation to end He says ending the Drug War will re- the War on Drugs.” store personal responsibility. War will go a long way toward • Website: vote4davyjones.org “Every day, I work to impart to my stu- fostering responsible behavior dents the need to be personally responsible,” among those in the drug trade, Chris Clemmons, Kansas, U.S. House he said. “Repealing the Drug War will go a Chris Clemmons, a middle school teach- long way toward fostering responsible behav- potential drug users, and law Chris Clemmons er of life science, says the government has no ior among those in the drug trade, potential enforcement personnel.” business telling citizens they may not control drug users, and law enforcement personnel.” — Chris Clemmons, LP Kansas candidate for U.S. House their own state of mind by using drugs. • Website: clemmonsforkansas.com Page 14 The Libertarian Party — www.LP.org April 2014 Spreading libertarianism by closing our mouths and opening our ears By Dimitri Vassilaros words, somehow convey that “I feel your pain.” Talk Host, NewsRadio 1020 KDKA Step No. 4 — Gently offer a Libertarian solution (a f Libertarian ideals such as right-sizing bloated gov- very soft sell) ernment are so wonderful (and they are), why doesn't Ask Joe if he would please consider a solution to Ievery American agree with us? We might be tempted solve his problem. More than likely he will say yes. Walk to ask what is wrong with those people who don’t under- him through the idea that, by reducing government to its stand libertarianism. Maybe, instead, Libertarians should right size, it will make his life better. be asking what can we do better to understand them. For example: citing a reputable source, Joe would The late provocateur Andrew Breitbart crudely dis- have, say ... a $1,000 more in his wallet — each year — tilled our challenge to its essence: “If you can’t sell free- by eliminating government rules and regulations that ar- dom and liberty, you suck, and by suck, I mean, you suck tificially pump up the price of gasoline. And that might profoundly.” solve other financial problems of his. I’ve been selling this glorious principle for years on radio, TV and in print. My audience is filled with Bubbas Step No. 5 — Don’t try to win (it’s a discussion; not a in Texas, Joe the Plumber in Ohio, and Good Ol’ Boys in debate) Georgia. Libertarians typically are articulate, bright, knowl- Let’s call the average American “Joe Six-Pack.” edgeable, and passionate about eliminating excessive gas, health insurance for his family, making the next government. They score debate points effortlessly. Step No. 1 — Read his mind (without having to learn mortgage payment. But Joe Six-Pack isn’t like that, and he knows it. If Mr. Spock’s Vulcan Mind Meld) a friendly chat about how smaller government can solve Mr. Six-Pack seldom cares about what matters to Step No. 3 — Speak his language (by finding common his concerns morphs into deeper waters, he could feel in- other people; he cares about what matters to him. So, how ground) undated; and that someone is trying to ram libertarianism to read someone’s mind? Here’s the secret: ask. Alas, Rosetta Stone software doesn’t offer a course down his throat. Counterproductive, at the least. Ask Joe what he is concerned about in his life; fam- to teach Libertarians to speak the language of Joe Six- Instead, treat him the way you would wish be treat- ily, job, finances, goals, pets, anything. Pack. If he mentions he likes a sports team, say in the ed if the roles were reversed. Be kind and courteous to NFL, mention that you're a fan of, say, the Steelers. If him. Thank him for being so open-minded and willing to Step No. 2 — Listen (and listen good) he talks about his kids, share insights about yours; bond consider your Libertarian solution. Smile, and try to mean He probably won’t mention Austrian economics, with him. And then show him you understand — and care it. Stay in touch with him. returning to the gold standard or ending the War on about — his concerns. You’ve planted a seed that, someday, might take Drugs. He probably will mention seemingly mundane For example, if he cares about the price of gasoline, root. And, maybe, by your listening and caring, you have worries like his job prospects, the price of a gallon of tell him what you paid per gallon. And then, in your own made another Libertarian friend.

New Libertarian Party radio show Arizona repeals ballot access restriction ...continued from page 1 downsizing the military. under pressure from pending referendum The Libertarian candidates who have been featured on the n Feb. 27, Ari- success of a referendum petition last fall, which show through March 26 are: Charlie Earl for Governor in Ohio; zona Gov. Jan called for repeal of the bill. It had qualified for the Keen Umbehr for Governor in Kansas; Arvin Vohra for Congress OBrewer signed ballot this November. in Maryland’s 4th District; Tresa McAlhaney for Governor in Kan- a bill, HB 2196, to re- It appears that the Republican-dominated sas; Gigi Bowman for State Senate in New York’s 5th District; Leo peal a highly restrictive legislature and governor believed that voters would Dymowski for Attorney General in Maryland; Adrian Willie for ballot access law passed have passed the referendum, thus repealing the law Governor in Florida; Robert Sarvis for U.S. Senate in Virginia; in 2013. Republicans anyway. So they chose to cancel the popular vote. Rob Lapham for U.S. House in Texas’s 22nd District; Bill Slantz championed the 2013 bill The Democratic Party strongly opposed the for U.S. House in Missouri’s 2nd District; Steven Newton for Del- to target both their Lib- 2013 bill and provided the bulk of the signatures aware’s 22nd House District; and Sharon Hansen for U.S. Senate ertarian and Democratic for the referendum. The Libertarian Party played in Illinois. opponents. a leading role, providing spokespersons for the The archived podcast for past shows can be heard at the The 2013 bill in- AZ Gov. Jan Brewer referendum. VoiceAmerica website: cluded a provision mak- This was the second major attempt by Ari- • www.voiceamerica.com/show/2300/libertarians-working-for-you ing it almost impossible for a member of a ballot- zona Republicans during the last two years to keep Or listen live here: qualified third party to get on his or her party’s Libertarians off the ballot. In 2012, they put an • www.voiceamerica.com/channel/246/voiceamerica-variety primary ballot or to nominate anyone by write-in initiative, Prop 121, on the ballot that would have “It’s a great opportunity to showcase the striking contrast be- vote. It also included provisions aimed at depress- allowed only the candidates with the two highest tween Big Government Democrats and Republicans, whose laws ing Democratic voter turnout. vote totals in the primaries to qualify for the gen- and actions have done immeasurable damage, and our Libertarian The 2014 action by the legislature and gov- eral election ballot, known as “top two.” Voters re- candidates, who offer solutions that will make America prosperous, ernor to repeal the 2013 bill was motivated by the jected the measure by a two-to-one margin. safe, and free,” said Howell. Vol. 44, Issue 2 The Libertarian Party — www.LP.org Page 15 Libertarians are the only party providing a real choice By Rodger Paxton freedom from our lives. Secretary, LP Arkansas These are supposedly the “fiscally conservative” Republicans. And yet you wonder why Libertarians can- e are not “Republican-light.” We are not didates run against “good Republicans.” “Democratic-light.” We are Libertarians. As independent reporter Steve Brawner said in the W It is tiresome to continually be asked Times Record recently, “Libertarians are the party of less why we would want to run a Libertarian candidate against government — really less government ... That sounds like a “good Republican” or “a good libertarian-leaning Re- Republican rhetoric, but Libertarians are a lot more seri- publican.” Would this same person ask that of the Demo- ous about it, and the party’s less government philosophy cratic Party? Would this same person expect the Demo- lands it to the left of many Arkansas Democrats on social cratic Party to not run someone against a “good moderate issues.” Brawner gets it. Why don’t the Republicans get Republican?” Of course not. So why do they ask us? it? I believe Republicans and conservatives do this This is the reason the Libertarian Party is the third- because they have a fundamental misunderstanding of largest and fastest-growing party in Arkansas, because we what it means to be a Libertarian. They believe that we get it. We get that the people of this great country and share some sort of camaraderie with them, but can offer great state are fed up with the false choices they are being no proof of what makes them think this way. They throw given at the ballot box. We get that people are finally say- around words like “Republican-libertarian,” and “conser- ing, “ENOUGH!” The Libertarian Party is giving these vative libertarian,” and “constitutional libertarian” like voters real choice, a real difference from the eerily simi- these word salads have some sort of meaning. They do lar Republican and Democrat parties. People every day not. • Republicans brought us a bill to be voted on that will are fed up, looking around, and realizing that they too are A libertarian is someone who believes in the non- double their term limit length. Libertarians. aggression principle, plain and simple. Simply put, the • The Republicans have also brought us a bill making it R. Lee Wrights, the vice chair of the Libertarian non-aggression principle states that no man may initiate much more difficult and expensive for a person to get National Committee, said recently on his Facebook page, force or fraud against another person or his property. This certain body modifications to their own body. And this “Libertarians do nothing for America or themselves by is also called “classically liberal” in many circles, and fits was all just in the last session alone! joining and supporting our oppressors! We gain nothing just as well as the word libertarian. The political party • Now, in the current fiscal session, the Arkansas Re- and America loses every time someone falls for this load that upholds these libertarian principles is conveniently publicans are trying to ram the private option funding of elephant droppings. Republicans cannot be trusted. We named The Libertarian Party. Republicans and Democrats through the House any way they can! The private op- have learned even the Democrats have more integrity than have no such moral compass. This is evident in the sort tion is the largest expansion of Medicaid in Arkansas Republicans. Not by much, mind you, but by a degree. of legislation both parties have brought us. However, be- history, and was passed initially last session in our Re- Democrats tell us they are going to take our money and cause I am talking about the Republicans today, let’s see publican-controlled legislature! And one of the biggest give it to others, then, they get elected and do it. Repub- what they have done to this state and country recently: supporters of getting this passed in this fiscal session? licans lie through their teeth and tell us, ‘Vote for us, we • Republicans have brought us, in the last legislative Nate Bell, the supposed “libertarian Republican!” are not like that!’ Then, they get elected, take our money, session in Arkansas alone, a bill that steals $125 mil- And you wonder why these word salads like “liber- and give it to their friends. Republicans and Democrats lion from the taxpayer’s pockets to give to a for-profit tarian Republican” have no meaning. are two wings on the same bird of prey.” steel mill. Federally, things are just as bad, if not worse. Re- I could not have said it better myself. We are no lon- • Republicans passed legislation in the last session mak- publicans brought us the PATRIOT Act, the Department ger content with elephant and donkey droppings. We are ing it more difficult for the Libertarian Party to get on of Homeland Security, the TSA, Medicare Part D, mul- no longer content pulling the lever for these people who the ballot, restricting our freedom of speech and free- tiple stimulus packages to prop up private companies, campaign one way and then legislate another. We are no dom of choice. multiple wars to massively increase the military budget, longer willing to play their games and allow them to run • Republicans passed legislation increasing an already pork, etc. roughshod over us. We are not Republicans. We are not ridiculous burden for the citizens of Arkansas to bring I could keep going, but you get the point. All of Democrats. WE ARE LIBERTARIANS! And, in Arkan- ballot initiatives to the people to vote on. these programs stole money from our pockets and stole sas anyway, we are here to stay and to win.

Convention participation an opinion and think up questions. It will not understand an amendment, or not hear waiting on. also leave you free to pay attention to the a motion correctly and vote the wrong 9. If you are not interested in the ...continued from page 7 floor debate. If everyone is familiar with way. business happening on the floor and vendors, check local attractions, etc. the proposals, that will also help speed up 8. If a vote requires your delega- wish to socialize, be sure to do it off to 6. Read the materials ahead of the debate. tion chair to submit a ballot, stay near the side or in the back of the convention time. Nearly everything that will be de- 7. Pay attention. Seriously. Show your delegation table until that process hall, or take it outside so you’re not dis- bated on the convention floor will be respect for all the work that went into the is done. If your chair has to spend 15 min- tracting other delegates. If the chair has in your binder. Read it. Make notes in convention and to the people speaking utes to find you to cast your vote, that just to call for order on the floor, that’s time the margins. Waiting until things are at the microphone. If you are distracted delays the process. If everyone is where that cannot be spent on business. introduced to figure them out is an- op by games, side conversations, checking they are supposed to be, then voting hap- 10. Pace yourself, get some sleep portunity for confusion. Familiarizing email, posting status updates, etc., you pens much faster, so we can get through every night, and enjoy the company of a yourself with the proposals and motions may miss an important point of debate, more business items. Don’t let your affili- few hundred fellow Libertarians. beforehand will give you time to form miss an answer to a question you also had, ate be the one the other 500 delegates are See you in Columbus! Media Buzz About LP STAFF Upcoming state conventions the Libertarian Party LP Maryland State Convention LP Indiana State Convention LP NATIONAL CHAIRMAN Saturday, April 5 Friday, April 25, through Sunday, April 27 “‘Putting on a national conven- Geoffrey J. Neale Squire's Italian Restaurant Caribbean Cove Hotel & Conference Center tion in a nice professional hotel 6723 Holabird Ave., Dundalk, MD 21222 3850 Depauw Blvd., Indianapolis, IN 46268 is a huge project with significant EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR http://md.lp.org/events/phpevents.php#95 http://lpin.org/events/2014convention/ expenses, and we don’t receive Wes Benedict taxpayer subsidies for our con- POLITICAL DIRECTOR LP Mississippi State Convention LP Alabama State Convention ventions, unlike the Democrats Carla Howell Saturday, April 5 Saturday, May 10 and Republicans. That’s right, Beau Rivage Resort & Casino 2330 Highland Avenue South, Birmingham, AL Democrats and Republicans OPERATIONS DIRECTOR 875 Beach Blvd., Biloxi, MS 39530 35205 each got about $18 million of Robert Kraus http://www.mslp.org/#!convention/c1gn7 http://www.lpalabama.org/events.html government money for their national conventions in 2012,’ CANDIDATE AND AFFILIATE LP Wisconsin State Convention LP Florida State Convention says Wes Benedict, executive SUPPORT SPECIALIST Saturday, April 12 Friday, May 16, through Sunday, May 18 director of the Libertarian Na- Bob Johnston Best Western Midway Hotel Howard Johnson Plaza — Tampa Downtown tional Committee. ‘We Libertar- 2901 Hummingbird Rd., Wausau, WI 54401 Riverfront ians pay for our own conven- EDITOR & TECHNOLOGY http://www.lpwi.org/ tions,’ he adds.” DEVELOPER 111 West Fortune St., Tampa, FL 33602 http://lpf2014.org/ Washington Times, 3/19/2014 Eric D. Dixon LP Texas State Convention Friday, April 11, through Sunday, April 13 MEMBER SERVICES & AFFILIATE LP Michigan State Convention “With an historically high 42 per- RELATIONS MANAGER Mayborn Convention Center Saturday, May 17 cent of Americans identifying Casey Hansen 3303 N 3rd St., Temple, TX 76501 Johnson Center at Cleary University themselves as independents as http://www.lp.org/event/lp-texas-2014-conven- 3750 Cleary Dr., Howell, MI 48843 of January, the United States is tion SPECIAL PROJECTS http://www.lp.org/event/lp-michigan-2014-state- becoming a nation increasingly Nick Dunbar convention not served by either the Republi- LP Kansas State Convention can or Democrat label. According Friday, April 25, through Saturday, April 26 MEMBER SERVICES SPECIALIST LP Washington State Convention to a December 2013 Gallup poll, Molly Schwoppe Holiday Inn Wichita East Friday, May 30, through Sunday, June 1 72 percent of all Americans be- 549 S Rock Rd., Wichita, KS 67207 Doubletree Hotel in Southcenter Seattle http://www.lp.org/event/lp-kansas-2014-state- lieved that Big Government is a 16500 Southcenter Pkwy., Seattle, WA 98188 convention bigger threat to the United States http://www.lpwa.org/ than Big Business (21 percent) or LP Alaska State Convention Big Labor (5 percent).” THE LIBERTARIAN PARTY® LP Idaho State Convention Saturday, April 26 Mint Press News, 2/25/2014 2600 Virginia Ave. NW, Suite 200 Saturday, June 21 Washington, DC 20037 Best Western Golden Lion Hotel To Be Announced: Caldwell, ID Phone: (202) 333-0008 1000 E 36th Ave., Anchorage, AK 99508 Fax: (202) 333-0072 http://www.alaskalibertarian.com/news.html http://www.lp.org/event/lp-idaho-2014-state- Website: www.LP.org convention LP Minnesota State Convention Saturday, April 26 LP Illinois State Convention WHAT’S GOING ON Cambria Suites Hotel, Maple Grove Saturday, Sept. 12, through Sunday, Sept. 14 9655 Grove Circle N., Maple Grove, MN 55369 Holiday Inn in Bolingbrook IN YOUR STATE? http://www.lpmn.org/ai1ec_event/2014-lpmn- 205 Remington Blvd., Bolingbrook, IL 60440 state-convention/ http://www.lp.org/event/lp-illinois-2014-state- A list of Libertarian events can convention be found online at: LP New York State Convention Saturday, April 26 LP Massachusetts State Convention LP.org/event Best Western Albany Airport Inn Saturday, Oct. 18 200 Wolf Ave., Albany, NY 12205 Tweed's Restaurant You can get more information http://www.lp.org/event/lp-new-york-2014-state- 229 Grove St., Worcester, MA 01605 by visiting the website of your convention http://lpmass.org/ Mark Your Calendars! state affiliate. See a list at: Come to Columbus for the LP.org/states What have you missed recently on LP.org? LP National Convention If there is an event you would • Take the poll: What is the biggest benefit of a broad-based tax cut that forces June 26–29, 2014 like to see listed on the substantial reductions in government spending? • Ohio Republicans toss top-ticket Libertarians off ballot; LP fires back website, please send details to: Hyatt Regency • Libertarian Jim McDermott for Congress in Alaska polling at 12% • Robert Sarvis announces plans to seek LP Virginia nomination for Senate Columbus, Ohio And visit LPcon2014.org for the official candidacy [email protected] 2014 LP Convention Site OR CALL THE LP HEADQUARTERS AT • More than 550,000 emails sent to Congress for ‘The Day We Fight Back’ campaign • Libertarian candidates Gigi Bowman and Leo Dymowski on school safety and your It’s a Vibrant, Happenin’ Town! (202) 333-0008 right to self-defense ExperienceColumbus.com