Jjjatuattan ( B Lntrrlt ( E Ljr
1 5 6 3 W 1 L и с. К A V fc . , HONOLULU. jjjatuattan (B lntrrlt (E ljrm ttrlr *For Christ and His Church' The R t. Rev. S. H arrington ідттеее, D.D., S.T.D., Editor V: T h e R e v . E. Tanner Brown, D.D., Associate Editor Entered as second-class matter February 14, 1908, at the post office at Honolulu, Hawaii, under the Act of March 3, 1879. ' Voe. X X V II. H onoeueu, H aw aii, S e ptem b er, 1937 No. 7 THE RIGHT REVEREND S. HARRINGTON LITTELL, D.D., S.T.D., BISHOP OF HONOLULU 2 HAWAIIAN CHURCH CHRONICLE September, 193; CLERGY LIST IOLANI SCHOOL M issio n a r y D istr ic t or H o n o lu lu A CHURCH SCHOOL FOR BOYS Boarding Department and Day School BISHOP Elementary, College Preparatory and Commercial Courses T h e R t . R ev. S. H a rrin g to n L it t e l l , S.T.D., D.D., Bishop’s House, Queen Address inquiries to the Headmaster Emma Square, Honolulu. 1930 Nuuanu and Judd Streets, Honolulu Telephone 4332 PRIESTS The Rev. Canon Douglas Wallace, Retired; Kealakekua, Hawaii. 1905 ST. ANDREW’S PRIORY The Rev. Canon F. N. Cullen, Retired; A CHURCH SCHOOL FOR GIRLS Queen Emma Square, Honolulu. 191І First to Eighth Grades, Inclusive, and High School Course Accredited The Very Rev. Wm. Ault, St. Andrew’s Cathedral, Honolulu. 1897 For particulars apply to the The Rev. Philip Taiji Fukao, Holy Trinity, Honolulu.
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