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12 PAGES. PAGES 1 TO 8, MP t I 1 A ESTABLISHED JTJL.T X. U5C VOL. XXXVM NO. 612. HONOLULU, HAWAII TERRITORY, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 2, 1902. PRICE FIYE CBim BISHOP WILLIS RELINQUISHES HIS WORK MAY IfFFP 111111 1 . l. 1 AND BISHOP NICHOLS ASSUMES CONTROL OfiEIER OFF ' 1 X --wv r X X Ceremonies Which Mark the Transfer of the MriJ THE BALLOT Jurisdiction of the Episcopal Church In Hawaii. 01 v.i 11 . j 1 r j 1 tii-- i m v i :t. i . r.r UIL..11 uv . 1111a x 1 Republicans Will EFORK Congregation which filled mouth, the Rev. Dr. Jenner of England, St. Andifw' Cathedral almost to and the Rev. Kong Tin Tet. They were the limit of Its seating capacity. followed by Bishon Nichols and Bishop Appeal to Willis, the latter being seated nearest the In tb presence of men and women to the altar, within the chancel raiL prel- who hare for a period beyond his The service was a full choral . one. acy supported the church here. Bishop the prayers being chanted by the Rev. Courts. Alfred Willis laid down the weight of Canon Ault. while the Rev. Dr. Jenner read the lessons. The usual service be- the see of Honolulu and Bishop William ing completed. Bishop Willis approach- Ford Nichols, as representative of the ed the front of the sanctuary and read (v? senior D is hop of the Episcopal Church his formal surrender of jurisdiction. COOPER DECLARES 'lJf In America, assumed the duties of the He paused only when he called upon missionary was ceremony the diocesan registrar. Edmund Stiles, HE CANNOT MOVE district. It a to read his letter to Bishop Clarke, set- full of Interest and novelty, marked ting forth the work of the synod and with a pathetic coloring as well as one asking approval, the letter approving . of gladness, witnessed alike by those the acts of the synod, the resignation of Bishop Has No Right to Question who have stood with the retiring Bish- - the and the acceptance of the that re?lKr.ati-- by the Archbishop of op and against him. and closing with n Canterbury. The address was deliverer! Eligibility of A Candidate celebration of the most sacred rites of w ith emphasH. in part to the congrega- ' the church, by the new dignitary. tion and the final clauses to the Bishop When Once Nominated. Inng before the uthority, his voice the hour for service the showing no trace of the emotions which main body of the Cathedral was filled must have shaken him until, after the almost to its limit of seating capacity. handing over the documents, he ' EPUBLICANS will not permit the " The audience was a testimonial of the turned to the congregation and pro- printing of the name of August Interest felt In the church, for It was nounced his final relinquishment of au - . R ' thority, there was a "usplclous break- Mill i i Dreier1 on the official ballots for made up of men and women who had ing In its tones. Bishop Willis said: the Fourth district without the arbitra- seldom met before In a service. WhlU-i- n iam ment of the highest court of the Terri- BISHOP WILLIS' ADDRESS. a front pew sat British Commission- Darly Beloved: The purpose for tory. This was decided upon last even er lloare and across from him Gover- which we are assembled here In the ing, after full discussion of the position nor Cleghorn, not yards awy were presence of God is for the transference to the American branch of the Angli- taken by the Acting Governor of the churchmen whose visit here Is but a can communion of spiritual jurisdic- Territory and the investigations of the passing; one. but who. drawn by the tion In the area of the Hawaiian Isl- attorneys for the committee unique of transfer, came to ands, first commit teed by His Grace 1 feature the the Archbishop of Canterbury to my ! m4 The newest phase of the Fourth Dis- worship with a people united by the controversy ' predecessor, the Rt. Rev. Dr. Staley. In trict was that interjected: new order. 1S62, when Honolulu was made the seat ( yesterday .by Secretary and Acting Throughout there of a Bishop of the Anglican commun the entire service ion. Governor Cooper. After consideration was not a note which could be taken as matter, attor- ' The steps already taken toward the of the consultation with Indicative of any past which must be transfer of jurisdiction are as follows: neys and the receipt of the formal peti- avoided In reference. There was a most 1. In November, 1S99, the Hawaiian tion for Information, from the Home eulogy Islands having been incorporated as touching for the retiring official, Amer- Rulers coming in between times, the territory of the United States of . -v. a tactful reference to the future work ica, the Diocesan Svnod of the Angli it . ctfef executive arrived at the conclu- j - s ' r . of the church and an eloquent reference can Church In Hawaii passed - sion did not have any author- tlon pledging Itself to whatever that he to the significance of take - of the efforts the ; steps might be necessary for bringing JOHN BULL The Church is Yours. Jonathan. t ity over a candidate provided that ho fJS jToralty of years far pat. to hear the the church In Hawaii into union with was properly certified to the office. The j word which was denied them. There the Protestant Episcopal Church In the f position of the Secretary is broadly United States of on i . could be found nothing In ad- America conditions either stated in its resolution. expressing the desire of this church to ance with the constitution, canons, has been accepted by His Grace, that that he would have to receive the name dress which was out of harmony with 2. In October, 1901, an arrangement e received as a Missionary District rules and regulations of the Protestant acceptance, together with the letter of of any person who may be nominated a perfectly Christian spirit In the events was entered into between myself and 01 me iroiestant episcopal cnurcn in ' Episcopal Church In the United States resignation, being duly deposited and by a party, even if that nominee was lloupe of Bishops, assembled In the United States of America; and . of ti In office of day. to men the ' America. registered the of His Grace's the and its dose all the promising allegiance to canons of J 6. 24, 1902, an alien or a woman, if there were the connected with the main ceremonial General Convention In San Francisco, the On February In reply to Vicar General, as will appear by the which devolved upon that House the the said church; and further Instruct- - a letter addressed to the Presiding certificate of the Principal Registrar of necessary voters' signatures and dol- were drawn together &3 If by a com- Incorporated i t Episcopal oversight of the church In inS the board of trustees Bishop of the Church in the United the Province of Canterbury, which will V Impulse, J lars accompanying it. mon that of the glorification these Islands on and after April 1, 1902, t apply for approval by the civil au- - states, with which I forwarded a copy j now be read by our Diocesan Registrar, of cause, thority necessary - condition was made the church and its ( at which date it was resolved that the of the amendments j of the official Journal of the proceed- after he has first read the letter from As soon as this The processional showed as well the Hawaiian Islands should be constituted In te charter of Incorporation. ngs of our Diocesan Synod in Decern-- ! the Presiding Bishop, known to the chairmen of the two ' ! Interest felt by the clergy In the event. a Missionary District, for which a 4. Pursuant to the aforementioned "ber. 1901. a letter was received from the After the reading the Bishop con-Bish- op committees, the Territorial and Dis- While there were seated in the body of should be consecrated as soon resolution an amended charter was ap- -' MoFt Reverend Prelate expressing the J ' the church with the members of their as practicable, effect to be previously plied for by the trustees, and granted ' fall approval of the action taken by ! tjnllj. trict, they consulted again with their flocks the Rev. Alexander Mackintosh given by our Diocesan Synod to the by the Treasurer of the Territory, with the Synod. "The Presiding Bishop, being unable attorney, Mr. A. G. M. Robertson, and ; you present In per-- 3. and the Kev. John Usborne. was resolution passed In November. 1899. 'the approval of the Governor, on the! 6. In pursuance of the arrangement as have heard to be they there ! l by Rev. received some assurances that of In order to give effect to that res- - 15th day of January, 1902. By virtue already referred to. as entered into son. is represented the Rt. a full attendance the clergy of the 1893. William F. Nichols. D. D., Bishop of might hope for success in any fight Islands seated within the choir. The olutlon of our Diocesan Synod In of this charter the corporation hereto- -' with the House of Bishops in October December of last year passed two reso- - fore known as the trustees of the An-- J last, effect having been given to the California, who will now present his over the knocking off of the printing on nested choir was very full In Its repre by one adopting chang-- November, 1899.