Ciencias Marinas (2008), 34(4): 433–444 Macrobenthic communities in a fishery exclusion zone and in a trawled area of the middle Adriatic Sea (Italy) Comunidades macrobénticas en una zona vedada a la pesca y en una zona de pesca de arrastre en la parte central del Mar Adriático (Italia) AM De Biasi*, L Pacciardi Centro Interuniversitario di Biologia Marina ed Ecologia Applicata, V. le N. Sauro 4, I-57127 Livorno, Italy. * E-mail:
[email protected] Abstract Macrobenthic communities in a commercial fishing ground (middle Adriatic Sea) exploited by otter trawling were compared with communities living in an area closed to fishing for over 10 years located near a gas platform. Our data highlighted significant differences in macrofaunal community structure between the two areas. In addition, the macrofaunal communities in the fished area displayed evidence of a higher level of stress compared with the other one. Several taxa reported in the literature as being sensitive to trawling (e.g., Ebalia tuberosa, Callianassa subterranea) were markedly more abundant in the area not affected by fishing. Macrofaunal community analysis using the index of multivariate dispersion and k-dominance curves provided evidence of stress in the fished area; however, it is not possible to predict whether the patterns observed will remain consistent over time based on only two temporal replicates. It is likely that the magnitude of the macrofaunal community response to fishing changes during the year according to season and fishing effort. Key words: bottom trawling, ecosystem disturbance, middle Adriatic Sea, sediment distribution, zoobenthos.