Cyclone Amphan Joint Needs Assessment (JNA) Needs Assessment Working Group (NAWG) Bangladesh Date: 31 May 2020 BANGLADESH Cyclone Amphan: Joint Needs Assessment Monsoon Flood | July Coordinated efforts of Needs Assessment Working Group About the Working Group : The Needs Assessment Working Group (NAWG) is the platform for government and non government humanitarian agencies under Humanitarian Coordination Task Team (HCTT). The secretariat of the Working Group is hosted by CARE Bangladesh under the “Supporting Bangladesh Rapid Needs Assessment (SUBARNA) Project.” Implemented By Fund Managed By Funded By Disclaimer: This material has been funded by UK aid from the UK government, however the views expressed do not necessarily reflect the UK government’s official policies. Table of Contents Topic Page No Executive Summary 04 Overall Impact 05 Key Findings 06 Sectoral Key Findings 07-11 Joint Needs Assessment (JNA) Methodology 12 Cyclonic Storm (Amphan) 13-14 National Preparedness and Early Action 15-16 Geographical Scope of the Assessment 17 Demographic and Geographical Impacts 18-20 Priority Geographic Areas (by Districts) 21 Sectoral Impacts and Prioritize 22-36 -Child Protection -Early Recovery -Education -Food Security -Gender Based Violence (GBV) -Health -Nutrition -Shelter -SRH -WASH Anticipation of Secondary Hazards 37 Community Needs and Priorities 38 Geographic and Response Priorities 39 Annex 1: Government Response 41 Annex 2: Humanitarian Agency Response 42 Annex 3: Relevant information and Data 43 Annex 4: Situation and priorities of Person with Disability 44 Annex 5: Glossary and Acronyms 45 Annex 6: Assessment timeline 46 Annex 7 : Reference 47 Annex 8: Acknowledgment 48-50 Executive Summary The ‘super cyclone’ Amphan made landfall on 20 May 2020 on Jammu island in West Bengal, India and crossed Bangladesh on 20-21 May. In Bangladesh, the worst impact was experienced in Satkhira and Khulna where the storm speed was recorded between 60- 90 KMPH with high tidal inundation. Barguna and Patuakhali also experienced high tidal inundation where the storm speed was recorded 60 KMPH. As the storm kept moving north, Jhenaidah, Chuadanga, Meherpur, Kushtia, Natore, Rajshahi, Naogaon, Joypurhat were also impacted by high winds and storms. It is notable that, due to the presence of Sundarbans, the wind speed reduced to minimal as well as the tidal surges were not that high as anticipated. The Government of Bangladesh (GoB) prepared for the cyclone through the leadership of Ministry of Disaster Management and Relief (MoDMR) which started with coordination meetings with all relevant government and non-government stakeholders from 16 May. As soon as the cyclone grew in intensity from a ‘very severe’ cyclonic storm into a super cyclone, the GoB prepared 12,078 cyclone shelters in coastal regions. As per government record more than 2.4 million people were evacuated, with the help of CPP, BDRCS, Fire Service and Civil Defence (FSCD), Police, Armed Forces, and other organisations, to 14,636 permanent and temporary shelters in 19 coastal districts before the cyclone hit the country's coast. Overall, 76 Upazilla in 19 districts were affected where 8 districts were recognised having severe to moderate impact. The death toll was recorded at 26 people, where 2.6 million people were affected. More than 200,000 houses were fully or partially damaged along with more than 176,000 hectares of productive land with standing crops and fish/shrimp farms washed away. A large number of people lost their last resort of livelihood, which will have broader implications for on areas such as food security, WASH, protection, health and education. A large number of people lost their usual habitat and livelihood, which may force them to adopt negative coping mechanism risking a potential increase in Gender-Based Violence, child labour, child marriage, human trafficking. A significant number of the affected population are now without access to safe drinking water and sanitation facility, which increases the chance of communicable disease outbreak. Apart from that the health & nutrition services have been disrupted and inaccessible in many places due to lack of resources, the loss and damage of infrastructure and facilities caused by the cyclone. Continuation of primary and secondary education is uncertain as a large number of institutions have been damaged and unable to provide remote based alternative education. The GoB has mobilised resources to support impacted communities. Assistance consists of - cash grants, dry food packages, young child-specific food, house repair items and water purification units. A coordinated short term (03 to 06 months) humanitarian response will be needed to supplement these efforts, primarily to ensure that the most vulnerable communities receive targeted humanitarian assistance. This analysis looks at identifying risks for vulnerable populations due to their geographical locations and socio-economic conditions. It provides the basis of future planning, including where activities need to be focused, who is most in need and how the programs can be best delivered. A medium to longer-term (06 to 12 months) early recovery and reconstruction effort will be needed to repair of damaged infrastructure specially embankments, roads, houses, sources of safe drinking water, sanitation facilities etc. Restoration of livelihood , rehabilitate agriculture land contaminated by saline water and strengthen preparedness and community support mechanism should be prioritized. Considering coming monsoon and COVID19 health crisis integrated relief and early recovery support recommended so that particularly people those compelled to live in makeshift places or inundated (by seawater) houses can get back to normal life sooner. Overall Impacts Overall Impacts on 8 Districts 19 District 76 11 8 Moderate to Upazila Severe impact 34 2.6 M 26 2,05,368 55,767 14,268 Upazila (154 People Affected People died House Damaged House Destroyed Loses of Livestock Union) Inundated* 32,037 18,707 440 KM 76KM 40,894 18235 Tube well Damaged/ HA crop and Vegetable HA Prawn and Fish Road Damaged Embankment Toilet Damaged/ Destroyed area Damaged Cultivation area damaged Damaged Destroyed Data Source: Compiled SOS data, NDRCC-GOB; DGHS-GoB (Death information) and JNA data from Field(as of 22 to 26 May 2020) * Some of the Upazilas and Unions are still remain inundated. Key Findings Cyclone Amphan was characterized by highly windy storm, tidal surges and heavy rainfall. Effective preparedness action including early warning , volunteer mobilization and evacuation by the Government has potentially reduced the loss of lives and resources where BDRCS, NGOs, INGOS and UN support as complementary to national government; Large parts of Satkhira, Khulna, Bhola and Barguna districts are inundated; Destroyed infrastructures such as roads and embankments increase the vulnerability and exposure of the impacted communities to future climate-related disasters; There are few areas are still being inundated during high tide, people in the inundated areas and damaged destroyed house are internally displaced, living in different collective shelter (i.e. cyclone shelter, roads, high ground, neighbor/relative’s house). A large number of people lost their limited livelihood due to the destruction of cultivable land, riverine and hatcheries. The loss of livelihood has direct implications on food security, nutrition, WASH, protection, health and education. People marginally above the poverty level are likely to fall below the poverty line due to prolonged loss of income and employment. Physical distancing in emergency shelters was near to impossible which increase health risks including those related to COVID-19. Communicable disease outbreaks (e.g. Diarrhea, ARI and Skin diseases) are likely due to polluted water, disrupted sanitation system and salinity intrusion. The number of children suffering from Severe Acute Malnutrition (SAM) is likely to increase including maternal and child mortality. 73% SAM units within health facilities are not functioning. A large number of houses are fully or partially damaged, particularly in Satkhira, Jashore, Khulna, Barguna, Bagerhat. 56% of displaced households are staying with relatives or friends or on embankments without alternative safe places to shelter themselves. 44% of the educational institutions are damaged. 70% of the institutions in these districts are not equipped to provide remote-based alternative education. The safety measures for women and girls in shelters is a concern. Protection and safety issues such as domestic and intimate partner violence and child exploitation are likely to increase and be compounded by factors such as loss of habitat, loss of income, school closures etc. Sectoral Key Findings Child Protection Impacts Key Statistics • Families and children in shelters and children in institutions are • child protection concerns vulnerable were noted in 64% of unions • Unaccompanied children living on the streets who were separated • 81% of union-based from family respondents did not know • Families are using negative coping mechanisms (violent discipline, child about the availability of marriage, trafficking) helplines • High levels of hazardous child labour including in fisheries and on ports • In 13% of unions, informants said some Needs and Priorities children were separated • Monitoring, documentation, tracing and reunification of children that from their families are unaccompanied and/or separated • In 30% of
Bangladesh Workplace Death Report 2020 Supported by Published by I Bangladesh Workplace Death Report 2020 Published by Safety and Rights Society 6/5A, Rang Srabonti, Sir Sayed Road (1st floor), Block-A Mohammadpur, Dhaka-1207 Bangladesh +88-02-9119903, +88-02-9119904 +880-1711-780017, +88-01974-666890 Date of Publication April 2021 Copyright Safety and Rights Society ISBN: Printed by Chowdhury Printers and Supply 48/A/1 Badda Nagar, B.D.R Gate-1 Pilkhana, Dhaka-1205 II Foreword It is not new for SRS to publish this report, as it has been publishing this sort of report from 2009, but the new circumstances has arisen in 2020 when the COVID 19 attacked the country in March . Almost all the workplaces were shut about for 66 days from 26 March 2020. As a result, the number of workplace deaths is little bit low than previous year 2019, but not that much low as it is supposed to be. Every year Safety and Rights Society (SRS) is monitoring newspaper for collecting and preserving information on workplace accidents and the number of victims of those accidents and publish a report after conducting the yearly survey – this year report is the tenth in the series. SRS depends not only the newspapers as the source for information but it also accumulated some information from online media and through personal contact with workers representative organizations. This year 26 newspapers (15 national and 11 regional) were monitored and the present report includes information on workplace deaths (as well as injuries that took place in the same incident that resulted in the deaths) throughout 2020.
ESCAP/77/INF/1 Distr.: General 12 March 2021 English only Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific Seventy-seventh session Bangkok and online, 26-29 April 2021 Items 4 (f) and (i) of the provisional agenda* Review of the implementation of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development in Asia and the Pacific and issues pertinent to the subsidiary structure of the Commission: Committee on Environment and Development Committee on Disaster Risk Reduction Annual reports of international and intergovernmental organizations provided to the Commission** Summary The present document contains overviews of the annual reports of the following international and intergovernmental organizations: the Coordinating Committee for Geoscience Programmes in East and Southeast Asia; the Mekong River Commission; the Typhoon Committee; and the Panel on Tropical Cyclones. These organizations were established under the auspices of the Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific to work on areas under their respective competence to support economic and social development in the region. The Commission may wish to comment on the work of these organizations and take note of the present document. I. Coordinating Committee for Geoscience Programmes in East and Southeast Asia 1. The Coordinating Committee for Geoscience Programmes in East and Southeast Asia has been established under the Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (ESCAP) since 1966. In 1991, the Coordinating Committee for Geoscience Programmes in East and Southeast Asia has become an independent intergovernmental organization. With a vision to be “a premier intergovernmental Earth Science Organization in East and Southeast Asia”, the Coordinating Committee for Geoscience Programmes in East and Southeast Asia has worked towards its mission to contribute significantly to the economic development and sustainable management of the environment and of improving the quality of life of its member countries by the application of Earth Science knowledge.
Mapping Exercise on Water- Logging in South West of Bangladesh
MAPPING EXERCISE ON WATER- LOGGING IN SOUTH WEST OF BANGLADESH DRAFT FOR CONSULTATION FOOD AND AGRICULTURE ORGANIZATION OF THE UNITED NATIONS March 2015 I Preface This report presents the results of a study conducted in 2014 into the factors leading to water logging in the South West region of Bangladesh. It is intended to assist the relevant institutions of the Government of Bangladesh address the underlying causes of water logging. Ultimately, this will be for the benefit of local communities, and of local institutions, and will improve their resilience to the threat of recurring and/or long-lasting flooding. The study is intended not as an end point, but as a starting point for dialogue between the various stakeholders both within and outside government. Following release of this draft report, a number of consultations will be held organized both in Dhaka and in the South West by the study team, to help establish some form of consensus on possible ways forward, and get agreement on the actions needed, the resources required and who should be involved. The work was carried out by FAO as co-chair of the Bangladesh Food Security Cluster, and is also a contribution towards the Government’s Master Plan for the Agricultural development of the Southern Region of the country. This preliminary work was funded by DfID, in association with activities conducted by World Food Programme following the water logging which took place in Satkhira, Khulna and Jessore during late 2013. Mike Robson FAO Representative in Bangladesh II Mapping Exercise on Water Logging in Southwest Bangladesh Table of Contents Chapter Title Page no.
Chapter-Vi : Socio-Economic Profile of the Study Area
Chapter-vi : Socio-economic Profile of the Study Area 189---198 Physical feature and socio-historical background Demography Literacy Administrative Unit Transport Communications Socio-economic Profile ofthe Study Area 189 For a proper understanding of the problem, it is essential to briefly refer to an ecological profile of Kushtia district as the values and characteristics of the masses very much depend upon, and are influenced by geographical, economic, social and political background of the area. Physical feature and socio-historical background Kushtia is not an ancient township but one of the eighteen oldest districts in independent Bangladesh. There is no much evidence to know the ancient history of Kushtia. The only tool to be informed about the district what was portrayed through description by different persons based on different regimes in the region governed. Hamilton's Gazetteer has mentioned of Kushtia town and of the fact that the local people called the town Kushtay (Kushte). In Tolemy's map, several little islands have been portrayed under the Ganges basin. These islands are considered as ancient Kushtia. 1 The district was under Natore Zemindar in 1725. Then it was under Rajshahi civil administration of Kanadarnagar Pargana. 2 Later East India Company transferred Kushtia under Jessore district in 1776. It was brought under Pabna district in 1828. Then Mahkuma Administration was established under Kushtia in 1861 and then brought under Nadia district.3 During the British rule, railway connection with Kolkata, capital of British India, established in 1860, made the town an alluring location for mills and factories, including the Jagneshwar Engineering Works (1896), Renwick and Company ( 1904 ), and the Mohini Mills (1919).
Globalization, Local Crimes and National Security: The Case of Bangladesh Submitted by: Md. Ruhul Amin Sarkar Session: 149/2014-2015 Department: International Relations University of Dhaka. P a g e | 1 Abstract Globalization has become one of the most significant phenomena in the world since the end of the cold war. Globalization especially the economic globalization has brought about new opportunities and opened dynamic windows for the people of the world based on the notion of liberalism, free market, easy access of goods and services. Although globalization has brought about some positive gains for individuals and society, it has caused negative impacts on the society called ‘the dark side of globalization’. It has created complex and multifaceted security problems and threats to the countries especially the developing countries like Bangladesh. Globalization has changed the nature and dynamics of crime although crime is not a new phenomenon in Bangladesh. The nature or pattern of crime has changed remarkably with the advent of globalization, modern technology and various modern devices, which pose serious security threats to the individuals, society and the country. Globalization has created easy access to conducting illegal trade such as small arms, illegal drugs and human trafficking and some violent activities such as kidnapping, theft, murder, around the world as well as in Bangladesh. It has developed the new trends of crimes, gun violence, drugs crime, and increasing number of juvenile convicts and heinous crimes committed in Bangladesh. Over the years, the number of organized murder crimes is increasing along with rape cases and pretty nature of crimes with the advent of globalization and information technology.
Odhikar's Six-Month Human Rights Monitoring Report
Six-Month Human Rights Monitoring Report January 1 – June 30, 2016 July 01, 2016 1 Table of Contents Executive Summary ........................................................................................................................... 4 A. Violent Political Situation and Local Government Elections ............................................................ 6 Political violence ............................................................................................................................ 7 141 killed between the first and sixth phase of Union Parishad elections ....................................... 8 Elections held in 21municipalities between February 15 and May 25 ........................................... 11 B. State Terrorism and Culture of Impunity ...................................................................................... 13 Allegations of enforced disappearance ........................................................................................ 13 Extrajudicial killings ..................................................................................................................... 16 Type of death .............................................................................................................................. 17 Crossfire/encounter/gunfight .................................................................................................. 17 Tortured to death: ..................................................................................................................
Chasing the Cyclone MRUTYUNJAY MOHAPATRA DIRECTOR GENERAL OF METEOROLOGY INDIA METEOROLOGICAL DEPARTMENT NEW DELHI-110003 2 A Few Facts about Tropical Cyclones(TCs) During 1970-2019, 33% of hydromet. disasters are caused by TCs. One out of three events that killed most people globally is TC. Seven out of ten disasters that caused biggest economic losses in the world from 1970-2019 are TCs. It is the key interest of 85 WMO Members prone to TCs Casualties of 300,000 in Bangladesh in 1970 is still ranked as the biggest casualties for the last five decades due to TC; Cyclone Monitoring, forecasting and warning services deals with application of all available modern technologies into operational services. Cyclone Hazard Analysis Cyclone Hazard Prone Districts Based on Frequency Intensity Wind strength PMP PMSS Mohapatra (2015), JESS Cyclone A low pressure system, where the wind rotates in anticlockwise (clockwise) direction in northern (southern) hemisphere with a minimum sustained wind speed of 34 knots (62 kmph) World Meteorological Organization’s official definition : A tropical cyclone (hurricane, typhoon) is a synoptic scale (100 km) , . non-frontal (no sharp gradient of temperature) disturbance, . over tropical or subtropical waters , . with organized convection, and definite cyclonic surface wind circulation. WESTERN PACIFIC TYPHOONS AUSTRALIA WILLY-WILLIES MEXICO CORDONAZO PHILIPPINES BAGIOUS Named after a city ‘BAGUIO’which experienced a rain fall of 116.8 cm in 24 hrs in July, 1911 INDIAN SEAS CYCLONES Derived from Greek word ‘CYCLOS’ – Coil of a Snake ATLANTIC & HURRICANES Derived from ‘HURACON’ - God of Evil (central EASTERN PACIFIC American ancient aborigines call God of Evil as HURACON Eye Tropical cyclone Eye-wall Horizontal : 100-1000km Vertical :10-15 km Wind speed : UP to 300 km / hr Average storm speed : About 300 km / day EYE: Central part, is known as eye.
Cyclone Nivar - Important Facts Cyclone Nivar is a ‘severe cyclonic storm’ that is expected to hit the southeastern coast of India on midnight of 25th November 2020. Cyclones and other natural disasters that affect India and the world are important topics for the UPSC exam. It is important for both the geography and the disaster management topics in the UPSC syllabus. Cyclone Nivar The India Meteorological Department (IMD) has stated that the severe cyclone Nivar will intensify into a ‘very severe cyclonic storm’ and make landfall between Mamallapuram (in Tamil Nadu, around 56 km from Chennai) and Karaikal in Puducherry, on 25th November at midnight or early hours of the 26th of November. • The Tamil Nadu and Puducherry coasts are experiencing heavy rains and strong winds due to the impending cyclone. Many parts of the metropolitan city of Chennai have been flooded due to the heavy rainfall. • The winds that the cyclone brings could be between 120 and 130 km per hour, with gusts of up to 145 km per hour. • Officials had stated they would release water from the Chembarambakkam reservoir near Chennai due to the heavy rain received in the wake of Nivar. • People living in low-lying areas have been evacuated. • The Indian Army has sent teams and rescue boats to the affected areas for assistance in the aftermath of the landfall. • Thousands of people have been evacuated as a precautionary measure. • Trains and flights have been cancelled owing to the cyclone. • Experts say that after landfall, the cyclone may take up to six hours to weaken.
Terms of Reference (ToR) for Conducting Baseline Study 1. Overview of the organization: Nagorik Uddyog (The Citizen’s Initiative) was formed in 1995 aiming at promoting people's participation and access to democracy, rights, justice & development. Since its establishment, Nagorik Uddyog (NU) has been working to strengthen local government in Bangladesh through raising awareness on basic human rights, building people's capacity to pursue and realize these rights among mass people. NU aspires to promote cultural diversity and improve the quality of life of the most excluded and marginalized communities of Bangladesh, including Dalits and other marginalized groups. 2. The Project: At a Glance: Title of the project Protecting and Promoting the Rights of Dalits and Tackling the Poverty and Exclusion of Excluded Groups Implementing Nagorik Uddyog with 6 partner organizations organization Moulobhibazar Tea Community Indigenous Front, Moulobhibazar, Dalit Women Forum, Dhaka Partner NGOs Uddipto Mohila Unnayan Sangstha, Satkhira Ashrumochon Mohila & Shishu Unnayan Sangstha, Jessore BDERM Botiaghata and Khulna BDERM Barisal and Bhola Bread for the World Funding Agency Stafflenbergstrasse 76, D-70184 Stuttgart, Germany Project Duration 3 years (January 2019 – December 2021) Project Location 6 Upazilas (City Corporations, 53 Unions and 17 Colonies) of 7 districts (Dhaka, Barisal, Bhola, Khulna, Jessore, Satkhira, Moulobhaibazar) Project Results Objective: Objective-1: The rights and entitlements of Dalits are improved through advocacy and campaign at national and international level Objective-2: The socio-economic situation of Dalits in the project areas improved. Outcomes: The members of the Dalit and excluded communities are enjoying human rights, equal socio-economic facilities with mainstream and leading a dignified life.