Anne Arundel County Fort Meade Army Installation (also Howard/Prince George’s) Anyone welcome! Date: 2nd Saturday of each month starting in spring Time: 10am (flexible for groups) Events/Activities subject to change. RSVP: Installation Forester Mick Butler or Sheila Chambers 3 days ahead. Description: People of all ages, backgrounds and interests are invited to spend a few hours outdoors, hand-pulling some non-native plants while learning about the differences between native and non-native invasive plants and how these invasives adversely impact our natural ecosystem. Short training session on identification, and control techniques of non-native invasive plants then help remove Japanese stilt grass, English ivy, garlic mustard, tree of heaven, multiflora rose, Japanese honeysuckle, common privet, phragmites, Asiatic tearthumb. gloves, lunch & water, long sleeves and pants. Directions: 295 BW Prkwy to Rt 175 East, right on Reece Rd to entrance, immediate left on Ernie Pyle St, ~1 mile to left on Llewellyn Ave, right on Chisholm Ave, left on 3rd St, right on Ross Rd, Environmental Division Office is 2nd building on right FOR MORE INFORMATION AND/OR TO VOLUNTEER, CONTACT FGGM DPW ENVIRONMENTAL DIVISION Mick Butler,
[email protected] 301‐677‐9188 or Sheila Chambers, 301‐677‐9167
[email protected] Patuxent Research Refuge (also Princes George’s County) Non-native invasive plants are threatening our wildlife habitat. We need YOU to help stop them. Come out for one of our "Weed Warriors Days" and help us treat garlic mustard, mile-a-minute, Japanese stiltgrass and other non-native plant infestations on the refuge.