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It-Tlettax-Il Leġiżlatura Pl 5292 IT-TLETTAX-IL LEĠIŻLATURA P.L. 5292 Dokument imqiegħed fuq il-Mejda tal-Kamra tad-Deputati fis-Seduta Numru 359 tal-15 ta’ Lulju 2020 mill-Ministru fi ħdan l-Uffiċċju tal-Prim Ministru, f’isem il-Ministru għall-Finanzi u s-Servizzi Finanzjarji. ___________________________ Raymond Scicluna Skrivan tal-Kamra GOOD CAUSES FUND – GĦOTJIET/GRANTS/BENEFIĊĊJI *15820. L-ONOR CLAUDIO GRECH staqsa lill-Ministru għall-Finanzi u s-Servizzi Finanzjarji: Jista’ l-Ministru jpoġġi fuq il-Mejda tal-Kamra lista dettaljata tal- għotjiet/grants/benefiċċji kollha li ngħataw taħt il-programm tal-Good Causes Fund, sena b’sena, mis-sena 2015 ‘il hawn u għal kull għotja/grant/benefiċċju, jgħid kemm kien l-ammont, min kien il-benefiċjarju, x’kien il-proġett/inizzjattiva u meta ngħatat? 01/07/2020 ONOR. EDWARD SCICLUNA: Ngħarraf lill-Onorevoli Interpellant illi l-informazzjoni mitluba qed titpoġġa fuq il-Mejda tal-Kamra. Seduta Numru 359 15/07/2020 PQ 15820 Papers Laid RAĠUNI TAL- SENA BENEFIĊJARJU AMMONT GĦOTJA/GRANT/BENEFIĊĊJU 2015 St Jeanne Antide Foundation Purchase of Second Hand Car. €8,500.00 Life Still Exhibition of Paintings, Drawings 2015 Mandrake Creations €6,000.00 and Sculpture. Contribution towards participation in UEFA 2015 Hibernians Football Club (Women) €10,000.00 competion. Support to South End Core for Malta's game vs 2015 Louis Agius (South End Core) €6,000.00 Italy. Accommodation of families requiring 2015 Puttinu Cares Foundation €40,000.00 treatment in Sutton. 2015 Rabat Parish Church Installation of lift at Pastoral Centre. €5,000.00 Organisation of the International Youth 2015 Living Ability Not Disability €1,800.00 Seminar Camp. Organisation of Tribali Concert. A fund raising 2015 Senglea Regatta activity to help build new Regatta Boats and €5,000.00 Gym. Organisation of the 450 year anniversary of the 2015 Ghaqda Kazini tal-Baned €2,500.00 Great Siege concert at the Manoel Theatre. Assist with conservation and gilding of the 2015 Franciscan Fathers (Ta' Giezu) €20,000.00 main altar of the ta' Giezu Church in Rabat. Restoration of the St Joseph wooden statue at 2015 Hbieb tat-Tempju ta' Sant' Elena €16,000.00 the St Helen Church, Birkirkara. Restoration of th St Paul Statue at Hal Safi 2015 Parish Church Art Commission - Hal Safi €8,000.00 Parish Church. Organisation of the Leone goes Pop - 8th 2015 Leone Band Club €5,000.00 Edition concert. 2015 Isabelle Whitmore Mizzi Cancer Survivors - 2016 Calendar. €2,000.00 Ghaqda Muzikali u Socjali Madonna tal- Demolition of the present building and the 2015 €23,000.00 Karmnu construction of a new one. Renovation of inner lighting of the pavaljun of 2015 Naxxar Parish Church €10,000.00 the statue of our Lady. Organisation of a 2 week long workshop 2015 EASA Malta Foundation focused on construction, heritage, technology €20,000.00 and community & social issues. Conribution towards musical 'Don't Stop 2015 Vittoriosa Rock Opera Group €500.00 Believing'. To assist in the purchase of a 9-seater van to 2015 Caritas Malta €19,582.00 provide transport to residents in need. Maratona 2015 Liceo tas-Subien, Hamrun bir-Roti 2015. €5,000.00 Contribution towards the setting up of new 2015 Futsal Malta Association €15,000.00 headquarters. 2015 Centru Animazzjoni Missjunarja Contribution Ohloq Tbissima_2015 €10,000.00 2015 Institute of Maltese Journalists Malta Journalism Awards_2015 €2,000.00 2015 Gharb Parish Church Conservation of Medieval Registers. €8,000.00 Restore mill room to its historical state and 2015 Birkirkara Homing Union €3,800.00 original value. MusiCARE...Reviving Music: A project that will lead to the professional restoration and 2015 St Mary Philarmonic Society €21,000.00 conservation of music pieces and musical instruments. Page 1 of 14 PQ 15820 Papers Laid Contribution to help equip a rescue boat that Emergency Response and Rescue Corps 2015 will be deployed in Gozo during the summer €5,330.00 (ERRC) months. Contribution towards assisting applicant in 2015 Rehabilitation in Society Foundation_RISE creating a non-prison environment €24,000.00 rehabilitation service. Contribution towards the festival 'Rabat Agape 2015 Fondazzjoni Paulus €3,266.00 Fest'. Participation of Malta's National Waterpolo 2015 ASA Malta (Waterpolo) team in the European Championship in €40,000.00 Belgrade. 2015 Socjeta' Filarmonika Santa Venera VM To complete premises €25,000.00 Conservation of the upper end of the facade 2015 St Dominic's priory and belfry of the St Dominic' Basilica's €50,000.00 structure (Phase B). Contribution towards replacement of the turf at 2015 MUSEUM Subien - Safi the football ground within the MUSEUM €1,500.00 premises. Contribution towards a memorial dedicated to 2015 Akkademja tal-Malti €2,000.00 KILIN. Contribution towards the installation of a new 2015 Xewkija Parish Church €25,000.00 pipe organ in church. 2016 Centru Animazzjoni Missjunarja Ohloq Tbissima €12,500.00 2016 Republic Street Business Association Chrismas Decorations of Republic Street. €20,000.00 2016 Kirkop United Football Club Kirkop United Football Club Sports Complex. €45,000.00 2016 Fondazzjoni Kenn u Tama Installation of a PV System. €7,000.00 Contribution towards project entitled 'A Better 2016 Fondazzjoni Wens €45,000.00 Future'. 2016 Institute of Maltese Journalists Malta Journalism Awards 2016 €2,000.00 Procurement and Installation of a 2016 Sisters of Charity of St Jeanne Antide €15,000.00 Passenger/Stretcher Lift. Maintenance of the front and rear facade and 2016 Dar il-Kaptan €20,000.00 side walls of Dar il-Kaptan. 2016 Assocjazzjoni Sport Muturi u Karozzi Timing System at ASMK Racing Circuits. €3,000.00 2016 North District Homing Union Renovation of Pigeon Club. €3,000.00 Restoration and conservation treatment of St 2016 Luqa Parish Church (Domus Curialis) €2,000.00 Felicisimus Corpo Santo Gozo meets Herzogenrath - Opera vs Pop 2016 Gozo Youth Orchestra €5,000.00 under the Stars 2015. 2016 Marsaskala Football Club & Nursery Marsaskala Football School. €12,000.00 Confraternity of Our Lady of Mount 2016 Conservation & Restoration of Old Painting €10,000.00 Carmel Zurrieq 2016 Vittoriosa Rock Opera Group Empowering Young People through Music. €500.00 Project entitled Looking Forward To Socjeta' Filarmonika Marija Mtellgha s- purchase musical instruments, to enhance the 2016 €5,000.00 Sema l-Imgarr AD2011 knowledge of the students by learning more musical instruments. 2016 Santa Lucija Bocci Klabb Ground Cover and Shelter Facilities. €5,000.00 2016 Nicolette Bonello To assist towards hardship experienced. €5,143.00 Conservation of the St Dominic's church dome 2016 St Dominic's priory €50,000.00 pondatives (Phase C). Contribution towards a concert of sacred music 2016 Fondazzjoni Paulus €3,000.00 (Premiere Works of Ray Sciberras). 2016 Kalkara Football Club & Youth Nursery Purchase of Training Equipment. €2,688.20 Page 2 of 14 PQ 15820 Papers Laid Restoration of the frescoes in the ceiling of the 2016 St Paul's Shipwreck Parish €12,000.00 church of St Paul's Shipwreck in Valletta. 2016 Athleta Basketball Club Hiring of gyms for training purposes. €5,000.00 Purchase of computers for lessons for persons 2016 Down Syndrome Association Malta €3,200.00 with Down Syndrome. 2016 Malta Film Foundation Malta Short Film Festival. €10,000.00 2016 Qrendi FC Youth Nursery Improvement of Qrendi FC Youth Nursery. €2,500.00 Project entitled 'Twanny Bugeja Memorial 2016 Malta Racing Club €10,250.00 Cup'. 2016 Assocjazzjoni Voluntieri Lourdes AVL pilgrimage for the sick in 2016 €5,000.00 The Prince of Wales Own Philarmonic Project entitled 'Rebirth of Culture Through 2016 €8,000.00 Society Heritage Conservation'. 2016 Malta Wheelchair Dancesport Association Malta Open Dance Spectacular 2016 €7,000.00 Project entitled 'Enhancing Accessibility for 2016 Malta Hospice Movement Wheelchair-Dependent Patients to Hospice €24,500.00 Services within the Community'. 2016 Sannat Lions Football Club Upgrade of Sannat Football Ground Facilities. €30,000.00 Conservation and restoration of Torri l-Abjad 2016 Din l-Art Helwa €10,000.00 (White Tower). 2016 Malta Aviation Society Malta International Airshow_2016 €50,000.00 Contribution towards publication of papers on 2016 Wirt iz-Zejtun €1,000.00 Malta's South-East. The Emergency Fire and Rescue Unit 2016 Acquiring a second hand ambulance. €9,330.00 (EFRU) Contribution towards the installation of an 2016 Ghaqda Socjali Muzikali Kristu Sultan €12,500.00 elevator in the band club. Contribution towards publication of book 2016 Lino Bugeja €2,000.00 entitled 'A Maltese Odyssey'. Contribution to Confraternity of our Lady of 2016 Zejtun Parish Consolation in Zejtun to help with the €9,000.00 conservation of a painting by Francesco Zahra. Contribution towards assisting in the restoration and conservation of the titular altar 2016 Senglea Parish €10,000.00 painting depicting the nativity of the Virgin Mary. Contribution to assist in the restoration of a 2016 Socjeta' Filarmonika Unjoni €2,142.00 19th Century Flag. Parrocca San Lawrenz (Vittoriosa Rock 2016 Empowering Young People through Music. €500.00 Opera Group) MF/619/2 Restoration of ceiling decoration of of the Archconfraternity of the Blessed Sacrament €27,500.00 016/43 oratory of the Blessed Sacrament. MF/619/2 Restoration of eight gold gilded statues and Archconfraternity of the Blessed Sacrament €33,686.00 016/43/2 decorative surroundings. Contribution towards the proposed facility 2016 Qrendi Bocci Club €10,000.00 rooms at the club. Contribution towards the restoration of a 2016 Dingli Parish Church historic bell and the exterior facade of the €13,500.00 church. Contribution to introduce the genre of musical 2016 La Stella Philharmonic Society €5,000.00 theatre in Gozo amongst youth. Restoration of Side Façade of St Domininc's 2016 St Dominic's priory €50,000.00 Basilica in St Dominic's Street (Phase D).
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