AE Towards Business Excellence FARM DEVELOPMENT TO BECOME AGRO-TOURISM AREA BY COMMUNITY INVOLVEMENT IN SARABURI, THAILAND Nartsuda CHEMNASIRI 1, Ph.D. Darunee KAEWMOUNG2, Ph.D. 1Chandrakasem Rajabhat University Bangkok,Thailand; Vice president for policy, planning and research, Faculty of Agriculture and Life Sciences, Chandrakasem Rajabhat University, Bangkok,Thailand. E-mail:
[email protected] 2Head of tour Guide Center, Chandrakasem Rajabhat University ,Bangkok,Thailand _________________________________________________________________________ Abstract: The study was to investigate : 1) the potential of farms in Saraburi province as an agro-tourism area, and tourists attraction 2) tourists’ behaviors and requirements of an agro-tourism area ; and 3) development farms in Saraburi province for having qualifications to become an agro-tourism area and tourists attraction by community involvement. The population of this study included farmers, groups of farmers’ housewives in Saraburi province, and Thai tourists. Data were collected through interviews, survey, observation and inquiry. The instruments used in the study were semi-structured interviews and questionnaires. The quantitative data were analyzed by descriptive statistics including frequency , percentage, arithmetic mean, mean score and standard deviation. Moreover, qualitative data were described in details. The study showed that farms in Saraburi province had a high degree of potential and qualification to become an agro-tourism area and tourists attraction. These were because of the unique physical and biological values, technology and agricultural way of life. There were many different types of tourist attractions such as orchid farm, orchard of guava, anthurium farm and dried rolled banana preserving, etc. In addition, it was found that there were transport facilities, safety, and a high degree of the readiness of tourist services and closing to the interesting cultural and famous places of the district.