STAMPS AND MUCH MORE Bulletin of the Philatelic Service of Correos Nº53, September 2018 - 3 Exfilna/ECC appointment in Seville

25th Anniversary The history of Preview of the of the last traveling with the humour of scheduled issues expedition Gallego and Rey of 2019 Summary N 53, September 2018 - 3 Editor: S. E. Correos and Telégrafos S.A. Coordinates: Directive of Philately. Design and Style: Capicúa Press/MadridNYC. All the rights reserved. Legal Dep: M-29249-2013 ISNN: 2340-7786

4 Close-Up 56th edition of Exfilna: Seville, 31st of October to 4th November 4 6 The History Corner 25th anniversary of the last manned expedition 8 Philately Latest Correos issues a solidary stamp 9 Next Issues Preview of the scheduled issues for 2019 10 Philatelic Stories 6 The hunt of the bustard in planes (stamp of 1961) 12 Presentation Album Contemporary Art: Eduardo Arroyo, Volvo Ocean Race and Deafblindness 13-22 Factsheets New stamps for the third quarter of 2018 23 Communication The newsletter ‘Actualidad Filatélica’ turns one and the first blog of the Libary of Correos 24 New Products Stamps to remember: Generations 80’s and 90’s, pack of Christmas letters along with the Advent calendar, an Exfilna product with engravings and the Exfilna Welcome Pack 26 The Collector’s Corner 8 Discover Andalucía traveling through the stamps 28 Philatelic Books The History of Spain with the Humour of Gallego 24 and Rey; World Tourism with Stamps; Philately and Treasures of Harry Potter and Values in Time 30 Philately and More Last subscriber and International Stamps 31 Guest Contributor María Nieves García Yugueros, secretary of the Philatelic Commission of the State 26


Stamp collectors have their say

Professionalism, commercial volatility and awesome stamps Paper instead of plastic In the first place, I want to thank the Philatelic Service of After receiving and opening the first shipment of my annual Correos for the professionalism and perseverance to which I subscription, I got rid of the support where you send it, the give faith in the 37 years that I’ve been subscribed. I don’t like black plastic and the transparent cover. This made me realize so much the volatility -from my point of view it’s excessively the severe ecological problems that is provoked by the commercial – that it’s taking, but it’s ‘pecata minuta’. To excessive use of plastics. It would be easier to use paper, less include descriptions of the stamps in the magazine was a contaminant and easier to recycle. Have you ever though of it? great idea, and now you have spoiled us, so much that when David Rivera Alonso a description is missing I’m obliged to write to you. I don’t find The use of philo-cases is because of their transparency, that the description for the Handball Team and the missing stamps allows to see the stamps perfectly, and how they protect of Andorra for the 1st quarter of 2018 (Escut.y Diversitat them. The descriptions also provide a protection to the stamp Andorrana: comunitat italiana) that are in the descriptions but in their shipment, they avoid that they fall off, deteriorate haven’t been sent nor invoiced. of go dancing inside the package. Anyways, we agree on Félix López Pinto the necessity to take care of the environment by substituting Thanking you for your fidelity and the positive comments you contaminant elements by other more degradable. We’ll study give us. On the other hand, tell you that we try to improve the possibility to substitute the plastics for paper. stamps by diversifying them to give them more value and reach more people. As for the file you mention, it appears in Stamp about Morella of Castellón the magazine of the second quarter. The stamps of Andorra, Remember to do a stamp about Morella. This year is celebrated since the amount issued is less, are not sent quarterly. Only two their 54th anniversary held every 6 years. I find missing stamps shipments are made at the end of each semester. of catalan and valencian cities and monuments. Manuel Beser y Jordá Punch-out the borders of the descriptions? The stamps are issued for all of Spain, without any I consider that the collectible descriptions are wonderful. It’s preference. Selected by requests, the event that a good way, once cut, to have a catalogue of issues. I can only commemorates, the relevance of the character or give one suggestion: Why, instead of printing a line to be cut, monument, if there have been stamps issued about that each page is not pre-cut in the borders of each description, just subject, or if its included into a previously created series. In like the stamps, se we don’t end up cutting them with scissors? the case of Catalunya and the Valencian Community, there Juan Sánchez Plasencia have been a lot of issued, such as the Park of Güell de Gaudí, About the collectable descriptions, in their moment we the Cathedral of Barcelona, the Bridge of Besalú de Girona, considered several alternatives and one of them was for them or the Valencia Barrack. You can also submit your own to be pre-cut, but we then encountered to main problems: a requests to the Philatelic Commission of the State. lot of them would break off when manipulating the magazine and that it’s a system that drives the prices up. ERRATA SHEET Information about the artists In the stamp of the International Day of Persons with I don’t understand the lack of information in the magazine deafblindness published the about the proof of the artists. The only way to know then they previous issue, the correct image are issued is using the Correos webpage. I suggest that they is the following, since at the last are published in the BOE with the series of stamps that they moment the 3D varnish was belong to, just like it was done in 2001. eliminated Ambrosio Mena Enciso We take your suggestion into account and in the next edition they will have images, characteristics and technical data on Reminder: The deadline for making claims in them. Besides, we’ll dedicate articules and explanations to a relation to the orders made to the Philatelic better knowledge of the proof of the artist, but in the BOE Service expire after 6 months of being sent.For there will only be elements with face value (stamps, cards…) suggesitons: [email protected]



MOTIVO: Día Internacional de las Personas con Sordoceguera CUANTÍA: Tarifa A


The encounter will be in Sevilla between the 31st of October and the 4th of November Exfilna is gearing up

The 56th edition of the National Philatelic Exhibition is coming soon, that, sponsored by Correos and organized by FESOFI, will host the European Convention for Collectors and will have a schedule full of activities and exhibitions that will have as a landmark four emblematic places of Sevilla.

In four different and significant locations of the city of Seville will host the next edition of Exfilna: Plaza de San Francisco, the Cajasol Foundatoin, Logia Museum and the General Archive of Indies. Linked to the fair, also several activities has been organized to relate to the multiple methods of sending mail throughout the centuries: from the ‘chasqui’ mail (corridors that served as mail delivering the real messages and other objects to the rulers of the Inca Empire), to the mail by diligence, the mail in aerostatic balloon and even the mail by ship in the Guadalquivir.


Plaza de San Francisco Will have a 55 by 12-meter tent Cajasol Foundation that will have the commercial stands, some institutional, like Also, in the Plaza de San Francisco, the Cajasol Correos, and an exposition about Foundation will host in its cloister the philatelic collections the stamps in the ten most touristic countries in the exposed in 131 showcases. And in its theater philatelic talks world according to the World Tourism Organization. and gatherings will be held up to the highest standard, as Outside the tent, eleven panels illustrated with images well as the presentation of the block sheet that Correos will alluding 27 of the most touristic countries will be issue this 31st of October with the theme of Exfilna 2018. exhibited, with ten physical stamps of each one. And This venue will also exhibit a selection of school drawings there will be an exhibition area with relevant pieces submitted by schools in Seville city and province, participants related to Seville, as the largest known ‘plica’ of Seville in the contest ‘A stamp for Seville’ in a total of 66 paintings. (1864), the big mistakes in the stamps of Seville (1965 Both the drawing of the winner as well as the five finalists shield, Expo’92 without perforation ...), action of the will become personalized stamps (Tusello) of legal course Bank of San Fernando or 1857 bills of the Bank of with tariff A. For their part, finalist and winning students, Seville. as well as the centers they represent, will receive a sheet of There will also be a structure that will show, on the Tusello with the presented drawing. The winner will take a one hand, the mosaic of the stamps of the king Juan tablet and a book of stamps from Correos and the finalists a Carlos I typically exposed in the Postal Museum in book of stamps from Correos. , and on the other hand, the 3D reproduction of the portrait of king Phillip VI, that was also shown in the Exfilna in Zaragoza in 2016 and that is made using silicon filaments using a 3D printer. General Archive of the Indies Belonging to the Ministry of Culture, it’s the fourth compound that will held this Logia Museum edition of the Exfilna and will host the remaining philatelic collections exposed in 214 showcases, as well as an exposition Next to the tent, in the of the Archive itself related to the mail of the same Plaza de San Indies. Francisco, there is the Similarly, it will host a conference on ‘The Mail of the Logia Museum, a part of ‘chasquis’ and an international meeting of experts who the Townhall of Sevilla, will debate on the theme ‘Spain-America: 500 years of and chosen place to exhibit correspondence’. A sample of objects sent from the Postal the ‘ 1929 exhibition from Museum of Madrid will also be exhibited, as well as a the Collecting point of view’ with stamp, diorama designed with the theme of the ‘Discovery of postal, medals, books and a number of objects America’ and which uses - although no dolls are exhibited related with this Iberoamerican exposition that - the universal figure of Playmobil to transmit knowledge, was held on Sevilla to show the fraternity between explaining through it an action or moment following the Spain, Latin America, United States, Portugal and formula toy + creativity = knowledge; and with a service of Brazil. didactic guides for groups and visitors


25th anniversary of the last traveling expedition Letters, Steam and Speed

In the beginning, the wagons with postal correspondence traveled on top of a train platform, but in 1855 the postal stagecoaches that worked as offices where the traveling men worked or the post office. In the 60’s there were even specific trains for the post office.

It was the english painter Turner who in his The definitive development for the railways famous paint ‘Rain, Steam and Speed’ knew in the country was made during the progressist how to represent, in a masterly way, the irruption biennium, between 1854 and 1856, with the of the railroad in the Contemporary Age. A train acceptance of the General Railways Law that launched by an engine that irrupts with all of its regulated the financing and constitution of the force, since the mist of the past, towards a future first railways companies, such as the Company of in which it will be able to build the economic and Madrid-Zaragoza-Alicante (MZA), the company social transformations of the century, besides the ‘Caminos de Hierro del Norte de España’ and the changes that will affect the communications. company of the ‘Ferrocarriles Andaluces’, that also Communications that until that moment, had the obligation of providing an economically traveled to the rump of a horse or in wagons and favorable service to Correos. These conditions stagecoaches, called mail chairs or post chairs, that allowed the postal entity to transport considerable crossed the territory through roads and highways volume of postal correspondence that each day that had begun to be modernized to adapt to the were higher with a decent cost, allowing to ideology that proposed the new liberal state. achieve greater readiness, security and regularity From the moment the first major railway line, in shipments. linking Liverpool to Manchester, was inaugurated in 1830, it was thought that the new means of ‘Authentic’ offices transport would be used to transport mail, as did In a short time they realized that, during the the British Royal Mail, which incorporated a postal journey of the train, there was time for the corre- wagon into the mail convoy. spondence to be classified, creating in this manner

The spanish case Spain had to wait until 1851 for the era of mail transport by rail to be inaugurated, with the line linking Madrid with Aranjuez, at a time when there were still no mail carriages, which meant that the postal stagecoaches were on a platform wagon to be transported to the destination.

6 STAMPS AND MUCH MORE the first traveling administrations, that traveled in the road and the air, which reduced the number special wagons or stagecoaches, the first of them of itinerant lines until its complete extinction in was in 1855 on the Madrid-Albacete line. 1993. On the 30th of June of that year, at ten-thirty They were wagons that worked like authentic The Madrid-Malaga express train pulled out of offices, enabled with lockers, tables of work and the Chamartín station, towing the last working zones where the sacks with the correspondence convoy that would circulate around the Span-ish were stored. Outside, a mailbox, on one of the geography, heading for its scrapping... just like the sides, allowed the cards to be deposited and a famous ‘Temerario’, which Joseph Wal-lord William huge bell signaling the end of the loading and Turner painted in another of his works. unloading operations. These new couriers were ‘inhabited’ by a new category of employees, the postal street vendors, who in the first expeditions consisted of an administrator and an as-sistant. Activities for the 25th Uniformed and equipped with stamps, sealing wax, rope and ‘mapones’ Anniversary of the last (labels that closed the sacks), besides working train the indispensable ‘Wow’, the official document that enabled them to do The first of October will be presented the the journey. They had a hard and commemorative stamp for the 25th anniversary of the demanding job, where they had last traveling journey of Correos, a special stamp in to withstand the winter and which shows in its obverse one of the last postal trains summer or the dangers of the and in the background how it was in its interior. The robberies and assaults; besides presentation will have a series of activities: being the most harmed ones, in · Arrival at the Railway Museum station of a railway the case that the train suffered expedition formed by authentic ambulatory wagons an accident, by being in the first restored by the Zaragoza Association of Friends of wagon just behind the engine. The the Railroad and Tramways (AZAFT), that will be success of the postal traffic by train accompanied by other wagons, such as two bed- can be measured by the daily traveled wagons, a restaurant wagon and a saloon wagon. kilometers, that passed through the 2.700 The convoy will get out the same Saturday in the kilometers per day in the year 1858 , to morning in the Zaragoza’s station of Casetas. For more 54.000 kilometers in the 1900 and more than information go to the website 75.000 in 1930. After 1960 the so called ‘postal · Preview of the book ‘Trains of Paper. 150 years of trains’ started to work, dedicat-ed exclusively to traveling expeditions of Correos’, written by Francisco the transport of correspondence, integrated by Javier Berbel Silva, Pedro Navarro Moreno, Gaspar office wagons and load wag-ons. Martinez and Pedro Pintado Quintana. The decline of mail by rail came with the development of intermodal transport, both on

STAMPS AND MUCH MORE 7 EMISIÓN: VALORESCÍVICOS EFECTOS DELPLIEGOPREMIUM:8sellos FORMATO DELPLIEGO:260x200mm MEDIDAS DELAVIÑETA:20,45x28,8mm FORMATO DELSELLOTREPADO: 40,9x28,8mm CUANTÍA: 0,55€ MOTIVO: ONG-Donaciones.ManosUnidas N.º COLORES:4-Cuatricromía engomado PROCEDIMIENTO DEIMPRESIÓN:Offset 8 The postaleffect ispresentedin with teethandinsideacleat. will carry, madeupofaheart that allthesolidaritystamps with hersonandthebadge shows thebondofamother the postalservice.Thestamp amount thatisdestinedonlyfor from thesaleofstamp of 3%becauseitcannottakeout Correos providestheequivalent of thecirculationthisstamp. the totalcollectedwithsale the amountequivalentto3%of social projectofManosUnidas participates bydonatingtoa be selected. a projectofdifferent NGOswill issue withinthisseries.Eachyear, postal organizationsplansto character ofsolidaritythatthe the firstofstampswitha very specialcharacteristics.Itis the postal effect, framedwithin Last June,Correosissuedanew educational growthandthepreventionofinfantileyouthviolence. sales oftheissueastampforsocialinitiative,that,inthiscase,islooking For thefirsttime,postalentitywilldonateequivalentof3%gross solidarity stamp Correos issuesa In favorofaManosUnidasprojectthatison-goinginHonduras PHILATELY LATEST With it, the postal company With it,thepostalcompany Civic Values series,with STAMPS AND MUCH MORE + 8viñetas


RCM-FNMT 2018 FECHA ...... 23-05-18 BOCETO...... RCC...... 61217 MODIFICACION...... of transformation and change in of transformation andchangein people- thattheybecomeagents of thesechildrenandyoung foster -throughthespiritof service with youngpeopleandseeks to extensive experienceinteracting in existencefortenyears,has the world. considered themostviolentcityin ‘Step byStep’inSanPedroSula, children intheeducationalcenter strengthen theeducationof Honduras. Hernández. SanPedroSula. and youthviolenceinRivera and prevencionofinfantile donation. selected astherecipientof and youthinHondurashasbeen a supportprojectforchildren anniversary ofManosUnidas, Coinciding withthe60th Selected Project premium sheet. stamp +vignetteformatandina It is a program that has been It isaprogramthathasbeen Educational Strength Educational Strength This has as objective to This hasasobjectiveto 1 0 changing thepresent. by stepwebuildthefuture of theeducationalprogram:Step that theyidentifywiththemotto their community. Atthesametime of 2019. the programthatwillendin April that willbedirectbeneficiariesof to bringitatotalof220people actively participateinthecenter, 50 fathersandmothersthatwill community activitiesaimedto several formationalsessionsand simultaneously, therewillbe of 170childrenandteenagers, personalized tracking and extracurricular several supportactions will intomotion This solidarityaction benefit? Who willit NEXT ISSUES

Preview of the calendar of issues for the next year

In their past meeting, held the 19th of March, the Philatelic Commission of the State approved in its majority the calendar of issues for 2019. In this page we’ll preview the most significant part of its content.

In 2019, there are a lot D’Artagnan. We’ll also issue two with Portugal, the 500 Years of the of anniversaries to be stamps from the Disello contest. First World Tour of Magallanes and commemorated: 150th anniversary The Museum series will continue Elcano. of the periodic table of with the ‘Bellas Artes of Bilbao, As for the Decades on Mendeleyev, the 50th anniversary Sorolla and the Bicentenary of stamps, they will be for the most of the arrival of the man to the the Prado Museum’. The series important landmarks of the 2000 moon, the 5th centenary of the Old Jobs will be for the leather and 2010, chosen again by popular Protestant Reform next to the embosser, and the National vote. The series 12 months 12 400th anniversary the bible of the Heritage for Úbeda and Baeza stamps continues, with stamps bear, the Centenary of the Building and the 125th anniversary of the dedicated to: Huesca, Badajoz, of the Communications Palace, the construction of the Campoamor Valencia, Ourense, La Rioja, 50th anniversary of the medieval theater. Denominations of Origins Guipúzcoa, Albacete, Almería, representation of the Kingdom will be occupied by Cantabria and Burgos, Zaragoza, Santander and of Nájera, the Centenary of the their Honey of Liebana and the Granada. canonic crowning of the Virgin ‘Picon Bejes-Treviso’ Chesee. The Solidarity Stamps series of Rocío, the 500th anniversary The theme for the European continues (to which Correos of the arrival of Hernán Cortés to series will be birds; meanwhile that contributes to spread awareness México and the founding of the ciy for the UPAEP will be traditional on social themes) will be dedicated of Veracruz, the 25th anniversary cuisine. Euromed will navigate the to the X solidary of the declaration of the creation of the House traditions of the Mediterranean. It of taxes. The series of Great of the Americas and the 250th also continues the series Charming Spanish Navigators with a stamp anniversary of the Royal Orders of Villages in its fourth edition with of Francisco Antonio Maurelle, and Charles III, between others. stamps dedicated to Liérganes, the stamps of the Holy Week are We keep the issues such as Covarrubias, Laguardia and Ujué. dedicated to Albacete, Medina de Tourism, Christmas, Numismatic, In the sports field, the centenary of Río Seco, Balmaseda and Arzuaga. Heritage or TICS. The one of the Valencia C.F. There are more issues to be Spanish Contemporary Art is The joint issue will be made with approved in the next meeting with dedicated to Lucio Muñoz, and China with The new silk route. The the Philatelic Comission of the the one of the Spanish Cinema Yiwu-Madrid train, which this year State, that’s the reason why the will remember the International has not been able to be carried out program is not completely closed Cinema Fair of Gijón and for technical reasons, and also one and is subject to changes.


A mysterious stamp of Correos of 1961 with a biplane and a bird in the starting point The hunt of the bustard in the airplane

The stamps not only echo of remarkable characters and relevant events in history, Correos has also left proof that some of them are curious episodes that, even though today they make seem as habits and 8, 1922, when with one of its students they anachronistic ways of thought, they were realized an educational biplane flight low altitude, seem as something singular and worthy of happened near a group of bustards, to which they being recorded. This is the case of the hunt gave persecution, managing to separate to one of them and to that one they harassed until they got of the bustards pursued by biplanes between near Toledo. In another flight, this time with the the 20s and 60s. This is the story: artillery captain José G. Estefani, they went out in search of another flock between the hill of La Cantueña de Parla and that of Las Brujas de Pinto. TEXT JAVIER CANO SÁNCHEZ, They succeeded in separating one bustard, which, CHIEF OF THE METEOROLOGICAL AIRFORCE OF GETAFE seeing itself persecuted so closely, showed signs of IMAGES panic. The animal, after forty-five minutes without BIPLANE AVRO 504 K: © J.A. CIFUENTES PHOTO AIRFORCE OF GETAFE IN 1929: © EFE giving him respite or rest, in which he described a thousand curves and dribbles to outwit his pursuer, accelerated to the speed limit of his flight. The Everything started because, not long ago, I pilot, making risky and improbable maneuvers, found a stamp that had a drawing of a airplane managed to touch with the wing of the airplane with a bustard and the leyend of the ‘hunt of the one of the wings of the great bustard, which, bustard’. A rare stamp that was edited, along with without balance, lost its fight and fell tumbling four others, on December 11, 1961 on the occasion near the ground, until at last, exhausted by fatigue, of the 50th anniversary of the Spanish air force, it collapsed on a labor field, where the aviator and with a print run of 3,5 million units. Curiosity landed and, with the carbine he was carrying, killed made me investigate the matter... her with one shot, returning with the piece to the Back in the twenties of the last century, a young air base. lieutenant and aviator, José Rodríguez Díaz de Lecea, who would become minister of Air during ‘The new falconry of the 20th century’ the Franco dictatorship, between 1957 and 1962, Afterwards, with the authorization of the discovered a peculiar form of recreation in the General Echagüe, Rodriguez organized hunting vicinity of the air base of Getafe. On September journeys, because for him it was a ‘great training


Pilots in the Airforce of Getafe showing a captured bustard.

and continuation of the classes with his alumni, 1992 the 42th Air Force Group (that was in the that wanted to turn, slip, take land in the carved Getafe Air Force until 2007 and is now part of the field…”, deploying the admirable art of flying. The Villanubla Air force) collaborates with the National pilot perfected his technique in part of the use of Museum of Natural Sciences and the Complutense the Avro 504 K, a machine of low speed but with a University of Madrid in the research of the common lot of maneuvering capabilities. In many occasions bustard, locating the animals using radio frequency the birds where driven near the airfield, where the trackers in the diverse natural locations, such as arrived exhausted, but still alive, and then where La Sagra, La Mesa de Ocaña, La Mancha or Tierra captured by the soldiers. de Campos. For it, the Beechcraft F 33C- Bonanza The event had so much repercussion, that the aircraft is used. It is paradoxical that now pilots and journalists narrated in their newspapers the hunt of their aircraft are at the service of the conservation the bustards in aeroplanes and how the aeroplanes of this species when a few decades ago they were had become efficient hunting instruments, making the ones who used the devices for their harassment this activity a new sport in Spain, and that some and death. Fortunately, times have changed and people called ‘the new hunt of the 20th century’. assisting in their hunting in the manner described The british newspapers also picked up the novelty, would not conform to rational thought in our time. but in a very different way. The Daily Mail, for example, published that the new sport was a ‘barbaric cruelty and that it gives its condolences to Spain and the birds’. Said hunting modality Protected Species didn’t go unnoticed to the novelist Miguel Delibes, an expert in the cinematic activity, who described The formerly abundant bustard, that used to the acrobatic exercise of the pilot–hunter in his be in the surroundings of Getafe, Parla, Pinto, book ‘El Libro de la Caza Menor (1973)’. This Torrejón de la Calzada, Torrejón de Velasco and practice was developed until the last years of Valdemoro, was systematically hunted almost the 70’s, broadcasting in ads to pilots and others to extinction. In Parla, whose shield includes a were some new models were used, like the agile golden bustard in the first quarter, disappeared and maneuverable biplane Bücker – CASA 1131 – in the seventies. After banning its hunting in Jungmann of the years 40 and 50. Spain in 1980, currently only three populations remain, one in Pinto, in the Regional Park of the From Hunters to Protectors Southeast, and the other two between Torrejón Today, the species is under protection by law in all de Velasco and Valdemoro, in the Important the national territory, because it’s very sensitive to Area for Birds: Torrejón de Velasco -Secanos de the alterations of the habitat, and is classified as Valdemoro, to meet the conservation criteria ‘vulnerable’ because of having a considerable loss established in 2011 by the Spanish Ornithological in population, even though the Spanish bustard Society (SEO / BirdLif), adding a total of just over represents approximately the half of the total two hundred birds. world population. By the randomness of fate, since

STAMPS AND MUCH MORE 11 Volvo Ocean Race 2017-18 PRESENTATION ALBUM Alicante puerto de salida de la Vuelta al Mundo a Vela



RCM-FNM Contemporary art: T 2018 EMISIÓN: VOLVO OCEAN RACE 2017-18

MOTIVO: 22 de octubre 2017. Alicante Puerto de Salida

CUANTÍA: 1,35 €




N.º COLORES: 4 - Cuatricromía BOCETO...... Eduardo Arroyo MODIFICACION...... 1 RCC...... 620550

FECHA ...... 6-04-2018 Correos Exhibition Hall in Cibeles, Madrid. July 24th

Correos has published a new stamp of the series ‘Contemporary Art’. Dedicated to the painter Eduardo Arroyo, was presented by the new president of Correos, Luis Barcala y Modesto Fraguas, in the middle, accompanied by other personalities. Juan Manuel Serrano, in his first act, along with the artist and the deputy director of Image, Brand and Philately of the company, Modesto Fraguas. “It’s a recognition Volvo Ocean Race of Spanish art. Arroyo is the propeller of the style of narrative figuration that marked an era. Examples of a Departure port. Alicante, July 9th career like yours are few“, highlighted Serrano. For his part, Fraguas said that for Arroyo, the characters of the The presentation of the stamp dedicated to stamp communicate each other in the same way that the Volvo Ocean Race 2017-2018; was attended the stamp does with the person who sees it: “That is the by the mayor of Alicante; Luis Barcala; the reason why he chose that image for the stamp”. And managing director of the Volvo Ocean Race, the artist said that at age eight his mother gave him a Antonio Bolaños; and the director of Philately collection of stamps: “I never imagined that I would have of Correos, Modesto Fraguas. A stamp that my own stamp. I got excited when I found out“. will promote the city of Alicante and this great sporting event. Barcala highlighted its relevance for Alicante: “It is important for you that the image of the city associated with this international event be reinforced in a stamp and that the message of Alicante be incorporated as the port of departure for Volvo”. For his part, Fraguas highlighted the great relationship of the postal company with the world of sailing: “We have issued more than a dozen stamps related to sailing, with regattas such as the America’s Cup, the Olympic Games or the World From left to right, the president of Correos, Cups, and only We were missing the Volvo Juan Manuel Serrano, next to Eduardo Arroyo. Ocean Race to complete it“.

Photo: Ricardo Leal Civic Values: International Day of the Deafblindess

HQ of Spanish Federation of Deafblindness Barcelona. June 27th

VALORES CÍVICOS The presentation of the stamp of the International Day of C



Deafblindness; was attended by the Secretary of Social Affairs CM PERSON MY AS AS DE L CON AL SO CY N R IO DO C C CMY A N E of the Generalitat of Catalonia, Francesc Iglesies, the head of R G U K E T E N R I A

A Í Accessibility and Suppression of the Barriers of the Generalitat, D

S.F.C. 2018 PRIMER DIA DE CIRCULACIÓN Gemma Piferrer; the manager of the Municipal Institute for From left to right, People with Disabilities in Barcelona, Ramón Lamiel; the spokesman for the Democratic Ramón Lamiel, Convergence of Catalonia in the Senate, Josep Lluís Cleries; and the president of the Josep Lluís Cleries, Ricard López, Federation of Deaf People of Catalonia, Albert Casellas. On the part of Correos, Carolina Carolina Gómez Gómez Zarzuela, head of Institutional Relations of Philately, highlighted the importance and Irma Rognoni, of this type of initiatives to give visibility to a group that is still little known and whose councilor of the needs for access to communication and social participation are evident. Municipal Council

12 STAMPS AND MUCH MORE 12 MONTHS 12 STAMPS EPHEMERIS. 50th anniversary of the Spanish Army Airmobile Valladolid Force / 25 Years of the creation of the Basic Air Academy QUARTER 2018 QUARTER




• Issue date: 2nd of July of 2018 • Issue date: 3rd of July of 2018 • Printing Procedure: Offset • Printing Procedure: Offset • Paper: Self adhesive phosphorescent • Paper: coated, gummed and phosphorescent. RCM-FNMT 2018 • Format: 35 x 24,5 mm (horizontal) EMISIÓN: EFEMÉRIDES • Format: 40,9 x 28,8EMISIÓN: mm EFEMÉRIDES (horizontal) • Items on Sheet: 50 MOTIVO: 50 aniversario 1966-2016.• Fuerzas Perforations: Aeromóviles Ejército 13de TierraMOTIVO: 3/4 – FAMET (horizontal) 25 años de la creación deand la Academia 13 1/4Básica (vertical)Ejército del Aire (1992-2017) • Postal Value: Tariff A ( 1 stamp = standard letter up to CUANTÍA: 1,35 € • Items on Sheet:CUANTÍA: 25 1,35 € NEW STAMPS IN CIRCULATION, 3 IN CIRCULATION, NEW STAMPS 20g Spain) FORMATO DEL SELLO TREPADO:• 40,9 Postal x 28,8 mm Value: 1,35€FORMATO DELBOCETO...... SELLO TREPADO: 40,9 x 28,81 mm BOCETO...... 1 2 0 • Print Run: Unlimited MEDIDAS DE LA MANCHA: A sangre• Print Run: 180.000MEDIDAS DE LAMODIFICACION...... MANCHA: A sangre MODIFICACION...... • Design: Konecta BTO, S.L. PROCEDIMIENTO DE IMPRESIÓN:• OffsetDesign: TAU DiseñoPROCEDIMIENTORCC...... DE IMPRESIÓN: Offset 62222 RCC...... 62221 N.º COLORES: 4 - Cuatricromía N.º COLORES: FECHA 4 - Cuatricromía ...... 15-6-2018 FECHA ...... 28-5-2018

EPHEMERIS RURAL ARCHITECTURE 8th Centenary of General Studies. Palencia University Euromed - Possessió. Mallorca EMISIÓN: 12 Meses. 12 Sellos

MOTIVO: Valladolid



MEDIDAS DE LA MANCHA: A sangre MODIFICACION...... 0 PROCEDIMIENTO DE IMPRESIÓN: Offset Adhesivos ArquitecturaPossessió Mallorca Rural RCC...... 59242 N. COLORES: 4 (CMYK) FECHA ...... 27-12-17



ArquitecturaPossessió Mallorca Rural



• Issue date: 5th of July of 2018 • Issue date: 3rd of July of 2018 • Printing Procedure: Gummed Offset • Printing Procedure: Offset • Paper: coated, gummed and phosphorescent. COLLECTABLE DESCRIPTIONS COLLECTABLE • Paper: coated, gummed and phosphorescent. EMISIÓN:• Format: ARQUITECTURA 74,64 RURALx 28,8 mm (horizontal) • Format: 40,9 x 28,8 mm (horizontal) MOTIVO:• Perforations: Euromed. Possessió. 12 Mallorca 3/4 (horizontal) and 13 1/4 (vertical)

• Perforations: 13 3/4 (horizontal) and 13 1/4 (vertical) CUANTÍA:• Items Tarifa on A2 Premium Sheet: 12 FORMATO DEL SELLO TREPADO: 74,6 x 28,8 mm • Items on Sheet: 25 • Postal Value: Tariff A ( 1 stamp = standard letterBOCETO...... up to 1 • Postal Value: 1,35€ MEDIDAS20g DE Spain) LA MANCHA: 70,6 x 24,8 mm MODIFICACION...... 0 FORMATO DEL PLIEGO: 260 x 200 mm EMISIÓN: EFEMÉRIDES• Print Run: 180.000 • Print Run: 240.000 • Design: Sendin& Asociados, S.L PROCEDIMIENTO• Design: SigneDE IMPRESIÓN: Offset RCC...... 62559 MOTIVO: VIII Centenario de los Estudios Generales. Univ. Palencia N.º COLORES: 4 - Cuatricromía FECHA ...... 6-6-18

CUANTÍA: 1,35 €

FORMATO DEL SELLO TREPADO: 40,9 x 28,8 mm BOCETO...... 1



N.º COLORES: 4 offset - (CMYK) FECHA ...... 01-02-18 EPHEMERIS. 50th anniversary of the Spanish Army Airmobile 12 MONTHS 12 STAMPS Force / 25 Years of the creation of the Basic Air Academy Valladolid

Basic Air Academy Some of the most relevant elements of Valladolid are shown in NEW STAMPS IN CIRCULATION, 3 By royal decree 331/1992, the 3rd of April, the Basic Air the series 12 Months, 12 Stamps: Academy of Airforce that has the mission to “to train their students in the constitutional principles and the characteristics House of the Beneficence. Retirement houses created in of the Armed Forces, as well as to train them professionally 1818 as a charity home. Calderón Theater. Considered one and enable them to adapt their knowledge permanently to of the best and most important theaters in Spain, it hosts the development of science and technology in order to fulfill the Valladolid International Film Festival (SEMINCI). Cask. the purposes assigned to the Air Force“. This center is located Oxygenates the wine slowly and adds texture and aroma. in the Military Air Base of Leon and from 1993 there have been Canal of Castile. One of the most important hydraulic graduated 25 promotions, 4.394 sub officers. The llink between engineering works in Spain that runs through Burgos, Palencia Leon with the air force influenced the design of the emblem of and Valladolid. Regional Costume. An example of the the Academy with a lion and the legend of the ‘Paso Honroso’ folkloric and cultural legacy of the province. Seven damsels based on the request of Suero de Quiñones to the king, in 1434, of Simancas. Homage to the maidens who cut their hands to to dare who crossed the bridge over the Obrigo river and that avoid delivery to the fourth Omeya emir of Cordoba.. he agreed to recognize his honor as a knight or to measure Simancas. Phillip II transformed the castle in the General against him in combat. The stamp collects the emblem on a Archive of the Kingdom, one of the most important background with the Eagle patrol forming the flag of Spain documental sets of Europe. Treaty of Tordesillas. Agreement and an illustration of the cathedral of León and the bridge. between Catholic kings with the King of Portugal, related with the repartition of the navigation zones. Ceramic. The stability Spanish Army Airmobile Force of Mudejar potters since the twelfth century, they remained On June 23, 2016, the 50th anniversary of its creation was active throughout the Middle Age. Books. They represent the RD celebrated. This military unit has its origin in the Light Aviation locality of Urueña, the only Villa of the Book of Spain for its QUARTER 2018 Company, which was the first helicopters company of the Army. numerous bookstores and museums. Chipmunk. It is typical This Unit stands out for its participation in the operations to find specimens of this species throughout the plateau. abroad in which the Spanish Army has deployed, since 1991 Sarcophagus of the Infante Don Alfonso. Third son of in the Iraqi Kurdistan region, in the UN Operation Provide Sancho IV and María de Molina. It is an impressive sample of Comfort, in Iraq together with the International Coalition the Mudejar woodwork. Lechuguino This name is given to against Da’esh, the Balkans, Lebanon and Afghanistan. With the most representative bread of Valladolid. With a round loaf it, the Spanish Army has its own «Army Aviation», helicopter shape and white crumb. Wheat. One of the most cultivated units that perform missions, as an essential part of ground foods in the province that paints its geography yellow. operations. The stamp shows four of its aircraft: HT-17-Chinook; NH-90; HA-28-Tiger and HE-26-Eco-Charlie; and the insignia of The red color in the bottom strip of the stamp alludes to the the Aviation Wings of the Army on a background reminiscent flag of the province. of camouflage motifs in uniforms, armor, weapons...

RURAL ARCHITECTURE EPHEMERIS Euromed - Possessió. Mallorca 8th Centenary of General Studies. Palencia University

The Possessió Raixa of Mallorca is surrounded by magnificent gardens, Around the Cathedral of Palencia, in the 19th century a school at the feet of the Tramontana. Its about a villa of arab origins that was founded. With the passing of the years, it acquired a conserves some of the elements of the 16th century, such as the big name in all the reconquered territories until having a big chapel’s vault and the portico of the ‘clastra’, typical Mallorcan patio. splendor in the end of the 12th century. The first foundations During the 18th and 19th centuries, underwent a series of neoclassical of the first university in the history of Spain. It would be the COLLECTABLE DESCRIPTIONS reforms, carried out by Cardinal Despuig. He transformed it into a bishop of the city, don Tello Tellez, who would give the final monumental village and installed in it a museum of classical sculpture impulse to this educative institution. In 1221 the pontifical that can now be enjoyed in Bellver Castle. approval of Honorio III would be obtained becoming one of the first universities of Europe. The first center of higher studies One of the most distinguishable elements of the house, is the loggia considered and recognized as such was the General Studies of (exterior gallery) of the south façade. Around the central patio, Palencia. typical of these kinds of constructions, are distributed the main house dependencies. Without a doubt, the gardens are the greatest This year is held the 800th anniversary and, to commemorate value of this property. They’re accessed from a large terrace with such a holiday, Correos has issued a stamp with two images that crenellated turret. Those of the high floor are crossed by a neoclassical tie a past and a present. The monument that is in the University monumental staircase. Those of the low floor stand out by an of Palencia has been added an image of Alfonso VIII of Castilla. impressive garden of orange trees. A large pond, a small hermitage, a In that moment, the monarch decided that, following the shrine or a historicist pavilion, among other elements, make this place model of Bologna, Oxford or , there had to be an official a very special place for locals and visitors to the island. recognition to the Studium Generale, as it was known back then, and gave economic facilities. Famous teachers taught Raixa also has lived movie scenes. It has been selected as scenery through their classrooms; among its most outstanding students, for different productions, such as ‘Muerte Bajo el Sol’ or Bearn. It Gonzalo de Berceo. The students obtained the degree of currently houses the Interpretation and Visitors Center of Raixa- graduates in Theology and Arts, after completing the two Serra of Tramuntana, already, after passing through different hands teaching cycles: the Trivium (Grammar, Rhetoric and Logic) and and families, in 2002 the Raixa estate, which has been classified as a the Quadrivium (Arithmetic, Geometry, Astronomy and Music). Cultural Interest Property (BIC), was bought by the ‘Consell Insular de Mallorca’ and the Ministry of the Environment, with the aim of The Studium Generale of Palencia also excelled because of its assigning it to public uses. complementary law studies, that had lessons of some of the main eminences of the time. Nevertheless, the death of Alfonso The Premium Sheet picks the image of the big staircase. The stamp VIII in 1214 brought the decline of the center, specially when reproduces an image of the main building, with it imponent logia, Alfonso IX decided to move the university to Salamanca in and show the impressive beauty of this special construction. 1218. Today, the University of Palencia keeps the same impulse that started its creation: spread the knowledge. EPHEMERIS TRADITIONS AND CUSTOMS Volvo Ocean Race 2017-2018 The Way of the Wool QUARTER 2018 QUARTER RD RCM-FNMT 2018

• Issue date: 16th of July of 2018 • Issue date: 9th of July of 2018 • Printing Procedure: Offset • Printing Procedure: Offset RCM-FNMT 2018 • Paper: coated, gummed and phosphorescent. • Paper: coated, gummed and phosphorescent. • Format: 40,9 x 28,8 mm (horizontal) • Format: 40,9 x 28,8 mm (horizontal) • Perforations: 13 3/4 (horizontal) and 13 1/4 (vertical) • Perforations: 13 3/4 (horizontal) and 13 1/4 (vertical) • Items on Premium Sheet: 25 • Items on Premium Sheet: 25 • Postal Value: 1,35 € NEW STAMPS IN CIRCULATION, 3 IN CIRCULATION, NEW STAMPS • Postal Value: 1,35 € • Print Run: 180.000 • Print Run: 180.000 • Design: Producciones Pantuás y Asociación de • Design: Volvo Ocean Race S.L.U Guadalajara del Camino de Santiago

EMISIÓN: VOLVO OCEANPERSONALITIES RACE 2017-18 12 MONTHS, 12 STAMPS MOTIVO: 22 de octubreDiscoverers 2017. Alicante of Oceania. Puerto de SalidaÁlvaro de Mendaña y Neira Málaga and Navarra

CUANTÍA: 1,35 €

FORMATO DEL SELLO TREPADO: 40,9 x 28,8 mm BOCETO...... 1



N.º COLORES: 4 - Cuatricromía FECHA ...... 6-04-2018




• Issue date: 1st of August of 2018 • Issue date: 3rd of September of 2018 EMISIÓN:• Issue DESCUBRIDORES date: 25th DE OCEANÍAof July of 2018 • Printing Procedure: Offset

COLLECTABLE DESCRIPTIONS COLLECTABLE MOTIVO: Álvaro de Mendaña y Neira • Printing Procedure: Offset • Paper: Self-adhesive phosphorescent CUANTÍA: 3,30 € • Paper: self-adhesive wood. EMISIÓN: 12 Meses. 12 Sellos • Format: 35 xEMISIÓN: 24,5 mm 12 Meses. (horizontal) 12 Sellos FORMATO DEL SELLO TREPADO: 57,6 x 40,9 mm • Format: 57,6 x 40,9 mm (horizontal)BOCETO...... 1MOTIVO: Málaga • Items on Sheet:MOTIVO: 50 Navarra MEDIDAS DE LA MANCHA: A sangre 2 PROCEDIMIENTO• Items on DE Premium IMPRESIÓN: Offset Sheet: Adhesivos 16 MODIFICACION...... CUANTÍA: Tarifa A • Postal Value:CUANTÍA: Tariff Tarifa A ( A1 stamp = standard letter up to 20g

SOPORTE:• Postal Autoadhesivo Value: madera 3,30 € RCC...... 61124FORMATO DEL SELLO TREPADO: 35Spain) x 24,5 mm FORMATO BOCETO...... DEL SELLO TREPADO: 35 x 124,5 mm BOCETO...... 1 • Print Run: 180.000 • Print Run: Unlimited N. COLORES: 4 (CMYK) FECHA ...... 21-02-18MEDIDAS DE LA MANCHA: A sangre MEDIDAS DEMODIFICACION...... LA MANCHA: A sangre 2 MODIFICACION...... 0 • Design: Sendin & Asociados, S.L. PROCEDIMIENTO DE IMPRESIÓN:• Offset Design: Adhesivos KonectaPROCEDIMIENTO BTO, S.L. DE IMPRESIÓN: Offset Adhesivos RCC...... 59243 RCC...... 59244 N.º COLORES: 4 (CMYK) N.º COLORES: 4 (CMYK) FECHA ...... 27-12-17 FECHA ...... 30-11-17 TRADITIONS AND CUSTOMS EPHEMERIS TheWool Road Volvo Ocean Race 2017-2018

The Wool Road, a sheep-herding route followed by shearers, In the last four editions, Alicante has been the port of start of NEW STAMPS IN CIRCULATION, 3 shepherds, and traders dealing in wool and related products, the around-the-world sailing race, considered the longest and between the major sheep-farming areas of La Mancha and toughest race in professional sport. On the 22th of October of Burgos, the trade-capital of wool in the 16th and 17th centuries. 2017 the city waved goodbye to the fleet, which voyaged over The route has long been associated with St James’ Way, with a 45,000 nautical miles around the planet, stopping at 11 cities, documented pilgrimage in the spring of 1624. ending the race in The Hague (Netherlands) on 30th of June of 2018. Alicante has been the home of the regatta organization Today’s starting points of the Wool Road are in distant cities since 2010, and in 2012 opened the only museum in the world like Alicante and Valencia, passing through towns like Novelda dedicated to the Volvo Ocean Race, one of the three big events -pioneers of recovery of this route- to the province of Albacete, in sailing alongside the Olympic Games and the Americas Cup. where towns like Caudete acquired importance as the points where different pilgrimage routes of south-eastern Spain For more than 40 years, the regatta has had an almost mythical came together, and Alatoz. Crossing Cuenca, we come to the attraction for some of the greatest sailors in history, many of town of Monteagudo de las Salinas, where visitors can see whom have spent years or even decades trying to win it. The a monument that alludes to the route of 1624 on one of its regatta stands at the intersection of the thrill of adventure and promontories. We pass through the city of Cuenca, continuing the toughest competition, which can often be extreme and northwards to Villaconejos de Trabaque, a place which is famous unforgiving. These days, with sailors competing on board of for its traditional warm welcome for pilgrims. In Salmerón, monotypes (identical boats), the only way to win is by sailing Guadalajara is a converted former mansion. The route takes us harder and smarter than your rivals. The regatta is won in the through towns like Trillo and Cifuentes. The single variant of water, not at the design stage. The concept of the regatta is the route goes through Sigüenza, with its splendid cathedral, simple: it is the definitive ocean marathon, a race around the RD and Palazuelos, called “the little Ávila of Guadalajara” for world, anticlockwise, in dogged pursuit of your rivals, where the QUARTER 2018 its encircling fortified walls. Now in the province of Soria, is world’s greatest racers compete on the planet’s wildest oceans. Retortillo, with its medieval air, we continue through the steep, winding valley until Caracena, the proud home of the church There is no monetary prize, having your name engraved on one of San Pedro, a gem of 12th century Romanesque architecture. of the silver rings that form the Volvo Ocean Race trophy next to In San Esteban de Gormaz, is also notable, its castle that is the names such as Blake, Eric Tabarly, Conny van Rietschoten, Magnus largest in Europe. Now in Burgos, we arrive to Santo Domingo Olsson, Grant Dalton, and Ian Walker. de Silos and its beautiful monastery, and Covarrubias, the “most beautiful village of Spain”. Finally, Mecerreyes, a picturesque The photograph on the stamp shows a moment of the village with a restored building in the style of a traditional competition with several boats on the open sea. farmhouse. The illustration on the stamp shows several characteristic elements of this route, such as sheep being herded, and the monument of Monteagudo de las Salinas and the pilgrim’s backpack.

12 MONTHS, 12 STAMPS PERSONALITIES Málaga and Navarra Discoverers of Oceania. Álvaro de Mendaña y Neira

MÁLAGA. Born in Congosto, province of Lion in 1541. He is known for the Centre Pompidou. In 2013 the first headquarter of this Parisian discovery of the Solomon Islands in 1568 and the Marquesas Islands art center was erected. La Manquita. As the Cathedral is .In 1567 he led an expedition of discovery to the Pacific Ocean with known due to one of its unfinished towers. Spanish Fighting two ships and 150 men. They should have found the islands where Bull. Ronda is the cradle of the classic bull fighting. Alcazaba. the Inca leader Túpac Inca Yupanqui was thought to have arrived COLLECTABLE DESCRIPTIONS From Muslim origin and located in the hillside of the Gibralfaro some time before. After two months sailing west, they sighted an mount. The Farola. That’s how the watchtower of the city is island which they named Jesus, now known as Nin. Later, they found known. Moscatel. Wine coming from the grape that has that another island that they called Santa Isabel, which belonged to the name, very mature and sunned. Procession of the ‘Good Solomon Islands, followed by other islands in the same archipelago, Death’ Christ. Known as the procession of the legionaries. El such as Ramos (Malaita), San Cristóbal (Bauro), and Guadalcanal. For Caminito del Rey. In the gap of the Gaitanes, the pedestrian these discoveries, he was appointed ‘Forward’ of the South Seas. sidewalk with more than 3 kilometers hangs up to 105 meters over a river. Bull Ring of Malagueta. From ‘neomudejar’ After reporting his discoveries to Philip II, he was given permission style, the ring host the Antonio Ordoñez Museum. Butterfly to organize a second expedition, which would not take place until House. In Benalmadena, the biggest butterfly house in Europe, nearly 20 years later. In 1595 he returned to the Solomon Islands on a with more than 1.500 species. Ronda. The block that splits it colonization mission. This time he was leading a fleet of six ships and in two is an impressive image. Espeto. Typical dish of sardines 387 people. His chief pilot was the great sailor Fernández de Quirós. that are ‘espeted’ in a sugar cane stick and are grilled with fire. On this expedition he discovered a new archipelago that he named Benalmadena. Representative city of the Sun Coast. Maria the Marquesas de Mendoza in honor of the new Viceroy of Peru. He Zambrano. Thinker, philosopher and essayist from Malaga. then would set sail for the Solomon Islands but landed on the Santa Cruz Islands, where he would remain until his death from an epidemic NAVARRA. shortly afterwards, disappointed by the lack of discipline of his San Fermin. Festival of medieval origin and religious character. soldiers and his failure to find wealth. Rosé Wine. Two of their designation of origin are Cigales and Navarra. Planetarium. Cultural Center for the scientific and The stamp, printed on wood-pulp paper, belongs to the series technological divulgation. Bearded Vulture. Tends to gather Discoverers of Oceania, and features a portrait of the discoverer bones or shelss and hit them to be able to eat them. Witch. and a drawing of the Solomon and Marquesas Islands. It also shows Allusion to the Inquisition that accused of practicing withcraft. Australia and New Zealand. Correos continues innovating with its Royal Palace of Olite. Court of the Navarrese Kings. Beech. issues, and like the stamp issued in this series last year, the printing on Deciduous tree that can reach up to 45 meters high. Bardenas wood-pulp paper makes this stamp unique. Reales. The erosion of its floor has sculpted fanciful shapes that resemble a lunar landscape. Asparagus. White in color, soft texture, with limited fibrosity and exquisite flavor. Irati’s Jungle. The second, longest and better conserved silver fir of Europe. 80’s Generation: Félix Rodríguez de la Fuente; 90’S GENERATION: Euro; Dissolution of the URSS in Long Live Democracy; Spain, member of the CEE in 1986; 1990; German Reunification 1989-90; O.G. Barcelona’92 Technology in a Daily Basis and Expo’92 Sevilla QUARTER 2018 QUARTER RD

• Issue date: 10th of September of 2018 • Issue date: 10th of September of 2018 • Printing Procedure: Rotogravure + Die • Printing Procedure: Rotogravure + Die • Paper: coated, gummed and phosphorescent. • Paper: coated, gummed and phosphorescent. • Format: irregular Stamps • Format: irregular Stamps • Format of the Block Sheet: 133,5 x 86,1 mm (horizontal) • Format of the Block Sheet: 133,5 x 86,1 mm (horizontal) NEW STAMPS IN CIRCULATION, 3 IN CIRCULATION, NEW STAMPS • Postal Value: 0,55 € /0,65 € / 1,35 € / 1,45 € • Postal Value: 0,55 € /0,65 € / 1,35 € / 1,45 € • Print Run: 160.000 block sheets • Print Run: 160.000 block sheets • Design: TAU Diseño • Design: TAU Diseño

› 25 ANIVERSARIO DE LA ÚLTIMA EXPEDICIÓN AMBULANTE DE CORREOS 1,35€ EPHEMERIS PERSONALITIES 25th anniversary of the last working train of Correos 200th Anniversary of the birth of Cosme García Sáez Efemérides RCM-FNMT 2018



Efemérides RCM-FNMT 2018



• Issue date: 21st of September of 2018 • Issue date: 14th of September of 2018 • Printing Procedure: marked on rubber and Offset COLLECTABLE DESCRIPTIONS COLLECTABLE • Printing Procedure: Offset + Die • Paper: Self-adhesive • Paper: Self-adhesive phosphorescentREVERSO • Format: 40 x 33 and 40,9 x 28,8 mm (horizontals) • Format: 81,8 x 28,8 mm (horizontal) • Items on Sheet: individuals and 25 • Items on Sheet: 16 • Postal Value: 1,35€ • Postal Value: 1,35€ • Print Run: 180.000 of each • Print Run: 180.000 • Design Cosme García: Tau Diseño • Design: Juan A. González (Philately)


MOTIVO: 25 aniversario de la última expedición ambulante de Correos

CUANTÍA: 1,35 € BOCETO...... 1 FORMATO DEL SELLO: 81,8 x 28,8 mm (horizontal) 1 MEDIDAS DE LA MANCHA: A sangre MODIFICACION......


MOTIVO:N.º COLORES: 25 aniversario 4 (CMYK) de la última expedición ambulante de CorreosFECHA ...... 11-07-18

CUANTÍA: 1,35 € BOCETO...... 1 FORMATO DEL SELLO: 81,8 x 28,8 mm (horizontal) 1 MEDIDAS DE LA MANCHA: A sangre MODIFICACION......

PROCEDIMIENTO DE IMPRESIÓN: Offset Adhesivos RCC...... 62773

N.º COLORES: 4 (CMYK) FECHA ...... 11-07-18 90’S GENERATION: Euro; Dissolution of the URSS in 80’s Generation: Félix Rodríguez de la Fuente; 1990; German Reunification 1989-90; O.G. Barcelona’92 Long Live Democracy; Spain, member of the CEE in 1986; and Expo’92 Sevilla Technology in a Daily Basis

This block sheet aims to be ‘brushstroke’ of those events that The eighties start in Spain in a time where the newly NEW STAMPS IN CIRCULATION, 3 shaped the decade of the 90’s. inaugurated democracy fills with illusions and hopes to the Spaniards, that live an explosion of liberties and new challenges. After the fall of the Wall in the previous decade, in 1990 the economic, monetary and social reunification of One of the stamps that this block sheet has aims to remember Germany began and is reflected in one of the stamps. Another what the arrival of the democracy to this country was. one of the stamps commemorates the dissolution of the USSR, Adolfo Suarez was the first elect president since the year 1936. the collapse of the largest socialist state in the world, which also Another charismatic president took power, in this case in the marked the end of the Cold War. USA, it was a former Hollywood actor, starting the so called ‘Reagan Era’ The world experienced tumultuous events and numerous political and social changes as shown in these stamps. Other In the year 1981 a success marked the Spanish history. The 23th notable events include the return of democracy to Chile and of February of that year there was an attempt of a coup d’état, Peru, the arrival of Bill Clinton to the White House or Tony Blair that, even though it was neutralized, was engraved in the to the 10 of downing Street. In South Africa, the apartheid was memories of the Spanish people, even in the Deputies Congress, finally ended after years of racial segregation. where still until today there are marks that the bullets left.

Spain, along with other European countries, reached an Also the technologies took over the homes. From modern agreement for creating a single European currency. A stamp appliances, color tv’s and even the first personal computers. with the image of a 100 Euro note commemorates this event. All of this is represented by a stamp that talks about that technology in the daily life. RD Two large events put Spain in the global spotlight, both in QUARTER 2018 terms of culture and sport. The Olympic Games in Barcelona In the other hand, a great animal rights defender becomes and the Universal Exposition of Seville changed the relevant, Félix Rodríguez de la Fuente, that was dying in the international image of our country forever. A stamp with the 1980. Its face with a baby lynx is one of the other stamps that logos of both events makes up one of this issue’s stamps. can be found in the block sheet.

The block sheet is die-cut with the figure 90 with typical colors The last of the stamps commemorates the entry of Spain in from this period. The phrase from Toy Story -Pixar’s feature film, the European Economic Union, a great advance to European as well as the first completely animated film with digital effects society. in the history of cinema- “To infinity and beyond” completes this nostalgic block sheet. Both the milestones that are illustrated Some verses from the son of Sabina, ‘Zumo de Neon’, that and the design of the block sheet have been chosen by the sounded in that time, complete these block sheets, that philately subscribers. transport us to a time full of nostalgia and good memories.

PERSONALITIES EPHEMERIS 200th Anniversary of the birth of Cosme García Sáez 25th anniversary of the last working train of Correos

Cosme García Sáez is one of Spain’s forgotten geniuses. He It seems that it was yesterday, when the 30th of June of 1993 was born in Logroño on 27 September 1818, to a humble departed from the Chamartin Station what would be the last family. Self-taught and with an inquiring mind, from an early traveling expedition by railways from Correos in Spain, 25 years age he showed great talent for mechanics and technical have passed. The Spanish philately aims to commemorate with subjects, which years later would lead to the creation of this stamp , an homage to that service of the transportation of COLLECTABLE DESCRIPTIONS inventions relating to weapons, printing, mail, and sailing. He correspondence, and specially , to those men and women that moved to Madrid at the start of the Progressive Biennium, and made it possible, against wind and tides. two years later, in 1856, presented his first three inventions: a breech-loading rifle, a portable printing press, and a From the first traveling expeditions, around those of September mechanism “for all types of ink stamps”. of 1855 between Madrid and Albacete, the work of the postal employees was not comfortable or easy. Loading and unloading This last invention was adopted in 1857 by Correos to mark jobs between stations, the classification of the correspondence letters with the dispatch date on the front and the arrival date between the transit, the delivery formalized in a destination on the back, hence its name: 1857 or Type II dater, replacing between long night shifts suffering by the incessant shackle the 1854 or Type I model. Made abroad of high-quality steel, of the train, and in a time that the steam was the energy that it left a mark of two concentric circles with diameters of 19.5 moved the world. and 11 millimeters. The date appears in the center, showing the day, the first three letters of the month slanted to the left, The stagecoaches and the postal wagons have traveled millions and the last two numbers of the year. At the top of the circles, of kilometers; leaving behind several worthy news from where the name of the town, and below, the provincial capital is they passed by. Everybody looked there; and with anxiety they shown, and in the case of a main Post Office Administration, sighed… they sighed with anxiety! With more anxiety they look its rank number appears at the bottom. This type of dater at the ugliest coach but the one they love the most: the Postal was used until the late 1870s. On his visit to Barcelona he Coach! The happy train, looking for another village, leaves, discovered the sea for the first time, and immediately began sounds its horn… how well was it defined by Froilan Cete, to develop his most famous patent: a submarine. His first nickname from a traveling worker, in the Postal Herald of 1908. model was tested in the sea off Barcelona in 1858, one year before the Ictíneo I of Narciso Monturiol. Winter cold, the summer heat, reduced spaces, danger…. With the time, the working conditions softened, incorporating the It is only fitting that Correos should introduce an innovation in advances of the modernization : lightning and electric heater, a stamp honoring an inventor; rubber is used instead of paper, kitchens, beds and showers. and the design is in relief: the silhouette of Cosme García, a sketch of the submersible under the sea, the text and the Broken lives, parallel lives, friends, and even lovers in each station, imprint of the 1857 dater, which stands out at the right side of just like the son of Rafael de Leon: The dark Swallows will return, the effect. in my balcony their nest is hung, but the traveling Correos, it will not come. PERSONALITIES OLD JOBS 150th Anniversary of the death of Leopoldo O´Donnell Glazier QUARTER 2018 QUARTER RCM-FNMT 2018



• Issue date: 24th of September of 2018 EMISIÓN: OFICIOS ANTIGUOS RCM-FNMT 2018 • Printing Procedure: Offset + clear acetate + 3D ink • Issue date: 21st of September of 2018 MOTIVO:• Vidriero Paper: Self-adhesive polypropylene • Printing Procedure: marked on rubber and Offset CUANTÍA:• 2Format: € 28,8 x 40,9 mm (vertical) -arch shaped- • Paper: Self-adhesive FORMATO• DELPerforation13 TROQUEL EXTERIOR: 1/4 33,8 (horizontal) x 45,9 mmT and 13 3/4 (vertical) • Format: 40 x 33 and 40,9 x 28,8 mm (horizontals) FORMATO• DELItems TROQUEL on Sheet: INTERIOR: 2528,8 x 40,9 mm (ojival) BOCETO...... 1 • Items on Sheet: individuals and 25 MEDIDAS• DEItems LA MANCHA: on Premium A sangre Sheet: 7 stamps and 1 vignette NEW STAMPS IN CIRCULATION, 3 IN CIRCULATION, NEW STAMPS MODIFICACION...... 2 • Postal Value: 1,35€ FORMATO• DELPostal PLIEGO: Value: 260 x 200 2€ mm • Print Run: 180.000 of each PROCEDIMIENTO• Print DE Run: IMPRESIÓN: 180.000 Offset stampssobre propileno and autoadhesivo 5.000 premiumRCC...... sheets 61904 • Design: O´Donnell: Repro Art N.º COLORES:• Design: CMYK + Repro Barniz Art FECHA ...... 05-06-18


MOTIVO: 150 aniversarioENGINEERING del fallecimiento de Leopoldo O´Donnell GASTRONOMY Spanish High Speed Line (AVE) La Meca-Medina Designation of Origin: Ribera del Duero and Guijuelo CUANTÍA: 1,35 €

FORMATO DEL SELLO TREPADO: 40,9 x 28,8 mm BOCETO...... 1



N.º COLORES: 4 - Cuatricromía FECHA ...... 28-05-2018

INGENIERÍA ESPAÑA 18 Línea de Alta Velocidad 35€ Española La Meca-Medina 1, RCM-FNMT 20

INGENIERÍA ESPAÑA 18 Línea de Alta Velocidad 35€ Española La Meca-Medina 1, RCM-FNMT 20

• Issue date: 24th of September of 2018 • Issue date: 24th of September of 2018 • Printing Procedure: Offset + sand in thermography • Printing Procedure: Offset + ham flavor COLLECTABLE DESCRIPTIONS COLLECTABLE • Paper: coated, gummed and phosphorescent • Paper: coated, gummed and phosphorescent • Format: 77 x 28 mm (horizontal) • Format: 40,9 x 28,8 mm (horizontal) • Perforation: 12 (horizontal) and 12 (vertical) • Perforation: 14 3/4 (horizontal) and 14 1/4 (vertical) • Items on Premium Sheet: 12 • Format of Block Sheet: 133 x 99 mm (horizontal)

EMISIÓN: INGENIERÍ• PostalA Value: 1,35€ • Postal Value: 2€

MOTIVO: Línea• Printde Alta VelocidadRun: 300.000Española La Meca-Medina • Print Run: 160.000. block sheets

CUANTÍA: 1,35• Design: € BOCETO...... 2 • Design: Jesús Sánchez Servicios corporativos, S.L.


SOPORTE: Estucado, engomado, fosforescente RCC...... 62082 FECHA...... 4-6-18 PROCEDIMIENTO DE IMPRESIÓN: Offset

N.º COLORES: 4 (C, M, Y , K) + termografía (arena) OLD JOBS PERSONALITIES Glazier 150th Anniversary of the death of Leopoldo O´Donnell

With a beautiful Premium Sheet bursting with color, this year’s Leopoldo O’Donnell was a military constitutionalist and NEW STAMPS IN CIRCULATION, 3 new stamp in the Traditional trades series features the venerable liberal politician of historical significance in the Spain of work of stained-glass makers. These artisans and artists bring color the 19th Century . He served as a soldier in the First Carlist and form to glass. This trade strikes a balance between the primal War, where he achieved successive promotions to become a element of fire and the delicacy of glass to create something almost Lieutenant General. He was the Captain-General of Havana magical. The techniques have advanced and some of the materials and Director General of Infantry. During the Hispano- have changed, but this ancestral spirit can still be found in all of Moroccan War (1859) he was in charge of the Field Army these workshops. which took control of Tétouan, thereby gaining the title of Duke of Tétouan and Grandee of Spain. Beginning with the Renaissance, stained glass artists created masterpieces of form and color in parallel with the work of He was a senator, Minister of War and Prime Minister on painters, architects and designers. There were many commissions several occasions. From this time it’s important to highlight that came from large religious projects, where stained glass often his second period (1858-1863), which was characterized became the focal point of cathedrals and churches. by an economic boom, the expansion of the railways, construction of public projects and diverse administrative Far from fading into obscurity as a curiosity of the past, technical improvements. innovation and artistic passion have kept this art form alive. The mortal remains of Leopoldo O’Donnell were kept in The Premium Sheet shows a glazier artist blowing glass to create the Basilica of Atocha in Madrid until 1870 when they were beautiful pieces with impossible shapes and vivid colors. The sheet moved to the Santa Barbara church in the Salesas Reales. is framed with details recalling stained glass windows, and in one Since then, his remains have been in a neo-renaissance- RD corner, a typical motif of these artworks. It contains seven stamps style mausoleum made from Carrara marble by the sculptor QUARTER 2018 and a vignette in the form of a Gothic window, typical of stained- Jerónimo Suñol. glass windows, where different geometrical colors are combined over a black background. Notably, both the stamp and the Premium The stamp depicts an image of Leopoldo O’Donnell wearing Sheet are printed on transparent acetate to achieve the translucent the General Officer uniform, (royal blue dress coat with effect of stained glass. lapel, red collar and gold braids), as well as the Grand Laureate Cross of the Royal and Military Order of Saint At the bottom of the Premium Sheet we see the phrase: “We have Ferdinand, with the band of red ribbon with orange threads to work as an artisan. The technique is enriched with manual labor. on the ends and the reverent Medal of the Order. In the With the mastery and sleight of hand that used the tool”. Words background, there is a painting by Mariano Fortuny, The that show the essence of being a master glazier, and in this case, the Batlle of Tétouan, a large oil painting commissioned by the honorable and passionate job of a glazier making stained glass. Province of Barcelona, that the artist left unfinished. The painting shows O’Donnell, then Prime Minister, leading various members of the Spanish Army at the Battle of Tétouan.

GASTRONOMY ENGINEERING Designation of Origin: Ribera del Duero and Guijuelo Spanish High Speed Line (AVE) La Meca-Medina

If there is one Spanish scent that awakens all senses, it’s the A macro project developed by a consortium with a 88% of aroma of Iberic ham. A dish of Guijuelo ham and a glass of Spanish participation, with enterprises such as ADIF, Refe Ribera del Duero are a perfect combination for a get-together Operadora, INECO, Talgo, Cobra, COnsultrans, Copasa, among friends or a good chat, to celebrate success or console Dimetronic, Inabensa (Abengoa), Imathia, Indra and OHL, to us for our failures. That aroma invades this mini sheet with create a high speed line that will unite that holy cities of La COLLECTABLE DESCRIPTIONS two stamps celebrating the Designation of Origin of Ribera del Meca and Medina. Not an easy job due to a road filled with Duero and the Designation of Origin of Guijuelo. difficulties because of the high temperatures of the zone and the effect of the desert sand, protagonist alongside the way. The stamp dedicated to the wine shows a grapevine making a toasts with a glass of vine. Castilla and León is fortunate to The 445 kilometers that divide these cities will be ‘made have the soil that produces one of the world’s best wines. In shorter’ because of the trains of Talgo, that will reach a max the archaeological site of Pintia, Padilla de Duero, there are speed around 320 kilometer per hour. This journey includes indications that people knew and consumed wine some 2,500 five stations designed by Norman Foster: La Meca, Jeddah, years ago. In 1982, the Ministry of Agriculture awarded the wine Jeddah Airport, Economic City of King Abdullah and Medina. the Designation of Origin, approving its first regulation. This premium sheet that celebrates this pharaonic task The stamp dedicated to the Iberic ham shows pigs ranging picks the images of a railway going through the sand freely in the countryside, because they live all their live freely deserts. Twelve stamps show the illustration with their most in open spaces. This gives them their good musculature, with significant elements: the train, similar to the AVE of Spain; plenty of marbled fat. The Iberic pig variety is known for its the Kaaba, that owes his name to its shape and their corners dark, nearly hairless hide, its long, narrow snout, and its long, are oriented to the cardinal points; and finally the intense slender hind legs. It has large pointed ears which usually fold green dome of the Prophet’s Mosque, place where you can over, even covering the eyes. The “Guijuelo” Designation of find the grave of Muhammad. Origin was granted in 1986. Although it takes its name from a town in Salamanca province, the pigs are reared, and the ham The so called ‘Desert AVE’ or also ‘The peregrine’s AVE’ , is produced throughout Castilla and León and in three other made its inaugural trip the 31th of December of 2017. The regions: Castilla la Mancha, Extremadura and Andalusia. demonstration started at 11.55 from the Medina Station and ended at 14.43 , reaching in some parts of the railway up to The stamp is completed by a foreground image of a slice of 300 kilometers per hour. The objective is to make this trip a Iberic ham, intensely colored and with the classic marbling, little bit longer than two hours. which combined with the aroma suffusing the stamp makes it good enough to eat it, if you dare to, it also tastes like ham. Once again Correos opts for innovation in its stamps, like these ones that we can literally smell and taste. EPHEMERIS. 30th anniversary of the Cadastral Management and Tax Cooperation Center and 40th anniversary of ‘Special ARTISTIC HERITAGE Cuenca. Houses of Colors Operations Group’ (G.E.O.)


0,55€ España 0,55€ España






0,55€ España 0,55€ España EFEMÉRIDES



RCM-FNMT 2018 5€ RCM-FNMT 2018 • Issue date: 28th of September of 2018 • Issue date: 25th of September of 2018 • Printing Procedure: Offset + die cut + foldable/glued PATRIMONIO ARTÍSTICO. CUENCA CASAS DE COLORES. • Issue date: 26thPATRIMONIO ARTÍSTICO of September of 2018 RCM-FNMT 2018 • Paper: one-coated face 350g • Printing Procedure: Offset • Paper: coated, gummed, phosphorescent. • Paper: coated, gummed, phosphorescentEMISIÓN: PATRIMONIO ARTÍSTICO • Format: 28,8 x 40,9 mm (vertical) MOTIVO: Cuenca. Casas de colores • Format: 40,9 x 28,8 mm (vertical) CUANTÍA: 5 € • Perforations: 13 1/4 (horizontal) abd 13 3/4 (vertical) BOCETO...... 1 • Perforations: 13 3/4 (horizontal) andFORMATO 13 1/4 DEL SELLO (vertical) TREPADO: 28,8 x 40,9 mm • Block sheet Format: 150 x 104,5 mm (horizontal) FORMATO DE LA HOJA BLOQUE: 150 x 104,5 mm MODIFICACION...... 1 EMISIÓN: EFEMÉRIDES • Items on Sheet:EMISIÓN: 25 EFEMÉRIDES • Unfolded Block sheet Format: 407,7 x 104,5 mm FORMATO DE LA HOJA BLOQUE DESPLEGADA: 407,7 x 104,5 mm RCC...... 62081 MOTIVO: 30 aniversario Centro de Gestión Catastral y CooperaciónMOTIVO: 40 Tributaria aniversario Grupo EspecialPROCEDIMIENTO de Operaciones DE(G.E.O.) IMPRESIÓN: Offset + troquelado + plegado/pegado NEW STAMPS IN CIRCULATION, 3 IN CIRCULATION, NEW STAMPS • Postal Value: 0,55€ (horizontal) FECHA ...... 5-06-18 N.º COLORES: 4 - Cuatricromía CUANTÍA: 0,55 € CUANTÍA: 0,55 € • Print Run: 180.000 for eachBOCETO...... motif. 1 • Postal Value: 5€ FORMATO DEL SELLO TREPADO:• Design: 40,9 x 28,8 Repromm FORMATO Art DEL SELLO TREPADO: 40,9 x 28,8 mm BOCETO...... • Print1 Run: 180.000 block sheets MODIFICACION...... 0 FORMATO DE LA MANCHA: 36,9• Design:x 24,8 mm GrupoMEDIDAS Especial DE LA de MANCHA: Operaciones A sangre MODIFICACION...... • Design:1 Juan A. González (Philately) RCC...... 63041 PROCEDIMIENTO DE IMPRESIÓN: Offset engomado PROCEDIMIENTO DE IMPRESIÓN: Offset RCC...... 63042 FECHA ...... 28-06-18 N.º COLORES: 4 - Cuatricromía N.º COLORES: 4 - Cuatricromía FECHA ...... 28-6-2018 Next Stamp Issues

4o QUARTER 2018 SPAIN October 1: 12 stamps 12 months. Seville We reward your fidelity October 4: Spanish Cinema. Sitges. International Fantastic Cinema Festival October 5: Anniversaries. 1300 Aniversary of the Constitution of the Kingdom of Asturias October 10: Christmas: Christmas tree pack and Horse ride of the Wise Men ¡Carry the most of Seville October 11: Gender Equality in the Armed Forces October 15: America UPAEP. Pets October 31: EXFILNA 2018. Seville precise time! October 31: General Archives of the Indies November 2: 12 months 12 stamps. Avila November 5: World Heritage. University and historical compound of Alcala We’re raffling two de Henares November 5: Urban Sights. World Heritage. Cuenca Viceroy 42305-37 watches November 7: Flora. Historical Tree “El Abuelo”. Lugo November 8: Urban Sights. World Heritage. Cuenca An analog display with a quartz November 9: Anniversaries. 40th anniversary of the Spanish Constitution movement with Chronograph, steel November 9: Numismatics. 500 pesetas bill. Rosalía de Castro November 28: Anniversaries. 20th State Congress of Volunteering. Galicia case and leather strap. ANDORRA *Check the terms and the winners October 10: Efemèrides. 25è curs de guiesturístics of our raffles in our web: November 8: Nadal. Escenespopulars POSTAL STATIONARY pagina-filatelia/sidioma=es_ES October 31: Seville: Letter with orange blossom smell

Deadline for the coupons: ARTIST DEMONSTRATION (PROOF OF WORK) October 24th, 2018 October 31: EXFILNA 2018. Seville: Demo of Artist with a stamp in rose gold

Check the back of the coupon LABELS October 31 to November 4 Labels dedicated to Seville in which two versions will be available in the ‘Plaza de San Francisco’

Subject to Changes ARTISTIC HERITAGE EPHEMERIS. 30th anniversary of the Cadastral Management and Tax Cooperation Center and 40th anniversary of ‘Special Cuenca. Houses of Colors Operations Group’ (G.E.O.)

From San Felipe church to the forecourt of the Cathedral, in the ‘CADASTER ADMINISTRATION CENTER’ NEW STAMPS IN CIRCULATION, 3 Calle Alfonso VIII de Cuenca, previously called Calle Correduría With its birth in 1987, it was made possible the creation of because it was the place for walking and business for the high a modern cadaster. This center was conceived as a unique society of Cuenca, provides a beautiful sight of the ‘color houses’ organization and centralized direction that makes formation, that are buildings characterized by their narrow shape, and above revision and maintenance jobs to the real estate cadaster; the all, their yellows, reds, oranges and blues, but also greys and study and coordination for the system of real state valuation; blacks. the management and inspection of the land contributions; the informatization of the cadaster and the elaboration of An impressive color scheme which contrasts with the white door studies and statistics. Since then it has made progress in the and window frames, known as ‘blincada’. The name comes from techniques of Orto-projection and others applied to the the verb “blincar” (to stand out) because the intention behind cartography giving more fidelity to the original information. these white frames was nothing but a security measure. In that Its plan to digitalize the cadaster evolved to the creation of a period, the streets were not well lit, and so the people painted a cartographical cadaster databases that are alphanumeric and white circle around their doors and windows to be able to see in interrelated between them integrated in a unique system. The the dark whether someone was entering or leaving during the stamp shows the building of the headquarter of the Cadaster night, “standing out” against the colors. in Madrid, in the ‘Paseo de la Castellana’. In the background, a typical representation of a cartographical cadaster drawing It is not exactly known when the houses started to be painted is shown. with these striking colors. The trend seems to have emerged during the 19th century. Previously, there were reports that every ‘SPECIAL OPERATIONS GROUP’ house in Cuenca was white. For example, the work of Anton Has been for the past 40 years, the elite unit of the National RD van den Wyngaerde –a Flemish landscape painter in the 16th Police Corps. The massacre in the Olympic games of QUARTER 2018 century who traveled around Spain painting villages and cities by in 1972 gave reason to create this units in Europe. The first commission of Phillip II – the houses did not contain these colors. access course was given in 1977 and it’s still an example of the German group GSG-9 with the objective of fighting terrorism This magnificent fold-out block sheet shows a light blue sky in the and organized crime. Three are its basic values: the special background with images on both sides. On one side there is the preparation received by its members; the means to resolve main facade of the Santa María and San Julián Cathedral with the particularly critical situations; and the vitality to carry out the houses of color which hide the sepia houses in their interior folds. missions: Release of kidnapped people or hostages, detention of terrorists and dangerous criminals, or protect personalities The stamp features a detail of this image, which perfectly depicts and embassies. The center of attention of the stamp is taken the color scheme provided by the old town of Cuenca, which was by a member of G.E.O. with night vision goggles and special made a World Heritage Site in 1996. action equipment. Framed with the emblem of the National Police and the flags of Spain and the EU.

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DATA PROTECTION CLAUSE: In accordance with the provisions of Article 5 of Law 15/1999, of December 13, Protection of Personal Data, the applicant is informed and authorizes the inclusion of their data to the automatic existing files in the Sociedad Estatal de Correos y Telegrafos, S.A as manager and responsible for the file entity. Also, unless otherwise stated filling with an “x” the box on the front you consent that your data can be used for sending information and / or advertising about products and services of our company, and except the data relating to banking data, email address and telephone number can be assigned for the same purpose to the companies of Correos Group dedicated to activities of shipment services, value- added to the postal service and telecommunications, as well as to other companies related to the telecommunications, financial, mass consumer, health and NGO’s

The customer is informed of the possibility of exercising the rights of access, rectification, cancellation and opposition on the basis of the established in the current legislation, by contacting the DEPARTAMENTO DE ATENCIÓN AL CLIENTE DE CORREOS - C/ Via Dublin 7, 28070 Madrid or email [email protected]. For subscribers minors: The parent, guardian or legal representative (whose name and number identity card Our gratitude to all the are incorporated in this application authorises Correos so that the personal data of the child and their own are incorporated into an authorised ownership of Correos, with the sole purpose of the execution of the services participants! requested by this form file, as well as the sending of information about philatelic products. THANK YOU FOR DEPOSITING YOUR TRUST IN THE SERVICIO FILATÉLICO DE CORREOS


Philately Today is the digital edition of the Subdirective of Philately The newsletter reaches one cycle

This newsletter –complementary to Stamps and Much More– has the same cycle of that of the printed magazine, four editions per year, and also add a plus as information to that edition as well as to the news blog of philately, with a more journalistic approach and less lavish in their content. Its an edition that is sent to the subscribers to inform them –in four pages and no more than 20 articles– about new products, the best promotions and the latest interesting events related to the stamps. It’s a permissive channel, because the user must give its previous authorization to receive the newsletter and has the option to unsubscribe if he considers it worthwhile. Through it, the Subdirective of Philately has In its mission of spread the word about corroborated the interest of the subscribers in the everything related to the stamp world, the content that it includes, because they have supported Subdirective of Philately founded in the last months the initiative of receiving the newsletter. Also, this of the past year a new communication mean to offer digital edition reinforces the notoriety and value of to the philatelic subscriber a reflection of their word. the stamps.

The Library of Correos and Telégrafos opens up to the world Release of their first blog

The Library of Correos launches a blog, a news and information channel to bring the history of communications in its broadest version to the whole world, from the mail and the postal sector to telegraphy and the telephone. This channel will also include information related to the world of philately, from stamps and other postal products to exhibitions and contests. The blog also contains an access to the bibliographic search engine as well as contact information with blog, the Library wants to continue the Library and the Postal Museum. enriching the value of its users and all those The Library is experiencing a stage of innovation, who want to approach it. of going beyond and approaching not only the Through this blog, users can keep up with the most specialized public, but also anyone who is news of the Library, make inquiries and share curious about this universe that serves as a context experiences. This tool aims to be a window to the in the development of humanity. Nowadays, with world of mail and communications and to this actions such as Research Aid, or the launch of this unique and specialized library.


Stamps to remember important moments Volumes: 80’s and 90’s

Philately edits a collectible conceived with the goal that the philatelic subscribers can collect it year by year related with the most significant events of each time. In this occasion, the volumes of the ‘Generations’ corresponding to the years 80’s and 90’s, with designs that touch the most representative events of those decades with reproductions of stamps that were issued with those themes. The included stamps are:

• 80’s Generation: Movida Madrileña, Telecommunications, IT Technologies, Designation of Origin , Ecologic Characteristics: · Agriculture, Camilo Jose Cela, World Cup · Print Run: 1.000 foldable and 1.000 gits of merchandise of celebration in Spain and extreme sports. each generation. · MSRP: 40€ (TAX included) • 90’s Generation: Biomedical · Format: 25 x 25 cm folded, 75 x 50 open (shape of a T) Technology, Sequencing of the genome · Printing Procedure: color in both faces in gummed of 300 for the cure of diseases, Eurotunnel, grams, matte plasticized in both faces and UVI reserve. Cleft Abolishment of the Apartheid; Peace and Die cut. Missions under the United Nations; The · Extra Ink for Printing: fluorescent (the 80’s) and art and Culture of Spain; The Internet metallized (the 90’s), emulating the aesthetic of those years. Boom: the authentic revolution of the · Gift: ‘comecocos’ tablecloth (80’s) / EGB workbook (90’s) end of the 20th century.

Gravures from the prestige artist Ramiro de Undabeytia

Collectible and limited-edition folder for the Exfilna in Seville.

On the occasion of the national philatelic exposition, Correos has designed an exclusive folder of 250 copies.It is an engraving – complement of the Giraldillo block sheet – and three drafts of the event. Numbered handicrafts, hand signed by the prestigious artist Ramiro de Undabytia – holder of national and international Gravure awards – with the certificate of authenticity. MSRP: 100€


Christmas letter collection for the holidays Preparing Christmas In October, Correos puts on sale the collection of Christmas letters, a collector’s pack that includes six envelopes and six letters. The selected stamps show the stamps that make us remember endearing days: Belén, the delivery of the letter to the Three Wise Men, the family forming a Christmas tree, putting the gifts under the tree in the form of letters of teenagers skating on a floor made of stamps. Each Christmas letter goes inside a decorated envelope postmarked with Tusello of a Christmas theme, for direct deposit without extra costs. The 2018 Christmas letter collection has Characteristics: been designed exclusively for Correos by · Print Run: 1,000 units sold in the illustrators, Ana Pez, Anuska Allepuz, pack along with a philatelic Elena Odriozola, Estelí Meza, Jacobo advent calendar, consisting of a Muñiz, Juan Palomino, Laura Pérez, Laura box whose lid is the Neapolitan Wätcher and Nicolás Aznárez. nativity scene and inside there The printing and handling have are 25 sorted flavored candies been commissioned to the A LA PAR placed on postage stamps Foundation, which works for the rights related to Christmas and issued and participation in society of people with by Correos. intellectual disabilities. · Price: 20€

Exfilna Welcome Pack

On the occasion of the assistance of Correos + orange blossom odor), the first day to the 56th edition of Exfilna/ECC, in their envelope, postal letter of the event, stands will be sold -only for attendants- two and a fan with the reproductions of the welcome packs, limited editions, that will stamps dedicated to Seville, for a special have elite products that the postal entity price. issues. · 250 units of the complete pack, Modalities: which contains - in addition to the · 500 units of the basic package, that products of the basic pack - the artist’s contains the block sheet (chalcography proof in rose gold and at a special price.


Casas Pajares collects stamps, commemorative postmarks and maximum cards Discover Andalusia by traveling through the stamps The philatelics have the luck to be able to travel through the stamps. 1960 card and from there I went We have visited monuments, buildings, landscapes, celebrations, to the Tobacco Factory building, and recognized the statue of El dances, fauna, gastronomy and many more y looking at the stamps. Cid Campeador. In 1992, I saw the We have taken a preview through our collections to future trips or we transformation of Seville: the Bridge have visited places because we thought it was interesting in a stamp. of La Barqueta, made of metal with a single arch and only one line of pendulums, and the Cartuja TEXT: JUAN ANTONIO CASAS PAJARES, SPANISH ASSOCIATION OF MAXIMAPHILY/ COMMISSION OF MAXIMAPHILY FESOFI where Christopher Columbus was. Visiting the EXPO’92 I was able to I started to collect stamps at an searched stamps and maximum make several maximum cards of early age. I saved my father’s cards cards with themes related to the pavilions and of the means of and some cards that my school Andalusia. It was not easy, because transport, like the monorail train. friends gave me. The time went many of them didn’t fully complain On the banks of the Guadalquivir I on and, after going to the expo the rules of the theme, place and visited the ‘Torre del Oro’, which the Espamer 80, I registered in Cadiz time. ‘Casa de Contratación’ used to store to the Philatelic Group of the Old I was discovering Andalusian and protect the gold and silver that Salesian Alumni. I helped mount corners that I did not know. I walked came from America. expositions and expanded my among the arches of the Mosque In my city, Cadiz, it’s possible philatelic knowledge. Besides, I was of Cordoba before stepping on its to visit the neoclassical building attracted to the commemorative floor. I spent years studying in Seville of the ancient customs, that has postmark and above all to the and the 1965 card of the Cathedral hosted philatelic and maximaphily maximum cards. We founded the and the Giralda brought a lot of exhibitions, or the presentation of Cadiz Philatelic Society in 1984 and memories. In 1991 I made my own the issues of Correos. And, after I participated in the creaton of the maximum cards with the stamp navigating in the Cadiz coastline Spanish Association of Maximaphily of 25 ‘pesetas’. I got to know the in the Vaporcito del Puerto, visit ASEMA. Gothic and Mudejar facade of the the Castle of San Marcos, fortress- After my first competitive church of Nuestra Señora de la O, sanctuary hispano-arabic, that also collection ‘Remarkable Works in Sanlúcar de Barrameda, through hosted philatelic exhibitions. In of Art of the Spanish Paintings’ I which I passed when I worked as a Jerez de Frontera is the Carthusian decided to assemble another one medical sales representative. of Santa María de la Defensión, with maximum cards that is named Before contemplating a bullfight ‘Discover Andalusia’, so, through in its stands, I met the Plaza de la it ‘travel’ to its eight provinces. I Real Maestranza de Seville on a


walls of tabiya show the best military Andalusian architecture. The caste of Santa Catalina, in the top of a rocky mountain and turned watchtower. The cathedral of the city of Jaen is of renaissance style and was model to build other with its Greco-Roman façade, the clay. And not only with the stamps temples. In Baeza, the Palace de gothic cloister of the Arrayanes of Spain, other countries, have also Jabalquinto, characterized by and it baroque façade, that is part issued stamps of the Alhambra, its gothic and renaissance style. of the stamp series of 1966. Going such as Cuba, that offered me the In Úbeda, the Casa de las Torres, through the town of the Blancos, opportunity to make the cards of medieval palace with a renaissance we arrive at Ronda to contemplate the ‘Sala de Camas’ ,the Lindajara patio of double column arches. its core, open by the Guadalevin Watchtower and its red walls and In Punta Del Sebo, in Huelva, river and the bridge ‘Puente Nuevo’, towers. Sometimes, contemplating it’s the monument to Columbus that Is represented in the stamp the stamps and cards of the Patio y (1927), of more than forty meters of 1977. After a breakfast with its Fuente de los Leones, I’ve come to high. The Monastery of Rabida is typical churros, a good dip on the remember the sound of the water of Islamic style and Christopher beaches of Nerja, at the foot of its stream that pour from the mouths Columbus stayed there. If you want Balcony of Europe, as King Alfonso of the lions and that travel through to continue towards Portugal, you XII called it. Last year, my wife and I the channel of the complex. must cross the bridge through the took some photos of the statue of Philately has also taken me to San Fé Guadiana. There is no need to leave Cenachero, a typical street vendor and I have gone through the Puerta Andalusia without enjoying its of fish, and we passed by the de Loja, ordered to be build by the festivities, such as the Romería del Correos communications building Catholic Monarchs. Rocío (18th century); Holy Week, inaugurated in 1986. I cannot forget Almeria, in Arabic Al-Mariyyat, to contemplate the magnificent the capital of Malaga, its cathedral, means watchtower, referring to its carvings of Jesus Christ and Mary; the well-known La Manquita, Alcazaba, built by Abderramán III the Carnivals of Cadiz; the April Fair because only one of its towers was and from where beautiful views of Seville; the Horse Fair of Jerez de built. And in Antequera, the Cave of the city can be seen. And on the la Frontera; or Horse Racing on the of Menga, discovered in 1842, or beach of Almadrabillas, the well- beaches of Sanlúcar de Barrameda. the Archaeological Ensemble of the known English Cable. The journey through the stamps Dolmens. In the province of Jaen, a route does not end. Each year the issue’s In Granada, besides visiting the to visit the castles can be made: el calendar will take us to a dream World Granada Exhibition of 92, I de Alcaudete, built by arabs and place, which we already knew and was able to meet the set of palaces conquered by Christians in 1085. sometimes will surprise us with and fortresses of the Alhambra, ‘the The Bolaños de la Encina, one of other places that are yet to be red castle’ due to the color of the the most conserved and whose discovered.


The history of Spain with the humor of Gallego and Rey The second volume will be put on sale in 2019 Correos puts into circulation the first volume of a work that picks the history of Spain in the always interesting vision of the popular graphic humorists Gallego and Rey. A peculiar journey filled with drawings and accompanied with stamps that they designed when they ‘philatelized’ the history of Spain for the Postal Company between the years 2000 and 2002 in a first edition: four minisheets, with 48 stamps and four vignettes without postal value, filled with cleverness and in the frame of the Scholar Epistolary Correspondence, that had as an objective the encouragement of the mail between the teenagers. The collection was compelted the past year with the issue of two more block sheets Volume I dedicated to the 19th and 20th centuries. Each one Chapters: From Atapuerca to Los Vándalos, of them is made by two minisheets with 12 vignettes Suevos and Alanos; of the Visigoths to the and a stamp. Catholic Kings; and from Columbus to Phillip III A unique series in the world, which has been able Contains: the first three minisheets. . to capture the history of the country in a synthesized Print Run:2.000 units (1.000 with stamps and and filled with humor and irony: from the man from 1.000 without stamps) Atapuerca, in the form of a football fan; to Godoy’s Format: 29,4 x 29,4 cm nocturnal wanderings; passing by the Phoenician ship Pages: 152 driven by a bar code; or the great mystics abducted MSRP: 50 € with stamps / 40 € without stamps by a UFO. All with a common denominator, geniality. Destinations with Stamps: World Tourism

Following the line of action started with editions dedicated to a concrete theme –such as the Spanish cinema or the army– and with the goal of promoting the Philately and at the same time spread the values and strength of Spain, Correos edits a work dedicated to tourism, one of its biggest industries. The more than 75 million international visitors who entered the country last year spent Print Run-format: 1.000, with 46 stamps: 77,625 million euros. To carry out this book, 10 from Spain and 36 international. 29,4 x with 350 pages of visual character and with 29,4 cm. Includes: ten foldable sheets in the texts in Spanish and English, the 37 most form of a diptych of the ten most important important countries have been selected by countries. Printing: 4+4 tints plus varnish in number of tourists in order to turn it into a the coated matte paper of 200 grams. tour through the main sites of those countries Bookbinding: hardcover of 3mm covered to through its stamps. Its price is 100 euros, with geltex and printed overcover to 4/0 VAT included. tints + UVI. Stiched using vegetal thread.



The stamps are ‘hidden’ between the treasures of Harry Potter

Aimed to teenagers y and dedicated to fantasy, Correos puts on sale in October -such as it happened with Star Wars- the book The treasures of Harry Potter, a complete volume that in its pages summarize the Potter universe using photographs and the reproduction of the most significant elements of the movie that conform the The world of Hogwarts, such as unpublished photographs and illustrations. This work offers to the reader what philatelic is not shown in the films; a privileged vision of the saga and of the talented group of muggles that made this a magical cinematography. Thus, it reveals some souvenir enigmas: why the ice sculptures of the Christmas dance never melt, how to get a hippogriff to work of the with the actors, what inspired the castle of Hogwarts... year

The pilatelic service of Correos is finalizing the book Values in Time, corresponding to this 2018, that picks all the stamps from Spain and Andorra that have been issued this year, all the postmarks of first day circulation, as well as a space for the philocases, reserved to put all the philatelic proofs if you want to complete it. A book characterized by the richness of its texts. With over 120 pages illustrated with exquisite detail that complement the thematic knowledge of each stamps besides its technical characteristics. Print Run: 1.000 units. 800 with three stamps (one of Spain and two from the Isle of Man dedicated to the MSRP: 135 € with TAX / Without stamps: 40 € character of J.K. Rowling) and 200 with a stamp from with tax. Spain. MSRP for subscribers: 130€ Bookbinding: hardcover with chrome and plasticized. Exclusive gist for the subscribers: a Format: 23,5 x 27,9cm numbered sheet of limited release that Pages:168 internal pages + 24 internal items. reproduces an illustration, poem and stamps MSRP: 40 € with 3 stamps / 35 € with one stamp. dedicated to Gloria Fuertes. To acquire: through Promo: The first 80 buyers of the three stamp editions the philatelic service of Correos: 902197197 or will receive a minisheet of five stamps from the Isle of [email protected] Man.



Sally Ride, the first american woman to travel to space The myth The United States Postal Service wanted to pay of how New tribute to the first woman in this country who traveled to space: Sally Ride. This astronaut, Zealand physicist and teacher, that died in 2012, was in was the crew of the first voyage that was made by the Challenger shuttle the 18th of June of 1983. formed: Te Ika Maui th New Zealand has 200 anniversary of Karl Marx issued a set of stamps - of different rates - With the theme of the 200th whose design refers anniversary of the birth of Karl Marx, to the mythology of the German post wanted to rend the formation of this homage by issuing a stamp. For this, country. According to an iconic picture of the philosopher a well-known legend has been used, with black and white in the Pacific area, the lines forming the portrait, achieving an optical effect and a set demigod Maui fished of pictures. In the stamp you can also see the dates of birth and the North Island with a death. magical hook.


AN ITALIAN LIVING IN CÁCERES “To bring philately to young people, we have to think about ways of school learning”

What awakened your interest to subscribe to the incentivize youth image competitions, stimulating for philatelic products? the new generation with prizes and broadcast the I’ve always liked the stamps. I had Chinese multicolor winners. stamps that were never seen in Italy. I started to collect What product would you highlight, and which coins too. That’s why my subscription at this moment is ones do you think should be enhanced? only numismatic. The youth like adventures, lego, animals, How do you consider the stamp: as a way of extraterrestrial life (aliens).. artistic expression or as a mean to broadcast our Do you collect other products that are not culture? stamps? In general, the stamp is a mean to express art. Numismatic What activities would encourage the Are you a user of the correos webpage? Do engagement of the teenagers to philately? you use it as a mean to make orders? To encourage engagement with young people, I would I have a lot of problems, but I don’t know why. I’ve think about the ways of school learning, from the tried to make orders and many times it hasn’t been early years and, with the support of school authorities, possible.


María Nieves García Yugueros

Secretary of the Philatelic Commission of the State The history of a country is written the history of Philately

When I was asked about some notes about what In that time, I don’t had changed in my vision of the Philately since I hold know if it was by the the job of Secretariat of the Philatelic Commission, hobby of collecting, or I haven’t been able to avoid but to do a journey due to have the things through my infantile memories in which, when I got organized, I started with back from school, my mother received me with a a lot of interest, and not a lot smile, shaking a small envelope with a special texture. of patience, the task of classifying the stamp She made that movement with so much emphasis collections started by my husband and that have that the air swayed in a soft murmur. That gesture been with us from city to city, moving from one was always associated with receiving news from loved box to another, without having a space of their ones who used the mail to share their daily lives, their own… Until this point, only a story of images and concerns and their projects. moments from somebody not interested in this When my father arrived home, together, almost world and hobby. like a rite, we examined, slowly, the envelope. We At this time, I have begun to consider other stopped in a magical element, that provided a special points of view. Since a person, association or charm to that thorough examination. Always located institution makes a request for a historical, social, in the top right angle , one or several stamps of artistic, religious or personality to be represented perforated borders and postmarked with the date on a stamp, until it becomes a reality, a careful and origin of where their journey began. All this programming and the development of a succession ceremony took place before carefully tearing the of tasks is required, involving ministries, societies, envelope and reading and commenting one and a institutions and associations, as well as collectors thousand times its content. Then, letter, envelope and personalities with recognized prestige in the and stamp were part of a whole, and at that time postal field. It is teamwork, coordination and when the books only occupied a shelf of the living responsibility that makes what, in principle, has room furniture, these stamps, in many cases, were been a desire, become a reality. real pictures in tiny, full of colors, that represented I’ve learned to value the attitude with which images, monuments, emblems, flowers and animals, the philatelic treat the stamps and study every and allowed, together with our imagination, to open detail. They fall in love with each stamp for what a window to an outside world, distant and unknown. it stands for, the quality of the printing, their I don’t know when I learned the meaning of the shape, and above all the meaning. As a matter of word ‘Philately’, but I do remember collecting stamps. fact, the history of a country is written the history I wonder, who has not kept in a small notebook, of the Philately. Philately is a history book, full of perfectly trimmed and ordered, those stamps that traditions and activities. seemed the most beautiful, the rarest, or simply the Now, when I think in the letters that I received largest. when I was little, the words of the Zen master Later, when I started to work in Correos, I focused DögenZenji come to mind: “don’t ask me where more in the stamps as a currency that allowed the I’m headed, because I travel in this unlimited users to rotate their correspondence, and observe world where every step I make is my home” and I how little by little the postal machines and the new think in two illusions traveling together, the one technologies were taking the spotlight, until then, of receiving news of my loved ones, united to the has been one of the main objectives of the stamps, to illusion of those that saw their request in every accompany the cards until their final destination. stamp that was made by it.


Relax and let yourself be carried away by the best events of 2018 through the stamps of Spain and Andorra. The new edition of Valores en el Tiempo is a gift for the senses. Enjoy it.

Prices (VAT included): Subscribers, 130€. Non Subscribers, 135€. without stamps: 40€.

More Information: 902 197 197[email protected]