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The bee genome-- what has it been good for?

Amy L. Toth Iowa State University, [email protected]

Amro Zayed York University

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Abstract In 2006, the full complement of DNA sequence information (or ‘genome’) of the , Apis mellifera, was published. This important resource was one of the most important advances in the history of honey bee research, with seemingly limitless applications to unlocking the secrets of honey bee biology and social life and for improving health, breeding and management. Honey bee genomics has seen immense growth in the past one and a half decades. In this article, we reflect on what the genome has added to our understanding of fundamental aspects of honey bee biology, including evolutionary origins, behaviour and health/disease. We conclude that while the genome has fuelled growth in many areas of honey bee research, it is only one part of an emerging systems-based, multi-omics approach. Moving forward, we posit that honey bee research will benefit most from an even fuller integration of genomics with classical approaches in evolution, ethology, physiology and microbiology.

Keywords Apis mellifera, genomics, transcriptomics, genetics, sequencing

Disciplines Ecology and Evolutionary Biology | Entomology | Genetics and Genomics

Comments This article is published as Toth, A.L., Zayed, A. The honey bee genome-- what has it been good for?. Apidologie (2021). doi: 10.1007/s13592-020-00829-3.

Creative Commons License

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License.

This article is available at Iowa State University Digital Repository: Apidologie Original article * The Author(s), 2020 DOI: 10.1007/s13592-020-00829-3

The honey bee genome– what has it been good for?

1 2 Amy L. TOTH , Amro ZAYED

1Department of Ecology, Evolution, and Organismal Biology and Department of Entomology, Iowa State University, 251 Bessey Hall, Ames, IA 50014, USA 2Department of Biology, York University, 4700 Keele Street, Toronto, ON M3J 1P3, Canada

Received6July2020– Revised 8 October 2020 – Accepted 28 October 2020

Abstract – In 2006, the full complement of DNA sequence information (or ‘genome’) of the Western honey bee, Apis mellifera , was published. This important resource was one of the most important advances in the history of honey bee research, with seemingly limitless applications to unlocking the secrets of honey bee biology and social life and for improving health, breeding and management. Honey bee genomics has seen immense growth in the past one and a half decades. In this article, we reflect on what the genome has added to our understanding of fundamental aspects of honey bee biology, including evolutionary origins, behaviour and health/disease. We conclude that while the genome has fuelled growth in many areas of honey bee research, it is only one part of an emerging systems- based, multi-omics approach. Moving forward, we posit that honey bee research will benefit most from an even fuller integration of genomics with classical approaches in evolution, ethology, physiology and microbiology.

Apis mellifera / genomics / transcriptomics / genetics / sequencing

1. INTRODUCTION and dramatic differences from the genomes of non- social . On the cover of Nature ,withthe The Western honey bee Apis mellifera is without initial release of the genome, appeared the procla- a doubt one of the most important insects to human- mation ‘A blueprint for sociality’ (Honey Bee ity, due to its global distribution, economic benefits Genome Sequencing Consortium 2006), illustrating and long history of interaction with humans. In the immense optimism surrounding the potential for 2006, Apis mellifera joined the ranks of the ge- the honey bee genome to elucidate the molecular nome-enabled, being only the third (after the secrets of complex social life. Today, most geneti- model Drosophila melanogaster and the malaria cists would agree that a genome is not a blueprint for vector mosquito Anopheles gambiae ) to have its building an organism; rather it is a dynamic set of genome sequenced (Robinson 2002). This advance instructions, subject to interpretation by the environ- also marked the first eusocial insect genome se- ment in which it occurs (Bell and Robinson 2011). quence, and this new influx of data signified an Genomes are only the first step in a multi-level unprecedented promise for behavioural genetics, regulatory process that takes an organism from ge- with hopes that the genome would reveal novel notype to phenotype. Upon celebrating 50 years of Apidologie , and 14 years of furious research sur- rounding honey bee genomics, we believe we have Corresponding author: A. Toth, [email protected]. reached a reasonable moment to retrospectively ask Toth, [email protected]; A. Zayed, [email protected] of the honey bee genome ‘What has it been good This article is part of the Topical Collection on the for?’ Apidologie 50 Years The human genome (Venter et al., 2001, Manuscript editor: Cedric Alaux International Human Genome Sequencing A. L. Toth, A. Zayed

Consortium 2001), sequenced 5 years earlier than Dolezal and Toth 2014, Grozinger and Zayed the genome of the honey bee, was also hailed to 2020). Thus, our goal in this article is not to behold the secrets to mysteries of human traits, review these topics exhaustively, but rather to history and health. It is undeniable that human present a few illustrative examples and ask—has genomic information has led to major advances in the genome lived up to all of the hype? What have our understanding of human diversity, evolutionary we learned from the honey bee genome and what history, our relationship to other species, suscepti- have we not learned? If we imagine a world bility to common diseases, identification of variants without the honey bee genome, what major in- associated with rare diseases and identification of sights into honey bee biology would be lost? variants influencing inter-individual variation in What difference has this resource made to bee- phenotypic traits (Fine 2019). However, some have keeping and bee management and our understand- suggested that the human genome has failed to live ing of bee health? What still remains to be learned up to its expectations (Daiger 2005), leaving more from the genome that has not yet been addressed, questions than answers. Numerous genotypic link- of what new questions still remained to be age and genome-wide association (GWAS) studies cracked? What are some secrets of honey bee have consistently uncovered larger-than-expected biology that the honey bee genome cannot or will amounts of ‘missing heritability’ (Maher 2008). never tell us? Below, we seek to assess these types That is, full genome sequence information not only of questions, providing a series of examples to fails to explain the majority of phenotypic variation, illustrate some of the major successes and a few but also fails to explain much hereditary variation unresolved issues (no need to call them ‘failures’) in a phenotype. Other factors, such as rare variants, from research based on the honey bee genome. gene by environment interactions and epigenetic inheritance, may be part of the mystery (Eichler 2. CASE STUDIES: WHAT HAPPENED et al. 2008, Manolio et al. 2009, Zuk et al. 2012). WHEN HONEY BEE GENOMICS Nonetheless, this serves as a lesson that too big of a WAS APPLIED TO FUNDAMENTAL fixation on the DNA sequence may be putting too QUESTIONS IN BEE BIOLOGY AND much faith in the explanatory power of the genome. HEALTH? As doctoral students in 2006, we personally experienced the feverish atmosphere and great 1) On the origin of Apis: honey bee lineages expectations arising from the publication of ‘our’ and evolutionary history bee’s 230 million As, Ts, Gs and Cs! The excite- ment was palpable; many bee researchers had a From a technological view point, the field of sense that everything we knew about the honey honey bee biogeography has come a long way bee was about to change (see 2006 vintage T-shirt since Ruttner’s classic morphometric analyses of as evidence of this excitement, Figure 1). We had Apis mellifera ’s native races in Africa, Europe high hopes that bee health and management and Asia (Ruttner 1988), although we are still would be improved, great discoveries were going searching for answers on where the honey bee to be made, and longstanding hypotheses were came from. Based on principal component analy- going to be tested and perhaps even overthrown. sis of morphometric data, Ruttner hypothesized Fourteen years and many, many studies later, it is that different subspecies of Apis mellifera can be a reasonable time to reflect on bee research prog- grouped into European, African or Asian lineages. ress since the honey bee genome’srelease.Today, Using maternally inherited mitochondrial honey bee genomics is an expanding and markers, the first wave of population genetic anal- flourishing field of study, as exemplified by a yses of honey bees confirmed the existence of large number of published papers related to the genetically distinct subspecies that can be further honey bee genome (Figure 2), along with numer- grouped into distinct lineages in Europe (M or C), ous recent reviews of insights from genomics into Africa (A) or Asia (Garnery et al. 1992,Garnery honey bee biology, health and disease (Zayed and et al. 1993, Arias and Sheppard 1996, Sheppard Robinson 2012, Grozinger and Robinson 2015, and Meixner 2003). In the early 1990s, a large What has the honey bee genome been good for?

Figure 1. The first author’s 2006 vintage T-shirt (from the University of Illinois, Gene Robinson’s research group) captures the excitement and great promise expected from the honey bee genome. a Front of the T-shirt reads ‘The Honey Bee Genome Project’. b Back of the T-shirt reads ‘Beenomics: For a Better World’.

number of microsatellite loci were sequenced sorting out which honey bee populations were (Estoup et al. 1993,Estoupetal.1995), and this pure and which were admixed. allowed researches to apply these loci to study the The publication of the honey bee genome population genetics of native and managed honey allowed bee researchers to directly query single bee populations (Garnery et al. 1998, Franck et al. nucleotide polymorphisms (Whitfield et al. 2006, 2000, De la Rua et al. 2001, Franck et al. 2001). Zayed and Whitfield 2008) and to carry out mo- The microsatellites were particularly helpful in lecular evolution analyses on interesting genes

Figure 2. Research into both honey bee genetics and genomics has grown in the past three decades. The honey bee genome’s publication in 2006 has fuelled a spike in these studies (as determined by a number of search hits on Google Scholar within a given publication year). In fact, studies that incorporate genomics have recently overtaken studies that mention only ‘genetics’, demonstrating that the honey bee genome has become an integral part of honey bee research. A. L. Toth, A. Zayed

(Hasselmann et al. 2008,Hasselmannetal.2010, understanding, i.e. genomic expertise can never Kent et al. 2011,Harpuretal.2013,Harpurand replace the importance of well-trained biologists Zayed 2013). The earliest of these analyses sup- that are able to identify and sample the large ported an ‘out of Africa’ evolutionary origin for number of native honey bee subspecies in the Apis mellifera (Whitfield et al. 2006); a surprising field. finding given hypothesized Asian or European origins. The ‘out of Africa’ story involved two 2) : the strange case of worker separate expansions of honey bees out of Africa reproduction leading to the M lineage in western/northern Eu- rope and the C and O lineages in Eastern Europe While honey bee workers still retain the ability and the O lineage of Asia. However, a reanalysis to lay unfertilized eggs that develop into drones, of this dataset (Han et al. 2012) indicated that the workers of A. m. capensis in the cape of South out-of-Africa conclusion is very sensitive to in- Africa are able to lay unfertilized eggs that devel- clusion of some admixed bees in Northern Africa; op into females (Anderson 1963)—a phenome- removal of these bees prevented the researchers non called thelytokous . The ge- from determining the ancestral A. mellifera pop- netics that underlie this ability of Cape honey bee ulation with certainty. workers to act as queens have remained a mystery The single nucleotide polymorphism- (SNP) for nearly 60 years. Here, the honey bee genome based studies were quickly followed by popula- substantially energized research on the genetics of tion genomic studies that sequenced the individual thelytoky, and we appear to have finally solved genomes of different honey bee species revealing this mystery after several missed steps. Using a great degree of genetic diversity segregating genetic crosses and microsatellite loci anchored within individuals and populations of native and by the newly published bee genome, Lattorff and managed honey bees (Harpur et al. 2014, colleagues (Lattorff et al. 2007) first identified a Molodtsova et al. 2014, Wallberg et al. 2014, single locus on chromosome 13 as the candidate Chen et al. 2016, Kadri et al. 2016, Wallberg loci for thelytoky. The authors hypothesized that et al. 2016, Wragg et al. 2016,Wallbergetal. one transcription factor, Grainyhead , within this 2017). These studies discovered that a native hon- genomic region was the candidate gene influenc- ey bee of the middle east, A. m. yementica (line- ing thelytoky. Harnessing the power of the bee age Y), is actually genetically distinct from both genome to carry out functional genomics and gene the African A lineage and the Asian O lineage knockdowns, another transcription factor Gemini (Harpur et al. 2014, Cridland et al. 2017) and was suggested as a candidate gene for thelytoky uncovered a new Asian subspecies that paradox- (Jarosch et al. 2011) as alternative splicing of this ically belongs to the M lineage—a lineage that gene, along with the presence or absence of a 9 bp was previously considered to only inhabit Europe insertion/deletion polymorphism, was associated (Chen et al. 2016). Despite the influx of all of worker clonal reproduction. However, genomics- these genomic resources and substantial progress enabled population studies overturned the 9 bp in understanding A. mellifera diversity and evo- indel in Gemini as it was also found in other lutionary history, the evolutionary origin of African honey bees that do not exhibit thelytoky A. mellifera still remains uncertain, with both (Chapman et al. 2015, Wallberg et al. 2016, ‘out of Africa’ and ‘out of Asia’ scenarios possible Aumer et al. 2017). (Cridland et al. 2017). While we certainly have the Charting the genotype-phenotype map in hon- tools to rapidly sequence and analyse bee ge- ey bees has been substantially enhanced by the nomes, the limiting factor in understanding the availability of a genome sequence because it al- evolutionary origins of A. mellifera is actually lows powerful techniques such as the genome- the availability of a ‘pure’ honey bee samples wide association mapping of complex traits especially from Africa and Asia (Dogantzis and (Dogantzis and Zayed 2019, Kent et al. 2019; Zayed 2019). This example illustrates how geno- Grozinger and Zayed 2020). These approaches mics cannot operate in a vacuum of biological were recently applied to study the genetics of What has the honey bee genome been good for? thelytoky yielding a different candidate gene on GB45239 leads to changes in reproduction in chromosome 1, GB46427 (Aumer et al. 2017, honey bees. Excitingly, recent studies have dem- Aumer et al. 2019); this uncharacterized gene onstrated the feasibility of germ-line transforma- contains a non-synonymous single nucleotide mu- tion in honey bees (e.g. Schulte et al. 2014, tation that was strongly associated with worker McAfee et al. 2019); thus, the reality of making clonal reduction in a single Cape honey bee colo- genetically modified honey bee strains is not far ny. Yet again, population genomic data refuted away. this hypothesis, as the thelytoky-associated muta- tion in GB46427 in Aumer et al.’s study was also 3) Hygienic behaviour, a key trait for breeding common in non-thelytokous populations and selection (Christmas et al. 2019). In parallel, population genomic comparisons of Cape honey bees with Like thelytoky, the genetic basis underlying hy- A. mellifera scutellata of South Africa, which gienic behaviour has mystified bee biologists for does not exhibit thelytoky, identified a very small about 60 years. Hygienic behaviour is an important number of mutations that show fixed difference or social immune trait in honey bees. Worker bees are nearly fixed differences between capensis and able to recognize and remove dead or dying brood scutellata —these loci may be responsible for from the colony, which leads to lower provenance thelytoky or other phenotypic differences between of parasitic Varroa mites and diseases such as these two subspecies (Wallberg et al. 2016). One American foulbrood and chalkbrood (Spivak of these mutations is found on a chromosome 11 1996; Spivak and Gilliam, 1998a; Spivak and gene (GB45239) that likely plays a role in chro- Gilliam, 1998b). In 1965, Rothenbuhler carried mosome alignment during meiosis (Wallberg out a set of genetic crosses between hygienic and et al. 2016). The potentially last chapter of the non-hygienic colonies and, based on the number of thelytokous saga strongly supports GB45239 as phenotypic clusters observed in workers from these the causal gene for clonal reproduction in the crosses, concluded that hygienic behaviour was Cape honey bee. Using full genome sequencing under the control of two loci—one responsible for of nearly 50 females from a backcross between uncapping cells of dead pupae and another respon- capensis and scutellata , Yagound et al. (2020) sible for removal of the dead pupae (Rothenbuhler found several markers in GB45239 that showed 1964). However, this conclusion was very sensitive consistent co-segregation with thelytoky. The au- to Rothenbuhler’s discrete classification of colo- thor consulted population genomic datasets and nies as hygienic or non-hygienic, when in fact, found that the thelytoky-associated alleles were hygienic behaviour varies on a continuous scale presentinallA. m. capensis genomes sequenced (Moritz 1988). Indeed, Mortiz’s reanalysis of to date but were absent from all other honey bees Rothenbuhler’s data suggested at least 3 loci, and in African, Asia and Europe. Finally, expression likely many more, influencing this complex trait patterns of GB45239 were consistent with its pu- (Moritz 1988). Using quantitative trait loci map- tative function; it is expressed in ovaries and ping, Lapidge et al. (2002) highlighted 7 suggested downregulated in clonal workers. loci that influence general hygienic (i.e. assayed by The thelytoky saga clearly illustrates how ge- freeze killing brood and scoring the percentage of nomics, especially when used in an integrative dead brood removed a day later); although without manner (i.e. combination of quantitative geno- a reference genome to compare to, it was impossi- mics, population genomics and transcriptomics) ble to learn more about the actual genes underlying can be used to solve major questions in the field. this trait without carrying out additional crosses and There is a cautionary tale here as well; analyses positional cloning—a very tedious process. based on small datasets or studies that neglect The publication of the honey bee genome in- population and evolutionary contexts may lead vigorated research on the genetics and molecular to biased or misleading results. The last chapter biology of hygienic behaviour. Oxley et al. (2010) in the thelytoky saga has yet to be written; re- carried out a QTL study of general hygienic be- searchers have yet to show that manipulating haviour using 437 microsatellites. By anchoring A. L. Toth, A. Zayed the microsatellites on the newly published ge- chromosome 2, 3 (2×), 5, and 7 that were associ- nome, the researchers were able to determine the ated with the trait. While these SNPs were not physical positions of these loci on chromosomes found in genes, the authors used the bee’spub- 2, 5, 9, 10 and 16 and highlight interesting lished genome and identified 4 candidate genes candidate genes among the hundreds of genes that were nearby (i.e. 65 to790 kB away). More residing among the mapped loci. Shortly after, recently, Harpur et al. (2019) sequenced the ge- Behrens et al. (2011) carried out a QTL study nomes of 125 drones from either a control popu- using approximately 200 microsatellites and lation with average hygienic behaviour or 2 arti- mapped three candidate loci on chromosomes 4, ficially selected populations with high levels of 7 and 9 that influence hygienic behaviour as it hygienic behaviour. Here, the authors used two specifically pertains to the removal of brood in- types of analyses to link genetics with phenotype. fected with Varroa mites—often referred to as They first searched for genomic regions that show Varroa- sensitive hygiene (VSH). Similar to signs of artificial selection in the hygienic popu- Oxley et al.’s study, the implicated loci were lations and then asked if these regions predict several megabases large and contained hundreds hygienic behaviour in the control population. This of genes. A year later, Tsuruda et al. (2012) car- integrative analysis highlighted approximately 73 ried out another QTL study—this time employing genes associated with hygienic behaviour (Harpur 1340 newly developed SNP markers and discov- et al. 2019). While this number of loci is certainly ered 2 loci on chromosome 9 and 1 that influence higher relative to other studies, it is in line with the Varroa- sensitive hygiene. These regions were number of loci that regulates several behaviours in approximately 3 million bases in size and Drosophila . These candidates have not been contained approximately 100 genes. While the functionally validated as of yet but several of the QTL studies were a large step forward in terms loci identified by Harpur et al. were within known of understanding the genetic architecture of hy- QTL regions (Harpur et al. 2019). We expect that gienic behaviour, the QTL approach lacks the the application of GWAS will further enhance our required resolution to pinpoint the specific genes understanding of the genetics of some of the most and mutations responsible for causing differences complex and charismatic honey bee traits. These in behaviour between individuals and colonies efforts can be further enhanced with a develop- (Dogantzis and Zayed 2019, Kent et al. 2019; ment of tools to disrupt gene function (e.g. RNAi Grozinger and Zayed 2020). Moreover, the typi- or CRISPR-Cas9 knockouts) to directly confirm cal QTL designs used in honey bee experiments causal relationships between genes and pheno- include a very small number of bees in the genetic types. Nonetheless, the extensive resources pro- crosses; this both serves to underestimate the ac- vided by the honey bee genome have catapulted tual number of loci influencing a trait and overes- forward our understanding of the genetic basis of timates the effects of the discovered loci (Xu hygienic behaviour, which can facilitate marker- 2003)—a phenomenon called the Beavis effect. assisted selection and bee breeding programs. Leveraging both the availability of a reference genome and cost-effective short-read sequencing 4) The iconic dance language of the bees technology, it is now possible to use genome-wide association studies (GWAS) to link genetic muta- The famous dance language of the honey bee, tions with differences in traits between individ- decoded by Karl von Frisch in the mid-twentieth uals, colonies and populations (reviewed by century, resulting in his receipt of the 1972 Nobel Grozinger and Zayed 2020). Spötter and col- Prize in Medicine or Physiology, is arguably the leagues (2012, 2016) used a 44,000 SNP assay single most quintessential honey bee behaviour to genotype 122 workers that exhibited the stron- (Couvillon 2012). This form of symbolic commu- gest abilities to detect and uncap Varroa- nication, which will be so familiar to readers of parasitied brood and compared them to 122 con- Apidologie , is expressed by foraging workers up- trol workers that did not exhibit hygienic behav- on returning back to the hive from a profitable iour. The authors discovered 6 SNP markers on foraging or nesting site. It involves an intricate What has the honey bee genome been good for? series of movements performed in a figure 8-like patterns related to dancing honey bees, including pattern, punctuated by a frenetic ‘waggle run’ in across honey bee species. Sen Sarma et al. (2009) the middle. Subtle variations in the tempo, dura- examined brain region-specific gene expression in tion and angle of the dance communicate specific dancing Apis mellifera , florea and dorsata , information about the quality, distance and direc- which differ greatly in aspects of their dance be- tion of profitable sites to recruit bees, the receivers haviour. This study revealed commonalities in of the dance information (von Frisch 1967). Re- gene expression patterns across dancing workers cruits then leave the hive in search of these sites, of the three species in the mushroom bodies (brain allowing honey bees to code, decode, and share region associated with learning and memory), with each other information about specific loca- including some related to metabolic and energy tions in their environment. It remains one of the production processes. There were also numerous most complex and spectacular examples of differences in the gene expression between Apis communication outside of human language. species, suggesting that there may be a core set of The dance language has fascinated generations genes across species expressed in ‘the dancing of bee biologists, and thus, there has been a cot- brain’, whereas others were unique to each spe- tage industry of studies on different aspects of the cies, perhaps contributing to species differences in dance (Dyer 2002), elucidating even finer and the dance. The mushroom body showed the most more fascinating aspects of the dance. These in- distinct expression profile compared with other clude the discovery of sound, vibrational (Michel- brain regions, suggesting that this brain region, son et al. 1986) and pheromonal components involved in learning, memory and sensory inte- (Thom et al. 2007) to the dance, investigations gration, is important in the regulation of the dance. into how bees measure distance and time (Esch However, this study was largely correlative as it et al. 2001), and the existence of species differ- did not compare dancers and non-dancers and ences and regional dialects (Rinderer and Beaman thus does not allow for clear identification of 1995). Thus, this is perhaps one of the single best- genes that actually regulate dance, although it studied forms of behaviour in all of ethology. does give some promising leads for candidate What can genomics possibly have to add? genes for this behaviour. In another transcriptomic Pre-genomic studies of the honey bee study focusing on Apis mellifera ,asubcompo- dance based on traditional crossing- nent of the dance, distance estimation, was studied phenotyping between subspecies of bees with in trained bees flying through tunnels with differ- different dance dialects suggested a genetic ent distance-simulated environments (Sen Sarma basis for one aspect of the dance, the transi- et al., 2010). The study revealed differences in the tion distance at which bees switch from gene expression in the optic lobes and mushroom round dancing to waggle dancing (Johnson bodies in bees flying at different perceived dis- et al. 2002,RindererandBeaman1995). tances. This study suggested some candidate However, there have been no subsequent genes and pathways (related to synaptic remodel- genome-enabled studies that have attempted ing, transcription factors and protein metabolism) to identify specific genes or mechanisms re- related to the distance estimation aspect of the lated to neither this behaviour nor dialect dance. Another study reports differences in the differences. This is an area that remains ripe expression of microRNAs between dancing and for future study, especially given the fact that non-dancing foragers of Apis mellifera and also we now have genomes from multiple differ- uncovered several novel microRNAs in dancers ent Apis subspecies (Fuller et al. 2015)and and foragers, and the target genes of these species (Park et al. 2015). Such studies have microRNAs were suggested to be related to kinase the potential to elucidate heredity influences activity, neural function, and energy production and evolutionary trajectories of the dance. (Li et al. 2012). Overall, these studies suggest that Transcriptomic studies have utilized honey bee dynamic gene expression changes in the brain, genome-derived gene sequence information to fa- especially in the mushroom body, may be in- cilitate the study of global gene expression volved in the production of the dance language. A. L. Toth, A. Zayed

However, these studies have been all been correl- to offspring resulting in epigenetic inheritance, ative, and thus, our understanding of how, or even although they can also be reversible (reviewed if genes, regulate dancing is still very much in in in Crews 2008). Thus, there has been increasing its infancy. interest in the role of epigenetics in honey bees, Thus far, the neurogenomic and heritable ge- in multiple contexts: as related to regulation of netic bases of the dance language remain rather gene expression, caste formation, behavioural elusive (Barron and Plath 2017). This may be an plasticity and imprinting, in which paternal and example from honey bee biology in which geno- maternal genes may be differentially expressed mics has not yet not added much to our under- (Queller 2003,Haig2000). standing or appreciation of this particular aspect DNA methylation—a major epigenetic of honey bee biology. Genomics is most powerful mechanism—was thought to be absent in insects when it can be applied in a high-throughput man- because the DNA methylation machinery was ner, but unfortunately, ‘measuring’ the waggle absent from the two fly genomes available at the dance requires careful and time-consuming obser- time. As such, a major surprise from the honey vation by well-trained ethologists. Here, the lim- bee genome was the presence of genes for DNA iting factor is ‘phenotyping’, not genotyping. The methylation and a functional DNA methylation dance language remains a special challenge for system (Wang et al. 2006). Two decades and honey bee genomicists; nonetheless; honey bee many genomes later, it turns out that the flies were behavioural genomics has had its share of suc- exceptions, and most insects are now known to cesses. Numerous honey bee behaviours that can possess DNA methylation systems; although in- be more readily phenotyped have been studied in terestingly, DNA methylation has been lost mul- detail on a genomic level including pollen forag- tiple times within the insects (Glastad et al. 2019). ing (Page Jr et al., 2012, Rueppell 2014), age This exciting discovery in honey bees provided polyethism (Zayed and Robinson 2012), learning fuel for a growing interest and appreciation of the and memory (Müller, 2012) and defensive behav- role of epigenetics in honey bee social life. Sub- iour (Avalos et al. 2020, Harpur et al. 2020). sequent studies addressed the possible role of These bodies of work have resulted in profound DNA methylation in honey bee caste differentia- leaps forward in our understanding of the molec- tion. DNA methylation patterns across the entire ular underpinnings of other aspects of honey bee genome differ between queens and workers, with behaviour. over 550 differentially methylated genes between the brains of adult members of these two castes 5) Beyond the honey bee genome: epigenetics (Lyko et al. 2010). Furthermore, the knockdown and DNA methylation of the DNA methyl transferase gene Dnmt3 dur- ing larval development causes a bias toward adult Going beyond the sequence of the genome, bees emerging with the queen phenotype there has been a growing appreciation of the (Kucharski et al. 2008). Inhibiting DNA methyl- importance of epigenetics in social and health- ation during larval development also led to caste related phenotypes, that is, alterations of chro- differential gene expression and changes in alter- matin structure via chemical modifications to native splicing (Li-Byarlay et al. 2013). Further DNA or histones (Szyf and Meaney, 2008). studies suggest that DNA methylation may affect Epigenetics refers to chemical modifications to behavioural maturation in honey bee workers, as DNA that do not change the DNA sequence but there are differences in global methylation pat- can affect gene expression and thus phenotypic terns between nurses and foragers (Herb et al. traits. Such modifications can be induced by the 2012), and some of these changes may be dynam- environment, including in response to stress, ic and responsive to the social environment toxins and the social environment (Crews (Lockett et al. 2011). 2008). Most strikingly, epigenetic modifica- DNA methylation may also play a role in ge- tions can be stable over many cell divisions, so nomic imprinting, that is, a situation in which the they have the potential to be passed from parents expression of alternate alleles of a gene in a What has the honey bee genome been good for? diploid organism is biased toward one parent’s acetylation (Simola et al. 2016) and microRNAs. allele vs the other. Because mothers and fathers Beyond DNA methylation, there have begun to be may have competing interests, this sets up the additional studies on other types of epigenetic potential for intragenomic conflict (Haig 2000). mechanisms in honey bees. The honey bee genome One general prediction is that patrigenes should shows extensive evidence of various forms of his- promote phenotypes that overuse maternal ener- tone acetylation; however, no differences were gyreserves, while matrigenes should ‘fight back’ found between queen ovaries and young (pre- towards conserving maternal resources. Queller caste differentiated) larvae (Dickman et al. 2013). (2003) extended this for haplodiploid social in- The treatment of adult worker bees with histone sects predicting various parent-of-origin effects deacetylase inhibitors resulted in alterations in on social traits. Cross-breeding studies between aversive memory formation (Lockett et al. 2014), two strains of honey bees found evidence of a suggesting a potential role for histone acetylation strong paternal effect on worker fertility in learning and memory. However, there have been (Oldroyd et al. 2014). On the molecular level, few studies in general of histone acetylation in many genes in the honey bee genome show honey bees; thus, we know relatively little about parent-of-origin effects on gene expression its importance in honey bee epigenetics. Another (Kocher et al. 2015). A subsequent study found epigenetic regulator, non-coding microRNAs in reproductive tissue expression tends to be (miRNAs), can also alter gene expression; they patrigene biased, and this bias is stronger in are thought to function in gene silencing by workers whichactivatedtheirovariesinresponse inhibiting protein production via binding to com- to queenless conditions (Galbraith et al. 2016). plementary mRNA strands and blocking transla- Despite these advances, honey bee epigenetics tion. Numerous (over 300) miRNAs have been holds a dark secret—that is, we still lack a clear found in the genomes of honey bees (Weaver understanding of what DNA methylation actually et al. 2007, Ashby et al. 2016), and differential does on a molecular level, in honey bee and in all expressions of numerous miRNAs were found to insects (Glastad et al. 2019, Li-Byarlay 2016). be differentially expressed between queens, Insect DNA methylation departs from its canoni- workers and/or drones (Ashby et al. 2016,Guo cal patterns in other taxa in multiple ways: it does et al. 2016). In addition, some miRNAs are hy- not appear to be associated with gene silencing as pothesized to be active components of royal jelly in other ; it is found at much lower levels (Guo et al. 2013, Guo et al. 2016). There are also overall across the genome; it is found mainly in differences in miRNA expression between honey gene bodies; and there have been multiple losses bee worker behavioural castes (Behura and in different groups of insects (Glastad et al. 2019), Whitfield, 2010,Liuetal.2012) suggesting including in (Standage et al. 2016). miRNA profiles change over development. With Recent studies have also cast doubt upon the respect to the epigenetic realm, this is one of the dynamism of DNA methylation in social insects most active fields of honey bee post-genomic re- (Libbrecht et al. 2016). Using a more conservative search. However, at this point, there are more approach to methylation calling from ‘bisulfite questions than answers with respect to the role of resequenced’ genome data, these authors cast epigenetics in honey bee social life. doubt on previous results and go as far as suggest- ing that there is no caste-related variation in DNA 6) Holo-bee-onts: the honey bee hive as a geno- methylation in honey bees. mic community Perhaps part of the challenge is that by focusing so much on DNA methylation, other mechanisms When we sequence the genome of a honey bee, have been ignored; have we been barking up the in fact, we sequence the genome of an entire wrong epigenetic tree? Other forms of epigenetic ecological community of interacting species. The modifications have also shown promising connec- honey bee can thus be viewed as a ‘holobiont’ tions to behavioural plasticity and caste differences (Schwartz et al. 2015) consisting of a diverse in various social insect species, including histone community of bacteria, viruses, mites and fungi. A. L. Toth, A. Zayed

Furthermore, the hive itself is a superorganism health (Wilfert et al. 2016). Genomic studies that is host to additional species of insects (e.g. have also provided important insights into the wax moths, hive beetles), yeasts and other mi- virus community associated with honey bees crobes. Upon the initial sequencing of the honey (Brutscher et al. 2016). In addition to having bee genome, researchers were focused on the complete genome sequences (Fung et al. organism itself, trying to assemble the genome 2018) for many common honey bee viruses of the isolated species and remove DNA ‘contam- (suchasdeformedwingvirus,Israeliacute ination’ from other species that may have been paralysis virus, sacbrood virus and acute bee sequenced along with the honey bee’s own DNA. paralysis virus (Govan et al. 2000)), high However, biologists have been gaining a deeper throughput genomic techniques have provided appreciation of the highly integrated way in which ‘metagenomic’ surveys of honey bee viruses genomes of interacting species are inextricably (Cox-Foster et al. 2007). Having the full ge- interconnected. For example, there are cases of nome sequence of the honey bee available mutualisms between species that are so tight facilitated these studies, allowing for ‘subtrac- (e.g. aphids and their bacterial symbionts tion’ of the host’s genome information from Buchnera ) that the genomes of the host and the metagenomic datasets, so that non-bee se- symbiont are said to ‘collaborate’, whereby genes quences could be easily identified and further in one species’ genome can functionally replace studied. This approach has led to the discov- or complement steps in the biochemical pathways ery of many novel viruses (Galbraith et al. controlled by genes in the cooperating species’ 2018, Remnant et al. 2017) that were not genome (Wilson and Duncan 2015). This is a previously known in honey bees. Studying beautiful illustration of the idea that a species’ honey bee viruses has also provided a deeper genome and evolutionary history are incomplete understanding of the Varroa virus complex unless viewed in conjunction with the other spe- and how these pathogens may interact to sub- cies with which it commonly interacts. Thus, vert host immunity (Brutscher et al. 2015)and genomicists must sequence past the individual behavioural defenses (Geffre et al. 2020) organism or even superorganism and appreciate since many viruses are likely vectored by the genomic context of ecological units consisting Varroa mites. of communities of genes of multiple interacting Another burgeoning area of study is related to species. The honey bee is no exception. Given the honey bee bacterial microbiome (Moran this, what do we now know about the collective 2015). The individual genomes of well-known genome of the honey bee ‘holobiont’,orthe honey bee pathogenic bacteria have been se- ‘holo-bee-ont’, and what insights does such a quenced, such as Paenibacillus larvae (the view give us about honey bee biology? cause of American foulbrood, Chan et al. 2011). One of the most important interacting spe- Beyond pathogens, the gut-associated cies for Apis mellifera and other Apis species microbiome of adult worker honey bees has been are mites in the genus Varroa . The genome a major focus, and metagenomic sequencing of of the common, worldwide apiary pest Varroa the honey bee gut has added greatly to our under- destructor has been sequenced (Cornman standing of this community. The honey bee gut et al. 2010). This information is of great in- bacterial community appears to consist of relative- terest in developing genome-directed control ly few species compared to other insects, but strategies that may be Varroa mite-specific, despite being host to few species, there appears such as RNA interference, or excitingly even to be high strain and functional diversity (Engel accomplish RNAi by engineered honey bee et al. 2012). The honey bee gut microbiome con- gut bacteria (Hunter et al. 2010,Garbian sists predominantly of 9 bacterial species, et al. 2012, Leonard et al. 2020). In addition, representing 6–8 phylotypes, and each appears to Varroa mites have been associated with vec- occupy distinct niches within the bee’s gut. Some toring numerous honey bee viruses, many of of these appear to be novel, bee-specific bacteria, which are pathogens of dire concern for bee including an acetic acid bacterium found in the What has the honey bee genome been good for? midgut, Bombella apis (Yun et al. 2017), which microbiomes within the hive and also in the may aid in the breakdown of pollen walls bee gut (Simone-Finstrom et al. 2017), al- (Bonilla-Rosso and Engel, 2018). The main spe- though the mechanism of action is not yet cies in the ileum are Snodgrassella alvi , understood. Gilliamella apicola and Frischella perrara ,and In conclusion, the genomic community of hon- in the rectum, Lactobacillus (firm 5 and 4) and ey bees has revealed numerous new surprises with Bifidobacterium. Major functions of these bacte- respect to the intricacy of interactions with mi- rial groups include carbohydrate metabolism, sac- crobes in bee life, health and disease. This is an charide breakdown, fermentation and biofilm for- area in which our understanding of bee biology mation, and they may thus play an important role has skyrocketed with integration of genomic tech- in proper honey bee nutrition (Lee et al. 2015, niques, albeit by applying them beyond ‘the hon- Kwong and Moran, 2016). Although the taxono- ey bee genome’. my of honey bee-associated bacteria is still an area of active study, there is some debate about wheth- 3. CONCLUSION er the gut is host to more bacterial species than previously thought (Sabree et al. 2012, Mattila It is hard to think of a field of honey bee et al. 2012). Perturbations in the honey bee’sgut biology that has not been impacted to some degree microbiome are associated with disease states, as by the publication of the honey bee genome. well as invasions by pathogenic bacteria Honey bee research is certainly a growing enter- (Anderson and Ricigliano 2017, Kwong and prise, although it is clear that the honey bee ge- Moran, 2016). Targeted sequencing of bacterial nome has benefited some fields over others. We genomes (Smith et al. 2019) and metagenomic quantified the pace of research in a large number screens are providing useful insights into the bac- of disciplines and found a substantive across-the- terial community and its role in health and disease board increase in the productivity of bee research (Raymann and Moran 2018). over time (Figure 3). Indeed, some of the ‘hottest’ Beyond the gut, the honey bee bee research fields, such as epigenetics and meta- hive itself harbors many additional microbial genomics, were essentially non-existent until communities in the wax comb, propolis enve- 2006. Other fields, such as bee quantitative and lope and food stores, especially pollen stores population genetics and sociobiology, clearly (‘bee bread’). The bee bread has been the benefited from the publication of the bee genome focus of much microbial work, the classic and the array of tools it enabled; we can now view establishing the presence of yeasts and rapidly measure gene expression and quantify lactic acid bacteria such as Bacillus (Gilliam genetic diversity at a previously unfathomed 1979), thought to aid in the breakdown of scale. Some fields have shown less growth, e.g. stored pollen, aiding in its digestibility. How- nutrition, and we suggest that these fields stand to ever, genomic and metagenomic studies of benefit from even further integration of genome bee bread have found a diverse array of mi- information (i.e. ‘nutrigenomics’ (e.g. Alaux et al. crobes, not only including core lactic acid 2011)). While we are still far from understanding bacteria (Vásquez and Olofsson 2009), but the bee’s remarkable social biology in ‘molecular also including non-core bacteria such as terms’, we have collectively taken large strides Fructobacillus and other Lactobacillaceae toward that goal and have already achieved im- that may promote the growth of other honey portant milestones as mentioned above. In hind- bee-specific bacterial species (Rokop et al. sight, we think that the great fanfare and expecta- 2015). It has also been suggested that these tions arising from the honey bee genome itself processes aid in preserving and storing pollen, were somewhat misplaced; the reference genome rather than breaking it down as previously in itself is static and—dare we say—somewhat thought (Anderson et al. 2014). Interestingly, boring. We are ultimately interested in differ- propolis (bee-collected plant resins) may also ences; differences in behaviour of individual play an important role in maintaining healthy workers over time, differences between castes, A. L. Toth, A. Zayed

Figure 3. Growth of honey bee research areas in the post-genome era. We counted the number of papers in the Web of Knowledge database published between 1970 and 2019 with the keywords Apis mellifera and ‘behaviour’, ‘breeding’, ‘caste’, ‘demography’, ‘division of labour’, ‘epigenetic’, ‘foraging’, ‘genetic’, ‘learning’, ‘memory’, ‘metabolism’, ‘microbiome’, ‘neuroscience’, ‘nutrition’, ‘parasite’, ‘pathogen’, ‘physiology’, ‘population’ and ‘toxicology.’ We then compared how each term grew in number of publication from a period prior to (1992 to 2005) and after (2006 to 2019) the publication of the honey bee genome. All terms experienced a substantive increase over time; on average, there were approximately 3 times as many papers published in the 13 years post- genome relative to the 13 years pre-genome. Some terms/fields stood out among the general trends. ‘Microbiome’, ‘epigenetic’ and ‘neuroscience’ were never (former two) or rarely published on in the pre-genomic era relative to the post-genomic era. On the other hand, the following terms experienced the slowest growth in our analysis: ‘behaviour’, ‘caste’ and ‘nutrition’.

differences in the behaviour and health between many recent reviews (e.g. Dogantzis and Zayed, colonies within a yard and between subspecies 2019, Hasselmann et al. 2015)—has been partic- inhabiting different environments, differences be- ularly useful in uncovering potentially functional tween honey bee species that show remarkable genetic mutations that affect phenotypic traits and differences in biology and differences between colony fitness. the social honey bees and their solitary ancestors. Finally, we would like to stress that bee geno- These differences that we find so fascinating are mics cannot operate in a vacuum. Genomics is a all essentially orchestrated by differences in ge- means to an end, but not the end itself. The field of netics or differences in the regulation of gene apidology still needs talented ethologists, physi- activity—something that a static reference ge- ologists, geneticists, ecologists and evolutionary nome does not directly provide. Thus, the genome biologists. Indeed, we strongly believe that such has been a single component of a multi-omics integration, with genomics as an important com- toolbox; in reality, honey bee genomics is a ponent, is the key to new discoveries going systems-level enterprise that must include tran- forward. scriptomics, proteomics, metabolomics and epigenomics. Many of the major research mile- ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS stones discussed herein were made possible by the ability to probe the dynamic nature of genomes The authors would like to thank Cedric Alaux for the over multiple biological levels and time scales. invitation to write this article and Gene Robinson for Population genomics—a topic that has received inspiring our interest in honey bee genomics. What has the honey bee genome been good for?


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