2110 Wxx J V
View Article Online / Journal Homepage / Table of Contents for this issue 2110 BALL AND ABRAM : BISMUTHINITRLTES. Published on 01 January 1913. Downloaded by Cornell University Library 30/06/2017 07:42:59. WXXJ V. --€?ismu t h initrit es. By WALTERCRAVEN BALL and HAROLDHELLING ABRAM. IN previous communications (T., 1905, 87, 761; 1909, 95, 2126; 1910, 97, 1408) one of the authors of the present paper has described several compounds of bismuth nitrite with the alkaline nitrites. These compounds were chiefly remarkable aa affording a method for the gravimetric estimation of sodium, and for its separation from potmsium, owing to the insolubility of msium sodium bismuthinitrite and the non-formation of the corresponding potassium salt (T., 1910, 97, 1408). As it is unusual to find such sharp differences in the behaviour of sodium and potassium salts, the present authors have investigated all the salts of this series which they have been able to obtain, in order to discover, if possible, other facts bearing on this difference in behaviour. The salts which have been obtained all fall into two groups, of which View Article Online BALL AND ABKAM : BlSMUTElINITRlTES. 2111 the general formula are respectively X,Bi(NO,), and X,YBi(N02),. In these formulae X represents any of the metals ammonium, potassium, rubidium, msium, and thallium, whilst Y stands for either lithium, sodium, or silver. There are thus possible five compounds of the X,Bi(NO,), series, or simple bismuthinitrites, and of these, four have been obtained, the attempts to obtain the ammonium salt having been 60 far unsuccessful owing to the great instability of concentrated solutions of ammonium nitrite in the presence of acid.
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