2020–2021 Wsms Board of Trustees
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2020–2021 WSMS BOARD OF TRUSTEES The primary responsibility of the Board of Trustees is to see that the School operates in the best interests of its students, teachers, and parents. The Board sets the purpose and policies of the School, ensures its financial stability, plans for its future, and hires the Head of School, who is responsible for the day-to-day operation of the School. Iva Mills, Tim Daileader, Compensation and Benefits Department. President Vice President She regularly advises public and private companies on executive compensation and Iva Mills is the mother of Tim Daileader, the father of employee benefits matters, principally in con- twin WSMS alumni (2016). Declan and Madeleine Dail- nection with mergers and acquisitions, initial Iva served as co-president eader (WSMS '14), and hus- public offerings and other business transac- of the Parents Association band of Maggan Daileader, is tions. Jennifer is a graduate of Georgetown for two years and assisted with the Annual a partner in Drivetrain, LLC, a fiduciary ser- University and Columbia Law School. She is Fund, Auction, Spring Fair and Admissions vices firm. Prior to this, Tim enjoyed a twen- also a member of the Steering Committee of Committee. Iva grew up in San Diego, CA, ty-four-year career in investment manage- the Kate Stoneman Project, an organization and received her BA in political science from ment and research, and banking. Tim holds a devoted to the advancement of women in the the University of California, Los Angeles, Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA) designa- legal profession. Jennifer and her husband, and her JD from American University Wash- tion and serves as a director on several for- Victor Manuel, have two daughters, one who ington College of Law. Iva practiced law for profit boards, and previously on the College is a current student at WSMS and one who ten years, first at a law firm, primarily in the Board of Advisors and in the Admission Am- graduated in 2018. Jennifer and Victor also area of advertising and marketing litigation, bassador program for Georgetown Universi- served as co-chairs of the first annual Fall and later in-house litigating intellectual prop- ty. Tim graduated in 1992 from Georgetown Festival. erty disputes. Iva is also a Trustee of Trinity University where he was a Baker Scholar. School, serves on the Acquisition Committee of the Studio Museum in Harlem, and previ- Dana Bliss ously served as a Trustee of Safe Horizon. Mort Haque, Treasurer Dana Bliss is Executive Editor at Oxford University Press, Mort Haque is a portfolio Myles Amend, where he oversees a book manager at GoldenTree Vice President publishing program in social Asset Management, an in- work and counseling. Prior to Myles Amend is Associate vestment management firm joining OUP in 2012, Dana worked at Taylor Head of School for Advance- specializing in below-investment-grade cor- & Francis, another scholarly publishing com- ment at Trinity School, where porate and structured credit markets. Prior pany in New York. Dana was born and raised he has worked since 2000. to GoldenTree, Mort worked at Sound Point in downtown Manhattan, and began his edu- Prior to that he served as Director of Devel- Capital as a portfolio manager and at Apollo cational journey at a Montessori preschool opment and Finance at Rice High School in Management in their capital markets group. in Tribeca, before attending Friends Semi- Harlem; as Principal of Tampa Catholic High He spent a number of years as an invest- nary and then Colgate University, where he School in Tampa, Florida; and as Associate ment banker at Bank of America and J.P. earned his BA in philosophy and classics. He Director for Institutional Advancement and Morgan in their leveraged finance and M&A is a Fellow of the Library of America, a non- Governance at the Museum of the City of departments. He is a graduate of George- profit organization dedicated to the publica- New York. He is a graduate of Iona College town University (SFS) and Columbia Busi- tion and preservation of the nation’s cultural and holds master’s degrees in history from ness School. Mort is married to Henna Khan, heritage through America’s greatest writing. New York University and in independent and they have two daughters who graduated At WSMS Dana has served as co-chair of school leadership from Columbia University from WSMS. the Fall Festival, Class Rep Coordinator, and Teachers College. He is also a trustee of De class rep, and has pitched in at the Auction La Salle Academy and a past president of and Hooked on Books events. Dana and his the New York City Chapter of the Associa- Jennifer S. Conway, wife, Saya, live on the Upper West Side and tion of Fundraising Professionals. Myles and Secretary have two daughters: one a current WSMS his husband, Marc Thomas, are parents of a student and the other a WSMS alum. WSMS alumna who completed her two-year Jennifer S. Conway is a part- career at WSMS in 2011. ner at the law firm Cravath, Swaine & Moore, where she is a member of the Executive 1 years and have lived in eight cities between Nikki Chase-Levin Victoria Feltman the two of them. Their daughter, Lina Han, is Nikki Chase-Levin is a re- Victoria Feltman is a nutri- a current WSMS student. turning board member and tionist who specializes in former parent who served family and childhood nutri- as the WSMS Events Direc- tion. Before going into pri- Natasha Kazmi tor for five years. A gradu- vate practice, Vicky worked Prior to taking time off to ate of Michigan State University with a BA at the New York Children’s Health Project in raise her family, Natasha Ka- in Journalism, Nikki’s 25-year marketing the South Bronx, where she counseled kids zmi spent fifteen years in a career started at an entertainment publicity and adults and taught nutrition education number of roles in the finan- firm in Los Angeles in 1995, and continues classes. Prior to becoming a registered dieti- cial services industry, ranging here in New York City presently. Nikki has tian, Vicky spent four years as an editor at O, from corporate banking to restructurings and worked for some of the most recognizable the Oprah magazine, and later worked as a asset management, across diverse geogra- consumer brands in the marketplace, includ- restaurant publicist in New York and Los An- phies like Pakistan, Indonesia and the U.S. ing Captain Morgan Original Spiced Rum, geles. Vicky has a BA from Cornell Univer- Natasha was a member of the 2014 WSMS Sony, Morgan Stanley, Discover Card and sity and an MS in nutrition from NYU. Vicky Online Auction Committee, a member of the Miller Brewing Company. Her responsibilities and her husband Josh have three sons, one Admissions Committee, and chair of the An- included strategic planning for new and ex- who is a current student at WSMS, and two nual Fund. She is also involved in projects isting products, television advertising devel- who have graduated. She is a member of the related to furthering girls’ education in Paki- opment, marketing communications, public WSMS Admissions Committee and is active- stan’s remote areas, and serves on Manhat- relations programming and event planning. ly involved as a parent volunteer. tan’s Community Board 7. Natasha and her As the co-founder and president of Straight husband, Qaisar Hasan, are proud parents Line Marketing, Inc.—her independent con- of two WSMS graduates. She earned a BBA sulting firm—she has counseled clients such Joseph Gilbert and an MBA from the University of Karachi. as Pepsi, Smirnoff, Discovery Networks, and the lifestyle marketing agency, MKTG. Nikki Joseph Gilbert is married to and her husband Dave are the proud parents Damaris Hernandez and is Nigel-Ann of Max (WSMS ‘14), Zach (WSMS ‘16), and the father of Mariana and La Qua Williamson two 70-pound labs … Bubbles & Rocket! Ollie, both proud WSMS alumni. He joined NYU Lan- Nigel-Ann La Qua William- gone Health in 2015, after working in the son was born and raised in Mary Pat Dowhy Preventive Medicine department at the Icahn Grenada, West Indies. She School of Medicine at Mount Sinai (ISMMS). holds an MBA from Columbia Mary Pat Dowhy and her He serves as a co-investigator for the NYU University, and a BS and a BArch from the wife, Donna Canfield, are the Children’s Health and Environment Study Bernard and Anne Spitzer School of Archi- proud parents of Pierce, a (NYU CHES), a longitudinal study examining tecture at the City College of New York. Prior 2020 WSMS graduate! Mary the environmental influences on growth and to taking time off to raise her family, Nigel- Pat served for two years as development of babies in utero, and the NYU Ann spent nine years practicing architecture co-president of the WSMS Parents Associa- Factors Influencing Reproductive Success at HLW International and GKV Architects in tion, where she had the privilege of working and Time to Pregnancy Study (NYU FIRST), New York City. She is currently working from alongside the dedicated families and admin- a prospective cohort study aimed at identi- the Columbia Startup Lab to develop her own istrators of this wonderful school on so many fying environmental influences that lead to tech company. Nigel-Ann serves at WSMS of its key initiatives, including the Auction, the difficulties in attaining and sustaining a preg- as a member of the Admissions Committee, Fall Festival and the Admissions Committee. nancy to term. Joe graduated from Bridge- was a class representative for two consecu- Mary Pat received her BA from Fordham Uni- water State University with a BS in biology, tive years, co-chaired the 2017 Sandsational, versity and spent more than a decade work- and from ISMMS with an MPH.