Energetic Literacy Sampler© by Rose Rosetree

Energetic literacy can change your life for the better. The sweeter. The smarter. The richer.

I use it every day and have taught skills to thousands of people all over the world. Mostly through my books, which you can browse at my website, www.rose- rosetree.com.

Here I would like to give you a treat with material that is NOT at my website.

The purpose of this sampler is to introduce you to these essential skills for living better now, in the . You will find excerpts from three different books:

 Read People Deeper

Reading Through All Your Senses

 Magnetize Money with Energetic Literacy


-- Rose

Copyright© by Rose Rosetree 2015 Energetic Literacy Sampler Part One

From Read People Deeper

This how-to shows you how to read 50 different categories about people -- for your love life, for work. And, of course, you can read them on yourself as well.

Three different forms of energetic literacy are taught here:

 BODY LANGUAGE is human-level . Immediate. Fascinating.

 Physiognomy, or READING FACES FOR CHARACTER, expresses the soul in so many ways -- again an expression of human-level energy. Only face reading reveals long-term changes.

 AURA READING can tell you about Divine-level energy and astral-level energy, depending on what you read and which techniques you use.

How is the book constructed? At the start you learn practical techniques to become really good at reading body language, face data, and auras.

Something very special about this book is that you learn how to read auras in person and also from regular photographs, like those on the Internet or your phone. Yet one more great use for selfies!

Then come the chapters for reading people.

Three are included here. Even without learning the skills at the front of the book, you will be able to understand the parts about body language and face reading. And if you have learned how to read auras, all the way down to the level of chakra databanks, you can use that part of this sampler as well.

50 Ways to Read Deeper

Category Page Category Page

Addiction, Chemical 43 Lying 165 Addiction, Sexual 48 Money, Saving 170 Anger 51 Money, Spending 172 Balanced Give & Take 55 Nurturing 177 Charisma, Sexual 63 Power 181 Charm 72 Problem Solving 187 Competitiveness 78 Religion 191 Confidence 80 Resentment 194 Conflict 87 Respect 197 Conformity 94 Risk Taking 200 Control 98 Romance 203 Criticism 102 Satisfaction 207 Decision Making 105 Secretiveness 213 Earthiness 112 Self-Disclosure 217 Embarrassment 118 Sense of Humor 221 Evil 122 Sensitivity 225 Facades 125 Sensuousness 230 Fidelity 131 Sex Drive 234 Flirtatiousness 134 Sexual 240 Adventurousness Hurt Feelings 143 Sexual Promiscuity 246 Intelligence 147 Sexual Stamina 249 Intimacy 151 Stress 253 Jealousy 156 Stubbornness 258 Listening Ability 159 Trust 262 Loyalty 162

How Accurate Are Rose’s Readings?

In more than 800 media interviews, Rose Rosetree has put her techniques – and professional reputation – on the line. Just how accurate has she been?

“I decided to send her a picture of myself… with the caveat that my wife would ‘check’ her report for accuracy. ‘She’s got your number,’ was my wife’s simple response.” — The Catholic Standard

“Rose Rosetree can spot a potential fibber a mile away. Or, in this case, 2,400 miles away.” — Las Vegas Sun

“Your readings for the Kalamazoo Gazette were the most amazing thing I’ve ever seen in a newspaper. I’m in politics myself. I know these people.” – Michigan politician

“Capetalk Radio,” So. Africa, “You haven’t been reading my face, you’ve been checking with my Mum.” – John Maytham

“Tony and Julie,” BBC radio, “Usually I debunk anything spiritual but… you really didn’t know me before seing my photo? Your reading was like listening to my mother.” – Brendan O’Connor

“XZone Radio,” Syndicated, You have more credibility with me as an aura reader than any others I’ve interviewed.” — Rob McConnell

For an interview in the Chicago Sun-Times, Rose described Steven Colbert as “more devout than most people, and he cares deeply about good. It’s not necessarily what you’d think watching him. He’s not a zealot, but really wants to be a good boy.” Months later, Parade Magazine published an interview with Colbert, including this interesting fact: He is a devout Catholic who teaches Sunday School. How Specific Are Rose’s Readings?

Skeptics worry that readings supply vague generalities, applicable to anyone. Oh, really? From Rose Rosetree’s files....

“Oh MY GOD!!! I don’t think you could’ve been any more right on!!! I am stunned!! Recovering alcoholic/drug addict, self-absorbed, our for just himself, completely snowed me with charm when I met him then turned into an evil, nasty man, almost overnight. Or maybe that was what he was to start with and just had a good act going. “He fooled everyone who met him, too. All my family, my friends thought he was the best. I have been so confused about what happened between us. This really clears up a lot of stuff.”

“I am humbled and honored to have received this reading from you. I cried in a ‘coming home’ type of way, when someone really knows you and receives you with great compassion.”

From a student who had studied face reading for years,“Your system… is much more specific and enhanced, covering so many more aspects of the face.”

“You instantly put your finger on things that it has taken me years to realize! And you threw some surprises in as well. “

“I just couldn’t imagine at the time of ordering (a bit reluctantly... as you never know what you get on the Internet...) how accurate your readings would end up to be. It sure was worth it!”

“One of the staff in Starbucks ran over to me and told me that they were telling another customer about my face reading. That customer wants my phone number because she needs a personal consultation right away! You must really be good, Rose. Your freshman student already has a job!”


Read People Like a Pro

Incompatibility breaks hearts every day, but yours need not be one of them. Using the techniques in this book, you can avoid problems in your present love relationship… and also learn when a potential lover or work associate shows real promise. I’m happily married now, but have been divorced in the past. Twice. And beyond my direct experience, since 1986 I’ve helped cli- ents to release emotional pain over failed personal and business re- lationships. So I know how much it hurts to invest time, money and hope in a relationship, only to discover that the two of you never had a future. Whether it’s six months into a love affair or seven years into a work partnership, inquiring minds want to know, “Can I trust this person?” You wake up and smell the coffee, swoosh it around in your mouth. Such a bitter brew! Maybe drinking coffee of any kind has been a bad habit. What helps? Learn the deeper truths about the players in your life. Too many partners look just on the surface, live just on the surface, and—whether they stay together or not—doom themselves to remaining on the surface. Your willingness to read people deeper means that you can reclaim your power to have a happy life. If you’re dating,,, deeper is indispensable. Internet ser- vices, speed dating and the like can bring you too many . Wouldn’t it help if you could instantly read compatibility? Use this book to tell which love relationship has real potential. 2 READ PEOPLE DEEPER

Already in a relationship? Learn how to accentuate the positive. Make it a relationship where you’re committed... to fulfillment. At work,,, relationships may seem even more unpredictable than the stock market. But there’s no law against insider trading — of knowledge. Part 1 gets you started at reading people all three ways, with body language + face reading + aura reading. Learn the latest tech- niques used by professionals to read all three layers. Then Part 2 gives you 50 different categories to choose from. Like a detective, you’ll be able to probe into any relationship without having to ask the big questions questions directly. Find out, for instance: • Can I trust you to be loyal? • How do you manage money? • Are you telling me the truth? Of course, you can read straight through all 50 categories. But this book was designed to help you pick and choose what matters most to you. That’s why the full set of categories is listed on the inside of the front cover, while the diagram to help you research auras has been placed inside the back cover. In between you’ll find special sections and Bonus Boxes. Bonus Boxes What are they doing here in your book? Bonus Boxes and special sections answer nitty-gritty ques- tions you’re curious about, like the sequence for sexual inti- macy that most human prefer (see Pages 241-243) or tips for reading your own body language most accurately (see Page 7). Some Bonus Boxes will help you most at work, like the instant ways to judge character in “How Much Can You Tell from a Handshake?” (see Pages 126-30). Read People Like a Pro 3

But why go beyond body language? Most people don’t. Why bother to add the more counter-culture skills of reading faces and auras? Like Stereo, Only Better Deeper perception has more than one layer. Each one can give you quality information. It would be a waste, limiting yourself to only the most obvious layer. Would you would watch a movie with only one eye or listen to music with only one ear? When there’s a , I’d go for stereo. Wouldn’t you? Well, when it comes to deep knowledge, you have a third eye —and a third ear — if only you’re willing to use them. Not only does this book give you leading-edge knowledge about all three layers. This is also the first book to show how to use all three approaches together. Body Language is the study of nonverbal communication, the best known form of deeper perception. In this book, you’ll learn new ways to interpret how a person stands, sits, points, turns, etc. (You’ll also gain surprising insights about how you react to life sub- consciously.) Face Reading,,, though not as well known as body language, is actually easier to read accurately. Unlike expression, it can’t be faked. To read faces, you look at certain parts of the physical face, then interpret them. Features like cheeks and ears have multiple catego- ries that can be read just like letters of the alphabet. For 5,000 years, face readers from the East have counseled busi- nessmen. Today you’ll find face readers at Ginza, Tokyo’s ultra-mod- ern shopping district. When you read categories in this book re- lated to money, power, and integrity, you’ll appreciate why physiog- nomy has stood the test of time. Auras are the deepest layer for reading people deeper. Soon I’ll define “aura” in depth, but here let’s clarify what auras are not. Contrary to popular myth, auras are not just colors. To read au- ras in depth and detail, you actually don’t need to see colors at all. 4 READ PEOPLE DEEPER

My techniques emphasize information, not colors. I’ve helped thou- sands of students to access this insider information. I can help you, too. The how-to’s in Part 1 will prepare you to find practical infor- mation, regardless of whether you have previous experience at read- ing auras. What else should you know up front? Usually I’ll use the term “partnerr” for the person being read. • In your social life, a partner could be a family member, a friend (new or old ), a date, or a long-term lover. • At work, a partner could be an employee or boss, a colleague or a customer. I like that term “partner” because it reminds me of the old Westerns, what actors call each other just before the big shootout. Actually, I mainly like using the term “partner” because it includes so many possibilities. For any category you choose, you, the mighty reader, will know which type of partner you want to read. Speaking of language, this book uses gender shorthand like “he/ she,” with all due apology to my fellow English majors. Although inelegant, this is the most economical way to include everyone. And speaking of inclusiveness, this book can help you whatever your sexual orientation. Male and female qualities occur in every love relationship, whether you’re straight, gay, bi, or transgender. You’ll know which kind of sexiness in a partner interests you. When I promise that this book can improve your love life, that means your kind of love life! And, yes, you can read for the sake of your work life instead. Do both or either. While you’re at it, you might choose to tell friends what you’re doing or, perhaps, you might prefer to keep your new source of knowledge a secret. Ultimately you are the one who decides exactly how you are go- ing to use deeper perception. My goal is to support your own choice about what matters most. Read People Like a Pro 5

WHICH LAYER IS BEST Now that you know you can access all three layers of deeper percep- tion, maybe you’re wondering which one is best. That really depends on the category you’re reading. Using the examples given earlier: • Body language provides the best clues to loyalty. • Face reading is best for revealing what a person does with money (not always what he/she tells you). • Regarding honesty, auras provide the most reliable informa- tion… by far. Excited at the prospect of reading all three layers on anyone you choose? It gets better. With practice, you can read from photographs, including Internet photos. Using the techniques in this book, you can learn more in 10 minutes of research than you might find in a month of “You’ve got mail.” Reading people in depth and detail can be that easy. But is it really accurate? My students (on five continents) say so. So do the clients who hire me to do readings for them. Sure, many newbies are skeptical. They don’t stay that way. On a regular basis, I receive thank you’s where a client writes how his/her life has changed because of reading people deeper. One smart way to overcome skepticism—and simultaneously build your skill—is to practice on less crucial relationships before you read a biggie like your lover or employee. Why not start with photos of couples you know well? Or dare to revisit pix of your ex. Find those glaring incompat- ibilities. It can help you to smile when you put that “was” in “wasband” or reminisce over what happened to you “in a past wife.” Check out that toxic former boss from a workplace photo and laugh, long and loud. Get over it, finally! 6 READ PEOPLE DEEPER

READ BODY LANGUAGE Body language is the easiest way to read people deeper…or is it? Sure, body language can be obvious, like when your partner is wearing a deep scowl plus a fist. More often, though, body language is complicated, way more complicated than the other two layers for reading people deeper. One nose characteristic at a time, face readers! One chakra databank at a time, aura readers! Simple, as you’ll soon see! As a body language reader, however, you’ll need to go more com- plex. Accurate readings don’t involve one simple clue, like the ex- pression on your partner’s mouth. To interpret that grin accurately, you’d better check out other signals from the rest of the body. Those different nonverbal signals may contradict your first finding. The sheer amount of body language can be intimidating. How many expressions can show on one little face? Only about 7,000! Each of us has our favorite expressions, whether to make or to read. Not everyone is an expert at decoding them all. To avoid mis- takes, keep looking until you’ve collected multiple signals from dif- ferent parts of the face or body. For example, don’t make a pass at a date until you’ve found at least four nonverbal signs of attraction. Not one, four. That’s not so many, considering there could be 25 different signs. (See Page 136.) Contradictions can abound. For true body language skills, you will need to consider mouth + eyes, legs + arms, etc. Jumping to conclusions will help your love life about as much as if you were to physically jump … and land on a new date’s feet. Better to stay put, keep your wits about you and show your busi- ness or love-life partner the same kind of respect that you would like to receive. And talk about tricky! Despite what you may have been told, body language has limited accuracy for certain kinds of informa- Read Body Language Like a Pro 7

tion. People you know may pride themselves on how they can al- ways tell a liar by looking for shifty eyes, etc. Well, that’s the kind of pride that goes before a fall. Read Your Own Body Language How about reading your own body language? You’re not just any- one, you know. Here are some tips for reading that special person you know so well. Whenever possible, use photos or videos. Mirrors aren’t as good because you may subconsciously shift body language while reading yourself. People tend to be harder on themselves than on others. So take a deep breath and be objective, as if reading a stranger. Fresh insights are so much more interesting than same-old habits of viewing yourself. Be willing to find something new, rather than repeating the usual stories that you tell yourself.

Frankly, reading body language is a terrible approach when you aim to protect yourself from liars. A bright three-year-old can fool a grownup, and some grownups have become expert deceivers—in- cluding the very people you need to trust. Ironically, the surest way to be taken in by a liar is to focus on expression. Instead, read body language + faces + auras. What if you are the one who is tempted to manipulate others? My advice is don’t… not for work, not for play, not for sex. Sure, it’s true that you can temporarily charm others by mirror- ing body language, like tilting your head at the same angle as your partner’s, crossing or uncrossing your arms in synch, etc. What will you really gain? Maybe your job interview will go great. But based on what, manipulation? Anything you fake about a rela- tionship will bring unhappiness in the long run. 72 READ PEOPLE DEEPER

6. Charm

Life’s charmers—when you meet them at work, don’t they make your 9-5 go faster? Teaming up with someone who is not merely competent but adorable, what a great way to have extra fun along with greater success! In your love life, a playful, agreeable personality can keep your romance ever fresh. But know what? A bright new sprig of hemlock can look mighty fresh, too.

BODY LANGUAGE With any two people, the one who exudes more physical confi- dence tends to be the one with more charm. Comparing your charm versus your partner’s, don’t confuse confidence with posture... Con- fident body language can range from strongly commanding to elabo- rately casual. And some of the biggest slouchers you know exude immense confidence. Think Hugh Grant or John Cusack. Nonverbal enticements can be subtle. For example, unlike ani- mals who aggressively charge toward their prey, charmers lean in for the seduction. When your knees start to wobble, wait before you trust a charmer with little things like your credit card or your private parts. Observe this cutie in group situations. How much charm does he/she lavish on people other than you?

FACE READING Dimples come in many varieties, each signaling a different type of charm. Read dimples on the left side of the face to learn about your Charm 73

Illustration 8. DIMPLES Dimples can be so charming, but they are NOT all created equal. Become a Dimple Detective. Start by noticing whether or not the person is smiling. The presence or absence of a smile will place any dimples in the kind of context a face reader needs. Half the drawings above show no smile, not even a fake one. See that? Excellent! Now match the dimple type to its corresponding il- lustration: • No dimple • One peek a boo dimple • Powerline dimples • Permanent dimples Just to spice things up, two of these illustrations show a type of wrinkle that can be mistaken for a dimple, but isn’t. Can you spot that, too? For answers, turn the page. 74 READ PEOPLE DEEPER

Illustration 8. QUIZ ANSWERS

PEEK A BOO DIMPLE PEMANENT DIMPLES Our smiler’s one dimple shows Always charming, and prob- on her right cheek, so she ably very aware of the fact — charms at work more than her don’t trust this dimple owner social life. until you have read her aura.

POWERLINE DIMPLES NO DIMPLE Two deep semi-circles grace the Because no dimple shows cheeks of the woman in this il- here, all you know for sure lustration. She has gained the from this one drawing is that kind of charm that relates to this woman doesn’t have per- humility. manent dimples. But don’t be jealous. Earn- She might have one of the ing dimples like these is no fun. other types of dimple. To Life smashed her down; get- know for sure, you’ll have to ting up, she choose gratitude. catch her smiling.

What about those mouth-framer lines, which you’ll see in both our illustrations (Page 73) on the left? Don’t confuse them with dimples. Here’s one way to tell the difference. Try smiling in front of a mirror. Now try, just try, to give yourself cheek dimples. Well, trying won’t work. You can’t give yourself powerlines or peek a boos. If you have permanent dimples, you can’t use your fa- cial muscles to make those cute circles either appear or disappear. But you can give yourself mouth-framer lines. Just scrunch up the corners of your mouth. (A fake smile helps, with lips closed, then pulled sideways.) What’s the meaning, if lines like these show when you’re not making faces in front of a mirror? This person ha- bitually tries very hard to be pleasant… maybe too hard. Charm 75 lover. Read dimples on the right side of the face to learn about some- one at work. Peek a boo dimples are circular shapes on cheeks that pop out with a smile, disappearing afterwards. Signaling a sweet disposi- tion, these dimples reveal a talent for helping others to lighten up and laugh, especially when situations grow tense. Permanent dimples are circular shapes on cheeks that show re- gardless of whether or not the rest of the face is smiling. Permanent dimples may signal a professional charmer, someone who know- ingly manipulates others. Or this person may simply be chronically adorable. You be the judge. Powerline dimples show with smiles, or become more pro- nounced with smiles, taking the form of a curvy, vertical crease (remi- niscent of parentheses). Some cheeks develop multiple sets. With this kind of charm, the more, the better. Powerlines express habits like kindness, graciousness, and humility. Charmingly Dangerous The most dangerous kind of charm should be investigated when your partner is over 40. Does the face look 10 or more years younger than his/her real age? Observe carefully, because you may be re- sponding to energy rather than the face itself. Youthful energy is a plus, not so an overly youthful face. Con- sider yourself warned when a mature face shows no lines around the eyes or forehead, no softening at the jaws, no wrinkles anywhere. That person is likely to be lighthearted and charming. Maybe he/she looks so youthful due to a healthy lifestyle. But it’s equally possible that he/she hasn’t aged facially because of arrested emo- tional development. When sociopaths are in the news, notice how often they look younger than their years.What about psychologically healthy people? Being well adjusted but way self-absorbed, they may appear physi- cally youthful, too. Cult members often look ultra-young, ascribing 76 READ PEOPLE DEEPER their winning appearance to the victorious powers of their “Move- ment.” Maybe they’re right but maybe they’re not. Keep reading deeper. What about today’s social ideal, youthfulness via cosmetic sur- gery? Multiple face lifts and other surgical procedures have inner consequences. Because of the reciprocal relationship between inner person and physical face, surgically reclaimed youthfulness does affect the in- ner person. The sort of procedures that cause movie stars to look half their age — we’ve been trained to think of this as a kind of “freshening up.” How crazy is that? You freshen up by using soap and water, not a knife. What is the inner cost of an artificially extended shelf life? Read- ing auras, you can find out. Maybe there is no inner cost. Maybe the surgery brings inner youthfulness, dazzle, and a new start on life. Depends on the individual, doesn’t it? But before you go on to the level of auras, be honest with your- self. What is your motivation to be in this relationship? Do you seek a companion whose main value lies in helping you to feel im- portant? Perhaps you are seeking a trophy in human form. Many people do, and there is no law against it. In this case, you might not want to read any deeper than you have so far. You want charm? And you have found it? Enjoy your- self! But if you are curious to know more, aura reading would be a really smart choice.

AURAS Charm shows so clearly in auras. It can be as fresh and pure as homemade ice cream. Unfortunately, some charmers have auras with Charm 77

hooks, pushiness, grease or other problems—not tasty additions to an ice cream sundae and unlikely to add to your happiness, either. How can you tell what’s going on? Begin with your usual Preparation Process: Pay attention to your inner awareness, then Get Big and set an intention to learn about charm. (For more details, see Page 25.) Plug-in at the Facades databank at the Communication Chakra. Ask: “What kind of charm is present here?” Whatever information you receive, make note. Plug-in at the Intimacy databank at the Emotional Chakra. Ask: “What kind of charm is present here?” Whatever information you receive, make note. Plug-in at the Spontaneity databank at the Sexual Chakra. Ask: “What kind of charm is present here?” Whatever information you receive, also make note. Plug-in at the Presence When Entering the Room databank at the Physical Chakra. Ask: “What kind of charm is present here?” Whatever information you receive, make note. Doing research like this, you will learn to recognize variations on the themes of charm. Charm can be delicious. It can be sincere. Some of the most ador- able people you’ll meet have no idea at all how charming they are. And when someone’s natural behavior melts your heart, that’s something more than charm. You haven’t been either manipulated or merely amused. You have been blessed. Every time a heart opens up more, the spiritual growth is lasting. And so, let’s give three real cheers for those who possess authentic charm. Still, it’s caution time when the main thing you register about another person is “What a charmer!” At such times, remember. Within the word “charm” lies “harm.” Intimacy 151 23. INTIMACY

How close is too close? Two perfectly sane people may have wildly different answers. (And since when have two people in love been perfectly sane, anyway?) The good news is, any pairing of intimacy styles can be compat- ible. That goes for work as well as play. Intimacy extremes, like smothering and neglect, wreck relation- ships. And once intimacy inflammation sets in… it can be harder to cure than herpes. So learn these fascinating ways to read personal boundaries.

BODY LANGUAGE Proxemicscs, the study of distance in body language, is your first clue to intimacy boundaries. Each of us has habits about keeping a cer- tain physical distance from others. We may adjust borders differently for strangers, friends and part- ners. Still these social boundaries form a pattern, shaped partly by individual temperament, partly by cultural background. When you visit with your family, does everybody stand close? Then don’t expect instant comfort with a partner whose family does just the opposite. Have fun noticing proxemics at family gatherings. Meanwhile, you can compare distance styles between just the two of you. What if you and your partner have drastically different hab- its about distance with physical space? Don’t take it personally. The simplest solution may be adjusting to your partner’s comfort zone. If that makes you uncomfortable, though, it’s time to talk. Edu- cate your partner about proxemics, then play with the possibilities. Together you two can figure out how to get close… not too close, just close enough. 152 READ PEOPLE DEEPER

Illustration 14. EYELIDS Find single and double eyelids. Then, among those double eyelids, can you spot the amounts of eyelid thickness that I call full, even, and none? See any cut-offs? For answers, turn the page. Intimacy 153

FACE READING Which matters more for your peace of mind, feeling close to others or having plenty of personal space? How about your partner? Read eyelids to find out. Start by exploring eyelid fold,,, which reveals deep expectations about personal space. Most people in the West have double eyelids, where the skin folds once beneath the brow bone, framing the eye socket. By contrast, single eyelids lack that fold but, instead, drop straight down from brow bone to eyelashes. (Use depth percep- tion, to help you see eyelid fold clearly.) • With double eyelids, deep down you relate to life as an individualist. You come first. Other people come second. • By contrast, with single eyelids, you feel connected to your family and to society in general. (Whether this gives you incentive to act extra-considerate or merely makes you feel guilty, eyelids alone won’t show.) Next, let’s can add the highly individual factor of eyelid thicknesss. This means the size of the fold that shows from the front. To see this, it may help to imagine that the person you’re reading has put on the cosmetic called “eyeshadow.” Weird or not, fantasize that your partner’s lids have been enhanced with shimmering blue powder. How much of that makeup would show when his/her eyes are open? • A lot of eyelid counts as full eyelid thickness, sometimes called “bedroom eyes.” • A smallish, but even, amount, officially counts as even. • None is also possible. Usually you’ll find this with a single eyelid, but it’s also quite common with double eyelids as well. For practical purposes, a tiny amount, or partially cut- off eyelid thickness also counts as “none.” • Single eyelids do sometimes have an extra rim of eyelid fold. I call this the double whammy. 154 READ PEOPLE DEEPER

What can eyelids reveal about intimacy style? If your partner’s needs are exactly the opposite of yours, the two of you may need to prac- tice seeing life through each other’s eyelids. • Full eyelids correspond to the need to be very close, while the reverse signals emotional independence. • With no eyelid thickness, or with cut-offs, your partner needs plenty of personal space. • With the double whammy, your partner strives to be considerate, then tries extra-hard to get even closer. • Finally, even eyelids mean “no issues around intimacy,” but there still could be STUFF, so check out that aura.

AURAS Intimacy blockage big enough to cause trouble will show in an aura. Armoring is the technical term for long-term blockage that keeps out intimacy. Self-protectiveness can cause a guy or gal to put a wall up, emotionally. Yes, you may have found walls on yourself or your partner already, when researching auras in our chapters on CON- FIDENCE, EMBARRASSMENT, FACADES, HURT FEEL- INGS, and more. Sometimes people try to “tighten boundaries” or “put up walls” or “construct shields” because they don’t know any bet- Illustration 14. QUIZ ANSWERS Taking our set of four drawings from the top: • Double eyelid fold, also even eyelid thickness. • Single eyelid fold. Eyelid thickness here counts as none. • None. (Both these eyelids show some cut-off in the center. Can you tell which one has more? Give yourself extra credit if you see that the right eye has more cut-off than the left.) • Full eyelid thickness. Intimacy 155

ter. Sound familiar? Probably you believe that you’re protect- ing yourself. Reconsider. Unwittingly, you could be pushing your real friends away. Unskilled empaths often put up walls just to cope with their spe- cial sensitivity. Actually, skilled empaths never need walls. Instead, thay learn special ways to use their . With training, you can wake up inside until you become the most important person in the room wherever you go. That vibrant pres- ence protects you far better than any wall. Sexual reserve is another reason why some people misguidedly put up walls. Huge sexual charisma, or simply having a very hot body, can bring unwanted attention. Walls aren’t a good solution, though. They don’t protect auras. Unskilled empaths, putting up walls, still pick up other people’s fear and pain. Ironically, it stays stuck in an aura inside that wall. Sexu- ally, walls will keep their owner from fully enjoying sex with any- one. Why? How much intimacy would you have if you wore a suit of armor? That’s what walls are like, only they usually surround just one chakra, not your entire body. You can have walls around your Physical Chakra, your Spiritual Chakra, any chakra. Unlike a metal suit of armor, those walls can’t be put on or removed at will. Long as you have them, they’re with you 24/7. But walls in auras are only a form of STUFF. They can always be healed. When they’re gone, results will show aurically as well as be- haviorally. If you or your partner have intimacy problems, it’s particularly important to avoid becoming sexually involved. Otherwise you may never establish a close emotional bond. Whose choice is wall removal? You guessed it. Love alone doesn’t remove longstanding intimacy issues. That isn’t a fair test of your partner’s love — or your worth. 172 READ PEOPLE DEEPER

29. Money, Spending

Courtship behavior reveals precious little about how your lover nor- mally spends money. That trim, well-groomed, positive person who’s trying to impress you is like a spic-and-span house newly put on the market, while his/her lived-in look may be completely different. Protect yourself by reading cues to long-term spending patterns. As for your work life, sure, reading this category could be useful, too. But supplement deeper perception by checking references, read- ing annual reports, calling the Better Business Bureau.

BODY LANGUAGE Tipping in restaurants and taxis is revealing, including your partner’s body language while the money is offered. Micro-expressions will cross his/her face. Will you find reluctance or warm-heartedness, mechanical calculation or tight-lipped resignation? You can learn more from tipping behavior than from the pre- sents your partner gives you. Flowers and candy may be special treats reserved for courtship, whereas tipping reflects treatment of people who don’t have to be impressed. Someone who’s kind to the help today will more likely be gener- ous with you tomorrow. In addition, generosity and stinginess show in apparently trivial housekeeping purchases. When you visit his/her house, head straight for the bathroom— at least to do your detective work. Brands of soap, tissues, towels and other everyday items tell a lot about willingness to spend money on creature comforts. Money, Spending 173

Illustration 16. Nostril Size and Shape Go investigate, intrepid face reader! First, note the size of nostrils here. They range from very large to very small. Then see if you can match the nostril shape to its drawing. Here we have at least one of each: • Rectangular nostril • Triangular nostril • Round nostril • Flared nostril For answers, turn the page. 174 READ PEOPLE DEEPER

FACE READING To read long-term spending patterns, delve into nostrils. Don’t be shy. Nostril size and shape supply valuable information. Nostril size reveals amount of spending. Until you knew this was meaningful, you might not have noticed, but nostrils come in three sizes: large, small and medium. Intrepid nasal detective, be sure to look on the level, neither up nor down. When nostrils show clearly, they are large. If you can’t see the breathing holes, count them as small. The medium-sized nostril (Goldilocks’ favorite) is right in-between. Large nostrils signal generous spending. Small nostrils suggest frugality. And medium-sized nostrils can swing both ways. Next, investigate nostril shape,,, which alerts you to style of spend- ing. Granted, it may take some practice to focus on these cookie- cutter shapes, so you might want to start by reading your own nos- trils in the mirror… preferably not while you’re with your partner. Again, remember to look on the level. You’re paying attention to a shape sculpted in shadow, like the top half of a circle, tilted oval, box or triangle. · Round nostrils curve into half-circles. · Flared nostrils, the most common shape, are straight near the center of the nose but curve out extra toward the ear. · Rectangular nostrils look like a box lid.

Illustration 16. QUIZ ANSWERS

Size: Large Size: Small Shape: Round Shape: Rectangular

Size: Very large Size: Medium Shape: Flared Shape: Right is round. Left is triangular. Money, Spending 175

· As for triangular nostrils, you’ll see the apex of a triangle (although not the square on the hypotenuse). Round nostrils correspond to enthusiastic spending. Frankly, folks with large, round nostrils are the biggest spenders on earth. Flared nostrils mark adventurous spending, while rectangular nostrils suggest financial discipline, maybe even strict adherence to a budget. Triangular nostrils reveal that someone has gone through pain- ful experiences of scarcity, resulting in cautious spending. Interpreting asymmetries with nostrils is simple. Just remember that data on the right side of a person’s face relates to career while data on the left side relates to personal life. Asymmetrical size or shape of nostrils shouldn’t shock you. It just means that a person’s life experiences have left their mark. For instance, in Illustration 16, our final face showed a triangular nostril on the left only. This suggests that the woman endured some financial hardship that affected her personal life, rather than career. Before then, she probably had two round nostrils. After the trauma, her left nostril altered. Not to shock you, I have had hundreds of conversations about nostrils. Time and again, I will describe the inner significance of nose data and ask for feedback. The owner of that particular nose will be impressed by the accuracy of the face reading. What if nostril shape and size appear contradictoryy, as with large, triangular nostrils? Read that as financial conflict. Prepare to give your partner an extra measure of compassion.

AURAS Screen your partner at the level of auras for truly nightmarish money problems: Financial deception, guilty secrets. Though answers won’t be written in dollars and cents, questionable patterns will show. 176 READ PEOPLE DEEPER

Begin with your usual Preparation Process, (See Page 25.) Set an intention to learn freely, without expectations. Plug-in at the Spending databank in the Physical Chakra and ask, “How does he/she handle money?” For added protection from spending problems, initiate a conver- sation about money. Besides paying attention to what your partner says, visually plug- in at the Verbal Integrity databank at the Communication Chakra and ask, “What is going on right now with truthfulness?”

How do You Spend Your Words? A highly productive way to read your partner involves verbal transactions. If words are money, how does your partner spend? Here I’ll list 10 popular topics. Which is talked about most? 1. : Everyday dramas, problems and solutions 2. Creativity: Art, dance, film, music, novels, theater, TV 3. Health: Diet, illnesses, lifestyle choices, sports, weight 4. Ideas: Books and articles, classes, technology, theories 5. Money: Consumerism, cost, quality, shopping, social status 6. Physical life: Animals, cooking, exercise, nature, sports 7. Politics: News, activism, politicians, principles 8. Religion: God, energy, , movements, scripture 9. Science: Discoveries, investigations, studies 10. Sex: Your relationships, other relationships; good bodies, bad bodies Chances are, just a few topics dominate every conversation. Do these topics truly matter to you? Gaugeyour partner’s interest today in the topics that turn you on. Then, tomorrow, next year, next decade… your conver- sations will add up to a meaningful relationship. Energetic Literacy Sampler Part Two

From Aura Reading Through All Your Senses

AURAS are not just colors. That’s ridiculous. Are YOU just your colors?

In this how-to book you can explore over 100 techniques for reading auras in ways that are practical.

For this sampler, I’m including a couple of chapters to get you started.

How long does it take to get these skills?

 Not five minutes. This isn’t some parlor trick, not the way I teach it anyway.

 Less time than learning how to drive a car. And not as scary, not scary at all.

The rewards are great. So don’t feel bad if you weren’t born reading auras. It’s just a form of literacy.

Were you born reading WORDS? Most of us have to study to learn that kind of literacy, too. You can definitely learn to read auras. Don’t settle for anything less.

To those who are skeptical but curious, to those who are curious but intimidated, to those who are brilliant aura readers but don’t know it yet. Foreword

As an aura reader, what have you been waiting for, an official invitation delivered by owl? Of course you are special, with exactly the right kind of magical gifts required. You are special in ways that will help you to read auras just fine.

Reading auras is not that different from Gutenberg literacy, the kind that helps you read regular words on a page.

Only aura reading is an energetic kind of literacy. Once you learn how, you own the skill for life.

Perhaps you take the Gutenberg type of literacy for granted these days. How easily you read words and books now -- but you had to start once.

It took some patience, learning that literacy. Eventually regular reading would become effortless. Such a matter-of-fact skill, once you make it your own!

By now, you’re so good at regular Gutenberg reading. If you pause for a moment, though, it could make you feel proud of yourself. Stop and consider how many ways you do use Gutenberg literacy.

Do you love reading books, newspapers, blogs, texts? In the last 24 hours you have read so much, informed yourself where it mattered.

How about regular reading to help your social life? Meeting up with friends, maybe sneaking a peek at your favorite advice column or blog. In the last day, you might even have sent a love letter or two, mushy in an old-fashioned way. Probably you sent at least one quick text or email. It meant, “So glad we’re friends.” And you had no trouble with the Gutenberg skill there in the background.

That regular reading of yours could be indispensable for work. Or even getting to work. We Gutenberg-literate folks take for granted when we can read a map, find a new street sign, reach to the right part of an airport, locate baggage claim. All the comforts of home take Gutenberg literacy, too. Deciding which can to open. Or cooking a fancy new recipe. Either way, reading helps make life delicious.

Consumer choices, voting choices, doing your part to make a better world -- Gutenberg literacy makes much of this possible.

The delightful truth is this. Aura reading can become just that indispensable, that effortless. Not that you will need to read auras quite as often as you use Gutenberg literacy. Grab that energetic information only when you need it.

Of course, you’ll read auras for different purposes than you read street signs or recipes. Yet the principle remains the same. Like Gutenberg literacy, aura reading is a most practical skill. It isn’t just for people with an otherworldly psychic kind of specialness. Anyone can do it.

Psssst. Here’s a secret about that “anyone” idea. As an aura reader, your findings will NOT be “Just like anyone’s.” You aren’t “Just anyone,” interchangeable with other people. You have a unique contribution to make in life. Reading deeper into life, reading auras, will help you do that better.

So many aspects of everyday life go better with that inside information called aura reading. What will be your favorite result of reading auras? I’ll tell you mine: Learning about your one-of-a-kind individuality, awakening your soul.

Rose Rosetree Sterling, Virginia, March 2013

Table of Techniques

1. Why Read Auras? Why Read Auras? * Secrets About People in Your Life * Can You Really Do It? * Discover Talents You Never Knew You Had * Find Your Way In * Expectations of Flash * The Element of Trust * Underlying Beliefs- Yours And Mine

2. Discover the Truth about Auras The Myth About Auras * The Truth About Auras * Five Subtle Senses * Sixth Sense(s) * Affirm Your Right to Know the Truth About Auras

3. Engage the Energy Aura Bounce * Aura Rub * Aura Handshake * Telephone Awareness * Auric Seal * Auric Massage * Mirror, Mirror on the Soul * Synesthesia Surprises * Higher States of Consciousness * Your Best Reference Book * Spiritual Homework * How to Read Your Inner Dictionary * Unwelcome Perception * Auravision * Inner Sight * Toning * How to Sing a Smell * Turn Perfume into a Multimedia Show

4. Explore Chakras Introducing... the Chakras • Be a Columbus • Centering • The Chakras (According to Rose) • Ethics • Deep Chakra Reading • Being Human • Coming onto You • Sexual Detective Work • Power! • Liars and Cheats on Parade • Emotional Truth • Communication Central • How Enlightenment Shows • Your Crowning Glory • Group Body* Protect Yourself From Evil

5. Read Auras for Better Health Kissing Babies • How to Parent an Aura • High-Vibe Sex • • Doing Grace • Mystery Spice • Morning Checkup • Homeopathy • Flower Essences • Aromatherapy • The Healing Power of Music • Through All Your Senses

6. Save Money with the Aura Advantage Free Food • Produce Results • No More Dud Flowers • Let Your Plants Talk Back to You • Don’t Turn People Away, Turn Up the Energy • Watch How Movie Stars Shine • Really See that CD • Loud Music, Subtle Sensing • Eavesdrop on Subliminals • Beyond the Looks of Books ’ Buying Stuff • Question Authority • Hi, Tech • Wedding Presents • Shopping for Seminars • The Search for a Church Home


Annotated Bibliography


Index Table of Techniques

Development of your celestial perception can move you into a higher state of consciousness in everyday life. So this book is loaded with techniques to wake up your celestial perception. All listings are for the first page where a technique is explained.

Some of the techniques that follow will be described at length and referred to repeatedly (for additional references, see the index). Other techniques will be mentioned only briefly. But don’t overlook their apparent simplicity. If you feel invited to try them, your curiosity will be amply rewarded.

Affirmation believability test Affirmation effectiveness test Affirmation to open celestial perception Affirmations for healing Affirmatins made catchy Aura bounce for beginners Aura handshake Aura music Aura rub Auras on TV and movies Auric before-and-after pictures Auric massage, for clients Auric massage, for self Auric seal Auric selection of affirmations Auric sound bites Aurically merging during sex Baby kissing, the auric equivalent Before-and-after pictures of auras Breathing for more spiritual clarity Breathing to connect mind and body Breathing to ground your awareness Candlelight affirmations for Celestial perception of perfume Centering mind and body Chakra balancing Chakra checkups for children Chakra research Churches, choosing Clairvoyance, inner version of Clairvoyance, mirror technique for Clearing your throat (chakra) Clothes shopping as an aura reader Contact high from healthy chakras Cookbook previews Crystal power for healing Cults, avoiding Detective stories, how to find the best Doing (not just saying) grace Doubt removal Emotions used to activate affirmations Empaths, developing skill Flower remedies, choosing Flower techniques for celestial perception Food allergies, compensate for Gardening as an aura reader Gardening with clairsentience Gardening with clairvoyance God awareness, intensifying God, connecting more clearly to Gossip, research how it clogs the throat chakra Grounding through speech Group body, becoming aware of Handling annoying people Healing chakras with your voice Health checkup with chakras Heart chakra exploration Higher Self, connecting to it Homeopathic remedies, selecting Homeopathy, witness how it works Hugging to improve physical empathy Inner dictionary, how to read yours Intuitive development Juice boxes, detective work Lie Detector Test #1 Lie Detector Test #2 Lie Detector Test #3 Love, genuine, revealed in chakras Lying with affirmations, to avoid Metaphysical teachings, testing effects of Moving energy with your awareness Music, yet one more reason to love it Mystic’s master class in synesthesia Mystical experience, prayer for No more dud flowers Parenting an aura Party game with music and auras Past life perception Past life readings Protecting yourself from evil Protecting yourself from unwelcome Proving that your celestial perception is real Psychic coercion, discerning it groups Psychic ties, disconnecting Psychic-level debris, removing Self-healing with aromatherapy Setting an intention Sex for enlightenment Sex, mirror gazing after Sexual detective work Sexy stars, appreciate their appeal Shopping for food, saving money Shopping for how-to-books Shopping for shampoo Singing a fragrance Smelling chakras Soul travel, introduction to Spiritual checkup Spiritual self-authority Spiritual treasure hunt Stage fright, reading it on actors Subliminal tapes, previewed aurically Synesthesia, using it to enhance celestial perception Taste food before you eat it Tea bags used to show chakra movement Telephone technique to see energy flows Temperature of tears, insights from Toning, diagnostic Toning, for healing Touchy sight TV, watch the auras of the stars Unwelcome perception, minimizing Victim agreement, dissolving Vitamins, aura testing Warning bells for deception Weddings, attending as an aura reader World’s most nourishing food, recipe Yard sales, avoid drug , etc Chapter 1

How would your life change if you could read auras? In U ways big and small, you would gain knowledge of spiritual truth. That much perhaps you already know. But do you also appreciate that aura reading can bring you down-to-earth benefits? Ordinary things turn amazing, from kissing babies to playing with puppies. If you thought your TV was in color before, wait until you turn on the auras. Yes, auras can be watched on TV. Photos in your daily newspaper, snapshots of family reunions, your favorite baby picture that shows you with chocolate pudding smeared all over your face-all of these have auras. And you can definitely learn to read them. So people have auras, not only in person but when their images are captured on film. Could plants have auras too? Only the live ones. Here’s where aura reading begins to turn into knowledge that brings you consumer bonus points. Who hasn’t had this experience? You splurge on a bouquet of long- stemmed red roses. In the store they look gorgeous. But, once you bring them home, the poor things never open their buds. Displaying a total lack of romance, your roses shrivel up and die. How could they? Energetically, the flowers were half dead when you bought them. Had you read their auras, you would have known. Gardeners really appreciate the information from auras, both for choosing healthy plants and for keeping them alive. You’ll read more about this later. One kind of plant is especially important to read, the edible kind. Any food, vegetable or animal, contains life energy. Or should! This book gives you many techniques for exploring the life in food. Bitter eggplants; grapefruits with an unpleasantly sour taste; oranges that are part juicy, part shriveled-when you buy this stuff don’t you feel like a sucker? As an aura reader, you can know better. One application of aura reading is to taste food without physically biting into it. Mind-blowing, huh? But my students have learned to do all this and more. You can too. I think you’ll especially enjoy another one of my discoveries about aura reading: smelling perfume through more than one sense. And without opening the bottle. A later chapter will show you how. Any products for personal use affect your personal aura. Therefore, you can apply techniques of aura reading to test whether or not specific products will work well on you. Test before you buy. Shampoo, deodorant, hand lotion-no manufactured product can guarantee the same results for everyone. Chemistry happens. With toiletries I figure it’s like the disclaimer for cars: Your actual mileage may vary. So don’t be embarrassed at all those times you’ve bought toiletries that turned out to be un-returnable duds. (Do you throw these mistakes straight into the garbage or do what 1 used to do—pile them into a closet for several years and then throw them out?) Aura reading can cut down on these frustrating wastes of money. Consuming means two things: shopping and enjoying. After you’ve used aura reading to fill your shopping cart wisely, the best is yet to come. Enjoyment of your purchases grows when you explore how they change your aura. For instance, later in this book you’ll find techniques to explore what music does to your energy field. And there’s an entire chapter devoted to aura reading as a means to better health.

What an understatement to call aura reading fun! As if it weren’t fascinating enough to plunge into the auric effects of the Beatles, Chanel No. 5, and your favorite flavor of ice cream, imagine what happens when you can read auras of your family and friends. Auras reveal juicy stuff about what is really going on with people in areas like love and communication. Auras can tell you more, in the here and now, than any other system you have used thus far to gain insight into people. • Wish you could screen dates better? Gather a month’s worth of insights from one 15-minute aura reading. • Stuck in a rut with neighbors, relatives, even your best friend? Discover new dimensions when you read their fascinating energy fields. • People at work starting to drive you nuts? Aura reading might be able to help there, too. You get the idea. If you’re a people person, you’ve been waiting for this kind of knowledge all your life. Today trust is a major motivator for people to observe others more closely. So aura reading is a timely discovery. You see, auras always tell the truth. In fact, this book contains some very specific lie detector tests. Auras contain so much truth, in fact, that reading them offers significant advantages for all your relationships, no matter how intimate. Share with your mate the techniques for applying aura reading to sex, massage, and more. Auras become a matter of passionate interest when you realize how much there is to them. They show levels within people that go far beyond what you expect, even what you could imagine. Psychology, philosophy, even religion may not have prepared you for the immediate experience of truth that auras can bring you. Celestial perception is one name for this. Celestial—that means the realm of , of deep human secrets. Aura reading can move you into this higher state of consciousness where, at will, you can enter into an experience of soul-stirring beauty. Did you know that a tender, exquisite presence can be found in any human aura? Mystics have called it Divine. What language do you use now to describe what makes people unique at their deepest level? Perhaps you use words like these: Individuality. Soul. Suchness. Essence. Otherness. Whatever you call it, aura reading leads you to experience That in all its humbling glory.

“But can I really do it?” So many students have asked me this outright. Even more have worried silently. Well, not to worry. Do you have the desire to read auras? Do you own this book? It offers you more than a hundred techniques and tips. Will you give them a chance, one a day, as if you were taking vitamins? If so, you’ve got all it takes to become an aura reader. In The Celestine Prophecy, writes about the importance of becoming more spiritually aware. He calls it “engaging the energy’ and goes on to suggest that the more actively we engage this spiritual energy, the happier we’ll feel. Meaningful coincidence will increase. And our personal evolution will help humanity reach the critical mass that is needed to bring about Heaven on Earth. Becoming an aura reader is the obvious next step for the millions of Americans who were inspired by Redfield’s vision. Development of your subtle perception can lift you into a higher state of consciousness. But as good a beginning as Redfield presented, his novel was never designed to offer a complete, systematic how-to on aura reading. In recent years, many students who have come to this teacher’s classes were frustrated because they loved The Celestine Prophecy but wanted to experience auras, not just read about them. Without exception, the method of Aura Reading Through All Your Senses has brought them to clear perception. Reading auras requires two things really, perception and interpretation. Both are easy with this book’s techniques because the approach involves letting go. Commonly, students are taught to force and strain instead. This seldom works.

Another innovative aspect of Aura Reading Through All Your Senses is a form of self-discovery that can greatly accelerate your progress as an aura reader. This is the first book to identify 11 different subtle senses that can be used for aura reading. Other approaches to auras focus primarily on clairvoyance, the gift of subtle sight. That’s useful but other subtle senses can serve you just as well. Could you be an empath without even knowing it? Learning to handle this gift could mean a life-changing breakthrough for you, as it has for many of my clients. Natural empaths often suffer a great deal until they learn how to become skilled empaths. Information given in the next chapter could make all the difference in the world. (To perform a significant act of friendship, give this book to anyone you suspect may be an empath.) Intense emotional sensitivity isn’t the only gift that makes for superb aura reading. Equally important gifts can show as an apparent lack of sensitivity. Truth knowledge, for instance, may cause a person to come across like an absent-minded professor. That individual may not appear especially sensuous (except in the midst of a great meal or a hot date-after all, we all have our moments). Ironically, people who don’t seem especially in touch with the down-to-earth stuff could be highly talented at subtle sensing.

When you read descriptions of all 11 potential gifts for aura reading, you may receive one of the major surprises of your life.

Something you may have dismissed as a personal quirk, something you have taken for granted, something you never thought was important could bring you outstanding results as an aura reader. Identifying yourself as having even 1 of these 11 spiritual gifts could transform your self-esteem and align other aspects of your personality. In ways that transcend aura reading, you could birth a new you. And it’s a sure bet that knowledge about subtle gifts has been lacking in your prior education. You could be a prominent psychiatrist, a professional negotiator, or the world’s champion surfer on the Internet yet still not have a clue about some of your most intimate intuitive talents. Learning about them could change your sense of identity forever. Remember the story of “The Ugly Duckling”? He turned out not to be ugly at all... once he realized that he actually was a swan. Things that bother you in everyday life may be tipoffs to special sensitivity related to your spiritual gifts. Thus, the very problems that weigh you down could be related to your highest inspiration. The trick is to understand what on earth these spiritual gifts are, then identify and use them. • Michael describes himself as a touchy-feely person. He has developed this label in self-defense to cover a certain amount of embarrassment. Truth is, Michael doesn’t feel complete unless he shakes people’s hands, shares some human contact. And when people don’t consider this proper, which is fairly often, Michael holds back. Then he feels frustrated, even guilty. Surprise! Michael has an exceptionally strong gift for clairsentience, subtle touch. • Beth hates making decisions. She tortures herself by seeing “too many" possibilities. So Beth works hard at squelching the impulse to see things from more than one side. Ironically even when she succeeds, it feels like failure. Surprise! Beth’s analytical awareness is a wonderful asset for aura reading. And when she learns to use her gift in this way, for once she can use it fully. This brings a profound sense of relief. • Dozens of times each day, Alexander wants to butt in. Much as he hates to annoy people at work, at the gym, wherever he goes, annoyance grows until he just has to say something. “Please turn that music down.” “Does the TV have to be so loud?” Evidently other people are better at tuning out background noise. No matter how hard he tries, it drives him crazy. Secretly Alexander worries. Maybe this thing about him and noise really is crazy. Surprise! There’s nothing crazy at all about clairaudience, the gift of subtle hearing. Aura reading gives Alexander a situation where he can take his gift as far as it can go. You see, subtle senses demand to be used. Unrecognized talent is more than a waste. It pesters us in stupid little ways until we acknowledge the talent and put it to positive use.

The bottom line is for you to be able to find your personal way in to subtle perception. Everyone has this way in-a knack, like a button that only you can push to open the door to a secret passageway. Finding this knack may seem like . But in retrospect you’ll discover that it has involved three simple steps: You need to identify your gifts for subtle sensing, direct them in an appropriate manner, and let go.

After you find your way in, there will be no stopping you.

Over the past ten years, I’ve seen this happen to my students. Some have never tried aura reading before. Most have tried and failed. A few have seen some colors but weren’t sure what they meant. Repeatedly, the method of Aura Reading Through All Your Senses has shown that everyone can learn to read auras. So what holds people back? The widespread myth about auras confuses most people who have heard it and, usually, leads to a state of chronic psychic shutdown. When you read the next chapter, you’ll find out how much of this myth has crept into your own mind. The next chapter also helps you clear away the myth, replacing it with a truth that can serve you better. Beginner’s techniques will guide you, then, to find your way in. Aha! the light of understanding can go on for good. Based on this, a sequence of increasingly sophisticated techniques will help you discover more and more. You’ll come to realize that aura reading is more than the watered- down use of that most folks settle for in everyday life. "I have a feeling" is okay, but don’t let that be as far as you take your priceless gifts for subtle perception. Similarly some folks learn to see a layer or two of aura around people. It’s there all the time and that’s nice, but so what? This hardly amounts to an aura reading; it’s just a good start. As you’ll discover from using the systematic sequence of techniques from Chapter Three onward, aura reading can clue you in to highly specific insights that you can use... like Superman. Superman-remember how he could see through things? Sure, he could also fly and bend steel bars as though they were wads of bubble gum. Seeing auras won’t help you do that. On the other hand, with the kind of superpowers we’ll awaken together, you’ll be able to see through-or into- nearly anything. And without risking a headache from kryptonite.

Aura Reading Through All Your Senses can restore a wholeness to life that, though not superhuman, is more than most adults today know as human life.

When you use celestial perception on a daily basis, when you can turn it on or off at will as with the flick of a light switch, then you can evaluate the significance of the truth now available to you. Are auras heavenly or human or both? For that matter, which is your life?

Unrealistic expectations of flashy experience sometimes get in the way for beginning aura readers. TV has trained us to set high standards for our pleasures, as though God had better come up with a million dollar budget for props or the scene won’t be worth watching. “Exciting” and “captivating” have come to mean “true,” like those flashy commercials designed to convince us that Coca Cola is “The Real Thing." (For a beverage that full of artificial, non-nutritive chemicals and artificial bubbles, it’s hardly what 1 would call even “a" real thing.) Ordinary life pales by comparison with the media hype we take for granted. So I’ll warn you now: according to that standard, subtle perception may at first seem pale. When was the last time you took a walk outside on a clear night to go stargazing? It can be such a contrast to go from your living room, with its bright electricity, to the natural lighting under the sky. The deeper into the country you go, the longer it takes to accustom yourself to the darkness. And the more you eventually see. Once your eyes adjust to the subtle frequencies, there’s a beauty to those pinpoints of ethereal silver. Sure they don’t beat upon your senses like Technicolor on a high-tech screen. But the sight of the stars feels realer. It stirs the soul. This is the kind of flash that comes when you connect with auras, a kind of inner Aha! It may come through vision or another sense. After all, the loveliest moonlight walk is more than a pretty picture. Which is the best part for you? Could it be the hush over a stilled landscape, the texture of moon-dusted air against your cheeks, the fragrance of sleeping earth and starlight? Even if you’re sure that the sight of the stars alone is what makes you go “Ahh," what aspect of vision does it? Do you thrill to the mere light itself or is it a feeling that the sight of the stars could springboard you into other worlds, if the rest of you only knew how to follow? Whichever way you connect with the magic of a starry night, that is your inner truth, the truth your perception is set up to find. Others may have a truth that sounds more intriguing. Need that make it better than yours? No one human being can lay claim to the definitive inner truth. That fact applies to aura reading as well as to any other subjective knowledge.

By now you appreciate that auras are perceived outwardly but experienced inwardly. Also, inward experience is, by definition, subtle. If you don’t pay close, caring attention, you’ll miss it. Add to this one other fact and you, the aspiring aura reader, come up against a gigantic challenge. And that other fact is that aura reading is a spiritual experience. It is not physical, literal, outwardly obvious. Meaning? Nobody else can convey to you what it is like to have direct experience of the subtle. Therefore, your willingness to explore auras requires an open-mindedness so great, you could call it a leap of spiritual trust. Those who already read auras do what they can to awaken this trust. Clairvoyants commission paintings. Scientists display Kirlian photographs. Dowsers use rods. Sometimes aura readers impress skeptics through use of a pendulum. I can get into the act too. Occasionally I’ve dangled a pendulum in front of a skeptic’s aura. Tea bags work well. (You use the kind that hangs by a string from a little paper tag. And, yes, that’s a fresh, dry tea bag.) Position the bag a few inches from the aura’s main centers (you’ll read about them later). Allow the pendulum to hang without interference from you. Voila! The energy field will cause the pendulum to move in ways that show patterns of auric energy. Sometimes I give demonstrations in other ways, too. For instance, I’ll use my hands to point out the size of the aura over different parts of the body. I can go on to describe what the aura communicates-plenty of detail about the individual’s emotional life, ability to communicate, sense of personal power. Teenage girls squeal when I read this. “My God, it’s so true!” “This is really incredible.” “Not so incredible really,” I’ll answer.

It’s an established scientific fact that we have electromagnetic fields all around our physical forms. In metaphysical terms, these are auras.

Each person has several subtle bodies that overlap like the layers of an onion... but sweeter. And each of these subtle bodies, or layers, can be read. Given how packed auras are with layer upon layer of information, the incredible thing would be if auras told us nothing. For extra impact, when clients are game, I will use subtle hearing to sing out auric patterns-sounds like chuckling, carbonation, mutters, grumbles, and tones that ascend up, up, up. Admittedly these efforts to communicate have some flash. They grab attention. Moderate skeptics turn into moderate believers. Believers say, “Tell me what to do. I want to start NOW.” But even at their best, demonstrations are merely signs and symbols. Only you can give yourself the genuine article. That’s the purpose of this book’s aforementioned hundred tips and techniques. Only you can supply the trust to give them a chance.

Without the kind of deep knowledge available from chakras, discerning deception is hard work. For example, it takes a lot of effort to keep your eyes trained on the face for telltale nonverbal clues, like giveaway eye movement. (Did you know that just before a right-handed person tells a whopper, eyes shift to the left, and vice versa for a left-handed person? Interesting concept, but try to catch the flicker. It flies by pretty fast.)

Truth Technique #1 Instead of constant surveillance for nonverbal clues, try this simple method. 1. Choose a person to examine. 2. Use auravision or touchy sight to look at the solar plexus chakra. 3. Ask inwardly to be shown if that person is centered or, more precisely, how that person is centered. Insights will come to you. For clarification, consult your inner dictionary.

By comparison with Truth Technique #1, information from nonverbal communication is not only harder to find, it’s less reliable. For example, an expert at nonverbal communication may have taught you to listen for the pitch of a speaker’s voice. Uncentered speech comes out higher in pitch than a person’s regular speaking voice. But why? • Alex may simply be embarrassed by the topic of the conversation. • Carly may speak with a high-pitched voice because she was taught long ago it is “the feminine way” to ask for things. • Christopher’s voice may trail upwards in pitch in feeble protest of his victimhood. Wimpy? Yes. Dishonest? No. Auras can uncover secrets that tell you more than a global generalization like “uncentered.” Alex and Carly’s chakras, for instance, show nothing important going on, truthfulness-wise. Poor Christopher’s power center reveals a donut-like hole. But none of these auras turns up a real problem, like the spikes of aggressiveness or the slime of deception. To complete a thorough hunt for lies, you’ll want to supplement power center readings with watching the throat chakra, as discussed later. But the search for integrity should still start with the power center. The worst lies are those that are lived, not just spoken.

Some have a way with words, others express more nonverbally, but all of us manage to communicate somehow. The number of nuances easily exceeds the 1,600 different colors that experts say a human being can see. Even a newborn baby, able to do little to communicate but cry, conveys a wide range of requests and emotions. When an infant can express such a variety of information-even before knowing that she has a voice for hollering or tiny fists with which to beat the air-imagine how the scope of communication increases over time. Imagine, but don’t bet any money! Until I started reading the chakra located at the center and base of the throat, I had no idea how rare it was to find one in really good shape. Sure folks are skilled at speaking, and have developed many ways to say what they mean. But often the words are not congruent with deeper . Detached from inner truth, the most impassioned shows of speech amount to sound and fury, signifying nothing. That’s the bad news. The good news is that the throat chakra, like all the others, can improve to a state of wonderful balance. In fact, this chapter includes an amazingly simple technique that can reduce your throat chakra clutter by as much as 50% within 24 hours. But first, how will you recognize a great throat chakra when you (eventually) find one? As with any part of the aura, the clues are brightness, clarity, color, size, carats. Oops, I snuck that part in from an ad for a diamond sale. Just so you don’t feel as though you’re reading one more of life’s endless lists, let’s stop right here. It’s your turn to talk: how would a great throat chakra sound/feel/look/smell? Spontaneity, deliberateness, wit, humor, intelligence, music, tunefulness, truthfulness, POWER. Qualities like these are good to keep in mind, because more often than not you’ll find a throat chakra with the visual equivalent of a stutter. Why? Every polite person has been trained to not say certain things. We had to be. Remember how kids talk? “Mr. Hansen, why are you fat?” “Gee, Mrs. Jones, you look so old. How come you’re not dead yet?” For the sake of social survival, every talker becomes a speech squelcher (except for brats, rewarded for their candor, or nastiness, with contempt). Most of us become good little boys or girls with stuffed up throats. Besides that, throat chakras store our unexpressed pain at not being understood or successful. When we don’t dare to express our vulnerability, it doesn’t go away; it stays stuck and shadows the throat energy. Sometimes throats even are blocked out of modesty. Did you ever hide a talent so you wouldn’t seem like a showoff? For all these reasons and more, throat chakra readings are guaranteed to stretch your compassion. An unrelated benefit of snooping on throats is convenience. Nobody ever got slapped in the face for watching a throat, especially since your subject will probably think you are riveted on the loveliness of his face. A final bonus is that occasionally you’ll be lucky enough to meet a rare and radiant healthy throat chakra, blooming like a hothouse orchid. Glorious flowers and paintings and music and chakras share one practical thing in common. When you actively soak up whatever makes them glorious, it works like a chiropractic adjustment on your own aura. For a while you become aligned. You could call it spiritual darshan, “healthy contagiousness,” or simply “learning by example.” Whatever you call it, do it. Let your subtle perception linger over healthy throat chakras.

Clearing Your Throat Here’s my (formerly) secret formula to clear up a clogged throat chakra: Speak your truth.

Simple? Yes. But for this to work, you must do it unfailingly on a regular basis, preferably starting as soon as you understand the concept. (That means NOW.) What’s so important about speaking the truth? Unless you’re under oath, most people today don’t expect you to speak the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth. Sad! But for a healthy throat chakra, you’ve got to speak at least some of the truth every time. Speaking the truth means avoiding lies, whether by omission or commission. The Watergate coverup-type whoppers, being highly demanding to keep up, are relatively easy to avoid. Omission lies are trickier. For instance, you don’t have to tell Mr. Hansen what you think of his girth. Nobody asked. But what if, while your family is at his backyard barbecue, he says, “Help yourself to several more servings of roast pork. We know that all the propaganda about health food is a lot of hooey. Cholesterol is good for you, right!” If you agree, you need say nothing. Your throat chakra can frolic as you keep downing platefuls of pig. But if you disagree, it will rankle that your agreement has been implied. Unless you say something, polite silence will lard up your throat chakra for the next few hours or longer. So come to your throat’s rescue. You need not climb on a soapbox and give the definitive anti-barbecue speech. A tactful “I don’t think so,” will do, or a quiet “Speak for yourself, Howie Hansen.” The point is, speak enough of your truth so it doesn’t stay bottled up inside you like fermenting cider. Incidentally, gossip doesn’t work. To keep your throat clear you must speak directly to the person. Use a confrontation, a phone call, a letter. You can even tear the letter up after writing it, but first read your words out loud with expression, as though face-to-face with the one you need to talk to. Your throat chakra will thank you.

Truth Technique #2 Here’s a final throat chakra technique expressly for those who are still fascinated by the idea of using aura reading for lie detector tests.

Lies show in the throat chakra as patterns. Don’t expect every single prevarication to show up as an auric blob, instantly visible, like the length of Pinocchio’s nose.

1. To find chronic fibbing, look your suspect right in the neck. Use auravision, touchy sight, truth knowledge, or (if you have the luxury) clairsentience with your primary sensor hand. 2. Should you perceive the throat chakra imbalance of “not speaking truth,” beware that it can take different forms. So pursue your perception. Look carefully through the use of whichever subtle sense comes most easily. Then consult your inner dictionary. You will come to distinguish throat problems like discouragement, shyness, pain at not being heard. Then there’s the ugly sight of chronic lying-more accurately, chronic patterns of hiding the truth. 3. Put your findings in context. After you check the throat, read the solar plexus chakra. Interpret them together. Returning to the example of Mr. Hansen as he loudly extols the virtues of pork, his speechifying may drive everyone nuts, regardless of dietary preference. When someone’s chattering drives you nuts, that’s a perfect reason to peek at the throat chakra. Hansen’s is probably revved up into overdrive. So look at the starting motor, the solar plexus. With Howie Hansen, the third chakra is a mess. Now you know why his speech is loud in sound, inaudible on impact. The poor guy’s words fade into thin air because, aurically, that’s what they’re made of. Unfortunate? Yes. Malevolent? No. By contrast, the relatively few people I’ve seen whom I would call wicked have color-coordinated yuck lodged in throat and solar plexus, and an even worse version at the third eye (the chakra we’ll turn to next). Special advice for the guilt ridden: Not to worry-it’s unlikely that you will ever find three-fold evil in your chakras. The people who have it are more likely to ridicule auras than read them. Energetic Literacy Sampler Part Three

From Magnetize Money with Energetic Literacy

Warning: Do not read this part of the sampler if Law of Attraction is like a religion to you. Because this book shows quite clearly why it doesn’t work, then provides workarounds that work much better to help a person to be successful.

Workarounds based on.... energetic literacy, being able to read what happens to a person’s aura before and after doing a technique.

And when you have full energetic literacy, the Stage Three variety, you can learn so much detail. Whoever teaches you how to read auras, don’t just stop with reading major chakras, those famous information centers within the aura. (Yes, 10,000 years ago sages in India were reading auras and they coined the term “Chakras.”)

I can teach you to read CHAKRA DATABANKS, also known to advanced aura readers for 10,000 years, a.k.a. “The Nadis.” Every one of your major chakras contains 50 of chakra databanks. They are really, really practical to read.

For years now, I have taught aura reading workshops (whether in No. America, Europe, or Asia) and every single participant has graduated successfully from the weekend workshop. Not just reading auras a bit, but with full Stage Three Energetic Literacy, able to read chakra databanks just fine.

In this sample, I do some of this for you. For starters, you’ll learn why I wrote this book. Then you’ll read sample aura readings of people who are important in the field of prosperity. Important chakra databank-type information.

What have I selected for you? Some of my favorite energetic literacy samples about making money, so you can benefit from inside information about some prosperity experts. Do they walk their talk? Find out.

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While fine-tuning this Magnetize Money Program, I got a call from my good friend “Hannah.” Through all the years of knowing her, never had I heard her cry like this. She never had cried at all. Now her words were punctuated by sobs and tears.

Yesterday I got a letter. About $5,000 in back taxes. I didn’t know this was coming. My accountant made some kind of mistake. As if I have money like that! You know I’ve been on the verge of bankruptcy. I can’t keep the business. I’ve got to close down. This is it.

Hannah’s business was music. She happened to be a superb singer-songwriter. I didn’t stop to tell Hannah what I had often told her before, that she was among the best I’d ever heard. Far as I was concerned, Hannah’s work was genius. No, during that conversation I simply listened. And I certainly wasn’t going to tell Hannah my news. Days before, my husband and I crunched the numbers about our financial standing. Over the past decade our business had gathered momentum. The very same economy, the one now walloping Hannah, had moved us significantly closer toward our financial goals. You see, principles in this book have been working well for us. Certainly, bigger fortunes have been made and bragged about. Yet here’s how far I have come. Decades ago, everything I owned fit into two cardboard boxes. Things are very different now. Today when there’s something I really want, I buy it without a care in the world. Later that night I called to check back with Hannah. If ever a friend of mine needed support, it was this brave woman. A single mother, she had raised three stand-up children. These days, she struggled with more than money. She suffered from a weight problem, plus a serious lack of romance. Hannah’s business was pretty much her whole life. For two years, Hannah had been a regular client. Her energy field had been healed in many significant ways. She was emerging from personality imbalances that resulted from her hard life… problems that, left undetected, would continue to magnetize similar problems. Given Hannah’s progress, I didn’t expect anything to stop her. Sure, she still had some problems left. But she wouldn’t quit on her dream of being a big-time singer- songwriter. Recently Hannah had hired a new marketing coach, her second. She had improved her website. Again. Far as I could tell, she had done everything right. Except the economy stank. And she had maybe a tiny bit of competition in her chosen field. Last night I called her to follow up. Hannah surprised me with what she said:

You know what is the worst part, the very worst part? All that prosperity nonsense. “Do what you want and the money will follow.” Right! It’s such a lie. This work is the one thing in life I’m talented at. P a g e | 7

How dare those success experts tell you to dream and pretend that if you work hard and stay positive, you’ll succeed? It’s a great big lie! I really did believe. I did all the right things. To fail like this has broken my heart.

I believe that Hannah will heal this heartbreak. She will find an honorable way to earn money again. This friend whom I love and respect so much — she is a proven survivor. I dedicate this book to her, and to other friends of mine who have gone through similar anguish. If you (or somebody close to you) have staked all your best, brightest hopes on prosperity teachings that failed you, I dedicate this book to you as well. Energetic literacy secrets in our Magnetize Money Program are for prosperity seekers, success seekers, and every ambitious person with a brain and a heart. P a g e | 11

PART ONE What Does, And Doesn’t, Magnetize Money

Money isn’t magnetically pulled toward you just because you do the right things and affirm prosperous beliefs.

Something else must be right… especially in this third millennium. Which ingredient can’t be supplied by old-school success and prosperity teachings? Learn what it is, plus how to get it. P a g e | 12

1. Third Millennium Street Smarts

Vision without action is a daydream. Action without vision is a nightmare. — Japanese Proverb

A suitcase full of money — that’s what Hugo Rosenbaum would pack in the morning. Then he would carry it downtown. Could he manage to buy his family a loaf of bread and some milk? Oy vey! That was my grandpa, living during Germany’s crazy inflation of 1923. One thing hasn’t changed since. Money remains unpredictable. Even the best financial advice won’t protect you from market hiccups. Nor can high- yield interest guarantee that you will make money long-term. Sadly, the opposite of earning big interest isn’t earning small interest. Financial surprises can mean, “No interest, high inflation, and not enough money at all.” Only one form of interest can be absolutely guaranteed. That’s your own personal interest in growing rich. Your drive to succeed can bring dividends, compounded daily. Unfortunately, these dividends aren’t called “money” but “wisdom.” As in “Learning from your experience and not giving up until you really do grow rich.” Certainly, this wisdom is nice. Wisdom plus big success is nicer. I believe that people like you and me have the right to attract all the wealth we can, and that we can do it honorably, as part of our religious and/or spiritual striving. If that’s your plan, too, it’s vital to understand how the process of gaining wealth is changing in the third millennium. With the evolution of human consciousness, certain kinds of make-or-break knowledge are required for your dreams to come true. The basis of this knowledge is energetic literacy. That means using techniques to look beneath the surface of life. Call it “inside information” if you like. Anyone can access it, provided you have learned how to read in this particular way.

TODAY’S VERSION OF A GUTENBERG SHIFT Since ancient times, a deeper form of perception has been available to a fortunate few, whether they were called prophets or oracles, shamans, gypsies, or healers. Many were publicly ridiculed. But when upstanding citizens needed help badly enough, they would sneak out of town to consult that counter-culture expert. Regarding perception, what once seemed like a weird super-power has become normal. (And isn’t that as good a way as any to view evolution?) Human consciousness today is going through a kind of literacy shift comparable to what happened during the Gutenberg era. Now could be the first time in recorded history when energetic literacy is being used in everyday life by perfectly respectable, sane, everyday people… millions of them, maybe hundreds of millions. P a g e | 13

Did you ever wonder how, once upon a time, book-smart literacy developed? In the first millennium, only the privileged few could read words. Then came the Gutenberg era, halfway through the second millennium. Movable type meant that printed books and pamphlets became easily available. Just about everybody learned how to read. Fast forward to today’s more intuitive kinds of reading. I have learned ways to do it. Maybe you have, too. Or maybe you have had a close encounter — of a very practical kind — with somebody proficient in energetic literacy, perhaps a specialist in or psychological profiling. So many people today have become seekers and finders of energetic literacy. Reading what makes people tick at the quantum level: That is becoming basic literacy in the third millennium. Now it can revolutionize how you build wealth.

SHOW ME THE MONEY “But enough about literacy,” you may be thinking. “This Magnetize Money Program is supposed to be about money. My money. How to have more of it.” Coming right up. Energetic literacy offers us very practical ways to increase success. Get ready for something radically new. This is third millennium knowledge. Maybe you’re familiar with get-rich-quicker books from the late second millennium. We’re going to take them to the next level, the deeper level where more power becomes available.

Why All Energy Is Not Created Equal Taking action at the surface level of life, a certain amount of energy is available. For instance, we could take a sheet of paper and make a change at that level by ripping up that paper. (Not this page, please!) The ripping sound could be quite satisfying. In terms of physics, that sound would come from energy released by making a structural change at the surface level. Making change deeper, at the chemical level, a larger amount of energy would become available. If, for example, we were to burn the page of paper, what then? Heat would be given off, sparks and flames. It wouldn’t be enough to keep you warm all winter. Still, this chemically-based change would release more energy than changes made at the surface level. Now, if we could go still deeper within and make a change at the atomic level — if, for instance, we could split just one atom within that sheet of paper — woo-hoo! Again, I’m not suggesting you do that with any page here. But wouldn’t that be a rather memorable explosion, if you could manage it?

Energetic literacyisn’t surface. And since deeper levels of life always contain more potential energy, our Magnetize Money secrets for the third millennium can bring bigger results than the more superficial techniques (even really great techniques) from earlier eras.

SUCCESS PRINCIPLES + PROSPERITY PRINCIPLES = $$$ For historical perspective, consider. Second millennium books and workshops stayed at a surface level compared to now. They fell into two major categories: P a g e | 14

• Success writings emphasized what to do in order to become rich, taking objective action steps to gain wealth. • Prosperity writings emphasized how to think and be, offering subjective ways to attract wealth. Success writings were especially likely to emphasize the surface of life. “Depth” came from thinking hard about what you should DO. These methods tended to be intellect- centric. If desired outcomes were slow in coming, you needed to think harder, work extra hours, make even more elaborate plans, network more cleverly, etc. If ideas from Blanchard and Johnson’s One Minute Manager couldn’t get the job done, an ambitious reader might upgrade to Steven Covey’s Seven Habits of Highly Successful People or Brian Tracy’s 100 Absolutely Unbreakable Laws of Business Success. (Brilliant men all, with Mr. Tracy a special favorite of mine.) More tips and habits, larger numbers in the title — did they really add up to more money? Second millennium success teachers were great at devising success strategies, except they ignored the inner resources required to make them really work. Energetic literacy is, among other things, a powerful tool for diagnosing inner blockages. Energetic literacy can also bring solutions at the deepest level, the level of the human energy field or aura. Only then can thought and actions gain their full potential. Meanwhile, prosperity teachings from the second millennium had problems of their own. “Depth” came from feeling and thinking about . But the rest of a person’s life was not approached with depth. Instead, spiritual beliefs were superimposed upon it. Ideas like the Law of Attraction (LOA) or Seed Money might sound great in theory. But few people knew how to research, “What does this particular belief system do to my whole self — all of me, not only the part that seeks spiritual perfection or religious salvation?” That matters. Every choice in life can set in motion significant long-term consequences. And these are real-life, complex consequences, not just, “After I wish upon a star, all of my dreams will come true.” Beautiful beliefs do not necessarily produce equally beautiful consequences for a person’s entire energetic system. What if results are semi-ugly? Results could even limit a person’s energetic effectiveness. By analogy, behold a sumptuous chocolate layer cake, glistening to the eye, tempting to the tongue, and beautiful in every surface way. If you, or your doctor, had a way to go deeper into your physical system and test your blood sugar, the consequences of eating that cake might not be all sweetness (of crumb) and light (frosting). Similarly, how can we tell what any success system or prosperity practice truly delivers at the level of energy? Enter energetic literacy. Toward the end of the second millennium, millions of people began using energetic literacy and related healing methods to access that deepest level of insight. Pioneers of energetic literacy made life-changing discoveries such as these: • Holistic healing methods could improve physical health. Techniques like Donna Eden’s Energy Medicine, Reiki, acupuncture, homeopathy, Quantum Touch, etc., worked because they could improve functioning at the level of the human aura. P a g e | 15

• Afterwards the aura-level improvement would work its way out to the surface level of life and bring physical healing. • Other energy-based techniques became popular for improving mental health. For instance, Emotional Freedom Technique opened up the new field of Energy Psychology. • For releasing cords of attachment and other astral-level debris, Energy Spirituality was developed. Here the goal was to improve spiritual health by permanently removing stuck energies. But nobody, and I mean nobody, had figured out how to apply full-scale energetic literacy to the areas of success and prosperity.

THE HISTORY OF IDEAS… AND YOUR WALLET Let’s take the perspective known as “History of Ideas,” where literacy can be seen in the context of human development. From this perspective, consider late second millennium terms like holistic health, New Age, and mind-body-spirit. Although they seemed like huge breakthroughs at the time, these terms really played just a transitional role. Sure, it was great when holistic healers prompted us to notice the whole person, including the component of energy. Can you remember the effect on you when you first encountered those concepts? Didn’t it change your life? “What, my doctor isn’t the one responsible for my health? What, the responsible person is me?” Millions of us began to take personal responsibility for our lives, thanks to a courageous doctor, a massage therapist or teacher, someone who introduced us to alternative medicine. Nevertheless, in the late 20th century, we practitioners and clients were just getting started. We needed something way deeper, even if we didn’t know it yet. Including all three parts of self, rather than one, didn’t guarantee powerful results. Mind, body, and spirit can be approached in very superficial ways. And often were. But back in the day, how could a practical person distinguish what really was deep from what just attempted to be? Fortunately, in this third millennium, leading-edge techniques for healing have begun to include an energetically literate approach. It has become possible to evaluate energies with precision, to tell if spirit is being used as a substitute for human emotions or vice versa. We can distinguish what brings real change to objective reality versus feel-good fantasies. Healing approaches to mind-body-spirit are changing with this new literacy. Old MBS methods like Relaxation Response and Stress Management moved people like propeller planes. Energy Medicine, Energy Psychology, and Energy Spirituality can fly us like jets. Evolving so much faster now, we can ask smarter questions about our financial health. For instance, when it comes to success and prosperity teachings, finally, we can ask…

WHAT’S THE CATCH? P a g e | 16

Energetic literacy can tell us precisely which energy consequences flow from any set of get-rich teachings. Common sense tells us, “Don’t put all your eggs in one basket.” Yet consider the plight of prosperity seeker Carla before the days of energetic literacy. To her, trying something new might mean, “Paste an extra image onto your dream board.” And even a veteran success seeker like Chris might be fooled by good-sounding advice. For instance, say that Chris is a big fan of Brian Tracy. Chris reads a brilliant success technique in The 100 Absolutely Unbreakable Laws of Business Success and tries to apply it. All of us think and act based on how we, personally, are using our energy systems. Let’s suppose that Mr. Tracy’s techniques were developed based on using the full moneymaking power of his energy field. (According to my research on him, this is true. You can read the details later, since Brian is one of the success experts I’ll be profiling.) By contrast, suppose that Chris is energetically limited right now. It’s due to problems with old patterns of dysfunction —problems that can be changed, but haven’t been changed yet — patterns that Chris is now clueless about. Say that, technically, the part of Chris’ energy field that works well for him now is his Solar Plexus Chakra. As for the rest, it’s pretty shut down. (According to my research with clients who emphasize success teachings, hidden patterns like this are common.) Taking Brian Tracy’s advice, Chris tries his hardest. But, remember, Chris is still using just a fraction of his full energetic resources. Consequently, he is doomed to be ineffective, no matter how hard he tries… so long as, energetically, he positions himself in his typical “one basket” way. How obvious would Chris’ problem be, especially before energetic literacy became widely available? Not at all. Yet, once we can read patterns of energy use, anyone who chooses can locate a problem like this one. And solve it. Sometimes an “all in one basket” problem can even be caused by enthusiastically applying a success or prosperity teaching. The expert doesn’t intend this, of course. Nevertheless, it happens. And how would you or Chris know if such a thing were to happen? Using only on surface literacy, you wouldn’t. For months or years, you could be working diligently, succeeding in terms of that new program. Eventually, you might do a reality check. And then you’d feel very depressed, because you were doing everything right without getting the promised results. (This, of course, is exactly what happened to Hannah, whom you met in our Dedication.) By adding the perspective of energetic literacy, I’m going to teach you how to spot hidden problems, then solve them. Energetic literacy can reveal the “Sounds great but” part, i.e., The catch. I’m going to help you tell if hidden problems at the level of energy could be sabotaging your success. Then I’m going to provide you with energetic workarounds. Nothing could be more individual and personal (and rewarding) than this kind of do-it- yourself. Some common problems, or catches, are worth considering right from the start. Here are three big ones.


Success teachings often appeal to your sense of can-do. Authors like Steven R. Covey are brilliant, and they speak from experience. Only consider the possibility of a missing ingredient. If you investigate what success experts take for granted, you’ll see what I mean about success being sabotaged at the level of the human energy field. (And in future chapters you will learn specifics, because I’ll be using energetic literacy to read some of those auras for you.) Success teachings are great at systematic, step-by-step self-improvement. Well, that can apply to your energy field, too. Our Magnetize Money Program can help you identify places in your energy field where you have been stuck or imbalanced. Then I’ll provide workarounds, based on work with my clients.

PROSPERITY STRATEGIES — THE CATCH Inspiring prosperity theories may bring near-disastrous consequences in objective reality. If you want material success here on earth, pure inspiration won’t deliver. Energetically, the long-term consequences of a prosperity teaching could be downright destructive (and as you’ll soon read, many of them are).

THE UNIVERSAL CATCH In the past, were you drawn more to prosperity teachings or success strategies? Either way, one catch has been the same. Lacking energetic literacy, you had to settle for a surface-level technique I know you’re very familiar with. It’s called “Trial and Error.” In this Magnetize Money Program, I’m going to expose problems that couldn’t be revealed without energetic literacy. Yes, there are definite reasons why a Resourceful Reader like you can do all the “right things” as advocated by experts yet, sadly, remain financially stuck, stuck, stuck.

OUR MAGNETIZE MONEY PROGRAM Problems are found with energetic literacy, but so are solutions. And that’s why the underlying tone of this program is joyful rather than sobbing. Regarding examples used in this print book and also the Online Supplement, what about names? Full names are accurate but when first names only are used, they’re fictitious. My stories come from very real clients and workshop participants. I have promised them confidentiality. Of course, I have changed their names and revealing details. Ethically, I do feel it is appropriate to share these stories, also to profile famous people who have chosen to be in the limelight. Not only will I name some of them. I will use energetic literacy techniques to explore who they really are… sometimes in marked contrast to how they describe themselves. When a success expert teaches seminars or creates a fabulous website, this is no blushing, aw-shucks, ignore-me kind of person. Same goes for the mega-tycoons who supplied their color photos for Forbes Magazine’s famous annual lists of the wealthiest people in the world. : Magnetize Money Profile

1. Root Chakra Databank: Earning Money 50 miles. Intense determination and self-reliance abound. This huge drive to succeed would be something that Byrne takes for granted.

2. Root Chakra Databank: Saving Money 50 miles. “Having money matters so much to me.” Clearly, Rhonda does have the passion for having wealth which features so strongly in The Secret.

3. Root Chakra Databank: Personality at Work 20 feet. Confidence is huge, tinged with a sense of destiny. The quality in Rhonda’s energy field is both demanding and focused, suggesting a strong sense of how things must be done.

4. Root Chakra Databank: Personality PROJECTED at Work 80 feet or more, enough charisma to fill any theater, expanding as needed. Loving. Compassionate. Sexually exciting. Having a super-wonderful life. You can appreciate how effective a presence like this would be for inspiring Rhonda’s audience.

5. Solar Plexus Chakra Databank: Self-Confidence at Work 5 miles. Extreme self-confidence is evident. “I know exactly what I want and how to get it.”

6. Solar Plexus Chakra Databank: Handling Conflict at Work 40 feet. So many women shy away from using their power. But no problem for Ms. Byrne. She may even welcome conflict. Certainly, she expects to win; intimidation may often be used in her approach to solving problems in the workplace. Concentrated, forceful energy in this chakra databank can be mobilized quickly to take decisive action.

7. Heart Chakra Databank: Emotional Intelligence at Work 7 inches. “I can always tell who’s on my side and who isn’t.” For most people, practical assessments about power dynamics with others come through databanks at the solar plexus chakra. But my research suggests that various types of solar plexus functioning have taken over many of Rhonda Byrne’s heart chakra databanks. A technical term for this is “energetic sub-routine.” (In Chapter 14, we’ll discuss this important topic more thoroughly.)

8. Throat Chakra Databank: Communication at Work Ask any doctor. The organ positions studied in medical school are approximations, not precise diagrams for the position of each person’s organs. Energetic literacy often reveals something similar, plenty of room for individual variation. For Rhonda, two distinct patterns show within this throat chakra databank:

• Communication with the Public 50 feet or more, large enough to fill any theater. Charm and apparent effortlessness are on offer. Rhonda conveys an endearing quality of intimacy, as if she is good friends with every single member of the audience. She also has an uncanny ability to sense a person’s greatest need, or vulnerability, and speak to it.

• Communication with Work Associates 17 inches. Rhonda will be pleasant and gracious, provided that her instructions are followed. Otherwise, communication circuits can turn icy. And fast.

9. Third Eye Chakra Databank: Awareness of Her Human Life 5 miles. Rhonda is exquisitely aware of the material goals that a person might visualize when using The Secret. For instance, this databank shows marvelous discernment about material life, like the feel of clothing on her body and how that relates to cost and prestige. No wonder Byrne can be so convincing as an advocate of visualizing material success!

10. Third Eye Chakra Databank: Connection to Spiritual Source 4 inches. “This aspect of life has been handled. Now it’s time to do my part and go claim ever more success.”

Esther Hicks: Magnetize Money Profile

1. Root Chakra Databank: Earning Money 2 inches. Esther positively glows with faith and surrender to Abraham, her group of teachers from The Other Side. This channeler has totally given up trying to earn anything on her own. Instead, she serenely trusts that God, or Abraham, will provide for her every need.

2. Root Chakra Databank: Saving Money ½ inch. The quality emanating from Esther Hicks’ aura is absolutely saintly. “Why would I ever worry about saving money?” She trusts Abraham to provide for her every need.

3. Root Chakra Databank: Personality at Work 1 inch. Extreme humility here is so inspiring — such beautiful auric modeling! Most human beings care a great deal about being respected by others, being right if there’s an argument, etc. Not Esther. She approaches an ego-less state, adoring her help from The Other Side in the way that one finds in certain monks and nuns. Her aura is more that of a renunciate than a householder.

4. Root Chakra Databank: Personality PROJECTED at Work 1 inch. Esther projects nothing. She lives serenely in her celestial connection. Resourceful Reader, you may be starting to wonder, “What does this lovely aura have to do with any principles at all in the Law of Attraction?”

5. Solar Plexus Chakra Databank: Self-Confidence at Work ½ inch. How can Esther remain so serenely confident? You guessed it. She lets go and allows herself to be provided for, a state of surrender that many mystics have described.

6. Solar Plexus Chakra Databank: Handling Conflict at Work 1/8 inch. Clearly, Esther doesn’t do conflict, period. She’ll withdraw from any argument and trust in Abraham to take care of her. By surrendering so completely, the famous channeler doesn’t need to waste energy on resisting a thing. Esther prefers to simply attracts her good. As this chakra databank suggests, if she were to lose an argument, the famous channeler wouldn’t care anyway. It’s fascinating to read the enveloping sense of protection lodged here and elsewhere throughout her aura. Of course, one reason serenity works so well for Esther is that, as other chakra databanks suggests, she doesn’t care about anything but her celestial connection. Gone are cares about being respected by people, earning money, etc. Hers is the serenity of a renunciate. 7. Heart Chakra Databank: Emotional Intelligence at Work 1 inch. Ms. Hicks doesn’t bother with human emotions. Why should they interest her? Because of her ever-present connection to Abraham — even when not actively channeling — Esther feels a perpetual delight.

8. Throat Chakra Databank: Communication at Work 1/8 inch. No special effort is needed for communication, not when Abraham can speak through her. Imagine feeling no struggle, ever. Esther Hicks knows she will always say the right thing because the words come directly from Abraham.

9. Third Eye Chakra Databank: Awareness of Her Human Life 1/8 inch. “Perfect spiritual surrender” is one name for this way to live. Of course, “Not paying attention” is another.

10. Third Eye Chakra Databank: Connection to Spiritual Source Out to the moon. Abraham fills Esther’s consciousness. This is the one big, huge chakra databank in all of Esther Hicks’ aura. (Okay, to be precise, she does have other huge Third Eye Chakra databanks, such as her databank about “Connection to the Psychic Realm.”)

Note that the quality here has nothing to do with Esther Hicks as a human personality. It’s like having a heart transplant, where the organ donor’s vibration lives in that part of the patient’s body. Esther connects magnificently to her Higher Power. It’s her whole life. However, it’s not exactly HER life.

Abraham: Magnetize Money Profile

1. Root Chakra Databank: Earning Money 20 miles. “I want the power that goes with making money. “ Abraham’s will of iron supports a very masculine quality of energy. While Esther channels Abraham, there couldn’t be a clearer contrast between this forceful, even bossy, male presence versus Esther’s meek-and-mild, girly-girlish self. Abraham’s drive to be rich is reminiscent of what I’ve found reading this same chakra databank in business tycoons like John D. Rockefeller. Yet there’s something a little different about the quality here, which will be clarified especially in Chakra Databank #9 of this reading.

2. Root Chakra Databank: Saving Money 20 miles. Such a keen intent to have and to hold! And this version of “to have and to hold” doesn’t remind me of wedding vows. It’s more like, “I will accumulate enormous riches. I will fulfill my desires in a big way.”

3. Root Chakra Databank: Personality in Work Situations Out to the moon. “I show forth the glamour of the astral. Open up to my energies and I will make you feel inspired beyond your oldest dreams. I will bring you new dreams and fulfill them. There is no limit to the inspiration that I can bring you.”

4. Root Chakra Databank: Personality PROJECTED at Work 9 inches. Glamorous, mild, service-oriented. “I’m a loving group of wise souls, assembled for the sole purpose of selflessly helping humanity.”

5. Solar Plexus Chakra Databank: Self-Confidence at Work Fills the room (expanding to exceed the size of any auditorium). Dominating the space. “Nobody here can compete with me. I can answer any question, win any confrontation.”

6. Solar Plexus Chakra Databank: Handling Conflict at Work Fills the room (expanding to exceed the size of any auditorium). Strength is wrapped in the appearance of gentleness and kindliness. There’s also an undertone of contempt for the human-level people involved in his conversations. “I can outsmart any of you.”

7. Heart Chakra Databank: Emotional Intelligence at Work 7 inches. Abraham has just enough interest in human to find each person’s greatest unmet need. Then he uses that vulnerability to gain power. To an astral-level being, of course, all human needs scream loudly. (The ability to hide human pain from other humans is part of the illusion at Earth School. Astral beings aren’t bound by that illusion.)

8. Throat Chakra Databank: Communication at Work Out to the moon. A spell-binding combination of wisdom, compassion, otherworldly mystery… is mixed with a core need to control those who listen. 9. Third Eye Chakra Databank: Paying Attention to Human Life Out to the moon. And here, to this aura reader at least, Abraham turns scary. Does he have his own human life to pay attention to? Of course not. Abraham is an astral-level entity, with his own drives and personality but no human body that rightfully belongs to him. What would be the equivalent, for Abraham, of paying attention to his human life? Energetic literacy provides this answer: “I aim to hook as many of you as I can, winning your obedience. I want you to feed me energetically through opening up your hearts and minds to my teaching. After your human life ends, I want you to come to my astral world and serve me.”

10. Third Eye Chakra Databank: Connection to Spiritual Source 4 inches. “Connect with me. Trust me. Let me into your life. I can inspire you like a version of God, only more comfortable.”

Jerry Hicks: Magnetize Money Profile

1. Root Chakra Databank: Earning Money Fills the room (expanding with the size of the auditorium). Does the size of this databank surprise you? Sure, Mr. Hicks talks publicly about being blithely indifferent to wealth. To my perception, Jerry’s financial interest databank is way serious, nothing fairy-tale about it. “I am very, very interested in making money. In fact, I expect it.”

2. Root Chakra Databank: Saving Money 20 miles. Having money means validation for Jerry, validation that people in the past who didn’t treat him nicely were wrong. Wealth also means feeling secure, being on top of the world.

3. Root Chakra Databank: Personality at Work Fills the room (expanding with the size of the workplace). Although charming, Mr. Hicks needs to control every aspect of his business.

4. Root Chakra Databank: Personality PROJECTED at Work Fills the room (expanding with the size of the workplace). “I’m carefree. Money doesn’t matter to me at all.” Tremendously nurturing, Jerry’s kindly presence is like that of a favorite uncle: No demands, only giving and caring. “I will restore your faith in how good people can be.”

5. Solar Plexus Chakra Databank: Self-Confidence at Work Fills the room (expanding with the size of the workplace). Jerry expects to be obeyed. He feels like a winner. He greatly enjoys modeling that kind of confidence, projecting it strongly to inspire all those who work for him.

6. Solar Plexus Chakra Databank: Handling Conflict at Work Fills the room (expanding with the size of the workplace). So far, every part of Jerry’s aura that I have read shows a will of iron. In this particular chakra databank, that will turns especially intense. “I expect to win every conflict. Although I might appear to discuss other points of view, I will not compromise.” The quality here is a lock-and-key fit with his wife’s corresponding databank. Remember Esther’s spiritual surrender? She loves to submit, just as he loves to win.

7. Heart Chakra Databank: Emotional Intelligence at Work 5 inches. Jerry can be very protective, especially showing concern about his wife. Otherwise his Emotional IQ scores pretty low. Like many a super-successful executive, Hicks notices just enough about people’s feelings to manage them effectively.

8. Throat Chakra Databank: Communication at Work Fills the room (expanding with the size of the auditorium). Mostly Jerry projects qualities like sincerity and humility, caring and spiritual focus. However, the real gift of his soul at this chakra databank is finesse. He says just enough to get results, then steps back and allows others to respond. Even though he’ll persist quite vigorously to get the results he desires, Jerry communicates with the suave charm of a Fred Astaire. Another business advantage for Mr. Hicks is his way with words, easily translating his message so that everyone can hear it. Big talent for creating that fairy-tale success!

9. Third Eye Chakra Databank: Awareness of His Human Life 7 miles. Jerry pays close attention to his likes and dislikes, desires and new goals. Now that he is so hugely successful, Jerry has fun setting new goals for his success and meeting them. This material focus keeps him amused, preventing boredom.

10. Third Eye Chakra Databank: Connection to Spiritual Source 5 inches. Jerry believes in a benevolent God who wishes for him to become very, very rich. The mystical side of his life is a light, fluffy, fairy tale kind of thing. Most of Jerry Hicks’ aura has a completely different quality, being actively money-centered and very forceful indeed.

Billionaire B: Magnetize Money Profile

1. Root Chakra Databank: Earning Money 90 miles. Serious determination drives this self-made billionaire. Even though he’s already the richest man in his country, don’t expect that to satisfy him. This chakra databank screams out “I’m not nearly satisfied yet. I need more.” To Billionaire B, money is more real than people, and far more interesting.

2. Root Chakra Databank: Saving Money 90 miles. Having money brings an immensely thrilling kind of pride. Beyond that, wealth brings Billionaire B his sense of identity.

3. Root Chakra Databank: Personality at Work 40 miles. Such a no-nonsense personality! He will not like your jokes. He will not even want you to talk to him unless he has directly asked you a question. Are you kidding? Don’t ever, ever try to engage his personality in a friendly, fun way. Billionaire B is not a fun guy.

4. Root Chakra Databank: Personality PROJECTED at Work 100 miles. Billionaire B. could have written the book on Winning through Intimidation. (Just for laughs, I did a quick energetic literacy comparison with the real author of that bestseller, Robert Ringer. Aurically, Ringer is no slouch. Yet Billionaire B could squash Mr. Ringer like a bug.) The personality projected by Billionaire B sends a very clear message. I doubt that anyone who has experienced this man personally — even from the far edge of the room — would ever need a direct warning to obey him. B’s chakra databank communicates most forcefully, “Don’t you dare cross me.”

5. Solar Plexus Chakra Databank: Self-Confidence at Work 40 miles. “Self-confidence” seems a mild word to describe Mr. B’s overwhelming sense of self, a kind of sunbathing in his huge ego. One great thing about the aura of this tycoon is that he makes an unforgettable imprint through auric modeling. Being in his presence, you quickly would learn how it feels, living large. Aurically, he’s much more like a king than most real-life political rulers I have read. Mr. B communicates an unmistakable sense of “My way or the highway. (And once you hit that highway, you had better run for your life.)”

6. Solar Plexus Chakra Databank: Handling Conflict at Work 50 miles. Scary! Just reading this chakra databank made me shiver. Cruelty is definitely part of this man’s way of handling conflict at work. It’s one thing to watch a TV actor play “cruel.” This is the real thing, from a man who would relish the excuse to teach anyone a violent lesson. Gee, I have a hunch that Billionaire B doesn’t encounter many discipline problems at work.

7. Heart Chakra Databank: Emotional Intelligence at Work 30 feet. Given the rest of B’s aura, this chakra databank seems small. But I can assure you, the size is perfectly adequate. Cold-hearted in every single chakra databank, Billionaire B is the kind of person you wouldn’t want to understand you. To the extent he can read people’s hearts, it’s about practical things like “What is this person emotionally capable of doing for me?” and “Does he scare easy?”

8. Throat Chakra Databank: Communication at Work 40 miles. Once again, “Ruthless” sums it up. Even his voice quality must creep people out.

9. Third Eye Chakra Databank: Paying Attention to His Human Life Out to the moon. Talk about sizeable egos! No wonder Billionaire B appeared so ambitious in his Root Chakra databank about Earning Money. He’s still growing his empire. That job isn’t nearly complete yet, thank you. The man wants more power, more deference, more money, more everything. Why is he so insatiable? The main reason that shows here is that B feels he richly deserves everything he has now… plus much, much more.

10. Third Eye Chakra Databank: Connection to Spiritual Source 2 inches. “Basically, God is stupid.” P a g e | 231

26. Spirituality Made Accountable

In Japan, spirituality has traditionally been at the core of daily life, even in business. Gradually, however, the emphasis has shifted. Rather than simply honoring an abstract, metaphysical dimension, people are demanding results. Spirituality has become accountable. — Masumi Hori, Foreword Let Today Be a Holiday: 365 Ways to Co-Create with God, Rose Rosetree

Hasn’t liking yourself always been important for the pursuit of wealth? Desire for self-improvement runs like a golden thread throughout prosperity teachings of the first two millennia. Spiritually loving yourself, however, didn’t necessarily mean liking yourself as a human. Also, subjective striving was often over-emphasized, compared to actively earning riches. The striving could even turn frantic. Meanwhile success literature promoted a public likability, as with Dale Carnegie’s techniques to influence people by cleverly tricking them into liking you. That was different from winning friendship with others or yourself, very different from changing in ways so that you would like yourself more. Unfortunately success teachings sometimes encouraged greed as much as likeability. Captains of industry would follow their not especially pure acts of financial acquisition by doing a very public balancing act called “philanthropy.” Perhaps public good deeds might also promote self-liking and, as needed, ease one’s conscience. For instance, Rhodes Scholarships bear the name of a European man whose money came from the dirty business of mining African diamonds. Cecil Rhodes wrote to a friend, “I contend that we are the first race in the world, and that the more of the world we inhabit the better it is for the human race.” Today’s school children in America don’t remember the era of apartheid ushered in by men like Cecil Rhodes. Yet this is his horrific legacy, not just the generosity of his famous scholarships. Unlike Rhodes, you have access to powerful ways to get rich while keeping your goodness 100% intact. Living in this third millennium, spiritual vibrations are higher than at earlier times in history. People, on average, are more spiritually evolved. Greedy managers of ages past, and their exploited employees — they could have been you and me in previous lifetimes. Victimization over wealth is one of the longest running soap operas on earth. Bullying others and being bullied, in turn, are both distasteful to the discerning spirit. Fortunately, each lifetime brings cumulative learning. Eventually an old soul says, “Enough, already. On to new ways of doing business.” Yet many people who are wiser than average, smarter and more capable than average, still aren’t achieving their financial potential. And I don’t just mean citizens of Garrison Keillor’s Lake Wobegon. Millions have trustingly applied the Law of Attraction and The Secret, which caused them to favor idealized, over-subjective versions of reality. Meanwhile, human components of self were disliked or denied. Consequently, success remained elusive. P a g e | 232

Millions worked with other prosperity teachings, such as affirmations and seed money. These wealth seekers used sweet words and generous actions idealistically. Yet this prosperity work could cover up stuck power circuits or conceal shame over personal ego. For these prosperity seekers, too, success remained elusive. Millions have sought success in more objective ways, working long hours without the rewards they were promised. Money and status were liked, but the wage earner? Maybe not so much! Yet all these success and prosperity seekers were motivated by an inner wisdom. They were yea-sayers, not naysayers, to full effectiveness in life. Instinctively they knew to keep striving. They kept asking, “What more can I do to make a difference?” Isn’t it time for the world’s wisest people to become truly effective? So much disappointment has been caused when success and prosperity teachings weren’t supported energetically. Sure, energy has been expended, in the form of correct actions taken. But every ambitious wealth seeker has energy too, electromagnetic energy in the form of chakra databanks. At that level, if you don’t like yourself, it shows. If you’re stuck, it shows. Following the example of a Brian Tracy won’t magically give you his chakra databank mojo. Now that you know about auric modeling, you can attract success and prosperity as never before. You can show the world a set of chakra databanks that effectively Magnetize Money. By contrast, only limited results can come from all those smart ideas from the last millennium with their emphasis on clever words, vigorous actions; emails and faxes and business cards swapped; hours spent on “building your brand.” Your brand was, and always will be, your auric modeling. Our program’s third millennium skills of using energetic literacy, complete with healing practices and energetic workarounds, have shown you how to give the world a dazzling, effective version of yourself, complete with congruent auric modeling. Thanks to our Magnetize Money Program, no longer will you be sending the world a mixed message. Whatever success and prosperity practices you choose from now on, they can be based on a more powerful version of who-you-be. Liking yourself all the way down to your chakra databanks — now that can bring oomph to your pursuit of success. You deserve to live your highest ideals, with an authentic kind of auric modeling that translates into full worldly effectiveness. Like Masumi Hori, an astute and mega-successful businessman quoted at the start of this chapter, I believe it’s high time for spirituality to be made accountable. Having correct beliefs, being passionate about them, caring so much about being a good person: Don’t let all this virtue be its own reward. The best things in life may be free, but they can be perfectly compatible with having financial abundance. The trick is to live fully, with gusto and a strong sense of reality. Top business executives today make appointments in 10-minute increments. You can develop a similar sense of time, cramming your day with productive and varied activities. When you really like your own who-you-be, living vigorously as a human being, it’s easy to find varied, productive activities. You may connect with people more P a g e | 233 joyfully, too. No longer are you mainly killing time while waiting to be escorted into heaven. Making real-life money may never be easy compared to bringing out the old Monopoly set and dealing yourself a fortune. However, Magnetize Money isn’t rocket science either (unless being a rocket scientist happens to be your day job). Whatever that day job may be, you can grow financially by doing work that fulfills who-you-be, attracting maximum success because your aura is alive to the maximum. As we have been exploring together in this Magnetize Money Program, ideals about prosperity tend to strengthen the subjective side of life, mostly expanding your chakra databanks from the head up. This alone can’t make riches land in your pocket. Where does your clothing have the most pockets, anyway? Are they usually found flapping above your neck? For objective success, you’ll need to use your full self, like that personal self, and wake up chakra databanks all over your body. As that happens more and more, your wealth will grow accordingly. So, too, will you find new reasons to fall in like with yourself, with your friends, with your God. 10 Secrets for Success and Happiness In the Third Millennium 1. If you want to make big money, make earth your primary residence. 2. Before you follow anyone’s advice, use energetic literacy to consider the source. 3. To network better, open your heart and your throat. 4. When you make plans to Magnetize Money, get all your chakras on board, not just one or two. 5. Fear of success is real, at the level of STUFF. If you sabotage yourself, or consistently can’t get ahead, find a way to effectively heal that very personal kind of STUFF. 6. When stuck in your career, try something different, don’t simply try harder. Take action both objectively and subjectively (e.g., Objectively, position yourself differently in the marketplace. Subjectively, move out underlying STUFF. ) 7. Set clear goals. Make concrete plans. Follow up on them daily. 8. Use your free will to become successful. Take focused action, not waiting around to be told what is “meant to be.” 9. Balance your objective and subjective reality. Do this so thoroughly that it shows with Stage 3 Energetic Literacy. 10. Don’t be vague about your sources of inspiration. Find human mentors when you can and, daily, call in help from your current choice of Highest Power.

HOW CAN I DO MY SPIRITUAL WORK? One great longing shows consistently among my clients worldwide. And it isn’t a longing for wealth. We want to do meaningful spiritual work, whether that be to heal or to teach, to write or to create a beautiful spiritual community. P a g e | 234

Magnetize Money? For millions of us, this is a means to an end. Guess what happens when clients hire me to help them research life choices, using energetic literacy? These mainly spiritual occupations seldom inspire anyone’s full set of chakra databanks. Sure, some Heart Chakra and Third Eye Chakra databanks adore goals like full-time Reiki healer, spiritual counselor, or workshop presenter. Meanwhile, hundreds of other chakra databanks are screaming, “Nooooooooooo. That’s so not the life for me. Please, not that full time, not in the world as it is right now.” In the choir of human life, many of us are glorious altos, basses, and baritones, not the glitzy soprano soloist. It can seem unfair when you’re researching away, full of plans to change the world, and what thrills your energy field is that seemingly insignificant job as a car mechanic, a schoolteacher, or a nurse at your neighborhood hospital. “So many lifetimes on earth and all I have to show for it is this lousy job as a librarian?” Yet jobs that deal with everyday human problems can bring the biggest spiritual evolution. Energetic literacy shows all the juicy details, so take a look at what really thrills your soul. Or hire an expert who can help you to do that very vital kind of aura reading research.

Inspiration Minus a Sense of Proportion Zelda was a believer in affirmations. She wrote them on index cards, taping them onto the long hallway by her front door. This long hallway had a mirror, where Zelda added one card at a time. She considered this mirror her shrine. Every day she would read her collection aloud. Over the years, Zelda’s practice continued until her Mirror of Inspiration was covered with cards. How long did Zelda spend daily, reading aloud her wonderful affirmations? 90 minutes. Zelda hasn’t yet thought to affirm, “I make my spirituality accountable now” or “Every day, I take effective action toward my material goals.” If she did, I’m afraid that poor Zelda might just add more cards to her wall, extra words for her to read daily.

INCREASING YOUR ENERGETIC LITERACY In this third millennium, millions of people have become really skilled at energetic literacy. What if you haven’t yet joined the crowd? Anyone can gain this skill set. But it won’t be as easy as learning to burp. You need a teacher. That can be a personal teacher or a book you respect. It can be a friend who already reads auras well and is willing to teach you (and who also happens to be a good teacher). Here are 10 Consumer Tips for developing energetic literacy, meant to save you time and energy. These tips are based on what I have found as a professional in the personal development field over the past 40 years.


Aura reading does not require seeing colors. That’s a myth. Aura reading means gathering information where you combine the gifts that Highest Power gave you with a technique that is effective for you. Have you ever tried reading auras but not succeeded? Don’t blame yourself. Find a better teacher for you, someone whose system matches up with the gifts that you personally have.

2. ALLOW YOURSELF 60 HOURS Developing skill in the discipline of energetic literacy, I have put in more than 10,000 hours (what Malcolm Gladwell, in Outliers, suggests is required to get really good at any life skill). I had to. I had a burning desire to work as a professional in this field. To gain full energetic literacy, you don’t need to read auras for five hours daily. In fact I would not recommend that. But you do need to study long enough to get the goods. It’s like any major life skill with its own coordination: Driving a car, putting on makeup, playing the guitar, even sex. Maybe you’re so talented, you develop excellent skills instantly. Most people, however, must practice a little. Please understand, “needing to practice” doesn’t mean “lacking talent.” A reasonable expectation to gain Stage 3 Energetic Literacy for life would be 20 hours of dedicated study with a good teacher for you. To become really proficient, you would need at least 60 hours. For perspective, how much time have you spent learning about, or trying, different ways to tweak your diet? Thin may be in, bringing loads of social advantages, but weight loss may not be permanent. By contrast, skills of energetic literacy are lasting and cumulative.

3. DON’T SETTLE Stage 3 Energetic Literacy doesn’t need to be a faraway dream. Unless you’re prepared to settle. In the third millennium, stopping your development at Stage 1 or even Stage 2 does mean settling. Millions of beginners are satisfied with getting an intuitive hit. Then they’re onto the next fad. With some hobbies, it’s fine to dabble. Why not take one short class on the latest physical fitness craze? Why not spend half an hour learning to use some new techno-toy? Quick exposure might be perfect for your purposes. But other worthwhile topics can’t be handled that same quick way. If you want to speak Japanese for business, good luck with getting it all in three hours! Compared to Japanese, actually, Stage 3 Energetic Literacy can be learned way faster. Still it takes some time. Of course, you can always hire an interpreter for speaking another language. By contrast, energetic literacy is a great thing to insist upon doing for yourself. The skill set brings discernment for anything else in life you might do. Are you the kind of person who likes to choose your own clothing and keep track of your own money? What, you have never been tempted to outsource sex? Then you’ll really want to develop the life skill of full energetic literacy. P a g e | 236

4. YOU’RE NOT BUYING A BURGER Don’t choose a teacher for energetic literacy based on who lives in your neighborhood. Over the years, I’ve received numerous phone inquiries from folks who have been spoiled by McDonalds. They expect somebody great to be located just around the corner. Then studying with that teacher is “Meant to be.” I’ll bet you know someone like Zinnia, who drives a great distance to get her hair done. Never would she go to a mediocre hair cutting place, however convenient. To learn aura reading, though, Zinnia figures that closer means better, while close + cheap would be best of all. Be willing to spend time and money on what’s important in life.

5. DON’T JUST MAKE SOMETHING UP Having an experienced teacher matters for this particular life skill. Avoid the temptation to improvise — at least until you are well into Stage 2 Energetic Literacy. This advice isn’t meant to squelch your creativity but to keep you safe. Unless you do Stage 3 Energetic Literacy, you’re not in a position to know if an improvised method has side effects that could hurt you long-term. For instance, my friend Zachary is self-taught with energetic literacy. He has explained his technique to me. It involves observing one person at a time and attempting to engage his own energies with that person. Afterwards he notices how his own energies respond. Works for him. So that’s fine, isn’t it? Except Zachary doesn’t realize that a technical name for his homegrown technique is doing “Unskilled Empath Merge,” and that it results in his taking on STUFF galore. If Zachary were just a bit smarter about things, imagine how much better his life would be. Plus the quality of his aura reading would become more detailed and useful.

6. TALENTED WITHOUT KNOWING IT? What if, like Zachary, it is easy for you to feel other people’s energies? That means you’re a born empath. An empath has at least one gift for directly experiencing the energies of other people. The gift(s) could be physical, emotional, intellectual, or spiritual. When studying energetic literacy, any born empath will be super- perceptive. Non-empaths explore energetic literacy from the outside while skilled empaths explore it from the inside. About 1 in 20 people was born as an empath. (So much for the idea that “Everyone is just like me.”) Every empath has huge potential for insightful service to humanity, which can definitely boost your ability to Magnetize Money. But “born as an empath” does not mean “born skilled. “Just the opposite. What’s so bad about being merely talented as an empath, not yet skilled? You’re going to do what Zachary does, habitually pick up STUFF belonging to other people. That STUFF will get stuck in your energy field. Besides being uncomfortable, that extra STUFF leads to unfortunate auric modeling. Other people will think you are messed up in ways that, really, you aren’t. Or don’t need to be. P a g e | 237

If you’re an empath, make it a priority to develop the specific skill set for empaths. Do this before studying energetic literacy or Reiki or anything else that would connect you strongly to other people’s auras. While a good teacher of Reiki, etc., will include types of protection, an empath needs something more, dedicated techniques specifically designed for empaths. It’s a unique skill set. In short, any born empath will Magnetize Money best as a Skilled Empath.

7. PROTECTION AGAINST ENERGY VAMPIRES. In Chapter 21, we considered protection against energy vampires. Similar popular terms are “psychic vampires” and “emotional blackmailers.” How much of a threat are they, really? The bigger threat is fear itself, not the so- called “vampires.” Avoid spiritual hypochondria of all kinds and you’ll have a better life! What else? Don’t use your energetic literacy on people who frighten you. Leave fascination with crazies to tabloid TV. Soon as a person’s behavior or energy makes you suspect something wrong, direct your attention to objective reality. For instance, don’t worry that your boss, Zoli, might be an energy vampire. What does he say and do in reality? If you must deal with him at work, deal with that. Don’t try to read his aura to better understand what makes him so awful. Instead, use your street smarts. Figure out how to have as little to do with Zoli as possible.

8. PUT WEBSITES IN THEIR PLACE Websites are great for doing background research on books about auras; same with researching teachers. Just beware trying to actually learn energetic literacy from online sources. Teachers with skills worth learning care about quality. They don’t claim you can learn a complex set of skills instantly. They won’t claim you can learn “all you need to know” by reading one quick article. When you study with a real expert, that expert can give personal attention as needed and correct the inevitable mistakes that arise for beginners.

9. CATCHING LITERACY SKILLS LIKE A COLD? Groups can be great for the energetically literate. Online groups and blogs, support groups, meet-up groups — these may provide useful companionship once you have gained some solid technique at energetic literacy. Support groups are a godsend for 12-Step Programs and certain other types of healing. Any way to tap into collective wisdom, like Wikipedia, can be brilliant for topics about social sharing. But energetic literacy is not about consensus of opinion or majority rules. Instead it requires a delicate inward shift to your consciousness, supplemented by validation given by somebody who has developed real skills and will respect your own spiritual self-authority. What I do with students, for instance, is to offer techniques appropriate to that person’s gift set for deeper perception. I also help students break unique habits related to blind spots. It’s a deep kind of nurturing, difficult for most people to give themselves. P a g e | 238

Once you develop full energetic literacy, online friends can provide loads of fun. Also, you won’t risk staying on the surface with people whose knowledge of energetic literacy is confused, at best.

10. SHARE YOUR AMAZING DISCOVERIES Once you locate an energetic literacy workshop or how-to that you like, find a buddy to share it with. Experiment together, giving each other support. You’ll probably have great fun, too. Ziggy became a fabulous aura reader one fall, meeting weekly with her friend Zara. They went through a book they liked and, together, practiced doing more than 100 techniques. The friends became highly skilled at energetic literacy, plus their relationship deepened. Energetic literacy can bring you friends for life. Together you can emphasize using your skills to gain more success and prosperity. As aura readers, go back through this Magnetize Money Program and you’ll find even bigger results than before. Today, energetic literacy is at least as useful as computer literacy. Accept no substitute.

MORE SPIRITUAL SERVICE THAN YOU KNOW Could you be doing more spiritual service than you know? Remember auric modeling. In this way, you have always done spiritual work. That distinctive aura of yours will twinkle and sing to all you encounter: • Unique gifts of your soul. • The texture of your particular spiritual connection. • Every kind and loving impulse stored in your Heart Chakra. That matters because, essentially, spirituality is caught, not taught. Remember how auric modeling works? On the level of auras, it’s like having everyone in the room jump into one hot tub, everyone completely naked, where all of you busily exchange information about who-you-be. Who-you-be. That can be such a big deal for serving humanity. Do you live with integrity, truthfulness, kindness? To broadcast that from your auric field, you’ll need to develop the genuine article, of course. No gestures made for show can fool anybody, not at the level of auric modeling. When you develop that third millennium form of literacy, you can consciously read auric modeling whenever you like. Until then, take it on trust… plus your own common sense. You do touch hundreds of lives every day. Information is constantly being exchanged at the level of auras. Auric modeling stores a full energetic hologram every time you meet somebody face-to-face or voice-to-voice. So you can change people’s lives just by showing up. (Reminder: Social networking websites won’t do it. Nor will emails, texting, or tweets. Those useful technologies don’t allow you and the other person to interact directly in real time. Energetically it’s as empty as irradiated food.) Right now, you carry stored-up information about every chakra databank of everyone you have met. These energy presences are some of your biggest teachers, spiritually. For example, some of the people you meet model an authentic “I like myself.” P a g e | 239

Our Magnetize Money Program was intended to help you become just such a person. Well, go be a teacher to others through your magnificent auric modeling. Now that you have new resources to Magnetize Money, bring in your full share of wealth. Invest it wisely. Meanwhile, you can help the world enormously just by being yourself without apology or self-neglect. Don’t merely become more successful financially. Like that who-you-be of yours. You can be yourself gloriously. Show the world how. Books by Rose Rosetree Go to www.rose-rosetree.com for links to purchase. Both paperbacks and eBooks are available. Most of these paperbacks can also be purchased by calling 800-345-6665.

Series A. An Empath Empowerment® Book

One in 20 people was born as an empath. That means 1 out of 4 Highly Sensitive Persons. (You can be an HSP without being an empath. However, every empath is an HSP, a Highly, Highly Sensitive Person.)

Without skills, empaths suffer. With skills that really work, empaths do GREAT!

BOOK ONE. Become The Most Important Person in the Room: Your 30-Day Plan for Empath Empowerment

The easiest way in the world to become a skilled empath. Just do one short chapter a day, and up to 10 minutes for homework. After one month, voila! You’re a skilled empath. (Special tip: Keep this book around after you read it the first time. Each time you cycle through, you’ll increase your skill level.)

BOOK TWO. The Empowered Empath: Quick & Easy Owning, Embracing, and Managing Your Special Gifts Gain a depth understanding of what it means to be an empath, why empaths suffer, and how to stop suffering because of misunderstood gifts. How-to sections help you to enjoy your life more than ever.

This is the first book to describe what happens during subconscious Split-Split-Second Empath Merge and Prolonged Empath Merge, offering highly effective techniques to end these subconscious habits. Explore 15 different gifts you might have as an empath.

BOOK THREE. The Empowered Empath: Owning, Embracing, and Managing Your Special Gifts

Gain a depth understanding of what it means to be an empath, why empaths suffer, and how to stop suffering because of misunderstood gifts. How-to sections help you to enjoy your life more than ever.

Like the abridged edition (Book Two of the series), this book describes what happens during subconscious Split-Split-Second Empath Merge and Prolonged Empath Merge, offering highly effective techniques to end these subconscious habits. Explore at depth 15 different gifts you might have as an empath.

BOOK FOUR. The Master Empath: Turning on Your Empath Gifts At Will in Love, Business and Friendship (Includes Training in Skilled Empath Merge)

Take your empath skills further, strengthening your sense of self even more. “Skilled Empath Merge” allows you to purposely experience what it is like to be someone else -- directly, powerfully, clearly.

Leading-edge techniques empower you to do research in person, from photos, from videos. The sequence of instruction makes your learning seem easy and natural. Yet you are becoming one of the first in the world to access this kind of inside information... about anyone you choose.

Note: This is the only book by Rose that needs to follow another book in the series, either The Empowered Empath: Quick & Easy or The Empowered Empath: Owning, Embracing, and Managing Your Special Gifts.

Series B. The Energetic Literacy Alternative to Psychic Development

Energetic literacy means using deeper perception to enrich your life in practical ways.

Clairvoyance workshops are so Piscean Age! In this Age of Aquarius we have an easy alternative to psychic development techniques: Energetic Literacy.

If you can read this screen you have literacy for regular reading. Likewise you can develop energetic literacy, reading auras in depth and detail. And not just read chakras but read chakra databanks (known to the ancients as “The Nadis”). You can read auras whenever you like, in person and also from photographs, regular photographs.

It’s great fun to explore Aura Reading Through All Your Senses®. Face Reading Secrets® can also supplement your skills at deeper perception.

The accuracy can be amazing. Once you get your skills going, the results will speak for themselves.

And unlike the pursuit of psychic-type skills, Rose Rosetree’s techniques for energetic literacy will strengthen you humanly. Reading auras in this way can move you forward faster on your personal path to Enlightenment.

BOOK ONE. The NEW Power of Face Reading

Although physiognomy is a 5,000-year-old art, this how-to uses a system developed for the third millennium. Face Reading Secrets® helps you to appreciate the perfection of your physical face data. Photo illustrations cleverly involve a zany Cast of Characters. Use your skills for personal relationships and business associates, as well as for building more self-esteem.

BOOK TWO. Aura Reading Through All Your Senses

Discover the easy-to-learn method of Aura Reading Through All Your Senses®. This international bestseller honors your personal gift set, rather than demanding that you be particularly clairvoyant. You were born with a lifelong, magnificent gift set for energetic literacy. Over 100 techniques help you to mobilize those gifts, then explore the practical benefits of reading auras for spotting liars, better health, improving relationships, and more.

BOOK THREE. Read People Deeper: Body Language + Face Reading + Auras

Investigate 50 practical areas of life, including confidence, truthfulness, sexual stamina, loyalty, chemical addictions, intelligence, problem-solving ability.

It’s the first book to include both body language, physiognomy (reading faces for character), and aura reading. Includes easy-to-learn techniques for reading chakra databanks -- both in person and from regular photographs.

Series C. Aura Healing in the Age of Aquarius

This Aura Healing Series is designed to help with self-healing on your path of personal development.

For decades Rose has helped clients worldwide in personal sessions. She trains professionals in the system of Rosetree Energy Spirituality, uniquely effective for emotional and spiritual healing. Now you can learn these techniques on your own. Each book is like a workshop between covers.

BOOK ONE. Use Your Power of Command for Spiritual Cleansing and Protection

Highly effective techniques for energetic de-cluttering are presented here. Move out many kinds of stuck energy that limit quality of life, success, and happiness: Psychic coercion, astral ties, stuck spirits, and more.

Packed with practical information, tested internationally -- and the quickest techniques of their kind that can be truly effective. A delight to read, this method is validated by energetic literacy and expressed with humor and clarity. Rose Rosetree can empower you to enjoy your life more... in very human ways.

BOOK TWO. Protect Yourself Vibrationally How You Can Meet the New Demands for Self-Healing in the Age of Aquarius In press.

BOOK THREE. Cut Cords of Attachment for SELF-HEALING: Cord-Cutting Made Simple and Effective

The easiest way to learn the only trademarked system in America for cord-cutting, 12 Steps to Cut Cords of Attachment ®. Step-by-step instruction help you develop skills for effective aura- level healing, with results that can fast-track you to more happiness, health, and success.

BOOK FOUR. Cut Cords of Attachment: HEAL YOURSELF AND OTHERS with Energy Spirituality

The definitive how-to for healing aura-level imbalances in your emotional and spiritual life. Learn the only trademarked system in America for cutting cords of attachment. Get skills to do this energy healing for yourself, family members, and friends -- effectively, quickly, permanently. Psychotherapists, energy workers, and intuitives will appreciate the systematic presentation and detailed examples of “Cord dialogue.”

Series D. The Reach Enlightenment Series

Enlightenment is a higher state of consciousness. Rose has helped people like you to move into that state of consciousness. Here are some books that can inspire you along your path of personal development.

BOOK ONE. Enlightenment Coaching Now, in the Age of Aquarius: How to Find Your Path, Keep Evolving Rapidly, and Know When You Have Arrived In press.

BOOK TWO. 365 Ways to a Stronger You (Ebook Edition) Let Today Be a Holiday: 365 Ways to Co-Create with God (Paperback)

A daybook for moving forward fastest on your personal path, energetically clean and resourceful. Explore practical skills and ideas for balancing world service along with being happy, effective, and human. Over 400 techniques help you to experiment, one day at a time.

BOOK THREE. Magnetize Money with Energetic Literacy: 10 Secrets for Success and Prosperity in the Third Millennium

Extensive research with Stage Three Energetic Literacy reveals spiritual secrets about what really works for making money... and what doesn’t. Why do Law of Attraction practices often produce the opposite of what is promised? Which subconscious patterns show in the auras of the world’s richest people -- and how can you develop those patterns as well? Benefit from unique energetic workarounds and practical skills, clearly presented in this how-to. Prepare yourself to succeed in life as never before.

Women’s Intuition Worldwide, LLC www.rose-rosetree.com * 703-404-357 * [email protected] Order line: 800-345-6665