"Shot-to-Pieces" DEBÜT OF TIP TOPS Giants Badly Mauled and Fairly Humbled by MARKED BY VICTOIlï First Clash for a Fourth Straight Pennant Phillies in Their Seaton Twirls in Masterly Fashion and Shuts Out "Rube" Marquard Gets Pittsburgh Feds. Shock as Magee Lint Out Two Home Runs. GAME IS WON IN THE TENTH DOOIN AND HIS MEN UP TEN RU BUILD Two Bases on Balls and a Sing!« by Westerziel Does Trick. Clan McOraw in the Mean Ti 15.000 Watch Contest.

Gets One Man Over the (Malt .. and That's All. Pitts .prll» Ths Brooklyn IS Tops made tebut hsr* J. '. ne. J day, and I uful 01 > Patera - -1' »ere Ph lads .'. 'i The Pittsburgh defeat**! v. York Giants, with Rubs Marquars lass .Full) Hfl . Bto k at th perseae -. the ! oat and Milton out t" '.'.-.,; w=»d to shine, w v. here TllllS BhafOT ordfl estai llshed by ,,.^ mauled and I in bit d b| mr "shot League ten:.. .». the : Phillies here to-day as t..m fleaton, the f<. mer itehssr of,. . 09 was «1 .Phlllli b, who ...'.... with aim. Th' score wai ti«iti n«>t i,:.- i:¡fl4 and the itlaws 1. and io score ever told m "v\»n y. to i ws ' of a game. For in the best .'early the story -the I am Me '.he National Leai Brooklyn showed the! -« brief moment was well worth ail the strlf« he flashed in the lead, cast v4< champions he he . ti pit. hi a little gloom over the fans, but s ore what hi .well, the explains . penes4) Brook B ..¦!..-. Captain Pherwood Magee occnpiei him. and he, ..... the a'feet i«.rs of th« fans Strlk.'-. nt «.-i ho-' . . place in of J. Franklin Pak Kelther tea . ¡night beside that th« end not without cause. Almost sir. In the flrst , handed Mapee F^nt the Qlants gn I filing down to defeat I!< smashed < Deli '¦¦ on bases b two home r ins with men ¦¦ accour/ed foi Uve of the ten rti toi i pssa and W scored by his team I . In the fourth Inning he cam« up ai ending Bobby Byrne on second bs the bail Into the |i taralMsrjr planted The r..n« the have be Implored t. ,<. field h'eacherB. That mli