R Bemidji Ness, to Invite More Customers to Your Store
***************** * BIO GUARD MAY BE * PORT * LOST TO HIGH SCHOOL * WORLD'S SERIES FOR SALE—17 Buff Rock** chickens. * FOOTBALL ELEVEN * WAGERS IN BEMIDJI ***************** Cheap if taken at once; 2nd prize %m iHfcws There has been consider at county fair. Phone 621-W. dti Our Invitation to able betting on the outcome FOR SALE^-^Canoe in first class con of the world's series in Be dition. t B^Jc£ Baer. 5d£09 midji during the past few days. FOR SALE-^18^*acres Lake Shore Progressive Merchants land at $50 an acre^ Frank Lane. Today $100 was posted -^•^saeassnsr •* • NAVAL MILITIA ELEVEN against $95 a fraction there r. *; - dl09 * of in comparison that Phila We have asked you to join in a forward movement* for toefter busi MUST WORK TO WIN FOR SALE—No. 526. For Bemidji ness, to invite more customers to your store. -•'•' delphia would win the first mill men,"" 40-acre choice farm game. stead. Jim's Glover Home. NW, Our invitation is not only in Ijehalf of the live newspapers of-this The Bemidji naval militia football SW, Sec. 32, T. 148, R. 33. One city, but from every newspaper in North America. ' organization is rapidly being per ft**************** mile from Wright's Spur, one mile Just as you have been asked to join in— '" "'' fected and games will probably be from new school house, one mile PANAMA CANAL from Moville Lake; level, clay loam secured, beginning with next Sun SLIDE HALTS TRAFFIC land, easily cleared. Price only day. Grand Rapids, Thief River Panama, Oct. 5. — Lieutenant $15.00 per acre; $20.00 down, INTERNATIONAL Falls, Duluth, Crosby and the local HAROLD SWISHER Colonel Chester Harding the engineer $5.00 per month, six per cent in team headed by Jack O'Connor, have in charge of the Panama canal, has terest.
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