"Shot-to-Pieces" DEBÜT OF TIP TOPS Giants Badly Mauled and Fairly Humbled by MARKED BY VICTOIlï First Clash for a Fourth Straight Pennant Phillies in Their Seaton Twirls in Masterly Fashion and Shuts Out "Rube" Marquard Gets Pittsburgh Feds. Shock as Magee Lint Out Two Home Runs. GAME IS WON IN THE TENTH DOOIN AND HIS MEN UP TEN RU BUILD Two Bases on Balls and a Sing!« by Westerziel Does Trick. Clan McOraw in the Mean Ti 15.000 Watch Contest. Gets One Man Over the (Malt .. and That's All. Pitts .prll» Ths Brooklyn IS Tops made tebut hsr* J. '. ne. J day, and I uful 01 > Patera - -1' »ere Ph lads .'. 'i The Pittsburgh defeat**! v. York Giants, with Rubs Marquars lass .Full) Hfl . Bto k at th perseae -. the ! oat and Milton out t" '.'.-.,; w=»d to shine, w v. here TllllS BhafOT ordfl estai llshed by ,,.^ mauled and I in bit d b| mr "shot League ten:.. .». the : Phillies here to-day as t..m fleaton, the f<. mer itehssr of,. 09 was «1 .Phlllli b, who ...'.... with aim. Th' score wai ti«iti n«>t i,:.- i:¡fl4 and the itlaws 1. and io score ever told m "v\»n y. to i ws ' of a game. For in the best .'early the story -the I am Me '.he National Leai Brooklyn showed the! -« brief moment was well worth ail the strlf« he flashed in the lead, cast v4< champions he he . ti pit. hi a little gloom over the fans, but s ore what hi .well, the explains . penes4) Brook B ..¦!..-. Captain Pherwood Magee occnpiei him. and he, ..... the a'feet i«.rs of th« fans Strlk.'-. nt «.-i ho-' . place in of J. Franklin Pak Kelther tea . ¡night beside that th« end not without cause. Almost sir. In the flrst , handed Mapee F^nt the Qlants gn I filing down to defeat I!< smashed < Deli '¦¦ on bases b two home r ins with men ¦¦ accour/ed foi Uve of the ten rti toi i pssa and W scored by his team I . In the fourth Inning he cam« up ai ending Bobby Byrne on second bs the bail Into the |i taralMsrjr planted The r..n« the have be Implored t. ,<. field h'eacherB. That mli<ht * hPcounted a day's work to] eosne no beatón a*as next time but not Mhgee. The and u.-i,t on working In 1 sixth to isy i to the plate.in the Inning steady atyls He noi to both «pop exact.Byrne and Loben were v a Igh is ul ind tl ei Ism i u base. The fans railed t««r anoth M \RTY M'll -.LE. clean-up drive, and under the cons Play si third base, showing Frank Pitcher of the Yankees, tvh i hclil the slugging Athletics to five hit«. the ribs est to he to taks tione (hers was nothing else doi . hance in act of grabbing Sweeney to lowed Ones» more he met the hall flush on t help him repain hin feet, which under ted thai and again !t fell to earth In t ¦ le nose new rule retired the runner and prob- north side pavilion. That Crave Give Braves ablv cost a rtin. Superbas n tYestsnM tripled and scored on a fly by Luder :n the same Inning mattered not. Th in the face of wh on F'*Te<rieT> fir the Olanta their a paled gave . perfrrmanie Thorough Trouncing the R . had gore before. only run in the third inning. In the game for thi his fine Murpay Governor John K. Tener has k fourth, however, Manee pot In . work and the home team in the lead of his constituents With | put üov. Tener Throws Out on tup M », %v" many In the s!»(th Macee «jot »another home New York Giants, sirch enemies of Ph rith the Braves snarM run, scoring two men before him. and First Ball of Game That Flip Coin to In t s nun adejphia teams genera!, opening ."ravath'a triple and n sacrifice fly scored §0%% high Into ths nto the dir* reason here, the newly elected pre the fourth run of the frame Brings Flatbush Joy. Elect dent of the senior organization rast Marquard tunde nis exit In the next Captain fti J in.es \ of th» one sid" 1 F allegiance to home t¡ep at lnnlnjr It was rot a era re ful exit, either. Ollmore, Sullivan, who was ele«, rard sal iff to to throw r, i re 1 ta oni s double by Lobert, fore] Murr«. "Mash" traipsed Brooklyn RULES WITH e.l «.r.teribi«. to II" BfUSSBB« B IrVsrd, ot the Brookl his four runs, and HcOraw decided that REÜLBACH captain ye the first bal!. In place May Hull High Thool baseball team for lb«- enousrh waa s ifllcient. Promme, who had Blankenburc performed tl IRON HAND ON MOUND «n« In a n«iv»i l(.h been hoverlner In the oftlng. waa call*d < omina season, appointed and efficient mrv un». "Bill" «*«Ur«. the pll.-tier. «I«.', rf.ee in painstaking Into action and he managed to an Mg much cratl'led, ths BtiSsSSI thro' put for the «"'I ¡<s nev. His more or less perfect end to further itn« a «andhlate paaBttan, of spectaton ef M scoring. »»lib their teun. m,|. ~ which all critics scored as s wild pite No account of the game would be com- While and Dash of His both are popular B Tl| Snap (be family aihlefi« ii.mniiltee *a* in .» way to th* pitcher in d; Without that tThlef Meyers TIP Its plete telling Make 'Robbie* Idol Shr«- ahr the fans roars stole second In the ninth Innlne. It Is Team Mates i|i,nn.|,ir» ISSM rse, and while Ihr tnss of n , oin «a» dfiileil on. Bad mp . ' o true that two men were out when th* of Fandom. ««ne in the !(, SB! II 0 4 Hssvast hoarse the season vas Brooklyn »uiiMun Beared the lui« ftp ... 1 ... themselves that GOVERNOR ROBERT F WAGNER. Chief committed hi« larceny and LIEUTENANT Go« c. nor Jol :. er, of Penn* bud to h. el.u a» I he I?..IT I 1*4 I 41 warm April sunshine gla< ' Kinle; \ leader »Bright, .- ... Killlfer made no attempt to get him, but Who tossed oui the firsl ball. raids i <<r the Vat ha* «e\ernl Important gum of the fans, and tho B] ants, pi anil Blue <. ; , n s n H ed the heart« the fact remains atole a base ; thai he three out the first ball el E ibis nreck. | ¦.. | 141 11 e hi s wh<> maliciously sent ti L*sgue, offi. The «'-ore followa beta Field resterdsi sftrnoon and offt- lit mortality rate of the city soaring sk PHIUADBSIjPHIA. '." TORK M'K « the ab r h a» ar -h pi a » il 01 tied the ii|*ht for National po - had ward la'ighed with malignant gle Be« -f i n 1 ft ; <f course, the Buperbaa Paakerl ef.4 1 1 . 00 her, 3 m Brooklyn. roportioi - « * in Thirteenth League pennant | * 1 :i 4 ,( rf. <i 2 0 CobVs star-' .. it. That tho*«. pâme office hoy« may I 10 I'.'irn«, 2 0 Triple funs ras» in tneir la be photogi aph. d '.. ", .¡ Tsrelvi thouaand Plttshur« we 1/ '.«... : ; the» Bravea ta Inn their not. - White hunting a job matters They Man-««- lf.,8 I a ! tb...l I 1 I II l'-i t.. bellow BPPlaUSe as the hall 4 <¦ : 1 4 n ft ft o Qovernor Tener ar- Magee's nv Cvath, rf 1 1 Merkl« !¦. « info th* mlnarj practlci ' on hand when Captain . * r» flow sit .¡Rht and true waiting L n, c 10 f- 0 Murray, if 4 0 ft J ( to ¦. » rod *'' Gives rive»! He was rio,, II off the fle m. 1 0 : 4 ft ft Tigers 4 I' Victory b Ed s«-nt the Giants llmpinc 3h I of Ruel 1 = .-,, doffed hie hat many t.me« It t K r.4 1 t I 10 Meyers, c I 1 1 a so tiie of who do not rrowd. and dazed and wondering Just how I tar, M Mar'i/d. 20001'» Por benefit those a near the Mill p kt ce a !.. Bought his chah m«, o .¦ o 0 n n hl* weak while fielding bunt Slid know, Qevornor Tener hud long since happened Browns Like bench. With him were .- USED CARS. '.I'Ofil'n, 1 6 0 0 00 Play Champions ga\ e wa\ to DOUSS. We Imsn, who IVSSS loomed the a-t <>f accurate throwing, for, Superna«' McOraw surprised the fans by pis and Charlea H. Bbbete, Many Tot»; (ffe. tive. but erratic, eras replsced by In 1**3. he for the old Chl»tagO McKeevei Milton Stock, the youthful recri; ntOliril Total» 33 1 IM S» and Men on Both Sides pitch«-«! »hook hands with the Qovernoi lng laine« in the thirteenth, erltb Hush j.mI iibs. Qevornor Tener ¡s the first ball fans at thli .Hatte«, f<-r Fromme in nlntn II « fam. and glory. from the Fouthem I/engue, Risk for a R.i'imnn on base i'obi. tripled .'rnwfi.i .1 t«> be .ie«t.-.i of ths Na¬ iiius winning lasting 1- l'iphia.0 0 0 t a 4 4 a a.II Injury ployer »president Executive ».¡s t>ur- baee. It was believed that Bnodgra New Tort I I I I I I I I 4-I Hingled.
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