2015 September EURAXESS LINKS Issue 29 BRAZIL Dear Colleagues, EURAXESS Links Brazil We have the pleasure to present to you the 29th edition of the EURAXESS Newsletter is a monthly Links Brazil Newsletter for September 2015. electronic newsletter, edited by EURAXESS Links This month, our “EU Insight” section concerns a recently published report on the partners. “Scientific Advice Mechanism”. The information contained in Furthermore, we also present you with an interview with Fabiana Barros, this publication is intended for president of the Brazilian Erasmus Mundus Association and alumna Debora personal use only. It should Antunes, as well as a focus on Erasmus Mundus opportunities to support not be taken in any way to researchers’ mobility between Brazil and Europe. reflect the views of the European Commission nor of Under EURAXESS Links activities, we provide a sneak preview of the finalists the Delegation of the of the EURAXESS Science Slam Brazil 2015, which will take place in Rio on European Union to Brazil. 22 October. In this edition, we also tell you more about the Workshop on Please email to Industrial PhDs coming up in Brasília on 13 October, and give you some feedback on the Tour of Brazil events.
[email protected] with any comments on this newsletter, As usual, in our “News and Developments” section, we report on several contributions you would like to relevant developments in the EU and Brazil, as well as on cooperation make, if you think any other activities between Brazil, the EU and its Member States. colleagues would be interested in receiving this You will also find a broad selection of grants & fellowships funded by the newsletter, or if you wish to European Commission, EU Member States or Brazilian authorities.