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Xavier University Exhibit All Xavier Student Newspapers Xavier Student Newspapers 2016-04-20 Xavier University Newswire Xavier University (Cincinnati, Ohio) Follow this and additional works at: https://www.exhibit.xavier.edu/student_newspaper Recommended Citation Xavier University (Cincinnati, Ohio), "Xavier University Newswire" (2016). All Xavier Student Newspapers. 768. https://www.exhibit.xavier.edu/student_newspaper/768 This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the Xavier Student Newspapers at Exhibit. It has been accepted for inclusion in All Xavier Student Newspapers by an authorized administrator of Exhibit. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Published by the students of Xavier University since 1915 Fiat justitia, ruat coelum Volume CI Issue 29 April 20, 2016 Newswire photo by Hannah Michels 7KH UHYLVHG YHUVLRQ RI WKH 8QLYHUVLW\ 6FKRODUV SURJUDP ZDV DSSURYHG E\ WKH %RDUG RI 8QGHUJUDGXDWH 6WXGLHV EXW VWLOO QHHGV WR EH FOHDUHG E\ WKH SURYRVW EHIRUH LW EHFRPHV RIÀFLDO Scholars program shis gears BY HANNAH SGAMBELLONE courses such as calculus and hon- dents became the key mantra Students who entered in the came with a new core,” Yandell Staff Writer ors sections of theology, rhetoric embraced by the Task Force,” fall of 2015 will need to com- VDLG´6SHFLÀFDOO\ZHKDGWRWHOO Xavier students are no strang- and philosophy. Yandell said. “We wanted stu- SOHWHDQ\ÀYHKRQRUVFRXUVHVDV ourselves ‘trust the Core; trust er to curriculum changes. According to the task force, dents to have greater choice in well as an honors seminar labeled WKHPDMRUVWUXVWWKHÁDJV·«ZH From the addition of GOA the prestige and the intensity what they took and simultaneous- “HONORS 300.” This new sem- ultimately had to pull back and and the First Year Seminar pro- of the program will remain the ly double-down on the program’s inar focuses on an interdisciplin- UHDOL]H WKDW GLIIHUHQW PDMRUV DO- grams to the continual shifting same all the while making the greatest strength, the Honors ary approach to a particular sub- ready call on students to do these of core requirements, students curriculum easier for students to courses. We wanted students to MHFWDQGWKHJRDORI WKHFODVVLVWR things. We had to let those pro- are expected to be versatile and complete. EHQHÀW IURP ZHOO FKRVHQ ORZ- promote discussion and collabo- grams actually do their intended patient as the university changes The goal of the program thus HUHQUROOHG+RQRUVÀOOHGFRXUV- ration among a small group of work. We had to rest easy know- what it means to obtain a degree. far has been to provide students es—those courses that pushed honors students. This class will ing that all Xavier students will, Over the past year, the University ZLWKDQLQWHQVLÀHGFRKHVLYHOLE- thinking, talking and working QHHGWREHFRPSOHWHGLQMXQLRURU by virtue of participating in the Scholars core has fallen under the eral arts degree. According to Dr. to deeper levels. We wanted no senior year. core, achieve a wide range of cosmetic knife of the University Stephen Yandell, the new leader more upgrades or waivers.” One of the biggest goals in learning outcomes already identi- Scholars program (USP) Task of the University Scholars pro- These changes are, on pa- developing this new curriculum ÀHGE\WKHIDFXOW\DVFUXFLDOIRUD Force that now emphasizes the gram, the changes were made per, simple. Students who be- was to make tracking and regis- Xavier degree.” ÁH[LELOLW\ RI WKH QHZ SURJUDP to make the Honors core more gan schooling in fall of 2014 or tering for these classes easier for With the new core imple- requirements. accessible to students while up- earlier will need to complete a students. mented in the coming semesters, In the past, the HAB, PPP and holding the same standard of the PLQLPXP RI VL[ FODVVHV ÁDJJHG ´,Q SXUVXLQJ WKLV ÁH[LELOLW\ the university hopes that students University Scholars core has been previous program. as honors courses, with no speci- the Task Force had to remind ZLOOÀQGPRUHFODULW\LQUHJLVWHU- intentionally rigorous; requiring ´,QFUHDVHG ÁH[LELOLW\ IRU VWX- ÀFLW\WRVXEMHFW WKHPVHOYHVRI DOOWKHEHQHÀWVWKDW ing for classes. 'U6WHSKHQ Yandell helps a student in the Honors Lounge located on the WKLUGÁRRURI$OWHU +DOO<DQGHOOLV the new director of the University 6FKRODUV3URJUDP “A Bust of a Woman’s Head” by an unknown artist sits in the Honors Lounge along with other works of art and a variety of ERRNV Newswire photos by Hannah Michels Photo courtesy of cwitmi.org. 2 Xavier Newswire Edited by: Raymond Humienny April 20, 2016 Campus News [email protected] BXavierFestY ERICA LAMPERT promotes new artists Staff Writer of different genres” Farhat said. “We have had a history of artists who SAC ;DYLHULVKRVWLQJLWVÀIWKDQQXDO has brought to Xavier’s campus, in- XavierFest for the student body on cluding WALK THE MOON, Ben April 29, and it is rumored that this Rector and The Hunts (now touring year will be the best yet. with O.A.R) who have become pretty XavierFest originated as a new big names in the industry today,” idea to help boost attendance to This year’s vendors will include the Student Activities Council Skyline Chili, Coca-Cola(Monster), (SAC) events that the previous Delicio Coal Fired Pizza, The Cintas Concerts lacked. SAC did Pop Shop, United Dairy Farmers, not want to completely get rid of Empanadas Aqui, C’est Cheese the concert for students, but they Food Truck, Harvest Mobile wanted to stop wasting students’ Cuisine, Hungry Bros Food Truck money on something with low at- and Kaimelsky’s Hot Dog Truck. tendance. XavierFest wasnt meant “There’s going to be 10 differ- to replace these concerts, however ent food trucks for the students to due to its success, SAC has allowed experience and they’re all going to XavierFest to replace the Cintas be really good,” Farhat said. “We Concerts for good. even have some returning venders “XavierFest has now replaced coming back this year as well.” the Cintas Concert Series, and our As always there will also be free attendance is greater than it had merchandise for Xavier students to ever been at any Cintas Concert enjoy such as free T-shirts, cups, held in the past,” Chair of SAC’s Photo courtesy of xavier.edu frisbees and other small items. University Spirit Committee Zeina XavierFest will take place April 29th on the Xavier Green. The even will feature live music and free food for students. All students are expected to Farhat said. “Last year, we had have their All Cards handy this year 2,400 students attend XavierFest, main act. In the past, SAC has had including the U.S. band to bring in that was in our as only Xavier students are allowed making it the most student-attend- several headliners such as Well “We call it an emerging artist price range.” to attend the festival and enjoy the ed event on campus—including Reds, Tyler Hilton and Smallpools. festival because the line-up consists SAC and SGA were also able to free food. SAC encourages all stu- basketball games.” This year, SAC has collaborated of artists who we perceive as on bring in Lauren Eid, DNK and My dents to come and make this year SAC started this emerging art- with the Student Government the rise in the music industry. The Body Sings Electric for this year’s the largest attendance at XavierFest ist festival to see whether or not Association (SGA) to have the openers and the headliner have acts. The Filharmonics will also be ever. Xavier students would enjoy the Canadian reggae fusion band huge potential musically to break an opening act and may be recog- XavierFest will take place on experience of an outdoor concert. Magic! play at XavierFest. Magic! through,” Farhat said. “Since pretty nized by students for their appear- the Greenspace on April 29th ance in the movie “Pitch Perfect 2.” The event started off with student is most well known for their debut much every student at Xavier has beginning at 4 P.M. Magic! is bands, and has continued to grow single, “Rude”, which peaked at “XavierFest is intended to intro- heard the song ‘Rude’ we thought scheduled to perform at 8. each year in the popularity of the number one in several countries, Magic! would be a great emerging duce Xavier’s campus to new artists Xavier leads in closing wage gap for professors BY MICAH PRICE percent, followed by Northern Monthly), one of the most not- Staff Writer Kentucky University at 9 percent. ed cases of this occurs at “The When rying to decide which Xavier University registered at University of Maryland at College section of a class to take next year, only 2 percent, by far the best in Park which employs six vice presi- keep in mind that choosing a class the region. dents, six associate vice presidents, with a female professor may mean The report also raises major ÀYH DVVLVWDQW YLFH SUHVLGHQWV VL[ that the instructor is getting paid questions regarding the alloca- assistants to the president and six less than her male counterparts. tion and budgeting of universities, assistants to the vice presidents.” According to a new study as well as overall salaries, which It is possible that Xavier’s from the Chronicle of Higher for the most part have decreased smaller wage gap in comparison Education, the ever-present wage locally. to other local schools is due to gap between male and female pro- But where is the money once proper budget allocation, mean- fessors at universities is shrink- allocated to professor’s sala- ing that a school clearly not short ing but is still very much a real ries going? By some accounts, RQFDVKPLJKWÀQGLWHDVLHUWRHQ- phenomenon. it is being transferred to bloated sure that all of its staff are treated On a local level, colleges athletic departments that fail to equally, even if there may be an and universities in the Greater stay in the black, and to what H[LVWHQFH RI VXSHUÁXRXV SRVL- Cincinnati area are affected by President of the Ohio Conference tions, but there is no concrete data the wage gap, at a rate of 13 per- of the American Association to support this.