Virtual Research Networks

Towards Research 2.0? User o Virtual? Workflow u Research 2.0 Network t l Networks i Libraries? VREs? n

e e x p l o e Research Networks

Engage, Facilitate & Stimulate

Me, My Work and the UMCG Library Disconnects


Bypassing the Library

The User Environment

Photo: Geir Mogen

Source: Lorcan Dempsey, Liber 2005 “Into the User Environment”

• Browser Toolbars • Tailor-made search & news widgets • Using personal startpages • Take-Away Library Toolbox : Netvibes Universe

The workflow

Photo: Geir Mogen Network level Personal Integrated workflow Workflow local consumer , … RSS, environment? toolbars, .. Library web presence Resource Institutional sharing, … Workflow Portals, CMS, IR, …

Consumer environments library Management environment … Bought Licensed Faculty& Digitized students Aggregations Source: Lorcan Dempsey, CIC 2007 Resource sharing

Fill in Your Key Stakeholders

… Diversity Format Platform Time Personalize


The Global Environment Changed … The web has become a global laboratory for communication and sharing ronNeylon/science-in-the- youtube-age-519472 What are Researchers looking for on the Web?

• Tools for improving their workflow, to gain efficiency • Communication, sharing, collaboration, dissemination research ideas and output • to possibly get bigger recognition and reward of their research output

Tools for collaboration out there

• Planning & Admin • Workflow • Data management • Communication • Sharing • Analysis, statistical • Publishing, (peer) reviewing • Preservation, archiving

Unlimited … Research 2.0 : some aspects

Communities & collaboration powered by web 2.0 Resources: creating, storing, organising, sharing, exchange, distribution, browsing, searching, re- use, enrich, re-create Faster, more efficient, greater competetiveness, repeatable, more productive … Enables open feedback and reviews of work A machine-understandable format allows others to take the data and analyze it independently

Scientists are certainly

looking for it… General Social Software

• Blogs, ’s, Social Networks i.g.Facebook • Web-based office tools, Google Docs • Sharing data, references, pictures, videos • Communication, in all sorts • Twitter? PloS • Virtual worlds, Second Life

Virtual Worlds

Strong in visualization, education, teaching, simulation, roleplay ánd worldwide collaborative projects Preprocessed spherical projections from inside a crystal including the Hershfield surface. /watch?v=O1YuRSyzBAE So they are out there, but doing WHAT exactly?

Corporate Web Presence Scan

By Scientists, for Scientists http:// .org / wiki /Labs

OpenWetWare http://

Proteopedia http:// /

NeuroCommons http://

SciVee http://

OpenResearch But we also see others offering services…

All kinds of parties explore, using web 2.0 and other new technologies to connect and integrate into the workflow of scientist and researchers.

Commercially, focus on Scientists

http:// /





Biomedexperts “Community is the new content” 'What is happening in the world is bypassing university libraries’

Professor Peter Murray-Rust

Reasons NOT to ignore Social Networks and the tools offered • Efficiency possibilities • Build professional communities – Research – Management • Build learning communities • Build sharing communities • Build community support through outreach

Online Social Networks in Healthcare & Libraries PF Anderson, Emerging Technologies Librarian, Health Libraries, [email protected] More Reasons ….

• Connection, communication, collaboration, consultation • Discuss & share information (articles, photos, videos, cases, data, methodologies) • Q&A, rapid response (sometimes), serendipitous discovery • Global, international connections & opportunities • Find employment & research opportunities • Emerging trends, topics, medications, treatments, insights in your field

Online Social Networks in Healthcare & Libraries PF Anderson, Emerging Technologies Librarian, Health Sciences Libraries, [email protected] Do we see the libraries look for it as well?

• The question is not whether the shift is going to happen, but how fast?

• It will change the behaviour of researcher, new ways of thinking and operating; we should adapt

There are the Virtual Research Environments (VREs)

• JISC VRE • MS Sharepoint • MyExperiment • • DARIAH

http:// vre.aspx VLEs for Students & Teachers VREs for Researchers

Simple VRE Definition

A VRE helps researchers from all disciplines to work collaboratively by managing the increasingly complex range of tasks involved in carrying out research.

Complex VRE Definition

The concept of a VRE is evolving.

… as shorthand for the tools and technologies needed by researchers to do their research, interact with other researchers (who may come from different disciplines, institutions or even countries) and to make use of resources and technical infrastructures available both locally and (inter)nationally


to define and help to develop VRE frameworks and associated standards, and to encourage the development and population of these frameworks with applications, services and resources to create VREs appropriate to particular needs

Key recommendations

“Scratch Where It Itches”

• Bottom-up & • focus on researchers needs and specific research communities

• Community building projects rather than technology project • Creating a VRE is a SOCIAL as much as a technical achievement

• Broad Research community effort • Including managers, librarians, champions, promoters

• Sustainability • Key role for libraries • Preference for a Web 2.0 style of development and implementation (lightwight, customisable solutions) • Needs to be driven by researchers, rather than being imposed by institution

Benefits faster research results novel research directions

Key findings

• Providing general VRE Frameworks • One-size-fits-all will not work • Awareness raising is desirable • UK seen as international leader in VRE development • External (web) applications still important • Integration semantic web technology useful • On-location support


• VREs are seen are good way to feature library resources • Be involved in the creating of digital research output from the start

while the teaching community regards the library as a partner, the research community tends to “do things by itself”

Brown and Swan, 2007

Case Studies

• DFG VRE Programme • ReInfra (Norway, Grid) • Science Gateways (Grid, supercomputing) • SURFshare (NL) • TGA Adonis (France) Summary (more key points for Libraries) • Communication between researchers and librarians

• Play a role in the exchange and sharing of research-based information in social network technologies

• Re-define the library, services, it’s systems, to reach: Visibility, Findability, Searchability and Accessibility

• Branding and marketing the library: embed & integrate

• Libraries should collaborate, communicate, cooperate, facilitate, support learning & research Strategical Implications

• Developing the supporting infrastructure for – Creation – Data management – Communication

• Re-focus policy Staff development & expertise Soft-, hardware choice

• By collaboration and partnership with other organizational parties, but also externally

• Collaborative libraries

“Build Networks Together” Engage, Facilitate & Stimulate

“Libraries alone can not change the workflow, just add to it”

Breaking News: Create Expert Community • North Carolina universities opt for Collexis and Scopus to create expert community - 13 Apr 2010 =10011&pickUpBatch =1411#10011 -There is a “battle” going on for the Scientists -

“They” got their work and data, now “they” want the people as well ..

We should be there first!“

Thank you for your attention!

Guus van den Brekel Email: [email protected] / [email protected] Twitter: digicmb Blog: Netvibes: Slideshare: Facebook: Linkedin: Second Life: Namro Orman (see for bookmarks: