PROW-IN THE BOROUGH OF ASHFORD Anyrepresentation about or objection to the Order maybesentin ContactCentreno. 03000 417171 writing to MichaelTonkin at the Kent County Council (address as below). Or forfurther details on temporaryclosures on the Rights of WayNetwork NOTICE OF CONFIRMATIONAND COMING INTOEFFECTOFPUBLIC (Tel: 03000 41 03 25) (email:
[email protected]) not laterthan see: PATH ORDER 07 August 2021.Please state the grounds on which theyare made. TOWN AND COUNTRYPLANNING ACT1990: SECTION 257 Please notethatobjections/representations cannot be treatedas PROW-IN THE BOROUGH OF SWALE confidential and maycome into the public domain. Copies of any THE ASHFORD BOROUGH COUNCIL objections or representations received maybedisclosed to interested NOTICE OF THE MAKING OF AN ORDER TO TEMPORARILYCLOSE PUBLIC (PUBLIC FOOTPATHAE400 (PART) MERSHAM WITH SEVINGTON) parties,including the Planning Inspectorate wherethe case is referred to it FOOTPATHZSX61 IN THETOWNOFSHEERNESS PUBLIC PATH DIVERSION ORDER 2020 fordetermination. IN THE BOROUGH OF SWALE On 25th June 2021, the AshfordBorough Council confirmed the above If no such representations or objections areduly made,orifany so made KENT COUNTYCOUNCIL Order under section 257 of the Town and CountryPlanning Act1990. On arewithdrawn, the Kent County Council mayconfirm the Order as an thesame date,the Kent County Council (on behalf of AshfordBorough unopposed Order.Ifthe Orderissenttothe SecretaryofState forthe (PUBLIC FOOTPATHZSX61) Council) certified thatthe terms of Article 2ofthe above-named Order, Environmentfor confirmation anyrepresentations and objections which (PROHIBITION OF TRAFFIC) TEMPORARYORDER 2021 requiring an alternativehighwaytobecreated to thereasonable have not been withdrawnwill be sentwith the Order. satisfaction of the Kent County Council (on behalf of AshfordBorough Road Traffic Regulation Act1984, Section 14(1), As Amended By TheRoad Council), had been complied with.