Historical Collections, PO Box 110571, Juneau AK 99811-0571 Diary of James Wickersham
Alaska State Library - Historical Collections, PO Box 110571, Juneau AK 99811-0571 Diary of James Wickersham. Nov. 10, 1919 to Dec. 1, 1920. MS 107 BOX 5 DIARY 32 Diary 32, 1919 [Front cover] Private Diary Of James Wickersham Nov. 10, 1919 to Dec. 1, 1920. Diary 32, 1919 Nov. 10, 1919. November 10 We (Debbie & I) arrived in Washington on the evening of the 8th from Seattle - We left Washington on July 28th and in the meantime she spent most of her time in Los Angeles, Cal. and the balance in Seattle. My time was spent in Alaska, from Ketchikan to Anchorage in taking the second or official group of depositions in my Contest Case of Wickersham v. Grigsby. Finished taking such testimony on Oct 26th at Seattle & am now here to prepare Briefs & to present the matter to the Election Com. We are at the Congress Hall Hotel, as usual. Diary 32, 1919 -11th – November 11 Called on Clerk of the House today - found the Election Returns of the Nov. 5, 1918 election in Alaska were received from the Gov. and are on file - also many parts of the evidence - depositions. Also called on Dowell, Ch. Elec. Com. & talked matters over with him. He advises doing nothing until all the depositions are received and printed. Answering letters, and finishing Mss, on Pub. Doc. bibliography, which Senator Jones proposes shall be printed as a Senate Document. Am agreeable & doing what I can to get it ready for publication. Diary 32, 1919 -12- November 12-14 Writing letters - Elliott & Jeffery working on Mss.
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