MUSICA VIVA PR9980 Date Venue Title & Author Director Sponsor

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MUSICA VIVA PR9980 Date Venue Title & Author Director Sponsor MUSICA VIVA PR9980 Date Venue Title & Author Director Sponsor Principals _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 1950 ? University of W.A. The Joke - Musica Viva No Information Haydn Piano Quintet F Minor, Op. 64 ? University of W.A. Rasoumovsky - Musica Viva No Information Beethoven ? University of W.A. Quartet in D.Minor - Adult Education Board Robert Pikler Schubert Edward Cockman William Krasnik Theo Salzman Maureen Jones _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 1951 ? University of W.A. Quartet in A.Major - Jubilee Arts Robert Pikler Opus 20, No.6 Committee in W.A. Edward Cockman Haydn Philip de Boers Theo Salzman _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ? University of W.A. Quartet in D.Major - Jubilee Arts Robert Pikler Opus 76, No.5 Committee in W.A. Edward Cockman Philip de Boers Theo Salzman Maureen Jones PR9980 1 31/08/2010 MUSICA VIVA PR9980 Date Venue Title & Author Director Sponsor Principals _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 1962 Nov 5th Basil Kirke Studio Smetana String - Musica Viva Jiri Novak A.B.C. Quartet Lubomir Kostecky Antonin Kohout Milan Skampa _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 1964 May 21st Katanning Town Hall Vlach Quartet - Musica Viva Josef Vlach Vaclav Snitil Josef Kodousek Viktor Moucka _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 1965 Aug 10th Winthrop Hall The Vienna Octect - Musica Viva Anton Fietz Phillip Mathies Gunther Breitenbach Nikolaus Hubner Burkhard Krautler Alfred Boskovsky Ernst Pamperl Josef Veleba _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Oct 29th Basil Kirke The Prague - Musica Viva Bretislav Novotny Studio. A.B.C. String Quartet Jaroslav Karlovsky Karel Pribyl Zdenek Konicek PR9980 2 31/08/2010 MUSICA VIVA PR9980 Date Venue Title & Author Director Sponsor Principals _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 1967 May 31st Winthrop Hall The Smetana Quartet - Musica Viva Antonin Kohout Lubomir Kostecky Milan Skampa Jiri Novak _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 1968 Aug 30th Winthrop Hall The Bath Festival - Musica Viva Robert Masters Ensemble Walter Gerhardt Charles Tunnell Thea King Joel Ryce ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Oct 11th Winthrop Hall Parrenin String - Musica Viva Jacques Parrenin Quartet Marcel Charpentier Denes Marton Pierre Penassou _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 1969 May 10th Octagon Theatre Hungarian String - Musica Viva Zoltan Szekely Quartet Michael Kuttner Denes Koromzay Gabriel Magyar PR9980 3 31/08/2010 MUSICA VIVA PR9980 Date Venue Title & Author Director Sponsor Principals _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 1973 Oct 13th Perth Concert Hall German Bach - Musica Viva Rainer Kussmaul Soloists Willi Lehmann Harald Jahn Monika Leonhard _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 1974 Sept 28th Perth Concert Hall The Academy of Neville Marriner Musica Viva Neville Marriner St.Martin-in-the- Roger Garland Fields Richard Stutd Marilyn Taylor _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 1975 June 2nd Octagon Theatre Kodaly Quartet - Musica Viva Karoly Duska Tamas Szabo Gabor Fias Janos Devich _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Nov 21st Octagon Theatre The Warsaw Karol Teutsch Musica Viva Maria Slubicka Philharmonic Chamber Franciszek Jurys Orchestra Marek Marczyk Alfred Wiecgorek ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 1976 April 24th Concert Hall Stuttgart Chamber Karl Munchinger Musica Viva The Orchestra Orchestra PR9980 4 31/08/2010 MUSICA VIVA PR9980 Date Venue Title & Author Director Sponsor Principals _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Aug 12 th Concert Hall Parrenin Quartet Musica Viva _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Sept 25th Concert Hall London Sinfonietta David Atherton Musica Viva The Ensemble _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Oct 4th Concert Hall The King's Singers - Musica Viva Brian Kay Nigel Perrin Alastair Hume Simon Carrington Anthony Holt Alastair Thompson _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 1977 March 17th Concert Hall Collegium Vocale Wolfgang Fromme Musica Viva Michaela Kramer Goby Rodens Helga Hamm-Albrecht Helmut Clemens Hans-Alderich Billig _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ May 4th Concert Hall Festival Strings Rudolf Baumgartner Musica Viva The Ensemble Lucerne ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ June 7th Concert Hall Western Arts Trio - Musica Viva Brian Hanly David Tomatz Werner Rose PR9980 5 31/08/2010 MUSICA VIVA PR9980 Date Venue Title & Author Director Sponsor Principals Jul 30th Concert Hall Aeolian Quartet - Musica Viva Kenneth Essex Derek Simpson Emmanuel Hurwitz Raymond Keenlyside Margaret Major _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Oct 6th Concert Hall Amadeus Quartet - Musica Viva Norbert Brainin Siegmund Nissel Peter Schidlof Martin Lovett _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Oct 28th Concert Hall The Amadeus - Musica Viva Norbert Brainin Quartet Seigmund Nissel Peter Schidlof Martin Lovett _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Nov 28th Concert Hall Berlin Octet - Musica Viva Bernd Benker Christian Mencke Helmut Loechel Rolf Dohler Barbara Sanderling Michael Simm Fritz Finsch Kurt Palm _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 1978 March 14th Concert Hall The Choir of St.John's George Guest Musica Viva Organist : John Scott College Cambridge The Choir PR9980 6 31/08/2010 MUSICA VIVA PR9980 Date Venue Title & Author Director Sponsor Principals June 6th Concert Hall Melos Quartet - Musica Viva Wilhelm Melcher Gerhard Voss Hermann Voss Peter Buck _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Aug 7th Concert Hall Swingle 11 - Musica Viva Olive Simpson Carol Hall Ward Swingle David Beaven Dave Ellis _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Aug 22nd Concert Hall Quartetto Beethoven - Musica Viva Felix Ayo di Roma Alfonso Ghedin Enzo Altobelli Carlo Bruno _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Oct 30th Concert Hall Warsaw Philharmonic Karol Teutsch Musica Viva The Orchestra Chamber Orchestra _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 1979 March 5th Concert Hall I Solisti Veneti Claudio Scimone Musica Viva The Ensemble _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ April 9th Concert Hall Sydney String - Musica Viva Jeno Jando Quartet Harry Curbo Dorel Tincu Alexandrie Todicescu Nathan Wako PR9980 7 31/08/2010 MUSICA VIVA PR9980 Date Venue Title & Author Director Sponsor Principals April 18th Concert Hall The King's Singers - Musica Viva Bill Ives Brian Kay Nigel Perrin Alastair Hume Anthony Holt Simon Carrington _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ May 22nd Concert Hall The Wigmore - Musica Viva Graham Wood Ensemble Jill Cole Jack Harrison David Bollard _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Aug 15th Concert Hall Kontarsky - Music Viva Alfons and Aloys Piano Duo Kontarsky _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Oct 29th Concert Hall French String Trio - Musica Viva Gerard Jarry Serge Collot Michel Tournus Nov 7 th Concert Hall Gustav Leonhardt Musica Viva And
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