Persona 5 makoto nude

Continue SephirothskrHobbyist Digital ArtistSephirothskrHobbyist Digital Artistkillalot2kHobbyist Artist4wearemanytooHobbyist Digital ArtistDayum is my man! You keep improving all of them. What's next? Will they become real?kakuji19Student ArtistAceWanzerFantastic! NintendorakTheFapperBoyWow. This new batch of nude models blows AWAY your previous. It's amazing. The only thing I can say negatively is that it is a Scramble model face. I've never been sold to art style scramble models, and I think that 5/Royal Face models will make these absolutely flawless. XelandisThanks and I kinda agree honestly. I made these nude models a while back actually, so I just re-used them when I wanted to add clothes, so I don't remember what they were. I think I'll come back and put the original Royal Heads on them. Thank you also, glad to know that I am improving. TheFapperBoyI've also experimented with creating the perfect nude base for these models. I wish there was a way to use bikini models from Dancing Star Night as a nude base. In my opinion, these are the best models available from any game, even Royal. Bikini models are already made for scaling, and fit the models head perfectly. The only problem is that there is a missing frame, and textures around the chest, and buttocks when you remove the bikini part of the model. I tried to find someone who could do that kind of work, but I was unlucky. XelandisIt's a good idea, I mean I have a general idea on how to do it, but not ideal ... That's why I stick to nude models that I can edit easily and just make them proportionally accurate. xuxXelandisI will try, but the gloves are a serious pain in... I suppose I can do the same with model Anne and just separate the bones for it.ironpatriot4ruleroh! I don't feel the need!!!! I was just pointing this out since you did a few updates on them, haha. Both models are fine! Keep working on what makes your fancy! Theredheadedbeinie98AceWanzerWonderful!!! PurpleHazeDistortionHobbyist FilmographerAmateurThrowawayHobbyist Digital Artist queen (code name)Diligent promising StudentDignified studentMiss PresidentMs. Post-Apocalyptic Raider (Ryuji)Ghost Star Fist (Ruji, Royal)Mako-chan (Haru)Barbaric, dark-haired woman (Okumura) Ghost Thieves Of Hearts Student Council President April 23th x 13 4c.4.1998 Johanna, Anat, Agnes (P5R) Price of Wima Destiny (Yukihiro Fuomikut Remix) Nanaki (Stage Play) I feel it... My me... Me! Gun it! , Persona 5 Makoto Niijima is a playable character in Persona 5. She's the president of the student council of Shujin Academy, who lives a double life as Phantom Thief. Appearance Editing) Design (edited source) Makoto has brown hair in bob cut with blunt bangs and a French braid headband that matches her hair color. Her eyes are abnormal as they were depicted as red, although her eye color in her portraits can be interpreted as reddish brown. She is of average female height, being taller than Futaba Sakura and Haru Okumura, but slightly shorter than Anne Takamaki. Her winter school uniform seems normal, but without a standard jacket. Instead, she wears a black halter vest over a long-sleeved white shirt with a turtleneck (which differs from the usual turtlenecks for female students). She wears a black and red pleated plaid skirt, black tights and black and brown ankle boots. Her summer school uniform has changed. She wears a white shirt with the emblem of the High Priest (BJ), embroidered on the collar instead of the usual polo shirt. Under the adjusted skirt, she wears black capri-length leggings and a black tassels with no socks. Her winter casual attire consists of a black turtleneck shirt under a teal blue coat, with tight black trousers and two-ton brown tan knee high boots with dark cuffs. Her summer casual attire consists of a white dress blouse with a black belt, a black caprice similar to leggings from her summer school uniform attire and black low-heeled Mary Jane shoes. At the Royal, Makoto's school attire was slightly altered for the third semester, dressed in a large black coat and brown gloves. At the weekend she wears a white sweater with a large turtleneck collar, a black skirt, black tights and shoes. She also wears a dark blue coat and brown leather gloves. Her Metaverse outfit consists of two toned (dark blue and black) tight suit that is worn with a long black scarf, a dark grey corset-style leather breastplate, shoulder and knee pads mixed with boots that sport metallic heels and legs, white gloves and an iron mask. In Persona 5: Dancing in Starlight, she retains her Shujin Academy school uniform, except she wears a dark grey rags shirt with stitches and black spray pattern design, thigh-high stockings attached to her garter skirt on the front and maroon high top sneaker boots. She also wears a red scarf that matches her gloves and a chain attached to her black belt. Personality (edit source editing) You're a dirty fly for dirty money... Get the hell out of my face! -Makoto Niijima in Junya Kaneshiro, Persona 5 Despite her position as president of the student council, Makoto is an extremely unpopular student of Shujin Academy. This is because she does nothing to stop the abuse of Suguru Kamosida, leading all students to call her an arrogant, selfish control freak who knew about the abuse but decided to ignore it because she only cared about getting a good letter of recommendation. Although it publishes about this during the first few meetings of Phantom Thieves with her, these rumors eventually transpired that Wrong. In fact, the abuse outraged Makoto, but she felt powerless to do anything about it because of the influence Kamoshida held over the school. In fact, Makoto has no real power in Shujin, with her position simply making her a glorified tool for mainstream use however he sees fit. She is also not above keeping secrets from her friends to keep her image. When Akechi tells the group that Saa has a palace, Makoto admits that she knew about it and wanted to go there so that Saa could repent, but she kept it a secret because she thought it was too selfish. Long before that, this led to her hiding the real reason she did not stand up to Kamosida. Feeling overshadowed by her highly successful older sister and used as a tool, Makoto has almost no self-esteem, and therefore made a habit of keeping her nose down and doing what was expected of her. Her submissive character is noted by Sy Goro Akechi, who condescendingly treats her as a good type of pusher. After she is associated with the Phantom Thieves, Makoto ceases to deny that she was nothing more than a tool for the highest authorities, and has since vowed to fight for what she believes is what triggers the awakening of her Persona. After the band defeats Junya Caneshiro, Makoto decides to stay with the Phantom Thieves, saying that she has finished being a model student of honor and that she will try to be more honest with herself. Despite appearing choppy and proper on the surface, Makoto is actually more of a tomboy: she is trained in aikido, enjoys violent film action, never wears a skirt other than her school uniform (which she wears leggings underneath) and seems to care little about fashion other than the headband she wears in her hair. Although she is mostly a kind person, she can also be very imperious and sharply critical of those who do not meet her expectations, particularly Ryuji Sakamoto, whose business she constantly receives because of his consistently careless approach to school life, implying that she is a perfectionist. It also has a ton of repressed anger issues for failing to stand on the pedestal of adults who don't follow the same standards themselves, and as such has the worst character of a group bar anyone, to the point that even Iwai has to fear her, as seen during the Mementos Mission manga. Makoto was frightened by the ghost. Despite her extremely serious personality and efforts to be above the more bizarre antics of her friends, Makoto has her own hidden elements such as being afraid to hear ghost stories as well as darkness. Terrified of the darkness, Makoto seems to be panicking, first shown when the group decides to check out Sojiro Sakura's house and eventually has to go in because of a thunderstorm just rolling in once caught inside, the group hears someone like someone causing everything except except and Makoto himself to share. Makoto, frightened by a mysterious cry, questions the main character, whether she can hold his hand. Futaba Sakura finds this hilarious, realizing how stoic Makoto is usually and repeatedly teases her about her phobia of horror movies throughout the game. It even carries in Scramble, where she can be instantly seen crying for her sister's help, hiding behind the main character's legs as soon as they enter the Prison of Okinawa and can fall out of nowhere, making ping. Makoto is an excellent analyst and strategist, known to correctly subtract how most puzzles in palaces work at first glance. Bar the situation when Akechi joins the party, Makoto performs most of the strategic work. Makoto's relationship with her sister is very bitter, as Saye considers her to be a detriment, but Makoto constantly tries to please her, fulfilling the expectations of other people. When she realized the true nature of her sister (where her Leviathan form can be seen briefly appearing for a second before party battles her), she went on to almost stall before Akechi assures her that they will get it through. The profile edit source Persona 5 edit source Sisters Niijima Makoto and Saye have lived with their father since their mother died when they were young. Because he was not often at home, his sisters did not like him. Sadly, three years ago, he was killed when he was hit by a truck forcing his older sister, Saa, to juggle between court proceedings and Makoto's upbringing alone. In order to preserve 99 per cent of the indictment of his country's courts, Saye also most often found herself having to falsify cases with an indictment against her will. As a result, she saw the burden in Makoto and their father and did not keep her in high regard. Makoto also regretted her dislike for her father and wished that he was still there. Makoto deeply apologized for the fact that her sister should take on the burden of supporting her on her own, that she absolutely hates being in a position, and as a result studied very hard, so that she can go to a first-class university, and ease the burden of Saye as soon as she graduates. Unfortunately, no one at the school took her seriously, and even Sae's associates, such as Gorohi, mocked her for her submissive attitude. When the main character moves to Tokyo, she becomes a third-year student and student council president at Shujin Academy, although she was dissatisfied with the situation because students consider her incompetent and unfit for work. First it can be found in the school library at 4/18, studying at the table after school lets out during the day, and will appear semi-regularly there since then. After confessing to Madarame, she asked Director Kobayakawa to explore the possibility that Phantom Thieves out of school after their volleyball coach, confession and arrest of Suguru Kamoida. She accepts the request and quickly concludes that the main character and other Phantom Thieves and begins to approach them. Anne Takamaki, in particular, did not like her presence because of rumors that claims Makoto knew about the true nature of Kamoshida, but kept silent about it like everyone else, in order to keep the image of the model in front of the faculties and get a recommendation for his own benefit, the idea that Anne bitterly tells Makoto, who bothers her. (Unfortunately, this turned out to be true, as she confirmed in person later after Kaneshiro extorted the party.) She begins to follow the main character for a long time, following him when he is in school or even up to Shibuya. On June 11, Makoto finally confirms his suspicions when he hears Ryuji Sakamoto loudly declare in the courtyard of Shujin Academy that they are Phantom Thieves. However, she decides not to give this proof to Kobayakawe and instead demands that the Phantom Thieves prove their fairness by reforming an unknown mafia boss who extorted many students around Shibuya, including those who attended Shujin Academy. If they were able to complete the task, it would not expose their identity to anyone. Deep down, Makoto approves of thieves and believes her father would think the same way she told Sia when the sisters were dining at home, angering Sae, forcing her to call Makoto a burden. This greatly discourages Makoto, even if Saye quickly apologized for insulting her because of impulsive anger. Sae then tells Makoto that she will not dine with Makoto from that point on, implying that she still holds insults against her. Makoto checks the group, as they have problems with reaching the center of the palace of mafia boss Caneshiro. Ann, Ryuji and Yusuke point out how useless she is not doing anything that can help them, but relying on the hard deeds of someone else, something that is very frustrating to Makoto after having said the same thing before her sister and Akechi. To prove his worth, Makoto intentionally acts as a lure to the mafia, so that the gang can follow behind. Once there, Caneshiro takes pictures of the group, just being present at his adult exclusive nightclub for blackmailing material. It requires 3 million yen in 3 weeks in exchange for photos that will ruin their reputation in the event of a leak. In addition, if they can't pay 3 million yen, he will force Makoto into prostitution to pay off the debt, adding that he may even keep Say as his personal slave. Makoto apologizes for his reckless actions and explains how this stupidity can destroy Sae's efforts in her upbringing. She tries to come up with a way to pay Caneshiro, but Morgana offers to make her an ally by bringing her with her to the palace of Caneshiro, because she is now special client to extort Kaneshiro's business. Entering Metavers, a passageway is opened, allowing thieves and Makoto to access the floating shore of Kaneshiro. Makoto confronts Shadow Caneshiro, who mocks her by revealing her plan to extort her sister. Angry and disgusted with Caneshiro, Makoto awakens his power of Joanna's Persona and decides to join the Phantom Voram. If the party fails to complete the Palace of Caneshiro in time, the police come to arrest the main character, claiming that they found drugs and abused a schoolgirl in one of the nightclubs of Caneshiro raving muttering his name. This scenario is a false memory made by the main character during The Interrogation of Saye because his mind was being added to drugs, which he forcibly administered by the police. Saye continues to leave the room to give the main character time to recover, after which Akechi uses the opportunity to kill him. After changing Caneshiro's heart, she receives a call from Caneshiro, who tells her that he has deleted the photos and is going to surrender, releasing Makoto and others. She then informs Kobayakava that she is completing her investigation of Phantom Thieves by simply lying down, telling him that Phantom Thieves is justice, and she has no evidence that the thieves are at their school, much to Kobayakawa's dismay. She even rejects his letter of recommendation to the university when Kobayakawa convinces her again. After demonstrating her support for Phantom Thieves, Makoto accepts Ann's apology for wrongly accusing her earlier. Makoto asks if she can address Anne directly by her name and without honor, to which Anne gladly agrees. Makoto is also starting to act as a strategist for Phantom Thieves, offering direction and problem solving for the gang. She usually analyzes puzzles around palaces aside from cases where Akechi is around the party as Akechi's deduction skills are sharper than hers. It goes so far that it installs spyware written by Futaba Sakura in Saye's laptop so the gang can learn the progress of the prosecutor's investigation. After the thieves are under suspicion, Makoto offers to reach out to Akechi to get information, only to discover that Akechi has already realized all his personalities. Akechi says he will release photos of thieves leaving the palace to the police if they work with him to find the true culprits of the deaths of Okumura and Kobayakawa, both of whom he committed on the orders of the head of the plot. However, the first step involves stealing Saye's heart before the investigation finds (or plants) incriminating evidence on the thieves. Makoto admits that she knew for a while that her sister had a palace, but hoped to change Saye's heart by other means. Moving through the Palace of Saye, Makoto shocked the depth of her sister's bitterness and cynicism, especially her Shadow's belief that trials are nothing more than games that must be won by any means necessary. Makoto almost has a breakdown when faced with the true nature of his sister's shadow, but can calm down when Akechi comforts her. The trustee (edit the source of the editing) to see the Makoto Trustee in the dialogue options and skills, see Trustee / Makoto Niijima There must have been people who obstructed your actions like phantom thieves. You managed to overcome them because you had someone who specializes in analyzing enemies ...... Isn't that right!? - Sae Niijima talk about Makoto Niijima, Persona 5 Makoto Trustee can be unlocked on June 24 after you have finished the Palace of Caneshiro. However, you can only start this confidant while the main character has Knowledge Rank 3 (Scholarly) or above, and the trustee cannot pass by rank 5 unless the main character has a maxed Sharm (Debonair). Maxing this confidant makes Johanna evolve into Anat and opens the Cybele merger. Makoto's confidant begins when Makoto asks the main character to lead her around the outside world to learn more about society. Exploring Shinjuku and exploring the realities of the outside world, she sees Eiko Takao, a student at Shujin Academy, working in the salon. After discussing the situation with her, Eiko befriended Makoto. Makoto was determined, however, to find out Eiko's situation and goes on a double date with the main character and find out that Eiko is in a relationship with Tsukasa, a shifty-looking host who has been taking advantage of emotionally vulnerable young girls to get them to work in an illegal venture in Shinjuku. Makoto slowly opens up to the main character during a confidante, admonishing himself for allowing her research to lag behind in the search for social relationships and how the impact of her father's death has affected the family. Makoto explains that she felt how the expectations of society were upon her made her lose sight of the outside world and the feelings of the people around her. Eventually, Eiko asks Makoto for help, as Tsukasa had to pay for the damage after he dropped a bottle of expensive sake. There she realized that in the depths of life Eiko wants to escape from his privileged life and sought to protect her newfound girlfriend, revealing the true nature of Tsukasa with the help of the main character. After an altercation between Tsukasa and Eiko, she heads to the Crossroads bar, where the main character may decide to continue the relationship or not. Regardless of the outcome, she makes amends to Eiko, who returned to college, and she decides to become a police commissioner to not only honor her father's legacy, but also destroy lawlessness and help save the victims. Finding irony in his new determination, Makoto fully promises to give her in her new purpose and her duty as a A thief forcing Joanna to turn into a farewell gift to Anat. Makoto, after she has exhausted her confidant, is The Buchie Calculator, which allows the main character to use Shadow Factorization as the rank 1 of her confidant in the New Game. If the main character has a romantic relationship with Makoto, she will present the main character of Wristwatch at Christmas, which allows the main character to earn more points when using Priestess Persona during their confidant in NG, and Chocolate Makoto on Valentine's Day, which fully restores the SP to one ally when consumed. Persona 5 Royal 'edit source' Makoto can be seen following along behind the main character on the way to school on April 15. Some time later, she will be seen at the door to the courtyard in the practice building, expressing shock at the teacher directing her to hold students back to their classrooms and keep quiet about the situation online to avoid a scandal, wondering about the safety of students and the guidance of paramedics. In addition, she can also watch the main character and Ryuji during their first trip to Kichijoji. Taking back the reality of editing the source in the third semester of events when Tokyo is in reality Takuto Maruki, her father is now alive as if he never died, and Saye has a strong fraternal connection with her, as Makoto is no longer a burden to her with her father still in the picture. According to the sisters, their father also received an award for Outstanding Officers. This is the result of Makoto's wishes, as she wanted her father to be alive, so That Sia would not have to take care of her and treat her as a burden. In this reality, the sister's father never died from the beginning. After Makoto decides to deny Maruki's reality, her father is never heard from again. If the main character maxes out her confidant and talks to her after she reunites, she will scold herself for her selfishness, wanting to have a full life with her father and sister goes against her promise to protect the main character at all costs, and declares that she will now move forward on her own, developing Anat and Joanna in Agnes. If the main character decides to accept Maruki's reality, Maruki's reality will become a true reality, and Makoto will finish Shujin on March 15 with Haru. During the credits, the man (shown as the father of Niajima's sister in Thieves Den) can serve as dinner for his family. A few weeks after the main character's release from prison after Maruki and the restoration of their reality, Phantom Thieves then gathered in LeBlanc with Sojiro participating in their meeting. Inspired by their experiences in another reality, Makoto, along with Haru, revealed that they will move far after graduation to find new places to stay during their student years. She agreed with the Phantom Thieves to stay in touch until they forward with his future. After the group helped the main character evade authorities who tried to follow him back to his hometown (with the help of a reformed Maruki, who now works as a taxi driver), Makoto is seen with Sia as they browse her accommodation options outside the real estate store. The two disagreed over her options and began arguing with each other for the first time before laughing soon afterwards, a sign of how much Makoto had matured after joining Phantom Thieves. Persona 5 Animation edit source Makoto makes a brief cameo in the second episode of Talk with some students in the audience. She makes her full appearance in episode five, ordered by Director Kobayakawa to investigate the link between the Phantom Thieves joke and The Recognition of Kamosida. Persona 5 Mementos Mission edit source Makoto appears throughout the manga series. During the fourth chapter, Makoto reveals when she was out shopping she came across a man who dropped their identical bags. In the confusion Makoto grabbed his bag by mistake, which contained an expensive precious bracelet not for sale in the store bag originated from. Makoto held on to him, intending to return it to the owner. As a joke, Anne puts a bracelet on Makoto's wrist, where it turns out that because of the special locking mechanism, he can not move away. Ren takes Makoto to the Untouchable so that Iwai can remove him. He tells the duo that the work can be done, but he needs a special range of tools supplied for this. To cover the bracelet, Makoto began wearing sports tape around both of her wrists. During the investigation of another Phan-Site request, Makoto and Haru go undercover at the maid's cafe to get close to the student being abused. During this time, an assortment of criminals targeted Makoto, knowing that she has a bracelet. Persona No.2: The New Maze movie (edited by source) Makoto is a member of the default party along with Haru Okumura. Her persona, Johanna, has Diarama, advanced healing skills. Just like Haru, her starting level is much higher than that of other party members. The girls are kidnapped by F.O.E at the beginning of the game, which passes them to Kamoshidaman for the crime, violating the peace of Kamocyt. Makoto is able to give the party the key to weakening Kamosidaman. After Kamoshidaman is defeated, the two girls are released and constantly join the party. According to the special screening, her father taught her and Sye Aikido, but she was never physically stronger than her older sister. Party edit source Main article: Party / Makoto Niijima quotes edit source Persona 5 - Makoto Niijima zuitsadd photo in this gallery Persona 5 edit source Home story: I listened to you go on and on ... Shut your mouth, you're a money-dirty asshole! (Standing up to yes I do... yes I do... For me. (Responding to Johanna) Don't get all cocky because I usually behave! I MADE play well! Let's go, Joanna! Full of gas! Confidant: I may be a phantom thief, but that's no excuse for me to start ignoring my presidential duties. I'll try to look at things a little differently from now on. And, well ... I think that will help me escape from my shell . I realized now there are more important things in life than being prim and proper student honor. I think at the end of the day, I'm just becoming more aware of how little I really know. So... Please help me continue to fight against this ignorance. (The main character) Think about it, there was something he was telling me all the time... The most important part of your life is how you choose to live. (Oh her father) I just can't rest knowing that there is such evil in the world! And I'm damn sure won't be silent while my girlfriend has her life ruined! (Eiko Takao) There's so much you can miss living with your head buried between the pages of a book... This time I'm not looking for anyone's praise, and I'm not trying to show my intelligence. I just want to fulfill my personal goals and dreams. What I mean by worrying about something is the first step towards changing it. (In Futaba Sakura) Battle quotes: Joanna! / Anat! / Agnes! (Exploitation of enemy weakness) Charge, Joanna! (Exploitation of the enemy's weakness) Anat, go! (Exploitation of the enemy's weakness) Edie Agnes! (Exploitation of the enemy's weakness) Persona! (Access to The Persona Skills Menu) I'll use my Persona! (Access to Persona Skills Menu) Are you against us? (Attack with melee weapons) From our path! (Attack with melee weapons) Feel my rage! (Using offensive skills) No holds banned! (Using offensive skills) Let's go... (Healing or increasing ally statistics / Reducing enemy statistics) Oh! (Taking damage) Another one and I did for... (Low Health) World... Spinning... What is the enemy? I'd run if I could. (Born of Fear) Freeze! They're in a mess! Let's destroy them! We can put an end to this right now! (Initiating an all-out attack) Fists of justice!! (All-Out Attack finishing the touch) They felt like one! (All-Out Attack Finishing Touch) Made and Done! (All-Out Attack finishing the touch) I will act accordingly. (The tactic changed to the Law Is Free) understood! (The tactics are changed to Full Assault) I won't apply myself. (Tactics changed to Conserve SP) Security Priority. (The tactics are changed to Heal/Support) I'll leave it to you. Don't forget that feeling! There is no time Spend! It's new, isn't it? (The gets a new Persona) The opponent is strong! Strong! do anything reckless! (High-level enemy scans with unknown weakness) Persona 5: Royal edit source Main story: I will fulfill my wish for a happy family - with my own power! (Maruki Telegraphing Travel Ban) Martial quotes: Haa! I caught fire. (Ready to use Showtime attack with someone) Wau Skull, you lit up! /Let's show them what we are made of... (Ready to use Showtime's attack with Ryuji) NOW! (Activating Showtime attack with someone) Now is our chance! / Empty mind... (Using concentrate/charging) Persona 5 Animation edit source I listened to you go on ... Shut your mouth, you're a money-dirty asshole! (Standing up to Caneshiro) Come to me! (Responding to Johanna) I understand. This is me! (Joanna's call) I had to listen to your evil words... Now shut up, you're a disgusting pig! (Standing up to Caneshiro)... Yes. (Responding to Johanna) Now, I understand. That's who I am. (Joanna's Call) Gallery Edit Source Persona 5Makoto in Trusted Portrait Cinematic Expression Concept Illustration by key members of Phantom Thieves of Hearts Illustration of key members of Phantom Thieves of Hearts Illustration of the main members of Phantom Thieves of Hearts Illustration of the main members of phantom heart thieves Illustration Makoto and other Shi Shi Genori Soejima Persona 5 Maniax User Handbook Cover Illustration Phantom Heart Thieves All-Out Attack finishing a stroke of all-Out Attack stroke Makoto and her Persona Johanna Makoto drifting with her Persona Johanna Makoto after Valentine's Day Persona 5 Royal Makoto's P5R key art is Makoto Showtime trigger Makoto and Ryuji Showtime Makoto and Haru Showtime Makoto with a band on New Year's Eve Makoto wearing a yukatu with Ann and Yusuke Makoto with Ann and Futaba on Miura Makoto Beach Wearing a Christmas hat with Haru and Futaba Makoto with the girls on New Year's Day Persona 5 Portraits Of The queen's outfit without a macoto mask in summer school uniform Persona 5 Royal PortraitsMakoto in an outdoor winter coat Makoto indoor winter coat Persona 5 (Manga)Persona 5 Character Anthology Illustration Persona: Side P4 Manga Author Mizunomoto Persona 5 Manga Volume 4 Cover Persona 5 Manga Volume 5 Cover Illustration Illustration Counting Makoto for Volume 1 Persona 5: Mementos Mission Illustration makoto promoting Mementos Mission Final Chapter of Makoto in Persona 5: Mementos Mission Makoto on cover 5 AnimationVisual Art by Makoto Niijima Makoto on DVD Volume 5 Cover Makoto on DVD Volume 5 Reverse Cover Concept Art makoto Niijima Concept Art makoto (2) Makoto's P5A Artbook Makoto's P5A Artbook (2) Makoto's P5A Artbook (3) Makoto's P5A Artbook (4) Makoto's Mouse P5A (2nd row) Makoto's Persona 5 Animation Loft Meeting Persona 5 x SHIBUYA109 Art Persona 5 Masquerade Party Event Makoto Art for Persona 5 Animation Makoto and Ann Hula Dance at Hawaii Persona 5 StageMakoto, as she appears in Persona 5: Dancing in StarlightMakoto in Key Fine Art Persona 5 Scramble: The Phantom StrikersMakoto Pre-Release Wallpaper (576x1024) Makoto and Joanna Pre-release wallpaper (576x1024) Makoto's screen title Makoto travels with Phantom Thieves Makoto lurking in the bush with Phantom Thieves Persona No 2: The new movie LabyrinthMakoto in June land Key art Makoto eventually credits Makoto after all credits Tribute to ArtworksIllustration Makoto and her allies Akaum (P Author roundabout) PERSONA 20th Anniversary Festival Video Edit source Makoto Persona 5 Trailer (English) Interview Cherami Lee on the play Makoto Makoto in The Persona 5 Trailer : Dancing in Starlight Trailer (Japanese) Makoto Persona No 2: New Movie Maze Trailer (Japanese) Makoto Persona 5 Royal Trailer (Japanese) Makoto in Persona 5 Scramble: Ghost Strikers Trailer (Japanese) In Other Languages Edited Source English Language Names Makoto Nijima Japanese 新島 真 Najima Makoto) ク (Kuan) Korean 니지마 마코토 (Nijima Makoto) 퀸 (Kwin) Traditional Chinese 新島 真 (Xīndǎo zh'n) Kwin Trivia (editing source) Makoto dislikes her mask. In addition, she, wandering around Mementos, complains about the outfit Phantom Thief. Makoto specializes in nuclear skills that have not appeared in the franchise since Persona 2: Eternal Punishment. Is she given the role of The Phantom Thieves' Counselor (怪盗団作戦参謀, Kaito- dan no Sakusen Sanbe)? for her wisdom. Makoto is the only member of the party, you have two poses calling in battle. First, when she has Joanna or Agnes, where she rides her Persona, while her second with Anat, who unlike Johanna and Agnes has a humanoid form. The collar of her summer uniform has the letters B and J embroidered on it. These two pillars are also depicted in Arcana priestesses Taro, and refer to the letters B and J seen on the boss's chest in . Ryuji and Haru are both nicknamed Makoto Champion of the end of the century (世紀末覇者, Seikimatsu Hasha)? For the first time they see her Metaverse outfit and Persona, a reference to the title of Rao from the Fist North star series. Makoto and Rahokh specialize in fistfights and use the mountain. This was changed to a post-apocalyptic raider in English localization. In English localization, Ryuji calls her the Ghost Star Fist. Her Showtime Move Ryuji's Royal is another reference to the North Star's Fist, during which Makoto performs a pitch in direct reference to the infamous Hundred Corroding Fists (北⽃百裂拳, Hokuto Hyakuretesu Ken)? Technique. Makoto's meta-attire, especially her scarf, can be seen as a reference to Kamen Ryder, especially from the Showa period. The reference is further enhanced by the appearance of Joanna's motorcycle. Rider is also one of the proposed nicknames for her. She seems to love Buchimaru-kun products, even though the product is no longer for sale. This is revealed when Eiko Takao notices her pencil case Buchimaru-kun (and quite old). In the band's lyrics after she awakens her persona, Ryuji says it's just like the song I'm a Phantom, on the steel horse I ride ... and Makoto follows by saying she didn't want to, referring to Bon Jovi's hit Wanted Dead or Alive. The official Twitter account of the Persona series posted a Happy Birthday message to Makoto on April 23, 2017. Her birthday was the first to be announced from the main cast. Makoto's birthday is the same day as Reading Day or Wikipedia: World Book Day. This was indicated by the previously mentioned Twitter account in a subsequent tweet after announcing her birthday. On 7/30 you can go with Makoto to watch a themed yakuza movie called How to Dragon, which Makoto seems to love said genre. This is a reference to the Yakuza video game series from Sega (in Japan it is called ⿓が如く Ryu ga Gotoku, which literally translates as Dragon). The first game in the series also received an adaptation of Like a Dragon or Yakuza: Like a Dragon (in Japan, as ⿓が如く 劇場版 Ryu ga Gotoku Gekijaban; illuminated. She said it was her favorite movie, and Hikari had watched it before and loved it. A glimpse of Makoto's father can be seen during the bad ending, when Takuto Maruki imposes his fake reality. There are 813 books in Makoto's room in Persona 5: Dancing in Starlight. Appearance in other media 'edit source' Chain Chronicle: The queen, Knights of class, 5-star article on the chain Chronicle Of Vicky Collaboration event: January 19, 2017 - January 31, 2017 Girls Band Party: Puyo Puyo! Quest: Makoto, HP Type, 6-star article in Puyo Nexus Collaboration event for Persona No 2: New Movie Maze: December 3, 2018 Catherine: Full Body: Kyoutou Kotoba RPG: Makoto (Kotodaman); Normal (5-Star), Phantom Thief (6-Star) Collaboration Event: March 5, 2019 - March 28, 2019 Super Smash Brothers Ultimate: Cameo during The Ultimate Smash and Mementos Support Spirit (Rookie Class) Article about Part Joker DLC: April 17, 2019 Identity V: Leather for Combiner Second Collaboration Event: November 7, 2019 - November 28, 2019 Sword Art Online: Memory Defrag: The queen, NPC, skin queen for Sinon: Strike type, Neutral Element, 6-Star Collaboration Event: February 17, 2020 - March 10, 2020 Leather for Alice Collaboration Event: February 28, 2020 - March 10, 2020 Chain ChronicleMakoto maps in the chain Chronicle Puzzle and DragonsMako Niijima's Puzzle and Dragons Kyoutou Kotoba RPG Makoto's Koyoutou Kotoba RPG The queen in Kyoutou Kotoba RPG Identity Selfistion of Phantom Thieves as part of the 2nd Identity Event V. Bang Dream Makoto Style All-Out Attack (Uudakawa Tomoe) Udava Tomes as Makoto Sword Art Online: Memory Of The Internet: Memory of The Internet : Integral Factor The Sword Queen of Art Online: The Integral Factor Alice dressed as the queen in sword art Online: Integral Factor OtherPersona 5, in collaboration with Sanrio Links edited ...... 23 April is Makoto's birthday! Yorosik as the brain monster group from now on! Gift from Wagahay is a motorcycle figure! #ペルソナ5 #新島真, @p_kouhou (April 23, 2017) April 23 is the birthday of our #新島真' Brain! Happy Birthday, Makoto! #ペルソナ5 #p5a #P5D, @p_kouhou (April 23, 2018) Today is Shin Shinjima's birthday! Happy Birthday, Makoto! #ペルソナ5 #P5R, @p_kouhou (April 23, 2019) - April 23 - the real birthday of the queen of Sinjima, with the name of the best actor and champion of the end of the century! Happy Birthday, Makoto! #P5R #P5S #ペルソナ5, @p_kouhou (April 23, 2020) Chain Chronicle of Vicky Persona 3, 4, 5 Popular Voting Scene, Persona No. 2 Line Of The Brand Announced, Persona No. 2 x Puyo Puyo! Persona Central Collaboration quest (Reggy, November 24, 2018) Persona Central (Reggy, March 4, 2019) 2019 Persona Central (Reggy, November 6, 2019) Persona Central (Reggy, February 13, 2020) 2020

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