KRAIG LAWRENCE DERSTLER Department of Geology & Geophysics University of New Orleans New Orleans, Louisiana 70148 office (504) 280-6799 fax (504) 280-7396 email:
[email protected] PERSONAL Home Address: 1224 Lake Avenue, Apt. 313 Metairie, LA 70005 born 7 September 1953 in Columbia, Pennsylvania, USA to Harry Franklin Derstler & Hazel Kline Derstler; married 19 August 1989, Niobrara County, Wyoming, USA; divorced 19 May 1999, New Orleans, Louisiana, USA; no children BACKGROUND 1. EDUCATION Ph.D. in Geology, University of California, Davis----------------- 1985 M.S. in Geology, University of Rochester------------------------- 1977 B.A. in Geology, cum laude, Franklin & Marshall College--------------- 1975 2. EXPERIENCE A. Academic Associate Professor, Dept. Geology & Geophysics, Univ. New Orleans Director, Lance Dinosaur Project ---------------------------------------------- Assistant Professor, Dept. Geology & Geophysics, Univ. New Orleans- Associate Instructor/Teaching Assistant, Univ. California, Davis-------- Lecturer in Geology, Colgate University--------------------------------- Teaching Assistant, University of Rochester-------------------------------- B. Other Secretary and Member of the Board, Natural History Museum of Louisiana, Inc. ---------------------------------------------------------- Assistant Geologist, Haley & Aldrich, Inc. [Geotechnical Engineers]---- Driller's Helper, Rochester Drilling Co. ________ ________________ _ Student Research Associate, Smithsonian Institution (NSF URP Grant GY -10578) _________________ _______ _ Assistant to the Curator of Paleontology, North Museum ---------------- 8/88 to present 5/88 to present 8/82 to 8/88 9/78 to 5/82 1/78 to 5/78 9/75 to 12/77 6/00-present 6/77-9/78 6/76 to 7/76 6/74 to 8/74 9/72 to 5/75 Kraig Lawrence Derstler SCHOLARLY AND CREATIVE PRODUCTIVITY 1. PUBLICATIONS A. Books: --- none B. Refereed/Invited Publications a.