Report Draft 29APR14
Experts Workshops to Comparatively Evaluate Coastal Currents and Ice Movement in the Northeastern Chukchi Sea Workshop Report! ! with contributions on Iñupiaq knowledge of currents and ice from the following experts from the communities of Barrow, Point Lay, Nuiqsut, and Wainwright, Alaska: Billy Adams, Linda Agnassaga, Ransom Agnasagga, Raymond Aguvluk Jr., Ben Ahmaogak Jr., Mary Ellen Ahmaogak, Roy Ahmaogak, Cora Akpik, Max Akpik Sr., Marjorie Angashuk, Jim Allen Aveoganna Jr., Frank Bester Jr., Lewis Brower, Fred Ekak, Craig George, Charlie Hopson, Nora Itta, Artie Kittick, Joe Mello Leavitt, Alva Nashoalook Jr., Eli Nukapigak, Thomas Nukapigak, Tommy Olemaun, Margaret Opie, Billy Oyagak, Enoch Oktollik, Ronald Oviok, Ida Panik, Jack Panik, Billy Blair Patkotak, Rossman ! Peetok, Julius Rexford Sr., Bob Shears, Michael Tagarook! Edited! by:! Mark Johnson ! School of Fisheries and Ocean Sciences & ! College of Natural Sciences and Mathematics ! University of Alaska! Fairbanks! Hajo Eicken ! Geophysical Institute & International Arctic Research Center! University of Alaska! Fairbanks! Matthew Druckenmiller ! National Snow and Ice Data Center &! University Corporation for! Atmospheric Research! and! Richard Glenn ! Arctic Slope Regional Corporation! Experts Workshops to Comparatively Evaluate Coastal Currents and Ice Movement in the Northeastern Chukchi Sea Funding support for the workshops and this report was provided by the North Slope Borough of Alaska through the North Slope Borough – Shell Baseline Studies Research Agreement. Supplemental support came through the North by 2020 Forum at the International Arctic Research Center, University of Alaska Fairbanks, and in-kind support through the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Office of !Response and Restoration.! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! This report should be cited as:! ! Johnson, M.A., H. Eicken, M.
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