L O:La Library and Archives Canada Newspaper Collection 395 Wellington St
411 ARCHIVES CANADA LIBRARY AND Canada Bibliothe ue et Archives I I VIII 11111131II II IIIIII II IIII VIII III IIII I IIII II I II IIII 6 3 3286 56138126 a a l o:la Library and Archives Canada Newspaper Collection 395 Wellington St. Ottawa, ON K I A ON4 Pub. No. 40016309 Reg. No. 10963 1 urt I r isi kg mwsin MMlin =.IMMINF :41EäiiP ;MWMIIF s 1 Turtle IsNorth America's an#1 Native Weekly Newspaper Okarahshona kenh Onkwehonwene, Six Nations of the Grand www.theturtleisk WEDNESDAY, TSIOTHORHKO:WA / JANUARY 2, 2013 TURTLE INDEX - ? i= . r t F I, r a M 4 -tflath. 11 ' ¡L ' L ÿr t E oils- ., . òto byDbìiïia D.lur) .w [ wD i . ' ti ' ~.y . , ,-- J Chief Theresa Spence L 1 starving for justice ° t \ A', 1 Troy Green Change is coming Page 2 Oo14. Robbers hit another v smoke shop rn Page 2 Page 4 Year in review 4*, F:, CONTENTS Local 2 Editorial 6 Sports 8 Careers 17 Notices 17 Business Directory 18 Classified 19 Price $1.25 (plus taxes where applicable) Let's start fresh! ' Small Coffee u . i /M /g ti `_m i$ 0ffin 81,39 :i_tt.-i.alir rx. c.3 :.. n 2:1f12. DOSE et1Ar,dlf'('i Winiiel- RAM SU Jeep QUAD CAB { Brantford IIRIR' OIOCGE CHRYSLER 4x4 Hemi 20" wheels . 39,124 km o' -a-- former Rental , 180 lynden Rd., Brantford 516.759.6000 www.brantfordchrysler.com PLUS $2Z888 TAXES ( 51eck # 99356 GET APPROVED NOW! TURTLE ISLAND NEWS I TSIOTNORNNÓ:WA /JANUARY 2, 20131 PAGE I LOCAL I I LOCAL TURTLE ISLAND NEWS I TSIOTNOONÓ:WA /JANUARY 2, 20131 PAGE v O caner made driver in a black Escalade on Cayuga Road at fifth Line over and followed a to a was changed with Impaired ;,err.
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